2    Title:      Standard Basis Library: Posix structure and signature.
3    Copyright   David Matthews 2000, 2016-17
5    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12    Lesser General Public License for more details.
14    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
19signature POSIX_ERROR =
21    type syserror = OS.syserror (* G&R 2004 has an error *)
23    val toWord   : syserror -> SysWord.word
24    val fromWord : SysWord.word -> syserror
25    val errorMsg : syserror -> string
26    val errorName : syserror -> string
27    val syserror  : string -> syserror option
29    val acces : syserror
30    val again : syserror
31    val badf : syserror
32    val badmsg : syserror
33    val busy : syserror
34    val canceled (* sic *) : syserror
35    val child : syserror
36    val deadlk : syserror
37    val dom : syserror
38    val exist : syserror
39    val fault : syserror
40    val fbig : syserror
41    val inprogress : syserror
42    val intr : syserror
43    val inval : syserror
44    val io : syserror
45    val isdir : syserror
46    val loop : syserror
47    val mfile : syserror
48    val mlink : syserror
49    val msgsize : syserror
50    val nametoolong : syserror
51    val nfile : syserror
52    val nodev : syserror
53    val noent : syserror
54    val noexec : syserror
55    val nolck : syserror
56    val nomem : syserror
57    val nospc : syserror
58    val nosys : syserror
59    val notdir : syserror
60    val notempty : syserror
61    val notsup : syserror
62    val notty : syserror
63    val nxio : syserror
64    val perm : syserror
65    val pipe : syserror
66    val range : syserror
67    val rofs : syserror
68    val spipe : syserror
69    val srch : syserror
70    val toobig : syserror
71    val xdev : syserror
74signature POSIX_SIGNAL =
76    eqtype signal
77    val toWord   : signal -> SysWord.word
78    val fromWord : SysWord.word -> signal
79    val abrt : signal
80    val alrm : signal
81    val bus : signal
82    val fpe : signal
83    val hup : signal
84    val ill : signal
85    val int : signal
86    val kill : signal
87    val pipe : signal
88    val quit : signal
89    val segv : signal
90    val term : signal
91    val usr1 : signal
92    val usr2 : signal
93    val chld : signal
94    val cont : signal
95    val stop : signal
96    val tstp : signal
97    val ttin : signal
98    val ttou : signal
101signature POSIX_PROCESS =
103    eqtype signal
104    eqtype pid
105    val wordToPid : SysWord.word -> pid
106    val pidToWord : pid -> SysWord.word
108    val fork : unit -> pid option
109    val exec  : string * string list -> 'a
110    val exece : string * string list * string list -> 'a
111    val execp : string * string list -> 'a
113    datatype waitpid_arg =
114        W_ANY_CHILD | W_CHILD of pid | W_SAME_GROUP | W_GROUP of pid
115    datatype exit_status =
116        W_EXITED | W_EXITSTATUS of Word8.word
117        | W_SIGNALED (* sic *) of signal | W_STOPPED of signal
119    val fromStatus : OS.Process.status -> exit_status
121    structure W:
122    sig
123        include BIT_FLAGS
124        val untraced : flags
125    end
127    val wait : unit -> pid * exit_status
128    val waitpid : waitpid_arg * W.flags list -> pid * exit_status
129    val waitpid_nh : waitpid_arg * W.flags list -> (pid * exit_status) option
131    val exit : Word8.word -> 'a
133    datatype killpid_arg = K_PROC of pid | K_SAME_GROUP | K_GROUP of pid
135    val kill : killpid_arg * signal -> unit
136    val alarm : Time.time -> Time.time
137    val pause : unit -> unit
138    (* QUESTION: Why does sleep return a Time.time ? Is it intended to be the
139       time remaining?  Assume so. *)
140    val sleep : Time.time -> Time.time
143signature POSIX_PROC_ENV =
145    eqtype pid
146    eqtype uid
147    eqtype gid
148    eqtype file_desc
149    val uidToWord : uid -> SysWord.word
150    val wordToUid : SysWord.word -> uid
151    val gidToWord : gid -> SysWord.word
152    val wordToGid : SysWord.word -> gid
153    val getpid  : unit -> pid
154    val getppid : unit -> pid
155    val getuid  : unit -> uid
156    val geteuid : unit -> uid
157    val getgid  : unit -> gid
158    val getegid : unit -> gid
159    val setuid : uid -> unit
160    val setgid : gid -> unit
161    val getgroups : unit -> gid list
162    val getlogin : unit -> string
163    val getpgrp : unit -> pid
164    val setsid : unit -> pid
165    val setpgid : {pid : pid option, pgid : pid option} -> unit
166    val uname : unit -> (string * string) list
167    val time : unit -> Time.time
168    val times : unit
169               -> {
170                 elapsed : Time.time,
171                 utime : Time.time,
172                 stime : Time.time,
173                 cutime : Time.time,
174                 cstime : Time.time
175               }
177    val getenv : string -> string option
178    val environ : unit -> string list
179    val ctermid : unit -> string
180    val ttyname : file_desc -> string
181    val isatty : file_desc -> bool
182    val sysconf : string -> SysWord.word
185signature POSIX_FILE_SYS =
187    eqtype uid
188    eqtype gid
189    eqtype file_desc
190    val fdToWord : file_desc -> SysWord.word
191    val wordToFD : SysWord.word -> file_desc
192    val fdToIOD : file_desc -> OS.IO.iodesc
193    val iodToFD : OS.IO.iodesc -> file_desc option
194    type dirstream
195    val opendir : string -> dirstream
196    val readdir : dirstream -> string option
197    val rewinddir : dirstream -> unit
198    val closedir : dirstream -> unit
199    val chdir : string -> unit
200    val getcwd : unit -> string
202    val stdin  : file_desc
203    val stdout : file_desc
204    val stderr : file_desc
206    structure S :
207    sig
208        eqtype mode
209        include BIT_FLAGS
210            where type flags = mode
211        val irwxu : mode
212        val irusr : mode
213        val iwusr : mode
214        val ixusr : mode
215        val irwxg : mode
216        val irgrp : mode
217        val iwgrp : mode
218        val ixgrp : mode
219        val irwxo : mode
220        val iroth : mode
221        val iwoth : mode
222        val ixoth : mode
223        val isuid : mode
224        val isgid : mode
225    end
227    structure O:
228    sig
229        include BIT_FLAGS
230        val append : flags
231        val excl : flags
232        val noctty : flags
233        val nonblock : flags
234        val sync : flags
235        val trunc : flags
236    end
238    datatype open_mode = O_RDONLY | O_WRONLY | O_RDWR
239    val openf   : string * open_mode * O.flags -> file_desc
240    val createf : string * open_mode * O.flags * S.mode -> file_desc
241    val creat : string * S.mode -> file_desc
242    val umask : S.mode -> S.mode
243    val link : {old : string, new : string} -> unit
244    val mkdir : string * S.mode -> unit
245    val mkfifo : string * S.mode -> unit
246    val unlink : string -> unit
247    val rmdir : string -> unit
248    val rename : {old : string, new : string} -> unit
249    val symlink : {old : string, new : string} -> unit
250    val readlink : string -> string
252    eqtype dev
253    val wordToDev : SysWord.word -> dev
254    val devToWord : dev -> SysWord.word
256    eqtype ino
257    val wordToIno : SysWord.word -> ino
258    val inoToWord : ino -> SysWord.word
260    structure ST:
261    sig
262        type stat
263        val isDir  : stat -> bool
264        val isChr  : stat -> bool
265        val isBlk  : stat -> bool
266        val isReg  : stat -> bool
267        val isFIFO : stat -> bool
268        val isLink : stat -> bool
269        val isSock : stat -> bool
270        val mode : stat -> S.mode
271        val ino : stat -> ino
272        val dev : stat -> dev
273        val nlink : stat -> int
274        val uid : stat -> uid
275        val gid : stat -> gid
276        val size : stat -> Position.int
277        val atime : stat -> Time.time
278        val mtime : stat -> Time.time
279        val ctime : stat -> Time.time
280    end
282    val stat  : string -> ST.stat
283    val lstat : string -> ST.stat
284    val fstat : file_desc -> ST.stat
286    datatype access_mode = A_READ | A_WRITE | A_EXEC
288    val access : string * access_mode list -> bool
289    val chmod : string * S.mode -> unit
290    val fchmod : file_desc * S.mode -> unit
291    val chown : string * uid * gid -> unit
292    val fchown : file_desc * uid * gid -> unit
293    val utime : string * {actime : Time.time, modtime : Time.time} option -> unit
294    val ftruncate : file_desc * Position.int -> unit
295    val pathconf  : string * string -> SysWord.word option
296    val fpathconf : file_desc * string -> SysWord.word option
299signature POSIX_IO =
301    eqtype file_desc
302    eqtype pid
303    val pipe: unit -> {infd : file_desc, outfd : file_desc}
304    val dup: file_desc -> file_desc
305    val dup2: {old : file_desc, new : file_desc} -> unit
306    val close: file_desc -> unit
307    val readVec : file_desc * int -> Word8Vector.vector
308    val readArr: file_desc * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> int
309    val writeVec: file_desc * Word8VectorSlice.slice -> int
310    val writeArr: file_desc * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> int
312    datatype whence = SEEK_SET | SEEK_CUR | SEEK_END
314    structure FD:
315    sig
316        include BIT_FLAGS
317        val cloexec: flags
318    end
320    structure O:
321    sig
322        include BIT_FLAGS
323        val append : flags
324        val nonblock : flags
325        val sync : flags
326    end
328    datatype open_mode = O_RDONLY | O_WRONLY | O_RDWR
330    val dupfd : {old : file_desc, base : file_desc} -> file_desc
331    val getfd : file_desc -> FD.flags
332    val setfd : file_desc * FD.flags -> unit
333    val getfl : file_desc -> O.flags * open_mode
334    val setfl : file_desc * O.flags -> unit
335    val lseek : file_desc * Position.int * whence -> Position.int
336    val fsync : file_desc -> unit
338    datatype lock_type = F_RDLCK | F_WRLCK | F_UNLCK
340    structure FLock:
341    sig
342        type flock
343        val flock : {
344                     ltype : lock_type,
345                     whence : whence,
346                     start : Position.int,
347                     len : Position.int,
348                     pid : pid option
349                   } -> flock
350        val ltype : flock -> lock_type
351        val whence : flock -> whence
352        val start : flock -> Position.int
353        val len : flock -> Position.int
354        val pid : flock -> pid option
355    end
357    val getlk : file_desc * FLock.flock -> FLock.flock
358    val setlk : file_desc * FLock.flock -> FLock.flock
359    val setlkw : file_desc * FLock.flock -> FLock.flock
361    val mkBinReader:
362        { fd : file_desc, name : string, initBlkMode : bool } -> BinPrimIO.reader
363    val mkTextReader:
364        { fd : file_desc, name : string, initBlkMode : bool } -> TextPrimIO.reader
366    val mkBinWriter:
367        { fd : file_desc, name : string, appendMode : bool,
368          initBlkMode : bool, chunkSize : int } -> BinPrimIO.writer
369    val mkTextWriter:
370        { fd : file_desc, name : string, appendMode : bool,
371          initBlkMode : bool, chunkSize : int } -> TextPrimIO.writer
375signature POSIX_SYS_DB =
377    eqtype uid
378    eqtype gid
379    structure Passwd :
380    sig
381        type passwd
382        val name : passwd -> string
383        val uid : passwd -> uid
384        val gid : passwd -> gid
385        val home : passwd -> string
386        val shell : passwd -> string
387    end
388    structure Group :
389        sig
390        type group
391        val name : group -> string
392        val gid : group -> gid
393        val members : group -> string list
394        end
395    val getgrgid : gid -> Group.group
396    val getgrnam : string -> Group.group
397    val getpwuid : uid -> Passwd.passwd
398    val getpwnam : string -> Passwd.passwd
401signature POSIX_TTY =
403    eqtype pid
404    eqtype file_desc
405    structure V :
406    sig
407        val eof   : int
408        val eol   : int
409        val erase : int
410        val intr  : int
411        val kill  : int
412        val min   : int
413        val quit  : int
414        val susp  : int
415        val time  : int
416        val start : int
417        val stop  : int
418        val nccs : int
420        type cc
421        val cc : (int * char) list -> cc
422        val update : cc * (int * char) list -> cc
423        val sub : cc * int -> char
424    end
425    structure I :
426    sig
427        include BIT_FLAGS
428        val brkint : flags
429        val icrnl : flags
430        val ignbrk : flags
431        val igncr : flags
432        val ignpar : flags
433        val inlcr : flags
434        val inpck : flags
435        val istrip : flags
436        val ixoff : flags
437        val ixon : flags
438        val parmrk : flags
439    end
440    structure O :
441    sig
442        include BIT_FLAGS
443        val opost : flags
444    end
445    structure C :
446    sig
447        include BIT_FLAGS
448        val clocal : flags
449        val cread : flags
450        val cs5 : flags
451        val cs6 : flags
452        val cs7 : flags
453        val cs8 : flags
454        val csize : flags
455        val cstopb : flags
456        val hupcl : flags
457        val parenb : flags
458        val parodd : flags
459    end
460    structure L :
461    sig
462        include BIT_FLAGS
463        val echo : flags
464        val echoe : flags
465        val echok : flags
466        val echonl : flags
467        val icanon : flags
468        val iexten : flags
469        val isig : flags
470        val noflsh : flags
471        val tostop : flags
472    end
473    eqtype speed
474    val compareSpeed : speed * speed -> order
475    val speedToWord : speed -> SysWord.word
476    val wordToSpeed : SysWord.word -> speed
477    val b0 : speed
478    val b50    : speed
479    val b75    : speed
480    val b110   : speed
481    val b134   : speed
482    val b150   : speed
483    val b200   : speed
484    val b300   : speed
485    val b600   : speed
486    val b1200  : speed
487    val b1800  : speed
488    val b2400  : speed
489    val b4800  : speed
490    val b9600  : speed
491    val b19200 : speed
492    val b38400 : speed
493    type termios
494    val termios : {
495           iflag : I.flags,
496           oflag : O.flags,
497           cflag : C.flags,
498           lflag : L.flags,
499           cc : V.cc,
500           ispeed : speed,
501           ospeed : speed
502         } -> termios
503    val fieldsOf : termios
504          -> {
505            iflag : I.flags,
506            oflag : O.flags,
507            cflag : C.flags,
508            lflag : L.flags,
509            cc : V.cc,
510            ispeed : speed,
511            ospeed : speed
512          }
513    val getiflag : termios -> I.flags
514    val getoflag : termios -> O.flags
515    val getcflag : termios -> C.flags
516    val getlflag : termios -> L.flags
517    val getcc : termios -> V.cc
518    structure CF :
519    sig
520        val getospeed : termios -> speed
521        val setospeed : termios * speed -> termios
522        val getispeed : termios -> speed
523        val setispeed : termios * speed -> termios
524    end
525    structure TC :
526    sig
527        eqtype set_action
528        val sanow : set_action
529        val sadrain : set_action
530        val saflush : set_action
531        eqtype flow_action
532        val ooff : flow_action
533        val oon : flow_action
534        val ioff : flow_action
535        val ion : flow_action
536        eqtype queue_sel
537        val iflush : queue_sel
538        val oflush : queue_sel
539        val ioflush : queue_sel
540        val getattr : file_desc -> termios
541        val setattr : file_desc * set_action * termios -> unit
542        val sendbreak : file_desc * int -> unit
543        val drain : file_desc -> unit
544        val flush : file_desc * queue_sel -> unit
545        val flow : file_desc * flow_action -> unit
546    end
547    val getpgrp : file_desc -> pid
548    val setpgrp : file_desc * pid -> unit
551signature POSIX =
553    structure Error : POSIX_ERROR
554    structure Signal : POSIX_SIGNAL
555    structure Process : POSIX_PROCESS
556        where type signal = Signal.signal
557    structure ProcEnv : POSIX_PROC_ENV
558        where type pid = Process.pid
559    structure FileSys : POSIX_FILE_SYS
560        where type file_desc = ProcEnv.file_desc
561        where type uid = ProcEnv.uid
562        where type gid = ProcEnv.gid
563    structure IO : POSIX_IO
564        where type pid = Process.pid
565        where type file_desc = ProcEnv.file_desc
566        where type open_mode = FileSys.open_mode
567    structure SysDB : POSIX_SYS_DB
568        where type uid = ProcEnv.uid
569        where type gid = ProcEnv.gid
570    structure TTY : POSIX_TTY
571        where type pid = Process.pid
572        where type file_desc = ProcEnv.file_desc
575structure Posix :> 
576    sig include POSIX
577    (* I'm not sure if it's legal to use where type with
578       a datatype.  The alternative is to copy the whole
579       of the signature and use datatype replication. *)
580        where type FileSys.access_mode = OS.FileSys.access_mode
581    sharing type Process.pid = ProcEnv.pid = IO.pid = TTY.pid
582    sharing type ProcEnv.uid = FileSys.uid = SysDB.uid
583    sharing type ProcEnv.gid = FileSys.gid = SysDB.gid
584    sharing type ProcEnv.file_desc = FileSys.file_desc =
585            IO.file_desc = TTY.file_desc
586    end
587    (* Posix.Signal.signal is made the same as int so that we can
588       pass the values directly to our (non-standard) Signal.signal
589       function.  Since there isn't a standard way of handling
590       signals this is the best we can do. *)
591    where type Signal.signal = int
592    where type FileSys.dirstream = OS.FileSys.dirstream
593    =
595    local
596        val processEnvGeneralCall = RunCall.rtsCallFull2 "PolyProcessEnvGeneral"
597        and osSpecificGeneralCall = RunCall.rtsCallFull2 "PolyOSSpecificGeneral"
598        and timingGeneralCall = RunCall.rtsCallFull2 "PolyTimingGeneral"
599    in
600        fun processEnvGeneral(code: int, arg:'a):'b = RunCall.unsafeCast(processEnvGeneralCall(RunCall.unsafeCast(code, arg)))
601        and osSpecificGeneral(code: int, arg:'a):'b = RunCall.unsafeCast(osSpecificGeneralCall(RunCall.unsafeCast(code, arg)))
602        and timingGeneral(code: int, arg:'a):'b = RunCall.unsafeCast(timingGeneralCall(RunCall.unsafeCast(code, arg)))
603    end
605    fun getConst i : SysWord.word = osSpecificGeneral (4, i)
607    structure BitFlags =
608    (* This structure is used as the basis of all the BIT_FLAGS structures. *)
609    struct
610        type flags = SysWord.word
611        fun toWord f = f
612        fun fromWord f = f
613        val flags = List.foldl (fn (a, b) => SysWord.orb(a,b)) 0w0
614        fun allSet (fl1, fl2) = SysWord.andb(fl1, fl2) = fl1
615        fun anySet (fl1, fl2) = SysWord.andb(fl1, fl2) <> 0w0
616        fun clear (fl1, fl2) = SysWord.andb(SysWord.notb fl1, fl2)
617    end
619    structure Error =
620    struct
621        type syserror = OS.syserror (* Implemented as a SysWord.word value. *)
622        val errorMsg = OS.errorMsg
623        fun toWord (s: syserror): SysWord.word = RunCall.unsafeCast s
624        and fromWord (w: SysWord.word) : syserror = RunCall.unsafeCast w
626        val toobig = fromWord(getConst 0)
627        and acces = fromWord(getConst 1)
628        and again = fromWord(getConst 2)
629        and badf = fromWord(getConst 3)
630        and badmsg = fromWord(getConst 4)
631        and busy = fromWord(getConst 5)
632        and canceled (* sic *) = fromWord(getConst 6)
633        and child = fromWord(getConst 7)
634        and deadlk = fromWord(getConst 8)
635        and dom = fromWord(getConst 9)
636        and exist = fromWord(getConst 10)
637        and fault = fromWord(getConst 11)
638        and fbig = fromWord(getConst 12)
639        and inprogress = fromWord(getConst 13)
640        and intr = fromWord(getConst 14)
641        and inval = fromWord(getConst 15)
642        and io = fromWord(getConst 16)
643        and isdir = fromWord(getConst 17)
644        and loop = fromWord(getConst 18)
645        and mfile = fromWord(getConst 19)
646        and mlink = fromWord(getConst 20)
647        and msgsize = fromWord(getConst 21)
648        and nametoolong = fromWord(getConst 22)
649        and nfile = fromWord(getConst 23)
650        and nodev = fromWord(getConst 24)
651        and noent = fromWord(getConst 25)
652        and noexec = fromWord(getConst 26)
653        and nolck = fromWord(getConst 27)
654        and nomem = fromWord(getConst 28)
655        and nospc = fromWord(getConst 29)
656        and nosys = fromWord(getConst 30)
657        and notdir = fromWord(getConst 31)
658        and notempty = fromWord(getConst 32)
659        and notsup = fromWord(getConst 33)
660        and notty = fromWord(getConst 34)
661        and nxio = fromWord(getConst 35)
662        and perm = fromWord(getConst 36)
663        and pipe = fromWord(getConst 37)
664        and range = fromWord(getConst 38)
665        and rofs = fromWord(getConst 39)
666        and spipe = fromWord(getConst 40)
667        and srch = fromWord(getConst 41)
668        and xdev = fromWord(getConst 42)
670        val errNames =
671        [
672            (acces, "acces"),
673            (again, "again"),
674            (badf, "badf"),
675            (badmsg, "badmsg"),
676            (busy, "busy"),
677            (canceled, "canceled"),
678            (child, "child"),
679            (deadlk, "deadlk"),
680            (dom, "dom"),
681            (exist, "exist"),
682            (fault, "fault"),
683            (fbig, "fbig"),
684            (inprogress, "inprogress"),
685            (intr, "intr"),
686            (inval, "inval"),
687            (io, "io"),
688            (isdir, "isdir"),
689            (loop, "loop"),
690            (mfile, "mfile"),
691            (mlink, "mlink"),
692            (msgsize, "msgsize"),
693            (nametoolong, "nametoolong"),
694            (nfile, "nfile"),
695            (nodev, "nodev"),
696            (noent, "noent"),
697            (noexec, "noexec"),
698            (nolck, "nolck"),
699            (nomem, "nomem"),
700            (nospc, "nospc"),
701            (nosys, "nosys"),
702            (notdir, "notdir"),
703            (notempty, "notempty"),
704            (notsup, "notsup"),
705            (notty, "notty"),
706            (nxio, "nxio"),
707            (perm, "perm"),
708            (pipe, "pipe"),
709            (range, "range"),
710            (rofs, "rofs"),
711            (spipe, "spipe"),
712            (srch, "srch"),
713            (toobig, "toobig"),
714            (xdev, "xdev")
715        ]
717        (* These are defined to return the names above. *)
718        fun errorName n =
719            case List.find (fn (e, _) => e = n) errNames of
720                SOME(_, s) => s
721            |   NONE => OS.errorName n
723        fun syserror s =
724            case List.find (fn (_, t) => s = t) errNames of
725                SOME(e, _) => SOME e
726            |   NONE => OS.syserror s
727    end;
729    structure Signal =
730    struct
731        type signal = int
732        val toWord = SysWord.fromInt
733        and fromWord = SysWord.toInt
734        (* These signal values are probably defined to correspond
735           to particular numbers but there's no harm in getting
736           them from the RTS. *)
737        val abrt = fromWord(getConst 43)
738        and alrm = fromWord(getConst 44)
739        and bus = fromWord(getConst 45)
740        and fpe = fromWord(getConst 46)
741        and hup = fromWord(getConst 47)
742        and ill = fromWord(getConst 48)
743        and int = fromWord(getConst 49)
744        and kill = fromWord(getConst 50)
745        and pipe = fromWord(getConst 51)
746        and quit = fromWord(getConst 52)
747        and segv = fromWord(getConst 53)
748        and term = fromWord(getConst 54)
749        and usr1 = fromWord(getConst 55)
750        and usr2 = fromWord(getConst 56)
751        and chld = fromWord(getConst 57)
752        and cont = fromWord(getConst 58)
753        and stop = fromWord(getConst 59)
754        and tstp = fromWord(getConst 60)
755        and ttin = fromWord(getConst 61)
756        and ttou = fromWord(getConst 62)
757        end;
759    structure Process =
760    struct
761        type signal = Signal.signal
762        type pid = int
763        val pidToWord = SysWord.fromInt
764        and wordToPid = SysWord.toInt
766        datatype waitpid_arg =
767            W_ANY_CHILD | W_CHILD of pid | W_SAME_GROUP | W_GROUP of pid
768        datatype exit_status =
769            W_EXITED | W_EXITSTATUS of Word8.word
770            | W_SIGNALED of signal | W_STOPPED of signal
771        datatype killpid_arg = K_PROC of pid | K_SAME_GROUP | K_GROUP of pid
773        structure W =
774        struct
775            open BitFlags
776            val untraced = getConst 133
777            val nohang = getConst 134 (* Not exported. *)
778            val all = flags [ untraced, nohang]
779            val intersect = List.foldl (fn (a, b) => SysWord.andb(a, b)) all
780        end
782        local
783            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
784        in
785            fun fork () =
786                case doCall(5, ()) of
787                    0 => NONE (* Parent *)
788                |   n => SOME n (* Child *)
789        end
791        local
792            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
793        in
794            (* Map the pid argument to positive, zero or
795               negative. *)
796            fun kill (K_PROC pid, si) = doCall(6,(pid, si))
797              | kill (K_SAME_GROUP, si) = doCall(6, (0, si))
798              | kill (K_GROUP pid, si) = doCall(6, (~pid, si))
799        end
801        local
802            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
803        in
804            (* The format of a result may well be sufficiently fixed
805               that we could decode it without calling the RTS.  It's
806               probably worth the small cost to make maintenance easier. *)
807            fun fromStatus (stat: OS.Process.status): exit_status =
808            case (doCall(15, stat)) of
809                (1, 0) => W_EXITED
810            |   (1, n) => W_EXITSTATUS(Word8.fromInt n)
811            |   (2, n) => W_SIGNALED n
812            |   (3, n) => W_STOPPED n
813            |   _ => raise Fail "Unknown result status"
814        end
816        local
817            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
818            fun doWait(kind: int, pid: pid, flags: W.flags list) =
819            let
820                val (pid, status) =
821                    doCall(14, (kind, pid,
822                        SysWord.toInt(W.flags flags)))
823            in
824                (pid, fromStatus status)
825            end
826        in
827            fun waitpid(W_ANY_CHILD, flags) = doWait(0, 0, flags)
828            |   waitpid(W_CHILD pid, flags) = doWait(1, pid, flags)
829            |   waitpid(W_SAME_GROUP, flags) = doWait(2, 0, flags)
830            |   waitpid(W_GROUP pid, flags) = doWait(3, pid, flags)
832            fun wait() = waitpid(W_ANY_CHILD, [])
834            fun waitpid_nh(wpa, flags) =
835            let
836                val (pid, status) = waitpid(wpa, W.nohang :: flags)
837            in
838                if pid = 0 then NONE else SOME(pid, status)
839            end
840        end
842        fun exec(p, args) =
843            osSpecificGeneral(17, (p, args))
844        and exece(p, args, env) =
845            osSpecificGeneral(18, (p, args, env))
846        and execp(p, args) =
847            osSpecificGeneral(19, (p, args))
849        (* The definition of "exit" is obviously designed to allow
850           OS.Process.exit to be defined in terms of it. In particular
851           it doesn't execute the functions registered with atExit. *)
852        local
853            val doExit: Word8.word -> unit = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyFinish"
854        in
855            fun exit w =
856            (
857                doExit w;
858                raise Bind (* Never executed but gives the correct result type.*)
859            )
860        end
862        local
863            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
864            fun toAbsolute t =
865                if t < Time.zeroTime
866                then raise OS.SysErr("Invalid time", NONE)
867                else t + Time.now()
868            (* Because of rounding we may get a negative time.  In that
869               case we return zero. *)
870            fun endTime t =
871            let
872                val now = Time.now()
873            in
874                if t > now then t-now else Time.zeroTime
875            end
876        in
877            (* This previously used absolute times.  Now uses relative. *)
878            fun alarm t = doCall(20, t)
880            fun sleep t =
881            let
882                val finish = toAbsolute t
883            in
884                (* We need to pass in the absolute time here.  That's
885                   because the process scheduler retries the
886                   function until a signal occurs or the time expires. *)
887                (* The result is zero if it returns successfully.  If
888                   an exception is raised we return the remaining
889                   time.  We assume that this only happens because
890                   the process is interrupted.  We don't handle the
891                   Interrupt exception, though. *)
892                (doCall(22, finish); Time.zeroTime) handle OS.SysErr _ => 
893                    endTime finish
894            end
895        end
897        local
898            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
899        in
900            fun pause() = doCall(21, ())
901        end
902    end;
904    structure ProcEnv =
905    struct
906        type pid = Process.pid and file_desc = OS.IO.iodesc
907        type uid = int and gid = int
908        val uidToWord = SysWord.fromInt
909        and wordToUid = SysWord.toInt
910        and gidToWord = SysWord.fromInt
911        and wordToGid = SysWord.toInt
913        local
914            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
915        in
916            fun getpid () = doCall(7, ())
917            and getppid () = doCall(8, ())
918            and getuid () = doCall(9, ())
919            and geteuid () = doCall(10, ())
920            and getgid () = doCall(11, ())
921            and getegid () = doCall(12, ())
922            and getpgrp () = doCall(13, ())
923            and setsid () = doCall(27, ())
924        end
926        val getenv = OS.Process.getEnv
928        fun environ() = processEnvGeneral(21, ())
930        local
931            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
932        in
933            fun setuid(u: uid) = doCall(23, u)
934            and setgid(g: gid) = doCall(24, g)
935        end
937        local
938            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
939        in
940            fun getgroups() = doCall(25, ())
941        end
943        local
944            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
945        in
946            fun getlogin() = doCall(26, ())
947            and ctermid() = doCall(30, ())
948        end
950        local
951            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
952        in
953            (* In each case NONE as an argument is taken as 0. *)
954            fun setpgid{pid, pgid} = doCall(28, (getOpt(pid, 0), getOpt(pgid, 0)))
955        end
957        local
958            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
959        in
960            fun uname() = doCall(29, ())
961        end
963        val time = Time.now
965        fun times() =
966        let
967            (* Apart from the child times all these could be obtained
968               by calling the Timer functions. *)
969            val doCall: int*unit -> Time.time = timingGeneral
970            fun getUserTime() = doCall(7, ())
971            and getSysTime() = doCall(8, ())
972            and getRealTime() = doCall(10, ())
973            and getChildUserTime() = doCall(11, ())
974            and getChildSysTime() = doCall(12, ())
975        in
976            { elapsed=getRealTime(), utime=getUserTime(), stime=getSysTime(),
977              cutime=getChildUserTime(), cstime=getChildSysTime()}
978        end
980        local
981            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
982        in
983            fun ttyname(f: file_desc) = doCall(31, f)
984        end
986        local
987            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
988        in
989            fun isatty(f: file_desc) = doCall(32, f)
990        end
992        local
993            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
994        in
995            fun sysconf(s: string) = SysWord.fromInt(doCall(33, s))
996        end
997    end;
999    structure FileSys =
1000    struct
1001        type uid = ProcEnv.uid and gid = ProcEnv.gid
1002        type file_desc = OS.IO.iodesc
1003        type dirstream = OS.FileSys.dirstream
1004        datatype open_mode = O_RDONLY | O_WRONLY | O_RDWR
1006        structure O =
1007        struct
1008            open BitFlags
1009            val append = getConst 66
1010            and excl = getConst 67
1011            and noctty = getConst 68
1012            and nonblock = getConst 69
1013            and sync = getConst 70
1014            and trunc = getConst 71
1015            val all = flags [append, excl, noctty, nonblock, sync, trunc]
1016            val intersect = List.foldl (fn (a, b) => SysWord.andb(a, b)) all
1017        end
1019        local
1020            val doIo: int*file_desc*unit -> int = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
1021        in
1022            fun fdToWord (f: file_desc) = SysWord.fromInt(doIo(30, f, ()))
1023        end
1024        local
1025            val doIo: int*unit*int -> file_desc = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
1026        in
1027            fun wordToFD(s: SysWord.word): file_desc =
1028                doIo(31, (), SysWord.toInt s)
1029        end
1031        (* file_desc and OS.IO.iodesc are the same. *)
1032        fun fdToIOD i = i
1033        and iodToFD i = SOME i
1035        val opendir = OS.FileSys.openDir
1036        and readdir = OS.FileSys.readDir
1037        and rewinddir = OS.FileSys.rewindDir
1038        and closedir = OS.FileSys.closeDir
1039        and chdir = OS.FileSys.chDir
1040        and getcwd = OS.FileSys.getDir
1041        and unlink = OS.FileSys.remove
1042        and rmdir = OS.FileSys.rmDir
1043        and rename = OS.FileSys.rename
1044        and readlink = OS.FileSys.readLink
1046        val stdin  : file_desc = RunCall.unsafeCast 0
1047        and stdout : file_desc = RunCall.unsafeCast 1
1048        and stderr : file_desc = RunCall.unsafeCast 2
1050        structure S =
1051        struct
1052            open BitFlags
1053            type mode = flags
1054            val irusr : mode = getConst 145
1055            and iwusr : mode = getConst 146
1056            and ixusr : mode = getConst 147
1057            val irwxu : mode = flags[irusr, iwusr, ixusr]
1058            val irgrp : mode = getConst 148
1059            and iwgrp : mode = getConst 149
1060            and ixgrp : mode = getConst 150
1061            val irwxg : mode = flags[irgrp, iwgrp, ixgrp]
1062            val iroth : mode = getConst 151
1063            and iwoth : mode = getConst 152
1064            and ixoth : mode = getConst 153
1065            val irwxo : mode = flags[iroth, iwoth, ixoth]
1066            val isuid : mode = getConst 154
1067            val isgid : mode = getConst 155
1068            val all = flags [irwxu, irwxg, irwxo, isuid, isgid]
1069            val intersect = List.foldl (fn (a, b) => SysWord.andb(a, b)) all
1070        end
1072        local
1073            val o_rdonly = getConst 63
1074            and o_wronly = getConst 64
1075            and o_rdwr = getConst 65
1077            fun toBits O_RDONLY = o_rdonly
1078             |  toBits O_WRONLY = o_wronly
1079             |  toBits O_RDWR = o_rdwr
1081            val doIo = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
1082        in
1083            fun openf(name, mode, flags) =
1084            let
1085                val bits = SysWord.orb(flags, toBits mode)
1086            in
1087                doIo(70, 0, (name, SysWord.toInt bits, 0))
1088            end
1090            and createf(name, mode, flags, smode) =
1091            let
1092                val bits = SysWord.orb(flags, toBits mode)
1093            in
1094                doIo(71, 0, (name, SysWord.toInt bits, SysWord.toInt smode))
1095            end
1096        end
1098        fun creat(s, m) = createf(s, O_WRONLY, O.trunc, m)
1100        local
1101            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1102        in
1103            fun umask m = SysWord.fromInt(doCall(50, SysWord.toInt m))
1104        end
1106        local
1107            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1108        in
1109            fun link{old, new} = doCall(51, (old, new))
1110            and symlink{old, new} = doCall(54, (old, new))
1111        end
1113        local
1114            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1115        in
1116            fun mkdir(name, mode) = doCall(52, (name, SysWord.toInt mode))
1117            and mkfifo(name, mode) = doCall(53, (name, SysWord.toInt mode))
1118            and chmod(name, mode) = doCall(59, (name, SysWord.toInt mode))
1119        end
1121        type dev = LargeInt.int and ino = LargeInt.int
1122        val wordToDev = SysWord.toLargeInt
1123        and devToWord = SysWord.fromLargeInt
1124        and wordToIno = SysWord.toLargeInt
1125        and inoToWord = SysWord.fromLargeInt
1127        structure ST =
1128        struct
1129            type stat = { mode: S.mode, kind: int, ino: ino, dev: dev,
1130                      nlink: int, uid: uid, gid: gid, size: Position.int,
1131                      atime: Time.time, mtime: Time.time, ctime: Time.time }
1132            (* The "kind" information is encoded by "stat" *)
1133            fun isDir({ kind, ...} : stat) = kind = 1
1134            and isChr({ kind, ...} : stat) = kind = 2
1135            and isBlk({ kind, ...} : stat) = kind = 3
1136            and isReg({ kind, ...} : stat) = kind = 0
1137            and isFIFO({ kind, ...} : stat) = kind = 4
1138            and isLink({ kind, ...} : stat) = kind = 5
1139            and isSock({ kind, ...} : stat) = kind = 6
1141            val mode : stat -> S.mode = #mode
1142            and ino : stat -> ino = #ino
1143            val dev : stat -> dev = #dev
1144            val nlink : stat -> int = #nlink
1145            val uid : stat -> uid = #uid
1146            val gid : stat -> gid = #gid
1147            val size : stat -> Position.int = #size
1148            val atime : stat -> Time.time = #atime
1149            val mtime : stat -> Time.time = #mtime
1150            val ctime : stat -> Time.time = #ctime
1151        end
1153        local
1154            val doCall1 = osSpecificGeneral
1155            val doCall2 = osSpecificGeneral
1156            fun convStat(mode, kind, ino, dev, nlink, uid, gid, size,
1157                     atime, mtime, ctime) =
1158                { mode = SysWord.fromInt mode, kind = kind, ino = ino,
1159                  dev = dev, nlink = nlink, uid = uid, gid = gid,
1160                  size = size, atime = atime, mtime = mtime, ctime = ctime }
1161        in
1162            fun stat name = convStat(doCall1(55, name))
1163            and lstat name = convStat(doCall1(56, name))
1164            and fstat f = convStat(doCall2(57, f))
1165        end
1168        datatype access_mode = datatype OS.FileSys.access_mode
1170        local
1171            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1172            val rOK = getConst 156 and wOK = getConst 157
1173            and eOK = getConst 158 and fOK = getConst 159
1174            fun abit A_READ = rOK
1175             |  abit A_WRITE = wOK
1176             |  abit A_EXEC = eOK
1177            val abits = List.foldl (fn (a, b) => SysWord.orb(abit a,b)) 0w0
1178        in
1179            (* If the bits are nil it tests for existence of the file. *)
1180            fun access(name, []) = doCall(58, (name, SysWord.toInt(fOK)))
1181             |  access(name, al) = doCall(58, (name, SysWord.toInt(abits al)))
1183        end
1185        local
1186            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1187        in
1188            fun fchmod(fd, mode) = doCall(60, (fd, SysWord.toInt mode))
1189        end
1190        local
1191            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1192        in
1193            fun chown(name, uid, gid) = doCall(61, (name, uid, gid))
1194        end
1195        local
1196            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1197        in
1198            fun fchown(fd, uid, gid) = doCall(62, (fd, uid, gid))
1199        end
1200        local
1201            val doCall1 = osSpecificGeneral
1202            and doCall2 = osSpecificGeneral
1203        in
1204            fun utime (name, NONE) = doCall1(64, name)
1205             |  utime (name, SOME{actime, modtime}) =
1206                doCall2(63, (name, actime, modtime))
1207        end
1208        local
1209            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1210        in
1211            fun ftruncate(fd, size) = doCall(65, (fd, size))
1212        end
1214        local
1215            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1216        in
1217            fun pathconf(name, var) =
1218            let
1219                val res = doCall(66, (name, var))
1220            in
1221                if res < 0 then NONE
1222                else SOME(SysWord.fromInt res)
1223            end
1224        end
1225        local
1226            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1227        in
1228            fun fpathconf(fd, var) =
1229            let
1230                val res = doCall(67, (fd, var))
1231            in
1232                if res < 0 then NONE
1233                else SOME(SysWord.fromInt res)
1234            end
1235        end
1236    end;
1238    structure IO =
1239    struct
1240        type file_desc = OS.IO.iodesc and pid = Process.pid
1241        structure FD =
1242        struct
1243            open BitFlags
1244            val cloexec: flags = getConst 132
1245            val all = flags [cloexec]
1246            val intersect = List.foldl (fn (a, b) => SysWord.andb(a, b)) all
1247        end
1249        (* Posix.IO.O seems to be a cut-down version of Posix.FileSys.O.
1250           It seems to me that one structure would suffice. *)
1251        structure O = FileSys.O
1253        datatype open_mode = datatype FileSys.open_mode
1255        local
1256            val doIo = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
1257        in
1258            fun close (strm: file_desc): unit = doIo(7, strm, 0)
1259        end
1261        local
1262            val doIo = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
1263        in
1264            fun readVec (strm: file_desc, len: int): Word8Vector.vector =
1265                doIo(26, strm, len)
1266        end
1268        local
1269            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1270        in
1271            fun pipe() =
1272            let
1273                val (inf, outf) = doCall(110, ())
1274            in
1275                { infd=inf, outfd=outf }
1276            end
1277        end
1279        local
1280            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1281        in
1282            fun dup fd = doCall(111, fd)
1283        end
1285        local
1286            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1287        in
1288            fun dup2{old, new} = doCall(112, (old, new))
1289        end
1291        local
1292            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1293        in
1294            fun dupfd{old, base} = doCall(113, (old, base))
1295        end
1297        local
1298            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1299            val o_rdonly = getConst 63
1300            and o_wronly = getConst 64
1301            and o_accmode = getConst 166 (* Access mode mask. *)
1302        in
1303            fun getfd fd = SysWord.fromInt(doCall(114, fd))
1304            and getfl fd =
1305            let
1306                val res = SysWord.fromInt(doCall(116, fd))
1307                (* Separate out the mode bits. *)
1308                val flgs = SysWord.andb(res, SysWord.notb o_accmode)
1309                val mode = SysWord.andb(res, o_accmode)
1310                val omode = if mode = o_rdonly then O_RDONLY
1311                    else if mode = o_wronly then O_WRONLY
1312                    else O_RDWR
1313            in
1314                (flgs, omode)
1315            end
1316        end
1317        local
1318            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1319        in
1320            fun setfd(fd, flags) = doCall(115, (fd, SysWord.toInt flags))
1321            and setfl(fd, flags) = doCall(117, (fd, SysWord.toInt flags))
1322        end
1324        datatype whence = SEEK_SET | SEEK_CUR | SEEK_END
1326        local
1327            val seekSet = SysWord.toInt(getConst 160)
1328            and seekCur = SysWord.toInt(getConst 161)
1329            and seekEnd = SysWord.toInt(getConst 162)
1330        in
1331            (* Convert the datatype to the corresponding int. *)
1332            fun seekWhence SEEK_SET = seekSet
1333             |  seekWhence SEEK_CUR = seekCur
1334             |  seekWhence SEEK_END = seekEnd
1335            fun whenceSeek s =
1336                if s = seekSet then SEEK_SET
1337                else if s = seekCur then SEEK_CUR
1338                else SEEK_END
1339        end
1340        local
1341            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1342        in
1343            fun lseek(fd, pos, whence) = doCall(118, (fd, pos, seekWhence whence))
1344        end
1346        local
1347            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1348        in
1349            fun fsync fd = doCall(119, fd)
1350        end
1352        datatype lock_type = F_RDLCK | F_WRLCK | F_UNLCK
1354        structure FLock =
1355        struct
1356            val fRdlck = SysWord.toInt(getConst 163)
1357            and fWrlck = SysWord.toInt(getConst 164)
1358            and fUnlck = SysWord.toInt(getConst 165)
1360            type flock = int (* lock type *) *
1361                     int (* whence *) *
1362                     Position.int (* start *) *
1363                     Position.int (* len *) *
1364                     pid
1366            fun flock{ltype, whence, start, len, pid} =
1367            let
1368                val lt =
1369                    case ltype of
1370                      F_RDLCK => fRdlck
1371                    | F_WRLCK => fWrlck
1372                    | F_UNLCK => fUnlck
1373            in
1374                (lt, seekWhence whence, start, len, getOpt(pid, ~1))
1375            end
1377            fun ltype (lt, _, _, _, _) =
1378                if lt = fRdlck then F_RDLCK
1379                else if lt = fWrlck then F_WRLCK
1380                else F_UNLCK
1382            fun whence (fl: flock) = whenceSeek(#2 fl)
1383            val start : flock -> Position.int = #3
1384            val len : flock -> Position.int = #4
1385            fun pid (_, _, _, _, pid) = if pid < 0 then NONE else SOME pid
1386        end
1388        local
1389            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1390        in
1391            fun getlk(fd, (t, w, s, l, p)) = doCall(120, (fd, t, w, s, l, p))
1392            (* Note: the return type of setlk and setlkw is Flock.lock
1393               not unit.  I assume they simply return their argument. *)
1394            and setlk(fd, (t, w, s, l, p)) = doCall(121, (fd, t, w, s, l, p))
1395            and setlkw(fd, (t, w, s, l, p)) = doCall(122, (fd, t, w, s, l, p))
1396        end
1398        val readArr = LibraryIOSupport.readBinArray
1399        and writeVec = LibraryIOSupport.writeBinVec
1400        and writeArr = LibraryIOSupport.writeBinArray
1402        val mkTextReader = LibraryIOSupport.wrapInFileDescr
1403        and mkTextWriter = LibraryIOSupport.wrapOutFileDescr
1404        val mkBinReader = LibraryIOSupport.wrapBinInFileDescr
1405        and mkBinWriter = LibraryIOSupport.wrapBinOutFileDescr
1406    end;
1408    structure SysDB =
1409    struct
1410        type uid = ProcEnv.uid and gid = ProcEnv.gid
1411        structure Passwd =
1412        struct
1413            type passwd = string * uid * gid * string * string
1414            val name: passwd->string = #1
1415            and uid: passwd->uid = #2
1416            and gid: passwd->gid = #3
1417            and home: passwd->string = #4
1418            and shell: passwd->string = #5
1419        end
1420        structure Group =
1421        struct
1422            type group = string * gid * string list
1423            val name: group->string = #1
1424            and gid: group->gid = #2
1425            and members: group->string list = #3
1426        end
1428        local
1429            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1430        in
1431            fun getpwnam (s: string): Passwd.passwd = doCall(100, s)
1432        end
1433        local
1434            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1435        in
1436            fun getpwuid (u: uid): Passwd.passwd = doCall(101, u)
1437        end
1438        local
1439            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1440        in
1441            fun getgrnam (s: string): Group.group = doCall(102, s)
1442        end
1443        local
1444            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1445        in
1446            fun getgrgid (g: gid): Group.group = doCall(103, g)
1447        end
1448    end;
1450    structure TTY =
1451    struct
1452        type pid = Process.pid and file_desc = OS.IO.iodesc
1454        structure V =
1455        struct
1456            val eof = SysWord.toInt(getConst 72)
1457            and eol = SysWord.toInt(getConst 73)
1458            and erase = SysWord.toInt(getConst 74)
1459            and intr  = SysWord.toInt(getConst 75)
1460            and kill = SysWord.toInt(getConst 76)
1461            and min   = SysWord.toInt(getConst 77)
1462            and quit  = SysWord.toInt(getConst 78)
1463            and susp  = SysWord.toInt(getConst 79)
1464            and time  = SysWord.toInt(getConst 80)
1465            and start = SysWord.toInt(getConst 81)
1466            and stop  = SysWord.toInt(getConst 82)
1467            and nccs = SysWord.toInt(getConst 83)
1469            type cc = string
1471            fun cc l =
1472            (* Generate a string using the values given and
1473               defaulting the rest to NULL. *)
1474            let
1475                fun find [] _ = #"\000"
1476                 |  find ((n, c)::l) i =
1477                    if i = n then c else find l i
1478            in
1479                CharVector.tabulate(nccs, find l)
1480            end
1482            (* Question: What order does this take? E.g. What is
1483               the result of update(cc, [(eof, #"a"), (eof, #"b")]) ?
1484               Assume that earlier entries take precedence.  That
1485               also affects the processing of exceptions. *)
1486            fun update(cc, l) =
1487            let
1488                fun find [] i = String.sub(cc, i)
1489                 |  find ((n, c)::l) i =
1490                    if i = n then c else find l i
1491            in
1492                CharVector.tabulate(nccs, find l)
1493            end
1495            val sub = String.sub
1496        end
1498        structure I =
1499        struct
1500            open BitFlags
1501            val brkint = getConst 84
1502            and icrnl = getConst 85
1503            and ignbrk = getConst 86
1504            and igncr = getConst 87
1505            and ignpar = getConst 88
1506            and inlcr = getConst 89
1507            and inpck = getConst 90
1508            and istrip = getConst 91
1509            and ixoff = getConst 92
1510            and ixon = getConst 93
1511            and parmrk = getConst 94
1512            val all = flags [brkint, icrnl, ignbrk, igncr, ignpar,
1513                     inlcr, inpck, istrip, ixoff, ixon, parmrk]
1514            val intersect = List.foldl (fn (a, b) => SysWord.andb(a, b)) all
1515        end
1517        structure O =
1518        struct
1519            open BitFlags
1520            val opost = getConst 95
1521            val all = flags [opost]
1522            val intersect = List.foldl (fn (a, b) => SysWord.andb(a, b)) all
1523        end
1525        structure C =
1526        struct
1527            open BitFlags
1528            val clocal = getConst 96
1529            and cread = getConst 97
1530            and cs5 = getConst 98
1531            and cs6 = getConst 99
1532            and cs7 = getConst 100
1533            and cs8 = getConst 101
1534            and csize = getConst 102
1535            and cstopb = getConst 103
1536            and hupcl = getConst 104
1537            and parenb = getConst 105
1538            and parodd = getConst 106
1539            val all = flags [clocal, cread, cs5, cs6, cs7, cs8, csize,
1540                     cstopb, hupcl, parenb, parodd]
1541            val intersect = List.foldl (fn (a, b) => SysWord.andb(a, b)) all
1542        end
1544        structure L =
1545        struct
1546            open BitFlags
1547            val echo = getConst 107
1548            and echoe = getConst 108
1549            and echok = getConst 109
1550            and echonl = getConst 110
1551            and icanon = getConst 111
1552            and iexten = getConst 112
1553            and isig = getConst 113
1554            and noflsh = getConst 114
1555            and tostop = getConst 115
1556            val all = flags [echo, echoe, echok, echonl, icanon,
1557                     iexten, isig, noflsh, tostop]
1558            val intersect = List.foldl (fn (a, b) => SysWord.andb(a, b)) all
1559        end
1561        type speed = int
1562        (* compareSpeed is supposed to compare by the baud rate, not
1563           by the encoding.  Provided the encoding maintains the
1564           ordering then that's fine.  Maybe we should have an RTS call. *)
1565        val compareSpeed : speed * speed -> order = Int.compare
1566        and speedToWord : speed -> SysWord.word = SysWord.fromInt
1567        and wordToSpeed : SysWord.word -> speed = SysWord.toInt
1568        val b0     : speed = SysWord.toInt(getConst 116)
1569        and b50    : speed = SysWord.toInt(getConst 117)
1570        and b75    : speed = SysWord.toInt(getConst 118)
1571        and b110   : speed = SysWord.toInt(getConst 119)
1572        and b134   : speed = SysWord.toInt(getConst 120)
1573        and b150   : speed = SysWord.toInt(getConst 121)
1574        and b200   : speed = SysWord.toInt(getConst 122)
1575        and b300   : speed = SysWord.toInt(getConst 123)
1576        and b600   : speed = SysWord.toInt(getConst 124)
1577        and b1200  : speed = SysWord.toInt(getConst 125)
1578        and b1800  : speed = SysWord.toInt(getConst 126)
1579        and b2400  : speed = SysWord.toInt(getConst 127)
1580        and b4800  : speed = SysWord.toInt(getConst 128)
1581        and b9600  : speed = SysWord.toInt(getConst 129)
1582        and b19200 : speed = SysWord.toInt(getConst 130)
1583        and b38400 : speed = SysWord.toInt(getConst 131)
1585        type termios = {
1586            iflag : I.flags,
1587            oflag : O.flags,
1588            cflag : C.flags,
1589            lflag : L.flags,
1590            cc : V.cc,
1591            ispeed : speed,
1592            ospeed : speed
1593            }
1594        fun termios t = t
1595        and fieldsOf t = t
1596        val getiflag : termios -> I.flags = #iflag
1597        and getoflag : termios -> O.flags = #oflag
1598        and getcflag : termios -> C.flags = #cflag
1599        and getlflag : termios -> L.flags = #lflag
1600        and getcc : termios -> V.cc = #cc
1602        structure CF =
1603        struct
1604            val getospeed : termios -> speed = #ospeed
1605            and getispeed : termios -> speed = #ispeed
1606            fun setospeed ({ iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, cc, ispeed, ... }, speed) =
1607                { iflag=iflag, oflag=oflag, cflag=cflag, lflag=lflag,
1608                  cc=cc, ispeed = ispeed, ospeed = speed }
1609            fun setispeed ({ iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, cc, ospeed, ... }, speed) =
1610                { iflag=iflag, oflag=oflag, cflag=cflag, lflag=lflag,
1611                  cc=cc, ispeed = speed, ospeed = ospeed }
1612        end
1614        structure TC =
1615        struct
1616            type set_action = int
1617            val sanow : set_action = SysWord.toInt(getConst 135)
1618            val sadrain : set_action = SysWord.toInt(getConst 136)
1619            val saflush : set_action = SysWord.toInt(getConst 137)
1621            type flow_action = int
1622            val ooff : flow_action = SysWord.toInt(getConst 138)
1623            val oon : flow_action = SysWord.toInt(getConst 139)
1624            val ioff : flow_action = SysWord.toInt(getConst 140)
1625            val ion : flow_action = SysWord.toInt(getConst 141)
1627            type queue_sel = int
1628            val iflush : queue_sel = SysWord.toInt(getConst 142)
1629            val oflush : queue_sel = SysWord.toInt(getConst 143)
1630            val ioflush : queue_sel = SysWord.toInt(getConst 144)
1632            local
1633                val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1634            in
1635                fun getattr f =
1636                let
1637                    val (iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, cc, ispeed, ospeed)
1638                         = doCall(150, f)
1639                in
1640                    {
1641                      iflag=SysWord.fromInt iflag,
1642                      oflag=SysWord.fromInt oflag,
1643                      cflag=SysWord.fromInt cflag,
1644                      lflag=SysWord.fromInt lflag,
1645                      cc=cc,
1646                      ispeed = ispeed,
1647                      ospeed = ospeed }
1648                end
1649            end
1651            local
1652                val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1653            in
1654                fun setattr (f, sa,
1655                    {iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, cc, ispeed, ospeed}) =
1656                    doCall(151, (f, sa, SysWord.toInt iflag,
1657                             SysWord.toInt oflag, SysWord.toInt cflag,
1658                             SysWord.toInt lflag, cc, ispeed, ospeed))
1659            end
1661            local
1662                val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1663            in
1664                fun sendbreak (f, d) = doCall(152, (f, d))
1665            end
1666            local
1667                val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1668            in
1669                fun drain f = doCall(153, f)
1670            end
1671            local
1672                val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1673            in
1674                fun flush (f, qs) = doCall(154, (f, qs))
1675            end
1676            local
1677                val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1678            in
1679                fun flow (f, fa) = doCall(155, (f, fa))
1680            end
1681        end
1683        local
1684            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1685        in
1686            fun getpgrp (f: file_desc): pid = doCall(156, f)
1687        end
1688        local
1689            val doCall = osSpecificGeneral
1690        in
1691            fun setpgrp (f: file_desc, p: pid): unit = doCall(157, (f,p))
1692        end
1693    end
1697    (* Install the pretty printers for pid, uid, gid.  Don't install one for signal
1698       because it's now the same as int. *)
1699    fun ppid _ _ x = PolyML.PrettyString(Int.toString(SysWord.toInt(Posix.Process.pidToWord x)))
1700    and puid _ _ x = PolyML.PrettyString(Int.toString(SysWord.toInt(Posix.ProcEnv.uidToWord x)))
1701    and pgid _ _ x = PolyML.PrettyString(Int.toString(SysWord.toInt(Posix.ProcEnv.gidToWord x)))
1703    val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter ppid
1704    val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter puid
1705    val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter pgid