1(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2   Definitions and theorems used by CHERI/MIPS step evaluator (cheri_stepLib)
3   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
5open HolKernel boolLib bossLib
7open utilsLib
8open wordsLib blastLib alignmentTheory
9open updateTheory cheriTheory
11val _ = new_theory "cheri_step"
13val _ = List.app (fn f => f ())
14   [numLib.prefer_num, wordsLib.prefer_word, wordsLib.guess_lengths]
16(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
18(* Next state theorems *)
20val NextStateCHERI_def = Define`
21   NextStateCHERI s0 =
22   let s1 = Next s0 in if s1.exception = NoException then SOME s1 else NONE`
24val exceptionSignalled_id = Q.prove(
25   `!s. ~exceptionSignalled s ==>
26        (s with c_state := s.c_state with c_exceptionSignalled := F = s)`,
27   lrw [exceptionSignalled_def, cheri_state_component_equality,
28        procState_component_equality])
30val tac =
31   lrw [NextStateCHERI_def, Next_def, AddressTranslation_def,
32        write'CP0_def, write'exceptionSignalled_def,
33        BranchTo_def, BranchDelay_def]
34   \\ Cases_on
35       `(Run (Decode w) (s' with currentInst := SOME w)).c_state.c_BranchTo`
36   \\ Cases_on
37       `(Run (Decode w) (s' with currentInst := SOME w)).c_state.c_BranchDelay`
38   \\ TRY (Cases_on `x`)
39   \\ lrw [write'PC_def, write'BranchTo_def, write'BranchDelay_def, CP0_def,
40           PC_def]
41   \\ fs [cheri_state_component_equality, procState_component_equality]
43val NextStateCHERI_nodelay = utilsLib.ustore_thm("NextStateCHERI_nodelay",
44    `(s.exception = NoException) /\
45     (BranchDelay s = NONE) /\
46     (s.BranchDelayPCC = NONE) /\
47     ~exceptionSignalled s ==>
48     (Fetch (s with currentInst := NONE) = (SOME w, s')) /\
49     (Decode w = i) /\
50     (Run i (s' with currentInst := SOME w) = next_state) /\
51     (next_state.exception = s.exception) /\
52     (BranchDelay next_state = s.c_state.c_BranchDelay) /\
53     (next_state.BranchDelayPCC = NONE) /\
54     (next_state.BranchToPCC = NONE) /\
55     (~next_state.CCallBranch) /\
56     (~next_state.CCallBranchDelay) /\
57     (BranchTo next_state = b) /\
58     ~exceptionSignalled next_state ==>
59     (NextStateCHERI s =
60      SOME (next_state with
61              <| c_state := next_state.c_state with
62                   <| c_PC := PC next_state + 4w;
63                      c_BranchDelay := b;
64                      c_BranchTo := NONE;
65                      c_exceptionSignalled := F;
66                      c_CP0 := CP0 next_state with
67                        Count := (CP0 next_state).Count + 1w
68                   |>
69              |>))`,
70    tac
71    )
73val NextStateCHERI_delay = utilsLib.ustore_thm("NextStateCHERI_delay",
74    `(s.exception = NoException) /\
75     (BranchDelay s = SOME a) /\
76     (s.BranchDelayPCC = NONE) /\
77     ~exceptionSignalled s ==>
78     (Fetch (s with currentInst := NONE) = (SOME w, s')) /\
79     (Decode w = i) /\
80     (Run i (s' with currentInst := SOME w) = next_state) /\
81     (next_state.exception = s.exception) /\
82     (BranchDelay next_state = s.c_state.c_BranchDelay) /\
83     (next_state.BranchDelayPCC = NONE) /\
84     (next_state.BranchToPCC = NONE) /\
85     (~next_state.CCallBranch) /\
86     (~next_state.CCallBranchDelay) /\
87     (BranchTo next_state = NONE) /\
88     ~exceptionSignalled next_state ==>
89     (NextStateCHERI s =
90      SOME (next_state with
91              <| c_state := next_state.c_state with
92                   <| c_PC := a;
93                      c_BranchDelay := NONE;
94                      c_BranchTo := NONE;
95                      c_exceptionSignalled := F;
96                      c_CP0 := CP0 next_state with
97                        Count := (CP0 next_state).Count + 1w
98                   |>
99              |>))`,
100    tac
101    )
103(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
105(* Lemmas and tools *)
107val not31 = Q.store_thm("not31",
108   `x0 /\ x1 /\ x2 /\ x3 /\ x4 = (v2w [x0; x1; x2; x3; x4] = (31w: word5))`,
109   blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
110   )
112val v2w_0_rwts = Q.store_thm("v2w_0_rwts",
113   `((v2w [F; F; F; F; F] = 0w: word5)) /\
114    ((v2w [T; b3; b2; b1; b0] = 0w: word5) = F) /\
115    ((v2w [b3; T; b2; b1; b0] = 0w: word5) = F) /\
116    ((v2w [b3; b2; T; b1; b0] = 0w: word5) = F) /\
117    ((v2w [b3; b2; b1; T; b0] = 0w: word5) = F) /\
118    ((v2w [b3; b2; b1; b0; T] = 0w: word5) = F)`,
119    blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
120    )
122val NotWordValue0 = Q.store_thm("NotWordValue0",
123   `!b x. ~NotWordValue 0w`,
124   lrw [NotWordValue_def]
125   )
127val NotWordValueCond = Q.store_thm("NotWordValueCond",
128   `!b x. NotWordValue (if b then 0w else x) = ~b /\ NotWordValue x`,
129   lrw [NotWordValue0]
130   )
132val () = show_assums := true
134val isAligned = Q.store_thm("isAligned",
135  `(!a. isAligned (a, 0w)) /\
136   (!a. isAligned (a, 1w) = aligned 1 a) /\
137   (!a. isAligned (a, 3w) = aligned 2 a) /\
138   (!a. isAligned (a, 7w) = aligned 3 a)`,
139  simp [isAligned_def, alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
140  \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
141  )
143val aligned_pc = Q.prove(
144  `!pc : word64.  ((1 >< 0) pc = 0w : word2) = aligned 2 pc`,
145  simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
146  \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC)
148val word1_lem = utilsLib.mk_cond_exhaustive_thm 1
149val word2_lem = utilsLib.mk_cond_exhaustive_thm 2
150val word3_lem = utilsLib.mk_cond_exhaustive_thm 3
152val write_data_lem0 = Q.prove(
153  `!d1 : word64 d2 : word64 d3 : word64 d4 : word64 mask : word64 data : word64.
154     (63 >< 0) d4 && (63 >< 0) (~mask) ||
155     (63 >< 0) data && (63 >< 0) mask || (63 >< 0) d1 << 192 ||
156     (63 >< 0) d2 << 128 || (63 >< 0) d3 << 64 =
157     (d1 @@ d2 @@ d3 @@ (d4 && ~mask || data && mask)) : 256 word`,
158  blastLib.BBLAST_TAC)
160val write_data_lem1 = Q.prove(
161  `!d1 : word64 d2 : word64 d3 : word64 d4 : word64 mask : word64 data : word64.
162     (63 >< 0) d3 << 64 && (63 >< 0) (~mask) << 64 ||
163     (63 >< 0) data << 64 && (63 >< 0) mask << 64 ||
164     (63 >< 0) d1 << 192 || (63 >< 0) d2 << 128 || (63 >< 0) d4 =
165     (d1 @@ d2 @@ (d3 && ~mask || data && mask) @@ d4) : 256 word`,
166  blastLib.BBLAST_TAC)
168val write_data_lem2 = Q.prove(
169  `!d1 : word64 d2 : word64 d3 : word64 d4 : word64 mask : word64 data : word64.
170     (63 >< 0) d2 << 128 && (63 >< 0) (~mask) << 128 ||
171     (63 >< 0) data << 128 && (63 >< 0) mask << 128 ||
172     (63 >< 0) d1 << 192 || (63 >< 0) d3 << 64 || (63 >< 0) d4 =
173     (d1 @@ (d2 && ~mask || data && mask) @@ d3 @@ d4) : 256 word`,
174  blastLib.BBLAST_TAC)
176val write_data_lem3 = Q.prove(
177  `!d1 : word64 d2 : word64 d3 : word64 d4 : word64 mask : word64 data : word64.
178     (63 >< 0) d1 << 192 && (63 >< 0) (~mask) << 192 ||
179     (63 >< 0) data << 192 && (63 >< 0) mask << 192 ||
180     (63 >< 0) d2 << 128 || (63 >< 0) d3 << 64 || (63 >< 0) d4 =
181     ((d1 && ~mask || data && mask) @@ d2 @@ d3 @@ d4) : 256 word`,
182  blastLib.BBLAST_TAC)
184val write_data_lem =
185  LIST_CONJ [write_data_lem0, write_data_lem1, write_data_lem2, write_data_lem3]
187val B_ZALL_lem = Q.prove(
188  `(if b then s with <| c_gpr := x; c_state := y |> else s) =
189    s with <| c_gpr := if b then x else s.c_gpr;
190              c_state := if b then y else s.c_state |>`,
191  rw [cheri_state_component_equality])
193val for_end =
194  state_transformerTheory.FOR_def
195  |> Q.SPECL [`i`, `i`]
196  |> REWRITE_RULE []
198val state_id =
199  LIST_CONJ [
200    utilsLib.mk_state_id_thm cheri_state_component_equality
201      [["c_gpr"],
202       ["all_state", "c_state"],
203       ["BranchDelayPCC", "BranchToPCC", "c_capr", "c_pcc", "c_state"]],
204    utilsLib.mk_state_id_thm procState_component_equality
205      [["c_LLbit"],
206       ["c_CP0", "c_LLbit"]]
207    ]
209val st = ``s:cheri_state``
211val extract_conv = simpLib.SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()++wordsLib.WORD_EXTRACT_ss) []
214  val datatype_thms =
215    utilsLib.datatype_rewrites true "cheri"
216      ["cheri_state", "cheri_state_brss__0", "cheri_state_brss__1",
217       "procState", "DataType", "CP0", "CapCause", "StatusRegister",
218       "ExceptionType"]
219  val datatype_conv = SIMP_CONV std_ss datatype_thms
220  val datatype_rule = CONV_RULE datatype_conv
221  val datatype_thms =
222    datatype_thms @
223     List.map datatype_rule
224      (utilsLib.mk_cond_update_thms
225         [``:cheri_state``, ``:cheri_state_brss__0``, ``:cheri_state_brss__1``,
226          ``:procState``, ``:CP0``] @
227       [state_id, updateTheory.APPLY_UPDATE_ID, CP0_def,
228        BETA_RULE (utilsLib.mk_cond_rand_thms [``\f. f (w2n a)``]),
229        utilsLib.mk_cond_rand_thms
230           [``cheri$cheri_state_brss__sf0``,
231            ``cheri$cheri_state_brss__sf1``,
232            ``cheri$CP0_Status``,
233            pairSyntax.fst_tm, pairSyntax.snd_tm,
234            optionSyntax.is_some_tm,
235            wordsSyntax.sw2sw_tm, wordsSyntax.w2w_tm,
236            wordsSyntax.word_add_tm, wordsSyntax.word_sub_tm,
237            wordsSyntax.word_mul_tm,
238            wordsSyntax.word_rem_tm, wordsSyntax.word_quot_tm,
239            wordsSyntax.word_mod_tm, wordsSyntax.word_div_tm,
240            wordsSyntax.word_lo_tm, wordsSyntax.word_lt_tm,
241            wordsSyntax.word_ls_tm, wordsSyntax.word_le_tm,
242            wordsSyntax.word_hi_tm, wordsSyntax.word_gt_tm,
243            wordsSyntax.word_hs_tm, wordsSyntax.word_ge_tm,
244            wordsSyntax.word_and_tm, wordsSyntax.word_or_tm,
245            wordsSyntax.word_xor_tm, wordsSyntax.word_lsl_tm,
246            wordsSyntax.word_lsr_tm, wordsSyntax.word_asr_tm,
247            wordsSyntax.word_1comp_tm, wordsSyntax.word_2comp_tm,
248            wordsSyntax.w2n_tm,
249            ``(h >< l) : 'a word -> 'b word``,
250            ``(=):'a word -> 'a word -> bool``,
251            ``word_bit n: 'a word -> bool``]])
252  val thms =
253    List.map datatype_rule
254     [extract_conv ``(1 >< 0) ((39 >< 3) (vaddr: word64) : 37 word) : word2``,
255      extract_conv ``(36 >< 2) ((39 >< 3) (vaddr: word64) : 37 word) :35 word``,
256      extract_conv ``(39 >< 5) ((39 >< 0) (vaddr: word64) : 40 word) :35 word``,
257      bitstringLib.v2w_n2w_CONV ``v2w [F] :word1``, BranchDelay_def,
258      getTag_def, getSealed_def, getBase_def,
259      getLength_def, getPerms_def, getOffset_def, CAPR_def, write'CAPR_def,
260      setOffset_def, rec'Perms_def, Perms_accessors,
261      wordsTheory.WORD_XOR_CLAUSES, isAligned, BYTE_def, HALFWORD_def,
262      WORD_def, DOUBLEWORD_def, LLbit_def, write'LLbit_def, write'CP0_def,
263      KCC_def, PC_def, write'PC_def, PCC_def, write'PCC_def, write'EPCC_def,
264      NotWordValue0, NotWordValueCond, GPR_def, write'GPR_def, gpr_def,
265      write'gpr_def, CPR_def, write'CPR_def, boolTheory.COND_ID,
266      wordsLib.WORD_DECIDE ``~(a > a:'a word)``,
267      wordsLib.WORD_DECIDE ``a >= a:'a word``,
268      wordsTheory.WORD_EXTRACT_ZERO2, wordsTheory.WORD_ADD_0,
269      wordsTheory.WORD_AND_CLAUSES, wordsTheory.WORD_OR_CLAUSES,
270      wordsTheory.WORD_XOR_CLAUSES, wordsTheory.WORD_MULT_CLAUSES,
271      wordsTheory.WORD_SUB_RZERO, wordsTheory.WORD_SUB_LZERO,
272      wordsTheory.WORD_LESS_REFL, wordsTheory.WORD_LOWER_REFL,
273      wordsTheory.WORD_LESS_EQ_REFL, wordsTheory.WORD_LO_word_0,
274      wordsTheory.ZERO_SHIFT, wordsTheory.SHIFT_ZERO,
275      wordsTheory.WORD_XOR_ASSOC, wordsTheory.WORD_NEG_0,
276      wordsTheory.WORD_NOT_0, wordsTheory.sw2sw_0, wordsTheory.w2w_0,
277      wordsTheory.word_0_n2w, wordsTheory.word_bit_0
278     ]
279  val conv = SIMP_CONV std_ss (datatype_thms @ thms)
281  val finish_off = List.map (utilsLib.FULL_CONV_RULE conv)
282  val datatype_rule = datatype_rule
283  val ev_conv = conv
284  val ev_rule = CONV_RULE conv
285  val step = utilsLib.STEP (Lib.curry (op @) datatype_thms, st)
286  fun ev ths ctxt cvr t = finish_off (step (ths @ thms) ctxt cvr t)
289(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
291(* CHERI exceptions *)
293val () = utilsLib.resetStepConv ()
295val cp0_conv =
296  RAND_CONV (SIMP_CONV (std_ss++boolSimps.LET_ss)
297               [PCC_def, CP0_def, write'CP0_def]
298             THENC ev_conv)
300val ev_assume =
301  Thm.ASSUME o utilsLib.rhsc o
302  (QCONV (REWRITE_CONV [CP0_def, BranchDelay_def])
303   THENC ev_conv)
305val SignalException0_rwt =
306  SignalException_def
307  |> Drule.SPEC_ALL
308  |> (fn th => Thm.AP_THM th st)
309  |> Conv.RIGHT_CONV_RULE
310       (Thm.BETA_CONV
311        THENC REWRITE_CONV [BranchDelay_def]
312        THENC ev_conv
314          (List.map ev_assume
315            [``~IS_SOME (BranchDelay ^st)``,
316             ``~IS_SOME (^st.BranchDelayPCC)``,
317             ``~(CP0 ^st).Status.EXL``,
318             ``ExceptionType <> XTLBRefillL``,
319             ``ExceptionType <> XTLBRefillS``,
320             ``ExceptionType <> C2E``])
321        THENC cp0_conv
322        THENC PairedLambda.let_CONV
323        THENC RAND_CONV
324                (ev_conv
325                 THENC REWRITE_CONV
326                        [CP0_def, ev_assume ``IS_SOME ^st.currentInst``]
327                 THENC PairedLambda.let_CONV
328                 THENC ev_conv)
329        THENC PairedLambda.let_CONV
330        THENC cp0_conv
331        THENC PairedLambda.let_CONV
332        THENC cp0_conv
333        THENC PairedLambda.let_CONV
334        THENC RAND_CONV
335                 (REWRITE_CONV
336                    [write'BranchDelay_def, write'BranchTo_def,
337                     write'exceptionSignalled_def, write'CAPR_def
338                     ]
339                  THENC ev_conv
340                  THENC PairedLambda.let_CONV
341                  THENC REWRITE_CONV [PCC_def]
342                  THENC ev_conv)
343        THENC PairedLambda.let_CONV
344        THENC cp0_conv
345        THENC PairedLambda.let_CONV
346        THENC cp0_conv
347        THENC PairedLambda.let_CONV
348        THENC cp0_conv
349        THENC RAND_CONV
350                (ev_conv
351                 THENC REWRITE_CONV [ev_assume ``(CP0 ^st).Status.BEV``]
352                 )
353        THENC PairedLambda.let_CONV
354        THENC PairedLambda.let_CONV
355        THENC cp0_conv
356        THENC SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) []
357       )
359val SignalException_rwt =
360  ev [SignalException0_rwt] [[``(CP0 ^st).Status.BEV``]] []
361    ``SignalException (ExceptionType)``
362  |> hd
365  val is_SignalException = #4 (HolKernel.syntax_fns2 "cheri" "SignalException")
366  fun negate b =
367    case Lib.total boolSyntax.dest_neg b of
368       SOME nb => nb
369     | NONE => boolSyntax.mk_neg b
370  fun get_exception_cond tm =
371    let
372      val (b, t, e) = boolSyntax.dest_cond tm
373    in
374      if is_SignalException t orelse is_SignalException e
375        then b
376      else raise ERR "" ""
377    end
379  fun split_exception th =
380    let
381      val t = HolKernel.find_term (Lib.can get_exception_cond) (Thm.concl th)
382      val b = #1 (boolSyntax.dest_cond t)
383    in
384      finish_off
385        (List.map (utilsLib.INST_REWRITE_RULE [SignalException_rwt] o ev_rule)
386          [REWRITE_RULE [ASSUME b] th,
387           REWRITE_RULE [ASSUME (negate b)] th])
388    end
389    handle HOL_ERR _ => [th]
392(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
394val () = ( utilsLib.reset_thms ()
395         ; utilsLib.setStepConv utilsLib.WGROUND_CONV
396         )
398fun get_def n =
399  let
400    val th = DB.fetch "cheri" ("dfn'" ^ n ^ "_def")
401    val tm = utilsLib.lhsc (Drule.SPEC_ALL th)
402  in
403    (th, tm)
404  end
407  val thms =
408    [write'HI_def, write'LO_def, HI_def, LO_def,
409     write'hi_def, write'lo_def, hi_def, lo_def,
410     write'BranchTo_def, CheckBranch_def,
411     ev_rule B_ZALL_lem]
412  fun instr_ev d cvr name =
413    let
414      val (th, tm) = get_def name
415    in
416      ev (th :: thms)
417        [[``^d <> 0w : word5``,
418          ``~NotWordValue (^st.c_gpr (rs))``,
419          ``~NotWordValue (^st.c_gpr (rt))``,
420          ``^st.c_state.c_hi = SOME hival``,
421          ``^st.c_state.c_lo = SOME loval``,
422          ``~IS_SOME ^st.c_state.c_BranchDelay``
423        ]] cvr tm
424        |> List.map split_exception
425        |> List.concat
426        |> utilsLib.save_thms name
427    end
428  val v0 = bitstringSyntax.padded_fixedwidth_of_num (Arbnum.fromInt 0, 5)
430  val tev = instr_ev ``rt : word5`` [[`rt` |-> v0], []]
431  val dev = instr_ev ``rd : word5`` [[`rd` |-> v0], []]
432  val xev = instr_ev ``rx : word5`` []
435(* Arithmetic/Logic instructions *)
437val ADDI  = tev "ADDI"
438val DADDI = tev "DADDI"
440val ADDIU  = tev "ADDIU"
441val DADDIU = tev "DADDIU"
442val SLTI   = tev "SLTI"
443val SLTIU  = tev "SLTIU"
444val ANDI   = tev "ANDI"
445val ORI    = tev "ORI"
446val XORI   = tev "XORI"
448val LUI = tev "LUI"
450val ADD  = dev "ADD"
451val SUB  = dev "SUB"
452val DADD = dev "DADD"
453val DSUB = dev "DSUB"
454val MOVN = dev "MOVN"
455val MOVZ = dev "MOVZ"
457val ADDU  = dev "ADDU"
458val DADDU = dev "DADDU"
459val SUBU  = dev "SUBU"
460val DSUBU = dev "DSUBU"
461val SLT   = dev "SLT"
462val SLTU  = dev "SLTU"
463val AND   = dev "AND"
464val OR    = dev "OR"
465val XOR   = dev "XOR"
466val NOR   = dev "NOR"
467val SLLV  = dev "SLLV"
468val SRLV  = dev "SRLV"
469val SRAV  = dev "SRAV"
470val DSLLV = dev "DSLLV"
471val DSRLV = dev "DSRLV"
472val DSRAV = dev "DSRAV"
474val SLL    = dev "SLL"
475val SRL    = dev "SRL"
476val SRA    = dev "SRA"
477val DSLL   = dev "DSLL"
478val DSRL   = dev "DSRL"
479val DSRA   = dev "DSRA"
480val DSLL32 = dev "DSLL32"
481val DSRL32 = dev "DSRL32"
482val DSRA32 = dev "DSRA32"
484val MFHI = dev "MFHI"
485val MFLO = dev "MFLO"
486val MTHI = xev "MTHI"
487val MTLO = xev "MTLO"
489val MUL    = dev "MUL"
490val MADD   = xev "MADD"
491val MADDU  = xev "MADDU"
492val MSUB   = xev "MSUB"
493val MSUBU  = xev "MSUBU"
494val MULT   = xev "MULT"
495val MULTU  = xev "MULTU"
496val DMULT  = xev "DMULT"
497val DMULTU = xev "DMULTU"
499val DIV   = tev "DIV"
500val DIVU  = tev "DIVU"
501val DDIV  = tev "DDIV"
502val DDIVU = tev "DDIVU"
504(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
506(* Jumps and Branches *)
508val J       = xev "J"
509val JAL     = xev "JAL"
510val JR      = xev "JR"
511val JALR    = dev "JALR"
512val BEQ     = xev "BEQ"
513val BNE     = xev "BNE"
514val BEQL    = xev "BEQL"
515val BNEL    = xev "BNEL"
516val BLEZ    = xev "BLEZ"
517val BGTZ    = xev "BGTZ"
518val BLTZ    = xev "BLTZ"
519val BGEZ    = xev "BGEZ"
520val BLTZAL  = xev "BLTZAL"
521val BGEZAL  = xev "BGEZAL"
522val BLEZL   = xev "BLEZL"
523val BGTZL   = xev "BGTZL"
524val BLTZL   = xev "BLTZL"
525val BGEZL   = xev "BGEZL"
526val BLTZALL = xev "BLTZALL"
527val BGEZALL = xev "BGEZALL"
529(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
531val cap_ok =
532  [``^st.totalCore = 1``, ``^st.procID = 0w``,
533   ``^st.c_capr 0w = capr0``, ``capr0.tag``, ``~capr0.sealed``,
534   ``^st.c_pcc.tag``, ``~^st.c_pcc.sealed``,
535   ``~(^st.c_pcc.base + ^st.c_state.c_PC <+ ^st.c_pcc.base)``,
536   ``~((63 >< 0) (^st.c_pcc.base + ^st.c_state.c_PC) + (4w : 65 word) >+
537       (63 >< 0) ^st.c_pcc.base + (63 >< 0) ^st.c_pcc.length)``,
538   ``(1 >< 1) ^st.c_pcc.perms = 1w : word32``,
539   ``~(vaddr <+ capr0.base)``,
540   ``~((63 >< 0) (vaddr : word64) + (1w : 65 word) >+
541       (63 >< 0) capr0.base + (63 >< 0) capr0.length)``,
542   ``~((63 >< 0) (vaddr : word64) + (4w : 65 word) >+
543       (63 >< 0) capr0.base + (63 >< 0) capr0.length)``,
544   ``~((63 >< 0) (vaddr : word64) + (8w : 65 word) >+
545       (63 >< 0) capr0.base + (63 >< 0) capr0.length)``,
546   ``~((63 >< 0) (vaddr : word64) + (2 >< 0) (accesslength : word3) +
547       (1w : 65 word) >+ (63 >< 0) capr0.base + (63 >< 0) capr0.length)``,
548   ``~(needalign /\ ~aligned 1 (vaddr : word64))``,
549   ``~(needalign /\ ~aligned 2 (vaddr : word64))``,
550   ``~(needalign /\ ~aligned 3 (vaddr : word64))``,
551   ``(2 >< 2) capr0.perms = 1w : word32``,
552   ``(3 >< 3) capr0.perms = 1w : word32``]
554val ReverseEndian_rwt =
555  ev [ReverseEndian_def] [[``~(CP0 ^st).Status.RE``]] []
556    ``ReverseEndian`` |> hd
558(* CHERI is normally big-endian *)
559val BigEndianCPU_rwt =
560  ev [BigEndianCPU_def, BigEndianMem_def, ReverseEndian_rwt]
561     [[``(CP0 ^st).Config.BE``]] []
562    ``BigEndianCPU`` |> hd
564val () = utilsLib.setStepConv (utilsLib.WGROUND_CONV THENC extract_conv)
566val WriteData_rwt =
567  ev [WriteData_def, updateDwordInRaw_def, CAPBYTEWIDTH_def, capToBits_def,
568      word2_lem]
569    [[``^st.mem ((36 >< 2) (addr : 37 word)) =
570        Raw ((d1 : word64) @@ (d2 : word64) @@
571             (d3 : word64) @@ (d4 : word64))``]] []
572    ``WriteData (addr, data, mask)``
573   |> hd
574   |> REWRITE_RULE [write_data_lem]
576fun StoreMemory cnd =
577  ev [StoreMemory_def, StoreMemoryCap_def, AdjustEndian_def, ReverseEndian_rwt,
578      getBaseAndLength_def, for_end]
579     [``s.c_state.c_LLbit = SOME b`` ::
580      ``(CP0 ^st).LLAddr = (39 >< 0) (vaddr : word64)`` ::
581      cap_ok]
582     [[`memtype` |-> ``BYTE``, `accesslength` |-> ``BYTE``, `cnd` |-> cnd],
583      [`memtype` |-> ``WORD``, `accesslength` |-> ``WORD``, `cnd` |-> cnd],
584      [`memtype` |-> ``DOUBLEWORD``, `accesslength` |-> ``DOUBLEWORD``,
585       `cnd` |-> cnd]]
586    ``StoreMemory (memtype,accesslength,needalign,memelem,vaddr,cnd)``
587  |> List.map (ev_rule o INST_REWRITE_RULE [WriteData_rwt])
589val StoreMemory_cond_rwt = StoreMemory ``T``
590val StoreMemory_notcond_rwt = StoreMemory ``F``
592val ReadData_rwt =
593  step [ReadData_def, readDwordFromRaw_def, CAPBYTEWIDTH_def, word2_lem]
594    [[``^st.mem ((36 >< 2) (addr : 37 word)) =
595        Raw ((d1 : word64) @@ (d2 : word64) @@
596             (d3 : word64) @@ (d4 : word64))``]] []
597    ``ReadData addr`` |> hd
599val LoadMemory_rwt =
600  ev [LoadMemory_def, LoadMemoryCap_def, AdjustEndian_def, ReverseEndian_rwt,
601      ReadData_rwt, getBaseAndLength_def]
602     [cap_ok]
603     [[`memtype` |-> ``BYTE``],
604      [`memtype` |-> ``WORD``],
605      [`memtype` |-> ``DOUBLEWORD``]
606     ]
607    ``LoadMemory (memtype,accesslength,needalign,vaddr,link)``;
609val () = utilsLib.setStepConv utilsLib.WGROUND_CONV
612  val thms =
613    LoadMemory_rwt @ StoreMemory_cond_rwt @ StoreMemory_notcond_rwt @
614    [BigEndianCPU_rwt, getVirtualAddress_def, exceptionSignalled_def,
615     loadByte_def, loadHalf_def, loadWord_def, loadDoubleword_def,
616     storeWord_def, storeDoubleword_def,
617     word1_lem, word2_lem, word3_lem,
618     bitstringLib.v2w_n2w_CONV ``v2w [T] : word1``,
619     EVAL ``word_replicate 3 (1w : word1) : word3``,
620     SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [] ``x + y + (z - y) : 'a word``]
621  fun instr_ev rt name =
622    let
623      val (th, tm) = get_def name
624    in
625      ev (th :: thms)
626        [rt @ [``base <> 0w : word5``, ``~^st.c_state.c_exceptionSignalled``] @
627         cap_ok] [] tm
628        |> utilsLib.save_thms name
629    end
631  val lev = instr_ev [``rt <> 0w : word5``]
632  val sev = instr_ev []
635val LB  = lev "LB"
636val LBU = lev "LBU"
638val LW  = lev "LW"
639val LWU = lev "LWU"
640val LL  = lev "LL"
641val LWL = lev "LWL"
642val LWR = lev "LWR"
644val LD  = lev "LD"
645val LLD = lev "LLD"
646val LDL = lev "LDL"
647val LDR = lev "LDR"
649val SB  = sev "SB"
650val SW  = sev "SW"
651val SD  = sev "SD"
652val SC  = sev "SC"
653val SCD = sev "SCD"
655(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
657val () = utilsLib.setStepConv (utilsLib.WGROUND_CONV THENC extract_conv)
659val ReadWord_def = Define`
660  ReadWord m (addr : 40 word) =
661  case m ((39 >< 5) addr : 35 word) of
662     Raw w256 =>
663       SOME
664         (let v = (4 >< 2) addr : word3
665          in
666          if v = 0w      then (63  >< 32 ) w256
667          else if v = 1w then (31  >< 0  ) w256
668          else if v = 2w then (127 >< 96 ) w256
669          else if v = 3w then (95  >< 64 ) w256
670          else if v = 4w then (191 >< 160) w256
671          else if v = 5w then (159 >< 128) w256
672          else if v = 6w then (255 >< 224) w256
673          else                (223 >< 192) w256 : word32)
674   | _ => NONE`
676val ReadInst = Q.prove(
677  `(ReadWord s.mem addr = SOME w) ==> (ReadInst addr s = w)`,
678  rw [ReadInst_def, readDwordFromRaw_def, CAPBYTEWIDTH_def, ReadWord_def,
679      alignmentTheory.aligned_extract, word2_lem]
680  \\ Cases_on `s.mem ((39 >< 5) addr)`
681  \\ full_simp_tac (srw_ss()++wordsLib.WORD_EXTRACT_ss) []
682  \\ rw []
683  \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC) |> Drule.UNDISCH_ALL
685val Fetch_rwt =
686  ev [Fetch_def, exceptionSignalled_def, aligned_pc]
687    [[``~(CP0 ^st).Status.IE``,
688      ``aligned 2 (^st.c_state.c_PC)``,
689      ``~^st.c_state.c_exceptionSignalled``] @ cap_ok]
690    [] ``Fetch``
691    |> List.map (INST_REWRITE_RULE [ReadInst])
692    |> finish_off
694val Fetch = Theory.save_thm("Fetch", hd Fetch_rwt)
696val lem = Q.prove(
697  `aligned 2 (a : word64) ==>
698    (~((63 >< 0) a + (4w : 65 word) >+ 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFw) =
699     a <> 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFCw)`,
700  simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
701  \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC) |> Drule.UNDISCH_ALL
703val Fetch_default = Theory.save_thm("Fetch_default",
704  utilsLib.FULL_CONV_RULE
705    (utilsLib.SRW_CONV []
706     THENC REWRITE_CONV [ev_assume ``^st.c_pcc = defaultCap``]
707     THENC utilsLib.SRW_CONV [wordsTheory.WORD_LO_word_0, defaultCap_def]
708     THENC utilsLib.INST_REWRITE_CONV [lem])
709    (Thm.INST [st |-> ``^st with currentInst := NONE``] Fetch)
710    )
712(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
714val () = (utilsLib.adjoin_thms (); export_theory ())