1open HolKernel Parse boolLib bossLib pred_setTheory arithmeticTheory relationTheory set_relationTheory pairTheory
3open generalHelpersTheory wordTheory
5val _ = new_theory "alterA"
7val _ = Datatype
8  `ALTER_A = <| states      : 's set;
9               alphabet     : 'a set;
10               trans        : 's -> (('a set # 's set) set);
11               initial      : ('s set) set;
12               final        : 's set
13               |>`;
15val isValidAlterA_def =
16    Define `isValidAlterA (A: ('s,'a) ALTER_A) =
17             (A.initial ��� POW A.states)
18          /\ (A.final ��� A.states)
19          /\ (!s a d. (s ��� A.states) /\ ((a, d) ��� (A.trans s))
20                 ==> (d ��� A.states ��� a ��� A.alphabet))`;
22(* An alternating automata is very weak if there is a partial order po on
23   the states s.t. for every state s all states appearing in trans(s)
24   are lower or equal to s
27val isVeryWeakWithOrder_def = Define
28   `isVeryWeakWithOrder A ord =
29      partial_order ord A.states
30      /\ !s a d. (s ��� A.states) /\ ((a,d) ��� (A.trans s))
31                   ==> (!s'. (s' ��� d) ==> ((s',s) ��� ord))`;
33val isVeryWeakAlterA_def =
34    Define `isVeryWeakAlterA A = ?ord. isVeryWeakWithOrder A ord`;
36val FINITE_LEMM = store_thm
38  ``!aut. FINITE aut.alphabet ��� FINITE aut.states ��� isValidAlterA aut
39       ==> (!q. q ��� aut.states ==> FINITE (aut.trans q))``,
40  rpt strip_tac
41  >> `aut.trans q ��� ((POW aut.alphabet) �� (POW aut.states))` by (
42      fs[isValidAlterA_def] >> simp[SUBSET_DEF] >> rpt strip_tac
43        >- (Cases_on `x` >> metis_tac[IN_POW,FST])
44        >- (Cases_on `x` >> metis_tac[IN_POW,SND])
45  )
47  );
50   RUNs over the alternating automaton
53val _ = Hol_datatype
54   `ALTERA_RUN = <| V : num -> 's set;
55                    E : (num # 's) -> 's set
56                                         |>`;
59  validity condition for runs over a given word
62val validAARunFor_def = Define
63`validAARunFor aut run word =
64             (run.V 0 ��� aut.initial)
65             /\ (!i. run.V i ��� aut.states)
66             /\ (!i q. (q ��� run.V i)
67                           ==> ?a. (a,run.E (i,q)) ��� aut.trans q /\ (at word i ��� a))
68             /\ (!i q. run.E (i,q) ��� run.V (i+1))
69             /\ (!i q. (q ��� run.V i)
70                    ==> ((i = 0) \/ ?q'. (q ��� run.E (i-1,q')) /\ (q' ��� run.V (i-1))))`;
74  infinite branches of the run
77val infBranchOf_def = Define
78  `infBranchOf run b = (b 0 ��� run.V 0) /\ !i. (b (i+1) ��� run.E (i, b i))`;
80val branchFixP_def = Define
81`branchFixP b x = ?i. (b i = x) /\ !m. (m >= i) ==> (b m = x)`;
83val branchRange_def = Define
84`branchRange b = { x | ?i. b i = x }`
86val BRANCH_V_LEMM = store_thm
88  ``!run b aut w. validAARunFor aut run w /\ infBranchOf run b
89        ==> !i. (b i ��� run.V i)``,
90   rpt gen_tac >> strip_tac >> Induct_on `i` >> fs[infBranchOf_def]
91   >> `SUC i = (i+1)` by simp[]
92   >> `b (i+1) ��� run.E (i, b i)` by metis_tac[]
93   >> fs[validAARunFor_def]
94   >> `run.E (i, b i) ��� run.V (i+1)` by metis_tac[]
95   >> `SUC i = (i+1)` by simp[] >> metis_tac[SUBSET_DEF]
96  );
98val BRANCHRANGE_LEMM = store_thm
100  ``!b aut run w. validAARunFor aut run w /\ infBranchOf run b
101                                        ==> (branchRange b ��� aut.states)``,
102    rpt strip_tac
103    >> `!i. (b i ��� run.V i)` by metis_tac[BRANCH_V_LEMM]
104    >> fs[validAARunFor_def, branchRange_def, SUBSET_DEF] >> rpt strip_tac
105    >> metis_tac[]
106  );
108val BRANCHRANGE_NONEMPTY = store_thm
110   ``!b run. infBranchOf run b ==> ~(branchRange b = {})``,
111    rpt strip_tac
112    >> `~(?x. x ��� branchRange b)` by metis_tac[MEMBER_NOT_EMPTY]
113    >> fs[]
114    >> `?x. x ��� branchRange b` suffices_by metis_tac[]
115    >> qexists_tac `b 0` >> fs[branchRange_def]
116  );
119  acceptance condition for a run over a given automaton (CO-B��CHI condition)
122val acceptingAARun_def = Define
123`acceptingAARun aut run =
124    !b. infBranchOf run b ==> FINITE {i | b i ��� aut.final }`
127  the language of the automaton
130val runForAA_def = Define
131`runForAA aut run word =
132             validAARunFor aut run word /\ acceptingAARun aut run`;
134val alterA_lang_def = Define
135`alterA_lang aut = { w | ?run. runForAA aut run w
136                       /\ (word_range w ��� aut.alphabet) }`;
139  Some properties of weak alternating automata
142val BRANCH_WAA_LEMM = store_thm
144  ``!b run aut w ord. validAARunFor aut run w /\ infBranchOf run b
145                      /\ isVeryWeakWithOrder aut ord
146            ==> !i. (b (i+1), b i) ��� ord``,
147   rpt strip_tac
148   >> `!i. b i ��� run.V i` by metis_tac[BRANCH_V_LEMM]
149   >> fs[isVeryWeakWithOrder_def, infBranchOf_def, validAARunFor_def]
150   >> `(b (i + 1) ��� run.V (i+1)) /\ (b i ��� run.V i)` by metis_tac[]
151   >> `b (i + 1) ��� run.E(i, b i)` by metis_tac[]
152   >> `���a. (a,run.E (i,b i)) ��� aut.trans (b i)` by metis_tac[]
153   >> `b i ��� aut.states` by metis_tac[SUBSET_DEF]
154   >> `���s'. (s' ��� run.E (i, b i)) ��� (s',b i) ��� ord` by metis_tac[]
155   >> metis_tac[]
156  );
158val BRANCH_LIN_ORD = store_thm
160   ``!b run aut w ord. infBranchOf run b /\ validAARunFor aut run w
161                     /\ isVeryWeakWithOrder aut ord
162      ==> linear_order (rrestrict ord (branchRange b)) (branchRange b)``,
163   rpt strip_tac
164   >> `!i. b i ��� run.V i` by metis_tac[BRANCH_V_LEMM]
165   >> `!i. (b (i+1), b i) ��� ord` by metis_tac[BRANCH_WAA_LEMM]
166   >> fs[linear_order_def, branchRange_def, infBranchOf_def, validAARunFor_def]
167   >> fs[isVeryWeakWithOrder_def]
168   >> fs[domain_def, partial_order_def,range_def, in_rrestrict,SUBSET_DEF,branchRange_def]
169   >> rpt strip_tac
170     >- (qexists_tac `i` >> fs[])
171     >- (qexists_tac `i'` >> fs[])
172     >- metis_tac[RRESTRICT_TRANS]
173     >- metis_tac[RRESTRICT_ANTISYM]
174     >- (`(x,y) ��� ord \/ (y,x) ��� ord` suffices_by metis_tac[]
175         >> Cases_on `i > i'`
176           >- (`!n. (n > i') ==> ((b n,y) ��� ord)` suffices_by metis_tac[]
177               >> Induct_on `n` >> fs[] >> rpt strip_tac
178               >> Cases_on `n = i'` >> fs[reflexive_def]
179                  >- (`SUC i' = i' + 1` by simp[]
180                      >> `(b (i'+1), b i') ��� ord` suffices_by metis_tac[]
181                      >> metis_tac[]
182                      )
183                  >- (`(b (SUC n), b n) ��� ord` suffices_by metis_tac[transitive_def]
184                      >> `SUC n = n + 1` by simp[]
185                      >> `(b (n+1), b n) ��� ord` suffices_by metis_tac[] >> metis_tac[])
186              )
187           >- (Cases_on `i = i'` >> fs[reflexive_def]
188               >- (`b  i' ��� run.V i'` by metis_tac[]
189                   >> `b i' ��� aut.states` by metis_tac[] >> metis_tac[])
190               >- (`i' > i` by simp[]
191               >> `!n. (n > i) ==> ((b n,x) ��� ord)` suffices_by metis_tac[]
192               >> Induct_on `n` >> fs[] >> rpt strip_tac
193               >> Cases_on `n = i` >> fs[reflexive_def]
194                  >- (`SUC i = i + 1` by simp[]
195                      >> `(b (i+1), b i) ��� ord` suffices_by metis_tac[] >> metis_tac[]
196                      )
197                  >- (`(b (SUC n), b n) ��� ord` suffices_by metis_tac[transitive_def]
198                      >> `SUC n = n + 1` by simp[]
199                      >> `(b (n + 1), b n) ��� ord` suffices_by metis_tac[] >> metis_tac[])
200                  )
201              )
202        )
203  );
205val BRANCH_FIXP = store_thm
206  ("BRANCH_FIXP",
207    ``���b run aut w ord.
208      infBranchOf run b ��� validAARunFor aut run w ��� isVeryWeakAlterA aut /\ FINITE aut.states ���
209              ���x. branchFixP b x``,
210    `���b run aut w ord.
211     infBranchOf run b ��� validAARunFor aut run w ��� isVeryWeakWithOrder aut ord
212                  /\ FINITE aut.states ���
213     ���x. branchFixP b x` suffices_by metis_tac[isVeryWeakAlterA_def]
214   >> rpt strip_tac
215   >> `linear_order (rrestrict ord (branchRange b)) (branchRange b)`
216       by metis_tac[BRANCH_LIN_ORD]
217   >> qabbrev_tac `ord' = rrestrict ord (branchRange b)`
218   >> `FINITE (branchRange b)` by metis_tac[BRANCHRANGE_LEMM,SUBSET_FINITE]
219   >> `~(branchRange b = {})` by metis_tac[BRANCHRANGE_NONEMPTY]
220   >> `���x. x ��� minimal_elements (branchRange b) ord'`
221       by metis_tac[finite_linear_order_has_minimal]
222   >> qexists_tac `x`
223   >> fs[minimal_elements_def, branchFixP_def, branchRange_def]
224   >> qexists_tac `i` >> fs[] >> rpt strip_tac
225   >> fs[linear_order_def]
226   >> `!n. (n >= i) ==> (b n = x)` suffices_by metis_tac[]
227   >> Induct_on `n`
228     >- (Cases_on `i = 0` >> fs[])
229     >- (rpt strip_tac
230         >> Cases_on `SUC n = i` >> fs[]
231         >> `n >= i` by simp[] >> fs[]
232         >> `b (SUC n) = b n` suffices_by metis_tac[]
233         >> `(b (SUC n),b n) ��� ord' ��� (b n,b (SUC n)) ��� ord'` by metis_tac[]
234           >- metis_tac[]
235           >- (`SUC n = n + 1` by simp[]
236               >> `(b n, b (n+1)) ��� ord'` by metis_tac[]
237               >> `(b (n+1), b n) ��� ord` by metis_tac[BRANCH_WAA_LEMM]
238               >> `(b (n+1),b n) ��� ord'` suffices_by metis_tac[antisym_def]
239               >> metis_tac[in_rrestrict]
240              )
241        )
242  );
244val BRANCH_ACC_LEMM = store_thm
246   ``!run w aut. validAARunFor aut run w /\ isVeryWeakAlterA aut
247                      /\ FINITE aut.states
248        ==> (acceptingAARun aut run =
249            (!b x. infBranchOf run b /\ branchFixP b x ==> ~(x ��� aut.final)))``,
250   rpt strip_tac >> rw[EQ_IMP_THM]
251      >- (CCONTR_TAC >> fs[acceptingAARun_def, branchFixP_def]
252          >> `FINITE {i | b i ��� aut.final}` by metis_tac[]
253          >> `INFINITE ����(:num)` by metis_tac[INFINITE_NUM_UNIV]
254          >> `!x y. ((\x. x+i) x = (\x. x+i) y) ==> (x = y)`
255               by metis_tac[ADD_N_INJ_LEMM]
256          >> `INFINITE (IMAGE (\x. x+i) ����(:num))` by rw[IMAGE_11_INFINITE]
257          >> `INFINITE { x | x >= i }` by metis_tac[ADD_N_IMAGE_LEMM]
258          >> `!m. (m ��� { x | x >= i }) ==> (b m = x)` by simp[]
259          >> `{ x | x >= i } ��� { m | b m = x }` by simp[SUBSET_DEF]
260          >> `{ x | x >= i } ��� { i | b i ��� aut.final }` by simp[SUBSET_DEF]
261          >> `{ x | x >= i } ��� { i | b i ��� aut.final }` by simp[]
262          >> metis_tac[IN_INFINITE_NOT_FINITE,SUBSET_DEF]
263         )
264      >- (simp[acceptingAARun_def] >> rpt strip_tac
265          >> `���x. branchFixP b x` by metis_tac[BRANCH_FIXP]
266          >> `~(x ��� aut.final)` by metis_tac[]
267          >> fs[branchFixP_def]
268          >> `{i | b i ��� aut.final} ��� (count i)`
269              suffices_by metis_tac[FINITE_COUNT,SUBSET_FINITE]
270          >> fs[SUBSET_DEF] >> rpt strip_tac
271          >> CCONTR_TAC >> `x' >= i` by simp[] >> metis_tac[]
272         )
273  );
276  infinite run suffixes
279val infBranchSuffOf_def = Define
280  `infBranchSuffOf run i b =
281             (b 0 ��� run.V i) /\ !j. (b (j+1) ��� run.E (j + i, b j))`;
283val appendToBranchSuff_def = Define
284  `appendToBranchSuff b q = \n. if n = 0 then q else b (n-1)`;
286val APPEND_LEMMA = store_thm
288   ``!r b q i aut w. infBranchSuffOf r i b /\ validAARunFor aut r w /\ ~(i=0)
289                  /\ q ��� r.V (i-1) /\ (b 0 ��� r.E (i-1,q))
290        ==> infBranchSuffOf r (i-1) (appendToBranchSuff b q)``,
291   rpt strip_tac >> fs[appendToBranchSuff_def, infBranchSuffOf_def, validAARunFor_def]
292   >> rpt strip_tac
293   >> Induct_on `j` >> fs[]
294   >> `b (j + 1) ��� r.E (i + j,b j)` by metis_tac[]
295   >> `SUC j = j + 1` by simp[] >> rw[]
296  );
298val BRANCH_SUFF_LEMM = store_thm
300   ``!i q run aut w b. validAARunFor aut run w /\ infBranchSuffOf run i b
301         ==> ?b'. infBranchOf run b' /\ !j. (b j = b' (j+i))``,
302   Induct_on `i` >> rpt strip_tac
303     >- (qexists_tac `b`
304         >> fs[infBranchSuffOf_def, infBranchOf_def])
305     >- (`!q. ~(SUC i = 0) /\ q ��� run.V ((SUC i) ��� 1) ��� b 0 ��� run.E ((SUC i) ��� 1,q) ���
306           infBranchSuffOf run ((SUC i) ��� 1) (appendToBranchSuff b q)`
307         by metis_tac[APPEND_LEMMA]
308         >> `!b. infBranchSuffOf run i b
309           ��� ���b'. infBranchOf run b' ��� ���j. (b j = b' (j + i))`
310         by metis_tac[]
311         >> fs[validAARunFor_def, infBranchSuffOf_def] >> rpt strip_tac
312         >> `((SUC i) = 0) ��� ���q'. b 0 ��� run.E ((SUC i) ��� 1,q')
313            ��� (q' ��� run.V ((SUC i) ��� 1))`
314            by metis_tac[]
315         >> fs[]
316         >> `appendToBranchSuff b q' 0 ��� run.V i ���
317             ���j.
318               appendToBranchSuff b q' (j + 1) ���
319               run.E (i + j,appendToBranchSuff b q' j)`
320             by metis_tac[]
321         >> qabbrev_tac `b_new = appendToBranchSuff b q'`
322         >> `���b'. infBranchOf run b' ��� ���j. (b_new j = b' (i + j))`
323             by metis_tac[]
324         >> qexists_tac `b'` >> fs[appendToBranchSuff_def]
325         >> rpt strip_tac
326         >> `SUC i <= j ==> i <= (SUC j)` by simp[]
327         >> `(b_new (SUC j) = b' (i + (SUC j)))` by metis_tac[]
328         >> fs[]
329         >> `~(SUC j = 0) ==> (b_new (SUC j) = b (SUC j - 1))` by metis_tac[]
330         >> fs[]
331         >> `(i + SUC j) = (j + SUC i)` by simp[]
332         >> metis_tac[]
333       )
334  );
336(* reachable states *)
338val oneStep_def = Define`
339  oneStep aut = \x y. ?a qs. (a,qs) ��� aut.trans x ��� y ��� qs ��� x ��� aut.states`;
341val reachRel_def = Define`
342  reachRel aut = (oneStep aut)^*`;
344val reachRelFromSet_def = Define`
345  reachRelFromSet aut s = { y | ?x. reachRel aut x y ��� x ��� s }`;
347(*TODO rewrite using different reach rel*)
349(* val nStepReachable_def = Define` *)
350(*    (nStepReachable trans init 0 = init) *)
351(*  ��� (nStepReachable trans init (SUC i) = *)
352(*      {s | ?a qs s'. (a, qs) ��� trans s' ��� s' ��� nStepReachable trans init i *)
353(*            ��� s ��� qs})`; *)
355(* val reachable_def = Define` *)
356(*   (reachable trans init = {s | ?n. s ��� nStepReachable trans init n })`; *)
358(* val reachableRel_def = Define` *)
359(*   reachableRel aut = *)
360(*      { (s, s') | s ��� reachable aut.trans {s'} *)
361(*                    ��� s ��� aut.states ��� s' ��� aut.states}`; *)
363(* val REACHABLE_LEMM = store_thm *)
364(*   ("REACHABLE_LEMM", *)
365(*    ``!aut x. isValidAlterA aut ��� (x ��� aut.states) *)
366(*             ==> (reachable aut.trans {x} ��� aut.states)``, *)
367(*    rpt strip_tac *)
368(*    >> `!n. nStepReachable aut.trans {x} n ��� aut.states` by ( *)
369(*        Induct_on `n` >> fs[nStepReachable_def] *)
370(*        >> simp[SUBSET_DEF] >> rpt strip_tac *)
371(*        >> metis_tac[isValidAlterA_def,SUBSET_DEF] *)
372(*    ) *)
373(*    >> simp[reachable_def,SUBSET_DEF] >> rpt strip_tac *)
374(*    >> metis_tac[SUBSET_DEF] *)
375(*   ); *)
377(* val WAA_REACH_IS_PO = store_thm *)
378(*   ("WAA_REACH_IS_PO", *)
379(*    ``!aut. isWeakAlterA aut ��� isValidAlterA aut *)
380(*              ==> isWeakWithOrder aut (reachableRel aut)``, *)
381(*    fs[isWeakAlterA_def] >> simp[isWeakWithOrder_def] >> rpt strip_tac *)
382(*     >- (fs[partial_order_def] >> rpt strip_tac *)
383(*         >- (simp[reachableRel_def,domain_def,SUBSET_DEF] >> rpt strip_tac) *)
384(*         >- (simp[reachableRel_def,range_def,SUBSET_DEF] >> rpt strip_tac) *)
385(*         >- (simp[reachableRel_def,transitive_def] >> rpt strip_tac *)
386(*             >> fs[reachable_def] >> qexists_tac `n + n'` *)
387(*             >> `!j1 j2 p q r. *)
388(*                   p ��� nStepReachable aut.trans {q} j1 ��� *)
389(*                   r ��� nStepReachable aut.trans {p} j2 *)
390(*                   ==> r ��� nStepReachable aut.trans {q} (j1 + j2)` by ( *)
391(*                  Induct_on `j2` >> rpt strip_tac >> fs[nStepReachable_def] *)
392(*                  >> `r ��� nStepReachable aut.trans {q} (SUC (j1 + j2))` *)
393(*                     suffices_by metis_tac[SUC_ADD_SYM,ADD_COMM] *)
394(*                  >> simp[nStepReachable_def] >> metis_tac[] *)
395(*              ) *)
396(*             >> metis_tac[ADD_COMM] *)
397(*            ) *)
398(*         >- (fs[reflexive_def,reachableRel_def,reachable_def] >> rpt strip_tac *)
399(*             >> qexists_tac `0` >> fs[nStepReachable_def] *)
400(*            ) *)
401(*         >- (fs[antisym_def,reachableRel_def,reachable_def] >> rpt strip_tac *)
402(*             >> `!i p q. p ��� aut.states ��� q ��� aut.states *)
403(*         ��� p ��� nStepReachable aut.trans {q} i ==> (p,q) ��� ord` by ( *)
404(*                  Induct_on `i` >> rpt strip_tac *)
405(*                   >- fs[reflexive_def,nStepReachable_def] *)
406(*                   >- (fs[nStepReachable_def] *)
407(*                       >> `s' ��� aut.states` by ( *)
408(*                            `s' ��� reachable aut.trans {q}` *)
409(*                             by (simp[reachable_def] >> metis_tac[]) *)
410(*                           >> metis_tac[SUBSET_DEF,REACHABLE_LEMM]) *)
411(*                       >> `(s',q) ��� ord` by metis_tac[] *)
412(*                       >> fs[transitive_def] >> metis_tac[] *)
413(*                      ) *)
414(*              ) *)
415(*             >> metis_tac[] *)
416(*            ) *)
417(*        ) *)
418(*     >- (fs[reachableRel_def,reachable_def] >> strip_tac *)
419(*           >- (qexists_tac `SUC 0` >> simp[nStepReachable_def] >> metis_tac[]) *)
420(*           >- (fs[isValidAlterA_def] >> metis_tac[SUBSET_DEF]) *)
421(*        ) *)
422(*   ); *)
426  restricting a run to a subset of its initial states
429val run_restr_V_def = Define `
430    (run_restr_V init r_old (SUC i) =
431            BIGUNION { e | ?q. (e = r_old.E (i,q)) /\ (q ��� run_restr_V init r_old i) })
432 /\ (run_restr_V init r_old 0       = init)`;
434val run_restr_E_def = Define `
435    (run_restr_E init r_old (i,q) =
436           if q ��� run_restr_V init r_old i then r_old.E (i,q) else {})`;
438val run_restr_def = Define `
439   (run_restr init r_old = ALTERA_RUN (run_restr_V init r_old) (run_restr_E init r_old))`;
441val RUN_RESTR_LEMM = store_thm
443   ``!r init aut w. (validAARunFor aut r w) /\ (init ��� r.V 0)
444                  ==> !i. run_restr_V init r i ��� r.V i``,
445   rpt strip_tac >> Induct_on `i` >> fs[run_restr_V_def]
446   >> fs[validAARunFor_def, SUBSET_DEF] >> rpt strip_tac
447   >> `(s = r.E (i,q)) ��� q ��� run_restr_V init r i` by metis_tac[]
448   >> `x ��� r.E (i,q)` by metis_tac[]
449   >> `x ��� r.V (i + 1)` by metis_tac[]
450   >> `x ��� r.V (i + 1)` suffices_by simp[SUC_ONE_ADD] >> fs[]
451  );
453val RUN_RESTR_FIXP_LEMM = store_thm
455   ``!r init aut w b. (validAARunFor aut r w) /\ (init ��� r.V 0)
456                   /\ (infBranchOf (run_restr init r) b)
457                       ==> infBranchOf r b``,
458   rpt strip_tac >> fs[infBranchOf_def] >> rpt strip_tac
459   >> fs[run_restr_def, run_restr_V_def]
460    >- (metis_tac[SUBSET_DEF])
461    >- (fs[run_restr_E_def] >> Cases_on `b i ��� (run_restr_V init r i)` >> fs[]
462        >- metis_tac[]
463        >- (metis_tac[NOT_IN_EMPTY])
464       )
465  );
468 conjoining two runs
471val conj_run_branch_cond_def = Define `
472  conj_run_branch_cond r1 r2 s q i =
473      if q ��� s
474      then (if q ��� r1.V i
475            then r1.E (i,q)
476            else if q ��� r2.V i
477                 then r2.E (i,q)
478                 else {})
479      else {}`;
481val conj_run_V_def = Define `
482     (conj_run_V r1 r2 (SUC i) =
483          BIGUNION { e | ?q. (e = conj_run_branch_cond r1 r2 (conj_run_V r1 r2 i) q i)
484                          /\ (q ��� conj_run_V r1 r2 i)})
485  /\ (conj_run_V r1 r2 0       = r1.V 0 ��� r2.V 0)`;
487val conj_run_E_def = Define `
488  (conj_run_E r1 r2 (i,q) =
489       conj_run_branch_cond r1 r2 (conj_run_V r1 r2 i) q i)`;
491val conj_run_def = Define `
492  conj_run r1 r2 = ALTERA_RUN (conj_run_V r1 r2) (conj_run_E r1 r2)`;
494val CONJ_RUN_V_LEMM = store_thm
495  ("CONJ_RUN_V_LEMM",
496   ``!r1 r2 i w1 w2 a1 a2. validAARunFor a1 r1 w1 /\ validAARunFor a2 r2 w2
497       ==> conj_run_V r1 r2 i ��� (r1.V i ��� r2.V i)``,
498   rpt strip_tac >> Induct_on `i` >> fs[conj_run_V_def]
499   >> fs[SUBSET_DEF, BIGUNION, conj_run_V_def]
500   >> rpt strip_tac >> fs[conj_run_E_def, conj_run_branch_cond_def]
501   >> Cases_on `q ��� r1.V i`
502     >- (fs[validAARunFor_def] >> `SUC i = i +1` by simp[]
503         >> metis_tac[SUBSET_DEF])
504     >- (Cases_on `q ��� r2.V i`
505          >- (fs[validAARunFor_def] >> `SUC i = i +1` by simp[]
506              >> metis_tac[SUBSET_DEF])
507          >- (fs[])
508        )
509  );
511val CONJ_RUN_FIXP_LEMM = store_thm
513   ``!r1 r2 b x a1 a2 w. (validAARunFor a1 r1 w) /\ (validAARunFor a2 r2 w)
514        /\ (infBranchOf (conj_run r1 r2) b) /\ (branchFixP b x)
515        ==> (?b'. (infBranchOf r1 b' \/ infBranchOf r2 b') /\ branchFixP b' x)``,
516   rpt strip_tac
517   >> `!i. conj_run_V r1 r2 i ��� (r1.V i ��� r2.V i)` by metis_tac[CONJ_RUN_V_LEMM]
518   >> fs[infBranchOf_def]
519   >> `!i. b (i+1) ��� (conj_run r1 r2).E (i, b i)` by metis_tac[]
520   >> fs[conj_run_def, conj_run_E_def, conj_run_branch_cond_def]
521   >> `!i. b i ��� conj_run_V r1 r2 i` by metis_tac[NOT_IN_EMPTY]
522   >> `!i. b i ��� r1.V i \/ b i ��� r2.V i` by fs[SUBSET_DEF, UNION_DEF]
523   >> fs[branchFixP_def]
524   >> `(?a. a >= i /\ b a ��� r1.V a) \/ (!a. (a >= i) ==> ~(b a ��� r1.V a) /\ (b a ��� r2.V a))`
525        by metis_tac[]
526     >- (dsimp[]
527         >> `(���b' i.
528             (b' 0 ��� r1.V 0 ��� ���i. b' (i + 1) ��� r1.E (i,b' i))
529             ��� (b' i = x) /\ !m. (m >= i) ==> (b' m = x))`
530              suffices_by metis_tac[]
531         >> qabbrev_tac `b_suff = \j. b (a + j)`
532         >> SUBGOAL_THEN ``infBranchSuffOf r1 a b_suff`` mp_tac
533           >- (fs[infBranchSuffOf_def] >> rpt strip_tac >> fs[]
534                 >- (`b_suff 0 = b (a+0)` by simp[]
535                     >> `a + 0 = a` by simp[] >> metis_tac[]
536                    )
537                 >- (`!j. (a+j) >= i` by simp[]
538                     >> `b_suff (j+1) = b (a + j)` by metis_tac[]
539                     >> `b (a + j) = x` by metis_tac[]
540                     >> fs[conj_run_V_def, conj_run_branch_cond_def]
541                     >> SUBGOAL_THEN ``!n. (b (a + n) ��� r1.V (a+n))`` mp_tac
542                        >- (Induct_on `n` >> fs[]
543                            >- (`b_suff 0 = b (a + 0)` by metis_tac[]
544                                >> fs[] >> `b a = x` by simp[] >> metis_tac[])
545                            >- (`b (a + n + 1) ��� r1.E (a+n, b (a+n))` by metis_tac[]
546                                >> fs[validAARunFor_def]
547                                >> `b (a + n + 1) ��� r1.V (a + n + 1)`
548                                    by metis_tac[SUBSET_DEF]
549                                >> fs[]
550                                >> `b (a + (n + 1)) = b_suff (n + 1)` by metis_tac[]
551                                >> `b_suff (SUC n) ��� r1.V (a + (SUC n))`
552                                    by metis_tac[SUC_ONE_ADD, ADD_SYM]
553                               )
554                           )
555                        >- (rpt strip_tac
556                            >> `b (a + j) ��� r1.V (a + j)` by metis_tac[]
557                            >> `b ((a + j) + 1) ��� r1.E (a + j, b (a + j))` by metis_tac[]
558                            >> `b (a + j + 1) = x` by simp[]
559                            >> fs[]
560                            >> `b_suff j = b (a + j)` by metis_tac[] >> metis_tac[]
561                           )
562                    )
563              )
564           >- (rpt strip_tac
565               >> `���b'. infBranchOf r1 b' ��� ���j. (b_suff j = b' (j + a))`
566                   by metis_tac[BRANCH_SUFF_LEMM]
567               >>  qexists_tac `b'` >> qexists_tac `a` >> rpt strip_tac >> fs[infBranchOf_def]
568                  >- (`a + 0 = a` by simp[]
569                      >> `b_suff 0 = x` suffices_by metis_tac[]
570                      >> `b_suff 0 = b a` by metis_tac[]
571                      >> fs[]
572                     )
573                  >- (`a <= m` by simp[]
574                       >> `?p. p + a = m` by metis_tac[LESS_EQ_ADD_EXISTS]
575                       >> `b_suff p = b' m` by metis_tac[ADD_COMM]
576                       >> `b_suff p = b (a + p)` by metis_tac[ADD_COMM]
577                       >> `a + p >= i` by simp[] >> metis_tac[]
578                     )
579              )
580        )
581     >- (dsimp[]
582         >> `(���b' i.
583             (b' 0 ��� r2.V 0 ��� ���i. b' (i + 1) ��� r2.E (i,b' i))
584             ��� (b' i = x) /\ !m. (m >= i) ==> (b' m = x))`
585              suffices_by metis_tac[]
586         >> `i >= i` by simp[] >> `b i ��� r2.V i` by metis_tac[]
587         >> qabbrev_tac `b_suff = \j. b (i + j)`
588         >> SUBGOAL_THEN ``infBranchSuffOf r2 i b_suff`` mp_tac
589           >- (fs[infBranchSuffOf_def] >> rpt strip_tac >> fs[]
590                 >- (`b_suff 0 = b (i+0)` by simp[]
591                     >> `i + 0 = i` by simp[] >> metis_tac[]
592                    )
593                 >- (`!j. (i+j) >= i` by simp[]
594                     >> `b_suff (j+1) = b (i + j)` by metis_tac[]
595                     >> `b (i + j) = x` by metis_tac[]
596                     >> fs[conj_run_V_def, conj_run_branch_cond_def]
597                     >> rpt strip_tac
598                     >> `i + j >= i` by simp[]
599                     >> `b (i + j) ��� r2.V (i + j)` by metis_tac[]
600                     >> `b ((i + j) + 1) ��� r2.E (i + j, b (i + j))` by metis_tac[]
601                     >> `b (i + j + 1) = x` by simp[]
602                     >> fs[]
603                     >> `b_suff j = b (i + j)` by metis_tac[] >> metis_tac[]
604                    )
605              )
606           >- (rpt strip_tac
607               >> `���b'. infBranchOf r2 b' ��� ���j. (b_suff j = b' (j + i))`
608                   by metis_tac[BRANCH_SUFF_LEMM]
609               >>  qexists_tac `b'` >> qexists_tac `i` >> rpt strip_tac
610               >> fs[infBranchOf_def]
611                  >- (`i + 0 = i` by simp[]
612                      >> `b_suff 0 = x` suffices_by metis_tac[]
613                      >> `b_suff 0 = b i` by metis_tac[]
614                      >> fs[]
615                     )
616                  >- (`i <= m` by simp[]
617                       >> `?p. p + i = m` by metis_tac[LESS_EQ_ADD_EXISTS]
618                       >> `b_suff p = b' m` by metis_tac[ADD_COMM]
619                       >> `b_suff p = b (i + p)` by metis_tac[ADD_COMM]
620                       >> `i + p >= i` by simp[] >> metis_tac[]
621                     )
622              )
623        )
624  );
627  suffix run with replaced initial states
630val REPL_RUN_CONSTR_LEMM = store_thm
632  ``!aut run w e h j.
633  let run_int =
634        ALTERA_RUN (\i. if i = 0 then e else run.V (i + j))
635            (��(i,q). if i = 0 then h q else run.E (i + j,q))
636  in
637  validAARunFor aut run w /\ (!q. q ��� e ==> h q ��� run.V (j + 1))
638    ==> !i. (run_restr e run_int).V (i+1) ��� run.V (i+j+1)``,
639  fs[] >> rpt gen_tac >> rpt conj_tac >> strip_tac
640  >> Induct_on `i` >> fs[run_restr_def, run_restr_V_def, run_restr_E_def, validAARunFor_def]
641    >- (fs[SUBSET_DEF] >> rpt strip_tac
642        >> `1 = SUC 0` by simp[]
643        >> `x ���
644              run_restr_V e
645              (ALTERA_RUN (��i. if i = 0 then e else run.V (i + j))
646                (��(i,q). if i = 0 then h q else run.E (i + j,q))) (SUC 0)` by fs[]
647        >> fs[run_restr_V_def]
648        >> metis_tac[]
649       )
650    >- (fs[SUBSET_DEF] >> rpt strip_tac
651        >> `SUC i + 1 = SUC (i + 1)` by simp[]
652        >> `x ���
653               run_restr_V e
654               (ALTERA_RUN (��i. if i = 0 then e else run.V (i + j))
655               (��(i,q). if i = 0 then h q else run.E (i + j,q))) (SUC (i + 1))`
656           by metis_tac[]
657        >> fs[run_restr_V_def]
658        >> `x ��� run.V ((i + (j + 1)) + 1)` by metis_tac[]
659        >> `j + (SUC i + 1) = i + (j + 1) + 1` by simp[]
660        >> metis_tac[]
661       )
662  );
664val REPL_LEMM_1 = store_thm
665  ("REPL_LEMM_1",
666   ``!aut run w e h b x j.
667      let run_int =
668          ALTERA_RUN (\i. if i = 0 then e else run.V (i + j))
669              (��(i,q). if i = 0 then h q else run.E (i + j,q))
670      in
671          validAARunFor aut run w /\ (!q. q ��� e ==> h q ��� run.V (1 + j))
672          /\ infBranchOf (run_restr e run_int) b /\ branchFixP b x
673              ==> infBranchSuffOf run (1 + j) (\i. b (i + 1))``,
674   fs[infBranchSuffOf_def] >> rpt strip_tac
675     >- (fs[infBranchOf_def, run_restr_def]
676           >> fs[run_restr_E_def]
677           >> `b 0 ��� e` by metis_tac[run_restr_V_def]
678           >> `b (0 + 1) ��� h (b 0)` by metis_tac[run_restr_E_def, run_restr_V_def]
679           >> fs[]
680           >> `h (b 0) ��� run.V (1+j)` by fs[]
681           >> metis_tac[SUBSET_DEF]
682        )
683     >- (rename [���b (i + 2) ��� run.E _���] >> Induct_on `i` >> fs[]
684          >- (fs[infBranchOf_def, run_restr_def, run_restr_E_def, run_restr_V_def]
685              >> `b (1 + 1) ��� run.E (j + 1, b 1)` suffices_by simp[]
686              >> `b (1 + 1) ���
687                   if
688                       b 1 ���
689                         run_restr_V e
690                         (ALTERA_RUN (��i. if i = 0 then e else run.V (i + j))
691                              (��(i,q). if i = 0 then h q else run.E (i + j,q))) 1
692                   then
693                       if 1 = 0 then h (b 0) else run.E (1+j,b 1)
694                   else ���` by fs[]
695              >> fs[]
696              >> Cases_on `b 1 ���
697                         run_restr_V e
698                         (ALTERA_RUN (��i. if i = 0 then e else run.V (i + j))
699                              (��(i,q). if i = 0 then h q else run.E (i + j,q))) 1`
700              >> fs[])
701          >- (fs[infBranchOf_def, run_restr_def, run_restr_E_def, run_restr_V_def]
702              >> `SUC i + 2 = (i + 2) + 1` by simp[]
703              >> `b (i + 2 + 1) ��� run.E (j + (SUC i + 1),b (SUC i + 1))`
704                   suffices_by metis_tac[]
705              >> `b ((i + 2) + 1) ���
706                     if
707                         b (i + 2) ���
708                           run_restr_V e
709                           (ALTERA_RUN (��i. if i = 0 then e else run.V (i + j))
710                                (��(i,q). if i = 0 then h q else run.E (i + j,q))) (i + 2)
711                     then
712                         if (i + 2) = 0 then h (b 0) else run.E ((i + 2) + j,b (i + 2))
713                     else ���` by fs[]
714              >> qabbrev_tac `r' = (ALTERA_RUN (��i. if i = 0 then e else run.V (i + j))
715                                        (��(i,q). if i = 0 then h q else run.E (i+j,q)))`
716              >> Cases_on `b (i + 2) ��� run_restr_V e r' (i + 2)`
717                 >- (fs[] >> `SUC (i + 1) = i + 2` by simp[] >> fs[]
718                     >> `b (i + 3) ��� run.E (j + (1 + i) + 1, b ((1 + i) + 1))`
719                         suffices_by simp[SUC_ONE_ADD]
720                     >> simp[])
721                 >- metis_tac[NOT_IN_EMPTY]
722             )
723        )
724  );
726val REPL_RUN_CONSTR_LEMM2 = store_thm
728  ``!aut run w e h b x j.
729      let run_int =
730          ALTERA_RUN (\i. if i = 0 then e else run.V (i + j))
731              (��(i,q). if i = 0 then h q else run.E (i + j,q))
732      in
733          validAARunFor aut run w /\ (!q. q ��� e ==> h q ��� run.V (1 + j))
734       /\ infBranchOf (run_restr e run_int) b /\ branchFixP b x
735            ==> ?b'. infBranchOf run b' /\ branchFixP b' x``,
736  fs[] >> rpt strip_tac
737  >> `(let run_int =
738           ALTERA_RUN (��i. if i = 0 then e else run.V (i + j))
739               (��(i,q). if i = 0 then h q else run.E (i + j,q))
740       in
741           validAARunFor aut run w ��� (���q. q ��� e ��� h q ��� run.V (1+j)) ���
742                      infBranchOf (run_restr e run_int) b ��� branchFixP b x ���
743                       infBranchSuffOf run (1+j) (��i. b (i + 1)))`
744       by metis_tac[REPL_LEMM_1]
745  >> fs[] >> `infBranchSuffOf run (j + 1) (��i. b (i + 1))` by metis_tac[]
746  >> qabbrev_tac `b_new = \i. b (i + 1)`
747  >> `���b'. infBranchOf run b' ��� ���n. b_new n = b' (n + (j + 1))`
748      by metis_tac[BRANCH_SUFF_LEMM]
749  >> qexists_tac `b'` >> fs[]
750  >> fs[branchFixP_def]
751  >> qunabbrev_tac `b_new`
752  >> qexists_tac `j + (i+1)` >> rpt strip_tac
753    >- (`(i + 1) >= i` by simp[]
754        >> `b (i + 1) = x` by metis_tac[]
755        >> fs[] >> metis_tac[ADD_ASSOC, ADD_COMM]
756       )
757    >- (`m >= i` by simp[]
758        >> `b m = x` by simp[]
759        >> `m >= j + 1` by simp[]
760        >> `?k. m = j + k + 1` by
761                 (`?p. p + (j + 1) = m` by simp[LESS_EQ_ADD_EXISTS]
762                  >> qexists_tac `p` >> fs[])
763        >> `k + 1 >= i` by simp[]
764        >> `b (k + 1) = x` by metis_tac[]
765        >> rw[] >> metis_tac[]
766       )
767  );
771  step function of a run
774val step_def = Define
775  `step run (v,i) = (BIGUNION {run.E (i,q) | q ��� v }, i+1)`;
777val STEP_THM = store_thm
778  ("STEP_THM",
779  ``!aut run. (?w. validAARunFor aut run w)
780      ==> !i. (FUNPOW (step run) i (run.V 0,0) = (run.V i,i))``,
781  strip_tac >> strip_tac >> strip_tac
782  >> Induct_on `i` >> fs[FUNPOW]
783  >> fs[validAARunFor_def]
784  >> `FUNPOW (step run) (SUC i) (run.V 0, 0)
785       = FUNPOW (step run) i (step run (run.V 0, 0))` by metis_tac[FUNPOW]
786  >> `FUNPOW (step run) (SUC i) (run.V 0,0) = step run (FUNPOW (step run) i (run.V 0,0))`
787       by metis_tac[FUNPOW_SUC]
788  >> `FUNPOW (step run) (SUC i) (run.V 0,0) = step run (run.V i,i)` by metis_tac[]
789  >> `step run (run.V i, i) = (run.V (SUC i), SUC i)` suffices_by metis_tac[]
790  >> rw[step_def] >> fs[validAARunFor_def]
791  >> `(BIGUNION {run.E (i,q) | q | q ��� run.V i} ��� run.V (SUC i))
792   /\ (run.V (SUC i) ��� BIGUNION {run.E (i,q) | q | q ��� run.V i})`
793        suffices_by metis_tac[SET_EQ_SUBSET]
794  >> rpt strip_tac
795     >- (simp[SUBSET_DEF, BIGUNION] >> rpt strip_tac
796         >> `run.E (i,q) ��� run.V (i + 1)` by metis_tac[]
797         >> fs[SUBSET_DEF] >> `x ��� run.V (i+1)` by metis_tac[]
798         >> `(SUC i) = (i + 1)` suffices_by metis_tac[] >> simp[]
799        )
800     >- (simp[SUBSET_DEF, BIGUNION] >> rpt strip_tac
801         >> `((SUC i) = 0) ��� ���q'. x ��� run.E ((SUC i) ��� 1,q') ��� q' ��� run.V ((SUC i) ��� 1)`
802            by metis_tac[] >> fs[]
803         >> qexists_tac `run.E (i,q')` >> rpt strip_tac >> fs[]
804         >> qexists_tac `q'` >> simp[]
805        )
806  );
809(* An example alternating automata *)
811val A1_def = Define `A1 = ALTER_A {1;2} {T;F} (\_. {({T;F}, {1;2})}) {{1}} {2}`;
813val AUT_EX_1 = store_thm
814  ("AUT_EX_1",
815   ``isValidAlterA A1``,
816   simp[isValidAlterA_def, A1_def, POW_DEF]
817  );
819val AUT_EX_2 = store_thm
820  ("AUT_EX_2",
821   ``~(isVeryWeakAlterA A1)``,
822   simp[A1_def, isVeryWeakAlterA_def, isVeryWeakWithOrder_def] >> rw[] >>
823   `partial_order ord {1;2}
824      ==> (?s. ((s = 1) \/ (s = 2)) /\ ?s'. ((s' = 1) \/ (s' = 2)) /\ ~((s, s') ��� ord))`
825      suffices_by metis_tac[]
826      >> rw[] >> CCONTR_TAC >> fs[] >> `((1,2) ��� ord) /\ ((2,1) ��� ord)` by metis_tac[]
827      >> `1 <> 2 /\ {1;2} 1 /\ {1;2} 2`
828         suffices_by metis_tac[partial_order_def, antisym_def] >> simp[]
829  );
831val _ = export_theory();