1structure machine_ieeeLib :> machine_ieeeLib =
4open HolKernel Parse boolLib bossLib
5open realSyntax intrealSyntax wordsLib binary_ieeeSyntax
7structure Parse =
9  open Parse
10  val (Type, Term) = parse_from_grammars binary_ieeeTheory.binary_ieee_grammars
12open Parse
14val ERR = Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "machine_ieeeLib"
16(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
17   mk_fp_encoding (prefix, significand_width, exponent_width)
19   Generate definitions & theorems for bit-vector encodings of fixed size FP
20   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
23   infix 0 ==
24   infix 8 &
25   infixr 5 @@ o' **
26   open binary_ieeeSyntax
27   val op & = Term.mk_comb
28   val op == = boolSyntax.mk_eq
29   val op @@ = wordsSyntax.mk_word_concat
30   val op o' = combinSyntax.mk_o
31   val op ** = pairSyntax.mk_prod
32   val i2t = numLib.term_of_int
33   val mk_w = wordsSyntax.mk_word_type
34   val real_ty = realSyntax.real_ty
35   val value_ty = binary_ieeeSyntax.float_value_ty
36   val mode = Term.mk_var ("mode", rounding_ty)
37   fun dest_float_ty ty =
38      case Lib.total Type.dest_type ty of
39         SOME ("float", [t, w]) => t ** w
40       | _ => raise ERR "dest_float_ty" "not a float type"
41   val get_function =
42      fst o boolSyntax.strip_comb o boolSyntax.lhs o
43      snd o boolSyntax.strip_forall o List.hd o boolSyntax.strip_conj o
44      Thm.concl
45   fun mk_I_hashhash f =
46     pairSyntax.mk_pair_map
47       (Term.inst [alpha |-> flags_ty] combinSyntax.I_tm, f)
48   fun mk_fp_to_float fp fp_ty float_ty pre_k t t_ty w_ty =
49      let
50         val fp_to_float = fp ^ "_to_float"
51         val fp_to_float_var = Term.mk_var (fp_to_float, fp_ty --> float_ty)
52         val w = Term.mk_var ("w", fp_ty)
53         val s = i2t pre_k
54         val float =
55            TypeBase.mk_record (float_ty,
56               [("Sign", wordsSyntax.mk_word_extract (s, s, w, ``:1``)),
57                ("Exponent", wordsSyntax.mk_word_extract
58                                (i2t (pre_k - 1), i2t t, w, w_ty)),
59                ("Significand", wordsSyntax.mk_word_extract
60                                   (i2t (t - 1), i2t 0, w, t_ty))])
61         val def =
62            Definition.new_definition (fp_to_float ^ "_def",
63               fp_to_float_var & w == float)
64      in
65         (get_function def, def)
66      end
67   fun mk_float_to_fp fp fp_ty float_ty t_ty w_ty =
68      let
69         val float_to_fp = "float_to_" ^ fp
70         val float_to_fp_var = Term.mk_var (float_to_fp, float_ty --> fp_ty)
71         val x = Term.mk_var ("x", float_ty)
72         val def =
73            Definition.new_definition (float_to_fp ^ "_def",
74              float_to_fp_var & x ==
75              mk_float_sign x @@ mk_float_exponent x @@ mk_float_significand x)
76      in
77         (get_function def, def)
78      end
79   fun mk_fp_to_real fp float_to_real fp_to_float fp_ty =
80      let
81         val fp_to_real = fp ^ "_to_real"
82         val fp_to_real_var = Term.mk_var (fp_to_real, fp_ty --> real_ty)
83         val def =
84            Definition.new_definition (fp_to_real ^ "_def",
85              fp_to_real_var == float_to_real o' fp_to_float)
86      in
87         (get_function def, def)
88      end
89   fun mk_fp_to_value fp float_value fp_to_float fp_ty =
90      let
91         val fp_to_value = fp ^ "_to_value"
92         val fp_to_value_var = Term.mk_var (fp_to_value, fp_ty --> value_ty)
93         val def =
94            Definition.new_definition (fp_to_value ^ "_def",
95              fp_to_value_var == float_value o' fp_to_float)
96      in
97         (get_function def, def)
98      end
99   fun mk_real_to_fp fp real_to_float float_to_fp fp_ty =
100      let
101         val real_to_fp = "real_to_" ^ fp
102         val real_to_fp_var =
103            Term.mk_var (real_to_fp, rounding_ty --> real_ty --> fp_ty)
104         val def =
105            Definition.new_definition (real_to_fp ^ "_def",
106              real_to_fp_var & mode == float_to_fp o' real_to_float & mode)
107      in
108         (get_function def, def)
109      end
110   fun mk_real_to_fp_with_flags fp real_to_float_with_flags float_to_fp fp_ty =
111      let
112         val real_to_fp = "real_to_" ^ fp ^ "_with_flags"
113         val real_to_fp_var =
114            Term.mk_var
115              (real_to_fp, rounding_ty --> real_ty --> flags_ty ** fp_ty)
116         val def =
117            Definition.new_definition (real_to_fp ^ "_def",
118              real_to_fp_var & mode ==
119              mk_I_hashhash float_to_fp o' real_to_float_with_flags & mode)
120      in
121         (get_function def, def)
122      end
123   fun mk_int_to_fp fp real_to_fp fp_ty =
124      let
125         val ty = rounding_ty --> intSyntax.int_ty --> fp_ty
126         val a = Term.mk_var ("a", intSyntax.int_ty)
127         val s = "int_to_" ^ fp
128         val v = Term.mk_var (s, ty)
129      in
130         Definition.new_definition (s ^ "_def",
131            v & mode & a ==
132            real_to_fp & mode & (intrealSyntax.real_of_int_tm & a))
133      end
134   val int_option_ty = optionSyntax.mk_option intSyntax.int_ty
135   fun mk_fp_to_int fp fp_to_float fp_ty float_ty =
136      let
137         val ty1 = rounding_ty --> fp_ty --> int_option_ty
138         val ty2 = rounding_ty --> float_ty --> int_option_ty
139         val s = fp ^ "_to_int"
140         val v = Term.mk_var (s, ty1)
141         val float_to_int = Term.mk_const ("float_to_int", ty2)
142      in
143         Definition.new_definition (s ^ "_def",
144            v & mode == (float_to_int & mode) o' fp_to_float)
145      end
146   fun lift1 float_to_fp fp_to_float fp_ty float_ty with_flags has_flags =
147      let
148         val ty1 =
149           if with_flags then fp_ty --> flags_ty ** fp_ty else fp_ty --> fp_ty
150         val ty2 = if has_flags then float_ty --> flags_ty ** float_ty
151                   else float_ty --> float_ty
152         val snd_tm = Term.inst [alpha |-> flags_ty, beta |-> float_ty]
153                      pairSyntax.snd_tm
154      in
155         fn (s, f) =>
156            let
157               val (v, tm) =
158                  (Term.mk_var (s, ty1), Term.mk_const (f, ty2))
159                  handle HOL_ERR _ =>
160                    (Term.mk_var (s, rounding_ty --> ty1) & mode,
161                     Term.mk_const (f, rounding_ty --> ty2) & mode)
162               val def =
163                  Definition.new_definition (s ^ "_def",
164                     v == (if with_flags then
165                             mk_I_hashhash float_to_fp o' tm o' fp_to_float
166                           else if has_flags then
167                             float_to_fp o' snd_tm o' tm o' fp_to_float
168                           else float_to_fp o' tm o' fp_to_float))
169            in
170               def
171            end
172      end
173   fun lift1b fp_to_float fp_ty float_ty =
174      let
175         val ty1 = fp_ty --> Type.bool
176         val ty2 = float_ty --> Type.bool
177      in
178         fn (s, f) =>
179            let
180               val (v, tm) = (Term.mk_var (s, ty1), Term.mk_const (f, ty2))
181               val def =
182                  Definition.new_definition (s ^ "_def",
183                     v == tm o' fp_to_float)
184            in
185               def
186            end
187      end
188   fun lift1c float_to_fp fp_ty float_ty =
189      let
190         val dim_ty = dest_float_ty float_ty
191         val ty = Type.mk_type ("itself", [dim_ty]) --> float_ty
192         val a = boolSyntax.mk_itself dim_ty
193      in
194         fn (s, f) =>
195            let
196               val v = Term.mk_var (s, fp_ty)
197               val tm = Term.mk_const (f, ty) & a
198               val def =
199                  Definition.new_definition (s ^ "_def", v == float_to_fp & tm)
200            in
201               def
202            end
203      end
204   fun lift2 float_to_fp fp_to_float fp_ty float_ty with_flags =
205      let
206         val ty1 =
207           if with_flags then
208             rounding_ty --> fp_ty --> fp_ty --> flags_ty ** fp_ty
209           else rounding_ty --> fp_ty --> fp_ty --> fp_ty
210         val ty2 =
211           rounding_ty --> float_ty --> float_ty --> flags_ty ** float_ty
212         val a = Term.mk_var ("a", fp_ty)
213         val b = Term.mk_var ("b", fp_ty)
214         val snd_tm = Term.inst [alpha |-> flags_ty, beta |-> float_ty]
215                      pairSyntax.snd_tm
216      in
217         fn (s, f) =>
218            let
219               val v = Term.mk_var (s, ty1)
220               val tm = Term.mk_const (f, ty2)
221               val x = tm & mode & (fp_to_float & a) & (fp_to_float & b)
222               val def =
223                  Definition.new_definition (s ^ "_def",
224                     v & mode & a & b ==
225                     (if with_flags then
226                        mk_I_hashhash float_to_fp & x
227                      else float_to_fp & (snd_tm & x)))
228            in
229               def
230            end
231      end
232   fun lift2b fp_to_float fp_ty float_ty res_ty =
233      let
234         val ty1 = fp_ty --> fp_ty --> res_ty
235         val ty2 = float_ty --> float_ty --> res_ty
236         val a = Term.mk_var ("a", fp_ty)
237         val b = Term.mk_var ("b", fp_ty)
238      in
239         fn (s, f) =>
240            let
241               val v = Term.mk_var (s, ty1)
242               val tm = Term.mk_const (f, ty2)
243               val def =
244                  Definition.new_definition (s ^ "_def",
245                     v & a & b ==
246                     tm & (fp_to_float & a) & (fp_to_float & b))
247            in
248               def
249            end
250      end
251   fun lift3 float_to_fp fp_to_float fp_ty float_ty with_flags =
252      let
253         val ty1 =
254           if with_flags then
255             rounding_ty --> fp_ty --> fp_ty --> fp_ty --> flags_ty ** fp_ty
256           else rounding_ty --> fp_ty --> fp_ty --> fp_ty --> fp_ty
257         val ty2 = rounding_ty --> float_ty --> float_ty --> float_ty -->
258                   flags_ty ** float_ty
259         val a = Term.mk_var ("a", fp_ty)
260         val b = Term.mk_var ("b", fp_ty)
261         val c = Term.mk_var ("c", fp_ty)
262         val snd_tm = Term.inst [alpha |-> flags_ty, beta |-> float_ty]
263                      pairSyntax.snd_tm
264      in
265         fn (s, f) =>
266            let
267               val v = Term.mk_var (s, ty1)
268               val tm = Term.mk_const (f, ty2)
269               val x = tm & mode & (fp_to_float & a) & (fp_to_float & b) &
270                                   (fp_to_float & c)
271               val def =
272                  Definition.new_definition (s ^ "_def",
273                     v & mode & a & b & c ==
274                     (if with_flags then
275                        mk_I_hashhash float_to_fp & x
276                      else float_to_fp & (snd_tm & x)))
277            in
278               def
279            end
280      end
281   fun encoding_thms (fp, fp_to_float_def, float_to_fp_def) =
282      let
283         val fp_to_float = get_function fp_to_float_def
284         val float_to_fp = get_function float_to_fp_def
285         val fp_to_float_11 =
286            Q.store_thm (fp ^ "_to_float_11",
287               `!x y. (^fp_to_float x = ^fp_to_float y) = (x = y)`,
288               srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_BIT_EQ_ss]
289                 [fp_to_float_def, binary_ieeeTheory.float_component_equality]
290               >> decide_tac
291               )
292         val float_to_fp_11 =
293            Q.store_thm ("float_to_" ^ fp ^ "_11",
294               `!x y. (^float_to_fp x = ^float_to_fp y) = (x = y)`,
295               srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_BIT_EQ_ss]
296                 [float_to_fp_def, binary_ieeeTheory.float_component_equality]
297               >> decide_tac
298               )
299         val float_to_fp_fp_to_float =
300            Q.store_thm ("float_to_" ^ fp ^ "_" ^ fp ^ "_to_float",
301               `!x. ^float_to_fp (^fp_to_float x) = x`,
302               srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_EXTRACT_ss]
303                 [float_to_fp_def, fp_to_float_def]
304               )
305         val fp_to_float_float_to_fp =
306            Q.store_thm (fp ^ "_to_float_float_to_" ^ fp,
307               `!x. ^fp_to_float (^float_to_fp x) = x`,
308               rw [float_to_fp_def, fp_to_float_def,
309                   binary_ieeeTheory.float_component_equality]
310               >> simp_tac (srw_ss()++wordsLib.WORD_EXTRACT_ss) []
311               )
312         val fp_nchotomy =
313            Q.store_thm(fp ^ "_nchotomy",
314               `!x. ?y. x = ^float_to_fp y`,
315               gen_tac
316               >> qexists_tac `^fp_to_float x`
317               >> rewrite_tac [float_to_fp_fp_to_float]
318               )
319         val float_nchotomy =
320            Q.store_thm("float_" ^ fp ^ "_nchotomy",
321               `!x. ?y. x = ^fp_to_float y`,
322               gen_tac
323               >> qexists_tac `^float_to_fp x`
324               >> rewrite_tac [fp_to_float_float_to_fp]
325               )
326      in
327         (fp_to_float_11, float_to_fp_11,
328          float_to_fp_fp_to_float, fp_to_float_float_to_fp,
329          fp_nchotomy, float_nchotomy)
330      end
331   fun all_combs [h1] [h2] = [[h1], [h2]]
332     | all_combs (h1 :: t1) (h2 :: t2) =
333        let
334          val r = all_combs t1 t2
335        in
336          List.map (fn x => h1 :: x) r @
337          List.map (fn x => h2 :: x) r
338        end
339     | all_combs _ _ = raise ERR "all_combs" ""
340   val get_float_to_fp =
341      boolSyntax.rator o boolSyntax.rand o boolSyntax.lhs o snd o
342      boolSyntax.strip_forall o Thm.concl
343   fun try_f f x = Option.getOpt (Lib.total f x, x)
344   val opname = fst o Term.dest_const o get_function
345   fun xop vs fp_to_float_float_to_fp =
346      let
347         val float_to_fp = get_float_to_fp fp_to_float_float_to_fp
348         val (ty1, ty2) = Type.dom_rng (Term.type_of float_to_fp)
349         val ty2 = wordsSyntax.dest_word_type ty2
350         fun f1 v = boolSyntax.mk_icomb (float_to_fp, Term.mk_var (v, ty1))
351         fun f2 v = wordsSyntax.mk_n2w (Term.mk_var (v, numSyntax.num), ty2)
352         val l = all_combs (List.map f1 vs) (List.map f2 vs)
353      in
354         fn op_def =>
355            let
356              fun f l =
357                op_def
358                |> try_f (Thm.SPEC ``mode:rounding``)
359                |> (case l of [v] => Lib.C Thm.AP_THM v | _ => Drule.ISPECL l)
360                |> REWRITE_RULE [fp_to_float_float_to_fp, combinTheory.o_THM]
361                |> Drule.GEN_ALL
362            in
363              Theory.save_thm (opname op_def, LIST_CONJ (List.map f l))
364            end
365      end
366   val monop = xop ["a"]
367   val binop = xop ["a", "b"]
368   val triop = xop ["a", "b", "c"]
369   fun fp_to_float_n2w (fp, t, w, fp_to_float_def) =
370      let
371         open bitTheory arithmeticTheory
372         val fp_to_float = get_function fp_to_float_def
373      in
374         Q.store_thm (fp ^ "_to_float_n2w",
375            `!n.
376               ^fp_to_float (n2w n) =
377                  let (q, f) = DIVMOD_2EXP ^(i2t t) n in
378                  let (s, e) = DIVMOD_2EXP ^(i2t w) q in
379                     <| Sign := n2w (s MOD 2);
380                        Exponent := n2w e;
381                        Significand := n2w f |>`,
382            lrw [fp_to_float_def, BIT_def, BITS_THM, DIVMOD_2EXP_def,
383                 DIV_2EXP_def, MOD_2EXP_def, wordsTheory.word_extract_n2w,
384                 DIV_1, DIV2_def, ODD_MOD2_LEM, DIV_DIV_DIV_MULT]
385         )
386      end
388   fun mk_machine (fp, t, w, a) =
389     let
390(* e.g. val fp = "fp16" and t = 10 and w = 5 and a = SOME "half" *)
391        val pre_k = t + w
392        val k = pre_k + 1
393        val t_ty = fcpSyntax.mk_int_numeric_type t
394        val w_ty = fcpSyntax.mk_int_numeric_type w
395        val fp_ty = mk_w (fcpSyntax.mk_int_numeric_type k)
396        val float_ty = Type.mk_type ("float", [t_ty, w_ty])
397        val float_to_real = Term.mk_const ("float_to_real", float_ty --> real_ty)
398        val float_value = Term.mk_const ("float_value", float_ty --> value_ty)
399        val real_to_float =
400          Term.mk_const ("real_to_float", rounding_ty --> real_ty --> float_ty)
401        val real_to_float_with_flags =
402          Term.mk_const ("real_to_float_with_flags",
403                         rounding_ty --> real_ty --> flags_ty ** float_ty)
404        val (fp_to_float, fp_to_float_def) =
405          mk_fp_to_float fp fp_ty float_ty pre_k t t_ty w_ty
406        val (float_to_fp, float_to_fp_def) =
407          mk_float_to_fp fp fp_ty float_ty t_ty w_ty
408        val (fp_to_real, fp_to_real_def) =
409          mk_fp_to_real fp float_to_real fp_to_float fp_ty
410        val (fp_to_value, fp_to_value_def) =
411          mk_fp_to_value fp float_value fp_to_float fp_ty
412        val (real_to_fp, real_to_fp_def) =
413          mk_real_to_fp fp real_to_float float_to_fp fp_ty
414        val (real_to_fp_with_flags, real_to_fp_with_flags_def) =
415          mk_real_to_fp_with_flags fp real_to_float_with_flags float_to_fp fp_ty
416        val int_to_fp_def = mk_int_to_fp fp real_to_fp fp_ty
417        val lift1 = lift1 float_to_fp fp_to_float fp_ty float_ty
418        val lift1b = lift1b fp_to_float fp_ty float_ty
419        val lift1c = lift1c float_to_fp fp_ty float_ty
420        val lift2 = lift2 float_to_fp fp_to_float fp_ty float_ty
421        val lift2c = lift2b fp_to_float fp_ty float_ty float_compare_ty
422        val lift2b = lift2b fp_to_float fp_ty float_ty Type.bool
423        val lift3 = lift3 float_to_fp fp_to_float fp_ty float_ty
424        val fp_roundToIntegral_def =
425          lift1 false false (fp ^ "_roundToIntegral", "float_round_to_integral")
426        val fp_to_int_def = mk_fp_to_int fp fp_to_float fp_ty float_ty
427        val fp_sqrt_def = lift1 false true (fp ^ "_sqrt", "float_sqrt")
428        val fp_sqrt_with_flags_def =
429          lift1 true true (fp ^ "_sqrt_with_flags", "float_sqrt")
430        val fp_negate_def = lift1 false false (fp ^ "_negate", "float_negate")
431        val fp_abs_def = lift1 false false (fp ^ "_abs", "float_abs")
432        val fp_isnan_def = lift1b (fp ^ "_isNan", "float_is_nan")
433        val fp_issignallingnan_def =
434          lift1b (fp ^ "_isSignallingNan", "float_is_signalling")
435        val fp_isintegral_def =
436           lift1b (fp ^ "_isIntegral", "float_is_integral")
437        val fp_iszero_def = lift1b (fp ^ "_isZero", "float_is_zero")
438        val fp_isnormal_def = lift1b (fp ^ "_isNormal", "float_is_normal")
439        val fp_issubnormal_def =
440           lift1b (fp ^ "_isSubnormal", "float_is_subnormal")
441        val fp_isfinite_def = lift1b (fp ^ "_isFinite", "float_is_finite")
442        val fp_isinfinite_def =
443           lift1b (fp ^ "_isInfinite", "float_is_infinite")
444        val fp_posinf_def = lift1c (fp ^ "_posInf", "float_plus_infinity")
445        val fp_neginf_def = lift1c (fp ^ "_negInf", "float_minus_infinity")
446        val fp_poszero_def = lift1c (fp ^ "_posZero", "float_plus_zero")
447        val fp_negzero_def = lift1c (fp ^ "_negZero", "float_minus_zero")
448        val fp_minpos_def = lift1c (fp ^ "_posMin", "float_plus_min")
449        val fp_minneg_def = lift1c (fp ^ "_negMin", "float_minus_min")
450        val fp_top_def = lift1c (fp ^ "_top", "float_top")
451        val fp_bottom_def = lift1c (fp ^ "_bottom", "float_bottom")
452        val fp_add_def = lift2 false (fp ^ "_add", "float_add")
453        val fp_sub_def = lift2 false (fp ^ "_sub", "float_sub")
454        val fp_mul_def = lift2 false (fp ^ "_mul", "float_mul")
455        val fp_div_def = lift2 false (fp ^ "_div", "float_div")
456        val fp_add_with_flags_def =
457          lift2 true (fp ^ "_add_with_flags", "float_add")
458        val fp_sub_with_flags_def =
459          lift2 true (fp ^ "_sub_with_flags", "float_sub")
460        val fp_mul_with_flags_def =
461          lift2 true (fp ^ "_mul_with_flags", "float_mul")
462        val fp_div_with_flags_def =
463          lift2 true (fp ^ "_div_with_flags", "float_div")
464        val fp_compare_def = lift2c (fp ^ "_compare", "float_compare")
465        val fp_equal_def = lift2b (fp ^ "_equal", "float_equal")
466        val fp_lessthan_def = lift2b (fp ^ "_lessThan", "float_less_than")
467        val fp_lessequal_def = lift2b (fp ^ "_lessEqual", "float_less_equal")
468        val fp_greaterthan_def =
469           lift2b (fp ^ "_greaterThan", "float_greater_than")
470        val fp_greaterequal_def =
471           lift2b (fp ^ "_greaterEqual", "float_greater_equal")
472        val fp_mul_add_def = lift3 false (fp ^ "_mul_add", "float_mul_add")
473        val fp_mul_sub_def = lift3 false (fp ^ "_mul_sub", "float_mul_sub")
474        val fp_mul_add_with_flags_def =
475          lift3 true (fp ^ "_mul_add_with_flags", "float_mul_add")
476        val fp_mul_sub_with_flags_def =
477          lift3 true (fp ^ "_mul_sub_with_flags", "float_mul_sub")
478        val (fp_to_float_11, float_to_fp_11,
479             float_to_fp_fp_to_float, fp_to_float_float_to_fp,
480             fp_nchotomy, float_nchotomy) =
481           encoding_thms (fp, fp_to_float_def, float_to_fp_def)
482        val monop = monop fp_to_float_float_to_fp
483        val binop = binop fp_to_float_float_to_fp
484        val triop = triop fp_to_float_float_to_fp
485        val fp_to_float_n2w = fp_to_float_n2w (fp, t, w, fp_to_float_def)
486     in
487        case a of
488           SOME name => Parse.type_abbrev (name, float_ty)
489         | NONE => ()
490      ; [monop fp_sqrt_def] @
491        List.map binop
492          [fp_add_def, fp_sub_def, fp_mul_def, fp_div_def, fp_compare_def,
493           fp_equal_def, fp_lessthan_def, fp_lessequal_def,
494           fp_greaterthan_def, fp_greaterequal_def] @
495        [fp_to_float_float_to_fp, fp_to_float_n2w, real_to_fp_def,
496         real_to_fp_with_flags_def, int_to_fp_def, fp_posinf_def, fp_neginf_def,
497         fp_poszero_def, fp_negzero_def, fp_minpos_def, fp_minneg_def,
498         fp_top_def, fp_bottom_def, float_to_fp_fp_to_float,
499         fp_to_float_float_to_fp] @
500        List.map monop
501          [fp_to_real_def, fp_to_value_def, fp_to_int_def, fp_abs_def,
502           fp_negate_def, fp_isnan_def, fp_issignallingnan_def,
503           fp_isintegral_def, fp_iszero_def, fp_isnormal_def,
504           fp_issubnormal_def, fp_isfinite_def, fp_isinfinite_def,
505           fp_roundToIntegral_def, fp_sqrt_with_flags_def] @
506        List.map binop
507          [fp_add_with_flags_def, fp_sub_with_flags_def, fp_mul_with_flags_def,
508           fp_div_with_flags_def] @
509        List.map triop
510          [fp_mul_add_def, fp_mul_sub_def, fp_mul_add_with_flags_def,
511           fp_mul_sub_with_flags_def]
512     end
515fun mk_fp_encoding (x as (_, y, _, _)) =
516    let
517       val mtch = DB.match [Theory.current_theory()] o Thm.concl
518       fun get_thm_name thm =
519          case mtch thm of
520             [((_, name), _)] => (thm, name)
521           | _ => raise Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "machine_ieee" "get_thm_name" ""
522       val l =
523          (List.map get_thm_name o
524           (if y = 52 then (* native *) fn l => List.drop (l, 11) else Lib.I) o
525           mk_machine) x
526       val (thms, names) = ListPair.unzip l
527    in
528       computeLib.add_persistent_funs names; thms
529    end