2    Copyright (c) 2001, 2015
3        David C.J. Matthews
5    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12    Lesser General Public License for more details.
14    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
19structure Metafile :
20  sig
22    type HMETAFILE
23    type HDC (*= Base.HDC*)
24    type RECT = { top: int, left: int, bottom: int, right: int }
25    type SIZE = { cx: int, cy: int }
26    datatype MapMode = datatype Transform.MapMode
27    type METAFILEPICT = {mm: MapMode, size: SIZE, hMF: HMETAFILE}
29    type ENHMETAHEADER =
30        {
31            bounds: RECT, frame: RECT, fileSize: int, records: int,
32            handles: int, palEntries: int, resolutionPixels: SIZE,
33            resolutionMM: SIZE, openGL: bool
34        }
36    val CloseEnhMetaFile : HDC -> HENHMETAFILE
37    val CloseMetaFile : HDC -> HMETAFILE
38    val CopyEnhMetaFile : HENHMETAFILE * string -> HENHMETAFILE
39    val CopyMetaFile : HMETAFILE * string -> HMETAFILE
40    val CreateEnhMetaFile :
41       HDC * string option * RECT *
42       {pictureName: string, applicationName: string} option -> HDC
43    val CreateMetaFile : string option -> HDC
44    val DeleteEnhMetaFile : HENHMETAFILE -> unit
45    val DeleteMetaFile : HMETAFILE -> unit
46    val GdiComment : HDC * Word8Vector.vector -> unit
47    val GetEnhMetaFile : string -> HENHMETAFILE
48    val GetEnhMetaFileBits : HENHMETAFILE -> Word8Vector.vector
49    val GetEnhMetaFileDescription :
50       HENHMETAFILE -> {pictureName: string, applicationName: string} option
51    val GetEnhMetaFileHeader : HENHMETAFILE -> ENHMETAHEADER
52    val GetMetaFile : string -> HMETAFILE
53    val GetMetaFileBitsEx : HMETAFILE -> Word8Vector.vector
54    val GetWinMetaFileBits :
55       HENHMETAFILE * Transform.MapMode * HDC -> Word8Vector.vector
56    val PlayEnhMetaFile : HDC * HENHMETAFILE * RECT -> unit
57    val PlayMetaFile : HDC * HMETAFILE -> unit
58    val SetEnhMetaFileBits : Word8Vector.vector -> HENHMETAFILE
59    val SetWinMetaFileBits :
60       Word8Vector.vector * HDC * {size: SIZE, mapMode: MapMode} option -> HENHMETAFILE
62  end =
64    local
65        open Foreign Base GdiBase
66    in
67        datatype MapMode = datatype Transform.MapMode
69        type HDC = Base.HDC
70        type SIZE = SIZE and RECT = RECT
73        (* TODO: Many of these should check for NULL as a result indicating an error. *)
74        val CloseEnhMetaFile = winCall1 (gdi "CloseEnhMetaFile") (cHDC) cHENHMETAFILE
75        and CloseMetaFile = winCall1 (gdi "CloseMetaFile") (cHDC) cHMETAFILE
76        and CopyEnhMetaFile = winCall2 (gdi "CopyEnhMetaFileA") (cHENHMETAFILE, cString) cHENHMETAFILE
77        and CopyMetaFile = winCall2 (gdi "CopyMetaFileA") (cHMETAFILE, cString) cHMETAFILE
78        and CreateMetaFile = winCall1 (gdi "CreateMetaFileA") (STRINGOPT) cHDC
79        and DeleteEnhMetaFile =
80            winCall1 (gdi "DeleteEnhMetaFile") (cHENHMETAFILE) (successState "DeleteEnhMetaFile")
81        and DeleteMetaFile = winCall1 (gdi "DeleteMetaFile") (cHMETAFILE) (successState "DeleteMetaFile")
82        and GetEnhMetaFile = winCall1 (gdi "GetEnhMetaFileA") (cString) cHENHMETAFILE
83        and GetMetaFile = winCall1 (gdi "GetMetaFileA") (cString) cHMETAFILE
84        and PlayEnhMetaFile = winCall3(gdi "PlayEnhMetaFile") (cHDC, cHENHMETAFILE, cConstStar cRect)
85                (successState "PlayEnhMetaFile")
86        and PlayMetaFile = winCall2(gdi "PlayMetaFile") (cHDC, cHMETAFILE) (successState "PlayMetaFile")
88        local
89            val cemf = winCall4 (gdi "CreateEnhMetaFileA") (cHDC, STRINGOPT, cConstStar cRect, cPointer) cHDC
90        in
91            fun CreateEnhMetaFile(hdc, name, r, NONE) = cemf(hdc, name, r, Memory.null)
92             |  CreateEnhMetaFile(hdc, name, r, SOME{applicationName, pictureName}) =
93                let
94                    val appSize = size applicationName and pictSize = size pictureName
95                    open Memory
96                    val buff = malloc (Word.fromInt(appSize + pictSize + 3))
97                in
98                    (* The two strings are copied to the buffer with a null between and two
99                       nulls at the end. *)
100                    copyStringToMem(buff, 0, applicationName);
101                    copyStringToMem(buff, appSize+1, pictureName);
102                    set8(buff, Word.fromInt(appSize + pictSize + 2), 0w0);
103                    (cemf(hdc, name, r, buff)
104                        handle ex => (free buff; raise ex)) before free buff
105                end
106        end
108        local
109            val gdiComment = winCall3 (gdi "GdiComment") (cHDC, cUint, cPointer) (successState "GdiComment")
110        in
111            fun GdiComment(hdc, v) =
112            let
113                val vecsize = Word8Vector.length v
114                val buff = toCWord8vec v
115            in
116                gdiComment (hdc, vecsize, buff) handle ex => (Memory.free buff; raise ex);
117                Memory.free buff
118            end
119        end
121        local
122            val gemfb = winCall3 (gdi "GetEnhMetaFileBits") (cHENHMETAFILE, cUint, cPointer) 
123                            (cPOSINT "GetEnhMetaFileBits")
124        in
125            fun GetEnhMetaFileBits(hemf: HENHMETAFILE): Word8Vector.vector =
126            let
127                (* Call with a NULL buffer to find out how big it is. *)
128                open Memory
129                val size = gemfb(hemf, 0, Memory.null)
130                val buff = malloc(Word.fromInt size)
131                val res = gemfb(hemf, size, buff) handle ex => (free buff; raise ex)
132            in
133                fromCWord8vec(buff, size) before free buff
134            end
135        end
137        local
138            val gemfb = winCall3 (gdi "GetMetaFileBitsEx") (cHMETAFILE, cUint, cPointer) 
139                            (cPOSINT "GetMetaFileBitsEx")
140        in
141            fun GetMetaFileBitsEx(hemf: HMETAFILE): Word8Vector.vector =
142            let
143                (* Call with a NULL buffer to find out how big it is. *)
144                open Memory
145                val size = gemfb(hemf, 0, Memory.null)
146                val buff = malloc(Word.fromInt size)
147                val res = gemfb(hemf, size, buff) handle ex => (free buff; raise ex)
148            in
149                fromCWord8vec(buff, size) before free buff
150            end
151        end
154        local
155            val gemfd = winCall3 (gdi "GetEnhMetaFileDescriptionA") (cHENHMETAFILE, cUint, cPointer) cInt
156            (* It's supposed to return a uint but GDI_ERROR is -1 *)
157        in
158            fun GetEnhMetaFileDescription(hemf: HENHMETAFILE) =
159                (* Call with a NULL buffer to find out how big it is. *)
160                case gemfd(hemf, 0, Memory.null) of
161                    0 => NONE (* No error - simply no description. *)
162                |   len =>
163                        if len < 0 then raiseSysErr()
164                        else
165                        let
166                            (* The application and picture names are encoded as a pair. *)
167                            open Memory
168                            infix 6 ++
169                            val buff = malloc (Word.fromInt len)
170                            val res = gemfd(hemf, len, buff)
171                            val str1 = fromCstring buff
172                            val str2 = fromCstring(buff ++ Word.fromInt (size str1 +1))
173                        in
174                            SOME {applicationName=str1, pictureName=str2}
175                        end
176        end
178        local
179            val setEnhMetaFileBits = winCall2 (gdi "SetEnhMetaFileBits") (cUint, cPointer) cHENHMETAFILE
180        in
181            fun SetEnhMetaFileBits(v: Word8Vector.vector): HENHMETAFILE =
182            let
183                val mem = toCWord8vec v
184            in
185                (setEnhMetaFileBits (Word8Vector.length v, mem)
186                    handle ex => (Memory.free mem; raise ex)) before Memory.free mem
187            end
188        end
190        local
191            val gwmfb = winCall5 (gdi "GetWinMetaFileBits") (cHENHMETAFILE, cUint, cPointer, cMAPMODE, cHDC)
192                            (cPOSINT "GetWinMetaFileBits")
193        in
194            fun GetWinMetaFileBits(hemf, mapMode, hdc) =
195            let
196                (* Call with a null pointer to get the size. *)
197                open Memory
198                val size = gwmfb(hemf, 0, null, mapMode, hdc)
199                val buff = malloc (Word.fromInt size)
200                val _ = gwmfb(hemf, size, buff, mapMode, hdc)
201                            handle ex => (free buff; raise ex)
202            in
203                fromCWord8vec(buff, size) before free buff
204            end
205        end
207        local
208            val swmfb = winCall4 (gdi "SetWinMetaFileBits") (cUint, cPointer, cHDC, cOptionPtr(cConstStar cMETAFILEPICT)) cHENHMETAFILE
209        in
210            fun SetWinMetaFileBits(v, hdc, opts) =
211            let
212                val optmfp =
213                    case opts of
214                        NONE => NONE
215                    |   SOME {size, mapMode} => SOME {mm=mapMode, size=size, hMF=hgdiObjNull}
216                val mem = toCWord8vec v
217            in
218                (swmfb(Word8Vector.length v, mem, hdc, optmfp)
219                    handle ex => (Memory.free mem; raise ex)) before Memory.free mem
220            end
221        end
223        type ENHMETAHEADER =
224            {
225                bounds: RECT, frame: RECT, fileSize: int, records: int,
226                handles: int, palEntries: int, resolutionPixels: SIZE,
227                resolutionMM: SIZE, openGL: bool
228            }
230        local
231            val ENHMETAHEADER = cStruct18(cDWORD, cDWORD, cRect, cRect, cDWORD, cDWORD, cDWORD, cDWORD,
232                cWORD, cWORD, cDWORD, cDWORD, cDWORD, cSize, cSize, cDWORD, cDWORD, cDWORD)
233            val {load=toEMH, ...} = breakConversion ENHMETAHEADER
234            val gemf = winCall3 (gdi "GetEnhMetaFileHeader") (cHENHMETAFILE, cUint, cPointer)
235                    (cPOSINT "GetEnhMetaFileHeader")
236        in
237            fun GetEnhMetaFileHeader(h: HENHMETAFILE): ENHMETAHEADER =
238            let
239                (* Initial call with a NULL buffer to get size and check the handle. *)
240                open Memory
241                val size = gemf(h, 0, null)
242                val buff = malloc(Word.fromInt size)
243                val _ = gemf(h, size, buff) handle ex => (free buff; raise ex)
244                val (_, _, bounds, frame, _, _, fileSize, records, handles,
245                    _, _, _, palEntries, resolutionPixels, resolutionMM,
246                    _, _, openGL) = toEMH buff
247                val () = free buff
248                (* Ignore the description and the pixelFormat structure.
249                   We can get the description using GetEnhMetaFileDescription. *)
250            in
251                { bounds = bounds, frame = frame, fileSize = fileSize,
252                  records = records, handles = handles, palEntries = palEntries,
253                  resolutionPixels = resolutionPixels, resolutionMM = resolutionMM,
254                  openGL = openGL <> 0 }
255            end
256        end
258    (*
259    Other metafile Functions
260        EnhMetaFileProc  
261        EnumEnhMetaFile  
262        GetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries  
263        PlayEnhMetaFileRecord  
265        Obsolete Functions
266        EnumMetaFile  
267        EnumMetaFileProc  
268        PlayMetaFileRecord  
269        SetMetaFileBitsEx   
270    *)
271    end