1(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2   Definitions and theorems used by RISC-V step evaluator (riscv_stepLib)
3   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
5open HolKernel boolLib bossLib
7open utilsLib
8open wordsLib blastLib alignmentTheory
9open riscvTheory
11val () = Theory.new_theory "riscv_step"
13val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "riscv_stepTheory";
15val () =
16  ( List.app (fn f => f ())
17      [numLib.prefer_num, wordsLib.prefer_word, wordsLib.guess_lengths]
18  ; show_assums := true
19  ; General.ignore (Parse.hide "imm")
20  )
22fun uprove a b = utilsLib.STRIP_UNDISCH (Q.prove (a, b))
24(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
25   Simplified Fetch and Next functions
26   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
28val Fetch_def = Define`
29  Fetch s =
30  let (w, s) = translateAddr (PC s, Instruction, Read) s in
31    (rawReadInst (THE w) s, s)`
33val update_pc_def = Define `update_pc v s = SOME (write'PC v s)`
35val NextRISCV_def = Define`
36  NextRISCV s =
37  let (w, s) = Fetch s in
38  let s = Run (Decode w) s in
39  if s.exception <> NoException then
40    NONE
41  else
42    let pc = PC s in
43    case NextFetch s of
44       NONE => update_pc (pc + 4w) s
45     | SOME (BranchTo a) => update_pc a (write'NextFetch NONE s)
46     | _ => NONE`
48(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
49   Evaluation theorem
50   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
52val NextRISCV = Q.store_thm("NextRISCV",
53  `(Fetch s = (w, s')) /\
54   (Decode w = i) /\
55   (Run i s' = nxt) /\
56   (nxt.exception = NoException) /\
57   (nxt.c_NextFetch nxt.procID = NONE) ==>
58   (NextRISCV s = update_pc (nxt.c_PC nxt.procID + 4w) nxt)`,
59  lrw [NextRISCV_def, PC_def, NextFetch_def, write'NextFetch_def]
60  \\ Cases_on `Run (Decode w) s'`
61  \\ fs []
62  )
64val NextRISCV_branch = Q.store_thm("NextRISCV_branch",
65  `(Fetch s = (w, s')) /\
66   (Decode w = i) /\
67   (Run i s' = nxt) /\
68   (nxt.exception = NoException) /\
69   (nxt.c_NextFetch nxt.procID = SOME (BranchTo a)) ==>
70   (NextRISCV s =
71      update_pc a
72        (nxt with c_NextFetch := (nxt.procID =+ NONE) nxt.c_NextFetch))`,
73  lrw [NextRISCV_def, PC_def, NextFetch_def, write'NextFetch_def]
74  \\ Cases_on `Run (Decode w) s'`
75  \\ fs []
76  )
78val NextRISCV_cond_branch = Q.store_thm("NextRISCV_cond_branch",
79  `(Fetch s = (w, s')) /\
80   (Decode w = i) /\
81   (Run i s' = nxt) /\
82   (nxt.exception = NoException) /\
83   (nxt.c_NextFetch nxt.procID = if b then SOME (BranchTo a) else NONE) ==>
84   (NextRISCV s =
85      update_pc (if b then a else nxt.c_PC nxt.procID + 4w)
86        (nxt with c_NextFetch := (nxt.procID =+ NONE) nxt.c_NextFetch))`,
87  lrw [NextRISCV_def, PC_def, NextFetch_def, write'NextFetch_def]
88  \\ Cases_on `Run (Decode w) s'`
89  \\ fs [update_pc_def, write'PC_def, riscv_state_component_equality,
90         combinTheory.UPDATE_APPLY_IMP_ID]
91  )
93(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
94   Sub-word select operation (temporary)
95   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
97val select_def = zDefine`
98  select (p:'a word) (w: word64) =
99  let sz = 64 DIV (2 ** dimindex(:'a)) in
100  let l = w2n p * sz in
101    (l + sz - 1 >< l) w : 'b word`
103(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
104   Word extend abbreviations
105   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
107val () = List.app Parse.temp_overload_on
108   [
109    ("s_extend32", ``\w: word64. sw2sw ((31 >< 0) w : word32) : word64``),
110    ("z_extend32", ``\w: word64. w2w ((31 >< 0) w : word32) : word64``),
111    ("s_extend16", ``\w: word64. sw2sw ((15 >< 0) w : word16) : word64``),
112    ("z_extend16", ``\w: word64. w2w ((15 >< 0) w : word16) : word64``),
113    ("s_extend8",  ``\w: word64. sw2sw ((7 >< 0) w : word8) : word64``),
114    ("z_extend8",  ``\w: word64. w2w ((7 >< 0) w : word8) : word64``)
115   ]
117(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
118   Simplifying Rewrites
119   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
121val cond_lem1 = Q.prove(
122  `(if b1 then (if b2 then x else y1) else (if b2 then x else y2)) =
123   (if b2 then x else if b1 then y1 else y2)`,
124  rw []
125  )
127val cond_rand_shift = Q.prove(
128  `((if b then x else y) << n = if b then x << n else y << n) /\
129   ((if b then x else y) >>> n = if b then x >>> n else y >>> n)`,
130  rw []
131  )
133val cond_rand_thms =
134  utilsLib.mk_cond_rand_thms
135    [pairSyntax.fst_tm,
136     pairSyntax.snd_tm,
137     wordsSyntax.sw2sw_tm,
138     wordsSyntax.w2w_tm,
139     wordsSyntax.word_add_tm,
140     wordsSyntax.word_and_tm,
141     wordsSyntax.word_or_tm,
142     wordsSyntax.word_xor_tm,
143     ``(=):Architecture -> Architecture -> bool``,
144     ``(=):'a word -> 'a word -> bool``,
145     ``(h >< l) : 'a word -> 'b word``
146    ]
148val ifTF = Q.prove(`(if b then T else F) = b`, rw [])
150val v2w_0_rwts = Q.store_thm("v2w_0_rwts",
151  `((v2w [F; F; F; F; F] = 0w: word5)) /\
152   ((v2w [T; b3; b2; b1; b0] = 0w: word5) = F) /\
153   ((v2w [b3; T; b2; b1; b0] = 0w: word5) = F) /\
154   ((v2w [b3; b2; T; b1; b0] = 0w: word5) = F) /\
155   ((v2w [b3; b2; b1; T; b0] = 0w: word5) = F) /\
156   ((v2w [b3; b2; b1; b0; T] = 0w: word5) = F)`,
157   blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
158   )
160val aligned2 = Q.prove(
161  `(!w: word64. ((1 >< 0) w = 0w: word2) = aligned 2 w)`,
162  simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
163  \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
164  )
166val aligned3 = Q.prove(
167  `(!w: word64. (w2n ((2 >< 0) w: word3) = 0) = aligned 3 w)`,
168  simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
169  \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
170  )
172val address_align = blastLib.BBLAST_PROVE
173  ``w2w ((63 >< 3) a : 61 word) << 3 = (63 '' 3) (a: word64)``
175val address_align2 = blastLib.BBLAST_PROVE
176  ``w2w ((63 >< 3) a + 1w: 61 word) << 3 = (63 '' 3) (a: word64) + 8w``
178val address_aligned3 = uprove
179  `aligned 3 (a: word64) ==> ((63 '' 3) a = a)`
180  (
181  simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
182  \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
183  )
185val words_of_dword = Q.prove(
186  `!b7:word8 b6:word8 b5:word8 b4:word8 b3:word8 b2:word8 b1:word8 b0:word8.
187     ((63 >< 32) ( b7 @@ b6 @@ b5 @@ b4 @@ b3 @@ b2 @@ b1 @@ b0 ) =
188                   b7 @@ b6 @@ b5 @@ b4) /\
189     ((31 >< 0 ) ( b7 @@ b6 @@ b5 @@ b4 @@ b3 @@ b2 @@ b1 @@ b0 ) =
190                   b3 @@ b2 @@ b1 @@ b0)`,
191  simp_tac (srw_ss()++wordsLib.WORD_EXTRACT_ss) []
192  )
194val read_word = uprove
195  `aligned 2 (a: word64) ==>
196   ((if word_bit 2 a then
197       (63 >< 32)
198         (mem ((63 '' 3) a + 7w) @@
199          mem ((63 '' 3) a + 6w) @@
200          mem ((63 '' 3) a + 5w) @@
201          mem ((63 '' 3) a + 4w) @@
202          mem ((63 '' 3) a + 3w) @@
203          mem ((63 '' 3) a + 2w) @@
204          mem ((63 '' 3) a + 1w) @@
205          mem ((63 '' 3) a)) : word32
206     else
207       (31 >< 0)
208         (mem ((63 '' 3) a + 7w) @@
209          mem ((63 '' 3) a + 6w) @@
210          mem ((63 '' 3) a + 5w) @@
211          mem ((63 '' 3) a + 4w) @@
212          mem ((63 '' 3) a + 3w) @@
213          mem ((63 '' 3) a + 2w) @@
214          mem ((63 '' 3) a + 1w) @@
215          mem ((63 '' 3) a))) =
216    mem (a + 3w) @@ mem (a + 2w) @@ mem (a + 1w) @@ (mem a : word8))`
217  (
218  rewrite_tac [GSYM aligned2, words_of_dword]
219  \\ strip_tac
220  \\ CASE_TAC
221  >| [
222    `(63 '' 3) a = a - 4w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
223    `(63 '' 3) a = a` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
224  ]
225  \\ simp []
226  )
228val tac =
229  lrw [select_def, alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
230  >| [
231    `(2 >< 2) x = 0w: word1` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
232    `((2 >< 2) x = 1w: word1) /\
233     ((2 >< 0) x = 4w: word3)` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
234    `(2 >< 2) y = 0w: word1` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
235    `((2 >< 2) y = 1w: word1) /\
236     ((2 >< 0) y = 4w: word3)` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
237  ]
238  \\ simp []
239  \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
241val aligned_select_word_s = uprove
242  `aligned 2 (if b then (x: word64) else y) ==>
243   ((if aligned 3 (if b then x else y) then
244       s_extend32 w0
245     else
246       s_extend32
247         ((63 >< 0)
248            (((w1: word64) @@ w0) >>
249              (w2n (if b then (2 >< 0) x else (2 >< 0) y : word3) * 8)))) =
250     s_extend32 (select (if b then (2 >< 2) x else (2 >< 2) y : word1) w0))`
251   tac
253val aligned_select_word_z = uprove
254  `aligned 2 (if b then (x: word64) else y) ==>
255   ((if aligned 3 (if b then x else y) then
256       z_extend32 w0
257     else
258       z_extend32
259         ((63 >< 0)
260            (((w1: word64) @@ w0) >>
261              (w2n (if b then (2 >< 0) x else (2 >< 0) y : word3) * 8)))) =
262     z_extend32 (select (if b then (2 >< 2) x else (2 >< 2) y : word1) w0))`
263   tac
265val select_word = Q.prove(
266  `aligned 2 (a: word64) ==>
267   ((31 >< 0)
268      (select ((2 >< 2) a : word1)
269        (mem ((63 '' 3) a + 7w) @@
270         mem ((63 '' 3) a + 6w) @@
271         mem ((63 '' 3) a + 5w) @@
272         mem ((63 '' 3) a + 4w) @@
273         mem ((63 '' 3) a + 3w) @@
274         mem ((63 '' 3) a + 2w) @@
275         mem ((63 '' 3) a + 1w) @@
276         mem ((63 '' 3) a     )) : word64) =
277    mem (a + 3w) @@ mem (a + 2w) @@ mem (a + 1w) @@ (mem a : word8))`,
278  lrw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract, select_def]
279  \\ wordsLib.Cases_on_word_value `(2 >< 2) a : word1`
280  >| [
281    `(63 '' 3) a = a - 4w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
282    `(63 '' 3) a = a` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
283  ]
284  \\ simp []
285  \\ simp_tac (srw_ss()++wordsLib.WORD_EXTRACT_ss) []
286  )
287  |> Q.INST [`a` |-> `if b then x else y`, `mem` |-> `s.MEM8`]
288  |> REWRITE_RULE [cond_rand_thms]
289  |> utilsLib.STRIP_UNDISCH
291val tac =
292  lrw [select_def, alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
293  >| [
294    `(2 >< 1) x = 0w: word2` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
295    `(2 >< 1) x IN {1w; 2w; 3w: word2}`
296    by (wordsLib.Cases_on_word_value `(2 >< 1) x : word2`
297        \\ fs []
298        \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
299       )
300    \\ fs []
301    >| [
302      `(2 >< 0) x = 2w: word3` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
303      `(2 >< 0) x = 4w: word3` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
304      `(2 >< 0) x = 6w: word3` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
305    ],
306    `(2 >< 1) y = 0w: word2` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
307    `(2 >< 1) y IN {1w; 2w; 3w: word2}`
308    by (wordsLib.Cases_on_word_value `(2 >< 1) y : word2`
309        \\ fs []
310        \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
311       )
312    \\ fs []
313    >| [
314      `(2 >< 0) y = 2w: word3` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
315      `(2 >< 0) y = 4w: word3` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
316      `(2 >< 0) y = 6w: word3` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
317    ]
318  ]
319  \\ simp []
320  \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
322val aligned_select_half_s = uprove
323  `aligned 1 (if b then (x: word64) else y) ==>
324   ((if aligned 3 (if b then x else y) then
325       s_extend16 w0
326     else
327       s_extend16
328         ((63 >< 0)
329            (((w1: word64) @@ w0) >>
330              (w2n (if b then (2 >< 0) x else (2 >< 0) y : word3) * 8)))) =
331     s_extend16 (select (if b then (2 >< 1) x else (2 >< 1) y : word2) w0))`
332  tac
334val aligned_select_half_z = uprove
335  `aligned 1 (if b then (x: word64) else y) ==>
336   ((if aligned 3 (if b then x else y) then
337       z_extend16 w0
338     else
339       z_extend16
340         ((63 >< 0)
341            (((w1: word64) @@ w0) >>
342              (w2n (if b then (2 >< 0) x else (2 >< 0) y : word3) * 8)))) =
343     z_extend16 (select (if b then (2 >< 1) x else (2 >< 1) y : word2) w0))`
344  tac
346val select_half = Q.prove(
347  `aligned 1 (a: word64) ==>
348   ((15 >< 0)
349      (select ((2 >< 1) a : word2)
350        (mem ((63 '' 3) a + 7w) @@
351         mem ((63 '' 3) a + 6w) @@
352         mem ((63 '' 3) a + 5w) @@
353         mem ((63 '' 3) a + 4w) @@
354         mem ((63 '' 3) a + 3w) @@
355         mem ((63 '' 3) a + 2w) @@
356         mem ((63 '' 3) a + 1w) @@
357         mem ((63 '' 3) a     )) : word64) =
358    mem (a + 1w) @@ (mem a : word8))`,
359  lrw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract, select_def]
360  \\ wordsLib.Cases_on_word_value `(2 >< 1) a : word2`
361  >| [
362    `(63 '' 3) a = a - 6w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
363    `(63 '' 3) a = a - 4w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
364    `(63 '' 3) a = a - 2w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
365    `(63 '' 3) a = a` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
366  ]
367  \\ simp []
368  \\ simp_tac (srw_ss()++wordsLib.WORD_EXTRACT_ss) []
369  )
370  |> Q.INST [`a` |-> `if b then x else y`, `mem` |-> `s.MEM8`]
371  |> REWRITE_RULE [cond_rand_thms]
372  |> utilsLib.STRIP_UNDISCH
374val tac =
375  lrw [select_def, alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
376  \\ fs []
377  >| [
378    `(2 >< 0) x : word3 = 0w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
379    `(2 >< 0) y : word3 = 0w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
380    wordsLib.Cases_on_word_value `(2 >< 0) x : word3`,
381    wordsLib.Cases_on_word_value `(2 >< 0) y : word3`
382  ]
383  \\ simp []
384  \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
386val aligned_select_byte_s = Q.prove(
387  `(if aligned 3 (if b then (x: word64) else y) then
388      s_extend8 w0
389    else
390      s_extend8
391        ((63 >< 0)
392           (((w1: word64) @@ w0) >>
393             (w2n (if b then (2 >< 0) x else (2 >< 0) y : word3) * 8)))) =
394    s_extend8 (select (if b then (2 >< 0) x else (2 >< 0) y : word3) w0)`,
395  tac
396  )
398val aligned_select_byte_z = Q.prove(
399  `(if aligned 3 (if b then (x: word64) else y) then
400      z_extend8 w0
401    else
402      z_extend8
403        ((63 >< 0)
404           (((w1: word64) @@ w0) >>
405             (w2n (if b then (2 >< 0) x else (2 >< 0) y : word3) * 8)))) =
406    z_extend8 (select (if b then (2 >< 0) x else (2 >< 0) y : word3) w0)`,
407  tac
408  )
410val select_byte = Q.prove(
411  `((7 >< 0)
412      (select ((2 >< 0) a : word3)
413        (mem ((63 '' 3) a + 7w) @@
414         mem ((63 '' 3) a + 6w) @@
415         mem ((63 '' 3) a + 5w) @@
416         mem ((63 '' 3) a + 4w) @@
417         mem ((63 '' 3) a + 3w) @@
418         mem ((63 '' 3) a + 2w) @@
419         mem ((63 '' 3) a + 1w) @@
420         mem ((63 '' 3) a     )) : word64) =
421    ((mem: word64 -> word8) a))`,
422  lrw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract, select_def]
423  \\ wordsLib.Cases_on_word_value `(2 >< 0) a : word3`
424  >| [
425    `(63 '' 3) a = a - 7w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
426    `(63 '' 3) a = a - 6w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
427    `(63 '' 3) a = a - 5w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
428    `(63 '' 3) a = a - 4w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
429    `(63 '' 3) a = a - 3w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
430    `(63 '' 3) a = a - 2w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
431    `(63 '' 3) a = a - 1w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
432    `(63 '' 3) a = a` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
433  ]
434  \\ simp []
435  \\ simp_tac (srw_ss()++wordsLib.WORD_EXTRACT_ss) []
436  )
437  |> Q.INST [`a` |-> `if b then x else y`, `mem` |-> `s.MEM8`]
438  |> REWRITE_RULE [cond_rand_thms]
440val byte_access = Q.prove(
441  `w2n ((2 >< 0) a : word3) + 1 <= 8`,
442  wordsLib.n2w_INTRO_TAC 4
443  \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
444  )
446val aligned1_aligned3 = uprove
447  `aligned 1 (a: word64) ==> (aligned 3 a = ((2 >< 1) a = 0w: word2))`
448  (simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract] \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC)
450val aligned1_aligned3b = uprove
451  `aligned 1 (a: word64) ==> w2n ((2 >< 0) a : word3) + 2 <= 8`
452  (
453  rw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
454  \\ wordsLib.n2w_INTRO_TAC 4
455  \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
456  )
458val aligned2_aligned3 = uprove
459  `aligned 2 (a: word64) ==> (aligned 3 a = ((2 >< 2) a = 0w: word1))`
460  (simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract] \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC)
462val aligned2_aligned3b = uprove
463  `aligned 2 (a: word64) ==> w2n ((2 >< 0) a : word3) + 4 <= 8`
464  (
465  rw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
466  \\ wordsLib.n2w_INTRO_TAC 4
467  \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
468  )
470val w =
471  List.tabulate (8, fn i => Term.mk_var ("b" ^ Int.toString i, ``:word8``))
472val w = List.foldl wordsSyntax.mk_word_concat (hd w) (tl w)
474val extract_thms = Q.prove(
475  `((7  >< 0 ) ^w = b0) /\ ((15 >< 8 ) ^w = b1) /\ ((23 >< 16) ^w = b2) /\
476   ((31 >< 24) ^w = b3) /\ ((39 >< 32) ^w = b4) /\ ((47 >< 40) ^w = b5) /\
477   ((55 >< 48) ^w = b6) /\ ((63 >< 56) ^w = b7)`,
478  simp_tac (std_ss++wordsLib.SIZES_ss++wordsLib.WORD_EXTRACT_ss)
479    [wordsTheory.SHIFT_ZERO, wordsTheory.WORD_OR_CLAUSES]
480  )
482val not1 = uprove
483  `a <> 1w: word2 ==>
484    ((if a = 0w then x1
485      else if a = 2w then x2
486      else if a = 3w then x3
487      else x4) =
488     (if a = 0w then x1
489      else if a = 2w then x2
490      else x3))`
491  (rw [] \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC)
493val extract_over_add =
494  wordsTheory.WORD_EXTRACT_OVER_ADD
495  |> Q.ISPECL [`a: word64`, `b: word64`, `31n`]
496  |> INST_TYPE [Type.beta |-> ``:32``]
497  |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) []
498  |> GSYM
500val jal = uprove
501  `aligned 2 (pc: word64) /\ ~word_lsb (imm: word20) ==>
502   aligned 2 (pc + sw2sw imm << 1)`
503  (
504  simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract] \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
505  )
507val jalr = uprove
508  `(b \/ aligned 2 x) /\ ~(imm: word12 ' 1) ==>
509   aligned 2 (if b then sw2sw imm && 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEw : word64
510              else x + sw2sw imm && 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEw)`
511  (
512  rw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
513  \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
514  )
516(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
517   Evaluation setup
518   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
520val s = ``s:riscv_state``
521val rd0 = ``rd = 0w: word5``
522val bare = ``(^s.c_MCSR ^s.procID).mstatus.VM = 0w``
523val archbase = ``(^s.c_MCSR ^s.procID).mcpuid.ArchBase``
524val shift = ``~((^archbase = 0w) /\ word_bit 5n (imm: word6))``
525val aligned = ``aligned 2 (^s.c_PC ^s.procID)``
526val aligned_d =
527  ``aligned 3 (if rs1 = 0w then sw2sw offs
528               else ^s.c_gpr ^s.procID rs1 + sw2sw (offs:word12))``
531  val cond_updates = utilsLib.mk_cond_update_thms [``:riscv_state``]
532  val datatype_rwts =
533    utilsLib.datatype_rewrites true "riscv"
534      ["riscv_state", "VM_Mode", "Architecture"]
535  fun riscv_thms thms =
536    thms @ cond_updates @ datatype_rwts @
537    [wordsTheory.WORD_EXTRACT_ZERO2, wordsTheory.ZERO_SHIFT,
538     wordsTheory.WORD_ADD_0, wordsTheory.WORD_MULT_CLAUSES,
539     wordsTheory.WORD_AND_CLAUSES, wordsTheory.WORD_OR_CLAUSES,
540     wordsTheory.WORD_XOR_CLAUSES, wordsTheory.w2w_0, wordsTheory.sw2sw_0,
541     ifTF, cond_lem1, extract_over_add, cond_rand_shift, cond_rand_thms
542     ]
544  fun step_conv b =
545    utilsLib.setStepConv
546       (if b then
547          Conv.DEPTH_CONV wordsLib.SIZES_CONV
548          THENC utilsLib.WGROUND_CONV
549        else
550          ALL_CONV)
551  val ev = utilsLib.STEP (riscv_thms, s)
552  fun EV a b c d = hd (ev a b c d)
556  val word_eq_ss =
557    simpLib.std_conv_ss
558      {name = "word_eq_ss", conv = wordsLib.word_EQ_CONV,
559       pats = [``n2w a = n2w b: word64``]}
561  val store_tac =
562    asm_simp_tac (std_ss++wordsLib.WORD_ss)
563       [GSYM wordsTheory.WORD_EXTRACT_OVER_BITWISE, extract_thms]
564    \\ simp_tac (std_ss++wordsLib.SIZES_ss++wordsLib.WORD_EXTRACT_ss)
565         [wordsTheory.SHIFT_ZERO, wordsTheory.WORD_OR_CLAUSES]
566    \\ simp_tac
567         (std_ss++wordsLib.WORD_ARITH_ss++wordsLib.WORD_CANCEL_ss++word_eq_ss)
568         [updateTheory.UPDATE_APPLY_IMP_ID, combinTheory.UPDATE_APPLY]
571(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
572   Architecture Rewrites
573   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
575val () = step_conv false
577val translateAddr = EV
578  [translateAddr_def, MCSR_def, vmType_def, pairTheory.pair_case_thm]
579  [[bare]] []
580  ``translateAddr (vPC, ft, ac)``
582val in32BitMode = EV
583  [in32BitMode_def, curArch_def, MCSR_def, architecture_def, not1] [] []
584  ``in32BitMode()``
586val PC = EV [PC_def] [] [] ``PC``
588val rawReadInst = EV
589  [rawReadInst_def, MEM_def, address_align, read_word] [] []
590  ``rawReadInst a``
592val rawReadData = EV
593  [rawReadData_def, aligned3, MEM_def, address_align, address_align2]
594  [] []
595  ``rawReadData a``
597val branchTo = EV
598  [branchTo_def, write'NextFetch_def] [] []
599  ``branchTo newPC``
601val GPR = EV [GPR_def, gpr_def] [] [] ``GPR n``
603val write'GPR0 =
604  ev [write'GPR_def] [[``d = 0w:word5``]] []
605  ``write'GPR (n, d)`` |> hd
607val write'GPR =
608  ev [write'GPR_def, write'gpr_def] [[``d <> 0w:word5``]] []
609  ``write'GPR (n, d)`` |> hd
611val Fetch = Theory.save_thm("Fetch",
612  EV [Fetch_def, PC, translateAddr, rawReadInst] [[aligned]] []
613    ``Fetch``
614  )
616val update_pc = Theory.save_thm("update_pc",
617  EV [update_pc_def, write'PC_def] [] [] ``update_pc v``)
619(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
620   Memory Store Rewrites
621   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
623val () = step_conv true
625val write'MEM = EV [write'MEM_def] [] [] ``write'MEM (d, a)``
627fun write_data_ev l1 l2 =
628  EV ([rawWriteData_def, aligned3, MEM_def, write'MEM, address_align] @ l1) l2
629     []
631val rawWriteData8 =
632  write_data_ev [address_aligned3] [[``aligned 3 (a: word64)``]]
633  ``rawWriteData (a, d, 8)``
635fun get_mem8 thm =
636  thm |> utilsLib.rhsc
637      |> boolSyntax.rator
638      |> boolSyntax.rand
639      |> boolSyntax.rand
641val rawWriteData4 = write_data_ev [aligned2_aligned3, aligned2_aligned3b] []
642  ``rawWriteData (a, d, 4)``
644val tm = get_mem8 rawWriteData4
646val thm = uprove
647  `aligned 2 a ==>
648   (^tm = (a =+ (7 >< 0) d) ((a + 1w =+ (15 >< 8) d)
649             ((a + 2w =+ (23 >< 16) d) ((a + 3w =+ (31 >< 24) d) s.MEM8))))`
650  (
651  rw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
652  \\ qabbrev_tac `mem = s.MEM8`
653  >- (`(63 '' 3) a = a` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC \\ store_tac)
654  \\ `(2 >< 0) a : word3 = 4w: word3` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
655  \\ `(63 '' 3) a = a - 4w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
656  \\ store_tac
657  )
659val rawWriteData4 = utilsLib.INST_REWRITE_RULE [thm] rawWriteData4
661val rawWriteData2 = write_data_ev [aligned1_aligned3, aligned1_aligned3b] []
662  ``rawWriteData (a, d, 2)``
664val tm = get_mem8 rawWriteData2
666val thm = uprove
667  `aligned 1 a ==> (^tm = (a =+ (7 >< 0) d) ((a + 1w =+ (15 >< 8) d) s.MEM8))`
668  (
669  rw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
670  \\ qabbrev_tac `mem = s.MEM8`
671  >- (`(63 '' 3) a = a` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC \\ store_tac)
672  \\ `(2 >< 0) a : word3 IN {2w; 4w; 6w: word3}`
673  by (simp [] \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC)
674  \\ fs []
675  >| [
676     `(63 '' 3) a = a - 2w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
677     `(63 '' 3) a = a - 4w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
678     `(63 '' 3) a = a - 6w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
679  ]
680  \\ store_tac
681  )
683val rawWriteData2 = utilsLib.INST_REWRITE_RULE [thm] rawWriteData2
685val rawWriteData1 = write_data_ev [byte_access] [] ``rawWriteData (a, d, 1)``
687val tm = get_mem8 rawWriteData1
689val thm = Q.prove(
690  `^tm = (a =+ (7 >< 0) d) s.MEM8`,
691  rw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
692  \\ qabbrev_tac `mem = s.MEM8`
693  >- (`(63 '' 3) a = a` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC \\ store_tac)
694  \\ wordsLib.Cases_on_word_value `(2 >< 0) a: word3`
695  \\ fs []
696  >| [
697     `(63 '' 3) a = a - 7w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
698     `(63 '' 3) a = a - 6w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
699     `(63 '' 3) a = a - 5w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
700     `(63 '' 3) a = a - 4w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
701     `(63 '' 3) a = a - 3w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
702     `(63 '' 3) a = a - 2w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
703     `(63 '' 3) a = a - 1w` by blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC,
704     blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
705  ]
706  \\ store_tac
707  )
709val rawWriteData1 = REWRITE_RULE [thm] rawWriteData1
711(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
712   Instruction Rewrites
713   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
716  val l =
717    [GPR, in32BitMode, PC, wordsTheory.word_len_def,
718     branchTo, translateAddr, jal, jalr, aligned2,
719     aligned_select_word_s, aligned_select_word_z, select_word,
720     aligned_select_half_s, aligned_select_half_z, select_half,
721     aligned_select_byte_s, aligned_select_byte_z, select_byte,
722     rawReadData, rawWriteData8, rawWriteData4, rawWriteData2, rawWriteData1]
723  val hyp_eq_rule =
724    utilsLib.ALL_HYP_CONV_RULE (Conv.DEPTH_CONV wordsLib.word_EQ_CONV)
726  val () = utilsLib.reset_thms()
727  fun class args avoid n =
728    let
729      val name = "dfn'" ^ n
730      val read = if Lib.mem n ["LD"] then [address_aligned3] else []
731      val (write, n) =
732        if List.exists (Lib.mem rd0) avoid then
733          ([write'GPR0], n ^ "_NOP")
734        else
735          ([write'GPR], n)
736      val thms = DB.fetch "riscv" (name ^ "_def") :: write @ read
737    in
738      case ev (thms @ l) avoid [] (Parse.Term ([QUOTE name] @ args)) of
739         [th] => utilsLib.save_thms n [hyp_eq_rule th]
740       | _ => raise ERR "class" ("more than one theorem" ^ n)
741    end
744fun class_rd0 args avoid n =
745  let
746    val f = class args
747  in
748    (f avoid n,
749     f (case avoid of
750          [] => [[rd0]]
751        | [l] => [rd0 :: l]
752        | _ => raise ERR "" "") n)
753  end
755val arithi = class_rd0 `(rd, rs1, imm)`
757val ADDI  = arithi [] "ADDI"
758val ADDIW = arithi [[``^archbase <> 0w``]] "ADDIW"
759val SLTI  = arithi [] "SLTI"
760val SLTIU = arithi [] "SLTIU"
761val ANDI  = arithi [] "ANDI"
762val ORI   = arithi [] "ORI"
763val XORI  = arithi [] "XORI"
764val SLLI  = arithi [[shift]] "SLLI"
765val SRLI  = arithi [[shift]] "SRLI"
766val SRAI  = arithi [[shift]] "SRAI"
767val SLLIW = arithi [[``^archbase <> 0w``]] "SLLIW"
768val SRLIW = arithi [[``^archbase <> 0w``]] "SRLIW"
769val SRAIW = arithi [[``^archbase <> 0w``]] "SRAIW"
771val arithi = class_rd0 `(rd, imm)` []
773val LUI   = arithi "LUI"
774val AUIPC = arithi "AUIPC"
776val arithr = class_rd0 `(rd, rs1, rs2)`
778val ADD   = arithr [] "ADD"
779val ADDW  = arithr [[``^archbase <> 0w``]] "ADDW"
780val SUB   = arithr [] "SUB"
781val SUBW  = arithr [[``^archbase <> 0w``]] "SUBW"
782val SLT   = arithr [] "SLT"
783val SLTU  = arithr [] "SLTU"
784val AND   = arithr [] "AND"
785val OR    = arithr [] "OR"
786val XOR   = arithr [] "XOR"
787val SLL   = arithr [] "SLL"
788val SRL   = arithr [] "SRL"
789val SRA   = arithr [] "SRA"
790val SLLW  = arithr [[``^archbase <> 0w``]] "SLLW"
791val SRLW  = arithr [[``^archbase <> 0w``]] "SRLW"
792val SRAW  = arithr [[``^archbase <> 0w``]] "SRAW"
794val MUL    = arithr [] "MUL"
795val MULH   = arithr [] "MULH"
796val MULHU  = arithr [] "MULHU"
797val MULHSU = arithr [] "MULHSU"
798val MULW   = arithr [[``^archbase <> 0w``]] "MULW"
799val DIV    = arithr [] "DIV"
800val REM    = arithr [] "REM"
801val DIVU   = arithr [] "DIVU"
802val REMU   = arithr [] "REMU"
803val DIVW   = arithr [[``^archbase <> 0w``]] "DIVW"
804val REMW   = arithr [[``^archbase <> 0w``]] "REMW"
805val DIVUW  = arithr [[``^archbase <> 0w``]] "DIVUW"
806val REMUW  = arithr [[``^archbase <> 0w``]] "REMUW"
808val JAL  = class_rd0 `(rd, imm)` [] "JAL"
809val JALR = class_rd0 `(rd, rs1, imm)` [] "JALR"
811val cbranch = class `(rs1, rs2, offs)` []
813val BEQ  = cbranch "BEQ"
814val BNE  = cbranch "BNE"
815val BLT  = cbranch "BLT"
816val BLTU = cbranch "BLTU"
817val BGE  = cbranch "BGE"
818val BGEU = cbranch "BGEU"
820val load = class_rd0 `(rd, rs1, offs)`
822val LD  = load [[``^archbase <> 0w``, aligned_d]] "LD"
823val LW  = load [] "LW"
824val LH  = load [] "LH"
825val LB  = load [] "LB"
826val LWU = load [[``^archbase <> 0w``]] "LWU"
827val LHU = load [[``^archbase <> 0w``]] "LHU"
828val LBU = load [[``^archbase <> 0w``]] "LBU"
830val store = class `(rs1, rs2, offs)`
832val SD  = store [[``^archbase <> 0w``, aligned_d]] "SD"
833val SW  = store [] "SW"
834val SH  = store [] "SH"
835val SB  = store [] "SB"
837(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
839val () = ( Theory.delete_const "select"
840         ; utilsLib.adjoin_thms ()
841         ; export_theory ()
842         )