2    Copyright (c) 2009-2015 David C.J. Matthews
4    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11    Lesser General Public License for more details.
13    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
15    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
19    Derived from the STRUCTURES module:
20    Copyright (c) 2000-9
21        Cambridge University Technical Services Limited
22    Title:      Module Structure and Operations.
23    Author:     Dave Matthews, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
24    Copyright   Cambridge University 1985
28functor COPIER(
30    structure TYPETREE : TYPETREESIG
32    structure UNIVERSALTABLE:
33    sig
34        type universal = Universal.universal
35        type univTable
36        type 'a tag = 'a Universal.tag
38        val univEnter:  univTable * 'a tag * string * 'a -> unit;
39        val univLookup: univTable * 'a tag * string -> 'a option;
40        val univFold:   univTable * (string * universal * 'a -> 'a) * 'a -> 'a;
41    end;
43    structure UTILITIES:
44    sig
45        val splitString: string -> { first:string,second:string }
46    end
48sharing STRUCTVALS.Sharing = TYPETREE.Sharing
50sharing type
51    UNIVERSALTABLE.univTable
52=   STRUCTVALS.univTable
57    open Universal; (* for tag record selectors *)
59    type tsvEnv = { enterType:   string * typeConstrSet -> unit,
60                  enterStruct: string * structVals  -> unit,
61                  enterVal   : string * values      -> unit };
63    (* Type constructor cache.  This maps typeIDs in the copied signature to
64       type constructors.  More importantly, it identifies a type constructor
65       that carries that type ID so that when we copy the values the string
66       name is appropriate. *)
68    (* Generate new entries for all the elements of the signature.
69       As well as copying the signature it also keeps track of addresses used in
70       the signature for values.  This is needed because when we're constructing a signature
71       we need to know the maximum address used.
72       This is used to two cases only: when we have a named signature with possible sharing or
73       "where types" or when including a signature.  Really these cases should renumber the
74       value entries. *)
75    fun localCopySig(sourceTab, resEnv, mapTypeId, singleLevel, strName, newMap, cacheTail): unit =
76    let
78        fun buildTypeCache(sourceTab, strName, mapTypeId, buildDatatypes, initialCache, cacheTail) =
79        let
80            (* Process sub-directories first.  That way they will be further down the list. *)
81            fun foldSubStructs(dName, dVal, rest) =
82            if tagIs structVar dVal
83            then
84            let
85                val Struct { signat = Signatures { tab, typeIdMap, ...}, ...} = tagProject structVar dVal
86            in
87                buildTypeCache(tab, strName ^ dName ^ "." (* Add structure names. *),
88                    composeMaps(typeIdMap, mapTypeId), buildDatatypes, initialCache, rest)
89            end
90            else rest
92            (* Then the types within this structure. *)
93            fun foldTypes(_, dVal, rest) =
94            if tagIs typeConstrVar dVal
95            then
96            let
97                val TypeConstrSet(tcon, _) = tagProject typeConstrVar dVal
98                fun makeName s = strName ^ s
99                fun copyId(TypeId{idKind=Bound{ offset, ...}, ...}) = SOME(mapTypeId offset)
100                |   copyId _ = NONE
101            in
102                (* On the first pass we build datatypes, on the second type abbreviations
103                   using the copied datatypes. *)
104                case tcIdentifier tcon of
105                    TypeId{idKind=TypeFn(args, equiv), access, description, ...} =>
106                    if buildDatatypes then rest (* Not on this pass. *)
107                    else (* Build a new entry whether the typeID has changed or not. *)
108                    let
109                        val copiedEquiv =
110                            copyType(equiv, fn x => x,
111                                fn tcon =>
112                                    copyTypeConstrWithCache(tcon, copyId, fn x => x, makeName, initialCache))
113                        val copiedId =
114                            TypeId{idKind=TypeFn(args, copiedEquiv), access=access, description=description}
115                    in
116                        makeTypeConstructor(makeName(tcName tcon), args, copiedId, tcLocations tcon) :: rest
117                    end
119                |   id =>
120                    if not buildDatatypes then rest (* Not on this pass. *)
121                    else
122                    (
123                        case copyId id of
124                            NONE => rest (* Skip (or add to cache?) *)
125                        |   SOME newId =>
126                            makeTypeConstructor
127                                (makeName(tcName tcon), tcTypeVars tcon, newId, tcLocations tcon) :: rest
128                    )
129            end
130            else rest
131        in
132             univFold(sourceTab, foldTypes,
133                univFold(sourceTab, foldSubStructs, cacheTail))
134        end
136        (* Process datatypes.  While processing these we make new entries for every
137           datatype even if they are already in the cache.  That way we end up with
138           the last entry in the list being the most local and that's the one we want
139           to use for type abbreviations and values. *)
140        val datatypeCache =
141            buildTypeCache(sourceTab, strName, mapTypeId, true, (* Datatypes *) [], cacheTail)
142        (* Now add any type abbreviations.  These can refer to datatypes we added in the
143           previous pass but don't reuse type abbreviations we add elsewhere. *)
144        val typeCache =
145            buildTypeCache(sourceTab, strName, mapTypeId, false, (* Type abbreviations. *)datatypeCache, datatypeCache)
147        fun copyTypeCons (tcon : typeConstrs) : typeConstrs =
148        let
149            fun copyId(TypeId{idKind=Bound{ offset, ...}, ...}) = SOME(mapTypeId offset)
150            |   copyId _ = NONE
151        in
152            copyTypeConstrWithCache (tcon, copyId, fn x => x, fn s => strName ^ s, typeCache)
153        end
155        fun copyTyp (t : types) : types =
156            copyType (t, fn x => x, (* Don't bother with type variables. *) copyTypeCons)
158    in
159        univFold
160            (sourceTab,
161            fn (dName: string, dVal: universal, _) =>
162            if tagIs structVar dVal
163            then 
164            let
165                val Struct { signat, name=structName, access, locations=structLocs, ...} = tagProject structVar dVal
166                val Signatures { name=sigName, tab, typeIdMap, firstBoundIndex, locations=sigLocs, ...} = signat
168                val newSig =
169                    if singleLevel
170                    then (* Just compose the maps. *)
171                        makeSignature(sigName, tab, firstBoundIndex, sigLocs, composeMaps(typeIdMap, mapTypeId), [])
172                    else (* Recursive copy. *)
173                    let
174                        (* Make a new sub-structure. *)
175                        val newTab = makeSignatureTable ();
176                        (* Copy everything into the new signature. *)
177                        val () =
178                            localCopySig 
179                                (tab,
180                                {
181                                    enterType   = fn (s,v) => univEnter (newTab, typeConstrVar, s, v),
182                                    enterStruct = fn (s,v) => univEnter (newTab, structVar,     s, v),
183                                    enterVal    = fn (s,v) => univEnter (newTab, valueVar,      s, v)
184                                },
185                                composeMaps(typeIdMap, mapTypeId), false, strName ^ dName ^ ".", newMap, typeCache)
186                    in
187                        (* If we're copying it all set the resulting map to the new map. *)
188                        makeSignature(sigName, newTab, firstBoundIndex, sigLocs, newMap, [])
189                    end
190                val newStruct =
191                    Struct { name = structName, signat = newSig, access = access, locations = structLocs}
192            in
193                #enterStruct resEnv (dName, newStruct)
194            end (* structures *)
196            else if tagIs typeConstrVar dVal
197            then
198            let
199                val TypeConstrSet(oldConstr, tcConstructors) = tagProject typeConstrVar dVal
200                val newConstr = copyTypeCons oldConstr;
201                (* Copy the value constructors for a datatype. *)
203                fun copyValueConstr(
204                        v as Value{name, typeOf, class, access, locations, references, instanceTypes, ...}) =
205                let
206                    (* Copy its type and make a new constructor if the type has changed. *)
207                    val newType = copyTyp typeOf;
208                in
209                    if not (identical (newType, typeOf))
210                    then Value{name=name, typeOf=newType, class=class,
211                               access=access, locations = locations, references = references,
212                               instanceTypes=instanceTypes}
213                    else v
214                end;
216                val copiedConstrs = map copyValueConstr tcConstructors
217            in
218                #enterType resEnv (dName, TypeConstrSet(newConstr, copiedConstrs))
219            end
221            (* Finally the values and exceptions. *)
222            else if tagIs valueVar dVal
223            then
224            let
225                val v as Value {typeOf, class, name, access, locations, references, instanceTypes, ...} =
226                    tagProject valueVar dVal;
227                val newType = copyTyp typeOf;
228                (* Can save creating a new object if the address and type
229                   are the same as they were. *)
230                val res =
231                    if not (identical (newType, typeOf))
232                    then Value {typeOf=newType, class=class, name=name, instanceTypes=instanceTypes,
233                                    access=access,locations=locations, references = references}
234                    else v
235            in
236                #enterVal resEnv (name, res)
237            end 
238            else (),
239            ()
240            )
241    end (* fullCopySig *)
243    (* Exported versions of these. *)
245    (* Open a structure or include a signature. *)
246    fun openSignature(Signatures{ tab, typeIdMap, ...}, resEnv, strName) =
247        localCopySig(tab, resEnv, typeIdMap, true (* One level. *), strName, typeIdMap, [])
249    and fullCopyDatatype(oldConstr:typeConstrSet, mapTypeId, strName) =
250    let
251        val sigSpace = makeSignatureTable()
252        val Env { enterType, ...} = makeEnv sigSpace
253        val () = enterType(tcName(tsConstr oldConstr), oldConstr)
254        val resType = ref NONE
255        val resEnv =
256            {
257                enterType = fn (_, tc) => resType := SOME tc,
258                enterStruct = fn (s, _) => raise Misc.InternalError ("enterStruct "^s),
259                enterVal = fn (s, _) => raise Misc.InternalError ("enterVal "^s)
260            }
261        val () = localCopySig(sigSpace, resEnv, mapTypeId, true, strName, fn _ => raise Subscript, [])
262    in
263        valOf(! resType)
264    end
266    fun replaceMap(Signatures{tab=sourceTab, name = sourceName, locations, ...},
267                   mapTypeId: int -> typeId, min, boundIds, newMap): signatures =
268    let
269        (* Make a new signature. *)
270        val tab = makeSignatureTable ();
272        val tsvEnv =
273        {
274            enterType   = fn (s,v) => univEnter (tab, typeConstrVar, s, v),
275            enterStruct = fn (s,v) => univEnter (tab, structVar, s, v),
276            enterVal = fn (s, v) => univEnter (tab, valueVar, s, v)
277        }
278        (* Copy everything into the new signature. *)
279        val () = localCopySig(sourceTab, tsvEnv, mapTypeId, false, "", newMap, [])
280    in
281        makeSignature(sourceName, tab, min, locations, newMap, boundIds)
282    end (* replaceMap *)
284    (* Find the maximum run-time offset used for a value or structure in a signature.
285       This excludes type IDs. *)
286    fun getNextRuntimeOffset(Signatures{tab, ...}): int =
287    let
288        fun getOffset(_, dVal, m) =
289        if tagIs valueVar dVal
290        then case tagProject valueVar dVal of
291            Value { access = Formal addr, ...} => Int.max(addr+1, m)
292        |   _ => m
293        else if tagIs structVar dVal
294        then case tagProject structVar dVal of
295            Struct{access=Formal addr, ...} => Int.max(addr+1, m)
296        |   _ => m
297        else if tagIs typeConstrVar dVal
298        then
299        let
300            fun getConstrOffset(Value { access = Formal addr, ...}, m) = Int.max(addr+1, m)
301            |   getConstrOffset(_, m) = m
302        in
303            List.foldl getConstrOffset m (tsConstructors (tagProject typeConstrVar dVal))
304        end
305        else m
306    in
307        univFold(tab, getOffset, 0)
308    end
310    structure Sharing =
311    struct
312        type signatures     = signatures
313        type typeConstrSet  = typeConstrSet
314        type structVals     = structVals
315        type values         = values
316        type typeId         = typeId
317        type valAccess      = valAccess
318        type types          = types
319        type univTable      = univTable
320    end