1(* Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Tjark Weber. All rights reserved. *)
3(* Proof reconstruction for Z3: replaying Z3's proofs in HOL *)
5structure Z3_ProofReplay =
10  fun profile name f x =
11    Profile.profile_with_exn_name name f x
13  open Z3_Proof
15  val ERR = Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Z3_ProofReplay"
16  val WARNING = Feedback.HOL_WARNING "Z3_ProofReplay"
20  val NOT_MEM_NIL = HolSmtTheory.NOT_MEM_NIL
21  val NOT_MEM_CONS = HolSmtTheory.NOT_MEM_CONS
22  val AND_T = HolSmtTheory.AND_T
23  val T_AND = HolSmtTheory.T_AND
24  val F_OR = HolSmtTheory.F_OR
25  val CONJ_CONG = HolSmtTheory.CONJ_CONG
26  val NOT_NOT_ELIM = HolSmtTheory.NOT_NOT_ELIM
27  val NOT_FALSE = HolSmtTheory.NOT_FALSE
28  val NNF_CONJ = HolSmtTheory.NNF_CONJ
29  val NNF_DISJ = HolSmtTheory.NNF_DISJ
30  val NNF_NOT_NOT = HolSmtTheory.NNF_NOT_NOT
31  val NEG_IFF_1_1 = HolSmtTheory.NEG_IFF_1_1
32  val NEG_IFF_1_2 = HolSmtTheory.NEG_IFF_1_2
33  val NEG_IFF_2_1 = HolSmtTheory.NEG_IFF_2_1
34  val NEG_IFF_2_2 = HolSmtTheory.NEG_IFF_2_2
35  val DISJ_ELIM_1 = HolSmtTheory.DISJ_ELIM_1
36  val DISJ_ELIM_2 = HolSmtTheory.DISJ_ELIM_2
37  val IMP_DISJ_1 = HolSmtTheory.IMP_DISJ_1
38  val IMP_DISJ_2 = HolSmtTheory.IMP_DISJ_2
39  val IMP_FALSE = HolSmtTheory.IMP_FALSE
43  (* a simplification prover that deals with function (i.e., array)
44     updates when the indices are integer or word literals *)
45  val SIMP_PROVE_UPDATE = simpLib.SIMP_PROVE (simpLib.&& (simpLib.++
46    (intSimps.int_ss, simpLib.std_conv_ss {name = "word_EQ_CONV",
47      pats = [``(x :'a word) = y``], conv = wordsLib.word_EQ_CONV}),
48    [combinTheory.UPDATE_def, boolTheory.EQ_SYM_EQ])) []
50  (***************************************************************************)
51  (* functions that manipulate/access "global" state                         *)
52  (***************************************************************************)
54  type state = {
55    (* keeps track of assumptions; (only) these may remain in the
56       final theorem *)
57    asserted_hyps : Term.term HOLset.set,
58    (* stores certain theorems (proved by 'rewrite' or 'th_lemma') for
59       later retrieval, to avoid re-reproving them *)
60    thm_cache : Thm.thm Net.net
61  }
63  fun state_assert (s : state) (t : Term.term) : state =
64    {
65      asserted_hyps = HOLset.add (#asserted_hyps s, t),
66      thm_cache = #thm_cache s
67    }
69  fun state_cache_thm (s : state) (thm : Thm.thm) : state =
70    {
71      asserted_hyps = #asserted_hyps s,
72      thm_cache = Net.insert (Thm.concl thm, thm) (#thm_cache s)
73    }
75  fun state_inst_cached_thm (s : state) (t : Term.term) : Thm.thm =
76    Lib.tryfind  (* may fail *)
77      (fn thm => Drule.INST_TY_TERM (Term.match_term (Thm.concl thm) t) thm)
78      (Net.match t (#thm_cache s))
80  (***************************************************************************)
81  (* auxiliary functions                                                     *)
82  (***************************************************************************)
84  (* |- l1 \/ l2 \/ ... \/ ln \/ t   |- ~l1   |- ~l2   |- ...   |- ~ln
85     -----------------------------------------------------------------
86                                  |- t
88     The input clause (including "t") is really treated as a set of
89     literals: the resolvents need not be in the correct order, "t"
90     need not be the rightmost disjunct (and if "t" is a disjunction,
91     its disjuncts may even be spread throughout the input clause).
92     Note also that "t" may be F, in which case it need not be present
93     in the input clause.
95     We treat all "~li" as atomic, even if they are negated
96     disjunctions. *)
97  fun unit_resolution (thms, t) =
98  let
99    val _ = if List.null thms then
100        raise ERR "unit_resolution" ""
101      else ()
102    fun disjuncts dict (disj, thm) =
103    let
104      val (l, r) = boolSyntax.dest_disj disj
105      (* |- l \/ r ==> ... *)
106      val thm = Thm.DISCH disj thm
107      val l_imp_concl = Thm.MP thm (Thm.DISJ1 (Thm.ASSUME l) r)
108      val r_imp_concl = Thm.MP thm (Thm.DISJ2 l (Thm.ASSUME r))
109    in
110      disjuncts (disjuncts dict (l, l_imp_concl)) (r, r_imp_concl)
111    end
112    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
113      Redblackmap.insert (dict, disj, thm)
114    fun prove_from_disj dict disj =
115      Redblackmap.find (dict, disj)
116      handle Redblackmap.NotFound =>
117        let
118          val (l, r) = boolSyntax.dest_disj disj
119          val l_th = prove_from_disj dict l
120          val r_th = prove_from_disj dict r
121        in
122          Thm.DISJ_CASES (Thm.ASSUME disj) l_th r_th
123        end
124    val dict = disjuncts (Redblackmap.mkDict Term.compare) (t, Thm.ASSUME t)
125    (* derive 't' from each negated resolvent *)
126    val dict = List.foldl (fn (th, dict) =>
127      let
128        val lit = Thm.concl th
129        val (is_neg, neg_lit) = (true, boolSyntax.dest_neg lit)
130          handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
131            (false, boolSyntax.mk_neg lit)
132        (* |- neg_lit ==> F *)
133        val th = if is_neg then
134            Thm.NOT_ELIM th
135          else
136            Thm.MP (Thm.SPEC lit NOT_FALSE) th
137        (* neg_lit |- t *)
138        val th = Thm.CCONTR t (Thm.MP th (Thm.ASSUME neg_lit))
139      in
140        Redblackmap.insert (dict, neg_lit, th)
141      end) dict (List.tl thms)
142    (* derive 't' from ``F`` (just in case ``F`` is a disjunct) *)
143    val dict = Redblackmap.insert
144      (dict, boolSyntax.F, Thm.CCONTR t (Thm.ASSUME boolSyntax.F))
145    val clause = Thm.concl (List.hd thms)
146    val clause_imp_t = prove_from_disj dict clause
147  in
148    Thm.MP (Thm.DISCH clause clause_imp_t) (List.hd thms)
149  end
151  (* e.g.,   "(A --> B) --> C --> D" acc   ==>   [A, B, C, D] @ acc *)
152  fun strip_fun_tys ty acc =
153    let
154      val (dom, rng) = Type.dom_rng ty
155    in
156      strip_fun_tys dom (strip_fun_tys rng acc)
157    end
158    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => ty :: acc
160  (* approximate: only descends into combination terms and function types *)
161  fun term_contains_real_ty tm =
162    let val (rator, rand) = Term.dest_comb tm
163    in
164      term_contains_real_ty rator orelse term_contains_real_ty rand
165    end
166    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
167      List.exists (Lib.equal realSyntax.real_ty)
168        (strip_fun_tys (Term.type_of tm) [])
170  (* returns "|- l = r", provided 'l' and 'r' are conjunctions that can be
171     obtained from each other using associativity, commutativity and
172     idempotence of conjunction, and identity of "T" wrt. conjunction.
174     If 'r' is "F", 'l' must either contain "F" as a conjunct, or 'l'
175     must contain both a literal and its negation. *)
176  fun rewrite_conj (l, r) =
177    let
178      val Tl = boolSyntax.mk_conj (boolSyntax.T, l)
179      val Tr = boolSyntax.mk_conj (boolSyntax.T, r)
180      val Tl_eq_Tr = Drule.CONJUNCTS_AC (Tl, Tr)
181    in
182      Thm.MP (Drule.SPECL [l, r] T_AND) Tl_eq_Tr
183    end
184    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
185      if r = boolSyntax.F then
186        let
187          val l_imp_F = Thm.DISCH l (Library.gen_contradiction (Thm.ASSUME l))
188        in
189          Drule.EQF_INTRO (Thm.NOT_INTRO l_imp_F)
190        end
191      else
192        raise ERR "rewrite_conj" ""
194  (* returns "|- l = r", provided 'l' and 'r' are disjunctions that can be
195     obtained from each other using associativity, commutativity and
196     idempotence of disjunction, and identity of "F" wrt. disjunction.
198     If 'r' is "T", 'l' must contain "T" as a disjunct, or 'l' must contain
199     both a literal and its negation. *)
200  fun rewrite_disj (l, r) =
201    let
202      val Fl = boolSyntax.mk_disj (boolSyntax.F, l)
203      val Fr = boolSyntax.mk_disj (boolSyntax.F, r)
204      val Fl_eq_Fr = Drule.DISJUNCTS_AC (Fl, Fr)
205    in
206      Thm.MP (Drule.SPECL [l, r] F_OR) Fl_eq_Fr
207    end
208    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
209      if r = boolSyntax.T then
210        Drule.EQT_INTRO (Library.gen_excluded_middle l)
211      else
212        raise ERR "rewrite_disj" ""
214  (* |- r1 /\ ... /\ rn = ~(s1 \/ ... \/ sn)
216     Note that q <=> p may be negated to p <=> ~q.  Also, p <=> ~q may
217     be negated to p <=> q. *)
218  fun rewrite_nnf (l, r) =
219  let
220    val disj = boolSyntax.dest_neg r
221    val conj_ths = Drule.CONJUNCTS (Thm.ASSUME l)
222    (* transform equivalences in 'l' into equivalences as they appear
223       in 'disj' *)
224    val conj_dict = List.foldl (fn (th, dict) => Redblackmap.insert
225      (dict, Thm.concl th, th)) (Redblackmap.mkDict Term.compare) conj_ths
226    (* we map over equivalences in 'disj', possibly obtaining the
227       negation of each one by forward reasoning from a suitable
228       theorem in 'conj_dict' *)
229    val iff_ths = List.mapPartial (Lib.total (fn t =>
230      let
231        val (p, q) = boolSyntax.dest_eq t  (* may fail *)
232        val neg_q = boolSyntax.mk_neg q  (* may fail (because of type) *)
233      in
234        let
235          val th = Redblackmap.find (conj_dict, boolSyntax.mk_eq (p, neg_q))
236        in
237          (* l |- ~(p <=> q) *)
238          Thm.MP (Drule.SPECL [p, q] NEG_IFF_2_1) th
239        end
240        handle Redblackmap.NotFound =>
241          let
242            val q = boolSyntax.dest_neg q  (* may fail *)
243            val th = Redblackmap.find (conj_dict, boolSyntax.mk_eq (q, p))
244          in
245            (* l |- ~(p <=> ~q) *)
246            Thm.MP (Drule.SPECL [p, q] NEG_IFF_1_1) th
247          end
248      end)) (boolSyntax.strip_disj disj)
249    (* [l, disj] |- F *)
250    val F_th = unit_resolution (Thm.ASSUME disj :: conj_ths @ iff_ths,
251      boolSyntax.F)
252    fun disjuncts dict (thmfun, concl) =
253    let
254      val (l, r) = boolSyntax.dest_disj concl  (* may fail *)
255    in
256      disjuncts (disjuncts dict (fn th => thmfun (Thm.DISJ1 th r), l))
257        (fn th => thmfun (Thm.DISJ2 l th), r)
258    end
259    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>  (* 'concl' is not a disjunction *)
260      let
261        (* |- concl ==> disjunction *)
262        val th = Thm.DISCH concl (thmfun (Thm.ASSUME concl))
263        (* ~disjunction |- ~concl *)
264        val th = Drule.UNDISCH (Drule.CONTRAPOS th)
265        val th = Thm.MP (Thm.SPEC (boolSyntax.dest_neg concl) NOT_NOT_ELIM) th
266          handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => th
267        val t = Thm.concl th
268        val dict = Redblackmap.insert (dict, t, th)
269      in
270        (* if 't' is a negated equivalence, we check whether it can be
271           transformed into an equivalence that is present in 'l' *)
272        let
273          val (p, q) = boolSyntax.dest_eq (boolSyntax.dest_neg t) (* may fail *)
274          val neg_q = boolSyntax.mk_neg q  (* may fail (because of type) *)
275        in
276          let
277            val _ = Redblackmap.find (conj_dict, boolSyntax.mk_eq (p, neg_q))
278            (* ~disjunction |- p <=> ~q *)
279            val th1 = Thm.MP (Drule.SPECL [p, q] NEG_IFF_2_2) th
280            val dict = Redblackmap.insert (dict, Thm.concl th1, th1)
281          in
282            let
283              val q = boolSyntax.dest_neg q  (* may fail *)
284              val _ = Redblackmap.find (conj_dict, boolSyntax.mk_eq (q, p))
285              (* ~disjunction |- q <=> p *)
286              val th1 = Thm.MP (Drule.SPECL [p, q] NEG_IFF_1_2) th
287            in
288              Redblackmap.insert (dict, Thm.concl th1, th1)
289            end
290            handle Redblackmap.NotFound => dict
291                 | Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => dict
292          end
293          handle Redblackmap.NotFound =>
294            (* p <=> ~q is not a conjunction in 'l', so we skip
295               deriving it; but we possibly still need to derive
296               q <=> p *)
297            let
298              val q = boolSyntax.dest_neg q  (* may fail *)
299              val _ = Redblackmap.find (conj_dict, boolSyntax.mk_eq (q, p))
300              (* ~disjunction |- q <=> p *)
301              val th1 = Thm.MP (Drule.SPECL [p, q] NEG_IFF_1_2) th
302            in
303              Redblackmap.insert (dict, Thm.concl th1, th1)
304            end
305            handle Redblackmap.NotFound => dict
306                 | Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => dict
307        end
308        handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>  (* 't' is not an equivalence *)
309          dict
310      end  (* disjuncts *)
311    val dict = disjuncts (Redblackmap.mkDict Term.compare) (Lib.I, disj)
312    (* derive ``T`` (just in case ``T`` is a conjunct) *)
313    val dict = Redblackmap.insert (dict, boolSyntax.T, boolTheory.TRUTH)
314    (* proves a conjunction 'conj', provided each conjunct is proved
315      in 'dict' *)
316    fun prove_conj dict conj =
317      Redblackmap.find (dict, conj)
318      handle Redblackmap.NotFound =>
319        let
320          val (l, r) = boolSyntax.dest_conj conj
321        in
322          Thm.CONJ (prove_conj dict l) (prove_conj dict r)
323        end
324    val r_imp_l = Thm.DISCH r (prove_conj dict l)
325    val l_imp_r = Thm.DISCH l (Thm.NOT_INTRO (Thm.DISCH disj F_th))
326  in
327    Drule.IMP_ANTISYM_RULE l_imp_r r_imp_l
328  end
330  (* returns |- ~MEM x [a; b; c] = x <> a /\ x <> b /\ x <> c; fails
331     if not applied to a term of the form ``~MEM x [a; b; c]`` *)
332  fun NOT_MEM_CONV tm =
333  let
334    val (x, list) = listSyntax.dest_mem (boolSyntax.dest_neg tm)
335  in
336    let
337      val (h, t) = listSyntax.dest_cons list
338      (* |- ~MEM x (h::t) = (x <> h) /\ ~MEM x t *)
339      val th1 = Drule.ISPECL [x, h, t] NOT_MEM_CONS
340      val (neq, notmem) = boolSyntax.dest_conj (boolSyntax.rhs
341        (Thm.concl th1))
342      (* |- ~MEM x t = rhs *)
343      val th2 = NOT_MEM_CONV notmem
344      (* |- (x <> h) /\ ~MEM x t = (x <> h) /\ rhs *)
345      val th3 = Thm.AP_TERM (Term.mk_comb (boolSyntax.conjunction, neq)) th2
346      (* |- ~MEM x (h::t) = (x <> h) /\ rhs *)
347      val th4 = Thm.TRANS th1 th3
348    in
349      if boolSyntax.rhs (Thm.concl th2) = boolSyntax.T then
350        Thm.TRANS th4 (Thm.SPEC neq AND_T)
351      else
352        th4
353    end
354    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>  (* 'list' is not a cons *)
355      if listSyntax.is_nil list then
356        (* |- ~MEM x [] = T *)
357        Drule.ISPEC x NOT_MEM_NIL
358      else
359        raise ERR "NOT_MEM_CONV" ""
360  end
362  (* returns "|- ALL_DISTINCT [x; y; z] = (x <> y /\ x <> z) /\ y <>
363     z" (note the parentheses); fails if not applied to a term of the
364     form ``ALL_DISTINCT [x; y; z]`` *)
365  fun ALL_DISTINCT_CONV tm =
366  let
367    val list = listSyntax.dest_all_distinct tm
368  in
369    let
370      val (h, t) = listSyntax.dest_cons list
371      (* |- ALL_DISTINCT (h::t) = ~MEM h t /\ ALL_DISTINCT t *)
372      val th1 = Drule.ISPECL [h, t] ALL_DISTINCT_CONS
373      val (notmem, alldistinct) = boolSyntax.dest_conj
374        (boolSyntax.rhs (Thm.concl th1))
375      (* |- ~MEM h t = something *)
376      val th2 = NOT_MEM_CONV notmem
377      val something = boolSyntax.rhs (Thm.concl th2)
378      (* |- ALL_DISTINCT t = rhs *)
379      val th3 = ALL_DISTINCT_CONV alldistinct
380      val rhs = boolSyntax.rhs (Thm.concl th3)
381      val th4 = Drule.SPECL [notmem, something, alldistinct, rhs] CONJ_CONG
382      (* |- ~MEM h t /\ ALL_DISTINCT t = something /\ rhs *)
383      val th5 = Thm.MP (Thm.MP th4 th2) th3
384      (* |- ALL_DISTINCT (h::t) = something /\ rhs *)
385      val th6 = Thm.TRANS th1 th5
386    in
387      if rhs = boolSyntax.T then
388        Thm.TRANS th6 (Thm.SPEC something AND_T)
389      else
390        th6
391    end
392    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>  (* 'list' is not a cons *)
393      (* |- ALL_DISTINCT [] = T *)
394      Thm.INST_TYPE [{redex = Type.alpha, residue = listSyntax.dest_nil list}]
396  end
398  (* returns |- (x = y) = (y = x), provided ``y = x`` is LESS than ``x
399     = y`` wrt. Term.compare; fails if applied to a term that is not
400     an equation; may raise Conv.UNCHANGED *)
401  fun REORIENT_SYM_CONV tm =
402  let
403    val tm' = boolSyntax.mk_eq (Lib.swap (boolSyntax.dest_eq tm))
404  in
405    if Term.compare (tm', tm) = LESS then
406      Conv.SYM_CONV tm
407    else
408      raise Conv.UNCHANGED
409  end
411  (* returns |- ALL_DISTINCT ... /\ T = ... *)
412  fun rewrite_all_distinct (l, r) =
413  let
414    fun ALL_DISTINCT_AND_T_CONV t =
416        handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
417          let
418            val all_distinct = Lib.fst (boolSyntax.dest_conj t)
419            val all_distinct_th = ALL_DISTINCT_CONV all_distinct
420          in
421            Thm.TRANS (Thm.SPEC all_distinct AND_T) all_distinct_th
422          end
424    (* since ALL_DISTINCT may be present in both 'l' and 'r', we
425       normalize both 'l' and 'r' *)
426    val l_eq_l' = Conv.THENC (ALL_DISTINCT_AND_T_CONV, REORIENT_CONV) l
427    val r_eq_r' = Conv.THENC (fn t => ALL_DISTINCT_AND_T_CONV t
428      handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => raise Conv.UNCHANGED, REORIENT_CONV) r
429      handle Conv.UNCHANGED => Thm.REFL r
430    (* get rid of parentheses *)
431    val l'_eq_r' = Drule.CONJUNCTS_AC (boolSyntax.rhs (Thm.concl l_eq_l'),
432      boolSyntax.rhs (Thm.concl r_eq_r'))
433  in
434    Thm.TRANS (Thm.TRANS l_eq_l' l'_eq_r') (Thm.SYM r_eq_r')
435  end
437  (* replaces distinct if-then-else terms by distinct variables;
438     returns the generalized term and a map from ite-subterms to
439     variables (treating anything but combinations as atomic, i.e.,
440     this function does NOT descend into lambda-abstractions) *)
441  fun generalize_ite t =
442  let
443    fun aux (dict, t) =
444      if boolSyntax.is_cond t then (
445        case Redblackmap.peek (dict, t) of
446          SOME var =>
447          (dict, var)
448        | NONE =>
449          let
450            val var = Term.genvar (Term.type_of t)
451          in
452            (Redblackmap.insert (dict, t, var), var)
453          end
454      ) else (
455        let
456          val (l, r) = Term.dest_comb t
457          val (dict, l) = aux (dict, l)
458          val (dict, r) = aux (dict, r)
459        in
460          (dict, Term.mk_comb (l, r))
461        end
462        handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
463          (* 't' is not a combination *)
464          (dict, t)
465      )
466  in
467    aux (Redblackmap.mkDict Term.compare, t)
468  end
470  (***************************************************************************)
471  (* implementation of Z3's inference rules                                  *)
472  (***************************************************************************)
474  (* The Z3 documentation is rather outdated (as of version 2.11) and
475     imprecise with respect to the semantics of Z3's inference rules.
476     Ultimately, the most reliable way to determine the semantics is
477     by observation: I applied Z3 to a large collection of SMT-LIB
478     benchmarks, and from the resulting proofs I inferred what each
479     inference rule does.  Therefore the implementation below may not
480     cover rare corner cases that were not exercised by any benchmark
481     in the collection. *)
483  fun z3_and_elim (state, thm, t) =
484    (state, Library.conj_elim (thm, t))
486  fun z3_asserted (state, t) =
487    (state_assert state t, Thm.ASSUME t)
489  fun z3_commutativity (state, t) =
490  let
491    val (x, y) = boolSyntax.dest_eq (boolSyntax.lhs t)
492  in
493    (state, Drule.ISPECL [x, y] boolTheory.EQ_SYM_EQ)
494  end
496  (* Instances of Tseitin-style propositional tautologies:
497     (or (not (and p q)) p)
498     (or (not (and p q)) q)
499     (or (and p q) (not p) (not q))
500     (or (not (or p q)) p q)
501     (or (or p q) (not p))
502     (or (or p q) (not q))
503     (or (not (iff p q)) (not p) q)
504     (or (not (iff p q)) p (not q))
505     (or (iff p q) (not p) (not q))
506     (or (iff p q) p q)
507     (or (not (ite a b c)) (not a) b)
508     (or (not (ite a b c)) a c)
509     (or (ite a b c) (not a) (not b))
510     (or (ite a b c) a (not c))
511     (or (not (not a)) (not a))
512     (or (not a) a)
514     Also
515     (or p (= x (ite p y x)))
517     Also
518     ~ALL_DISTINCT [x; y; z] \/ (x <> y /\ x <> z /\ y <> z)
519     ~(ALL_DISTINCT [x; y; z] /\ T) \/ (x <> y /\ x <> z /\ y <> z)
521     There is a complication: 't' may contain arbitarily many
522     irrelevant (nested) conjuncts/disjuncts, i.e.,
523     conjunction/disjunction in the above tautologies can be of
524     arbitrary arity.
526     For the most part, 'z3_def_axiom' could be implemented by a
527     single call to TAUT_PROVE.  The (partly less general)
528     implementation below, however, is considerably faster.
529  *)
530  fun z3_def_axiom (state, t) =
531    (state, Z3_ProformaThms.prove Z3_ProformaThms.def_axiom_thms t)
532    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
533    (* or (or ... p ...) (not p) *)
534    (* or (or ... (not p) ...) p *)
535    (state, Library.gen_excluded_middle t)
536    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
537    (* (or (not (and ... p ...)) p) *)
538    let
539      val (lhs, rhs) = boolSyntax.dest_disj t
540      val conj = boolSyntax.dest_neg lhs
541      (* conj |- rhs *)
542      val thm = Library.conj_elim (Thm.ASSUME conj, rhs)  (* may fail *)
543    in
544      (* |- lhs \/ rhs *)
545      (state, Drule.IMP_ELIM (Thm.DISCH conj thm))
546    end
547    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
548    (* ~ALL_DISTINCT [x; y; z] \/ x <> y /\ x <> z /\ y <> z *)
549    (* ~(ALL_DISTINCT [x; y; z] /\ T) \/ x <> y /\ x <> z /\ y <> z *)
550    let
551      val (l, r) = boolSyntax.dest_disj t
552      val all_distinct = boolSyntax.dest_neg l
553      val all_distinct_th = ALL_DISTINCT_CONV all_distinct
554        handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
555          let
556            val all_distinct = Lib.fst (boolSyntax.dest_conj all_distinct)
557            val all_distinct_th = ALL_DISTINCT_CONV all_distinct
558          in
559            Thm.TRANS (Thm.SPEC all_distinct AND_T) all_distinct_th
560          end
561      (* get rid of parentheses *)
562      val l_eq_r = Thm.TRANS all_distinct_th (Drule.CONJUNCTS_AC
563        (boolSyntax.rhs (Thm.concl all_distinct_th), r))
564    in
565      (state, Drule.IMP_ELIM (Lib.fst (Thm.EQ_IMP_RULE l_eq_r)))
566    end
568  (* (!x y z. P) = P *)
569  fun z3_elim_unused (state, t) =
570  let
571    val (lhs, rhs) = boolSyntax.dest_eq t
572    fun strip_some_foralls forall =
573    let
574      val (var, body) = boolSyntax.dest_forall forall
575      val th1 = Thm.DISCH forall (Thm.SPEC var (Thm.ASSUME forall))
576      val th2 = Thm.DISCH body (Thm.GEN var (Thm.ASSUME body))
577      val strip_th = Drule.IMP_ANTISYM_RULE th1 th2
578    in
579      if body = rhs then
580        strip_th  (* stripped enough quantifiers *)
581      else
582        Thm.TRANS strip_th (strip_some_foralls body)
583      end
584  in
585    (state, strip_some_foralls lhs)
586  end
588  (* introduces a local hypothesis (which must be discharged by
589     'z3_lemma' at some later point in the proof) *)
590  fun z3_hypothesis (state, t) =
591    (state, Thm.ASSUME t)
593  (*   ... |- p
594     ------------
595     ... |- p = T *)
596  fun z3_iff_true (state, thm, _) =
597    (state, Thm.MP (Thm.SPEC (Thm.concl thm) VALID_IFF_TRUE) thm)
599  (*  [l1, ..., ln] |- F
600     --------------------
601     |- ~l1 \/ ... \/ ~ln
603     'z3_lemma' could be implemented (essentially) by a single call to
604     'TAUT_PROVE'.  The (less general) implementation below, however,
605     is considerably faster. *)
606  fun z3_lemma (state, thm, t) =
607  let
608    fun prove_literal maybe_no_hyp (th, lit) =
609    let
610      val (is_neg, neg_lit) = (true, boolSyntax.dest_neg lit)
611        handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => (false, boolSyntax.mk_neg lit)
612    in
613      if maybe_no_hyp orelse HOLset.member (Thm.hypset th, neg_lit) then
614        let
615          val concl = Thm.concl th
616          val th1 = Thm.DISCH neg_lit th
617        in
618          if is_neg then (
619            if concl = boolSyntax.F then
620              (* [...] |- ~neg_lit *)
621              Thm.NOT_INTRO th1
622            else
623              (* [...] |- ~neg_lit \/ concl *)
624              Thm.MP (Drule.SPECL [neg_lit, concl] IMP_DISJ_1) th1
625          ) else
626            if concl = boolSyntax.F then
627              (* [...] |- lit *)
628              Thm.MP (Thm.SPEC lit IMP_FALSE) th1
629            else
630              (* [...] |- lit \/ concl *)
631              Thm.MP (Drule.SPECL [lit, concl] IMP_DISJ_2) th1
632        end
633      else
634        raise ERR "z3_lemma" ""
635    end
636    fun prove (th, disj) =
637      prove_literal false (th, disj)
638        handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
639          let
640            val (l, r) = boolSyntax.dest_disj disj
641          in
642            (* We do NOT break 'l' apart recursively (because that would be
643               slightly tricky to implement, and require associativity of
644               disjunction).  Thus, 't' must be parenthesized to the right
645               (e.g., "l1 \/ (l2 \/ l3)"). *)
646            prove_literal true (prove (th, r), l)
647          end
648  in
649    (state, prove (thm, t))
650  end
652  (* |- l1 = r1  ...  |- ln = rn
653     ----------------------------
654     |- f l1 ... ln = f r1 ... rn *)
655  fun z3_monotonicity (state, thms, t) =
656  let
657    val l_r_thms = List.map
658      (fn thm => (boolSyntax.dest_eq (Thm.concl thm), thm)) thms
659    fun make_equal (l, r) =
660      Thm.ALPHA l r
661      handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
662        Lib.tryfind (fn ((l', r'), thm) =>
663          Thm.TRANS (Thm.ALPHA l l') (Thm.TRANS thm (Thm.ALPHA r' r))
664            handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
665              Thm.TRANS (Thm.ALPHA l r')
666                (Thm.TRANS (Thm.SYM thm) (Thm.ALPHA l' r))) l_r_thms
667      handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
668        let
669          val (l_op, l_arg) = Term.dest_comb l
670          val (r_op, r_arg) = Term.dest_comb r
671        in
672          Thm.MK_COMB (make_equal (l_op, r_op), make_equal (l_arg, r_arg))
673        end
674    val (l, r) = boolSyntax.dest_eq t
675    val thm = make_equal (l, r)
676      handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
677        (* surprisingly, 'l' is sometimes of the form ``x /\ y ==> z``
678           and must be transformed into ``x ==> y ==> z`` before any
679           of the theorems in 'thms' can be applied - this is arguably
680           a bug in Z3 (2.11) *)
681        let
682          val (xy, z) = boolSyntax.dest_imp l
683          val (x, y) = boolSyntax.dest_conj xy
684          val th1 = Drule.SPECL [x, y, z] AND_IMP_INTRO_SYM
685          val l' = Lib.snd (boolSyntax.dest_eq (Thm.concl th1))
686        in
687          Thm.TRANS th1 (make_equal (l', r))
688        end
689  in
690    (state, thm)
691  end
693  fun z3_mp (state, thm1, thm2, t) =
694    (state, Thm.MP thm2 thm1 handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => Thm.EQ_MP thm2 thm1)
696  (* ~(... \/ p \/ ...)
697     ------------------
698             ~p         *)
699  fun z3_not_or_elim (state, thm, t) =
700  let
701    val (is_neg, neg_t) = (true, boolSyntax.dest_neg t)
702      handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
703        (false, boolSyntax.mk_neg t)
704    val disj = boolSyntax.dest_neg (Thm.concl thm)
705    (* neg_t |- disj *)
706    val th1 = Library.disj_intro (Thm.ASSUME neg_t, disj)
707    (* |- ~disj ==> ~neg_t *)
708    val th1 = Drule.CONTRAPOS (Thm.DISCH neg_t th1)
709    (* |- ~neg_t *)
710    val th1 = Thm.MP th1 thm
711  in
712    (state, if is_neg then th1 else Thm.MP (Thm.SPEC t NOT_NOT_ELIM) th1)
713  end
715  (*         P = Q
716     ---------------------
717     (!x. P x) = (!y. Q y) *)
718  fun z3_quant_intro (state, thm, t) =
719  let
720    val (lhs, rhs) = boolSyntax.dest_eq t
721    val (bvars, _) = boolSyntax.strip_forall lhs
722    (* P may be a quantified proposition itself; only retain *new*
723       quantifiers *)
724    val (P, _) = boolSyntax.dest_eq (Thm.concl thm)
725    val bvars = List.take (bvars, List.length bvars -
726      List.length (Lib.fst (boolSyntax.strip_forall P)))
727    (* P and Q in the conclusion may require variable renaming to match
728       the premise -- we only look at P and hope Q will come out right *)
729    fun strip_some_foralls 0 term =
730      term
731      | strip_some_foralls n term =
732      strip_some_foralls (n - 1) (Lib.snd (boolSyntax.dest_forall term))
733    val len = List.length bvars
734    val (tmsubst, _) = Term.match_term P (strip_some_foralls len lhs)
735    val thm = Thm.INST tmsubst thm
736    (* add quantifiers (on both sides) *)
737    val thm = List.foldr (fn (bvar, th) => Drule.FORALL_EQ bvar th)
738      thm bvars
739    (* rename bvars on rhs if necessary *)
740    val (_, intermediate_rhs) = boolSyntax.dest_eq (Thm.concl thm)
741    val thm = Thm.TRANS thm (Thm.ALPHA intermediate_rhs rhs)
742  in
743    (state, thm)
744  end
746  fun z3_rewrite (state, t) =
747  let
748    val (l, r) = boolSyntax.dest_eq t
749  in
750    if l = r then
751      (state, Thm.REFL l)
752    else
753      (* proforma theorems *)
754      (state, profile "rewrite(01)(proforma)"
755        (Z3_ProformaThms.prove Z3_ProformaThms.rewrite_thms) t)
756    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
758    (* cached theorems *)
759    (state, profile "rewrite(02)(cache)" (state_inst_cached_thm state) t)
760    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
762    (* re-ordering conjunctions and disjunctions *)
763    profile "rewrite(04)(conj/disj)" (fn () =>
764      if boolSyntax.is_conj l then
765        (state, profile "rewrite(04.1)(conj)" rewrite_conj (l, r))
766      else if boolSyntax.is_disj l then
767        (state, profile "rewrite(04.2)(disj)" rewrite_disj (l, r))
768      else
769        raise ERR "" "") ()
770    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
772    (* |- r1 /\ ... /\ rn = ~(s1 \/ ... \/ sn) *)
773    (state, profile "rewrite(05)(nnf)" rewrite_nnf (l, r))
774    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
776    (* at this point, we should have dealt with all propositional
777       tautologies (i.e., 'tautLib.TAUT_PROVE t' should fail here) *)
779    (* |- ALL_DISTINCT ... /\ T = ... *)
780    (state, profile "rewrite(06)(all_distinct)" rewrite_all_distinct (l, r))
781    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
783    let
784      val thm = profile "rewrite(07)(SIMP_PROVE_UPDATE)" SIMP_PROVE_UPDATE t
785        handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
787        profile "rewrite(08)(WORD_DP)" (wordsLib.WORD_DP
788          (bossLib.SIMP_CONV (bossLib.++ (bossLib.++ (bossLib.arith_ss,
789            wordsLib.WORD_ss), wordsLib.WORD_EXTRACT_ss)) [])
790          (Drule.EQT_ELIM o (bossLib.SIMP_CONV bossLib.arith_ss []))) t
791        handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
793        profile "rewrite(09)(WORD_ARITH_CONV)" (fn () =>
794          Drule.EQT_ELIM (wordsLib.WORD_ARITH_CONV t)
795            handle Conv.UNCHANGED => raise ERR "" "") ()
796        handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
798        profile "rewrite(10)(BBLAST)" blastLib.BBLAST_PROVE t
799        handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
801        if term_contains_real_ty t then
802          profile "rewrite(11.1)(REAL_ARITH)" realLib.REAL_ARITH t
803        else
804          profile "rewrite(11.2)(ARITH_PROVE)" intLib.ARITH_PROVE t
805    in
806      (state_cache_thm state thm, thm)
807    end
808  end
810  fun z3_symm (state, thm, t) =
811    (state, Thm.SYM thm)
813  fun th_lemma_wrapper (name : string)
814    (th_lemma_implementation : state * Term.term -> state * Thm.thm)
815    (state, thms, t) : state * Thm.thm =
816  let
817    val t' = boolSyntax.list_mk_imp (List.map Thm.concl thms, t)
818    val (state, thm) = (state,
819      (* proforma theorems *)
820      profile ("th_lemma[" ^ name ^ "](1)(proforma)")
821        (Z3_ProformaThms.prove Z3_ProformaThms.th_lemma_thms) t'
822      handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
823        (* cached theorems *)
824        profile ("th_lemma[" ^ name ^ "](2)(cache)")
825          (state_inst_cached_thm state) t')
826      handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
827        (* do actual work to derive the theorem *)
828        th_lemma_implementation (state, t')
829  in
830    (state, Drule.LIST_MP thms thm)
831  end
833  val z3_th_lemma_arith = th_lemma_wrapper "arith" (fn (state, t) =>
834    let
835      val (dict, t') = generalize_ite t
836      val thm = if term_contains_real_ty t' then
837          (* this is just a heuristic - it is quite conceivable that a
838             term that contains type real is provable by integer
839             arithmetic *)
840          profile "th_lemma[arith](3.1)(real)" realLib.REAL_ARITH t'
841        else
842          profile "th_lemma[arith](3.2)(int)" intLib.ARITH_PROVE t'
843      val subst = List.map (fn (term, var) => {redex = var, residue = term})
844        (Redblackmap.listItems dict)
845    in
846      (* cache 'thm', instantiate to undo 'generalize_ite' *)
847      (state_cache_thm state thm, Thm.INST subst thm)
848    end)
850  val z3_th_lemma_array = th_lemma_wrapper "array" (fn (state, t) =>
851    let
852      val thm = profile "th_lemma[array](3)(SIMP_PROVE_UPDATE)"
853        SIMP_PROVE_UPDATE t
854    in
855      (* cache 'thm' *)
856      (state_cache_thm state thm, thm)
857    end)
859  val z3_th_lemma_basic = th_lemma_wrapper "basic" (fn (state, t) =>
860    (*TODO: not implemented yet*)
861    raise ERR "" "")
863  val z3_th_lemma_bv =
864  let
865    (* TODO: I would like to find out whether PURE_REWRITE_TAC is
866             faster than SIMP_TAC here. However, using the former
867             instead of the latter causes HOL4 to segfault on various
868             SMT-LIB benchmark proofs. So far I do not know the reason
869             for these segfaults. *)
870    val COND_REWRITE_TAC = (*Rewrite.PURE_REWRITE_TAC*) simpLib.SIMP_TAC
871      simpLib.empty_ss [boolTheory.COND_RAND, boolTheory.COND_RATOR]
872  in
873    th_lemma_wrapper "bv" (fn (state, t) =>
874      let
875        val thm = profile "th_lemma[bv](3)(WORD_BIT_EQ)" (fn () =>
876          Drule.EQT_ELIM (Conv.THENC (simpLib.SIMP_CONV (simpLib.++
877            (simpLib.++ (bossLib.std_ss, wordsLib.WORD_ss),
878            wordsLib.WORD_BIT_EQ_ss)) [], tautLib.TAUT_CONV) t)) ()
879        handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
881          profile "th_lemma[bv](4)(COND_BBLAST)" Tactical.prove (t,
882            Tactical.THEN (profile "th_lemma[bv](4.1)(COND_REWRITE_TAC)"
883              COND_REWRITE_TAC, profile "th_lemma[bv](4.2)(BBLAST_TAC)"
884              blastLib.BBLAST_TAC))
885      in
886        (* cache 'thm' *)
887        (state_cache_thm state thm, thm)
888      end)
889  end
891  fun z3_trans (state, thm1, thm2, t) =
892    (state, Thm.TRANS thm1 thm2)
894  fun z3_true_axiom (state, t) =
895    (state, boolTheory.TRUTH)
897  fun z3_unit_resolution (state, thms, t) =
898    (state, unit_resolution (thms, t))
900  (* end of inference rule implementations *)
902  (***************************************************************************)
903  (* proof traversal, turning proofterms into theorems                       *)
904  (***************************************************************************)
906  (* We use a depth-first post-order traversal of the proof, checking
907     each premise of a proofterm (i.e., deriving the corresponding
908     theorem) before checking the proofterm's inference itself.
909     Proofterms that have proof IDs then cause the proof to be updated
910     (at this ID) immediately after they have been checked, so that
911     future uses of the same proof ID merely require a lookup in the
912     proof (rather than a new derivation of the theorem).  To achieve
913     a tail-recursive implementation, we use continuation-passing
914     style. *)
916  fun check_thm (name, thm, concl) =
917    if Thm.concl thm <> concl then
918      raise ERR "check_thm" (name ^ ": conclusion is " ^ Hol_pp.term_to_string
919        (Thm.concl thm) ^ ", expected: " ^ Hol_pp.term_to_string concl)
920    else if !Library.trace > 2 then
921      Feedback.HOL_MESG
922        ("HolSmtLib: " ^ name ^ " proved: " ^ Hol_pp.thm_to_string thm)
923    else ()
925  fun zero_prems (state : state, proof : proof)
926      (name : string)
927      (z3_rule_fn : state * Term.term -> state * Thm.thm)
928      (concl : Term.term)
929      (continuation : (state * proof) * Thm.thm -> (state * proof) * Thm.thm)
930      : (state * proof) * Thm.thm =
931  let
932    val (state, thm) = profile name z3_rule_fn (state, concl)
933      handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
934        raise ERR name (Hol_pp.term_to_string concl)
935    val _ = profile "check_thm" check_thm (name, thm, concl)
936  in
937    continuation ((state, proof), thm)
938  end
940  fun one_prem (state_proof : state * proof)
941      (name : string)
942      (z3_rule_fn : state * Thm.thm * Term.term -> state * Thm.thm)
943      (pt : proofterm, concl : Term.term)
944      (continuation : (state * proof) * Thm.thm -> (state * proof) * Thm.thm)
945      : (state * proof) * Thm.thm =
946    thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, pt) (continuation o
947      (fn ((state, proof), thm) =>
948        let
949          val (state, thm) = profile name z3_rule_fn (state, thm, concl)
950            handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
951              raise ERR name (Hol_pp.thm_to_string thm ^ ", " ^
952                Hol_pp.term_to_string concl)
953          val _ = profile "check_thm" check_thm (name, thm, concl)
954        in
955          ((state, proof), thm)
956        end))
958  and two_prems (state_proof : state * proof)
959      (name : string)
960      (z3_rule_fn : state * Thm.thm * Thm.thm * Term.term -> state * Thm.thm)
961      (pt1 : proofterm, pt2 : proofterm, concl : Term.term)
962      (continuation : (state * proof) * Thm.thm -> (state * proof) * Thm.thm)
963      : (state * proof) * Thm.thm =
964    thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, pt1) (continuation o
965      (fn (state_proof, thm1) =>
966        thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, pt2) (fn ((state, proof), thm2) =>
967          let
968            val (state, thm) = profile name z3_rule_fn
969              (state, thm1, thm2, concl)
970                handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
971                  raise ERR name (Hol_pp.thm_to_string thm1 ^ ", " ^
972                    Hol_pp.thm_to_string thm2 ^ ", " ^
973                    Hol_pp.term_to_string concl)
974            val _ = profile "check_thm" check_thm (name, thm, concl)
975          in
976            ((state, proof), thm)
977          end)))
979  and list_prems (state : state, proof : proof)
980      (name : string)
981      (z3_rule_fn : state * Thm.thm list * Term.term -> state * Thm.thm)
982      ([] : proofterm list, concl : Term.term)
983      (continuation : (state * proof) * Thm.thm -> (state * proof) * Thm.thm)
984      (acc : Thm.thm list)
985      : (state * proof) * Thm.thm =
986    let
987      val acc = List.rev acc
988      val (state, thm) = profile name z3_rule_fn (state, acc, concl)
989        handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
990          raise ERR name ("[" ^ String.concatWith ", " (List.map
991            Hol_pp.thm_to_string acc) ^ "], " ^ Hol_pp.term_to_string concl)
992      val _ = profile "check_thm" check_thm (name, thm, concl)
993    in
994      continuation ((state, proof), thm)
995    end
996    | list_prems (state_proof : state * proof)
997      (name : string)
998      (z3_rule_fn : state * Thm.thm list * Term.term -> state * Thm.thm)
999      (pt :: pts : proofterm list, concl : Term.term)
1000      (continuation : (state * proof) * Thm.thm -> (state * proof) * Thm.thm)
1001      (acc : Thm.thm list)
1002      : (state * proof) * Thm.thm =
1003    thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, pt) (fn (state_proof, thm) =>
1004      list_prems state_proof name z3_rule_fn (pts, concl) continuation
1005        (thm :: acc))
1007  and thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, AND_ELIM x) continuation =
1008        one_prem state_proof "and_elim" z3_and_elim x continuation
1009    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, ASSERTED x) continuation =
1010        zero_prems state_proof "asserted" z3_asserted x continuation
1011    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, COMMUTATIVITY x) continuation =
1012        zero_prems state_proof "commutativity" z3_commutativity x continuation
1013    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, DEF_AXIOM x) continuation =
1014        zero_prems state_proof "def_axiom" z3_def_axiom x continuation
1015    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, ELIM_UNUSED x) continuation =
1016        zero_prems state_proof "elim_unused" z3_elim_unused x continuation
1017    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, HYPOTHESIS x) continuation =
1018        zero_prems state_proof "hypothesis" z3_hypothesis x continuation
1019    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, IFF_TRUE x) continuation =
1020        one_prem state_proof "iff_true" z3_iff_true x continuation
1021    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, LEMMA x) continuation =
1022        one_prem state_proof "lemma" z3_lemma x continuation
1023    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, MONOTONICITY x) continuation =
1024        list_prems state_proof "monotonicity" z3_monotonicity x continuation []
1025    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, MP x) continuation =
1026        two_prems state_proof "mp" z3_mp x continuation
1027    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, NOT_OR_ELIM x) continuation =
1028        one_prem state_proof "not_or_elim" z3_not_or_elim x continuation
1029    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, QUANT_INTRO x) continuation =
1030        one_prem state_proof "quant_intro" z3_quant_intro x continuation
1031    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, REWRITE x) continuation =
1032        zero_prems state_proof "rewrite" z3_rewrite x continuation
1033    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, SYMM x) continuation =
1034        one_prem state_proof "symm" z3_symm x continuation
1035    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, TH_LEMMA_ARITH x) continuation =
1036        list_prems state_proof "th_lemma[arith]" z3_th_lemma_arith x
1037          continuation []
1038    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, TH_LEMMA_ARRAY x) continuation =
1039        list_prems state_proof "th_lemma[array]" z3_th_lemma_array x
1040          continuation []
1041    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, TH_LEMMA_BASIC x) continuation =
1042        list_prems state_proof "th_lemma[basic]" z3_th_lemma_basic x
1043          continuation []
1044    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, TH_LEMMA_BV x) continuation =
1045        list_prems state_proof "th_lemma[bv]" z3_th_lemma_bv x continuation []
1046    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, TRANS x) continuation =
1047        two_prems state_proof "trans" z3_trans x continuation
1048    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, TRUE_AXIOM x) continuation =
1049        zero_prems state_proof "true_axiom" z3_true_axiom x continuation
1050    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, UNIT_RESOLUTION x) continuation =
1051        list_prems state_proof "unit_resolution" z3_unit_resolution x
1052          continuation []
1053    | thm_of_proofterm ((state, proof), ID id) continuation =
1054        (case Redblackmap.peek (proof, id) of
1055          SOME (THEOREM thm) =>
1056            continuation ((state, proof), thm)
1057        | SOME pt =>
1058            thm_of_proofterm ((state, proof), pt) (continuation o
1059              (* update the proof, replacing the original proofterm with
1060                 the theorem just derived *)
1061              (fn ((state, proof), thm) =>
1062                (
1063                  if !Library.trace > 2 then
1064                    Feedback.HOL_MESG
1065                      ("HolSmtLib: updating proof at ID " ^ Int.toString id)
1066                  else ();
1067                  ((state, Redblackmap.insert (proof, id, THEOREM thm)), thm)
1068                )))
1069        | NONE =>
1070            raise ERR "thm_of_proofterm"
1071              ("proof has no proofterm for ID " ^ Int.toString id))
1072    | thm_of_proofterm (state_proof, THEOREM thm) continuation =
1073        continuation (state_proof, thm)
1077  (* returns a theorem that concludes ``F``, with its hypotheses (a
1078     subset of) those asserted in the proof *)
1079  fun check_proof proof : Thm.thm =
1080  let
1081    val _ = if !Library.trace > 1 then
1082        Feedback.HOL_MESG "HolSmtLib: checking Z3 proof"
1083      else ()
1085    (* initial state *)
1086    val state = {
1087      asserted_hyps = Term.empty_tmset,
1088      thm_cache = Net.empty
1089    }
1091    (* ID 0 denotes the proof's root node *)
1092    val ((state, _), thm) = thm_of_proofterm ((state, proof), ID 0) Lib.I
1094    val _ = Thm.concl thm = boolSyntax.F orelse
1095      raise ERR "check_proof" "final conclusion is not 'F'"
1097    (* check that the final theorem contains no hyps other than those
1098       that have been asserted *)
1099    val _ = profile "check_proof(hypcheck)" HOLset.isSubset (Thm.hypset thm,
1100        #asserted_hyps state) orelse
1101      raise ERR "check_proof" "final theorem contains additional hyp(s)"
1102  in
1103    thm
1104  end
1106end  (* local *)