1109998Smarkmopen HolKernel Parse boolLib bossLib;
3109998Smarkmval _ = new_theory "for_nd_sem";
7109998SmarkmThis file defines a functional big-step semantics for the FOR language
8109998Smarkmsyntax given in for_ndScript.sml. The language has basic I/O and
9109998Smarkmnon-deterministic evaluation order.
11109998SmarkmA simpler version of this language can be found in forScript.sml.
15109998Smarkmopen optionTheory pairTheory pred_setTheory finite_mapTheory stringTheory;
16109998Smarkmopen llistTheory integerTheory;
17109998Smarkmopen lprefix_lubTheory;
18109998Smarkmopen for_ndTheory;
19109998Smarkmopen lcsymtacs;
21109998Smarkmval ect = BasicProvers.EVERY_CASE_TAC;
23109998Smarkmval _ = temp_tight_equality ();
25109998Smarkm(* The result of running a program. Rtimeout indicates an attempt to
26109998Smarkm   loop with no clock left. Rfail indicates an undeclared variable
27109998Smarkm   access or a Break not in a For. *)
29109998Smarkmval _ = Datatype `
30109998Smarkmr = Rval int
31109998Smarkm  | Rbreak
32109998Smarkm  | Rtimeout
33109998Smarkm  | Rfail`;
35109998Smarkmval r_distinct = fetch "-" "r_distinct";
36109998Smarkmval r_11 = fetch "-" "r_11";
38109998Smarkmval _ = type_abbrev ("oracle", ``:(num -> 'a)``);
40109998Smarkmval oracle_get_def = Define `
41109998Smarkmoracle_get (f:'a oracle) = (f 0, f o ((+) 1))`;
43109998Smarkm(* The state of the semantics. Here io_trace records all I/O that has
44109998Smarkm   been done, input is the input stream, and non_det_o is an oracle
45109998Smarkm   used to decide which subexpression of Add to evaluate first. *)
47109998Smarkmval _ = Datatype `
48109998Smarkmstate = <| store : string |-> int; clock : num; io_trace : (io_tag + bool) list;
49109998Smarkm           input : char llist; non_det_o : bool oracle |>`;
51109998Smarkmval state_component_equality = fetch "-" "state_component_equality";
53109998Smarkmval state_rw = Q.prove (
54109998Smarkm`(!s c out n nd. <| store := s; clock := c; io_trace := out; input := n; non_det_o := nd |>.store = s) ���
55109998Smarkm (!s nd. (s with non_det_o := nd).store = s.store) ���
56109998Smarkm (!s. <| store := s.store; clock := s.clock; io_trace := s.io_trace; input := s.input; non_det_o := s.non_det_o |> = s)`,
57109998Smarkm rw [state_component_equality]);
59109998Smarkmval permute_pair_def = Define `
60109998Smarkmpermute_pair oracle (x,y) =
61109998Smarkm  let (switch, oracle') = oracle_get oracle in
62109998Smarkm    ((if switch then (y,x) else (x,y)), oracle', switch)`;
64109998Smarkmval unpermute_pair_def = Define `
65109998Smarkmunpermute_pair (x,y) switch =
66109998Smarkm  if switch then
67109998Smarkm    (y,x)
68109998Smarkm  else
69109998Smarkm    (x,y)`;
71109998Smarkm(* Expression evaluation *)
73109998Smarkmval sem_e_def = tDefine "sem_e" `
74109998Smarkm(sem_e s (Var x) =
75109998Smarkm  case FLOOKUP s.store x of
76109998Smarkm     | NONE => (Rfail, s)
77109998Smarkm     | SOME n => (Rval n, s)) ���
78(sem_e s (Num num) =
79  (Rval num, s)) ���
80(sem_e s (Add e1 e2) =
81  let ((fst_e, snd_e), nd_o, switch) = permute_pair s.non_det_o (e1, e2) in
82    case sem_e (s with <| non_det_o := nd_o; io_trace := s.io_trace ++ [INR switch] |> ) fst_e of
83       | (Rval fst_n, s1) =>
84           (case sem_e s1 snd_e of
85               | (Rval snd_n, s2) =>
86                   let (n1, n2) = unpermute_pair (fst_n, snd_n) switch in
87                     (Rval (n1 + n2), s2)
88               | r => r)
89       | r => r) ���
90(sem_e s (Assign x e) =
91  case sem_e s e of
92     | (Rval n1, s1) =>
93         (Rval n1, s1 with store := s1.store |+ (x, n1))
94     | r => r) ���
95(sem_e s Getchar =
96  let (v, rest) = getchar s.input in
97    (Rval v, s with <| input := rest; io_trace := s.io_trace ++ [INL (Itag v)] |>)) ���
98(sem_e s (Putchar e) =
99  case sem_e s e of
100     | (Rval n1, s1) => (Rval n1, s1 with io_trace := s1.io_trace ++ [INL (Otag n1)])
101     | r => r)`
102 (WF_REL_TAC `measure (e_size o SND)` >>
103  srw_tac [ARITH_ss] [] >>
104  fs [permute_pair_def, LET_THM, oracle_get_def] >>
105  ect >>
106  fs [] >>
107  srw_tac [ARITH_ss] []);
109val sem_e_ind = fetch "-" "sem_e_ind";
111(* HOL4's definition requires a little help with the definition. In
112   particular, we need to help it see that the clock does not
113   decrease. To do this, we add a few redundant checks (check_clock)
114   to the definition of the sem_t function. These redundant checks are
115   removed later in the script. *)
117val sem_e_clock = Q.store_thm ("sem_e_clock",
118`!s e r s'. sem_e s e = (r, s') ��� s.clock = s'.clock`,
119 ho_match_mp_tac sem_e_ind >> rw [sem_e_def] >> ect >>
120 fs [LET_THM, permute_pair_def, oracle_get_def, unpermute_pair_def, getchar_def] >>
121 rw [] >> ect >> fs [] >>
122 ect >> fs [] >> rw []);
124val sem_e_store = Q.prove (
125`!s e r s'. sem_e s e = (r, s') ��� FDOM s.store ��� FDOM s'.store`,
126 ho_match_mp_tac sem_e_ind >> rw [sem_e_def] >> ect >>
127 fs [SUBSET_DEF, LET_THM, permute_pair_def, oracle_get_def,
128     unpermute_pair_def, getchar_def] >>
129 rw [] >> ect >> fs [] >>
130 ect >> fs [] >> rw [] >> metis_tac []);
132val sem_e_res = Q.store_thm ("sem_e_res",
133`!s e r s'. sem_e s e = (r, s') ��� r ��� Rbreak ��� r ��� Rtimeout`,
134 ho_match_mp_tac sem_e_ind >> rw [sem_e_def] >> ect >>
135 fs [LET_THM, permute_pair_def, oracle_get_def, unpermute_pair_def, getchar_def] >>
136 rw [] >> ect >> fs [] >>
137 ect >> fs [] >> rw [] >> metis_tac []);
139val check_clock_def = Define `
140check_clock s' s =
141  s' with clock := (if s'.clock ��� s.clock then s'.clock else s.clock)`;
143val dec_clock_def = Define `
144dec_clock s = s with clock := s.clock - 1`;
146val dec_clock_store = Q.store_thm ("dec_clock_store[simp]",
147`!s. (dec_clock s).store = s.store`,
148 rw [dec_clock_def]);
150(* Statement evaluation -- with redundant check_clock *)
152val sem_t_def = tDefine "sem_t" `
153(sem_t s (Exp e) = sem_e s e) ���
154(sem_t s (Dec x t) =
155  sem_t (s with store := s.store |+ (x, 0)) t) ���
156(sem_t s Break = (Rbreak, s)) ���
157(sem_t s (Seq t1 t2) =
158  case sem_t s t1 of
159     | (Rval _, s1) =>
160         sem_t (check_clock s1 s) t2
161     | r => r) ���
162(sem_t s (If e t1 t2) =
163  case sem_e s e of
164     | (Rval n1, s1) =>
165         if n1 = 0 then
166           sem_t s1 t2
167         else
168           sem_t s1 t1
169     | r => r) ���
170(sem_t s (For e1 e2 t) =
171  case sem_e s e1 of
172     | (Rval n1, s1) =>
173         if n1 = 0 then
174           (Rval 0, s1)
175         else
176           (case sem_t s1 t of
177              | (Rval _, s2) =>
178                  (case sem_e s2 e2 of
179                      | (Rval _, s3) =>
180                          if s.clock ��� 0 ��� s3.clock ��� 0 then
181                            sem_t (dec_clock (check_clock s3 s)) (For e1 e2 t)
182                          else
183                            (Rtimeout, s3)
184                      | r => r)
185              | (Rbreak, s2) =>
186                  (Rval 0, s2)
187              | r => r)
188     | r => r)`
189 (WF_REL_TAC `(inv_image (measure I LEX measure t_size)
190                            (\(s,t). (s.clock,t)))`
192  \\ fs [check_clock_def, dec_clock_def, LET_THM]
193  \\ rw []
194  \\ imp_res_tac sem_e_clock
195  \\ DECIDE_TAC);
197val sem_t_clock = Q.store_thm ("sem_t_clock",
198`!s t r s'. sem_t s t = (r, s') ��� s'.clock ��� s.clock`,
199 ho_match_mp_tac (fetch "-" "sem_t_ind") >>
200 reverse (rpt strip_tac) >> pop_assum mp_tac >>
201 rw [Once sem_t_def] >> ect >>
202 imp_res_tac sem_e_clock >> fs [] >>
203 fs [check_clock_def, dec_clock_def, LET_THM] >>
204 TRY decide_tac >> rfs [] >> res_tac >> decide_tac);
206val check_clock_id = Q.store_thm ("check_clock_id",
207`!s s'. s.clock ��� s'.clock ��� check_clock s s' = s`,
208 rw [check_clock_def, state_component_equality]);
210val STOP_def = Define `
211  STOP x = x`;
213(* Statement evaluation -- without redundant check_clock *)
215fun term_rewrite tms = let
216  fun f tm = ASSUME (list_mk_forall(free_vars tm,tm))
217  in rand o concl o QCONV (REWRITE_CONV (map f tms)) end
219val sem_t_def_with_stop = store_thm ("sem_t_def_with_stop",
220  sem_t_def |> concl |> term_rewrite [``check_clock s3 s = s3``,
221    ``s.clock <> 0 /\ s3.clock <> 0 <=> s3.clock <> 0``,
222    ``sem_t (dec_clock s3) (For e1 e2 t) =
223      sem_t (dec_clock s3) (STOP (For e1 e2 t))``],
224 rpt strip_tac >> rw [Once sem_t_def,STOP_def] >> ect >> fs [] >>
225 imp_res_tac sem_t_clock >>
226 fs [dec_clock_def, LET_THM, check_clock_id] >>
228 rw [state_component_equality] >>
229 rw [check_clock_def] >>
230 imp_res_tac sem_e_clock >>
231 fs [] >> `F` by decide_tac);
233val sem_t_def =
234  save_thm("sem_t_def",REWRITE_RULE [STOP_def] sem_t_def_with_stop);
236(* We also remove the redundant checks from the induction theorem. *)
238val sem_t_ind = store_thm ("sem_t_ind",
239  fetch "-" "sem_t_ind"
240    |> concl |> term_rewrite [``check_clock s3 s = s3``,
241    ``s.clock <> 0 /\ s3.clock <> 0 <=> s3.clock <> 0``],
242 ntac 2 strip_tac >>
243 ho_match_mp_tac (fetch "-" "sem_t_ind") >> rw [] >>
244 first_x_assum match_mp_tac >>
245 rw [] >> fs [] >> res_tac >>
246 imp_res_tac sem_t_clock >>
247 imp_res_tac sem_e_clock >>
248 fs [dec_clock_def, check_clock_id, LET_THM] >>
249 first_x_assum match_mp_tac >>
250 decide_tac);
252(* The top-level semantics defines what is externally observable. *)
254val init_st_def = Define `
255init_st c nd i =
256  <| store := FEMPTY; clock := c; input := i; io_trace := []; non_det_o := nd |>`;
258(* There can be many observable behaviours because the semantics is
259   non-deterministic. *)
261val semantics_with_nd_def = Define `
262(semantics_with_nd t input (Terminate io_trace) =
263  (* Terminate when there is a clock and some non-determinism oracle
264     that gives a value result *)
265  ?c nd i s.
266    sem_t (init_st c nd input) t = (Rval i, s) ���
267    s.io_trace = io_trace) ���
268(semantics_with_nd t input Crash =
269  (* Crash when there is a clock that gives a non-value, non-timeout
270     result. *)
271  ?c nd r s.
272    sem_t (init_st c nd input) t = (r, s) ���
273    (r = Rbreak ��� r = Rfail)) ���
274(semantics_with_nd t input (Diverge io_trace) =
275  ?nd.
276    (!c. ?s. sem_t (init_st c nd input) t = (Rtimeout, s)) ���
277    lprefix_lub {fromList (SND (sem_t (init_st c nd input) t)).io_trace | c | T} io_trace)`;
279val semantics_def = Define `
280(semantics t input (Terminate io_trace) =
281  (* Terminate when there is a clock and some non-determinism oracle
282     that gives a value result *)
283  ?c nd i s.
284    sem_t (init_st c nd input) t = (Rval i, s) ���
285    FILTER ISL s.io_trace = io_trace) ���
286(semantics t input Crash =
287  (* Crash when there is a clock that gives a non-value, non-timeout
288     result. *)
289  ?c nd r s.
290    sem_t (init_st c nd input) t = (r, s) ���
291    (r = Rbreak ��� r = Rfail)) ���
292(semantics t input (Diverge io_trace) =
293  ?nd.
294    (!c. ?s. sem_t (init_st c nd input) t = (Rtimeout, s)) ���
295    lprefix_lub {fromList (FILTER ISL (SND (sem_t (init_st c nd input) t)).io_trace) | c | T} io_trace)`;
298(* === Misc lemmas === *)
300val sem_t_store = Q.prove (
301`!s t r s'. sem_t s t = (r, s') ��� FDOM s.store ��� FDOM s'.store`,
302 ho_match_mp_tac sem_t_ind >>
303 rpt conj_tac >>
304 rpt gen_tac >>
305 DISCH_TAC >>
306 ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [sem_t_def]
307 >- (fs [sem_t_def] >>
308     metis_tac [sem_e_store])
309 >- (fs [sem_t_def] >>
310     metis_tac [])
311 >- (fs [sem_t_def] >>
312     metis_tac [])
313 >- (ect >>
314     rw [] >>
315     metis_tac [sem_e_store, SUBSET_DEF])
316 >- (ect >>
317     rw [] >>
318     metis_tac [sem_e_store, SUBSET_DEF])
319 >- (Cases_on `sem_e s e1` >>
320     fs [] >>
321     Cases_on `q` >>
322     reverse (fs [])
323     >- (Cases_on `i = 0` >>
324         fs []
325         >- metis_tac [sem_e_store, SUBSET_TRANS] >>
326         Cases_on `sem_t r t` >>
327         fs [] >>
328         Cases_on `q` >>
329         reverse (fs [])
330         >- (ect >>
331             fs [] >>
332             rw [] >>
333             rfs [] >>
334             metis_tac [sem_e_store, SUBSET_TRANS]) >>
335         metis_tac [sem_e_store, SUBSET_TRANS]) >>
336     metis_tac [sem_e_store, SUBSET_TRANS]));
338val sem_for_not_break = Q.store_thm ("sem_for_not_break",
339`!s t' t e1 e2 s' r.
340  sem_t s t' = (r, s') ���
341  t' = For e1 e2 t
342  ���
343  r ��� Rbreak`,
344 ho_match_mp_tac sem_t_ind >>
345 reverse  (rpt conj_tac)
346 >- (rw [] >>
347     rw [sem_t_def_with_stop] >>
348     ect >>
349     fs [] >>
350     imp_res_tac sem_e_res >>
351     fs [STOP_def]) >>
352 rw [sem_t_def_with_stop] >>
353 ect >>
354 fs [] >>
355 imp_res_tac sem_e_res >>
356 fs []);
359(* === A simple type checker and its soundness === *)
361val type_permute_pair_lem = Q.prove (
362`!s s1 e1 e2 fst_e snd_e new_nd.
363  type_e s e1 ���
364  type_e s e2 ���
365  permute_pair s1.non_det_o (e1,e2) = ((fst_e,snd_e),new_nd)
366  ���
367  type_e s fst_e ���
368  type_e s snd_e`,
369 rw [permute_pair_def, LET_THM, oracle_get_def] >>
370 rw []);
372val type_sound_e = Q.prove (
373`!s1 e s.
374  type_e s e ��� s ��� FDOM s1.store
375  ���
376  ?r s1'.
377    r ��� Rfail ���
378    sem_e s1 e = (r, s1')`,
379 ho_match_mp_tac (fetch "-" "sem_e_ind") >>
380 rw [sem_e_def, type_e_def]
381 >- (ect >>
382     fs [FLOOKUP_DEF, SUBSET_DEF] >>
383     rw [] >>
384     metis_tac [])
385 >- (`?fst_e snd_e new_nd switch. permute_pair s1.non_det_o (e1, e2) = ((fst_e, snd_e), new_nd, switch)`
386                 by metis_tac [pair_CASES] >>
387     fs [] >>
388     `type_e s fst_e ��� type_e s snd_e` by metis_tac [type_permute_pair_lem] >>
389     res_tac >>
390     fs [] >>
391     rw [] >>
392     `type_e (FDOM s1'.store) snd_e`
393              by (rw [] >>
394                  match_mp_tac type_weakening_e >>
395                  qexists_tac `s` >>
396                  rw [] >>
397                  imp_res_tac sem_e_store >>
398                  fs [] >>
399                  metis_tac [SUBSET_TRANS]) >>
400     fs [] >>
401     Cases_on `r` >>
402     fs [] >>
403     first_x_assum (fn th => pop_assum (fn th' => assume_tac (MATCH_MP (SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [GSYM AND_IMP_INTRO] th) th'))) >>
404     fs [state_rw] >>
405     ect >>
406     rw [] >>
407     fs [SUBSET_DEF, unpermute_pair_def] >>
408     rw []) >>
409 fs [getchar_def] >>
410 ect >>
411 fs [LET_THM] >>
412 rw [] >>
413 metis_tac []);
415(* Have to use sem_t_ind, and not type_t_ind or t_induction. This is
416   different from small-step-based type soundness *)
418val type_sound_t = Q.prove (
419`!s1 t in_for s.
420  type_t in_for s t ��� s ��� FDOM s1.store
421  ���
422  ?r s1'.
423    r ��� Rfail ���
424    (~in_for ��� r ��� Rbreak) ���
425    sem_t s1 t = (r, s1')`,
426 ho_match_mp_tac sem_t_ind >>
427 rw [type_t_def] >>
428 ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [sem_t_def] >>
429 rw []
430 >- (imp_res_tac type_sound_e >>
431     rw [state_rw] >>
432     metis_tac [sem_e_res])
433 >- (res_tac >>
434     fs [SUBSET_DEF])
435 >- (res_tac >>
436     rw [] >>
437     Cases_on `r'` >>
438     rw [] >>
439     fs [] >>
440     rw [] >>
441     pop_assum match_mp_tac >>
442     metis_tac [type_weakening_t, sem_t_store])
443 >- (imp_res_tac type_sound_e >>
444     rw [state_rw] >>
445     rw [] >>
446     Cases_on `r` >>
447     fs []
448     >- (Cases_on `i = 0` >>
449         fs [] >>
450         first_x_assum match_mp_tac >>
451         metis_tac [type_weakening_t, sem_e_store])
452     >- metis_tac [sem_e_res])
453 >- (imp_res_tac type_sound_e >>
454     rw [state_rw] >>
455     reverse (Cases_on `r'''`) >>
456     fs [] >>
457     Cases_on `i = 0` >>
458     fs [] >>
459     rw []
460     >- metis_tac [sem_e_res]
461     >- metis_tac [sem_e_res] >>
462     rfs [] >>
463     `type_t T (FDOM s1''.store) t`
464              by (rw [] >>
465                  match_mp_tac type_weakening_t >>
466                  metis_tac [sem_e_store, sem_t_store, SUBSET_TRANS, state_rw]) >>
467     res_tac >>
468     fs [] >>
469     Cases_on `r'` >>
470     rw [] >>
471     fs [] >>
472     rw [] >>
473     `type_e (FDOM s1'''.store) e2`
474              by (rw [] >>
475                  match_mp_tac type_weakening_e >>
476                  metis_tac [sem_e_store, sem_t_store, SUBSET_TRANS, state_rw]) >>
477     imp_res_tac type_sound_e >>
478     first_x_assum (qspec_then `s1'''` mp_tac) >>
479     rw [] >>
480     rw [state_rw] >>
481     rw [] >>
482     Cases_on `r'''''` >>
483     rw [] >>
484     fs []
485     >- (first_x_assum match_mp_tac >>
486         qexists_tac `s` >>
487         rw [] >>
488         imp_res_tac sem_e_store >>
489         imp_res_tac sem_t_store >>
490         metis_tac [SUBSET_TRANS]) >>
491     metis_tac [sem_e_res]));
493val type_soundness = Q.store_thm ("type_soundness",
494`!t input. type_t F {} t ��� Crash ��� semantics_with_nd t input`,
495 rw [IN_DEF, semantics_with_nd_def] >>
496 imp_res_tac type_sound_t >>
497 fs [] >>
498 first_x_assum (qspec_then `init_st c nd input` assume_tac) >>
499 fs [] >>
500 metis_tac []);
502val _ = export_theory ();