2    Copyright (c) 2001-7, 2015
3        David C.J. Matthews
5    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12    Lesser General Public License for more details.
14    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
19structure Bitmap:
20  sig
21    type HBITMAP and HDC
22    type COLORREF = Color.COLORREF
23    type RECT = { top: int, left: int, bottom: int, right: int }
24    type SIZE = { cx: int, cy: int }
25    datatype BitmapCompression = BI_BITFIELDS | BI_RGB | BI_RLE4 | BI_RLE8
28    type BITMAP =
29        { width: int, height: int, widthBytes: int, planes: int, bitsPerPixel: int,
30          bits: Word8Vector.vector option }
32    type StretchMode
33    val BLACKONWHITE : StretchMode
34    val COLORONCOLOR : StretchMode
35    val HALFTONE : StretchMode
36    val MAXSTRETCHBLTMODE : StretchMode
37    val WHITEONBLACK : StretchMode
39    type RasterOpCode
40    val BLACKNESS : RasterOpCode
41    val DSTINVERT : RasterOpCode
42    val MERGECOPY : RasterOpCode
43    val MERGEPAINT : RasterOpCode
44    val NOTSRCCOPY : RasterOpCode
45    val NOTSRCERASE : RasterOpCode
46    val PATCOPY : RasterOpCode
47    val PATINVERT : RasterOpCode
48    val PATPAINT : RasterOpCode
49    val SRCAND : RasterOpCode
50    val SRCCOPY : RasterOpCode
51    val SRCERASE : RasterOpCode
52    val SRCINVERT : RasterOpCode
53    val SRCPAINT : RasterOpCode
54    val WHITENESS : RasterOpCode
56    val BitBlt : HDC * int * int * int * int * HDC * int * int * RasterOpCode -> unit
57    val CreateBitmap :
58       {bits: Word8Vector.vector option, width: int, height: int,
59         planes: int, bitsPerPixel: int} -> HBITMAP
60    val CreateBitmapIndirect : BITMAP -> HBITMAP
61    val CreateCompatibleBitmap : HDC * int * int -> HBITMAP
62    val ExtFloodFill : HDC * int * int * COLORREF * FloodFillMode -> unit
63    val GetBitmapBits : HBITMAP * int -> Word8Vector.vector
64    val GetBitmapDimensionEx : HBITMAP -> SIZE
65    val GetPixel : HDC * int * int -> COLORREF
66    val GetStretchBltMode : HDC -> StretchMode
68    type QuaternaryRop
69    val MAKEROP4 : {back: RasterOpCode, fore: RasterOpCode} -> QuaternaryRop
70    val MaskBlt :
71       HDC * int * int * int * int * HDC * int * int *
72       HBITMAP * int * int * QuaternaryRop -> unit
74    (*val PlgBlt : HDC * RECT * HDC * RECT * HBITMAP * int * int -> unit*)
75    val SetBitmapBits : HBITMAP * Word8Vector.vector -> unit
76    val SetBitmapDimensionEx : HBITMAP * int * int * SIZE -> SIZE
77    val SetPixel : HDC * int * int * COLORREF -> COLORREF
78    val SetStretchBltMode : HDC * StretchMode -> unit
79    val StretchBlt :
80       HDC * int * int * int * int * HDC * int * int * int * int * RasterOpCode -> unit
83    {
84        width: int, height: int, planes: int, bitsPerPixel: int,
85        compression: BitmapCompression, sizeImage: int, xPelsPerM: int, 
86        yPelsPerM: int, clrUsed: int, clrImportant: int
87    }
88    (* ML extension to extract the information from a DIB. *)
89    val getBitmapInfoHdr: Word8Vector.vector -> BITMAPINFOHEADER
90    val GetDIBits: HDC * HBITMAP * int * int * BITMAPINFOHEADER option -> Word8Vector.vector
91    val SetDIBits: HDC * HBITMAP * int * int * Word8Vector.vector -> unit
93  end =
95    local
96        open Foreign Base
98        fun checkBitmap c = (checkResult(not(isHgdiObjNull c)); c)
99    in
100        type HDC = HDC and HBITMAP = HBITMAP
101        type COLORREF = Color.COLORREF
102        type SIZE = SIZE and RECT = RECT
104        open GdiBase
106        local
107            datatype StretchMode =
108            W of int
109        in
110            type StretchMode = StretchMode
111            val STRETCHMODE = absConversion {abs = W, rep = fn W n => n} cInt
113            val BLACKONWHITE                                 = W (1)
114            val WHITEONBLACK                                 = W (2)
115            val COLORONCOLOR                                 = W (3)
116            val HALFTONE                                     = W (4)
117            val MAXSTRETCHBLTMODE                            = W (4)
118        end   
120        (*TYPE: FloodFillMode *)
121        datatype FloodFillMode = FLOODFILLBORDER | FLOODFILLSURFACE
122        local
123            val tab = [
124                (FLOODFILLBORDER, 0),
125                (FLOODFILLSURFACE, 1)
126                ]
128        in
129            val FLOODFILLMODE = tableConversion(tab, NONE) cUint
130        end
132        val ExtFloodFill =
133            winCall5 (gdi "ExtFloodFill") 
134                   (cHDC,cInt,cInt,cCOLORREF,FLOODFILLMODE) (successState "ExtFloodFill")
136        val GetPixel = winCall3 (gdi "GetPixel") (cHDC,cInt,cInt) cCOLORREF
137        val SetPixel = winCall4 (gdi "SetPixel") (cHDC,cInt,cInt, cCOLORREF) cCOLORREF
138        val BitBlt = winCall9 (gdi  "BitBlt") (cHDC,cInt,cInt,cInt,cInt,cHDC,cInt,cInt,cRASTEROPCODE)
139                (successState "BitBlt")
142        val CreateCompatibleBitmap     = 
143            checkBitmap o
144                winCall3 (gdi "CreateCompatibleBitmap") (cHDC,cInt,cInt) cHBITMAP
147        val GetStretchBltMode          = winCall1 (gdi "GetStretchBltMode") (cHDC) STRETCHMODE
149        (* TODO: The raster op is supposed to be a combined operation for the foreground and
150           background. *)
151        val MaskBlt = winCall12(gdi "MaskBlt") (cHDC,cInt,cInt,cInt,cInt,cHDC,cInt,cInt,cHBITMAP,cInt,
152                                          cInt,cQUATERNARY) (successState "MaskBlt")
154        val SetStretchBltMode = winCall2(gdi "SetStretchBltMode") (cHDC,STRETCHMODE) (successState "SetStretchBltMode")
156        val StretchBlt =
157            winCall11(gdi "StretchBlt") 
158                (cHDC,cInt,cInt,cInt,cInt,cHDC,cInt,cInt,cInt,cInt,cRASTEROPCODE) (successState "StretchBlt")
160        (* This definitely has the wrong type. *)
161        (*val PlgBlt = winCall7 (gdi "PlgBlt")(cHDC,RECT,cHDC,RECT,HBITMAP,XCOORD,YCOORD)
162                 (successState "PlgBlt")*)
165        local
166            val setBitmapDimensionEx =
167                winCall4 (gdi "SetBitmapDimensionEx") (cHBITMAP, cInt, cInt, cStar cSize) (successState "SetBitmapDimensionEx")
168        in
169            fun SetBitmapDimensionEx(hbm, width, height, s) =
170            let
171                val r = ref s
172            in
173                setBitmapDimensionEx(hbm, width, height, r);
174                !r
175            end
176        end
177        local
178            val getBitmapDimensionEx =
179                winCall2 (gdi "GetBitmapDimensionEx") (cHBITMAP, cStar cSize) (successState "SetBitmapDimensionEx")
180        in
181            fun GetBitmapDimensionEx hbm =
182            let
183                val r = ref {cx=0, cy=0}
184            in
185                getBitmapDimensionEx(hbm, r);
186                !r
187            end
188        end
190        val CreateBitmapIndirect       =
191            checkBitmap o
192                winCall1 (gdi "CreateBitmapIndirect") (cConstStar cBITMAP) cHBITMAP
194        local
195            val cbm = checkBitmap o
196                winCall5 (gdi "CreateBitmap") (cInt, cInt, cInt, cInt, cPointer) cHBITMAP
197        in
198            fun CreateBitmap{width, height, planes, bitsPerPixel, bits} =
199            let
200                val vec = case bits of NONE => Memory.null | SOME v => toCWord8vec v
201                val res = 
202                    cbm(width, height, planes, bitsPerPixel, vec)
203                        handle ex => (Memory.free vec; raise ex)
204            in
205                Memory.free vec;
206                checkBitmap res
207            end
208        end
210        local
211            (* RGBQUAD values are four bytes of blue, green, red and a reserved byte. *)
212            val RGBQUAD = cStruct4(cUint8, cUint8, cUint8, cUint8)
213            fun from v =
214                let val (b, g, r, _) = v in {red = r, blue = b, green = g} end
215            fun to {red, green, blue} = (blue, green, red, 0)
216        in
217            val RGBQUAD = absConversion {rep=to, abs=from} RGBQUAD
218        end*)
220        (*TYPE: BitmapCompression *)
221        datatype BitmapCompression = BI_RGB | BI_RLE8 | BI_RLE4 | BI_BITFIELDS
223        local
224            val tab = [
225                (BI_RGB, 0),
226                (BI_RLE8, 1),
227                (BI_RLE4, 2),
228                (BI_BITFIELDS, 3)
229            ]
230        in
231            val (fromComp, toComp) = tableLookup(tab, NONE)
232            val BITCOMPRESSION = absConversion {abs = toComp, rep = fromComp} cDWORD
233        end
235        type BITMAPINFOHEADER =
236        {
237            width: int, height: int, planes: int, bitsPerPixel: int,
238            compression: BitmapCompression, sizeImage: int, xPelsPerM: int, 
239            yPelsPerM: int, clrUsed: int, clrImportant: int
240        }
242        (* Device-independent bitmaps are intended to be used for storing and
243           transferring bitmaps.  I've written this code to simplify the process
244           of packing and unpacking them.  In particular it takes care of the
245           calculating the header size which is generally a bit of a pain.  DCJM. *)
246        fun getBitmapInfoHdr(w: Word8Vector.vector): BITMAPINFOHEADER =
247        let
248            val size = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord32Little.subVec(w, 0))
249            (* Check that the size of the structure given by the
250               first word is less than the overall size.  There are
251               various extended versions of the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure
252               but we only look at the fields in the basic one. *)
253            val _ =
254                if size > Word8Vector.length w
255                then raise Fail "Bitmap length field is wrong"
256                else ()
257            val width = LargeWord.toIntX(PackWord32Little.subVecX(w, 1))
258            val height = LargeWord.toIntX(PackWord32Little.subVecX(w, 2))
259            val planes = LargeWord.toIntX(PackWord16Little.subVecX(w, 6))
260            val bitsPerPixel = LargeWord.toIntX(PackWord16Little.subVecX(w, 7))
261            val compression = toComp(LargeWord.toIntX(PackWord32Little.subVecX(w, 4)))
262            val sizeImage = LargeWord.toIntX(PackWord32Little.subVecX(w, 5))
263            val xPelsPerM = LargeWord.toIntX(PackWord32Little.subVecX(w, 6))
264            val yPelsPerM = LargeWord.toIntX(PackWord32Little.subVecX(w, 7))
265            val clrUsed = LargeWord.toIntX(PackWord32Little.subVecX(w, 8))
266            val clrImportant = LargeWord.toIntX(PackWord32Little.subVecX(w, 9))
267        in
268            { width = width, height = height, bitsPerPixel = bitsPerPixel,
269              planes = planes, compression = compression, sizeImage = sizeImage,
270              xPelsPerM = xPelsPerM, yPelsPerM = yPelsPerM, clrUsed = clrUsed,
271              clrImportant = clrImportant }
272        end
274        local
275            val DIB_RGB_COLORS =     0
276            (*val DIB_PAL_COLORS =     1*)
278            val BITMAPINFOHEADER = cStruct11(cDWORD, cLong, cLong, cWORD, cWORD, BITCOMPRESSION,
279                cDWORD, cLong, cLong, cDWORD, cDWORD)
280            val {load=fromR, store=toR, ctype={size=rtypeSize, ...}} =
281                breakConversion BITMAPINFOHEADER
283            val getDIBits = winCall7 (gdi "GetDIBits")
284                (cHDC, cHBITMAP, cUint, cUint, cPointer, cPointer, cUint) cInt
286            val setDIBits = winCall7 (gdi "SetDIBits")
287                (cHDC, cHBITMAP, cUint, cUint, cPointer, cPointer, cUint) cInt
289            val sizeColourEntry = #size LowLevel.cTypeInt (* Should this RGBQUAD? *)
291        in
292            (* This is all a bit messy.  GetDIBits can be used in a number of ways
293               to get all or part of the information.  Passing NULL for the "bits"
294               argument and setting bitsPerPixel to zero in the BITMAPINFO argument
295               simply fills in the BITMAPINFOHEADER.  With bitsPerPixel non-zero it
296               builds a colour table on the end of the BITMAPINFO.  With "bits"
297               non-NULL it builds the colour table and creates the bitmap.
299               If NONE is given as the header it returns a vector containing
300               only the header, allowing getBitmapInfoHdr to be used to unpack it.
301               Otherwise it uses the information in the supplied header to
302               get the bitmap.  It ignores the passed in sizeImage because that
303               may be wrong. *)
304            fun GetDIBits(hdc: HDC, hb: HBITMAP, startScan, scanLines, NONE) =
305                let
306                    (* Allocate a vector for the result and set the length field
307                       and bitsPerPixel.  The others don't matter. *)
308                    open Memory
309                    val v = malloc rtypeSize
310                    val _ = toR(v, (Word.toInt rtypeSize, 0, 0, 0, 0, BI_RGB, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
311                    val res =
312                        getDIBits(hdc, hb, startScan, scanLines, Memory.null, v, DIB_RGB_COLORS)
313                            handle ex => (free v; raise ex)
314                in
315                    checkResult(res <> 0) handle ex => (free v; raise ex);
316                    fromCWord8vec(v, Word.toInt rtypeSize) before free v
317                end
319             |  GetDIBits(hdc: HDC, hb: HBITMAP, startScan, scanLines,
320                    SOME {width, height, planes, bitsPerPixel, compression, sizeImage,
321                          xPelsPerM, yPelsPerM, clrUsed, clrImportant}) =
322                let
323                    (* The passed in value for sizeImage may be wrong.  Call
324                       GetDIBits to find the correct value. *)
325                    open Memory
326                    infix 6 ++
327                    local
328                        (* This call will build a colour map so we have to have enough
329                           space for it. The biggest possible is with 8 bits. *)
330                        val w = malloc (rtypeSize + 0w256 * sizeColourEntry)
331                        val _ = toR(w, (Word.toInt rtypeSize, width, height, planes, bitsPerPixel,
332                                    compression, sizeImage, xPelsPerM, yPelsPerM, clrUsed,
333                                    clrImportant))
334                        val _ =
335                            checkResult(getDIBits(hdc, hb, startScan, scanLines, null, w, DIB_RGB_COLORS) <> 0)
336                                handle ex => (free w; raise ex)
337                    in
338                        val (_, _, _, _, _, _, sizeImage, _, _, _, _) = fromR w
339                        val () = free w
340                    end
342                    (* Calculate the size of the palette. *)
343                    val numColours =
344                        if clrUsed <> 0
345                        then clrUsed
346                        else if bitsPerPixel < 16
347                        then IntInf.<<(1, Word.fromInt bitsPerPixel)
348                        else if compression = BI_BITFIELDS
349                        then 3 (* These are DWORD colour masks not RGBQUADS. *)
350                        else 0 (* No colour table. *)
351                    val bitOffset = rtypeSize + Word.fromInt numColours * sizeColourEntry
352                    val size = bitOffset + Word.fromInt sizeImage
353                    val w = malloc size
354                    val _ = toR(w, (Word.toInt rtypeSize, width, height, planes, bitsPerPixel,
355                                compression, sizeImage, xPelsPerM, yPelsPerM, clrUsed,
356                                clrImportant))
357                    val _ =
358                        checkResult(getDIBits(hdc, hb, startScan, scanLines, w ++ bitOffset, w, DIB_RGB_COLORS) <> 0)
359                            handle ex => (free w; raise ex)
360                in
361                    fromCWord8vec (w, Word.toInt size) before free w
362                end
365            fun SetDIBits(hdc, hb, startScan, scanLines, w) =
366            let
367                open Memory
368                infix 6 ++
369                val v = toCWord8vec w
370                (*val v = toCbytes w*)
371                (* We need to work out the offset of the bits.  For this we need
372                   the size of the header structure (which may not be a
373                   BITMAPINFOHEADER but some other version of it), the number of
374                   colours and the compression. *)
375                val hdrSize = #1 (fromR v)
376                val { clrUsed, compression, bitsPerPixel, ...} = getBitmapInfoHdr w
377                val numColours =
378                    if clrUsed <> 0
379                    then clrUsed
380                    else if bitsPerPixel < 16
381                    then IntInf.<<(1, Word.fromInt bitsPerPixel)
382                    else if compression = BI_BITFIELDS
383                    then 3 (* These are DWORD colour masks not RGBQUADS. *)
384                    else 0 (* No colour table. *)
385                val bitOffset = Word.fromInt hdrSize +Word.fromInt numColours * sizeColourEntry
386                val res = setDIBits(hdc, hb, startScan, scanLines,
387                        v ++ bitOffset, v, DIB_RGB_COLORS)
388            in
389                checkResult(res <> 0)
390            end
391        end
393        (* GetBitmapBits and SetBitmapBits are supposedly obsolete but they're useful
394           for copying device-dependent bitmaps. *)
395        fun GetBitmapBits(hbm, bytes): Word8Vector.vector =
396        let
397            val gbb = winCall3 (gdi "GetBitmapBits") (cHBITMAP, cDWORD, cPointer) cLong
398            open Memory
399            val buff = malloc (Word.fromInt bytes)
400            val () =
401                checkResult(gbb(hbm, bytes, buff) > 0)
402                    handle ex => (free buff; raise ex)
403        in
404            fromCWord8vec (buff, bytes) before free buff
405        end
407        fun SetBitmapBits(hbm, w) = 
408        let
409            val sbb = winCall3 (gdi "SetBitmapBits") (cHBITMAP, cDWORD, cPointer) cLong
410            val buff = toCWord8vec w
411            open Memory
412            val () =
413                checkResult(sbb(hbm, Word8Vector.length w, buff) > 0)
414                    handle ex => (free buff; raise ex)
415        in
416            free buff
417        end
419        (*
420        Other Bitmap functions:
421            AlphaBlend  
422            CreateDIBitmap  
423            CreateDIBSection  - This creates an area of memory to write to - won't work in ML.
424            GetDIBColorTable  
425            GradientFill  
426            SetDIBColorTable  
427            SetDIBitsToDevice  
428            SetPixelV  
429            StretchDIBits   
430            TransparentBlt  
431        *)
433        end