1structure c_outputLib :> c_outputLib =
5quietdec := true;
6loadPath :=
7            (concat Globals.HOLDIR "/examples/dev/sw") ::
8            (concat Globals.HOLDIR "/examples/elliptic/arm") ::
9            (concat Globals.HOLDIR "/examples/elliptic/spec") ::
10            (concat Globals.HOLDIR "/examples/elliptic/sep") ::
11            (concat Globals.HOLDIR "/examples/elliptic/swsep") ::
12            !loadPath;
14show_assums := true;
15map load ["wordsLib"];
18open HolKernel Parse boolSyntax Drule Rewrite wordsTheory wordsLib;
21quietdec := false;
25val word_type = Type `:word32`
27fun get_word_type_arity t n =
28        let
29                val (fname, l) = dest_type t;
30        in
31                if (fname = "prod") then (
32                        if (el 1 l = word_type) then
33                                get_word_type_arity (el 2 l) (n+1)
34                        else
35                                (~1)
36                ) else (
37                        if (t = word_type) then (n+1) else (~1)
38                )
39        end
42fun get_word_fun_arity t =
43        let
44                val (fname, l) = dest_type t
45        in
46                if (fname = "fun") then
47                        let
48                                val a1 = get_word_type_arity (el 1 l) 0;
49                                val a2 = get_word_type_arity (el 2 l) 0;
50                        in
51                                (a1, a2)
52                        end
53                else
54                        (0, get_word_type_arity t 0)
55        end
57fun add_consts t set =
58        if (numSyntax.is_numeral t) then set
59        else if (is_const t) then
60                (if (
61                                (same_const let_tm t) orelse
62                                (same_const conditional t)
63                         )then
64                        set
65                else
66                        (HOLset.add (set, t)))
67        else if (is_abs t) then
68                add_consts (#2 (dest_abs t)) set
69        else if (pairSyntax.is_pair t) then
70                let
71                        val (t1, t2) = pairSyntax.dest_pair t
72                        val set = add_consts t1 set;
73                        val set = add_consts t2 set;
74                in
75                        set
76                end
77        else if (is_eq t) then
78                let
79                        val (t1, t2) = dest_eq t;
80                        val set = add_consts t1 set;
81                        val set = add_consts t2 set;
82                in
83                        set
84                end
85        else if (pairLib.is_pabs t) then
86                let
87                        val (_, t) = pairLib.dest_pabs t;
88                        val set = add_consts t set;
89                in
90                        set
91                end
92        else if (is_comb t) then
93                let
94                        val (t1, t2) = dest_comb t;
95                        val set = add_consts t1 set;
96                        val set = add_consts t2 set;
97                in
98                        set
99                end
100        else set;
102val known_consts_list = [
103        Term `($+):word32->word32->word32`,
104        Term `($-):word32->word32->word32`,
105        Term `($*):word32->word32->word32`,
106        Term `($>>>):word32->num->word32`,
107        Term `($&&):word32->word32->word32`,
108        Term `($!!):word32->word32->word32`,
109        Term `($??):word32->word32->word32`,
110        Term `($=):word32->word32->bool`,
111        Term `($<):word32->word32->bool`,
112        Term `($<+):word32->word32->bool`,
113        Term `($/\):bool->bool->bool`,
114        Term `($\/):bool->bool->bool`,
115        Term `($~):bool->bool`,
116        Term `n2w:num->word32`
119val known_consts_set = HOLset.addList (Term.empty_tmset, known_consts_list)
122fun get_unknown_consts tL =
123        let
124                val c_set = foldl (fn (t, s) => add_consts t s) Term.empty_tmset tL;
125        in
126                HOLset.difference (c_set,known_consts_set)
127        end;
130fun indent_block l =
131        map (fn s => ("   "^s)) l
133exception SYNTAX_EXCEPTION;
134fun syntax_error c m =
135        if c then
136                let
137                        val _ = print ("!! "^m^"\n");
138                in
139                        raise SYNTAX_EXCEPTION
140                end
141        else
142                ()
144val max_used_word_type = ref 1;
145fun get_word_type n =
146        let
147                val _ = if (n > !max_used_word_type) then
148                                  (max_used_word_type := n) else ()
149        in
150                if (n = 1) then "word32" else
151                ("word32_"^Int.toString n)
152        end
153fun get_signed_word_type () = "s_"^(get_word_type 1);
155fun c_get_word_type n =
156        if (n = 1) then ["typedef unsigned int "^(get_word_type n)^";"] else
157        let
158                val name = get_word_type n;
159                val word_type_1 = get_word_type 1;
160                val decl = "typedef struct "^name^"_tag {"
161                val acc_list = List.tabulate (n, fn n => (word_type_1^" e"^(Int.toString (n+1))^";"))
162                val end_line = "} "^name^";"
163        in
164                [decl]@(indent_block acc_list)@[end_line]
165        end
167fun c_get_signed_word_type () =
168        ["typedef signed int "^(get_signed_word_type ())^";"]
170val temp_var_count = ref 0;
171fun get_new_temp_var () =
172        let
173                val _ = (temp_var_count := !temp_var_count + 1);
174        in
175                "temp_"^Int.toString (!temp_var_count)
176        end;
180fun translate_fun f argL =
181        if (same_const f wordsSyntax.word_add_tm) then
182                ([], "("^(hd (el 1 argL))^" + "^(hd (el 2 argL))^")")
183        else if (same_const f wordsSyntax.word_sub_tm) then
184                ([], "("^(hd (el 1 argL))^" - "^(hd (el 2 argL))^")")
185        else if (same_const f wordsSyntax.word_and_tm) then
186                ([], "("^(hd (el 1 argL))^" & "^(hd (el 2 argL))^")")
187        else if (same_const f wordsSyntax.word_or_tm) then
188                ([], "("^(hd (el 1 argL))^" | "^(hd (el 2 argL))^")")
189        else if (same_const f wordsSyntax.word_xor_tm) then
190                ([], "("^(hd (el 1 argL))^" ^ "^(hd (el 2 argL))^")")
191        else if (same_const f wordsSyntax.word_lsr_tm) then
192                ([], "("^(hd (el 1 argL))^" >> "^(hd (el 2 argL))^")")
193        else
194        let
195                val argL' = if argL = [] then [] else el 1 argL;
196                val (f_name, f_type) = dest_const f;
197                val (arg_n, res_n) = get_word_fun_arity (f_type);
198                val _ = syntax_error (not (arg_n = length argL') orelse
199                                                                    (res_n <= 0)
200                                        ) ("Unknown function '"^f_name^"'!")
201                val args_string = String.concat (commafy argL');
202        in
203                ([], f_name^"("^args_string^")")
204        end
208        val (exp, n) = (true_exp, 1);
211fun translate_exp exp n =
212        let
213                fun translate_bool_exp exp =
214                        if (exp = T) then ([], "1")
215                        else if (exp = F) then ([], "0")
216                        else if (is_neg exp) then
217                                let
218                                        val exp' = dest_neg exp;
219                                        val (inst, exp_s) = translate_bool_exp exp';
220                                in
221                                        (inst, "(!"^exp_s^")")
222                                end
223                        else if (is_conj exp) then
224                                let
225                                        val (exp1, exp2) = dest_conj exp;
226                                        val (inst1, exp_s1) = translate_bool_exp exp1;                  val (inst2, exp_s2) = translate_bool_exp exp2;
227                                in
228                                        (inst1@inst2, "("^exp_s1^" && "^exp_s2^")")
229                                end
230                        else if (is_disj exp) then
231                                let
232                                        val (exp1, exp2) = dest_disj exp;
233                                        val (inst1, exp_s1) = translate_bool_exp exp1;                  val (inst2, exp_s2) = translate_bool_exp exp2;
234                                in
235                                        (inst1@inst2, "("^exp_s1^" || "^exp_s2^")")
236                                end
237                        else if (is_comb exp) then
238                                let
239                                        val (f, args) = strip_comb exp;
240                                        val _ = syntax_error ((not (length args = 2)) orelse
241                                                                                                ((not (all (fn arg => (type_of arg = word_type)) args))))
242                                                                ("Unknown boolean function '"^(term_to_string exp)^"'!");
243                                        val (signed, operator) =
244                                                if (same_const f boolSyntax.equality) then
245                                                        (false, "==")
246                                                else if (f = ``($<+):word32->word32->bool``) then
247                                                        (false, "<")
248                                                else if (f = ``($<):word32->word32->bool``) then
249                                                        (true, "<")
250                                                else
251                                                        (syntax_error true ("Unknown boolean function '"^(term_to_string exp)^"'!"); (false, ""));
253                                        val (inst1, arg1) = translate_exp (el 1 args) 1;
254                                        val (inst2, arg2) = translate_exp (el 2 args) 1;
256                                        val signed' = if signed then ("("^(get_signed_word_type ())^") ") else "";
258                                in
259                                        (inst1@inst2, "("^signed'^(hd arg1)^" "^operator^" "^signed'^(hd arg2)^")")
260                                end
261                        else (syntax_error true "Unknown boolean expression!"; ([], ""));
263                fun translate_exp_bool exp n =
264                        if (type_of exp = bool) then
265                                let
266                                        val (instL, s) = translate_bool_exp exp
267                                in
268                                        (instL, [s])
269                                end
270                        else
271                                translate_exp exp n
273                fun translate_args arg =
274                        if (numLib.is_numeral arg) then
275                                ([], [term_to_string arg])
276                        else
277                                let
278                                        val (args_n, res_n) =
279                                                get_word_fun_arity (type_of arg);
280                                        val _ = syntax_error ((not (args_n = 0)) orelse
281                                                                                                (res_n  <= 0))
282                                                        ("Invalid argument '" ^ (term_to_string arg) ^"' in term '"^(term_to_string exp)^"'!");
283                                in
284                                        translate_exp arg res_n
285                                end
287                fun data_assingment var_name argL =
288                        if ((length argL) = 1) then
289                                ([var_name^" = "^(hd argL)^";"])
290                        else
291                                map (fn (n,e) => var_name^".e"^(Int.toString n)^" = "^e^";") (enumerate 1 argL)
293        in
294                if ((wordsSyntax.is_n2w exp) orelse
295                         (numLib.is_numeral exp)) then
296                        ([], [Int.toString(numSyntax.int_of_term (rand exp))])
297                else if (is_var exp) then
298                        let
299                                val var_name = #1 (dest_var exp);
300                                val expL = if (n = 1) then [var_name] else
301                                                        (List.tabulate (n, fn n => var_name^".e"^(Int.toString (n+1))))
302                        in
303                                ([], expL)
304                        end
305                else if (is_cond exp) then
306                        let
307                                val (cond_exp, true_exp, false_exp) = dest_cond exp;
308                                val temp_var = get_new_temp_var ();
309                                val a = get_word_type_arity (type_of exp) 0;
310                                val _ = syntax_error (not ((n = 1) orelse (n = a)))
311                                                                "Wrong arrity of condition!";
312                                val temp_type = get_word_type a;
313                                val decl = temp_type^" "^temp_var^";";
315                                val (cond_inst, cond_exp') = translate_bool_exp cond_exp;
316                                val (true_inst, true_exp') = translate_exp true_exp a;
317                                val (false_inst, false_exp') = translate_exp false_exp a;
319                                val if_1 = "if ("^cond_exp'^") {"
320                                val if_1e = data_assingment temp_var true_exp';
321                                val if_2 = "} else {"
322                                val if_2e = data_assingment temp_var false_exp';
323                                val if_3 = "}";
325                                val expL = if (n=1) then [temp_var] else
326                                                        (List.tabulate (n, fn n => temp_var^".e"^(Int.toString (n+1))))
327                        in
328                                (cond_inst@[decl]@([if_1]@(indent_block (true_inst@if_1e))@[if_2]@
329                                 (indent_block (false_inst@if_2e))@[if_3]),
330                                 expL)
331                        end
332                else if (pairLib.is_pair exp) then
333                        let
334                                val expL = pairLib.strip_pair exp;
335                                val expL' = map translate_args expL
336                                val (args_insts, args_exp) = unzip expL';
337                                val args_insts = List.concat args_insts;
338                                val args_exp = List.concat args_exp;
339                                val _ = syntax_error ((not (length (args_exp) = n)) andalso
340                                                                                        (not (n = 1)))
341                                                                "Invalid arity!";
342                        in
343                                (args_insts, args_exp)
344                        end
345                else if (is_let exp) then
346                        let
347                                val (body, rhs) = dest_let exp;
348                                val (lhs, body) = pairLib.dest_pabs body;
349                                val lhsL = pairLib.strip_pair lhs;
350                                val lhsL' = map (fn t => #1 (dest_var t)) lhsL;
351                                val (pre, rhsL) = translate_exp_bool rhs (length lhsL);
352                                val assignments = map (fn (s1, s2) => (s1^" = "^s2^";")) (zip lhsL' rhsL);
353                                val (x, exp_s) = translate_exp body n;
354                        in
355                                (pre@assignments@x, exp_s)
356                        end
357                else if ((is_comb exp) orelse (is_const exp)) then
358                        let
359                                val (f, args) = strip_comb exp;
360                                val args_exp = map translate_args args;
361                                val (args_insts, args_exp) = unzip args_exp;
362                                val args_insts = List.concat args_insts;
363                                val (fun_insts, fun_exp) = translate_fun f args_exp;
364                                val (extra_insts, expL) = if (n = 1) then ([], [fun_exp]) else
365                                        let
366                                                val temp_var = get_new_temp_var ();
367                                                val a = get_word_type_arity (type_of exp) 0;
368                                                val temp_type = get_word_type a;
369                                                val decl = temp_type^" "^temp_var^";";
370                                                val assignment = temp_var ^ " = "^fun_exp^";"
371                                                val expL = (List.tabulate (n, fn n => temp_var^".e"^(Int.toString (n+1))))
372                                        in
373                                                ([decl,assignment], expL)
374                                        end
375                        in
376                                (args_insts@fun_insts@extra_insts, expL)
377                        end
378                else
379                        let
380                                val _ = syntax_error true ("Unknown expression '"^(term_to_string exp)^"'!")
381                        in
382                                ([], ["ERROR"])
383                        end
384        end;
386fun print_insts l =
388        val _ = print "\n\n";
389        val _ = map (fn s => print (s^"\n")) l
390        val _ = print "\n\n";
392        ()
397fun std_bvars stem tm =
398 let
399        open Lib
400   fun num2name i = stem^Lib.int_to_string i
401        val nameStrm = Lib.mk_istream (fn x => x+1) 0 num2name
402        fun next_name () = state(next nameStrm)
403        fun trav M =
404                if is_comb M then
405                        let val (M1,M2) = dest_comb M
406                                        val M1' = trav M1
407                                        val M2' = trav M2
408                        in mk_comb(M1',M2')
409                        end else
410                if is_abs M then
411                        let val (v,N) = dest_abs(rename_bvar (next_name()) M)
412                        in mk_abs(v,trav N)
413                        end
414                else M
415 in
416   trav tm
417 end;
419fun STD_BVARS_CONV stem tm =
420 let val tm' = std_bvars stem tm
421 in Thm.ALPHA tm tm'
422 end;
424fun is_valid_c_indentifier s =
425        all (fn c => not (c = #"'")) (String.explode s)
427fun dest_fun_def def =
428        let
429                val def_term = concl (SPEC_ALL def);
430                val (fun_const, args) = strip_comb (lhs def_term);
431                val body = rhs def_term;
432                val (fun_name, fun_type) = dest_const fun_const
433                val (arg_n, return_n) = get_word_fun_arity fun_type;
434                val _ = syntax_error ((return_n <= 0) orelse (arg_n < 0) orelse
435                                                                    (length args > 1))
436                                        ("The function '"^fun_name^"' is not a function on 32-bit words!");
437                val args_fv = FVL args Term.empty_varset
438                val body_fv = FVL [body] Term.empty_varset
439                val _ = syntax_error (not (HOLset.isSubset (args_fv, body_fv)))
440                                         ("There are free variables in the definition of '"^
441                                                fun_name^"'!")
442                val body_av = HOLset.addList (Term.empty_varset, Term.all_vars body);
443                val body_bv = HOLset.difference (body_av, body_fv);
444                val body_bv_list = HOLset.listItems body_bv;
446                val args_list = if (args=[]) then [] else (pairLib.strip_pair (hd args));
447        in
448                (def_term, args_list, body_bv_list, body, fun_name, arg_n, return_n)
449        end;
452fun normalise_fun_def def force =
453        let
454                val (def_term, args_list, body_bv_list, body, fun_name, arg_n, return_n) = dest_fun_def def;
456                val valid_bv = all (fn v => is_valid_c_indentifier (#1 (dest_var v))) body_bv_list;
457                val def = SPEC_ALL def;
458                val def' = if (force orelse not valid_bv) then
459                                                        Conv.CONV_RULE (Conv.RHS_CONV (STD_BVARS_CONV "v")) def
460                                          else def
462                val valid_args = all (fn v => is_valid_c_indentifier (#1 (dest_var v))) args_list;
464                val def'' = if (force orelse not valid_args) then
465                                                        let
466                                                                val ren = enumerate 1 args_list;
467                                                                val ren' = map (fn (n, t) =>
468                                                                        ({redex=t, residue = mk_var ("a"^(Int.toString n), word_type)})) ren;
469                                                        in
470                                                                Thm.INST ren' def'
471                                                        end
472                                           else def'
473        in
474                def''
475        end
478fun translate_fun_to_c def =
479        let
480                val _ = temp_var_count := 0;
481                val def = normalise_fun_def def false;
482                val (def_term, args_list, body_bv_list, body, fun_name, arg_n, return_n) = dest_fun_def def;
483                val def_string = "/* "^(term_to_string def_term)^ " */";
485                val word_type_string = get_word_type 1;
486                val args_string_list = map (fn arg =>
487                                word_type_string^ " "^(#1 (dest_var arg))) args_list;
488                val args_string = String.concat (commafy args_string_list);
489                val fun_sig = get_word_type (return_n) ^ " "^fun_name^ " ("^args_string^")";
490                val var_decl = map (fn v =>
491                        let
492                                val (var_name, var_type) = dest_var v;
493                                val var_type_string = if (var_type = bool) then "bool" else
494                                        let
495                                                val arity = get_word_type_arity var_type 0
496                                                val _ = syntax_error (arity <= 0) ("Variable '"^var_name^"' is not of type bool or a word type!");
497                                        in
498                                                get_word_type arity
499                                        end
500                        in
501                                (var_type_string ^ " " ^ var_name ^ ";")
502                        end) body_bv_list
503                val (body_inst, body_exp) = translate_exp body 1
504                val return_inst = "return "^(hd body_exp)^";";
505                val instL = [def_string,fun_sig^" {"]@(indent_block (var_decl @  body_inst @ [return_inst]))@["}"]
506        in
507                (fun_sig^";", instL)
508        end
511fun create_tests testL =
512        let
513                val _ = temp_var_count := 0;
515                fun create_f_test (f, tests) =
516                let
517                        val (f_name, f_type) = dest_const f;
518                        val (args_n, res_n) = get_word_fun_arity f_type;
519                        val res_var = get_new_temp_var ();
521                        val decl_ret = (get_word_type res_n)^" "^res_var^";";
522                        fun create_single_test (arg, res) =
523                                let
524                                        val args = pairLib.strip_pair arg;
525                                        val args_string = map (fn t =>
526                                                        Arbnum.toString (numLib.dest_numeral (rand t))) args;
527                                        val args_s = String.concat (commafy args_string)
528                                        val fun_call = res_var^" = "^f_name^"("^args_s^");"
530                                        val ress = pairLib.strip_pair res;
531                                        val ress_string = map (fn t =>
532                                                        Arbnum.toString (numLib.dest_numeral (rand t))) ress;
534                                        val conditionL = if (res_n = 1) then
535                                                        ["("^res_var^" == "^(hd ress_string)^")"]
536                                                 else
537                                                        (List.tabulate (res_n, (fn n =>
538                                                                "("^res_var^".e"^(Int.toString (n+1))^
539                                                                " == "^(el (n+1) ress_string) ^")")))
540                                        val condition = foldl (fn (s1, s2) => s1 ^ " & "^s2) "1" conditionL;
543                                        val error_message = "Test of '"^f_name^"("^args_s^")' failed!\n";
544                                        val res_words = if (res_n) = 1 then [res_var] else
545                                                                                        (List.tabulate (res_n, (fn n =>
546                                                                                                res_var^".e"^(Int.toString (n+1)))));
547                                        val print_results = map (fn s=>"printf(\"- %ud\\n\", "^s^"); ") res_words;
549                                        val error_inst = "if (! ("^condition^")) { printf(\""^(String.toCString error_message)^"\"); "^(String.concat print_results)^"};"
550                                in
551                                        [fun_call,error_inst]
552                                end
554                        val test_insts = map create_single_test tests
555                in
556                        decl_ret::(List.concat test_insts)@[""]
557                end;
559                val all_tests = List.concat (map create_f_test testL)
560        in
561                ["void auto_tests() {"]@(indent_block all_tests)@["}"]
562        end
565fun create_main main_fun =
567        val (f_name, f_type) = dest_const main_fun;
568        val (args_n, res_n) = get_word_fun_arity f_type;
569        val decl_ret = (get_word_type res_n)^" res;";
570        val word_type_string = get_word_type 1;
571        val args_list = List.tabulate (args_n, fn n =>
572                ("a"^(Int.toString (n+1))))
573        val decl_args = map (fn s =>
574                (word_type_string^" "^s^";")) args_list;
575        val f_string = f_name^"("^(String.concat (commafy args_list))^")";
576        val print_fun = "printf(\""^f_string^"\\n\");"
578        val read_args = map (fn s =>
579                ("printf(\""^s^": \"); if (scanf(\"%ud\", &"^s^") == 0) exit(0);")) args_list
580        val execution = "res = "^f_string^";"
582        val res_words = if (res_n) = 1 then ["res"] else
583                                                        (List.tabulate (res_n, (fn n =>
584                                                                "res.e"^(Int.toString (n+1)))));
585        val print_results = map (fn s=>"printf(\"- %ud\\n\", "^s^");") res_words;
586        val print_space = "printf(\"\\n\\n\");"
588        val body = [print_fun]@read_args@[execution,print_space]@print_results@[print_space]
590        val run_auto_tests = ["auto_tests();", "", ""];
591        val body' = run_auto_tests@decl_args@[decl_ret]@["","while (1) {"]@
592                                        (indent_block body)@["}"]
594        ["main () {"]@(indent_block body')@["}"]
601fun translate_to_c dirname filename defs rewrites main_fun tests =
602        let
603                val defs' = (map (SPEC_ALL o (REWRITE_RULE rewrites)) defs)
604                fun extract_fun_const def = (#1 (strip_comb (lhs (concl (SPEC_ALL def)))))
605                val defined_funs = map extract_fun_const defs';
606                val defs'' = zip (map dest_const defined_funs) defs';
607                val defs'' = Listsort.sort (fn (((s1, _), _), ((s2, _),_)) => String.compare (s1, s2)) defs'';
609                (*check for undefined functions*)
610                val defined_funs_set = HOLset.addList (Term.empty_tmset, defined_funs);
611                val _ = if (not (HOLset.member (defined_funs_set, main_fun))) then
612                                         (print "The main function is not in the list of definitions!\n";fail()) else ();
614                val unknown_consts = get_unknown_consts (map concl defs');
615                val unknown_consts = HOLset.difference (unknown_consts, defined_funs_set);
616                val unknown_consts_list = HOLset.listItems unknown_consts;
617                val _ = if (unknown_consts_list = []) then () else
618                                  let
619                                          val _ = print "The following constants are unkown to the C-export function. Please add additional definitions or rewrites:\n";
620                                          val _ = map (fn t => (print " - ";print_term t;print "\n")) unknown_consts_list
621                                  in
622                                         fail()
623                                  end
625                val _ = max_used_word_type := 1;
626                val (fun_decl, fun_defs) = unzip (map (fn (_, def) => translate_fun_to_c def) defs'');
628(*              val def = #2 (el 1 defs'');
629                translate_fun_to_c def;
632                val fun_defs = List.concat (map (fn l => l@["","",""]) fun_defs);
634                val word_type_defs = (c_get_signed_word_type()):: (List.tabulate ((!max_used_word_type), fn n => c_get_word_type (n+1)));
635                val word_type_defs = List.concat (map (fn l => l@[""]) word_type_defs);
637                val auto_test = create_tests tests;
638                val main_fun_def = create_main main_fun;
639                val spaces = ["",""];
642                (*write header file*)
643                val file_name_header = filename^".h";
644                val file_name_header_guard = filename^"_H";
646           val file_st = TextIO.openOut(dirname^file_name_header);
647                val _ = map (fn s => TextIO.output(file_st, s^"\n"))
648                        (["#ifndef "^file_name_header_guard, "#define "^file_name_header_guard, ""]@word_type_defs@spaces@fun_decl@["","#endif"]);
649        val _ = TextIO.output(file_st, "\n\n");
650      val _ = TextIO.flushOut file_st;
651           val _ = TextIO.closeOut file_st;
653                (*write fun_defs*)
654                val inits = ["#include <stdio.h>",
655                                                 "#include \""^file_name_header^"\""];
656                val file_name_c = filename^".c";
657           val file_st = TextIO.openOut(dirname^file_name_c);
658                val _ = map (fn s => TextIO.output(file_st, s^"\n"))
659                                        (inits@spaces@fun_defs);
660        val _ = TextIO.output(file_st, "\n\n");
661      val _ = TextIO.flushOut file_st;
662           val _ = TextIO.closeOut file_st;
665                (*write test*)
666                val file_name_test = filename^"-test.c";
667           val file_st = TextIO.openOut(dirname^file_name_test);
668                val _ = map (fn s => TextIO.output(file_st, s^"\n"))
669                                        (inits@spaces@auto_test@spaces@main_fun_def);
670        val _ = TextIO.output(file_st, "\n\n");
671      val _ = TextIO.flushOut file_st;
672           val _ = TextIO.closeOut file_st;
673        in
674                ()
675        end
677val r = Random.newgen ();
679fun generate_word max =
680        let
681                val n = if (max = 0) then
682                                                let
683                                                        val l = Random.rangelist (0, 65536)  (2, r);
684                                                        val n1 = Arbnum.fromInt (el 1 l);
685                                                        val n2 = Arbnum.* (Arbnum.fromInt (el 2 l), Arbnum.fromInt 65536);
686                                                        val n = Arbnum.+ (n1, n2);
687                                                in
688                                                        n
689                                                end
690                                        else
691                                                Arbnum.fromInt (Random.range (0, max) r)
692        in
693                mk_comb (Term `n2w:num->word32`, numSyntax.mk_numeral n)
694        end;
696fun generate_word_pair n max =
697        let
698                val wL = List.tabulate (n, fn n => generate_word max);
699        in
700                pairSyntax.list_mk_pair wL
701        end;
703fun generate_word_pair_list n max m =
704        List.tabulate (m, fn x => generate_word_pair n max);