2    Title:      Standard Basis Library: Text IO
3    Copyright   David C.J. Matthews 2000, 2005, 2016
5    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12    Lesser General Public License for more details.
14    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
19signature TEXT_STREAM_IO =
21    include STREAM_IO
22    where type vector = CharVector.vector
23    where type elem = Char.char
25    val inputLine : instream -> (string * instream) option
26    val outputSubstr : outstream * Substring.substring -> unit
29signature TEXT_IO = sig
30    (* include IMPERATIVE_IO *)
31    structure StreamIO : TEXT_STREAM_IO
32        where type reader = TextPrimIO.reader
33        where type writer = TextPrimIO.writer
34        where type pos = TextPrimIO.pos
36    type vector = StreamIO.vector
37    type elem = StreamIO.elem
39    type instream
40    type outstream
42    val input : instream -> vector
43    val input1 : instream -> elem option
44    val inputN : instream * int -> vector
45    val inputAll : instream -> vector
46    val canInput : instream * int -> int option
47    val lookahead : instream -> elem option
48    val closeIn : instream -> unit
49    val endOfStream : instream -> bool
50    val output : outstream * vector -> unit
51    val output1 : outstream * elem -> unit
52    val flushOut : outstream -> unit
53    val closeOut : outstream -> unit
54    val mkInstream : StreamIO.instream -> instream
55    val getInstream : instream -> StreamIO.instream
56    val setInstream : instream * StreamIO.instream -> unit
57    val mkOutstream : StreamIO.outstream -> outstream
58    val getOutstream : outstream -> StreamIO.outstream
59    val setOutstream : outstream * StreamIO.outstream -> unit
60    val getPosOut : outstream -> StreamIO.out_pos
61    val setPosOut : outstream * StreamIO.out_pos -> unit
62    (* End of include IMPERATIVE_IO *)
64    val inputLine : instream -> string option
65    val outputSubstr : outstream * Substring.substring -> unit
66    val openIn  : string -> instream
67    val openOut : string -> outstream
68    val openAppend : string -> outstream
69    val openString : string -> instream
71    val stdIn  : instream
72    val stdOut : outstream
73    val stdErr : outstream
75    val print : string -> unit
76    val scanStream : ((Char.char, StreamIO.instream) StringCvt.reader
77                      -> ('a, StreamIO.instream) StringCvt.reader)
78                      -> instream -> 'a option
81structure TextIO :> TEXT_IO = struct
82    open IO
84    type vector = String.string
85    and  elem = Char.char
87    exception Interrupt = RunCall.Interrupt
89    (* Called after any exception in the lower level reader or
90       writer to map any exception other than Io into Io. *)
91    fun mapToIo (io as Io _, _, _) = io
92      | mapToIo (Interrupt, _, _) = Interrupt
93      | mapToIo (nonIo, name, caller) =
94            Io { name = name, function = caller, cause = nonIo }
96    (* Functional IO Layer. *)
98    structure TextStreamIO =
99    struct
100        structure BasicTextStreamIO = BasicStreamIO(
101                structure PrimIO = TextPrimIO
102                structure Vector = CharVector
103                structure Array = CharArray
104                structure VectorSlice = CharVectorSlice
105                structure ArraySlice = CharArraySlice
106                val someElem : PrimIO.elem = #" "
107            );
109        open BasicTextStreamIO
111        (* Input a line.  Adds a newline if the file ends without one. *)
112        fun inputLine f =
113        let
114            (* Read a sequence of blocks until we get a newline or EOF. *)
115            fun inputBlocks read f =
116            let
117                (* Read the next block and see how big it is. *)
118                val (blk, f') = input f
119                val length = String.size blk
121                (* See if it contains a newline and if so where. *)
122                fun newlinePos i =
123                    if i = length then length+1
124                    else if String.sub(blk, i) = #"\n"
125                    then i+1 (* Return characters including newline. *)
126                    else newlinePos (i+1)
127                val nlPos = newlinePos 0
128            in
129                if length = 0 (* EOF *)
130                then (
131                    (* If we have not read anything at all we return NONE
132                       otherwise return what we had with a newline added. *)
133                    case read of
134                        [] => NONE
135                    |   _ => SOME(String.concat(List.rev("\n"::read)), f)
136                    )
137                else if nlPos > length
138                then inputBlocks (blk::read) f' (* No newline - get another block.. *)
139                else (* The string we read included a newline. *)
140                    let
141                        (* Reread all up to and including the newline
142                           and return the stream which gives us the rest. *)
143                        val (b, f') = inputN(f, nlPos)
144                    in
145                        SOME(String.concat(List.rev(b::read)), f')
146                    end
147            end
148        in
149            (* If we are at end-of-stream we return NONE.  Since this is a functional stream
150               that means we will always return NONE for a given f (i.e. there's no 
151               temporary end-of-stream to be cleared). *)
152            inputBlocks [] f
153        end
155        (* StreamIO treats line buffering on output as block buffering
156           since it has no concept of a line separator. *)
157        fun output(f, v) =
158            case getBufferMode f of
159                LINE_BUF =>
160                let
161                    val vecLen = CharVector.length v
162                    (* Find the last newline character in the string. *)
163                    fun lastNewline 0 = 0
164                    |   lastNewline i =
165                            if CharVector.sub(v, i-1) = #"\n" then i
166                            else lastNewline(i-1)
167                    val newLinePos = lastNewline vecLen
168                in
169                    if newLinePos = 0
170                    then (* No newlines in it. *)
171                        BasicTextStreamIO.output(f, v)
172                    else (* There's at least one newline. *)
173                        (
174                        outputVec(f, CharVectorSlice.slice(v, 0, SOME newLinePos));
175                        flushOut f;
176                        outputVec(f, CharVectorSlice.slice(v, newLinePos, NONE))
177                        )
178                end
180            |   _ => BasicTextStreamIO.output(f, v) (* Not line buffering. *)
182        (* This could be defined in terms of output but the underlying
183           output1 function is likely to be more efficient. *)
184        fun output1(f, c) =
185            (
186            BasicTextStreamIO.output1(f, c);
187            if c = #"\n" andalso getBufferMode f = LINE_BUF
188            then flushOut f else ()
189            )
190    end (* StreamIO. *)
193    (* The imperative IO streams *)
194    structure ImpIO = BasicImperativeIO(
195        structure StreamIO = TextStreamIO
196        structure Vector = CharVector
197        structure Array = CharArray)
199    open ImpIO
200    (* Now define StreamIO as our extended StreamIO *)
202    (* Replace the StreamIO from ImpIO by our version. *)
203    structure StreamIO =
204    struct
205        open TextStreamIO
207        val outputSubstr = outputVec
208    end
210    open Thread.Thread
211    open Thread.Mutex
212    open LibrarySupport.CharArray
213    type fileDescr = OS.IO.iodesc;
214    type address = LibrarySupport.address
215    (* We have to declare doIo separately depending on the
216       types of the arguments. It's possible to get round this
217       but that would result in an extra call to run_call3 for
218       each io call. *)
219    local
220        val doIo: int*int*string -> fileDescr
221             = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
222    in
223        val stdInDesc: fileDescr = RunCall.unsafeCast 0
225        fun sys_open_in_text name = doIo(3, 0, name)
226        and sys_open_out_text name = doIo(5, 0, name)
227        and sys_open_append_text name = doIo(13, 0, name)
228    end
230    local
231        val doIo = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
232    in
233        fun sys_get_buffsize (strm: fileDescr): int = doIo(15, strm, 0)
234    end
236    (* Create the primitive IO functions and add the higher layers. *)
237    fun wrapInFileDescr(n, name) =
238    let
239        val textPrimRd =
240            LibraryIOSupport.wrapInFileDescr{fd=n,
241                name=name, initBlkMode=true}
242        val streamIo = StreamIO.mkInstream(textPrimRd, "")
243    in
244        ImpIO.mkInstream streamIo
245    end
247    fun wrapOutFileDescr(n, name, buffering, isAppend) =
248    let
249        val buffSize = sys_get_buffsize n
250        val textPrimWr =
251            LibraryIOSupport.wrapOutFileDescr{fd=n,
252                name=name, appendMode=isAppend, initBlkMode=true, chunkSize=buffSize}
253        (* Construct a stream. *)
254        val streamIo = StreamIO.mkOutstream(textPrimWr, buffering)
255    in
256        mkOutstream streamIo
257    end
259    (* Open a file for output. *)
260    fun openOut s =
261    let
262        val f = 
263            sys_open_out_text s
264                handle exn => raise mapToIo(exn, s, "TextIO.openOut")
265        (* Look at the stream to see what kind of buffering to use. *)
266        val k = OS.IO.kind f        
267    in
268        wrapOutFileDescr (f, s,
269            if k = OS.IO.Kind.tty then IO.LINE_BUF else IO.BLOCK_BUF,
270            false (* Not append *))
271    end
273    fun openAppend s =
274    let
275        val f = 
276            sys_open_append_text s
277                handle exn => raise mapToIo(exn, s, "TextIO.openAppend")
278        val k = OS.IO.kind f        
279    in
280        wrapOutFileDescr (f, s,
281            if k = OS.IO.Kind.tty then IO.LINE_BUF else IO.BLOCK_BUF,
282            true (* setPos will not work. *))
283    end
285    (* Open a file for input. *)
286    fun openIn s =
287    let
288        val f = 
289            sys_open_in_text s
290                handle exn => raise mapToIo(exn, s, "TextIO.openIn")
291    in
292        wrapInFileDescr(f, s)
293    end
295    (* Get the entries for standard input, standard output and standard error. *)
296    val stdIn = wrapInFileDescr(stdInDesc, "stdIn")
298    local
299        (* On startup reset stdIn to the original stream.  Among other things this clears
300           any data that may have been in the buffer when we exported. *)
301        fun onStartUp () =
302        let
303            val textPrimRd =
304                LibraryIOSupport.wrapInFileDescr{fd=stdInDesc,
305                    name="stdIn", initBlkMode=true}
306            val streamIo = StreamIO.mkInstream(textPrimRd, "")
307        in
308            ImpIO.setInstream(stdIn, streamIo)
309        end
310    in
311        (* Set up an onEntry handler so that this is always installed. *)
312        val () = PolyML.onEntry onStartUp
313    end;
315    (* We may want to consider unbuffered output or even linking stdOut with stdIn
316       so that any unbuffered
317       output is flushed before reading from stdIn. That's the way that stdio
318       works to ensure that prompts are written out. *)
319    (* PROBLEM: The following declaration is evaluated when this structure is
320       created, not at the start of the session.  The buffering will be set
321       permanently to the buffering in effect at that point.
322       Two solutions are possible.  One is to define special versions of the
323       "write" functions to examine the stream whenever they are called and
324       decide whether to change the buffering.  Another is simply to set it
325       to unbuffered.  That can be changed, though, which may not be
326       satisfactory. *)
327    (* I've changed this from NO_BUF to LINE_BUF which should improve
328       the performance.  An alternative might be to set up an "OnEntry"
329       call which would examine the stream and decide what kind of
330       buffering to use.  DCJM 1/9/00. *)
331    val stdOut =
332    let
333        val f: fileDescr = RunCall.unsafeCast 1
334    in
335        wrapOutFileDescr (f, "stdOut", IO.LINE_BUF
336            (* if System_is_term f then IO.LINE_BUF else IO.BLOCK_BUF *),
337            false)
338    end
340    val stdErr =
341    let
342        val f: fileDescr = RunCall.unsafeCast 2
343    in
344        wrapOutFileDescr (f, "stdErr",
345            IO.NO_BUF (* Defined to be unbuffered. *),
346            false)
347    end
349    local
350        (* This requires access to the underlying representation in order to be
351           able to lock the stream while reading the line.  This ensures that
352           if multiple threads are reading lines from a stream each thread
353           will get a complete line. *)
354        fun inputLine' fStream =
355        let
356            val f = ! fStream
357        in
358            case StreamIO.inputLine f of
359                NONE =>
360                    let
361                        (* It's not clear what should happen here.  Assume that this clears any
362                           temporary EOF. *)
363                        val (_, f') = StreamIO.input f
364                    in
365                        fStream := f';
366                        NONE
367                    end
368            |   SOME (s, f') => ( fStream := f'; SOME s )
369        end
370    in
371        fun inputLine s = ImpIO.protect s inputLine'
372    end
374    fun outputSubstr(f, s) = StreamIO.outputSubstr(getOutstream f, s)
376    fun print s = (output(stdOut, s); flushOut stdOut)
378    (* Open a string as an input stream. It would be possible to define this using
379       the string as the argument to mkInstream and a null reader. This way gives
380       more flexibility since it allows for random access to the string. *)
381    fun openString (s: string) : instream =
382    let
383        val stringLength = String.size s
384        val posN: int ref = ref 0
386        (* We can read from the string until it is exhausted. *)
387        fun readVec (len: int): vector =
388        let
389            val l = Int.min(len, stringLength - !posN)
390            val v = String.substring(s, !posN, l)
391        in
392            posN := !posN + l;
393            v
394        end
396        (* Closing it simply exhausts the input. *)
397        fun close () : unit = (posN := stringLength)
398        and avail () : int option = SOME(stringLength - ! posN)
399        and readVecNB l = SOME(readVec l)
400        and block () = ()
401        and canInput () = true
402        and getPos () = Position.fromInt(!posN)
403        and setPos n = posN := Position.toInt n
404        and endPos () = Position.fromInt stringLength
406        val textPrimRd =
407            TextPrimIO.RD {
408                name = "StringPrimIO",
409                chunkSize = stringLength, (* Most efficient to read the whole string. *)
410                readVec = SOME readVec,
411                readArr = NONE, (* Can be synthesised. *)
412                readVecNB = SOME readVecNB,
413                readArrNB = NONE, (* Can be synthesised. *)
414                block = SOME block,
415                canInput = SOME canInput,
416                avail = avail,
417                getPos = SOME getPos,
418                setPos = SOME setPos,
419                endPos = SOME endPos,
420                verifyPos = SOME getPos,
421                close = close,
422                ioDesc = NONE
423            }
424        val streamIo = StreamIO.mkInstream(textPrimRd, "")
425    in
426        ImpIO.mkInstream streamIo
427    end
429    fun scanStream scanFn strm =
430    let
431        val f = getInstream strm
432    in
433        case (scanFn StreamIO.input1 f) of
434            NONE => NONE
435        |   SOME(v, f') =>
436            (
437                setInstream(strm, f');
438                SOME v
439            )
441    end
444(* Available unqualified at top-level. *)
445val print = TextIO.print;