2    Copyright (c) 2001, 2015
3        David C.J. Matthews
5    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12    Lesser General Public License for more details.
14    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
19structure Color (* Use American spelling for consistency. *):
20  sig
21    type HPALETTE and HDC
23    datatype
25    type PALETTEENTRY = {red: int, green: int, blue: int, flags: PaletteEntryFlag}
27    type COLORREF
28    val toRGB :
29       COLORREF -> {red: Int.int, blue: Int.int, green: Int.int}
30    val RGB : {red: int, blue: int, green: int} -> COLORREF
31    val PALETTERGB : {red: int, blue: int, green: int} -> COLORREF
33    type SystemPaletteUse
34    val SYSPAL_ERROR : SystemPaletteUse
35    val SYSPAL_NOSTATIC : SystemPaletteUse
36    val SYSPAL_STATIC : SystemPaletteUse
38    val AnimatePalette : HPALETTE * int * PALETTEENTRY list -> bool
39    val CreateHalftonePalette : HDC -> HPALETTE
40    val CreatePalette : PALETTEENTRY list -> HPALETTE
41    val GetNearestColor : HDC * COLORREF -> COLORREF
42    val GetNearestPaletteIndex : HPALETTE * COLORREF -> int
43    val GetPaletteEntries : HPALETTE * int * int -> PALETTEENTRY list
44    val GetSystemPaletteEntries : HDC * int * int -> PALETTEENTRY list
45    val GetSystemPaletteUse : HDC -> SystemPaletteUse
46    val RealizePalette : HDC -> int
47    val ResizePalette : HPALETTE * int -> unit
48    val SelectPalette : HDC * HPALETTE * bool -> HPALETTE
49    val SetPaletteEntries : HPALETTE * int * PALETTEENTRY list -> unit
50    val SetSystemPaletteUse : HDC * SystemPaletteUse -> SystemPaletteUse
51    val UnrealizeObject : HPALETTE -> unit
52    val UpdateColors : HDC -> unit
53  end =
55    local
56        open Foreign Base
57    in
58        type HDC = HDC and HPALETTE = HPALETTE
59        open GdiBase
62        local
63            datatype SystemPaletteUse =
64            W of int
65        in
66            type SystemPaletteUse = SystemPaletteUse
67            val SYSTEMPALETTEUSE = absConversion {abs = W, rep = fn W n => n} cUint
69            val SYSPAL_ERROR                                 = W (0)
70            val SYSPAL_STATIC                                = W (1)
71            val SYSPAL_NOSTATIC                              = W (2)
72        end
74        datatype PaletteEntryFlag = PC_NULL | PC_RESERVED | PC_EXPLICIT | PC_NOCOLLAPSE
75        type PALETTEENTRY = {red: int, green: int, blue: int, flags: PaletteEntryFlag}
77        local
78            val cPaletteEnt = cStruct4(cUint8, cUint8, cUint8, cUint8)
79            val { load=loadPE, store=storePE, ctype={size=peSize, ...} } = breakConversion cPaletteEnt
81            fun toPE({red, green, blue, flags}: PALETTEENTRY) =
82            let
83                val f =
84                    case flags of PC_NULL => 0 | PC_RESERVED => 1
85                    | PC_EXPLICIT => 2 | PC_NOCOLLAPSE => 4
86            in
87                (red, green, blue, f)
88            end
89            fun fromPE (red, green, blue, f): PALETTEENTRY =
90            let
91                val flags =
92                    case f of
93                        0 => PC_NULL
94                    |   1 => PC_RESERVED
95                    |   2 => PC_EXPLICIT
96                    |   4 => PC_NOCOLLAPSE
97                    |   _ => raise Match
98            in
99                {red=red, green=green, blue=blue, flags=flags}
100            end
102            open Memory
103            infix 6 ++
104            val logPal = cStruct2(cWORD, cWORD)
105            val {store=storeLP, ctype={size=lpSize, ...}, ...} = breakConversion logPal
106        in
107            (* Unfortunately we can't make a simple conversion here.  When we load
108               the entries we need to know how many we're loading. *)
109            fun allocPEVec n = malloc(Word.fromInt n * peSize)
110            val freePEVec = free
112            local
113                (* Copy the elements into the array. *)
114                fun doStore (pe: PALETTEENTRY, vec) =
115                (
116                    ignore(storePE(vec, toPE pe)); (* Ignore result - nothing to free *)
117                    vec ++ peSize
118                )
119            in
120                fun palListToC pl =
121                let
122                    val count = List.length pl
123                    val vec = allocPEVec count
124                    val _ = List.foldl doStore vec pl
125                in
126                    (vec, count)
127                end
129                fun logPaletteToC pl =
130                let
131                    (* A logical palette has two additional words at the start. *)
132                    val count = List.length pl
133                    val vec = malloc(Word.fromInt count * peSize + lpSize)
134                    val _ = storeLP(vec, (0x300, count))                
135                    val _ = List.foldl doStore (vec ++ lpSize) pl
136                in
137                    vec
138                end
139            end
141            fun palListFromC(vec, count) =
142            let
143                fun loadPalE n = fromPE(loadPE(vec ++ Word.fromInt n * peSize))
144            in
145                List.tabulate(count, loadPalE)
146            end
147        end
149        val GetSystemPaletteUse        = winCall1(gdi "GetSystemPaletteUse") (cHDC) SYSTEMPALETTEUSE
150        val RealizePalette             = winCall1(gdi "RealizePalette") (cHDC) cUint
151        val ResizePalette              = winCall2(gdi "ResizePalette") (cHPALETTE,cUint) (successState "ResizePalette")
152        val SelectPalette              = winCall3(gdi "SelectPalette") (cHDC,cHPALETTE,cBool) cHPALETTE
153        val SetSystemPaletteUse        = winCall2(gdi "SetSystemPaletteUse") (cHDC,SYSTEMPALETTEUSE) SYSTEMPALETTEUSE
154        val UpdateColors               = winCall1(gdi "UpdateColors") (cHDC) (successState "UpdateColors")
155        val CreateHalftonePalette      = winCall1(gdi "CreateHalftonePalette") (cHDC) cHPALETTE
156        val GetNearestColor = winCall2 (gdi "GetNearestColor") (cHDC,cCOLORREF) cCOLORREF 
157        val GetNearestPaletteIndex = winCall2 (gdi "GetNearestPaletteIndex") (cHPALETTE,cCOLORREF) cUint
158        val UnrealizeObject              = winCall1(gdi "UnrealizeObject") (cHPALETTE) (successState "UnrealizeObject")
160        local
161            val animatePalette =
162                winCall4 (gdi "AnimatePalette") (cHPALETTE, cUint, cUint, cPointer) (cBool)
163        in
164            fun AnimatePalette (h,start,pl) =
165            let
166                val (vec, count) = palListToC pl
167                val res =
168                    animatePalette(h, start, count, vec)
169                        handle ex => (freePEVec vec; raise ex)
170                val () = freePEVec vec
171            in 
172                res
173            end
174        end 
176        local
177            val createPalette = winCall1 (gdi "CreatePalette") (cPointer) (cHPALETTE)
178        in
179            fun CreatePalette pl =
180            let
181                val vec = logPaletteToC pl
182                val res =
183                    createPalette vec handle ex => (freePEVec vec; raise ex)
184                val () = freePEVec vec
185                val () = checkResult(not(isHNull res))
186            in
187                res
188            end
189        end
191        local
192            val getPaletteEntries =
193                winCall4 (gdi "GetPaletteEntries") (cHPALETTE, cUint, cUint, cPointer) cUint
194        in
195            fun GetPaletteEntries (h, start, no) = 
196            let
197                val vec = allocPEVec no
198                val res = getPaletteEntries (h, start, no, vec)
199                (* The result is zero if error *)
200                val result = palListFromC(vec, res)
201                val () = freePEVec vec
202                val () = checkResult(res <> 0)
203            in
204                result
205            end 
206        end
208        local
209            val getSystemPaletteEntries =
210                winCall4 (gdi "GetSystemPaletteEntries") (cHDC, cUint, cUint, cPointer) cUint
211        in
212            fun GetSystemPaletteEntries (h, start, no) = 
213            let
214                val vec = allocPEVec no
215                val res = getSystemPaletteEntries (h, start, no, vec)
216                (* The result is zero if error *)
217                val result = palListFromC(vec, res)
218                val () = freePEVec vec
219                val () = checkResult(res <> 0)
220            in
221                result
222            end 
223        end
225        local
226            val setPaletteEntries =
227                winCall4 (gdi "SetPaletteEntries") (cHPALETTE, cUint, cUint, cPointer) cUint
228        in
229            fun SetPaletteEntries (h, start,pl) =
230            let 
231                val (vec, count) = palListToC pl
232                val res =
233                    setPaletteEntries(h, start, count, vec)
234                        handle ex => (freePEVec vec; raise ex)
235                val () = freePEVec vec
236            in 
237                checkResult(res <> 0)
238            end
239        end
240        (*
241        Other Colour functions:
242            GetColorAdjustment  
243            GetSystemPaletteUse  
244            SetColorAdjustment  
245        *)
247    end
250(* Install a pretty printer for COLORREF. *)
252    open Color
253    fun printColorRef _ _ x =
254    let
255        val {red, green, blue} = toRGB x
256    in
257        PolyML.PrettyString
258            (concat["RGB{red=", Int.toString red,
259                   ",green=", Int.toString green,
260                   ",blue=", Int.toString blue, "}"])
261    end
263    val _ = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter printColorRef