1structure arm_progLib :> arm_progLib =
4open HolKernel boolLib bossLib
5open stateLib spec_databaseLib arm_progTheory
7structure Parse =
9   open Parse
10   val (Type, Term) = parse_from_grammars arm_progTheory.arm_prog_grammars
13open Parse
15val ERR = Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "arm_progLib"
17(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
19val arm_proj_def = arm_progTheory.arm_proj_def
20val arm_comp_defs = arm_progTheory.component_defs
23   val pc = Term.prim_mk_const {Thy = "arm", Name = "RName_PC"}
25   val step_1 = HolKernel.syntax_fns1 "arm_step"
26   val arm_1 =
27      HolKernel.syntax_fns
28         {n = 2, dest = HolKernel.dest_monop, make = HolKernel.mk_monop}
29         "arm_prog"
30   val arm_2 =
31      HolKernel.syntax_fns
32         {n = 3, dest = HolKernel.dest_binop, make = HolKernel.mk_binop}
33         "arm_prog"
34   val word5 = wordsSyntax.mk_int_word_type 5
35   val word = wordsSyntax.mk_int_word_type 32
36   val dword = wordsSyntax.mk_int_word_type 64
37   val (_, _, dest_arm_instr, _) = arm_1 "arm_instr"
38   val (_, _, dest_arm_CPSR_E, _) = arm_1 "arm_CPSR_E"
39   val (_, _, dest_arm_CONFIG, _) = arm_1 "arm_CONFIG"
40   val (_, _, dest_arm_MEM, is_arm_MEM) = arm_2 "arm_MEM"
41   val (_, mk_arm_REG, dest_arm_REG, is_arm_REG) = arm_2 "arm_REG"
42   val (_, _, dest_arm_FP_REG, is_arm_FP_REG) = arm_2 "arm_FP_REG"
43   val (_, _, dest_arm_Extensions, is_arm_Extensions) = arm_2 "arm_Extensions"
44   val (_, mk_rev_e, _, _) = step_1 "reverse_endian"
45   fun mk_arm_PC v = mk_arm_REG (pc, v)
48(* -- *)
50val arm_select_state_thms =
51   List.map (fn t => stateLib.star_select_state_thm arm_proj_def [] ([], t))
52            arm_comp_defs
54val arm_select_state_pool_thm =
55   pool_select_state_thm arm_proj_def []
56      (utilsLib.SRW_CONV
57         [pred_setTheory.INSERT_UNION_EQ, stateTheory.CODE_POOL, arm_instr_def]
58         ``CODE_POOL arm_instr {(pc, opc)}``)
60(* -- *)
62val state_id =
63   utilsLib.mk_state_id_thm armTheory.arm_state_component_equality
64      [["REG", "undefined"],
65       ["FP", "REG", "undefined"],
66       ["CPSR", "CurrentCondition", "Encoding", "REG", "undefined"],
67       ["CPSR", "CurrentCondition", "Encoding", "undefined"],
68       ["MEM", "REG", "undefined"]
69      ]
71val fp_id =
72   utilsLib.mk_state_id_thm armTheory.FP_component_equality
73      [["REG"], ["FPSCR"]]
75val PSR_components =
76  ["N", "Z", "C", "V", "Q", "J", "T", "E", "A", "I", "F", "M", "IT", "GE",
77   "psr'rst"]
79val FPSCR_components =
80  ["N", "Z", "C", "V", "AHP", "DN", "DZC", "DZE", "FZ", "IDC", "IDE", "IOC",
81   "IOE", "IXC", "IXE", "OFC", "OFE", "QC", "RMode", "UFC", "UFE", "fpscr'rst"]
83val arm_frame =
84   stateLib.update_frame_state_thm arm_proj_def
85     (List.map (fn s => "CPSR." ^ s) PSR_components @
86      List.map (fn s => "FP.FPSCR." ^ s) FPSCR_components @
87      ["REG", "MEM", "FP.REG"])
89val arm_frame_hidden =
90   stateLib.update_hidden_frame_state_thm arm_proj_def
91      [``s with Encoding := x``,
92       ``s with CurrentCondition := x``,
93       ``s with undefined := x``]
95(* -- *)
98   val arm_instr_tm = Term.prim_mk_const {Thy = "arm_prog", Name = "arm_instr"}
99   fun is_mem_access v tm =
100      case Lib.total boolSyntax.dest_eq tm of
101         SOME (l, r) =>
102            stateLib.is_code_access ("arm$arm_state_MEM", v) l andalso
103            (wordsSyntax.is_word_literal r orelse bitstringSyntax.is_v2w r)
104       | NONE => false
105   val dest_opc = fst o listSyntax.dest_list o fst o bitstringSyntax.dest_v2w
106   val ty32 = fcpSyntax.mk_int_numeric_type 32
107   fun list_mk_concat l =
108      bitstringSyntax.mk_v2w
109         (listSyntax.mk_list
110            (List.concat (List.map dest_opc l), Type.bool), ty32)
112   fun mk_arm_code_pool thm =
113      let
114         val r15 = stateLib.gvar "pc" word
115         val r15_a = mk_arm_PC r15
116         val (a, tm) = Thm.dest_thm thm
117         val r15_subst = Term.subst [``s.REG RName_PC`` |-> r15]
118         val a = List.map r15_subst a
119         val (m, a) = List.partition (is_mem_access r15) a
120         val m = List.map dest_code_access m
121         val m = mlibUseful.sort_map fst Int.compare m
122         val opc = list_mk_concat (List.map snd (List.rev m))
123      in
124         (r15_a,
125          boolSyntax.rand (stateLib.mk_code_pool (arm_instr_tm, r15, opc)),
126          list_mk_imp (a, r15_subst tm))
127      end
131   val pc_tm = Term.mk_var ("pc", word)
132   fun is_big_end tm =
133      case Lib.total dest_arm_CPSR_E tm of
134         SOME t => t = boolSyntax.T
135       | NONE => false
136   fun is_pc_relative tm =
137      case Lib.total dest_arm_MEM tm of
138         SOME (t, _) => fst (utilsLib.strip_add_or_sub t) = pc_tm
139       | NONE => false
140   fun rwt (w, a) =
141      [Drule.SPECL [a, w] arm_progTheory.MOVE_TO_TEMPORAL_ARM_CODE_POOL,
142       Drule.SPECL [a, w] arm_progTheory.MOVE_TO_ARM_CODE_POOL]
143   fun move_to_code wa =
145       ([stateTheory.BIGUNION_IMAGE_1, stateTheory.BIGUNION_IMAGE_2,
146         set_sepTheory.STAR_ASSOC, set_sepTheory.SEP_CLAUSES,
147         arm_progTheory.disjoint_arm_instr_thms, arm_stepTheory.concat_bytes] @
148        List.concat (List.map rwt wa))
149   val err = ERR "DISJOINT_CONV" ""
150   val cnv =
151      LAND_CONV wordsLib.WORD_EVAL_CONV
152      THENC REWRITE_CONV [arm_progTheory.sub_intro]
153   fun split_arm_instr tm =
154      Lib.with_exn (pairSyntax.dest_pair o dest_arm_instr) tm err
155   val byte_chunks = stateLib.group_into_chunks (dest_arm_MEM, 4, false)
156   val rev_end_rule =
158        [arm_stepTheory.concat_bytes, arm_stepTheory.reverse_endian_bytes]
159   fun rev_intro x =
160      rev_end_rule o Thm.INST (List.map (fn (w, _: term) => w |-> mk_rev_e w) x)
162   fun DISJOINT_CONV tm =
163      let
164         val (l, r) = Lib.with_exn pred_setSyntax.dest_disjoint tm err
165         val (a, x) = split_arm_instr l
166         val y = snd (split_arm_instr r)
167         val a = case utilsLib.strip_add_or_sub a of
168                    (_, [(false, w)]) => wordsSyntax.mk_word_2comp w
169                  | (_, [(false, w), (true, x)]) =>
170                      wordsSyntax.mk_word_add (wordsSyntax.mk_word_2comp w, x)
171                  | _ => raise err
172         val thm =
173            Conv.CONV_RULE cnv
174               (Drule.SPECL [a, pc_tm, x, y] arm_progTheory.DISJOINT_arm_instr)
175      in
176         if Thm.concl thm = tm
177            then Drule.EQT_INTRO thm
178         else raise err
179      end
180   fun extend_arm_code_pool thm =
181      let
182         val (p, q) = temporal_stateSyntax.dest_pre_post' (Thm.concl thm)
183         val lp = progSyntax.strip_star p
184      in
185         if Lib.exists is_pc_relative lp
186            then let
187                    val be = Lib.exists is_big_end lp
188                    val (s, wa) = byte_chunks lp
189                 in
190                    if List.null s
191                       then thm
192                    else let
193                            val thm' =
194                               move_to_code wa (Thm.INST (List.concat s) thm)
195                         in
196                            if be then rev_intro wa thm' else thm'
197                         end
198                 end
199         else thm
200      end
203(* -- *)
205fun reg_index tm =
206   case Lib.total Term.dest_thy_const tm of
207      SOME {Thy = "arm", Name = "RName_PC", ...} => 15
208    | _ => Lib.with_exn (wordsSyntax.uint_of_word o Term.rand) tm
209                        (ERR "reg_index" "")
212   fun other_index tm =
213      case fst (Term.dest_const (boolSyntax.rator tm)) of
214         "cond" => 0
215       | "arm_exception" => 1
216       | "arm_VFPExtension" => 2
217       | "arm_CPSR_A" => 3
218       | "arm_CPSR_I" => 4
219       | "arm_CPSR_F" => 5
220       | "arm_CPSR_psr'rst" => 6
221       | "arm_CPSR_IT" => 7
222       | "arm_CPSR_J" => 10
223       | "arm_CPSR_E" => 11
224       | "arm_CPSR_T" => 12
225       | "arm_CPSR_M" => 13
226       | "arm_CPSR_N" => 14
227       | "arm_CPSR_Z" => 15
228       | "arm_CPSR_C" => 16
229       | "arm_CPSR_V" => 17
230       | "arm_CPSR_Q" => 18
231       | "arm_CPSR_GE" => 19
232       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_N" => 20
233       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_Z" => 21
234       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_C" => 22
235       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_V" => 23
236       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_AHP" => 24
237       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_DN" => 25
238       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_DZC" => 26
239       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_DZE" => 27
240       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_FZ" => 28
241       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_IDC" => 29
242       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_IDE" => 30
243       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_IOC" => 31
244       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_IOE" => 32
245       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_IXC" => 33
246       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_IXE" => 34
247       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_OFC" => 35
248       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_OFE" => 36
249       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_QC" => 37
250       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_RMode" => 38
251       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_UFC" => 39
252       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_UFE" => 40
253       | "arm_FP_FPSCR_fpscr'rst" => 41
254       | _ => ~1
255   val int_of_v2w =
256     Arbnum.toInt o bitstringSyntax.num_of_term o fst o bitstringSyntax.dest_v2w
257   val total_dest_lit = Lib.total wordsSyntax.dest_word_literal
258   fun word_compare (w1, w2) =
259      case (total_dest_lit w1, total_dest_lit w2) of
260         (SOME x1, SOME x2) => Arbnum.compare (x1, x2)
261       | (SOME _, NONE) => General.GREATER
262       | (NONE, SOME _) => General.LESS
263       | (NONE, NONE) => Term.compare (w1, w2)
264   fun reg_compare (r1, r2) =
265      case (r1, r2) of
266         (mlibUseful.INL i, mlibUseful.INL j) => Int.compare (i, j)
267       | (mlibUseful.INL _, mlibUseful.INR _) => General.GREATER
268       | (mlibUseful.INR _, mlibUseful.INL _) => General.LESS
269       | (mlibUseful.INR i, mlibUseful.INR j) => Term.compare (i, j)
270   fun reg tm =
271      case Lib.total reg_index tm of
272         SOME i => mlibUseful.INL i
273       | NONE => mlibUseful.INR tm
274   val register = reg o fst o dest_arm_REG
275   fun fp_reg tm =
276      case Lib.total int_of_v2w tm of
277         SOME i => mlibUseful.INL i
278       | NONE => mlibUseful.INR tm
279   val fp_register = fp_reg o fst o dest_arm_FP_REG
280   val address = HolKernel.strip_binop (Lib.total wordsSyntax.dest_word_add) o
281                 fst o dest_arm_MEM
283   fun psort p =
284      let
285         val (m, rst) = List.partition is_arm_MEM p
286         val (r, rst) = List.partition is_arm_REG rst
287         val (c, rst) = List.partition is_arm_FP_REG rst
288         val (e, rst) = List.partition is_arm_Extensions rst
289      in
290         mlibUseful.sort_map other_index Int.compare rst @
291         mlibUseful.sort_map (fst o dest_arm_Extensions) Term.compare e @
292         mlibUseful.sort_map register reg_compare r @
293         mlibUseful.sort_map fp_register reg_compare c @
294         mlibUseful.sort_map address (mlibUseful.lex_list_order word_compare) m
295      end
299   val st = Term.mk_var ("s", ``:arm_state``)
300   fun mk_rec (t, c) = List.map (fn s => ("arm$" ^ t ^ "_" ^ s ^ "_fupd",
301                                          "arm_" ^ c ^ "_" ^ s))
302   val cpsr_footprint =
303      stateLib.write_footprint arm_1 arm_2 []
304        (mk_rec ("PSR", "CPSR") PSR_components) [] []
305        (fn (s, l) => s = "arm$arm_state_CPSR" andalso l = [st])
306   val fpscr_footprint =
307      stateLib.write_footprint arm_1 arm_2 []
308        (mk_rec ("FPSCR", "FP_FPSCR") FPSCR_components) [] []
309        (fn (s, l) => s = "arm$FP_FPSCR")
310   val fp_footprint =
311      stateLib.write_footprint arm_1 arm_2
312        [("arm$FP_REG_fupd", "arm_FP_REG", ``^st.FP.REG``)] [] []
313        [("arm$FP_FPSCR_fupd", fpscr_footprint)]
314        (fn (s, l) => s = "arm$arm_state_FP" andalso l = [st])
316   val arm_write_footprint =
317      stateLib.write_footprint arm_1 arm_2
318        [("arm$arm_state_MEM_fupd", "arm_MEM", ``^st.MEM``),
319         ("arm$arm_state_REG_fupd", "arm_REG", ``^st.REG``)]
320        [] []
321        [("arm$arm_state_FP_fupd", fp_footprint),
322         ("arm$arm_state_CPSR_fupd", cpsr_footprint),
323         ("arm$arm_state_Encoding_fupd", fn (p, q, _) => (p, q)),
324         ("arm$arm_state_undefined_fupd", fn (p, q, _) => (p, q)),
325         ("arm$arm_state_CurrentCondition_fupd", fn (p, q, _) => (p, q))]
326        (K false)
329val arm_mk_pre_post =
330   stateLib.mk_pre_post
331      arm_progTheory.ARM_MODEL_def arm_comp_defs mk_arm_code_pool []
332      arm_write_footprint psort
334(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
336val REG_CONV =
337   Conv.QCONV
339        [EVAL ``R_mode mode 15w``,
340         arm_stepTheory.v2w_ground4, arm_stepTheory.v2w_ground5])
345   val dest_reg = dest_arm_REG
346   val reg_width = 4
347   val proj_reg = SOME reg_index
348   val reg_conv = REG_CONV
349   val ok_conv = ALL_CONV
350   val r15 = wordsSyntax.mk_wordii (15, 4)
351   fun asm tm = Thm.ASSUME (boolSyntax.mk_neg (boolSyntax.mk_eq (tm, r15)))
352   val model_tm = ``ARM_MODEL``
354   val reg_combinations =
355      stateLib.register_combinations
356         (dest_reg, reg_width, proj_reg, reg_conv, ok_conv, asm, model_tm)
360   fun dest_reg tm =
361     let
362       val x as (r, _) = dest_arm_FP_REG tm
363     in
364       not (wordsSyntax.is_word_add r orelse wordsSyntax.is_word_div r) orelse
365       raise ERR "dest_reg" ""
366     ; x
367     end
368   val reg_width = 5
369   val proj_reg = NONE
370   val reg_conv = REG_CONV
371   val ok_conv = ALL_CONV
372   fun asm (tm: term) = (raise ERR "" ""): thm
373   val model_tm = ``ARM_MODEL``
375   val fp_combinations =
376      stateLib.register_combinations
377         (dest_reg, reg_width, proj_reg, reg_conv, ok_conv, asm, model_tm)
380fun combinations thm_t =
381   case fp_combinations thm_t of
382      [_] => reg_combinations thm_t
383    | l => l
385(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
388   val arm_rmap =
389      Lib.total
390        (fn "arm_prog$arm_CPSR_N" => K "n"
391          | "arm_prog$arm_CPSR_Z" => K "z"
392          | "arm_prog$arm_CPSR_C" => K "c"
393          | "arm_prog$arm_CPSR_V" => K "v"
394          | "arm_prog$arm_CPSR_Q" => K "q"
395          | "arm_prog$arm_CPSR_A" => K "a"
396          | "arm_prog$arm_CPSR_F" => K "f"
397          | "arm_prog$arm_CPSR_I" => K "i"
398          | "arm_prog$arm_CPSR_GE" => K "ge"
399          | "arm_prog$arm_CPSR_IT" => K "it"
400          | "arm_prog$arm_CPSR_M" => K "mode"
401          | "arm_prog$arm_CPSR_psr'rst" => K "psr_other"
402          | "arm_prog$arm_SPSR_abt" => K "spsr_abt"
403          | "arm_prog$arm_SPSR_fiq" => K "spsr_fiq"
404          | "arm_prog$arm_SPSR_hyp" => K "spsr_hyp"
405          | "arm_prog$arm_SPSR_irq" => K "spsr_irq"
406          | "arm_prog$arm_SPSR_mon" => K "spsr_mon"
407          | "arm_prog$arm_SPSR_svc" => K "spsr_svc"
408          | "arm_prog$arm_SPSR_und" => K "spsr_und"
409          | "arm_prog$arm_FP_FPSCR_N" => K "fp_n"
410          | "arm_prog$arm_FP_FPSCR_Z" => K "fp_z"
411          | "arm_prog$arm_FP_FPSCR_C" => K "fp_c"
412          | "arm_prog$arm_FP_FPSCR_V" => K "fp_v"
413          | "arm_prog$arm_FP_FPSCR_RMode" => K "rmode"
414          | "arm_prog$arm_CP15" => K "cp15"
415          | "arm_prog$arm_FP_REG" =>
416              Lib.curry (op ^) "d" o Int.toString o wordsSyntax.uint_of_word o
417              List.hd
418          | "arm_prog$arm_REG" =>
419              Lib.curry (op ^) "r" o Int.toString o reg_index o List.hd
420          | "arm_prog$arm_MEM" => K "b"
421          | _ => fail())
423   val arm_rename = stateLib.rename_vars (arm_rmap, ["b"])
427   val arm_CPSR_T_F = List.map UNDISCH (CONJUNCTS arm_progTheory.arm_CPSR_T_F)
429   val SPEC_IMP_RULE =
430      Conv.CONV_RULE
431        (Conv.REWR_CONV (Thm.CONJUNCT1 (Drule.SPEC_ALL boolTheory.IMP_CLAUSES))
433   fun TRY_DISCH_RULE thm =
434      case List.length (Thm.hyp thm) of
435         0 => thm
436       | 1 => MOVE_COND_RULE (Drule.DISCH_ALL thm)
437       | _ => thm |> Drule.DISCH_ALL
438                  |> PURE_REWRITE_RULE [boolTheory.AND_IMP_INTRO]
439                  |> MOVE_COND_RULE
440   val flag_introduction =
441      helperLib.MERGE_CONDS_RULE o TRY_DISCH_RULE o
443   val addr_eq_conv =
444      SIMP_CONV (bool_ss++wordsLib.WORD_ARITH_ss++wordsLib.WORD_ARITH_EQ_ss) []
445   val reg_eq_conv = PURE_REWRITE_CONV [arm_stepTheory.R_mode_11]
446                     THENC Conv.DEPTH_CONV wordsLib.word_EQ_CONV
447                     THENC REWRITE_CONV []
448   val arm_PC_INTRO0 =
449      arm_PC_INTRO |> Q.INST [`p1`|->`emp`, `p2`|->`emp`]
450                   |> PURE_REWRITE_RULE [set_sepTheory.SEP_CLAUSES]
451   val arm_TEMPORAL_PC_INTRO0 =
452      arm_TEMPORAL_PC_INTRO |> Q.INST [`p1`|->`emp`, `p2`|->`emp`]
453                            |> PURE_REWRITE_RULE [set_sepTheory.SEP_CLAUSES]
454   fun MP_arm_PC_INTRO th =
455      Lib.tryfind (fn thm => MATCH_MP thm th)
456         [arm_PC_INTRO, arm_TEMPORAL_PC_INTRO,
457          arm_PC_INTRO0, arm_TEMPORAL_PC_INTRO0]
458   val aligned_cond_rand =
459     utilsLib.mk_cond_rand_thms [``aligned n : 'a word -> bool``]
460   val cnv = REWRITE_CONV [alignmentTheory.aligned_numeric, aligned_cond_rand,
461                           arm_progTheory.Aligned_Branch,
462                           alignmentTheory.aligned_align]
463   val arm_PC_bump_intro =
464      SPEC_IMP_RULE o
465      Conv.CONV_RULE (Conv.LAND_CONV cnv) o
466      MP_arm_PC_INTRO o
467      Conv.CONV_RULE
468         (helperLib.POST_CONV (helperLib.MOVE_OUT_CONV ``arm_REG RName_PC``))
469   fun is_big_end tm =
470      case Lib.total (pairSyntax.strip_pair o dest_arm_CONFIG) tm of
471         SOME [_, _, t, _, _] => t = boolSyntax.T
472       | _ => false
473   val le_word_memory_introduction =
474      stateLib.introduce_map_definition
475         (arm_progTheory.arm_WORD_MEMORY_INSERT, addr_eq_conv) o
476      stateLib.chunks_intro false arm_progTheory.arm_WORD_def
477   val be_word_memory_introduction =
478      stateLib.introduce_map_definition
479         (arm_progTheory.arm_BE_WORD_MEMORY_INSERT, addr_eq_conv) o
480      stateLib.chunks_intro true arm_progTheory.arm_BE_WORD_def
481   val le_sep_array_introduction =
482      stateLib.sep_array_intro
483         false arm_progTheory.arm_WORD_def [arm_stepTheory.concat_bytes]
484   val be_sep_array_introduction =
485      stateLib.sep_array_intro
486         true arm_progTheory.arm_BE_WORD_def [arm_stepTheory.concat_bytes]
487   val concat_bytes_rule =
488      Conv.CONV_RULE
489         (helperLib.POST_CONV (PURE_REWRITE_CONV [arm_stepTheory.concat_bytes]))
491   val memory_introduction =
492      stateLib.introduce_map_definition
493         (arm_progTheory.arm_MEMORY_INSERT, addr_eq_conv)
494   val fp_introduction =
495      concat_bytes_rule o
496      stateLib.introduce_map_definition
497         (arm_progTheory.arm_FP_REGISTERS_INSERT, Conv.ALL_CONV)
498   val gp_introduction =
499      concat_bytes_rule o
500      stateLib.introduce_map_definition
501         (arm_progTheory.arm_REGISTERS_INSERT, reg_eq_conv)
502   val sep_array_introduction =
503      stateLib.pick_endian_rule
504        (is_big_end, be_sep_array_introduction, le_sep_array_introduction)
505   val word_memory_introduction =
506      Conv.CONV_RULE
507         (stateLib.PRE_COND_CONV
508            (SIMP_CONV (bool_ss++boolSimps.CONJ_ss)
509                [aligned_cond_rand, alignmentTheory.aligned_numeric])) o
510      concat_bytes_rule o
511      stateLib.pick_endian_rule
512        (is_big_end, be_word_memory_introduction, le_word_memory_introduction)
513   val arm_intro =
514      flag_introduction o
515      arm_PC_bump_intro o
516      stateLib.introduce_triple_definition (false, arm_PC_def) o
517      stateLib.introduce_triple_definition (true, arm_CONFIG_def) o
518      extend_arm_code_pool o
519      arm_rename
523   fun is_mode tm =
524      case Lib.total wordsSyntax.dest_word_extract tm of
525         SOME (_, _, _, ty) => ty = fcpSyntax.mk_int_numeric_type 5
526       | NONE => false
527   val config0 = GSYM (SPEC_ALL arm_CONFIG_def)
528   val mode0 = ``mode: word5``
529   val (_, mk_goodmode, _, _) = step_1 "GoodMode"
531   fun change_config_rule thm =
532      let
533         val mode = HolKernel.find_term is_mode (Thm.concl thm)
534         val config = Thm.INST [mode0 |-> mode] config0
535      in
536        thm
537        |> stateLib.MOVE_COND_RULE (mk_goodmode mode)
538        |> MATCH_MP progTheory.SPEC_DUPLICATE_COND
539        |> CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV (helperLib.STAR_REWRITE_CONV config))
540      end
544   val RName_PC_tm = Term.prim_mk_const {Thy = "arm", Name = "RName_PC"}
545   fun spec_rewrites thm tms = List.map (REWRITE_CONV [thm]) tms
546   val spec_rwts =
547      spec_rewrites armTheory.Extend_def
548         [``Extend (T, w:'a word): 'b word``,
549          ``Extend (F, w:'a word): 'b word``] @
550      spec_rewrites arm_stepTheory.UpdateSingleOfDouble_def
551         [``UpdateSingleOfDouble T v w``,
552          ``UpdateSingleOfDouble F v w``] @
553      spec_rewrites arm_stepTheory.SingleOfDouble_def
554         [``SingleOfDouble T w``,
555          ``SingleOfDouble F w``]
556   fun check_unique_reg_CONV tm =
557      let
558         val p = progSyntax.strip_star (temporal_stateSyntax.dest_pre' tm)
559         val rp = List.mapPartial (Lib.total (fst o dest_arm_REG)) p
560         val dp = List.mapPartial (Lib.total (fst o dest_arm_FP_REG)) p
561      in
562         if not (Lib.mem RName_PC_tm rp) andalso
563            Lib.mk_set rp = rp andalso Lib.mk_set dp = dp
564            then Conv.ALL_CONV tm
565         else raise ERR "check_unique_reg_CONV" "duplicate register"
566      end
567   exception FalseTerm
568   fun NOT_F_CONV tm =
569      if tm = boolSyntax.F then raise FalseTerm else Conv.ALL_CONV tm
570   val WGROUND_RW_CONV =
571      Conv.DEPTH_CONV (utilsLib.cache 10 Term.compare bitstringLib.v2w_n2w_CONV)
572      THENC utilsLib.WGROUND_CONV
573   val cnv =
574      REG_CONV
575      THENC check_unique_reg_CONV
577      THENC stateLib.PRE_COND_CONV
578               (DEPTH_CONV DISJOINT_CONV
579                THENC REWRITE_CONV [alignmentTheory.aligned_numeric]
580                THENC numLib.REDUCE_CONV
581                THENC NOT_F_CONV)
582      THENC helperLib.POST_CONV
583              (PURE_REWRITE_CONV spec_rwts
584               THENC stateLib.PC_CONV "arm_prog$arm_PC")
586   fun simp_triple_rule thm =
587      arm_rename (Conv.CONV_RULE cnv thm)
588      handle FalseTerm => raise ERR "simp_triple_rule" "condition false"
592   val v3 = Term.mk_var ("x3", Type.bool)
593   val v4 = Term.mk_var ("x4", Type.bool)
594   val v5 = Term.mk_var ("x5", Type.bool)
595   val v6 = Term.mk_var ("x6", Type.bool)
596   val vn = listSyntax.mk_list ([v3, v4, v5, v6], Type.bool)
597   val vn = bitstringSyntax.mk_v2w (vn, fcpSyntax.mk_int_numeric_type 4)
599   val get_stm_base =
600      Arbnum.toInt o fst o
601      mlibUseful.min Arbnum.compare o
602      List.map Arbnum.fromString o
603      String.tokens (Lib.equal #",") o snd o
604      utilsLib.splitAtChar (Char.isDigit)
605   fun stm_wb_thms base thm =
606      let
607        val (x3, x4, x5, x6) =
608           utilsLib.padLeft false 4
609                (bitstringSyntax.num_to_bitlist (Arbnum.fromInt base))
610           |> List.map bitstringSyntax.mk_b
611           |> Lib.quadruple_of_list
612      in
613         [REG_RULE (Thm.INST [v3 |-> x3, v4 |-> x4, v5 |-> x5, v6 |-> x6] thm),
614          Drule.ADD_ASSUM
615            (boolSyntax.mk_neg
616                (boolSyntax.mk_eq (vn, wordsSyntax.mk_wordii (base, 4)))) thm]
617      end
620datatype memory = Flat | Array | Map | Map32
621type opt = {gpr_map: bool, fpr_map: bool, mem: memory, temporal: bool}
624   val gpr_map_options =
625      [["map-gpr", "gpr-map", "reg-map", "map-reg"],
626       ["no-map-gpr", "no-gpr-map"]]
627   val fpr_map_options =
628      [["map-fpr", "fpr-map"],
629       ["no-map-fpr", "no-fpr-map"]]
630   val mem_options =
631      [["map-mem", "mem-map", "mapped"],
632       ["map-mem32", "mem-map32", "mapped32"],
633       ["array-mem", "mem-array", "array"],
634       ["flat-map", "mem-flat", "flat"]]
635   val temporal_options =
636      [["temporal"],
637       ["not-temporal"]]
638   fun isDelim c = Char.isPunct c andalso c <> #"-" orelse Char.isSpace c
639   val memopt =
640      fn 0 => Map
641       | 1 => Map32
642       | 2 => Array
643       | 3 => Flat
644       | _ => raise ERR "process_rule_options" ""
645   val print_options = utilsLib.print_options (SOME 34)
647   fun basic_opt () =
648      {gpr_map = false, fpr_map = false, mem = Flat,
649       temporal = stateLib.generate_temporal()}: opt
650   val default_opt =
651      {gpr_map = false, fpr_map = false, mem = Map, temporal = false}: opt
652   fun proj_opt ({gpr_map, fpr_map, mem, ...}: opt) = (gpr_map, fpr_map, mem)
653   fun closeness (target: opt) (opt: opt)  =
654      (case (#gpr_map opt, #gpr_map target) of
655          (false, true) => 0
656        | (true, false) => ~100
657        | (_, _) => 1) +
658      (case (#fpr_map opt, #fpr_map target) of
659          (false, true) => 0
660        | (true, false) => ~100
661        | (_, _) => 1) +
662      (case (#mem opt, #mem target) of
663          (Flat, _) => 0
664        | (_, Flat) => ~100
665        | (m1, m2) => if m1 = m2 then 1 else ~10)
666   fun convert_opt_rule (opt: opt) (target: opt) =
667      (if #gpr_map target andalso not (#gpr_map opt)
668          then gp_introduction
669       else Lib.I) o
670      (if #fpr_map target andalso not (#fpr_map opt)
671          then fp_introduction
672       else Lib.I) o
673      (if #mem target = #mem opt
674         then Lib.I
675       else case #mem target of
676               Flat => Lib.I
677             | Array => sep_array_introduction
678             | Map => memory_introduction
679             | Map32 => word_memory_introduction
680             )
681   fun process_rule_options s =
682      let
683         val l = String.tokens isDelim s
684         val l = List.map utilsLib.lowercase l
685         val (fpr_map, l) =
686            utilsLib.process_opt fpr_map_options "Introduce FPR map"
687               (#fpr_map default_opt) l (Lib.equal 0)
688         val (gpr_map, l) =
689            utilsLib.process_opt gpr_map_options "Introduce GPR map"
690               (#gpr_map default_opt) l (Lib.equal 0)
691         val (mem, l) =
692            utilsLib.process_opt mem_options "MEM type"
693               (#mem default_opt) l memopt
694         val (temporal, l) =
695            utilsLib.process_opt temporal_options "Temoporal triple"
696               (#temporal default_opt) l (Lib.equal 0)
697      in
698         if List.null l
699            then {gpr_map = gpr_map,
700                  fpr_map = fpr_map,
701                  mem = mem,
702                  temporal = temporal}: opt
703         else ( print_options "GP Register view" gpr_map_options
704              ; print_options "FP register view" fpr_map_options
705              ; print_options "Memory view" mem_options
706              ; print_options "Temproal triple" temporal_options
707              ; raise ERR "process_options"
708                    ("Unrecognized option" ^
709                     (if List.length l > 1 then "s" else "") ^
710                     ": " ^ String.concat (commafy l))
711              )
712      end
716   val initial_config = "vfp"
717   fun thm_eq thm1 thm2 = Term.aconv (Thm.concl thm1) (Thm.concl thm2)
718   val mk_thm_set = Lib.op_mk_set thm_eq
719   val component_11 =
720      case Drule.CONJUNCTS arm_progTheory.arm_component_11 of
721         [r, m, _, fp] => [r, m, fp]
722       | _ => raise ERR "component_11" ""
723   val sym_R_x_pc =
724      REWRITE_RULE [utilsLib.qm [] ``(a = RName_PC) = (RName_PC = a)``]
725         arm_stepTheory.R_x_pc
726   val EXTRA_TAC =
727      RULE_ASSUM_TAC (REWRITE_RULE [sym_R_x_pc, arm_stepTheory.R_x_pc])
729   fun f l = tl (utilsLib.datatype_rewrites true "arm" l)
730   val arm_rwts = f ["arm_state", "PSR", "FP"]
731   val arm_rwts2 = f ["FPSCR"]
732   val STATE_TAC = ASM_REWRITE_TAC arm_rwts THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC arm_rwts2
733   val basic_spec =
734      stateLib.spec
735           arm_progTheory.ARM_IMP_SPEC arm_progTheory.ARM_IMP_TEMPORAL
736           [arm_stepTheory.get_bytes]
737           []
738           (arm_select_state_pool_thm :: arm_select_state_thms)
739           [arm_frame, arm_frame_hidden, state_id, fp_id]
740           component_11
741           [word, word5, ``:RName``]
742           EXTRA_TAC STATE_TAC
743   fun is_stm_wb s =
744      let
745         val s' =
746            utilsLib.lowercase (fst (utilsLib.splitAtChar (Lib.equal #";") s))
747      in
748         String.isPrefix "stm" s' andalso String.isSuffix "(wb)" s' andalso
749         List.exists
750            (fn p => String.isPrefix p (String.extract (s', 3, NONE)))
751            ["ia", "ib", "da", "db"]
752      end
753   val get_opcode =
754      fst o bitstringSyntax.dest_v2w o
755      snd o pairSyntax.dest_pair o
756      List.last o pred_setSyntax.strip_set o
757      temporal_stateSyntax.dest_code' o
758      Thm.concl
759   val (reset_db, set_current_opt, get_current_opt, add1_pending, find_spec,
760        list_db) =
761      spec_databaseLib.mk_spec_database basic_opt default_opt proj_opt
762         closeness convert_opt_rule get_opcode (arm_intro o basic_spec)
763   val current_config = ref (arm_configLib.mk_config_terms initial_config)
764   val newline = ref "\n"
765   val the_step = ref (arm_stepLib.arm_step initial_config)
766   val spec_label_set = ref (Redblackset.empty String.compare)
767   fun reset_specs () =
768      (reset_db (); spec_label_set := Redblackset.empty String.compare)
769   val rev_endian = ref (Lib.I : term list -> term list)
770   val is_be_tm = Term.aconv ``s.CPSR.E``
771   fun set_endian () =
772      if List.exists is_be_tm (!current_config)
773         then rev_endian := utilsLib.rev_endian
774      else rev_endian := Lib.I
775   fun configure config options =
776      let
777         val opt = process_rule_options options
778         val cfg = arm_configLib.mk_config_terms config
779      in
780         if !current_config = cfg andalso
781            #temporal (get_current_opt ()) = #temporal opt
782            then ()
783         else ( reset_specs ()
784              ; the_step := arm_stepLib.arm_step config
785              )
786         ; stateLib.set_temporal (#temporal opt)
787         ; current_config := cfg
788         ; set_endian ()
789         ; set_current_opt opt
790      end
791   fun arm_spec_opt config opt =
792      let
793         val () = configure config opt
794         val step = !the_step
795      in
796         fn s =>
797            if is_stm_wb s
798               then let
799                       val l = step s
800                       val l = stm_wb_thms (get_stm_base s) (hd l) @ tl l
801                       val thms_ts = List.map (fn t => (t, arm_mk_pre_post t)) l
802                    in
803                       List.app (fn x => (print "."; add1_pending x)) thms_ts
804                       ; thms_ts
805                    end
806            else let
807                    val thms = step s
808                    val ts = List.map arm_mk_pre_post thms
809                    val thms_ts = (thms, ts) |> ListPair.zip
810                                             |> List.map combinations
811                                             |> List.concat
812                 in
813                    List.app (fn x => (print "."; add1_pending x)) thms_ts
814                    ; thms_ts
815                 end
816      end
817   val the_spec = ref (arm_spec_opt initial_config "")
818   fun spec_spec opc thm =
819      let
820         val thm_opc = get_opcode thm
821         val a = fst (Term.match_term thm_opc opc)
822      in
823         simp_triple_rule (Thm.INST a thm)
824      end
826   val list_db = list_db
827   fun set_newline s = newline := s
828   fun arm_config config opt = the_spec := arm_spec_opt config opt
829   fun arm_spec s =
830      List.map (fn t => (print "+"; basic_spec t)) ((!the_spec) s) before
831      print (!newline)
832   fun addInstructionClass s =
833      ( print (" " ^ s)
834      ; if Redblackset.member (!spec_label_set, s)
835           then ()
836        else ( (!the_spec) s
837             ; spec_label_set := Redblackset.add (!spec_label_set, s)
838             )
839      )
840   fun arm_spec_hex looped s =
841      let
842         val i = arm_stepLib.hex_to_bits_32 s
843         val opc = listSyntax.mk_list (!rev_endian i, Type.bool)
844      in
845         case find_spec opc of
846            SOME (new, thms) =>
847              let
848                 val l = List.mapPartial (Lib.total (spec_spec opc)) thms
849              in
850                 if List.null l
851                    then loop looped i "failed to find suitable spec" s
852                 else (if new then print (!newline) else (); mk_thm_set l)
853              end
854          | NONE => loop looped i "failed to add suitable spec" s
855      end
856   and loop looped i e s =
857      if looped
858         then raise ERR "arm_spec_hex" (e ^ ": " ^ s)
859      else ( List.app addInstructionClass (arm_stepLib.arm_instruction i)
860           ; arm_spec_hex true s)
861   val arm_spec_hex = arm_spec_hex false
862   val arm_spec_code =
863      List.map arm_spec_hex o
864      (armAssemblerLib.arm_code: string quotation -> string list)
867(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
869(* Testing...
871val () = arm_config "vfp" "flat"
872val () = arm_config "vfp" "array"
873val () = arm_config "vfp" "mapped"
874val () = arm_config "vfp" "mapped32"
876val () = arm_config "vfp" "map-fpr,flat"
877val () = arm_config "vfp" "map-fpr,array"
878val () = arm_config "vfp" "map-fpr,mapped"
879val () = arm_config "vfp" "map-fpr,mapped32"
881val () = arm_config "vfp" "map-reg,flat"
882val () = arm_config "vfp" "map-reg,array"
883val () = arm_config "vfp" "map-reg,mapped"
884val () = arm_config "vfp" "map-reg,mapped32"
886val () = arm_config "vfp,be" "flat"
887val () = arm_config "vfp,be" "array"
888val () = arm_config "vfp,be" "mapped"
889val () = arm_config "vfp,be" "mapped32"
891val () = arm_config "vfp,be" "map-reg,flat"
892val () = arm_config "vfp,be" "map-reg,array"
893val () = arm_config "vfp,be" "map-reg,mapped"
894val () = arm_config "vfp,be" "map-reg,mapped32"
896val () = arm_config "vfp" "flat,temporal"
897val () = arm_config "vfp" "array,temporal"
898val () = arm_config "vfp" "mapped,temporal"
899val () = arm_config "vfp" "mapped32,temporal"
901val () = arm_config "vfp" "map-reg,flat,temporal"
902val () = arm_config "vfp" "map-reg,array,temporal"
903val () = arm_config "vfp" "map-reg,mapped,temporal"
904val () = arm_config "vfp" "map-reg,mapped32,temporal"
906val () = arm_config "vfp,be" "flat,temporal"
907val () = arm_config "vfp,be" "array,temporal"
908val () = arm_config "vfp,be" "mapped,temporal"
909val () = arm_config "vfp,be" "mapped32,temporal"
911val () = arm_config "vfp,be" "map-reg,flat,temporal"
912val () = arm_config "vfp,be" "map-reg,array,temporal"
913val () = arm_config "vfp,be" "map-reg,mapped,temporal"
914val () = arm_config "vfp,be" "map-reg,mapped32,temporal"
916val thm = arm_intro (last (arm_spec "STMIA;3,2,1"))
917  arm_spec_hex "E881000E"; (* STMIA;3,2,1 *)
918  arm_spec_hex "E891000E"; (* LDMIA;3,2,1 *)
920val arm_spec = Count.apply arm_spec
921val arm_spec_hex = Count.apply arm_spec_hex
922val arm_spec_code = Count.apply arm_spec_code
924set_trace "stateLib.spec" 1
926  arm_spec_code `mrs r1, cpsr`
927  arm_spec_code `msr cpsr, r1` (* forces user mode *)
928  arm_spec_code `msr cpsr_f, r1`
929  arm_spec_code `msr cpsr_x, #0x0000ff00`
930  arm_spec_code `msr cpsr_s, #0x00ff0000`
931  arm_spec_code `msr cpsr_f, #0xf0000000`
933  (* The following RFE instructions change the operating mode.
934     As such, arm_CONFIG is not automatically introduced in the post-condition.
935     This is achieved with some post-processing.
936  *)
938  val f = List.map (List.map change_config_rule)
940  (f o arm_spec_code) `rfeia r1!`
941  (f o arm_spec_code) `rfeia r1`
943  (*
945  val thm = arm_spec_code `rfeia r1` |> hd |> hd
947  *)
949  arm_spec_hex "E79F2003"  (* ldr r2, [pc, r3] *)
950  arm_spec_hex "E18F20D4"  (* ldrd r2, r3, [pc, r4] *)
951  arm_spec_hex "E51F2018"  (* ldr r2, [pc, #-24] *)
952  arm_spec_hex "E14F21D8"  (* ldrd r2, r3, [pc, #-24] *)
954  arm_spec_hex "E59F100C"
955  Count.apply arm_spec_hex "E1CF00DC"
957  arm_spec "VLDR (single,+imm,pc)"
958  arm_spec "VLDR (double,+imm,pc)"
959  arm_spec "VLDR (single,-imm,pc)"
960  arm_spec "VLDR (double,-imm,pc)"
961  arm_spec "LDR (+lit)"
962  arm_spec "LDR (-lit)"
963  arm_spec "LDR (+reg,pre,pc)"
964  arm_spec "LDR (-reg,pre,pc)"
965  arm_spec "LDRD (+lit)"
966  arm_spec "LDRD (-lit)"
967  arm_spec "LDRD (+reg,pre,pc)"
968  arm_spec "LDRD (-reg,pre,pc)"
970  arm_spec "VMOV (single,reg)";
971  arm_spec "VMOV (double,reg)";
972  arm_spec "VMOV (single,imm)";
973  arm_spec "VMOV (double,imm)";
974  arm_spec "VMOV (single from arm)";
975  arm_spec "VMOV (single to arm)";
976  arm_spec "VMOV (double from arm)";
977  arm_spec "VMOV (double to arm)";
978  arm_spec "VMRS (nzcv)";
979  arm_spec "VMRS";
980  arm_spec "VMSR";
981  arm_spec "VCMP (single,zero)";
982  arm_spec "VCMP (double,zero)";
983  arm_spec "VCMP (single)";
984  arm_spec "VCMP (double)";
986  arm_spec "VCVT (single,double)";
987  arm_spec "VCVT (double,single,lo)";
988  arm_spec "VCVT (double,single,hi)";
989  arm_spec "VCVT (single,int)";
990  arm_spec "VCVT (double,int,lo)";
991  arm_spec "VCVT (double,int,hi)";
992  (* not yet supported
993  arm_spec "VCVT (int,single)";
994  arm_spec "VCVT (int,double)";
995  *)
997  arm_spec "VADD (single)";
998  arm_spec "VSUB (single)";
999  arm_spec "VMUL (single)";
1000  arm_spec "VMLA (single)";
1001  arm_spec "VMLS (single)";
1002  arm_spec "VNMUL (single)";
1003  arm_spec "VNMLA (single)";
1004  arm_spec "VNMLS (single)";
1005  arm_spec "VLDR (single,+imm)";
1006  arm_spec "VLDR (single,-imm)";
1007  arm_spec "VLDR (single,+imm,pc)";
1008  arm_spec "VLDR (single,-imm,pc)";
1009  arm_spec "VSTR (single,+imm)";
1010  arm_spec "VSTR (single,-imm)";
1011  arm_spec "VSTR (single,+imm,pc)";
1012  arm_spec "VSTR (single,-imm,pc)"
1014  arm_spec "VABS (double)";
1015  arm_spec "VNEG (double)";
1016  arm_spec "VSQRT (double)";
1017  arm_spec "VADD (double)";
1018  arm_spec "VSUB (double)";
1019  arm_spec "VMUL (double)";
1020  arm_spec "VMLA (double)";
1021  arm_spec "VMLS (double)";
1022  arm_spec "VNMUL (double)";
1023  arm_spec "VNMLA (double)";
1024  arm_spec "VNMLS (double)";
1025  arm_spec "VLDR (double,+imm)";
1026  arm_spec "VLDR (double,-imm)";
1027  arm_spec "VLDR (double,+imm,pc)";
1028  arm_spec "VLDR (double,-imm,pc)";
1029  arm_spec "VSTR (double,+imm)";
1030  arm_spec "VSTR (double,-imm)";
1031  arm_spec "VSTR (double,+imm,pc)";
1032  arm_spec "VSTR (double,-imm,pc)"
1034  arm_spec_hex "ed907a00"; (* vldr *)
1035  arm_spec_hex "edd16a00"; (* vldr *)
1036  arm_spec_hex "ee676a26"; (* vmul *)
1037  arm_spec_hex "edd15a00"; (* vldr *)
1038  arm_spec_hex "ed936a00"; (* vldr *)
1039  arm_spec_hex "ed925a00"; (* vldr *)
1040  arm_spec_hex "edd17a01"; (* vldr *)
1041  arm_spec_hex "ed817a00"; (* vstr *)
1042  arm_spec_hex "ee775a65"; (* vsub *)
1043  arm_spec_hex "ee477a05"; (* vmla *)
1044  arm_spec_hex "ee456a86"; (* vmla *)
1045  arm_spec_hex "edc17a01"; (* vstr *)
1046  arm_spec_hex "ee767aa7"; (* vadd *)
1047  arm_spec_hex "edc37a00"; (* vstr *)
1049  arm_spec_hex "F1010200"; (* SETEND *)
1050  arm_spec_hex "EA000001"; (* B + *)
1051  arm_spec_hex "EAFFFFFB"; (* B - *)
1052  arm_spec_hex "EB000001"; (* BL + *)
1053  arm_spec_hex "EBFFFFFB"; (* BL - *)
1054  arm_spec_hex "E12FFF11"; (* BX *)
1055  arm_spec_hex "E12FFF1F"; (* BX pc *)
1056  arm_spec_hex "FA000001"; (* BLX + *)
1057  arm_spec_hex "FAFFFFFB"; (* BLX - *)
1058  arm_spec_hex "E12FFF31"; (* BLX *)
1059  (* arm_spec_hex "E12FFF3F"; (* BLX pc - not supported *) *)
1060  arm_spec_hex "E1A01001"; (* MOV *)
1061  arm_spec_hex "E1B01001"; (* MOVS *)
1062  arm_spec_hex "E1A01002"; (* MOV *)
1063  arm_spec_hex "E1A0100F"; (* MOV *)
1064  (* arm_spec_hex "E1A0F001"; (* MOV pc, r1 - not supported *) *)
1065  (* arm_spec_hex "E3A0F00C"; (* MOV pc, #12 - not supported *) *)
1066  arm_spec_hex "E3A0100C"; (* MOV r1, #12 *)
1067  arm_spec_hex "E3E0100C"; (* MOV r1, #-12 - needs SUB CONV? *)
1068  arm_spec_hex "E1110001"; (* TST *)
1069  arm_spec_hex "E1110002"; (* TST *)
1070  arm_spec_hex "E11F0001"; (* TST *)
1071  arm_spec_hex "E111000F"; (* TST *)
1072  arm_spec_hex "E1110001"; (* TST *)
1073  arm_spec_hex "E31100FF"; (* TST *)
1074  arm_spec_hex "E3110000"; (* TST *)
1075  arm_spec_hex "E0421002"; (* SUB *)
1076  arm_spec_hex "E0521002"; (* SUBS *)
1077  arm_spec_hex "E052100F"; (* SUBS *)
1078  arm_spec_hex "E0922212"; (* ADDS *)
1079  arm_spec_hex "E0922102"; (* ADDS *)
1080  arm_spec_hex "E0921453"; (* ADDS *)
1081  (* arm_spec_hex "E09F1453"; (* ADDS -- fail unpredictable *) *)
1082  arm_spec_hex "E0A21453"; (* ADC *)
1083  arm_spec_hex "E0B21453"; (* ADCS *)
1084  arm_spec_hex "E1B011C2"; (* ASRS *)
1085  arm_spec_hex "E0214392"; (* MLA *)
1086  arm_spec_hex "E0314392"; (* MLAS *)
1088  arm_spec_hex "E5921003"; (* LDR pre *)
1089  arm_spec_hex "E5121003"; (* LDR pre *)
1090  arm_spec_hex "E5321080"; (* LDR pre wb *)
1091  arm_spec_hex "E5961080"; (* LDR pre *)
1092  arm_spec_hex "E7911001"; (* LDR pre *)
1093  arm_spec_hex "E59F1000"; (* LDR pc base *)
1094  arm_spec_hex "E79F1001"; (* LDR pre pc base *)
1095  arm_spec_hex "E7921063"; (* LDR pre reg rrx *)
1096  arm_spec_hex "E4921004"; (* LDR post imm *)
1097  arm_spec_hex "E4121004"; (* LDR post -imm *)
1098  arm_spec_hex "E6921002"; (* LDR post reg *)
1099  arm_spec_hex "E6121002"; (* LDR post -reg *)
1100  arm_spec_hex "E6121003"; (* LDR post -reg *)
1101  arm_spec_hex "E6921103"; (* LDR post reg *)
1103  arm_spec_hex "E59F1020"; (* LDR (+lit) *)
1104  arm_spec_hex "E51F1020"; (* LDR (-lit) *)
1105  arm_spec_hex "E1CF02D0"; (* LDRD (+lit) *)
1106  arm_spec_hex "E14F02D0"; (* LDRD (-lit) *)
1108  arm_spec_hex "E5D21004"; (* LDRB pre *)
1109  arm_spec_hex "E7D21102"; (* LDRB reg pre *)
1110  arm_spec_hex "E6D21102"; (* LDRB reg post *)
1111  arm_spec_hex "E19110D2"; (* LDRSB reg pre *)
1112  arm_spec_hex "E19110B2"; (* LDRH reg pre *)
1113  arm_spec_hex "E09210F3"; (* LDRSH reg post *)
1114  arm_spec_hex "E09210F2"; (* LDRSH reg post *)
1116  arm_spec_hex "E1C200D4"; (* LDRD pre *)
1117  arm_spec_hex "E14200D4"; (* LDRD pre *)
1118  arm_spec_hex "E1E200D4"; (* LDRD pre wb *)
1119  arm_spec_hex "E0C200D4"; (* LDRD post *)
1120  arm_spec_hex "E04200D4"; (* LDRD post *)
1121  arm_spec_hex "E08200D3"; (* LDRD post reg *)
1122  arm_spec_hex "E00200D3"; (* LDRD post reg *)
1124  arm_spec_hex "E5821003"; (* STR pre *)
1125  arm_spec_hex "E5021003"; (* STR pre *)
1126  arm_spec_hex "E5221080"; (* STR pre wb *)
1127  arm_spec_hex "E5861080"; (* STR pre *)
1128  arm_spec_hex "E7811001"; (* STR pre *)
1129  arm_spec_hex "E58F1000"; (* STR pc base  ** NOT WORKING *)
1130  arm_spec_hex "E78F1001"; (* STR pre pc base *)
1131  arm_spec_hex "E7821063"; (* STR pre reg rrx *)
1132  arm_spec_hex "E4821004"; (* STR post imm *)
1133  arm_spec_hex "E4021004"; (* STR post -imm *)
1134  arm_spec_hex "E6821002"; (* STR post reg *)
1135  arm_spec_hex "E6021002"; (* STR post -reg *)
1136  arm_spec_hex "E6021003"; (* STR post -reg *)
1137  arm_spec_hex "E6821103"; (* STR post reg *)
1139  arm_spec_hex "E5C21004"; (* STRB pre *)
1140  arm_spec_hex "E7C21102"; (* STRB reg pre *)
1141  arm_spec_hex "E6C21102"; (* STRB reg post *)
1142  arm_spec_hex "E18110B2"; (* STRH reg pre *)
1144  arm_spec_hex "E1C200F4"; (* STRD pre *)
1145  arm_spec_hex "E14200F4"; (* STRD pre *)
1146  arm_spec_hex "E1E200F4"; (* STRD pre wb *)
1147  arm_spec_hex "E0C200F4"; (* STRD post *)
1148  arm_spec_hex "E04200F4"; (* STRD post *)
1149  arm_spec_hex "E08200F3"; (* STRD post reg *)
1150  arm_spec_hex "E00200F3"; (* STRD post reg *)
1152  arm_spec_hex "E1031091"; (* SWP *)
1153  arm_spec_hex "E1031092"; (* SWP *)
1154  arm_spec_hex "E1431091"; (* SWPB *)
1155  arm_spec_hex "E1431092"; (* SWPB *)
1157  arm_spec_hex "E891000E"; (* LDMIA;3,2,1 *)
1158  arm_spec_hex "E991000E"; (* LDMIB;3,2,1 *)
1159  arm_spec_hex "E811000E"; (* LDMDA;3,2,1 *)
1160  arm_spec_hex "E911000E"; (* LDMDB;3,2,1 *)
1162  arm_spec_hex "E881000E"; (* STMIA;3,2,1 *)
1163  arm_spec_hex "E981000E"; (* STMIB;3,2,1 *)
1164  arm_spec_hex "E801000E"; (* STMDA;3,2,1 *)
1165  arm_spec_hex "E901000E"; (* STMDB;3,2,1 *)
1166  arm_spec_hex "e88c03ff"; (* STMIA;9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 *)
1168  arm_spec_hex "E8B1001C"; (* LDMIA (wb);4,3,2 *)
1169  arm_spec_hex "E8A1001C"; (* STMIA (wb);4,3,2 *)
1170  arm_spec_hex "E8A10082"; (* STMIA (wb);7,1 *)
1172  arm_spec_hex "01A00000"; (* MOVEQ *)
1173  arm_spec_hex "11A00000"; (* MOVNE *)
1174  arm_spec_hex "21A00000"; (* MOVCS *)
1175  arm_spec_hex "31A00000"; (* MOVCC *)
1176  arm_spec_hex "41A00000"; (* MOVMI *)
1177  arm_spec_hex "51A00000"; (* MOVPL *)
1178  arm_spec_hex "61A00000"; (* MOVVS *)
1179  arm_spec_hex "71A00000"; (* MOVVC *)
1180  arm_spec_hex "81A00000"; (* MOVHI *)
1181  arm_spec_hex "91A00000"; (* MOVLS *)
1182  arm_spec_hex "A1A00000"; (* MOVGE *)
1183  arm_spec_hex "B1A00000"; (* MOVLT *)
1184  arm_spec_hex "C1A00000"; (* MOVGT *)
1185  arm_spec_hex "D1A00000"; (* MOVLE *)
1187List.length hex_list
1188val () = Count.apply (List.app (General.ignore o arm_spec_hex)) hex_list
1190val () =
1191   Count.apply (List.app
1192      (fn s =>
1193         let
1194            val thm = Count.apply arm_spec_hex s
1195            val () = print (s ^ ":\n")
1196         in
1197            print_thm thm; print "\n\n"
1198         end))
1199         hex_list
1201fun exclude s = List.exists (fn e => String.isPrefix e s) ["LDM", "STM"]
1203val l = List.filter (not o exclude) (arm_stepLib.list_instructions ())
1205val pos = ref 0;
1207val () = List.app (fn s => (addInstructionClass s; Portable.inc pos))
1208                  (List.drop (l, !pos))
1210val () =
1211  List.app (fn s => (addInstructionClass s
1212                     handle HOL_ERR _ => (fails := s::(!fails)))) l
1214use "arm_tests.sml";
1215val l = Lib.mk_set arm_tests
1216length arm_tests
1217length l
1219val fails = ref ([]:string list)
1220val pos = ref 0;
1222val () =
1223   (Count.apply
1224      (List.app (fn s => (arm_spec_hex s
1225                          handle HOL_ERR _ => (fails := s::(!fails); [TRUTH])
1226                          ; Portable.inc pos)))
1227      (List.drop (l, !pos))
1228    ; print "Done\n")
1232List.length (!fails)
1234val stp = arm_stepLib.arm_step_hex ""
1235val dec = arm_stepLib.arm_decode_hex ""
1236val fs = List.map (fn s => (s, Lib.total dec s)) (!fails)
1238val s = List.nth (l, !pos)
1239val thm = step (List.nth (l, !pos))
1240val thm = Count.apply arm_spec (List.nth (l, !pos))
1242(* --- *)
1244val imp_spec = ARM_IMP_SPEC
1245val read_thms = [arm_stepTheory.get_bytes]
1246val write_thms = []: thm list
1247val select_state_thms = (arm_select_state_pool_thm :: arm_select_state_thms)
1248val frame_thms = [arm_frame, arm_frame_hidden, state_id, fp_id]
1249val map_tys = [word, word5, ``:RName``]
1250val mk_pre_post = arm_mk_pre_post
1251val write = arm_write_footprint
1253val model_def = arm_progTheory.ARM_MODEL_def
1254val comp_defs = arm_comp_defs
1255val cpool = mk_arm_code_pool
1256val extras = []: footprint_extra list
1257val write_fn = arm_write_footprint
1261(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)