1(* Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Tjark Weber. All rights reserved. *)
3(* Unit tests for HolSmtLib *)
5val _ = print "Testing HolSmtLib\n"
8(* tracing/pretty-printing options useful for debugging                      *)
12val _ = Globals.show_tags := true
13val _ = Globals.show_assums := true
14val _ = Globals.show_types := true
15val _ = wordsLib.add_word_cast_printer ()
18val _ = Feedback.set_trace "HolSmtLib" 0
20val _ = Feedback.set_trace "HolSmtLib" 4
24(* check whether SMT solvers are installed                                   *)
27val _ = if Yices.is_configured () then () else
28  print "(Yices not configured, some tests will be skipped.)\n"
30val _ = if Z3.is_configured () then () else
31  print "(Z3 not configured, some tests will be skipped.)\n"
34(* utility functions                                                         *)
39fun die s =
40  if !Globals.interactive then
41    raise (Fail s)
42  else (
43    print ("\n" ^ s ^ "\n");
44    OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure
45  )
47(* provable terms: theorem expected *)
48fun expect_thm name smt_tac t =
49  let
50    val thm = Tactical.TAC_PROOF (([], t), smt_tac)
51      handle Feedback.HOL_ERR {origin_structure, origin_function, message} =>
52        die ("Test of solver '" ^ name ^ "' failed on term '" ^
53          Hol_pp.term_to_string t ^ "': exception HOL_ERR (in " ^
54          origin_structure ^ "." ^ origin_function ^ ", message: " ^ message ^
55          ")")
56  in
57    if Thm.hyp thm = [] andalso Thm.concl thm = t then ()
58    else
59      die ("Test of solver '" ^ name ^ "' failed on term '" ^
60        Hol_pp.term_to_string t ^ "': theorem differs (" ^
61        Hol_pp.thm_to_string thm ^ ")")
62  end
64(* unprovable terms: satisfiability expected *)
65fun expect_sat name smt_tac t =
66  let
67    val _ = Tactical.TAC_PROOF (([], t), smt_tac)
68  in
69    die ("Test of solver '" ^ name ^ "' failed on term '" ^
70      Hol_pp.term_to_string t ^ "': exception expected")
71  end handle Feedback.HOL_ERR {origin_structure, origin_function, message} =>
72    if origin_structure = "HolSmtLib" andalso
73       origin_function = "GENERIC_SMT_TAC" andalso
74       (message = "solver reports negated term to be 'satisfiable'" orelse
75        message = "solver reports negated term to be 'satisfiable' (model returned)")
76    then
77      ()
78    else
79      die ("Test of solver '" ^ name ^ "' failed on term '" ^
80        Hol_pp.term_to_string t ^
81        "': exception HOL_ERR has unexpected argument values (in " ^
82        origin_structure ^ "." ^ origin_function ^ ", message: " ^ message ^
83        ")")
85fun mk_test_fun is_configured expect_fun name smt_tac =
86  if is_configured then
87    (fn g => (expect_fun name smt_tac g; print "."))
88  else
89    Lib.K ()
92(* a built-in automated semi-decision procedure that *very* loosely          *)
93(* resembles SMT solvers (in terms of coverage; not so much in terms of      *)
94(* performance)                                                              *)
97fun auto_tac (_, t) =
98  let
99    val simpset = bossLib.++ (bossLib.srw_ss (), wordsLib.WORD_ss)
100    val t_eq_t' = simpLib.SIMP_CONV simpset [integerTheory.INT_ABS,
101      integerTheory.INT_MAX, integerTheory.INT_MIN]
102      t
103      handle Conv.UNCHANGED =>
104        Thm.REFL t
105    val t' = boolSyntax.rhs (Thm.concl t_eq_t')
106    val t'_thm = bossLib.DECIDE t'
107      handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
108        bossLib.METIS_PROVE [] t'
109      handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
110        intLib.ARITH_PROVE t'
111      handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
112        realLib.REAL_ARITH t'
113      handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
114        wordsLib.WORD_DECIDE t'
115      handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
116        Tactical.prove (t', blastLib.BBLAST_TAC)
117    val thm = Thm.EQ_MP (Thm.SYM t_eq_t') t'_thm
118  in
119    ([], fn _ => thm)
120  end
122val thm_AUTO =
123  mk_test_fun true expect_thm "AUTO" (Tactical.THEN (Library.SET_SIMP_TAC, auto_tac))
125fun mk_Yices expect_fun =
126  mk_test_fun (Yices.is_configured ()) expect_fun "Yices" HolSmtLib.YICES_TAC
128val thm_YO = mk_Yices expect_thm
129val sat_YO = mk_Yices expect_sat
131fun mk_Z3 expect_fun =
132  mk_test_fun (Z3.is_configured ()) expect_fun "Z3" HolSmtLib.Z3_ORACLE_TAC
134val thm_Z3 = mk_Z3 expect_thm
135val sat_Z3 = mk_Z3 expect_sat
137fun mk_Z3p expect_fun =
138  mk_test_fun (Z3.is_configured ()) expect_fun "Z3 (proofs)" HolSmtLib.Z3_TAC
140val thm_Z3p = mk_Z3p expect_thm
141val sat_Z3p = mk_Z3p expect_sat
144(* HOL definitions (e.g., user-defined data types)                           *)
147val _ = bossLib.Hol_datatype `dt1 = foo | bar | baz`
149val _ = bossLib.Hol_datatype `person = <| employed :bool; age :num |>`
154(* test cases                                                                *)
157  val tests = [
159    (* propositional logic *)
160    (``T``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
161    (``F``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
162    (``p = (p:bool)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
163    (``p ==> p``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
164    (``p \/ ~ p``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
165    (``p /\ q ==> q /\ p``,
166      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
167    (``(p ==> q) /\ (q ==> p) ==> (p = q)``,
168      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
169    (``(p ==> q) /\ (q ==> p) = (p = q)``,
170      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
171    (``p \/ q ==> p /\ q``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
172    (``if p then (q ==> p) else (p ==> q)``,
173      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
174    (``case p of T => p | F => ~ p``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
175    (``case p of T => (q ==> p) | F => (p ==> q)``,
176      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
178    (* numerals *)
180    (* FIXME: SMT-LIB 2 does not provide a theory of natural numbers, but only
181              integers and reals.  We should add support for naturals (via an
182              embedding into integers), but for now, they are treated as
183              uninterpreted. *)
185    (* num *)
187    (``0n = 0n``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
188    (``1n = 1n``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
189    (``0n = 1n``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
190    (``42n = 42n``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
192    (* int *)
194    (``0i = 0i``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
195    (``1i = 1i``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
196    (``0i = 1i``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
197    (``42i = 42i``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
198    (``0i = ~0i``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
199    (``~0i = 0i``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
200    (``~0i = ~0i``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
201    (``~42i = ~42i``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
203    (* real *)
205    (* Z3 2.19 prints reals as integers in its proofs; I see no way to
206       reliably distinguish between them. *)
208    (``0r = 0r``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
209    (``1r = 1r``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
210    (``0r = 1r``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
211    (``42r = 42r``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
212    (``0r = ~0r``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
213    (``~0r = 0r``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
214    (``~0r = ~0r``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
215    (``~42r = ~42r``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
216    (``~42r = 42r``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
217    (``42r = ~42r``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
219    (* arithmetic operators: SUC, +, -, *, /, DIV, MOD, ABS, MIN, MAX *)
221    (* num *)
223    (``SUC 0 = 1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
224    (``SUC x = x + 1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
225    (``x < SUC x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
226    (``(SUC x = SUC y) = (x = y)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
227    (``SUC (x + y) = (SUC x + SUC y)``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
229    (``(x:num) + 0 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
230    (``0 + (x:num) = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
231    (``(x:num) + y = y + x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
232    (``(x:num) + (y + z) = (x + y) + z``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
233    (``((x:num) + y = 0) = (x = 0) /\ (y = 0)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
235    (``(x:num) - 0 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
236    (``(x:num) - y = y - x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
237    (``(x:num) - y - z = x - (y + z)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
238    (``(x:num) <= y ==> (x - y = 0)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
239    (``((x:num) - y = 0) \/ (y - x = 0)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
241    (``(x:num) * 0 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
242    (``0 * (x:num) = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
243    (``(x:num) * 1 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
244    (``1 * (x:num) = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
245    (``(x:num) * 42 = 42 * x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
247    (``(0:num) DIV 1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
248    (``(1:num) DIV 1 = 1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
249    (``(42:num) DIV 1 = 42``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
250    (``(0:num) DIV 42 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
251    (``(1:num) DIV 42 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
252    (``(42:num) DIV 42 = 1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
253    (``(x:num) DIV 1 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
254    (``(x:num) DIV 42 <= x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
255    (``((x:num) DIV 42 = x) = (x = 0)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
256    (``(x:num) DIV 0 = x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
257    (``(x:num) DIV 0 = 0``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
258    (``(0:num) DIV 0 = 0``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
259    (``(0:num) DIV 0 = 1``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
260    (``(x:num) DIV 0 = x DIV 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
262    (``(0:num) MOD 1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
263    (``(1:num) MOD 1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
264    (``(42:num) MOD 1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
265    (``(0:num) MOD 42 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
266    (``(1:num) MOD 42 = 1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
267    (``(42:num) MOD 42 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
268    (``(x:num) MOD 1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
269    (``(x:num) MOD 42 < 42``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
270    (``((x:num) MOD 42 = x) = (x < 42)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
271    (``(x:num) MOD 0 = x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
272    (``(x:num) MOD 0 = 0``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
273    (``(0:num) MOD 0 = 0``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
274    (``(0:num) MOD 0 = 1``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
275    (``(x:num) MOD 0 = x MOD 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
277    (* cf. arithmeticTheory.DIVISION *)
278    (``((x:num) = x DIV 1 * 1 + x MOD 1) /\ x MOD 1 < 1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
279    (``((x:num) = x DIV 42 * 42 + x MOD 42) /\ x MOD 42 < 42``,
280      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
282    (``MIN (x:num) y <= x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
283    (``MIN (x:num) y <= y``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
284    (``(z:num) < x /\ z < y ==> z < MIN x y``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
285    (``MIN (x:num) y < x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
286    (``MIN (x:num) 0 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
288    (``MAX (x:num) y >= x``, [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO]),
289    (``MAX (x:num) y >= y``, [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO]),
290    (``(z:num) > x /\ z > y ==> z > MAX x y``, [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO]),
291    (``MAX (x:num) y > x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
292    (``MAX (x:num) 0 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
294    (* int *)
296    (``(x:int) + 0 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
297    (``0 + (x:int) = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
298    (``(x:int) + y = y + x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
299    (``(x:int) + (y + z) = (x + y) + z``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
300    (``((x:int) + y = 0) = (x = 0) /\ (y = 0)``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
301    (``((x:int) + y = 0) = (x = ~y)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
303    (``(x:int) - 0 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
304    (``(x:int) - y = y - x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
305    (``(x:int) - y - z = x - (y + z)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
306    (``(x:int) <= y ==> (x - y = 0)``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
307    (``((x:int) - y = 0) \/ (y - x = 0)``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
308    (``(x:int) - y = x + ~y``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
310    (``(x:int) * 0 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
311    (``0 * (x:int) = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
312    (``(x:int) * 1 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
313    (``1 * (x:int) = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
314    (``(x:int) * ~1 = ~x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
315    (``~1 * (x:int) = ~x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
316    (``(x:int) * 42 = 42 * x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
318    (``(~42:int) / ~42 = 1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
319    (``(~1:int) / ~42 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
320    (``(0:int) / ~42 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
321    (``(1:int) / ~42 = ~1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
322    (``(42:int) / ~42 = ~1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
323    (``(~42:int) / ~1 = 42``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
324    (``(~1:int) / ~1 = 1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
325    (``(0:int) / ~1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
326    (``(1:int) / ~1 = ~1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
327    (``(42:int) / ~1 = ~42``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
328    (``(~42:int) / 1 = ~42``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
329    (``(~1:int) / 1 = ~1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
330    (``(0:int) / 1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
331    (``(1:int) / 1 = 1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
332    (``(42:int) / 1 = 42``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
333    (``(~42:int) / 42 = ~1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
334    (``(~1:int) / 42 = ~1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
335    (``(0:int) / 42 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
336    (``(1:int) / 42 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
337    (``(42:int) / 42 = 1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
338    (``(x:int) / 1 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
339    (``(x:int) / ~1 = ~x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
340    (``(x:int) / 42 <= x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
341    (``(x:int) / 42 <= ABS x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO(*, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p*)]),
342    (``((x:int) / 42 = x) = (x = 0)``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
343    (``((x:int) / 42 = x) = (x = 0) \/ (x = ~1)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
344    (``(x:int) / 0 = x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
345    (``(x:int) / 0 = 0``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
346    (``(0:int) / 0 = 0``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
347    (``(0:int) / 0 = 1``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
348    (``(0:int) / 0 = 1 / 0``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
349    (``(x:int) / 0 = x / 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
351    (* cf. integerTheory.int_div *)
352    (``(x:int) < 0 ==> (x / 1 = ~(~x / 1) + if ~x % 1 = 0 then 0 else ~1)``,
353      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
354    (``(x:int) < 0 ==> (x / 42 = ~(~x / 42) + if ~x % 42 = 0 then 0 else ~1)``,
355      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
356    (``0 <= (x:int) ==> (x / ~42 = ~(x / 42) + if x % 42 = 0 then 0 else ~1)``,
357      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
358    (``0 <= (x:int) ==> (x / ~1 = ~(x / 1) + if x % 1 = 0 then 0 else ~1)``,
359      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
360    (``(x:int) < 0 ==> (x / ~42 = ~x / 42)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
361    (``(x:int) < 0 ==> (x / ~1 = ~x / 1)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
363    (``(~42:int) % ~42 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
364    (``(~1:int) % ~42 = ~1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
365    (``(0:int) % ~42 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
366    (``(1:int) % ~42 = ~41``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
367    (``(42:int) % ~42 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
368    (``(~42:int) % ~1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
369    (``(~1:int) % ~1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
370    (``(0:int) % ~1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
371    (``(1:int) % ~1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
372    (``(42:int) % ~1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
373    (``(~42:int) % 1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
374    (``(~1:int) % 1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
375    (``(0:int) % 1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
376    (``(1:int) % 1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
377    (``(42:int) % 1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
378    (``(~42:int) % 42 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
379    (``(~1:int) % 42 = 41``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
380    (``(0:int) % 42 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
381    (``(1:int) % 42 = 1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
382    (``(42:int) % 42 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
383    (``(x:int) % 1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
384    (``(x:int) % ~1 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
385    (``(x:int) % 42 < 42``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
386    (``((x:int) % 42 = x) = (x < 42)``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
387    (``((x:int) % 42 = x) = (0 <= x) /\ (x < 42)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
388    (``(x:int) % 0 = x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
389    (``(x:int) % 0 = 0``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
390    (``(0:int) % 0 = 0``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
391    (``(0:int) % 0 = 1``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
392    (``(x:int) % 0 = x % 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
394    (* cf. integerTheory.int_mod *)
395    (``(x:int) % ~42 = x - x / ~42 * ~42``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
396    (``(x:int) % ~1 = x - x / ~1 * ~1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
397    (``(x:int) % 1 = x - x / 1 * 1``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
398    (``(x:int) % 42 = x - x / 42 * 42``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
400    (``ABS (x:int) >= 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO(*, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p*)]),
401    (``(ABS (x:int) = 0) = (x = 0)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO(*, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p*)]),
402    (``(x:int) >= 0 ==> (ABS x = x)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO(*, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p*)]),
403    (``(x:int) <= 0 ==> (ABS x = ~x)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO(*, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p*)]),
404    (``ABS (ABS (x:int)) = ABS x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO(*, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p*)]),
405    (``ABS (x:int) = x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
407    (``int_min (x:int) y <= x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
408    (``int_min (x:int) y <= y``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
409    (``(z:int) < x /\ z < y ==> z < int_min x y``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
410    (``int_min (x:int) y < x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
411    (``int_min (x:int) 0 = 0``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
412    (``(x:int) >= 0 ==> (int_min x 0 = 0)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
414    (``int_max (x:int) y >= x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
415    (``int_max (x:int) y >= y``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
416    (``(z:int) > x /\ z > y ==> z > int_max x y``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
417    (``int_max (x:int) y > x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
418    (``(x:int) >= 0 ==> (int_max x 0 = x)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
420    (* real *)
422    (``(x:real) + 0 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
423    (``0 + (x:real) = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
424    (``(x:real) + y = y + x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
425    (``(x:real) + (y + z) = (x + y) + z``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
426    (``((x:real) + y = 0) = (x = 0) /\ (y = 0)``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
427    (``((x:real) + y = 0) = (x = ~y)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
429    (``(x:real) - 0 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
430    (``(x:real) - y = y - x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
431    (``(x:real) - y - z = x - (y + z)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
432    (``(x:real) <= y ==> (x - y = 0)``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
433    (``((x:real) - y = 0) \/ (y - x = 0)``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
434    (``(x:real) - y = x + ~y``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
436    (``(x:real) * 0 = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
437    (``0 * (x:real) = 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
438    (``(x:real) * 1 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
439    (``1 * (x:real) = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
440    (``(x:real) * 42 = 42 * x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
442    (``(x:real) / 1 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
443    (``x > 0 ==> (x:real) / 42 < x``, [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO]),
444    (``x < 0 ==> (x:real) / 42 > x``, [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO]),
446    (``abs (x:real) >= 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
447    (``(abs (x:real) = 0) = (x = 0)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
448    (``(x:real) >= 0 ==> (abs x = x)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
449    (``(x:real) <= 0 ==> (abs x = ~x)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
450    (``abs (abs (x:real)) = abs x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
451    (``abs (x:real) = x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
453    (``min (x:real) y <= x``, [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO]),
454    (``min (x:real) y <= y``, [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO]),
455    (``(z:real) < x /\ z < y ==> z < min x y``, [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO]),
456    (``min (x:real) y < x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
457    (``min (x:real) 0 = 0``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
458    (``(x:real) >= 0 ==> (min x 0 = 0)``, [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO]),
460    (``max (x:real) y >= x``, [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO]),
461    (``max (x:real) y >= y``, [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO]),
462    (``(z:real) > x /\ z > y ==> z > max x y``, [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO]),
463    (``max (x:real) y > x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
464    (``(x:real) >= 0 ==> (max x 0 = x)``, [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO]),
466    (* arithmetic inequalities: <, <=, >, >= *)
468    (* num *)
470    (``0n < 1n``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
471    (``1n < 0n``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
472    (``(x:num) < x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
473    (``(x:num) < y ==> 42 * x < 42 * y``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
475    (``0n <= 1n``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
476    (``1n <= 0n``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
477    (``(x:num) <= x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
478    (``(x:num) <= y ==> 42 * x <= 42 * y``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
480    (``1n > 0n``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
481    (``0n > 1n``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
482    (``(x:num) > x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
483    (``(x:num) > y ==> 42 * x > 42 * y``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
485    (``1n >= 0n``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
486    (``0n >= 1n``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
487    (``(x:num) >= x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
488    (``(x:num) >= y ==> 42 * x >= 42 * y``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
490    (``((x:num) < y) = (y > x)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
491    (``((x:num) <= y) = (y >= x)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
492    (``(x:num) < y /\ y <= z ==> x < z``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
493    (``(x:num) <= y /\ y <= z ==> x <= z``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
494    (``(x:num) > y /\ y >= z ==> x > z``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
495    (``(x:num) >= y /\ y >= z ==> x >= z``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
497    (``(x:num) >= 0``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
498    (``0 < (x:num) /\ x <= 1 ==> (x = 1)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
500    (* int *)
502    (``0i < 1i``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
503    (``1i < 0i``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
504    (``(x:int) < x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
505    (``(x:int) < y ==> 42 * x < 42 * y``,
506      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
508    (``0i <= 1i``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
509    (``1i <= 0i``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
510    (``(x:int) <= x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
511    (``(x:int) <= y ==> 42 * x <= 42 * y``,
512      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
514    (``1i > 0i``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
515    (``0i > 1i``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
516    (``(x:int) > x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
517    (``(x:int) > y ==> 42 * x > 42 * y``,
518      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
520    (``1i >= 0i``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
521    (``0i >= 1i``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
522    (``(x:int) >= x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
523    (``(x:int) >= y ==> 42 * x >= 42 * y``,
524      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
526    (``((x:int) < y) = (y > x)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
527    (``((x:int) <= y) = (y >= x)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
528    (``(x:int) < y /\ y <= z ==> x < z``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
529    (``(x:int) <= y /\ y <= z ==> x <= z``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
530    (``(x:int) > y /\ y >= z ==> x > z``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
531    (``(x:int) >= y /\ y >= z ==> x >= z``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
533    (``(x:int) >= 0``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
534    (``0 < (x:int) /\ x <= 1 ==> (x = 1)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
536    (* real *)
538    (``0r < 1r``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
539    (``1r < 0r``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
540    (``(x:real) < x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
541    (``(x:real) < y ==> 42 * x < 42 * y``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
543    (``0n <= 1n``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
544    (``1n <= 0n``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
545    (``(x:num) <= x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
546    (``(x:num) <= y ==> 2 * x <= 2 * y``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
548    (``1r > 0r``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
549    (``0r > 1r``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
550    (``(x:real) > x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
551    (``(x:real) > y ==> 42 * x > 42 * y``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
553    (``1r >= 0r``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
554    (``0r >= 1r``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
555    (``(x:real) >= x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
556    (``(x:real) >= y ==> 42 * x >= 42 * y``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
558    (``((x:real) < y) = (y > x)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
559    (``((x:real) <= y) = (y >= x)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
560    (``(x:real) < y /\ y <= z ==> x < z``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
561    (``(x:real) <= y /\ y <= z ==> x <= z``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
562    (``(x:real) > y /\ y >= z ==> x > z``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
563    (``(x:real) >= y /\ y >= z ==> x >= z``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
565    (``(x:real) >= 0``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
566    (``0 < (x:real) /\ x <= 1 ==> (x = 1)``,
567      [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
569    (* uninterpreted functions *)
571    (``(x = y) ==> (f x = f y)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
572    (``(x = y) ==> (f x y = f y x)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
573    (``(f (f x) = x) /\ (f (f (f (f (f x)))) = x) ==> (f x = x)``,
574      [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
575    (``(f x = f y) ==> (x = y)``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
577    (* predicates *)
579    (``P x ==> P x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
580    (``P x ==> Q x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
581    (``P x ==> P y``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
582    (``P x y ==> P x x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
583    (``P x y ==> P y x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
584    (``P x y ==> P y y``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
586    (* quantifiers *)
588    (``!x. x = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
589    (* Yices 1.0.28 reports `unknown' for the next goal, while Z3 2.13
590       (somewhat surprisingly, as SMT-LIB does not seem to require
591       non-empty sorts) can prove it *)
592    (``?x. x = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
593    (* Z3 2.13 reports `unknown' for the next goal *)
594    (``(?y. !x. P x y) ==> (!x. ?y. P x y)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
595    (* Yices 1.0.28 and Z3 2.13 report `unknown' for the next goal *)
596    (``(!x. ?y. P x y) ==> (?y. !x. P x y)``, []),
597    (* Z3 2.13 reports `unknown' for the next goal *)
598    (``(?x. P x) ==> !x. P x``, [sat_YO]),
599    (* Z3 2.13 reports `unknown' for the next goal *)
600    (``?x. P x ==> !x. P x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
602    (* let binders *)
604    (``let x = y in let x = x /\ z in x = y /\ z``,
605      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
606    (``let x = u in let x = x in let y = v in x /\ y = u /\ v``,
607      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
609    (* lambda abstractions *)
611    (``(\x. x) = (\y. y)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
612    (``(\x. \x. x) x x = (\y. \y. y) y x``,
613      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
614    (``(\x. x (\x. x)) = (\y. y (\x. x))``,
615      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
616    (* Yices 1.0.29 fails to decide this one *)
617    (``(\x. x (\x. x)) = (\y. y x)``, [(*sat_YO,*) sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
618    (``f x = (\x. f x) x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
619    (``f x = (\y. f y) x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
621    (* higher-order logic *)
623    (* Z3 2.19 unexpectedly replaces certain implications by conjunctions in
624       its proof *)
626    (``(P (f x) ==> Q f) ==> P (f x) ==> Q f``,
627      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
628    (``(Q f ==> P (f x)) ==> Q f ==> P (f x)``,
629      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
631    (* tuples, FST, SND *)
633    (``(x, y) = (x, z)``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
634    (``(x, y) = (z, y)``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
635    (``(x, y) = (y, x)``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
636    (``((x, y) = (y, x)) = (x = y)``, [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO]),
637    (``((x, y, z) = (y, z, x)) = (x = y) /\ (y = z)``,
638      [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO]),
639    (``((x, y) = (u, v)) = (x = u) /\ (y = v)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
641    (``y = FST (x, y)``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
642    (``x = FST (x, y)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
643    (``(FST (x, y, z) = FST (u, v, w)) = (x = u)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
644    (``(FST (x, y, z) = FST (u, v, w)) = (x = u) /\ (y = w)``,
645      [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
647    (``y = SND (x, y)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
648    (``x = SND (x, y)``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
649    (``(SND (x, y, z) = SND (u, v, w)) = (y = v)``,
650       [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
651    (``(SND (x, y, z) = SND (u, v, w)) = (z = w)``,
652       [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
653    (``(SND (x, y, z) = SND (u, v, w)) = (y = v) /\ (z = w)``,
654      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
656    (``(FST (x, y) = SND (x, y)) = (x = y)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
657    (``(FST p = SND p) = (p = (SND p, FST p))``, [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO]),
658    (``((\p. FST p) (x, y)= (\p. SND p) (x, y)) = (x = y)``,
659      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
661    (* words (i.e., bit vectors) *)
663    (``x:word2 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
664    (``x:word3 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
665    (``x:word4 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
666    (``x:word5 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
667    (``x:word6 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
668    (``x:word7 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
669    (``x:word8 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
670    (``x:word12 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
671    (``x:word16 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
672    (``x:word20 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
673    (``x:word24 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
674    (``x:word28 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
675    (``x:word30 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
676    (``x:word32 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
677    (``x:word64 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
679    (``x:word32 && x = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
680    (``x:word32 && y = y && x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
681    (``(x:word32 && y) && z = x && (y && z)``,
682      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
683    (``x:word32 && 0w = 0w``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
684    (``x:word32 && 0w = x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
686    (``x:word32 || x = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
687    (``x:word32 || y = y || x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
688    (``(x:word32 || y) || z = x || (y || z)``,
689      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
690    (``x:word32 || 0w = 0w``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
691    (``x:word32 || 0w = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
693    (``x:word32 ?? x = 0w``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
694    (``x:word32 ?? y = y ?? x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
695    (``(x:word32 ?? y) ?? z = x ?? (y ?? z)``,
696      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
697    (``x:word32 ?? 0w = 0w``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
698    (``x:word32 ?? 0w = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
700    (``~ ~ x:word32 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
701    (``~ 0w = 0w:word32``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
703    (* Yices does not support bit-vector division *)
704    (* Z3 2.19 prints "extract" wrongly in its proofs *)
706    (``x:word32 / 4w = x / 2w / 2w``, [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
707    (``x:word32 / 6w = x / 2w / 3w``, [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
708    (``x:word32 / x = 1w``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
709    (``x:word32 <> 0w ==> (x / x = 1w)``, [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
710    (``y:word8 <> 0w ==> (x / y = -x / -y)``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
711    (``y:word8 <> 0w ==> (x / y = -(-x / y))``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
712    (``y:word8 <> 0w ==> (x / y = -(x / -y))``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
713    (``x:word8 <> 0x80w /\ y <> 0w ==> (x / y = -x / -y)``,
714      [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
715    (``x:word8 <> 0x80w /\ y <> 0w ==> (x / y = -(-x / y))``,
716      [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
717    (``x:word8 <> 0x80w /\ y <> 0w ==> (x / y = -(x / -y))``,
718      [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
720    (``x:word32 // 4w = x // 2w // 2w``, [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
721    (``x:word32 // 6w = x // 2w // 3w``, [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
722    (``x:word32 // x = 1w``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
723    (``x:word32 <> 0w ==> (x // x = 1w)``, [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
725    (``y:word8 <> 0w ==> (x = x // y * y + word_mod x y)``,
726      [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
727    (``y:word8 <> 0w ==> word_mod x y <+ y``,
728      [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
730    (``y:word8 <> 0w ==> (x = x / y * y + word_rem x y)``,
731      [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
733    (* Z3 2.19 does not handle "bvsrem ... bv0" correctly *)
735    (``x:word8 < 0w /\ y < 0w  ==> (word_rem x y = -word_mod (-x) (-y))``,
736      [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO,*)thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
737    (``x:word8 < 0w /\ y >= 0w ==> (word_rem x y = -word_mod (-x) y)``,
738      [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p*)]),
739    (``x:word8 >= 0w /\ y < 0w ==> (word_rem x y = word_mod x (-y))``,
740      [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO,*)thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
741    (``x:word8 >= 0w /\ y >= 0w ==> (word_rem x y = word_mod x y)``,
742      [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p*)]),
744    (``x:word8 < 0w /\ y < 0w  ==> (word_smod x y = -word_mod (-x) (-y))``,
745      [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO,*)thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
746    (``x:word8 < 0w /\ y >= 0w ==> (word_smod x y = -word_mod (-x) y + y)``,
747      [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p*)]),
748(* this is false: consider x = 99, y = 255
749    (``x:word8 >= 0w /\ y < 0w ==> (word_smod x y = word_mod x (-y) + y)``,
750      [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO,*)thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
752    (``x:word8 >= 0w /\ y >= 0w ==> (word_smod x y = word_mod x y)``,
753      [(*thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p*)]),
755    (``x:word32 << 0 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
756    (``x:word32 << 31 = 0w``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
757    (``(x:word32 << 31 = 0w) \/ (x << 31 = 1w << 31)``,
758      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
760    (* Yices does not support shifting by more than the word length *)
762    (``x:word32 << 99 = 0w``, [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
764    (* Yices does not support shifting by a non-constant *)
766    (``x:word32 << n = x``, [(*sat_YO,*) sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
768    (``x:word32 <<~ 0w = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
769    (``x:word32 <<~ 31w = 0w``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
770    (``(x:word32 <<~ 31w = 0w) \/ (x <<~ 31w = 1w <<~ 31w)``,
771      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
772    (``(x:word32 <<~ x) && 1w = 0w``,
773      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
774    (``x:word32 <<~ y = y <<~ x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
775    (``(x:word32 <<~ y) <<~ z = x <<~ (y <<~ z)``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
777    (``x:word32 >>> 0 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
778    (``x:word32 >>> 31 = 0w``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
779    (``(x:word32 >>> 31 = 0w) \/ (x >>> 31 = 1w)``,
780      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
782    (* Yices does not support right-shift by a (non-constant) bit-vector
783       amount *)
785    (``x:word32 >>>~ 0w = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
786    (``x:word32 >>>~ 31w = 0w``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
787    (``(x:word32 >>>~ 31w = 0w) \/ (x >>>~ 31w = 1w)``,
788      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
789    (``(x:word32 >>>~ x) = 0w``, [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
790    (``x:word32 >>>~ y = y >>>~ x``, [(*sat_YO,*) sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
791    (``(x:word32 >>>~ y) >>>~ z = x >>>~ (y >>>~ z)``,
792      [(*sat_YO,*) sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
794    (* Yices does not support arithmetical shift-right *)
796    (``x:word32 >> 0 = x``, [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
797    (``x:word32 >> 31 = 0w``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
798    (``(x:word32 >> 31 = 0w) \/ (x >> 31 = 0xFFFFFFFFw)``,
799      [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
801    (``x:word32 >>~ 0w = x``, [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
802    (``x:word32 >>~ 31w = 0w``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
803    (``(x:word32 >>~ 31w = 0w) \/ (x >>~ 31w = 0xFFFFFFFFw)``,
804      [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
805    (``(x:word32 >>~ x = 0w)  \/ (x >>~ x = 0xFFFFFFFFw)``,
806      [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
807    (``x:word32 >>~ y = y >>~ x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
808    (``(x:word32 >>~ y) >>~ z = x >>~ (y >>~ z)``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
810    (* Yices does not support bit-vector rotation *)
812    (``x:word32 #<< 0 = x``, [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
813    (``x:word32 #<< 32 = x``, [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
814    (``x:word32 #<< 64 = x``, [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
815    (``x:word32 #<< 1 <> x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
817    (``x:word32 #<<~ 0w = x``, [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
818    (``x:word32 #<<~ 32w = x``, [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
819    (``x:word32 #<<~ 64w = x``, [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
820    (``x:word32 #<<~ 1w = x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
822    (``x:word32 #>> 0 = x``, [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
823    (``x:word32 #>> 32 = x``, [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
824    (``x:word32 #>> 64 = x``, [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
825    (``x:word32 #>> 1 <> x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
827    (``x:word32 #>>~ 0w = x``, [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
828    (``x:word32 #>>~ 32w = x``, [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
829    (``x:word32 #>>~ 64w = x``, [thm_AUTO, (*thm_YO,*) thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
830    (``x:word32 #>>~ 1w = x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
832    (``1w:word2 @@ 1w:word2 = 5w:word4``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
833    (``((x @@ y):word32 = y @@ x) = (x:word16 = y)``,
834      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
836    (``(31 >< 0) x:word32 = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
837    (``(1 >< 0) (0w:word32) = 0w:word2``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
838    (``(32 >< 0) (x:word32) :bool[33] = w2w x``,
839      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO(*, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p*)]),
840    (``(0 >< 1) (x:word32) = 0w:word32``,
841      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO(*, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p*)]),
843    (``(x:word2 = y) = (x ' 0 = y ' 0) /\ (x ' 1 = y ' 1)``,
844      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
846    (``0w:word32 = w2w (0w:word16)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
847    (``0w:word32 = w2w (0w:word32)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
848    (``0w:word32 = w2w (0w:word64)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO(*, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p*)]),
849    (``x:word32 = w2w x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
851    (``0w:word32 = sw2sw (0w:word16)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
852    (``0w:word32 = sw2sw (0w:word32)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
853    (``0w:word32 = sw2sw (0w:word64)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO(*, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p*)]),
854    (``x:word32 = sw2sw x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
856    (``(x:word32) + x = x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
857    (``(x:word32) + y = y + x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
858    (``((x:word32) + y) + z = x + (y + z)``,
859      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
860    (``(x:word32) + 0w = 0w``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
861    (``(x:word32) + 0w = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
863    (``(x:word32) - x = x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
864    (``(x:word32) - x = 0w``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
865    (``(x:word32) - y = y - x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
866    (``((x:word32) - y) - z = x - (y - z)``,
867      [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
868    (``(x:word32) - 0w = 0w``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
869    (``(x:word32) - 0w = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
871    (``(x:word32) * x = x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
872    (``(x:word32) * y = y * x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
873    (``((x:word32) * y) * z = x * (y * z)``,
874      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
875    (``(x:word32) * 0w = 0w``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
876    (``(x:word32) * 0w = x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
877    (``(x:word32) * 1w = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
879    (``- (x:word32) = x``, [sat_YO, sat_Z3, sat_Z3p]),
880    (``- 0w = 0w:word32``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
881    (``- - (x:word32) = x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
883    (``0w < 1w:word32``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
884    (``~ 0w < 0w:word32``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
886    (``0w <= 1w:word32``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
887    (``x <= y:word32 = x < y \/ (x = y)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
888    (``~ 0w <= 0w:word32``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
890    (``1w > 0w:word32``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
891    (``0w > ~ 0w:word32``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
893    (``1w >= 0w:word32``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
894    (``x >= y:word32 = x > y \/ (x = y)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
895    (``0w >= ~ 0w:word32``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
897    (``0w <+ 1w:word32``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
898    (``0w <+ ~ 0w:word32``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
900    (``0w <=+ 1w:word32``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
901    (``x <=+ y:word32 = x <+ y \/ (x = y)``,
902      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
903    (``0w <=+ ~ 0w:word32``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
905    (``1w >+ 0w:word32``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
906    (``~ 0w >+ 0w:word32``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
908    (``1w >=+ 0w:word32``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
909    (``x >=+ y:word32 = x >+ y \/ (x = y)``,
910      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3(*, thm_Z3p*)]),
911    (``~ 0w >=+ 0w:word32``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
913    (* from Magnus Myreen *)
914    (``!(a:word32) b.
915     (((word_msb (a - b) <=>
916        (word_msb a <=/=> word_msb b) /\
917        (word_msb a <=/=> word_msb (a - b))) <=> b <= a) /\
918      ((word_msb (a - b) <=>
919        (word_msb b <=/=> word_msb a) /\
920        (word_msb a <=/=> word_msb (a - b))) <=> b <= a) /\
921      ((word_msb (a - b) <=>
922        (word_msb a <=/=> word_msb b) /\
923        (word_msb (a - b) <=/=> word_msb a)) <=> b <= a) /\
924      ((word_msb (a - b) <=>
925        (word_msb b <=/=> word_msb a) /\
926        (word_msb (a - b) <=/=> word_msb a)) <=> b <= a) /\
927      ((word_msb (a - b) <=>
928        (word_msb a <=/=> word_msb (a - b)) /\
929        (word_msb a <=/=> word_msb b)) <=> b <= a) /\
930      ((word_msb (a - b) <=>
931        (word_msb a <=/=> word_msb (a - b)) /\
932        (word_msb b <=/=> word_msb a)) <=> b <= a) /\
933      ((word_msb (a - b) <=>
934        (word_msb (a - b) <=/=> word_msb a) /\
935        (word_msb a <=/=> word_msb b)) <=> b <= a) /\
936      ((word_msb (a - b) <=>
937        (word_msb (a - b) <=/=> word_msb a) /\
938        (word_msb b <=/=> word_msb a)) <=> b <= a) /\
939      (((word_msb a <=/=> word_msb b) /\
940        (word_msb a <=/=> word_msb (a - b)) <=> word_msb (a - b)) <=>
941       b <= a) /\
942      (((word_msb b <=/=> word_msb a) /\
943        (word_msb a <=/=> word_msb (a - b)) <=> word_msb (a - b)) <=>
944       b <= a) /\
945      (((word_msb a <=/=> word_msb b) /\
946        (word_msb (a - b) <=/=> word_msb a) <=> word_msb (a - b)) <=>
947       b <= a) /\
948      (((word_msb b <=/=> word_msb a) /\
949        (word_msb (a - b) <=/=> word_msb a) <=> word_msb (a - b)) <=>
950       b <= a) /\
951      (((word_msb a <=/=> word_msb (a - b)) /\
952        (word_msb a <=/=> word_msb b) <=> word_msb (a - b)) <=>
953       b <= a) /\
954      (((word_msb a <=/=> word_msb (a - b)) /\
955        (word_msb b <=/=> word_msb a) <=> word_msb (a - b)) <=>
956       b <= a) /\
957      (((word_msb (a - b) <=/=> word_msb a) /\
958        (word_msb a <=/=> word_msb b) <=> word_msb (a - b)) <=>
959       b <= a) /\
960      (((word_msb (a - b) <=/=> word_msb a) /\
961        (word_msb b <=/=> word_msb a) <=> word_msb (a - b)) <=>
962       b <= a)) /\ (a >= b <=> b <= a) /\ (a > b <=> b < a) /\
963     (~(a <=+ b) <=> b <+ a) /\ (~(a <+ b) <=> b <=+ a) /\
964     (a <+ b \/ (a = b) <=> a <=+ b) /\ (~(a < b) <=> b <= a) /\
965     (~(a <= b) <=> b < a) /\ (a < b \/ (a = b) <=> a <= b) /\
966     ((a = b) \/ a < b <=> a <= b) /\ (a <+ b \/ (a = b) <=> a <=+ b) /\
967     ((a = b) \/ a <+ b <=> a <=+ b) /\
968     (b <=+ a /\ a <> b <=> b <+ a) /\ (a <> b /\ b <=+ a <=> b <+ a) /\
969     (b <= a /\ a <> b <=> b < a) /\ (a <> b /\ b <= a <=> b < a) /\
970     (((v:word32) - w = 0w) <=> (v = w)) /\ (w - 0w = w)``,
971      [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO(*, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p*)]),
973    (* from Yogesh Mahajan *)
974    (``!(w: 18 word). (sw2sw w): 32 word = w2w ((16 >< 0) w: 17 word) +
975     0xfffe0000w + ((0 >< 0) (~(17 >< 17) w: bool[unit]) << 17): 32 word``,
976      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO(*, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p*)]),
978    (* The Yices translation currently rejects polymorphic-width bit
979       vectors; the SMT-LIB translation treats their type -- and
980       operations on them -- as uninterpreted. *)
982    (``x <=+ x``, [thm_AUTO(*, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p*)]),
984    (* data types: constructors *)
986    (``foo <> bar``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
987    (``foo <> baz``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
988    (``bar <> baz``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
989    (``[] <> x::xs``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
990    (``xs <> x::xs``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
991    (``(x::xs = y::ys) = (x = y) /\ (xs = ys)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
993    (* data types: case constants *)
995    (``dt1_CASE foo f b z = f``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
996    (``dt1_CASE bar f b z = b``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
997    (``dt1_CASE baz f b z = z``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
998    (``dt1_CASE x c c c = c``, [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO]),
999    (``list_CASE [] n c = n``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
1000    (``list_CASE (x::xs) n c = c x xs``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
1002    (* records: field selectors *)
1004    (``(x = y) = (x.employed = y.employed) /\ (x.age = y.age)``,
1005      [(*thm_AUTO,*) thm_YO]),
1007    (* records: field updates *)
1009    (``(x with employed := e).employed = e``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
1011    (``x with <| employed := e; age := a |> =
1012     y with <| employed := e; age := a |>``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
1014    (* records: literals *)
1016    (``(<| employed := e1; age := a1 |> = <| employed := e2; age := a2 |>)
1017     = (e1 = e2) /\ (a1 = a2)``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO]),
1019    (* sets (as predicates -- every set expression must be applied to an
1020       argument!) *)
1022    (``x IN P = P x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
1024    (``x IN {x | P x} = P x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
1026    (``x NOTIN {}``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
1027    (``x IN UNIV``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
1029    (``x IN P UNION Q = P x \/ Q x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
1030    (``x IN P UNION {} = x IN P``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
1031    (``x IN P UNION UNIV``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
1032    (``x IN P UNION Q = x IN Q UNION P``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
1033    (``x IN P UNION (Q UNION R) = x IN (P UNION Q) UNION R``,
1034      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
1036    (``x IN P INTER Q = P x /\ Q x``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
1037    (``x NOTIN P INTER {}``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
1038    (``x IN P INTER UNIV = x IN P``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
1039    (``x IN P INTER Q = x IN Q INTER P``, [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p]),
1040    (``x IN P INTER (Q INTER R) = x IN (P INTER Q) INTER R``,
1041      [thm_AUTO, thm_YO, thm_Z3, thm_Z3p])
1043  ]  (* tests *)
1047(* actually perform tests                                                    *)
1050val _ = map (fn (term, test_funs) =>
1051               map (fn test_fun => test_fun term) test_funs) tests
1055val _ = print " done, all tests successful.\n"
1057val _ = OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success