2115619Sdes    Copyright David C. J. Matthews 2009
3228690Sdes    Largely extracted from STRUCTURES_.ML
591100Sdes    Copyright (c) 2000
691100Sdes        Cambridge University Technical Services Limited
899158Sdes    Modified D.C.J. Matthews 2001-2015
1091100Sdes    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
1191100Sdes    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
1291100Sdes    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
1491100Sdes    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
1591100Sdes    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
1791100Sdes    Lesser General Public License for more details.
1991100Sdes    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
2091100Sdes    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
2191100Sdes    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
2591100Sdes    Title:      Module Structure and Operations.
2691100Sdes    Author:     Dave Matthews, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
2791100Sdes    Copyright   Cambridge University 1985
3091100Sdesfunctor SIGNATURES (
3191100Sdes    structure LEX : LEXSIG
3291100Sdes    structure STRUCTVALS : STRUCTVALSIG;
3391100Sdes    structure EXPORTTREE: EXPORTTREESIG
3491100Sdes    structure PRETTY : PRETTYSIG
35255376Sdes    structure COPIER: COPIERSIG
3691100Sdes    structure TYPETREE : TYPETREESIG
3791100Sdes    structure PARSETREE : PARSETREESIG
38228690Sdes    structure VALUEOPS : VALUEOPSSIG;
40228690Sdes    structure UNIVERSALTABLE:
41228690Sdes    sig
4291100Sdes        type universal = Universal.universal
4391100Sdes        type univTable
4491100Sdes        type 'a tag = 'a Universal.tag
4691100Sdes        val univEnter:  univTable * 'a tag * string * 'a -> unit;
4791100Sdes        val univLookup: univTable * 'a tag * string -> 'a option;
4891100Sdes        val univFold:   univTable * (string * universal * 'a -> 'a) * 'a -> 'a;
4991100Sdes    end;
51255376Sdes    structure DEBUG: DEBUGSIG
5391100Sdes    structure UTILITIES :
5491100Sdes    sig
5591100Sdes        val noDuplicates: (string * 'a * 'a -> unit) -> 
5691100Sdes             { apply: (string * 'a -> unit) -> unit,
5791100Sdes               enter:  string * 'a -> unit,
5891100Sdes               lookup: string -> 'a option };
6091100Sdes        val searchList: unit -> { apply: (string * 'a -> unit) -> unit,
6191100Sdes                                enter:  string * 'a -> unit,
6291100Sdes                                lookup: string -> 'a option };
6391100Sdes    end;
6591100Sdes    sharing LEX.Sharing = TYPETREE.Sharing = PARSETREE.Sharing
6691100Sdes        = PRETTY.Sharing = EXPORTTREE.Sharing = STRUCTVALS.Sharing = COPIER.Sharing
6791100Sdes        = VALUEOPS.Sharing = UNIVERSALTABLE
69110503Sdes) : SIGNATURESSIG =
71107937Sdes    open Misc (* Open this first because it contains Value. *)
7391100Sdes    open VALUEOPS UTILITIES Universal
7591100Sdes    datatype sigs =
7691100Sdes        SignatureIdent of string * location * locationProp list ref  (* A signature name *)
7891100Sdes    |   SigDec         of specs list * location (* sig ... end *)
8091100Sdes    |   WhereType      of whereTypeStruct    (* type realisation. *)
8291684Sdes    and specs =
8391684Sdes        StructureSig   of structSigBind list * location
8591684Sdes    |   ValSig         of (* Signature of a value. *)
8691684Sdes            { name: string * location, typeof: typeParsetree, line: location }
88107937Sdes    |   ExSig          of (* Signature of an exception.  May be a nullary exception. *)
8991684Sdes            { name: string * location, typeof: typeParsetree option, line: location }
91107937Sdes    |   CoreType      of (* Any other decln. *)
9291100Sdes        {
9391684Sdes            dec:   parsetree,           (* The value *)
9491100Sdes            location: location
9591100Sdes        }
97107937Sdes    |   Sharing        of shareConstraint    (* Sharing constraints. *)
9991100Sdes    |   IncludeSig     of sigs list * location       (* Include. *)
10191100Sdes  withtype shareConstraint =
10291100Sdes      {
10391684Sdes        isType: bool,
10491684Sdes        shares: (string * location) list,
105115619Sdes        line:   location
10691684Sdes      }
108107937Sdes  and structSigBind =
10991100Sdes      {
11091100Sdes        name:      string,         (* The name of the structure *)
11191100Sdes        nameLoc:   location,
11291100Sdes        sigStruct: sigs * bool * location,
11391100Sdes        line:      location
11491100Sdes      }
11691100Sdes  and whereTypeStruct =
11791100Sdes      {
11891100Sdes        sigExp: sigs,
11991100Sdes        typeVars: typeVarForm list,
12091100Sdes        typeName: string,
121115619Sdes        realisation: typeParsetree,
122115619Sdes        line: location
12391100Sdes      }
125    fun mkSigIdent(name, nameLoc) = SignatureIdent(name, nameLoc, ref [])
127    fun mkCoreType (dec, location) =
128        CoreType { dec = dec, location = location };
130    fun mkValSig (nameLoc, typeof, line) = 
131      ValSig 
132        {
133          name    = nameLoc,
134          typeof  = typeof,
135          line    = line
136        };
138    fun mkExSig (nameLoc, typeof, line) = 
139       ExSig
140        {
141          name    = nameLoc,
142          typeof  = typeof,
143          line    = line
144        };
146    fun mkSharing (isType, shares, line) = 
147        Sharing {
148          isType = isType,
149          shares = shares,
150          line   = line
151        };
153    fun mkWhereType (sigexp, typeVars, name, types, line) = 
154        WhereType {
155          sigExp      = sigexp,
156          typeVars    = typeVars,
157          typeName    = name,
158          realisation = types,
159          line        = line
160        };
162    val mkInclude = IncludeSig
163    and mkStructureSig = StructureSig
164    and mkSig = SigDec
166    fun mkStructureSigBinding ((name, nameLoc), signat, fullLoc):structSigBind  =
167        {
168            name      = name,
169            nameLoc   = nameLoc,
170            sigStruct = signat,
171            line      = fullLoc
172        }
174    (* Make a signature for initialisating variables and for
175       undeclared signature variables. *)
176    val undefinedSignature =
177       makeSignature("<undefined>", makeSignatureTable(), 0, [], fn _ => raise Subscript, []);
179    (* We use a name that isn't otherwise valid for a signature. *)
180    fun isUndefinedSignature(Signatures{name, ...}) = name = "<undefined>"
182    fun displayList ([], _, _) _ = []
184    |   displayList ([v], _, depth) dodisplay =
185            if depth <= 0
186            then [PrettyString "..."]
187            else [dodisplay (v, depth)]
189    |   displayList (v::vs, separator, depth) dodisplay =
190            if depth <= 0
191            then [PrettyString "..."]
192            else
193            let
194                val brk = if separator = "," orelse separator = ";" then 0 else 1
195            in
196                PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
197                    [
198                        dodisplay (v, depth),
199                        PrettyBreak (brk, 0),
200                        PrettyString separator
201                    ]
202                ) ::
203                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
204                displayList (vs, separator, depth - 1) dodisplay
205            end (* displayList *)
207    fun displaySigs (str, depth) =
208        if depth <= 0 (* elide further text. *)
209        then PrettyString "..."
211        else
212        case str of
213           SignatureIdent (name : string, _, _) =>
214            PrettyString name
216        |   SigDec (structList : specs list, _) =>
217            PrettyBlock (0, true, [],
218                PrettyString "sig" ::
219                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
220                displayList (structList, "", depth) displaySpecs @
221                [ PrettyBreak (1, 0), PrettyString "end"]
222            )
224        |   WhereType { sigExp, typeVars, typeName, realisation, ... } =>
225            PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
226                displaySigs (sigExp, depth) ::
227                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
228                PrettyString "where" ::
229                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
230                PrettyString "type" ::
231                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
232                displayTypeVariables (typeVars, depth) @
233                [
234                    PrettyString typeName,
235                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
236                    PrettyString "=",
237                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
238                    displayTypeParse (realisation, depth - 1, emptyTypeEnv)
239                ]
240            )
242    and displaySpecs (specs, depth) =
243        if depth <= 0 (* elide further text. *)
244        then PrettyString "..."
246        else
247        case specs of
248            StructureSig (structList : structSigBind list, _) =>
249            let
250                    fun displaySigsBind (
251                            {name, sigStruct=(sigStruct, opaque, _), ...}: structSigBind, depth) =
252                        PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
253                            [
254                                PrettyString name,
255                                PrettyString (if opaque then " :>" else " :"),
256                                PrettyBreak (1, 0),
257                                displaySigs (sigStruct, depth - 1)
258                            ]
259                        )
260            in
261                PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
262                    PrettyString "structure" ::
263                    PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
264                    displayList (structList, "and", depth) displaySigsBind
265                )
266            end
268        |   ValSig {name = (name, _), typeof, ...} =>
269            PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
270                [
271                    PrettyString "val",
272                    PrettyBreak (1, 1),
273                    PrettyString (name ^ " :"),
274                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
275                    displayTypeParse (typeof, depth - 1, emptyTypeEnv)
276                ]
277            )
279        |   ExSig {name = (name, _), typeof = NONE, ...} =>
280            PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
281                [
282                    PrettyString "exception",
283                    PrettyBreak (1, 1),
284                    PrettyString (name)
285                ]
286            )
288        |   ExSig {name = (name, _), typeof = SOME typeof, ...} =>
289            PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
290                [
291                    PrettyString "exception",
292                    PrettyBreak (1, 1),
293                    PrettyString (name ^ " :"),
294                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
295                    displayTypeParse (typeof, depth - 1, emptyTypeEnv)
296                ]
297            )
299        |   Sharing { isType, shares, ... } =>
300            PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
301                PrettyString "sharing" ::
302                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
303                (
304                    if not isType then []
305                    else [ PrettyString "type", PrettyBreak (1, 0) ]
306                ) @
307                displayList (shares, "=", depth) (fn ((name, _), _) => PrettyString name)
308            )
310        |   IncludeSig (structList : sigs list, _) =>
311            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
312                PrettyString "include" ::
313                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
314                displayList (structList, "", depth - 1) displaySigs
315            )
317        |   CoreType {dec, ...} =>
318                displayParsetree (dec, depth - 1)
319      (* End displaySigs *)
321    fun sigExportTree(navigation, s: sigs) =
322    let
323         (* Common properties for navigation and printing. *)
324        val commonProps =
325            PTprint(fn d => displaySigs(s, d)) ::
326            exportNavigationProps navigation
328        fun asParent () = sigExportTree(navigation, s)
329    in
330        case s of
331            SignatureIdent(_, loc, ref decLocs) =>
332                (loc, mapLocationProps decLocs @ commonProps)
334        |   SigDec(structList, location) =>
335                (location, exportList(specExportTree, SOME asParent) structList @ commonProps)
337        |   WhereType _ => (nullLocation, commonProps)
338    end
340    and specExportTree(navigation, s: specs) =
341    let
342         (* Common properties for navigation and printing. *)
343        val commonProps =
344            PTprint(fn d => displaySpecs(s, d)) ::
345            exportNavigationProps navigation
347        fun asParent () = specExportTree(navigation, s)
348    in
349        case s of
350            StructureSig(sbl, location) =>
351            let
352                fun exportSB(navigation, sb as {name, nameLoc, sigStruct=(theSig, _, _), line, ...}) =
353                    let
354                        fun exportThis () = exportSB(navigation, sb)
355                        fun getName () =
356                            getStringAsTree({parent=SOME exportThis, previous=NONE, next=SOME getSigStruct}, name, nameLoc, [])
358                        and getSigStruct () =
359                            sigExportTree({parent=SOME exportThis, previous=SOME getName, next=NONE}, theSig)
360                    in
361                        (line, PTfirstChild getName :: exportNavigationProps navigation)
362                    end
364                val expChild = exportList(exportSB, SOME asParent) sbl
365            in
366                (location, expChild @ commonProps)
367            end
369        |   ValSig{name=(name, nameLoc), typeof, line, ...} =>
370            let
371                (* The first position is the value name, the second the type. *)
372                (* TODO: Include the actual type as PTtype? *)
373                fun getName () =
374                    getStringAsTree({parent=SOME asParent, previous=NONE, next=SOME getType}, name, nameLoc, [])
375                and getType () =
376                    typeExportTree({parent=SOME asParent, previous=SOME getName, next=NONE}, typeof)
377            in
378                (line, PTfirstChild getName :: commonProps)
379            end
381        |   ExSig{name=(name, nameLoc), typeof = NONE, line, ...} =>
382            let
383                (* The first position is the value name, the second the type. *)
384                fun getName () =
385                    getStringAsTree({parent=SOME asParent, previous=NONE, next=NONE}, name, nameLoc, [])
386            in
387                (line, PTfirstChild getName :: commonProps)
388            end
390        |   ExSig{name=(name, nameLoc), typeof = SOME typeof, line, ...} =>
391            let
392                (* The first position is the value name, the second the type. *)
393                (* TODO: Include the actual type as PTtype? *)
394                fun getName () =
395                    getStringAsTree({parent=SOME asParent, previous=NONE, next=SOME getType}, name, nameLoc, [])
396                and getType () =
397                    typeExportTree({parent=SOME asParent, previous=SOME getName, next=NONE}, typeof)
398            in
399                (line, PTfirstChild getName :: commonProps)
400            end
402        |   CoreType {dec, ...} => (* A value parse-tree entry. *)
403                getExportTree(navigation, dec)
405        |   Sharing _ => (nullLocation, commonProps)
407        |   IncludeSig (sigs, loc) =>
408                (loc, exportList(sigExportTree, SOME asParent) sigs @ commonProps)
409    end
411    (* Puts out an error message and then prints the piece of tree. *)
412    fun errorMsgNear (lex, hard, near, lno, message) : unit =
413    let
414        val parameters = debugParams lex
415        val errorDepth = getParameter errorDepthTag parameters
416    in
417        reportError lex
418        {
419            hard = hard, location = lno, message = message,
420            context = SOME(near errorDepth)
421        }
422    end
424    fun errorNear(lex, hard, near, lno, message: string) =
425        errorMsgNear (lex, hard, near, lno,
426            PrettyBlock (0, false, [], [PrettyString message]))
428    fun giveError (sVal : sigs, lno : LEX.location, lex : lexan) : string -> unit =
429        fn (message : string) => errorNear (lex, true, fn n => displaySigs(sVal, n), lno, message)
431    and giveSpecError(sVal : specs, lno : LEX.location, lex : lexan) : string -> unit =
432        fn (message : string) => errorNear (lex, true, fn n => displaySpecs(sVal, n), lno, message);
434    val makeEnv = fn x => let val Env e = makeEnv x in e end;
436    fun printId(TypeId{description, ...}) = printDesc description
438    and printDesc{ location: location, name: string, description = "" } =
439            PrettyBlock(0, false, [ContextLocation location], [PrettyString name])
440    |   printDesc{ location: location, name: string, description: string } =
441            PrettyBlock(0, false, [ContextLocation location],
442                [PrettyString name, PrettyBreak(1, 0), PrettyString ("(*" ^ description ^ "*)")])
444    (* Formal paramater to a functor - either value or exception. *)
445    fun mkFormal (name : string, class, typ, addr, locations) =
446        Value{class=class, name=name, typeOf=typ, access=Formal addr, locations=locations,
447              references = NONE, instanceTypes=NONE}
449      (* Get the value from a signature-returning expression
450         (either the name of a signature or sig ... end.
451         The type IDs in the signature are bound names. *)
452    fun sigVal(str           : sigs,
453             initTypeId    : int,
454             outerTypeIdEnv: int->typeId,
455             Env globalEnv : env,
456             lex,
457             lno           : LEX.location
458            ) : signatures =
459    let
460        datatype varId =
461            SharedWith of int (* Index of shared ID, always less than current index. *)
462        |   VariableSlot of { boundId: typeId, descriptions: string list }
463        |   FreeSlot of typeId (* Bound to a Free type ID. *)
464        |   Unset
466        val idCount = ref initTypeId
467        val mapArray = StretchArray.stretchArray(10 (* Guess initial size. *), Unset)
468        val sourceArray = StretchArray.stretchArray(10 (* Guess initial size. *), NONE)
470        fun makeVariableId(arity, isEq, isDt, requireUpdate, { location, name, description }, structPath) =
471        let
472            val fullName = structPath^name
473            val descr = { location=location, name=fullName, description=description}
474            (* Make a new bound ID after any existing ones. *)
475            val newIdNumber = !idCount before (idCount := !idCount+1)
476            val newId =
477                (if requireUpdate then makeBoundIdWithEqUpdate else makeBoundId)
478                    (arity, Formal 0 (* Not used. *), newIdNumber, isEq, isDt, descr)
479            (* Enter a variable entry in the array. *)
480            val arrayEntry = VariableSlot{ boundId=newId, descriptions = [fullName] }
481            val () = StretchArray.update(mapArray, newIdNumber-initTypeId, arrayEntry)
482            val () = StretchArray.update(sourceArray, newIdNumber-initTypeId, SOME newId)
483        in
484            newId
485        end
487        (* Follow a chain of shared IDs.  This should terminate because we always
488           point down the array. *)
489        fun realId n =
490            case StretchArray.sub(mapArray, n) of
491                SharedWith m =>
492                    if m >= n
493                    then raise InternalError "realId: Sharing loop"
494                    else realId m
495            |   id => id
497        fun isVariableId(TypeId{idKind=Bound{offset, ...}, ...}) =
498            if offset < initTypeId then false (* Outside the signature. *)
499            else
500            (
501                case realId(offset-initTypeId) of
502                    VariableSlot _ => true
503                |   FreeSlot _ => false
504                |   _ => raise InternalError "isVar"
505            )
506        |   isVariableId _ (* Free or TypeFunction *) = false
508        (* The internal type ID map after mapping to the internal Bound IDs but before the application of
509           any "where types" or sharing. *)
510        fun typeIdEnv () =
511        let
512            val v = Vector.tabulate(!idCount-initTypeId, fn n => valOf(StretchArray.sub(sourceArray, n)))
513        in
514            fn n =>
515                if n < initTypeId
516                then outerTypeIdEnv n
517                else Vector.sub(v, n-initTypeId)
518        end
520        fun linkFlexibleTypeIds(typeId1, typeId2) =
521        (* Link together and share two IDs.  The result is an equality type if either
522           was an equality type and a datatype if either was a datatype. *)
523        case (typeId1, typeId2) of
524            (TypeId{idKind=Bound{offset=offset1, ...}, ...}, TypeId{idKind=Bound{offset=offset2, ...}, ...}) =>
525        (
526            case (realId(offset1-initTypeId), realId(offset2-initTypeId)) of
527                (VariableSlot{descriptions = desc1,
528                              boundId=TypeId{
529                                idKind=Bound{eqType=eqType1, offset=off1, isDatatype=isDatatype1, arity=arity1, ...}, description, ...}},
530                 VariableSlot{descriptions = desc2,
531                              boundId=TypeId{
532                                idKind=Bound{eqType=eqType2, offset=off2, isDatatype=isDatatype2, arity=arity2, ...}, ...}}) =>
533            if off1 = off2
534            then () (* They may already share. *)
535            else
536            let
537                val resOffset = Int.min(off1, off2)
538                val setOffset = Int.max(off1, off2)
539                val isDatatype = isDatatype1 orelse isDatatype2
540                val _ = arity1 = arity2 orelse raise InternalError "linkFlexibleTypeIds: different arities"
541                val newId =
542                    makeBoundId(arity1, Formal 0, resOffset, pling eqType1 orelse pling eqType2,
543                                isDatatype, description (* Not used *))
544                val newEntry =
545                    VariableSlot{ boundId=newId, descriptions = desc1 @ desc2 }
546            in
547                StretchArray.update(mapArray, resOffset-initTypeId, newEntry);
548                StretchArray.update(mapArray, setOffset-initTypeId, SharedWith(resOffset-initTypeId))
549            end
550            |   _ => raise InternalError "linkFlexibleTypeIds: not variable"
551        )
552        |   _ => raise InternalError "linkFlexibleTypeIds: not bound"
554        local (* Sharing *)
555            fun shareTypes(typeA as TypeConstrSet(constrA, _), aPath, aMap,
556                           typeB as TypeConstrSet(constrB, _), bPath, bMap, lno, nearStruct) =
557            let
558                fun cantShare reason =
559                let
560                    fun showTypeCons(TypeConstrSet(t, _), p) =
561                    let
562                        val context =
563                            case List.find(fn DeclaredAt _ => true | _ => false) (tcLocations t) of
564                                SOME(DeclaredAt loc) => [ContextLocation loc]
565                            |   _ => []
566                    in
567                        PrettyBlock(0, false, context, [PrettyString(p ^ tcName t)])
568                    end
569                in
570                    errorMsgNear (lex, true, fn n => displaySigs(nearStruct, n), lno,
571                        PrettyBlock(3, false, [],
572                            [
573                                PrettyString "Cannot share type",
574                                PrettyBreak(1, 2),
575                                showTypeCons(typeA, aPath),
576                                PrettyBreak(1, 0),
577                                PrettyString "with type",
578                                PrettyBreak(1, 0),
579                                showTypeCons(typeB, bPath),
580                                PrettyBreak(0, 0),
581                                PrettyString ".",
582                                PrettyBreak(1, 0),
583                                reason
584                            ]))
585                end
587                fun alreadyBound(path, typeName, tcId) =
588                    cantShare (
589                        PrettyBlock(3, false, [],
590                            [
591                                PrettyString(path ^ typeName),
592                                PrettyBreak(1, 0),
593                                PrettyString "is already defined as",
594                                PrettyBreak(1, 0),
595                                printId tcId
596                            ]))
597            in
598                if isUndefinedTypeConstr constrA orelse isUndefinedTypeConstr constrB
599                then ()
600                else if tcArity constrA <> tcArity constrB (* Check arity. *)
601                then cantShare(PrettyString "The type constructors take different numbers of arguments.")
602                else
603                let
604                    fun mapId (map, TypeId{idKind=Bound{offset, ...}, ...}) = map offset
605                    |   mapId (_, id) = id
606                    val aId = mapId(aMap, tcIdentifier constrA)
607                    and bId = mapId(bMap, tcIdentifier constrB)
608                in
609                    (* The type constructors are only looked up in the signature but they
610                       already may be set to another type through a "where type" or they may
611                       have been created with Free IDs through type t=s declarations.  This
612                       could be a free identifier or a type function.  *)
613                    if not (isVariableId aId)
614                    then alreadyBound(aPath, tcName constrA, aId)
615                    else if not (isVariableId bId)
616                    then alreadyBound(bPath, tcName constrB, bId)
617                    else linkFlexibleTypeIds(aId, bId)
618                end
619            end (* shareTypes *);
621            (* Find all the structures and type constructors in one structure. *)
622            fun structsAndTypes((Struct{signat=Signatures { tab, typeIdMap, ... }, ...}, path, oldMap), start) =
623            let
624                val newMap = composeMaps(typeIdMap, oldMap)
625                fun get(name, dVal, (ts, ss)) =
626                    if tagIs structVar dVal
627                    then (ts, (name, (tagProject structVar dVal, path ^ name ^ ".", newMap)) :: ss)
628                    else if tagIs typeConstrVar dVal
629                    then ((name, (tagProject typeConstrVar dVal, path, newMap)) :: ts, ss)
630                    else (ts, ss)
631            in
632                univFold (tab, get, start)
633            end
635            (* Get all the structures and type constructors in a list of structures. *)
636            fun allStructsAndTypes structs = List.foldl structsAndTypes ([], []) structs
638            (* Turn a list of names and structures/types into a list of lists. Each entry in
639               the result list is all those structures/types with the same name. *)
640            fun getMatchedEntries entries =
641            let
642                (* Sort the items so that items with the same name are brought together.
643                   A signature is not allowed to have items of the same kind with the
644                   same name so this means that we are bringing together items from
645                   different structures.  Then filter the result to produce sets of items
646                   with the same name.  Discard singletons in the result. *)
647                val sortedEntries = quickSort (fn (s1, _) => fn (s2, _) => s1 <= s2) entries
648                (* *)
649                fun getEquals([], _, [], res) = res (* End of empty list. *)
650                |   getEquals([], _, [_], res) = res (* Last item was singleton: discard *)
651                |   getEquals([], _, acc, res) = acc :: res (* Return last item. *)
653                |   getEquals((s, t) :: r, a: string, acc, res) =
654                        if a = s then getEquals(r, a, t :: acc, res) (* Same name as last item. *)
655                        else case acc of (* Different from last item: *)
656                            [] => getEquals(r, s, [t], res) (* No previous item. *)
657                       |    [_] => getEquals(r, s, [t], res) (* Last was singleton: discard. *)
658                       |    acc => getEquals(r, s, [t], acc :: res)
659            in
660                getEquals(sortedEntries, "", [], [])
661            end
663            (* Recursively apply the sharing constraints to corresponding types in a list of
664               structures. *)
665            fun structureSharing(structs, line, near) =
666            let
667                fun shareStructs structs =
668                let
669                    val (allTypes, allSubstructs) = allStructsAndTypes structs
670                    (* Get the lists of structures and types to share. *)
671                    val matchedTypes = getMatchedEntries allTypes
672                    val matchedStructs = getMatchedEntries allSubstructs
673                in
674                    List.app(fn types => (* Share types. *)
675                        case types of
676                            [] => raise List.Empty
677                        |   (hd, hdName, hdMap) :: tl => (* Share the rest of the list with the first item. *)
678                                List.app(fn (t, tName, tMap) =>
679                                    shareTypes(hd, hdName, hdMap, t, tName, tMap, line, near)) tl) matchedTypes;
680                    List.app shareStructs matchedStructs (* Recursively share sub-structures. *)
681                end
682            in
683                shareStructs(List.map(fn (s as Struct{name=sName, ...}) => (s, sName ^ ".", typeIdEnv())) structs)
684            end
685        in
687            (* Process a sharing constraint. *)
688            fun applySharingConstraint({shares, isType, line}, Env tEnv, near) : unit =
689            let
690                (* When looking up the structure and type names we look only
691                   in the signature in ML97.  We add this to make it clear that
692                   we are only looking up in the signature otherwise we get
693                   confusing messages such as "type (int) has not been declared". *)
694                fun lookupFailure locn msg =
695                     giveError (str, locn, lex) (msg ^ " in signature.")
696            in
697                if isType
698                then
699                let (* Type sharing. *)
700                    fun lookupSharing (name, locn) = 
701                    lookupTyp
702                       ({ 
703                          lookupType   = #lookupType   tEnv,
704                          lookupStruct = #lookupStruct tEnv
705                        },
706                        name, lookupFailure locn)
707                in
708                    case shares of
709                        nil => raise Empty
710                    |   hd :: tl =>
711                        let
712                            val first  = lookupSharing hd
713                        in
714                            if isUndefinedTypeConstr(tsConstr first)
715                            then ()
716                            else List.app (fn typ =>
717                                    shareTypes (lookupSharing typ, "", typeIdEnv(), first, "", typeIdEnv(), line, near)) tl
718                        end
719                end
720                else
721                let (* structure sharing. *)
722                    fun getStruct(name, locn) = lookupStructureAsSignature (#lookupStruct tEnv, name, lookupFailure locn)
723                in  (* Now share all these signatures. *)
724                    structureSharing(List.mapPartial getStruct shares, line, near)
725                end
726            end (* applySharingConstraint *)
727        end (* Sharing *)
729        (* Look up a signature.  Signatures can only be in the global environment. *)
730        fun lookSig (name : string, lno : LEX.location) : signatures =
731            case #lookupSig globalEnv name of
732                SOME v => v
733            |   NONE =>
734                    (
735                        giveError (str, lno, lex)("Signature (" ^ name ^ ") has not been declared");
736                        undefinedSignature
737                    )
739        (* Construct a signature.  All the type IDs within the signature are variables. *)
740        fun sigValue (str : sigs, Env env : env, _ : LEX.location, structPath) =
741            case str of
742                SignatureIdent(name, loc, declLoc) =>
743                    signatureIdentValue(name, loc, declLoc, Env env, structPath)
745            |   WhereType {sigExp, typeVars, typeName, realisation, line, ...} =>
746                    signatureWhereType(sigExp, typeVars, typeName, realisation, line, Env env, structPath)
748            |   SigDec(sigList, lno) =>
749                    makeSigInto(sigList, Env env, lno, 0, structPath)
751        and signatureIdentValue(name, loc, declLocs, _, structPath) =
752        let
753            (* Look up the signature and copy it to turn bound IDs into variables.
754               This is needed because we may have sharing. *)
755            val Signatures { name, tab, typeIdMap, firstBoundIndex, boundIds, locations, ...} = lookSig(name, loc);
756            (* Remember the declaration location for possible browsing. *)
757            val () = declLocs := locations
758            val startNewIds = ! idCount
760            (* Create a new variable ID for each bound ID.  Type functions have to be copied to
761               replace references to other bound IDs.  These must be earlier in the list. *)
762            fun makeNewIds([], _) = []
764            |   makeNewIds(
765                    (oldId as TypeId{description, idKind=Bound { isDatatype, offset, arity, ...}, ...}) :: rest,
766                    typeMap
767                    ) =
768                let
769                    val newId =
770                        makeVariableId(arity, isEquality oldId, isDatatype, false, description, structPath)
771                    fun newMap(id as TypeId{idKind=Bound{offset=n, ...}, ...}) =
772                        if n = offset then SOME newId else typeMap id
773                    |   newMap _ = NONE
774                in
775                    newId :: makeNewIds(rest, newMap)
776                end
778            |   makeNewIds _ = raise InternalError "Map does not return Bound Id"
780            val v = Vector.fromList(makeNewIds(boundIds, fn _ => NONE))
781            (* Map bound IDs only. *)
782            val mapIds =
783                if firstBoundIndex = startNewIds orelse null boundIds
784                then typeIdMap (* Optimisation to reduce space: don't add map if it's not needed. *)
785                else
786                let
787                    fun mapId n =
788                        if n < firstBoundIndex then outerTypeIdEnv n
789                        else Vector.sub (v, n - firstBoundIndex)
790                in
791                    composeMaps(typeIdMap, mapId)
792                end
793        in
794            makeSignature(name, tab, !idCount, locations, mapIds, [])
795        end
797        and signatureWhereType(sigExp, typeVars, typeName, realisationType, line, Env globalEnv, structPath) =
798        let
799            (* We construct the signature into the result signature.  When we apply the
800               "where" we need to look up the types (and structures) only within the
801               signature constrained by the "where" and not in the surrounding signature.
802               e.g. If we have sig type t include S where type t = ... end
803               we need to generate an error if S does not include t.  Of course
804               if it does that's also an error since t would be rebound!
805               Equally, we must look up the right hand side of a where type
806               in the surrounding scope, which will consist of the global environment
807               and the signature excluding the entries we're adding here. *)
809            val resSig as Signatures { typeIdMap = idMap, tab = resTab, ... } =
810                sigValue(sigExp, Env globalEnv, lno, structPath)
811            val sigEnv = makeEnv resTab
813            fun lookupFailure msg =
814                giveError (str, line, lex) (msg ^ " in signature.")
816            (* Look up the type constructor in the signature. *)
817            val sigTypeConstr =
818                lookupTyp
819                  ({
820                    lookupType   = #lookupType sigEnv,
821                    lookupStruct = #lookupStruct sigEnv
822                   },
823                 typeName,
824                 lookupFailure);
826            (* The type, though, is looked up in the surrounding environment. *)
827            fun lookupGlobal(s, locn) =
828                lookupTyp
829                  ({
830                    lookupType   = #lookupType globalEnv,
831                    lookupStruct = #lookupStruct globalEnv
832                   },
833                 s,
834                 giveError (str, locn, lex))
836            (* Process the type, looking up any type constructors. *)
837            val realisation = assignTypes (realisationType, lookupGlobal, lex);
839            fun cantSet(reason1, reason2) =
840            let
841                val typeEnv =
842                {
843                    lookupType = fn s => case #lookupType globalEnv s of NONE => NONE | SOME t => SOME(t, NONE),
844                    lookupStruct = fn s => case #lookupStruct globalEnv s of NONE => NONE | SOME t => SOME(t, NONE)
845                }
846            in
847                errorMsgNear (lex, true, fn n => displaySigs(sigExp, n), lno,
848                    PrettyBlock(3, false, [],
849                        [
850                            PrettyString "Cannot apply type realisation.",
851                            PrettyBreak(1, 2),
852                            PrettyString("``" ^ typeName ^ "''"),
853                            PrettyBreak(1, 0),
854                            PrettyString reason1,
855                            PrettyBreak(1, 0),
856                            display(realisation, 1000, typeEnv),
857                            PrettyBreak(0, 0),
858                            PrettyString reason2
859                        ]))
860            end
861         in
862            (* Now try to set the target type to the type function. *)
863            if isUndefinedTypeConstr (tsConstr sigTypeConstr)
864            then () (* Probably because looking up the type constructor name failed. *)
865            else
866            let
867                (* Map the type identifier to be set. *)
868                val typeId =
869                    case tcIdentifier (tsConstr sigTypeConstr) of
870                        TypeId{idKind=Bound{offset, ...}, ...} => idMap offset
871                    |   id => id
872            in
873                if not (isVariableId typeId)
874                then (* May have been declared as type t=int or bound by a where type already. *)
875                    errorMsgNear (lex, true, fn n => displaySigs(sigExp, n), lno,
876                        PrettyBlock(3, false, [],
877                            [
878                                PrettyString "Cannot apply type realisation.",
879                                PrettyBreak(1, 2),
880                                PrettyString("``" ^ typeName ^ "''"),
881                                PrettyBreak(1, 0),
882                                PrettyString " has already been set to",
883                                PrettyBreak(1, 0),
884                                printId typeId
885                            ]))
886                else
887                case typeId of
888                    TypeId{idKind=Bound { offset, ... }, ...} =>
889                    (
890                        case realId(offset-initTypeId) of
891                            VariableSlot {boundId=varId as TypeId{idKind=Bound{eqType, offset, isDatatype, ...}, ...}, ... } =>
892                            (
893                               (* The rule for "where type" says that we must check that an eqtype
894                                  is only set to a type that permits equality and that the result
895                                  is "well-formed".  This seems to mean that if the type we're
896                                  setting is a datatype (has constructors) it can only be set to
897                                  a type that is a type name and not a general type function. *)
898                                if pling eqType andalso not(typePermitsEquality realisation)
899                                then cantSet ("is an eqtype but", "does not permit equality.")
900                                else case typeNameRebinding (typeVars, realisation) of
901                                    SOME typeId =>
902                                        (* Renaming an existing constructor e.g. type t = s.  Propagate the id.
903                                           "s" may be free or it may be within the signature and equivalent to
904                                           a sharing constraint.
905                                           e.g. sig type t structure S: sig type s end where type s = t end. *)
906                                        let
907                                            (* We need to check what it has been set to if it's already set. *)
908                                            val linkedId =
909                                                case typeId of
910                                                    id as TypeId{idKind=Bound{offset, ...}, ...} =>
911                                                        if offset < initTypeId
912                                                        then FreeSlot id (* Outside the sig: treat it as Free. *)
913                                                        else realId(offset-initTypeId)
914                                               |    id => FreeSlot id (* Free *)
915                                        in
916                                            case linkedId of
917                                                VariableSlot _ => linkFlexibleTypeIds(typeId, varId)
918                                            |   _ => StretchArray.update(mapArray, offset-initTypeId, linkedId)
919                                        end
920                                |   NONE =>
921                                        if isDatatype
922                                            (* The type we're trying to set is a datatype but the type
923                                               we're setting it to isn't. *)
924                                        then cantSet ("is a datatype but", "is not a simple type.")
925                                        else
926                                        let
927                                            val typeId =
928                                                makeTypeFunction(
929                                                    { location = line, description = "", name = typeName },
930                                                    (typeVars, realisation))
931                                        in
932                                            StretchArray.update(mapArray, offset-initTypeId, FreeSlot typeId)
933                                        end
934                            )
935                        |   _ => (* Already checked. *) raise InternalError "setWhereType"
936                    )
937                |   _ => (* Already checked. *) raise InternalError "setWhereType"
938            end;
939            resSig
940        end (* signatureWhereType *)
942        (* Constructs a signature and inserts it into an environment at a given offset.
943           Generally offset will be zero except if we are including a signature.
944           All the type IDs corresponding to local types are variables.  There may be free
945           IDs (and bound IDs?) as a result of "where type" constraints. *)
946        and makeSigInto(sigsList: specs list,
947                        Env globalEnv, (* The surrounding environment excluding this sig. *)
948                        lno: LEX.location, offset: int, structPath): signatures =
949        let
950            (* Make a new signature. *)
951            val newTable = makeSignatureTable();
952            (* Copy everything into the new signature. *)
954            local
955                (* ML 97 does not allow multiple declarations in a signature. *)
956                fun checkAndEnter (enter, lookup, kind, locs) (s: string, v) =
957                case lookup s of
958                    SOME _ => (* Already there. *)
959                    let
960                        fun getDecLoc(DeclaredAt loc :: _) = loc
961                        |   getDecLoc [] = lno
962                        |   getDecLoc(_::rest) = getDecLoc rest
963                        (* TODO: This shows the location of the identifier that is the duplicate.
964                           It would be nice if it could also show the original location. *)
965                    in
966                        errorNear (lex, true, fn n => displaySigs(str, n), getDecLoc(locs v), 
967                            kind ^ " (" ^ s ^ ") is already present in this signature.")
968                    end
969                |   NONE => enter(s, v)
971                val structEnv = makeEnv newTable;
972            in
973                val structEnv = 
974                {
975                    lookupVal     = #lookupVal    structEnv,
976                    lookupType    = #lookupType   structEnv,
977                    lookupFix     = #lookupFix    structEnv,
978                    lookupStruct  = #lookupStruct structEnv,
979                    lookupSig     = #lookupSig    structEnv,
980                    lookupFunct   = #lookupFunct  structEnv,
981                    enterVal      =
982                      checkAndEnter (#enterVal structEnv, #lookupVal structEnv, "Value",
983                        fn (Value{ locations, ...}) => locations),
984                    enterType     =
985                      checkAndEnter (#enterType structEnv, #lookupType structEnv, "Type", tcLocations o tsConstr),
986                    enterStruct   =
987                      checkAndEnter (#enterStruct structEnv, #lookupStruct structEnv, "Structure", fn Struct{locations, ...} => locations),
988                    (* These next three can't occur. *)
989                    enterFix      = fn _ => raise InternalError "Entering fixity in signature",
990                    enterSig      = fn _ => raise InternalError "Entering signature in signature",
991                    enterFunct    = fn _ => raise InternalError "Entering functor in signature",
992                    allValNames   = #allValNames structEnv
993                }
994            end
996            (* Process the entries in the signature and allocate an address
997               to each. *)
998            fun processSig (signat: specs, offset : int, lno : LEX.location) : int =
999              case signat of
1000                StructureSig (structList : structSigBind list, _) =>
1001                let
1002                  (* Each element in the list should be a structure binding. *)
1003                  fun pStruct [] offset = offset
1004                    | pStruct (({name, sigStruct = (sigStruct, _, _), line, ...}: structSigBind) :: t) offset =
1005                    let
1006                      (* Create a new surrounding environment to include the surrounding
1007                         structure.  This is the scope for any structures or types.
1008                         Specifically, if we look up a type defined by a "where type"
1009                         we use this environment and not the signature we're creating. *)
1010                      val newEnv = 
1011                         {
1012                          lookupVal     = #lookupVal    structEnv,
1013                          lookupType    =
1014                            lookupDefault (#lookupType structEnv) (#lookupType globalEnv),
1015                          lookupFix     = #lookupFix    structEnv,
1016                          lookupStruct  =
1017                            lookupDefault (#lookupStruct structEnv) (#lookupStruct globalEnv),
1018                          lookupSig     = #lookupSig    structEnv,
1019                          lookupFunct   = #lookupFunct  structEnv,
1020                          enterVal      = #enterVal structEnv,
1021                          enterType     = #enterType structEnv,
1022                          enterStruct   = #enterStruct structEnv,
1023                          enterFix      = #enterFix structEnv,
1024                          enterSig      = #enterSig structEnv,
1025                          enterFunct    = #enterFunct structEnv,
1026                          allValNames   = fn () => (#allValNames structEnv () @ #allValNames globalEnv ())
1028                         };
1029                      val resSig = sigValue (sigStruct, Env newEnv, line, structPath ^ name ^ ".");
1030                      (* Process the rest of the list before declaring
1031                         the structure. *)
1032                      val result = pStruct t (offset + 1);
1033                      (* Make a structure. *)
1034                        val locations = [DeclaredAt lno, SequenceNo (newBindingId lex)]
1035                      val resStruct = makeFormalStruct (name, resSig, offset, locations)
1036                      val () = #enterStruct structEnv (name, resStruct);
1037                    in
1038                      result (* One slot for each structure. *)
1039                    end
1040                in
1041                  pStruct structList offset
1042                end
1044              | ValSig {name=(name, nameLoc), typeof, line, ...} =>
1045                let
1046                  val errorFn = giveSpecError (signat, line, lex);
1048                  fun lookup(s, locn) =
1049                    lookupTyp
1050                      ({
1051                        lookupType   =
1052                            lookupDefault (#lookupType structEnv) (#lookupType globalEnv),
1053                        lookupStruct =
1054                            lookupDefault (#lookupStruct structEnv) (#lookupStruct globalEnv)
1055                       },
1056                     s,
1057                     giveSpecError (signat, locn, lex));
1058                  (* Check for rebinding of built-ins.  "it" is allowed here. *)
1059                  val () = if name = "true" orelse name = "false" orelse name = "nil"
1060                            orelse name = "::" orelse name = "ref"
1061                        then errorFn("Specifying \"" ^ name ^ "\" is illegal.")
1062                        else ();
1063                  val typeof = assignTypes (typeof, lookup, lex)
1064                    val locations = [DeclaredAt nameLoc, SequenceNo (newBindingId lex)]
1066                in  (* If the type is not found give an error. *)
1067                  (* The type is copied before being entered in the environment.
1068                     This isn't logically necessary but has the effect of removing
1069                     ref we put in for type constructions. *)
1070                  #enterVal structEnv (name,
1071                    mkFormal (name, ValBound,
1072                        copyType (typeof, fn x => x, fn x => x), offset, locations));
1073                  (offset + 1)
1074                end
1076              | ExSig {name=(name, nameLoc), typeof, line, ...} =>
1077                let
1078                  val errorFn = giveSpecError (signat, line, lex);
1080                  fun lookup(s, _) =
1081                    lookupTyp
1082                      ({
1083                        lookupType   =
1084                            lookupDefault (#lookupType structEnv) (#lookupType globalEnv),
1085                        lookupStruct =
1086                            lookupDefault (#lookupStruct structEnv) (#lookupStruct globalEnv)
1087                       },
1088                     s,
1089                     errorFn);
1091                    val exType =
1092                        case typeof of
1093                            NONE => exnType
1094                        |   SOME typeof => mkFunctionType (assignTypes (typeof, lookup, lex), exnType)
1095                    val locations = [DeclaredAt nameLoc, SequenceNo (newBindingId lex)]
1096                in  (* If the type is not found give an error. *)
1097                  (* Check for rebinding of built-ins. "it" is not allowed. *)
1098                    if name = "true" orelse name = "false" orelse name = "nil"
1099                  orelse name = "::" orelse name = "ref" orelse name = "it"
1100                  then errorFn("Specifying \"" ^ name ^ "\" is illegal.")
1101                  else ();
1102                  #enterVal structEnv (name, mkFormal (name, Exception, exType, offset, locations));
1103                  (offset + 1)
1104                end
1106              | IncludeSig (structList : sigs list, _) =>
1107                let
1108                    (* include sigid ... sigid or include sigexp.  For
1109                       simplicity we handle the slightly more general case
1110                       of a list of signature expressions.
1111                       The contents of the signature are added to the environment. *)
1112                    fun includeSigExp (str: sigs, offset) =
1113                    let
1114                        val address = ref offset
1115                        (* The environment for the signature being included must at least include local types.  *)
1116                        val includeEnv =
1117                        {
1118                            lookupVal     = #lookupVal structEnv,
1119                            lookupType    =
1120                                lookupDefault (#lookupType structEnv) (#lookupType globalEnv),
1121                            lookupFix     = #lookupFix structEnv,
1122                            lookupStruct  =
1123                                lookupDefault (#lookupStruct structEnv) (#lookupStruct globalEnv),
1124                            lookupSig     = #lookupSig    structEnv,
1125                            lookupFunct   = #lookupFunct  structEnv,
1126                            enterVal      = #enterVal structEnv,
1127                            enterType     = #enterType structEnv,
1128                            enterStruct   = #enterStruct structEnv,
1129                            enterFix      = #enterFix structEnv,
1130                            enterSig      = #enterSig structEnv,
1131                            enterFunct    = #enterFunct structEnv,
1132                            allValNames   = #allValNames structEnv
1133                        }
1135                        val resultSig = sigValue(str, Env includeEnv, lno, structPath)
1137                        (* Renumber the run-time offsets for Values and Structures as we enter them
1138                           into the surrounding signature. *)
1139                        fun newAccess(Formal _) =
1140                            let val addr = !address in address := addr+1; Formal addr end
1141                        |   newAccess _ = raise InternalError "newAccess: Not Formal"
1143                        fun enterType(name, tySet as TypeConstrSet(ty, tcConstructors)) =
1144                        let
1145                            (* Process value constructors with the type.  Because values can't
1146                               be redefined within a signature we can't have overridden this
1147                               with a new declaration.  We don't allocate run-time IDs to
1148                               type identifiers.  That's done at the end when we've sorted out
1149                               any sharing *)
1150                            fun copyConstructor(Value { name, typeOf, access, class, locations, ... }) =
1151                                Value{name=name, typeOf = typeOf, access=newAccess access,
1152                                      class=class, locations=locations, references=NONE,
1153                                      instanceTypes=NONE}
1154                            val newType =
1155                                case tcConstructors of
1156                                    [] => tySet (* Not a datatype. *)
1157                                |   constrs =>
1158                                    let
1159                                        val newTy =
1160                                            makeTypeConstructor(tcName ty, tcTypeVars ty, tcIdentifier ty, tcLocations ty)
1161                                    in
1162                                        TypeConstrSet(newTy, List.map copyConstructor constrs)
1163                                    end;
1164                        in
1165                            #enterType structEnv(name, newType)
1166                        end
1168                        and enterStruct(name, Struct{name=strName, signat, access, locations, ...}) =
1169                            #enterStruct structEnv
1170                                (name, Struct{ name = strName, signat = signat,
1171                                               access = newAccess access, locations = locations})
1173                        and enterVal(dName, Value { name, typeOf, access, class, locations, ... }) =
1174                            #enterVal structEnv (dName,
1175                                Value{name=name, typeOf = typeOf, access=newAccess access,
1176                                      class=class, locations=locations, references=NONE,
1177                                      instanceTypes=NONE})
1179                        val tsvEnv =
1180                            { enterType = enterType, enterStruct = enterStruct, enterVal = enterVal }
1181                        val () = openSignature(resultSig, tsvEnv, "")
1182                    in
1183                        ! address
1184                    end
1185                in
1186                    List.foldl includeSigExp offset structList
1187                end
1189              | Sharing (share : shareConstraint) =>
1190                  (* Sharing constraint. *)
1191                  let
1192                     (* In ML90 it was possible to share with any identifier
1193                        in scope.  In ML97 sharing is restricted to identifiers
1194                        in the "spec". *)
1195                       val envForSharing = Env structEnv
1196                  in
1197                     applySharingConstraint (share, envForSharing, str);
1198                     offset (* No entry *)
1199                  end
1201              | CoreType {dec, ...} =>
1202              let (* datatype or type binding(s) *)
1203                (* This pass puts the data constructors into the environment. *)
1204                val addrs = ref offset
1205                (* Pass2 creates value constructors of datatypes as global values.
1206                   Rather than complicate pass2 by trying to make formal values
1207                   in this case it's easier to trap the value constructors at
1208                   this point. N.B. We may get constructors from a datatype
1209                   declaration or from datatype replication. *)
1210                fun convertValueConstr(Value{class=class, typeOf, locations, name, ...}) =
1211                    Value{class=class, typeOf=typeOf, access=Formal(!addrs before (addrs := !addrs+1)), name=name,
1212                        locations=locations, references=NONE, instanceTypes=NONE}
1214                fun enterVal(name, v) = (#enterVal structEnv)(name, convertValueConstr v)
1216                (* Record all the types and enter them later. *)
1217                val datatypeList = searchList ()
1218                val enterType = #enter datatypeList
1220               val newEnv = 
1221                 {
1222                  lookupVal     = #lookupVal    structEnv,
1223                  lookupType    =
1224                    lookupDefault (#lookup datatypeList)
1225                        (lookupDefault (#lookupType structEnv) (#lookupType globalEnv)),
1226                  lookupFix     = #lookupFix    structEnv,
1227                  lookupStruct  =
1228                    lookupDefault (#lookupStruct structEnv) (#lookupStruct globalEnv),
1229                  lookupSig     = #lookupSig    structEnv,
1230                  lookupFunct   = #lookupFunct  structEnv,
1231                  enterVal      = enterVal,
1232                  enterType     = enterType,
1233                  enterStruct   = #enterStruct structEnv,
1234                  enterFix      = #enterFix structEnv,
1235                  enterSig      = #enterSig structEnv,
1236                  enterFunct    = #enterFunct structEnv,
1237                  allValNames   = #allValNames structEnv
1238                 };
1240                fun makeId (eq, isdt, (args, EmptyType), loc) =
1241                    makeVariableId(length args, eq, isdt, true, loc, structPath)
1243                |   makeId (_, _, (typeVars, decType), { location, name, description }) =
1244                        makeTypeFunction(
1245                            { location = location, name = structPath ^ name, description = description },
1246                            (typeVars, decType))
1248                (* We need a map to look up types.  This is only used in one place:
1249                   if the item we're processing is a datatype then we need to look
1250                   at the bindings of type identifiers to compute equality correctly.
1251                   e.g. type t = int*int datatype s = X of t . *)
1252                fun equalityForId(TypeId{idKind=TypeFn(_, equiv), ...}) = typePermitsEquality equiv
1253                |   equalityForId id = isEquality id
1255                fun findEquality n =
1256                    if n < initTypeId
1257                    then equalityForId(outerTypeIdEnv n)
1258                    else case realId(n-initTypeId) of
1259                        FreeSlot t => equalityForId t
1260                    |   VariableSlot { boundId, ...} => equalityForId boundId
1261                    |   _ => raise InternalError "internalMap: Not bound or Free"
1263                val _ : types = pass2 (dec, makeId, Env newEnv, lex, findEquality);
1264                (* Replace the constructor list for the datatype with a new set.
1265                   We need to have separate addresses for the constructors in the
1266                   datatype environment from those in the value environment.  This
1267                   is needed for compatibility with the "signature" constructed
1268                   from a struct...end block. *)
1269                fun enterFinalType (name, TypeConstrSet(tyCons, constrs)) =
1270                    #enterType structEnv (name, TypeConstrSet(tyCons, List.map convertValueConstr constrs))
1271                val _ = #apply datatypeList enterFinalType
1272              in
1273                ! addrs
1274              end
1275            (* end processSig *);
1277            val _ =
1278                List.foldl (fn (signat, offset) => processSig (signat, offset, lno))
1279                    offset sigsList
1280            val locations = [DeclaredAt lno, SequenceNo (newBindingId lex)]
1281        in
1282            makeSignature("", newTable, ! idCount, locations, typeIdEnv (), [])
1283        end
1285        (* Process the contents of the signature. *)
1286        val resultSig = sigValue (str, Env globalEnv, lno, "")
1288        (* After the signature has been built and any sharing or "where type"
1289           constraints have been applied we replace the remaining variable stamps
1290           by bound stamps. *) 
1291        val nextAddress = getNextRuntimeOffset resultSig
1292        val typeCounter = ref initTypeId;
1293        val addrCounter = ref nextAddress
1295        (* Construct final bound IDs for each distinct type ID in the array. *)
1296        local
1297            fun mapIds n =
1298            if n = !idCount-initTypeId
1299            then ([], [])
1300            else
1301            (
1302                (* Process lowest numbered IDs first since they represent
1303                   the result of any sharing. *)
1304                case realId n of
1305                    VariableSlot {
1306                        boundId =
1307                            TypeId{
1308                                idKind=Bound{eqType, isDatatype, arity, ... },
1309                                description = { name, location, description}, ...},
1310                        descriptions, ...} =>
1311                    let (* Need to make a new ID. *)
1312                        (* If we have sharing we want to produce a description that expresses that. *)
1313                        val descript =
1314                            case descriptions of
1315                                descs as _ :: _ :: _ => "sharing " ^ String.concatWith "," descs
1316                            |   _ => description (* Original description. *)
1317                        val newId =
1318                        let
1319                            (* For each ID we need a new entry in the ID vector.  We also
1320                               need an entry in the run-time vector for the structure so that
1321                               we can pass the equality/print value at run-time. *)
1322                            val n = !typeCounter
1323                            val () = typeCounter := n + 1
1324                            val addr = ! addrCounter
1325                            val () = addrCounter := addr + 1
1326                            val description =
1327                                { name = name, location = location, description = descript }
1328                        in
1329                            makeBoundId(arity, Formal addr, n, pling eqType, isDatatype, description)
1330                        end
1331                        (* Update the entry for any sharing. *)
1332                        val () = StretchArray.update(mapArray, n, FreeSlot newId)
1333                        val (distinctIds, mappedIds) = mapIds (n+1)
1334                    in
1335                        (newId :: distinctIds, newId :: mappedIds)
1336                    end
1338                |   FreeSlot (TypeId{idKind=TypeFn(args, equiv), description, ...}) =>
1339                    let
1340                        (* Generally, IDs in a FreeSlot will be either Bound or Free but
1341                           they could be TypeFunctions as a result of a "where type" and
1342                           the function could involve type IDs within the signature.  We
1343                           have to copy the ID now after all the new IDs have been created. *)
1344                        fun copyId(TypeId{idKind=Bound { offset, ...}, ...}) =
1345                            if offset < initTypeId then NONE
1346                            else (* At this stage we've overwritten all entries with FreeSlots. *)
1347                            (
1348                                case realId(offset-initTypeId) of
1349                                    FreeSlot id => SOME id
1350                                |   _ => raise InternalError "mapIds:copyTypeConstr"
1351                            )
1352                        |   copyId _ = NONE
1354                        val copiedEquiv =
1355                            copyType(equiv, fn x => x,
1356                                fn tcon => copyTypeConstr (tcon, copyId, fn x => x, fn s => s))
1357                        (* For the moment always use a Free ID here. *)
1358                        val copiedId = makeTypeFunction(description, (args, copiedEquiv))
1359                        (* Update the array with this copied version.  If other subsequent type functions
1360                           use this entry they will then pick up the copied version.  Because "where type"
1361                           constraints can only refer to earlier types we have to process this from earlier
1362                           to later. *)
1363                        val () = StretchArray.update(mapArray, n, FreeSlot copiedId)
1364                        val (distinctIds, mappedIds) = mapIds (n+1)
1365                    in
1366                        (distinctIds, copiedId :: mappedIds)
1367                    end
1369                |   FreeSlot id => (* Free or shares with existing type ID. *)
1370                    let
1371                        val (distinctIds, mappedIds) = mapIds (n+1)
1372                    in
1373                        (distinctIds, id :: mappedIds)
1374                    end
1376                |   _ => raise InternalError "mapIds"
1377            )
1378            val (distinctIds, mappedIds) = mapIds 0
1379            val mapVector = Vector.fromList mappedIds
1380            val resVector = Vector.fromList distinctIds
1381        in
1382            fun mapFunction n =
1383                if n < initTypeId
1384                then outerTypeIdEnv n
1385                else Vector.sub(mapVector, n-initTypeId)
1386            val distinctIds = distinctIds
1387            val allMapped = Vector.length mapVector = Vector.length resVector
1388        end
1389    in
1390        let
1391            val Signatures { tab, name, locations, typeIdMap, ... } = resultSig
1392            (* We have allocated Bound Ids starting at initTypeId.  If there has not been any sharing or
1393               where type constraints these Ids will correspond exactly to the bound Ids of the signature
1394               and we can use the result without any further mapping.  This is particularly the case if
1395               we have simply used a named signature here.  If there have been some sharing or where type
1396               we have to produce a new map so that the boundId list consists of contiguously numbered
1397               items.   This is an optimisation to reduce the space of the final signature. *)
1398            val finalMap =
1399                if allMapped then typeIdMap else composeMaps(typeIdMap, mapFunction)
1400        in
1401            makeSignature(name, tab, initTypeId, locations, finalMap, distinctIds)
1402        end
1403    end (* sigVal *);
1405    structure Sharing =
1406    struct
1407        type sigs           = sigs
1408        type structSigBind  = structSigBind
1409        type parsetree      = parsetree
1410        type typeParsetree  = typeParsetree
1411        type typeVarForm    = typeVarForm
1412        type pretty         = pretty
1413        type ptProperties   = ptProperties
1414        type env            = env
1415        type signatures     = signatures
1416        type lexan          = lexan
1417        type typeId         = typeId
1418        type specs          = specs
1419    end