2    Title:      Standard Basis Library: Real Signature and structure.
3    Author:     David Matthews
4    Copyright   David Matthews 2000, 2005, 2008, 2016-17
6    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
10    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    Lesser General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
20structure Real: REAL =
22    open IEEEReal
23    val fromLargeInt: LargeInt.int -> real = Real.rtsCallFastI_F "PolyFloatArbitraryPrecision"
25    val fromInt: int -> real =
26        (* We have to select the appropriate conversion.  This will be
27           reduced down to the appropriate function but has to be
28           type-correct whether int is arbitrary precision or fixed
29           precision.  Hence the "o Large/FixedInt.fromInt". *)
30        if Bootstrap.intIsArbitraryPrecision
31        then fromLargeInt o LargeInt.fromInt
32        else Real.fromFixedInt o FixedInt.fromInt
34    (* These are needed because we don't yet have conversion from string
35       to real.  They are filtered out by the signature. *)
36    val zero = fromInt 0 and one = fromInt 1 and four = fromInt 4
38    local
39        val doReal : int*real->real = RunCall.rtsCallFull2 "PolyRealGeneral"
40    in
41        fun callReal n x = doReal(n, x)
42    end
44    local
45        val doReal : int*(real*real)->real = RunCall.rtsCallFull2 "PolyRealGeneral"
46    in
47        fun callRealReal n p = doReal(n, p)
48    end
50    local
51        val doReal : int*real->bool = RunCall.rtsCallFull2 "PolyRealGeneral"
52    in
53        fun callRealToBool n x = doReal(n, x)
54    end
56    local
57        val doReal : int*real->int = RunCall.rtsCallFull2 "PolyRealGeneral"
58    in
59        fun callRealToInt n x = doReal(n, x)
60    end
62    type real = real (* Pick up from globals. *)
64    structure Math: MATH =
65    struct
66        type real = real (* Pick up from globals. *)
67        val sqrt  = Real.rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealSqrt"
68        and sin   = Real.rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealSin"
69        and cos   = Real.rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealCos"
70        and atan  = Real.rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealArctan"
71        and exp   = Real.rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealExp"
72        and ln    = Real.rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealLog"
73        and tan   = Real.rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealTan"
74        and asin  = Real.rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealArcSin"
75        and acos  = Real.rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealArcCos"
76        and log10 = Real.rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealLog10"
77        and sinh  = Real.rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealSinh"
78        and cosh  = Real.rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealCosh"
79        and tanh  = Real.rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealTanh"
81        (* These have not yet been done. *)
82        val atan2 = callRealReal 3
83        val pow = callRealReal 4
85        (* Derived values. *)
86        val e = exp one
87        val pi = four * atan one
89    end;
92    infix 4 == != ?=;
94    val op == = Real.==
95    val op != : real * real -> bool = not o op ==
97    val radix : int = callRealToInt 11 zero
98    val precision : int = callRealToInt 12 zero
99    val maxFinite : real = callReal 13 zero
100    val minNormalPos : real = callReal 14 zero
102    val posInf : real = one/zero;
103    val negInf : real = ~one/zero;
105    (* We only implement this sort of real. *)
106    fun toLarge (x: real) : (*LargeReal.*)real =x
107    fun fromLarge (_ : IEEEReal.rounding_mode) (x: (*LargeReal.*)real): real = x
109    local
110        open Real
111    in
112        (* NAN values fail any test including equality with themselves. *)
113        fun isNan x = x != x
114        (* NAN values do not match and infinities when multiplied by 0 produce NAN. *)
115        fun isFinite x = x * zero == zero
117        val signBit : real -> bool = callRealToBool 17
118        val copySign : (real * real) -> real = callRealReal 18
120        (* If we assume that all functions produce normalised results where
121           possible, the only subnormal values will be those smaller than
122           minNormalPos. *)
123        fun isNormal x = isFinite x andalso abs x >= minNormalPos
125        fun class x =
126            if isFinite x then if x == zero then ZERO
127               else if abs x >= minNormalPos then NORMAL
128               else SUBNORMAL
129            else if isNan x then NAN
130               else (* not finite and not Nan *) INF
132        fun sign x = 
133            if isNan x then raise General.Domain
134            else if x == zero then 0 else if x < zero then ~1 else 1
135    end
137    fun sameSign (x, y) = signBit x = signBit y
139    fun unordered (x, y) = isNan x orelse isNan y
141    (* Returns the minimum.  In the case where one is a NaN it returns the
142       other. In that case the comparison will be false. *)
143    fun min (a: real, b: real): real = if a < b orelse isNan b then a else b
144    (* Similarly for max. *)
145    fun max (a: real, b: real): real = if a > b orelse isNan b then a else b
147    fun checkFloat x =
148        if isFinite x then x
149        else if isNan x then raise General.Div else raise General.Overflow
151    val radixAsReal (* Not exported *) = fromInt radix
152    val epsilon (* Not exported *) = Math.pow(radixAsReal, fromInt (Int.-(1, precision)))
154    val minPos : real = minNormalPos*epsilon;
156    local
157        val toMantissa : real->real = callReal 24
158        and toExponent : real->int = callRealToInt 25
160        val doReal : int*(real*int)->real = RunCall.rtsCallFull2 "PolyRealGeneral"
162        fun fromManAndExp (ri: real*int): real = doReal(23, ri)
164        open Real
165    in
166        fun toManExp r = 
167            if not (isFinite r) orelse r == zero
168            (* Nan, infinities and +/-0 all return r in the mantissa.
169               We include 0 to preserve its sign. *)
170            then {man=r, exp=0}
171            else {man=toMantissa r, exp=toExponent r}
173        fun fromManExp {man, exp} = 
174            if not (isFinite man) orelse man == zero
175            (* Nan, infinities and +/-0 in the mantissa all return
176               their argument. *)
177            then man
178            else fromManAndExp(man, exp)
179    end
181    (* Convert to integer.  Ideally this would do the rounding/truncation as part of the
182       conversion but it doesn't seem to be possible to detect overflow properly.
183       Instead we use the real rounding/truncation, convert to arbitrary
184       precision and then check for overflow if necessary.  *)
185    local
186        (* The RTS function converts to at most a 64-bit value (even on 
187           32-bits).  That will convert all the bits of the mantissa
188           but if the exponent is large we may have to multiply by
189           some power of two. *)
190        val realToInt: real -> LargeInt.int  = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyRealBoxedToLongInt"
191    in
192        val realFloor = Real.rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealFloor"
193        and realCeil  = Real.rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealCeil"
194        and realTrunc  = Real.rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealTrunc"
195        and realRound  = Real.rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealRound"
197        fun toArbitrary x = 
198            if isNan x then raise General.Domain
199            else if not (isFinite x) then raise General.Overflow
200            else
201            let
202                val { man, exp } = toManExp x
203            in
204                if exp <= precision
205                then realToInt x
206                else IntInf.<< (realToInt(fromManExp{man=man, exp=precision}), Word.fromInt(exp - precision))
207            end
209        fun floor x = toArbitrary(realFloor x)
210        (* Returns the largest integer <= x. *)
212        fun ceil x = toArbitrary(realCeil x)
213        (* Returns the smallest integer >= x. *)
215        fun trunc x = toArbitrary(realTrunc x)
216        (* Truncate towards zero. *)
218        fun round x = toArbitrary(realRound x)
219        (* Return the nearest integer, returning an even value if equidistant. *)
221        fun toLargeInt IEEEReal.TO_NEGINF r = floor r
222         |  toLargeInt IEEEReal.TO_POSINF r = ceil r
223         |  toLargeInt IEEEReal.TO_ZERO r = trunc r
224         |  toLargeInt IEEEReal.TO_NEAREST r = round r
226        fun toInt mode x = LargeInt.toInt(toLargeInt mode x)
228        val floor = LargeInt.toInt o floor
229        and ceil  = LargeInt.toInt o ceil
230        and trunc = LargeInt.toInt o trunc
231        and round = LargeInt.toInt o round
232    end;
234    local
235        val realConv: string->real = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyRealBoxedFromString"
237        val posNan = abs(zero / zero)
238        val negNan = ~posNan
239    in
240        fun fromDecimal { class = INF, sign=true, ...} = SOME negInf
241          | fromDecimal { class = INF, sign=false, ...} = SOME posInf
242          | fromDecimal { class = ZERO, sign=true, ...} = SOME (~ zero)
243          | fromDecimal { class = ZERO, sign=false, ...} = SOME zero
244             (* Generate signed Nans ignoring the digits and mantissa.  There
245                was code here to set the mantissa but there's no reference to
246                that in the current version of the Basis library.  *)
247          | fromDecimal { class = NAN, sign=true, ... } = SOME negNan
248          | fromDecimal { class = NAN, sign=false, ... } = SOME posNan
250          | fromDecimal { class = _ (* NORMAL or SUBNORMAL *), sign, digits, exp} =
251            (let
252                fun toChar x =
253                    if x < 0 orelse x > 9 then raise General.Domain
254                    else Char.chr (x + Char.ord #"0")
255                (* Turn the number into a string. *)
256                val str = "0." ^ String.implode(List.map toChar digits) ^"E" ^
257                    Int.toString exp
258                (* Convert it to a real using the RTS conversion function.
259                   Change any Conversion exceptions into Domain. *)
260                val result = realConv str handle RunCall.Conversion _ => raise General.Domain
261            in
262                if sign then SOME (~result) else SOME result
263            end 
264                handle General.Domain => NONE
265            )
266    end
268    local
269        val dtoa: real*int*int -> string*int*int = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyRealBoxedToString"
270        open StringCvt
272        fun addZeros n =
273            if n <= 0 then "" else "0" ^ addZeros (n-1)
275        fun fixFmt ndigs r =
276        if isNan r then "nan"
277        else if not (isFinite r)
278        then if r < zero then "~inf" else "inf"
279        else
280        let
281            (* Try to get ndigs past the decimal point. *)
282            val (str, exp, sign) = dtoa(r, 3, ndigs)
283            val strLen = String.size str
284            (* If the exponents is negative or zero we need to put a zero
285               before the decimal point.  If the exponent is positive and
286               less than the number of digits we can take that
287               many characters off, otherwise we have to pad with zeros. *)
288            val numb =
289                if exp <= 0
290                then (* Exponent is zero or negative - all significant digits are
291                        after the decimal point.  Put in any zeros before
292                        the significant digits, then the significant digits
293                        and then any trailing zeros. *)
294                    if ndigs = 0 then "0"
295                    else "0." ^ addZeros(~exp) ^ str ^ addZeros(ndigs-strLen+exp)
296                else if strLen <= exp
297                then (* Exponent is not less than the length of the string -
298                        all significant digits are before the decimal point. Add
299                        any extra zeros before the decimal point then zeros after it. *)
300                    str ^ addZeros(exp-strLen) ^ 
301                        (if ndigs = 0 then "" else "." ^ addZeros ndigs)
302                else (* Significant digits straddle the decimal point - insert the
303                        decimal point and add any trailing zeros. *)
304                    String.substring(str, 0, exp) ^ "." ^
305                        String.substring(str, exp, strLen-exp) ^ 
306                            addZeros(ndigs-strLen+exp)
307        in
308            if sign <> 0 then "~" ^ numb else numb
309        end
311        fun sciFmt ndigs r =
312        if isNan r then "nan"
313        else if not (isFinite r)
314        then if r < zero then "~inf" else "inf"
315        else
316        let
317            (* Try to get ndigs+1 digits.  1 before the decimal point and ndigs after. *)
318            val (str, exp, sign) = dtoa(r, 2, ndigs+1)
319            val strLen = String.size str
320            fun addZeros n =
321                if n <= 0 then "" else "0" ^ addZeros (n-1)
322            val numb =
323                if strLen = 0
324                then "0" ^ (if ndigs = 0 then "" else "." ^ addZeros ndigs) ^ "E0"
325                else 
326                   (if strLen = 1
327                    then str ^ (if ndigs = 0 then "" else "." ^ addZeros ndigs)
328                    else String.substring(str, 0, 1) ^ "." ^
329                            String.substring(str, 1, strLen-1) ^ addZeros (ndigs-strLen+1)
330                    ) ^ "E" ^ Int.toString (exp-1)
331        in
332            if sign <> 0 then "~" ^ numb else numb
333        end
335        fun genFmt ndigs r =
336        if isNan r then "nan"
337        else if not (isFinite r)
338        then if r < zero then "~inf" else "inf"
339        else
340        let
341            (* Try to get ndigs digits. *)
342            val (str, exp, sign) = dtoa(r, 2, ndigs)
343            val strLen = String.size str
344            val numb =
345            (* Have to use scientific notation if exp > ndigs.  Also use it
346               if the exponent is small (TODO: adjust this) *)
347                if exp > ndigs orelse exp < ~5
348                then (* Scientific format *)
349                   (if strLen = 1 then str
350                    else String.substring(str, 0, 1) ^ "." ^
351                            String.substring(str, 1, strLen-1)
352                    ) ^ "E" ^ Int.toString (exp-1)
354                else (* Fixed format (N.B. no trailing zeros are added after the
355                        decimal point apart from one if necessary) *)
356                    if exp <= 0
357                then (* Exponent is zero or negative - all significant digits are
358                        after the decimal point.  Put in any zeros before
359                        the significant digits, then the significant digits
360                        and then any trailing zeros. *)
361                    "0." ^ addZeros(~exp) ^ str
362                else if strLen <= exp
363                then (* Exponent is not less than the length of the string -
364                        all significant digits are before the decimal point. Add
365                        any extra zeros before the decimal point. Insert .0 at the
366                        end to make it a valid real number. *)
367                    str ^ addZeros(exp-strLen) ^ ".0"
368                else (* Significant digits straddle the decimal point - insert the
369                        decimal point. *)
370                    String.substring(str, 0, exp) ^ "." ^
371                        String.substring(str, exp, strLen-exp)
372        in
373            if sign <> 0 then "~" ^ numb else numb
374        end
376        fun strToDigitList str =
377        let
378            fun getDigs i l =
379                if i < 0 then l
380                else getDigs (i-1)
381                        ((Char.ord(String.sub(str, i)) - Char.ord #"0") :: l)
382        in
383            getDigs (String.size str - 1) []
384        end
385    in
386        fun toDecimal r =
387        let
388            val sign = signBit r
389            val kind = class r
390        in
391            case kind of
392                ZERO => { class = ZERO, sign = sign, digits=[], exp = 0 }
393              | INF  => { class = INF, sign = sign, digits=[], exp = 0 }
394              | NAN => { class = NAN, sign = sign, digits=[], exp = 0 }
395              | _ => (* NORMAL/SUBNORMAL *)
396                let
397                    val (str, exp, sign) = dtoa(r, 0, 0)
398                    val digits = strToDigitList str
399                in
400                    { class = kind, sign = sign <> 0, digits = digits, exp = exp }
401                end
402        end
404        (* Note: The definition says, reasonably, that negative values
405           for the number of digits raises Size.  The tests also check
406           for a very large value for the number of digits and seem to
407           expect Size to be raised in that case.  Note that the exception
408           is raised when fmt spec is evaluated and before it is applied
409           to an actual real argument.
410           In all cases, even EXACT format, this should produce "nan" for a NaN
411           and ignore the sign bit. *)
412        fun fmt (SCI NONE) = sciFmt 6
413          | fmt (SCI (SOME d) ) =
414                if d < 0 orelse d > 200 then raise General.Size
415                else sciFmt d
416          | fmt (FIX NONE) = fixFmt 6
417          | fmt (FIX (SOME d) ) =
418                if d < 0 orelse d > 200 then raise General.Size
419                else fixFmt d
420          | fmt (GEN NONE) = genFmt 12
421          | fmt (GEN (SOME d) ) =
422                if d < 1 orelse d > 200 then raise General.Size
423                else genFmt d
424          | fmt EXACT = (fn r => if isNan r then "nan" else IEEEReal.toString(toDecimal r))
426        val toString = fmt (GEN NONE)
427    end
430    fun scan getc src =
431    let
432        (* Return a list of digits. *)
433        fun getdigits inp src =
434            case getc src of
435                NONE => (List.rev inp, src)
436              | SOME(ch, src') =>
437                    if ch >= #"0" andalso ch <= #"9"
438                    then getdigits ((Char.ord ch - Char.ord #"0") :: inp) src'
439                    else (List.rev inp, src)
441        (* Read an unsigned integer.  Returns NONE if no digits have been read. *)
442        fun getNumber sign digits acc src =
443            case getc src of
444                NONE => if digits = 0 then NONE else SOME(if sign then ~acc else acc, src)
445              | SOME(ch, src') =>
446                    if ch >= #"0" andalso ch <= #"9"
447                    then getNumber sign (digits+1) (acc*10 + Char.ord ch - Char.ord #"0") src'
448                    else if digits = 0 then NONE else SOME(if sign then ~acc else acc, src')
450        (* Return the signed exponent. *)
451        fun getExponent src =
452            case getc src of
453                NONE => NONE
454              | SOME(ch, src') =>
455                if ch = #"+"
456                then getNumber false 0 0 src'
457                else if ch = #"-" orelse ch = #"~"
458                then getNumber true 0 0 src'
459                else getNumber false 0 0 src
461        fun read_number sign src =
462            case getc src of
463                NONE => NONE
464              | SOME(ch, _) =>
465                    if not (ch >= #"0" andalso ch <= #"9" orelse ch = #".")
466                    then NONE (* Bad *)
467                    else (* Digits or decimal. *)
468                    let
469                        (* Get the digits before the decimal point (if any) *)
470                        val (intPart, srcAfterDigs) = getdigits [] src
471                        (* Get the digits after the decimal point (if any).
472                           If there is a decimal point we only accept it if
473                           there is at least one digit after it. *)
474                        val (decimals, srcAfterMant) =
475                            case getc srcAfterDigs of
476                                NONE => ([], srcAfterDigs)
477                             |  SOME (#".", srcAfterDP) =>
478                                    ( (* Check that the next character is a digit. *)
479                                    case getc srcAfterDP of
480                                        NONE => ([], srcAfterDigs)
481                                      | SOME(ch, _) =>
482                                            if ch >= #"0" andalso ch <= #"9"
483                                            then getdigits [] srcAfterDP
484                                            else ([], srcAfterDigs)
485                                    )
486                             |  SOME (_, _) => ([], srcAfterDigs)
487                        (* The exponent is optional.  If it doesn't form a valid
488                           exponent we return zero as the value and the
489                           continuation is the beginning of the "exponent". *)
490                        val (exponent, srcAfterExp) =
491                            case getc srcAfterMant of
492                                NONE => (0, srcAfterMant)
493                             |  SOME (ch, src'''') =>
494                                if ch = #"e" orelse ch = #"E"
495                                then 
496                                    (
497                                    case getExponent src'''' of
498                                        NONE => (0, srcAfterMant)
499                                      | SOME x => x 
500                                    )
501                                else (0, srcAfterMant)
502                        (* Generate a decimal representation ready for conversion.
503                           We don't bother to strip off leading or trailing zeros. *)
504                        val decimalRep = {class=NORMAL, sign=sign,
505                                digits=List.@(intPart, decimals),
506                                exp=exponent + List.length intPart}
507                    in
508                        case fromDecimal decimalRep of
509                           SOME r => SOME(r, srcAfterExp)
510                         | NONE => NONE
511                    end
512    in
513        case getc src of
514            NONE => NONE
515         |  SOME(ch, src') =>
516            if Char.isSpace ch (* Skip white space. *)
517            then scan getc src' (* Recurse *)
518            else if ch = #"+" (* Remove the + sign *)
519            then read_number false src'
520            else if ch = #"-" orelse ch = #"~"
521            then read_number true src'
522            else (* See if it's a valid digit. *)
523                read_number false src
524    end
526    val fromString = StringCvt.scanString scan
528    (* Converter to real values. This replaces the basic conversion
529       function for reals installed in the bootstrap process.
530       For more information see convInt in Int. *)
531    local
532        fun convReal (s: string) : real =
533        let
534            (* Set the rounding mode to TO_NEAREST whatever the current
535               rounding mode.  Otherwise the result of compiling a piece of
536               code with a literal constant could depend on what the rounding
537               mode was set to. *)
538            val oldRounding = IEEEReal.getRoundingMode() handle Fail _ => IEEEReal.TO_NEAREST
539            val () = IEEEReal.setRoundingMode IEEEReal.TO_NEAREST handle Fail _ => ()
540            val scanResult = StringCvt.scanString scan s
541            val () = IEEEReal.setRoundingMode oldRounding handle Fail _ => ()
542        in
543            case scanResult of
544                NONE => raise RunCall.Conversion "Invalid real constant"
545              | SOME res => res
546        end
547    in
548        (* Install this as a conversion function for real literals. *)
549        val (): unit = RunCall.addOverload convReal "convReal"
550    end
552    open Real (* Get the other definitions. *)
554    fun compare (r1, r2) =
555        if r1 == r2 then General.EQUAL
556        else if r1 < r2 then General.LESS
557        else if r1 > r2 then General.GREATER
558        else raise Unordered
560    fun compareReal (r1, r2) =
561        if r1 == r2 then EQUAL
562        else if r1 < r2 then LESS
563        else if r1 > r2 then GREATER
564        else UNORDERED
566    (* Question: The definition says "bitwise equal, ignoring signs on zeros".
567       If we assume that all numbers are normalised, is that the same as "equal"?*)
568    fun op ?= (x, y) =
569        isNan x orelse isNan y orelse x == y
571    (* Although these may be built in in some architectures it's
572       probably not worth treating them specially at the moment. *)
573    fun *+ (x: real, y: real, z: real): real = x*y+z
574    and *- (x: real, y: real, z: real): real = x*y-z
576    fun rem (x, y) =
577        if not (isFinite y) andalso not (isNan y) then x
578        else x - realTrunc(x / y)*y
580    (* Split a real into whole and fractional parts. The fractional part must have
581       the same sign as the number even if it is zero. *)
582    fun split r =
583    let
584        val whole = realTrunc r
585        val frac = r - whole
586    in
587        { whole = whole,
588          frac =
589            if not (isFinite r)
590            then if isNan r then r else (* Infinity *) if r < zero then ~zero else zero
591            else if frac == zero then if signBit r then ~zero else zero
592            else frac }
593    end
595    (* Get the fractional part of a real. *)
596    fun realMod r = #frac(split r)
598    (* nextAfter: This was previously implemented in ML but, at the very least,
599       needed to work with rounding to something other than TO_NEAREST.  This should
600       be implemented as a fast call but we don't currently support fast calls for
601       real * real -> real. *)
602    val nextAfter = callRealReal 26
606structure Math = Real.Math;
608structure LargeReal: REAL = Real;
610(* Values available unqualified at the top-level. *)
611val real : int -> real = Real.fromInt 
612val trunc : real -> int = Real.trunc 
613val floor : real -> int = Real.floor 
614val ceil : real -> int = Real.ceil 
615val round : real -> int =Real.round;
617(* Install print function. *)
619    fun print_real _ _ (r: real) =
620        PolyML.PrettyString(Real.fmt (StringCvt.GEN(SOME 10)) r)
622    val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter print_real;