1structure funCall =
6quietdec := true;
10open HolKernel Parse boolLib IRSyntax annotatedIR
11structure T = IntMapTable(type key = int  fun getInt n = n);
12structure S = Binaryset
13structure IR = IRSyntax
16        open funCall;
17        quietdec := false;
21exception invalidArgs;
22exception argPassing;
24val numAvaiRegs = ref 10;
26fun strOrder (s1:string,s2:string) =
27    if s1 > s2 then GREATER
28    else if s1 = s2 then EQUAL
29    else LESS;
31(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
32(* The configuaration for passing parameters, returning results and allocating stack space                              *)
33(* The stack goes upward.                                                                                               *)
34(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
36                Address goes upward (i.e. from low address to high address)!!!
38                                          Content                 Address
39    caller's ip                 |  saved pc                     |   0
40    caller's fp                 |  saved lr                     |   1
41                                |  save sp                      |   2
42                                |  save fp                      |   3
43                                |  modified reg k               |
44                                |  modified reg k-1             |
45                                |  ...                          |
46                                |  local variable 0             |   4
47                                |  local variable 1             |   5
48                                |       ...                     |   .
49                                |  local variable n             |   .
50                                |  output k from callee         |   .
51                                |       ...                     |
52                                |  output 1 from callee         |
53                                |  output 0 from callee         |
54                                |  argument m'                  |
55                                |       ...                     |
56                                |  argument 1                   |
57                                |  argument 0                   |
58    caller's sp callee's ip     |  saved pc                     |
59    callee's fp                 |  saved lr                     |
60                                |  save sp                      |
61                                |  save fp                      |
62                                |  modified reg k               |
63                                |  modified reg k-1             |
64                                |  ...                          |
65                                |  local variable 0             |
66                                |  local variable 1             |
67                                |       ...                     |
68    callee's sp                 |  local variable n'            |
72(* Distinguish inputs and local variables                                               *)
73(* Calculate the offset based on fp of the temporaries bebing read in a callee          *)
74(* If a temporary is an input, then read it from the stack where the caller sets        *)
75(* If it is a local variable, then read it from the current frame                       *)
77fun calculate_relative_address (args,ir,outs,numSavedRegs) =
78  let
79    (* Identify those TMEMs that are actually arguments *)
80    val argT = #1 (List.foldl (fn (IR.TMEM n, (t,i)) =>
81                                  (T.enter(t, n, i), i+1)
82                               |  (arg, (t,i)) => (t, i+1)
83                              )
84                        (T.empty, 0)
85                        (IR.pair2list args)
86                  );
88    val i = ref 0
89    val localT = ref (T.empty);   (* Table for the local variables *)
91    (* For those TMEMs that are local variables, assign them in the stack according to the order of their apprearance *)
93    fun filter_mems (IR.TMEM n) =
94        ( case T.peek (argT, n) of
95                SOME k => IR.MEM (IR.fromAlias IR.fp, ~2 - k)           (* inputs *)
96           |     NONE =>
97                ( case T.peek(!localT, n) of
98                      SOME j => IR.MEM (IR.fromAlias IR.fp, 3 + j + numSavedRegs) (* existing local variable *)
99                   |  NONE =>
100                          ( localT := T.enter(!localT, n, !i);
101                            i := !i + 1;
102                            IR.MEM (IR.fromAlias IR.fp, 3 + (!i - 1) + numSavedRegs) (* local variables *)
103                          )
104                 )
105        )
106     |  filter_mems v = v
108    fun one_stm ({oper = op1, dst = dst1, src = src1}) =
109            {oper = op1, dst = List.map filter_mems dst1, src = List.map filter_mems src1}
111    fun adjust_exp (IR.PAIR (e1,e2)) =
112            IR.PAIR(adjust_exp e1, adjust_exp e2)
113     |  adjust_exp e =
114            filter_mems e
116    fun adjust_info {ins = ins', outs = outs', context = context', fspec = fspec'} =
117        {ins = adjust_exp ins', outs = adjust_exp outs', context = List.map adjust_exp context', fspec = fspec'}
119    fun visit (SC(ir1,ir2,info)) =
120         SC (visit ir1, visit ir2, adjust_info info)
121    |  visit (TR((e1,rop,e2),ir,info)) =
122         TR ((adjust_exp e1,rop,adjust_exp e2), visit ir, adjust_info info)
123    |  visit (CJ((e1,rop,e2),ir1,ir2,info)) =
124         CJ ((adjust_exp e1,rop,adjust_exp e2), visit ir1, visit ir2, adjust_info info)
125    |  visit (CALL(fname,pre,body,post,info)) =
126         CALL(fname, pre, body, post, adjust_info info)
127    |  visit (STM l) =
128         STM (List.map one_stm l)
129    |  visit (BLK (l,info)) =
130         BLK (List.map one_stm l, adjust_info info);
132  in
133        (adjust_exp args, visit ir, adjust_exp outs, T.numItems (!localT))
134  end
136(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
137(*  Decrease and increase the value of a register by 4*n                                                                *)
138(*  These functions are used for modification of base registers for load ans stores. Since                              *)
139(*  loads and stores always consider 32bit words, the address had to be deviable by 4                                   *)
140(*  Therefore n is the number of words the register should change.                                                      *)
141(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
143fun dec_p pt n = {oper = IR.msub, dst = [IR.REG pt], src = [IR.REG pt, IR.WCONST (Arbint.fromInt (4*n))]}
145fun inc_p pt n = {oper = IR.madd, dst = [IR.REG pt], src = [IR.REG pt, IR.WCONST (Arbint.fromInt (4*n))]};
148(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
149(* Pre-call and post-call processing in compilance with the ARM Procedure Call standard                                 *)
150(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
152(*      MOV     ip, sp
153        STMFA   sp!, {..., fp,ip,lr,pc}
154        SUB     fp, ip, #1
155        SUB     sp, sp, #var (* skip local variables *)
158fun entry_blk rs n =
159    [ {oper = IR.mmov, dst = [IR.REG (IR.fromAlias IR.ip)], src = [IR.REG (IR.fromAlias IR.sp)]},
160      {oper = IR.mpush, dst = [IR.REG (IR.fromAlias IR.sp)],
161       src = rs @ [IR.REG (IR.fromAlias IR.fp), IR.REG (IR.fromAlias IR.ip),
162                   IR.REG (IR.fromAlias IR.lr), IR.REG (IR.fromAlias IR.pc)]
163      },
164      {oper = IR.msub, dst = [IR.REG (IR.fromAlias IR.fp)], src = [IR.REG (IR.fromAlias IR.ip), IR.WCONST (Arbint.fromInt 4)]},
165      dec_p (IR.fromAlias IR.sp) n (* skip local variables *)
166    ]
169    ADD         sp, fp, 3 + #modified registers      (* Skip saved lr, sp, fp and modified registers *)
170    LDMFD       sp, {..., fp,sp,pc}
173fun exit_blk rs =
174    [
175      {oper = IR.msub, dst = [IR.REG (IR.fromAlias IR.sp)], src = [IR.REG (IR.fromAlias IR.fp), IR.WCONST (Arbint.fromInt (4* (3 + length rs)))]},
176      {oper = IR.mpop, dst = rs @ [IR.REG (IR.fromAlias IR.fp), IR.REG (IR.fromAlias IR.sp), IR.REG (IR.fromAlias IR.pc)],
177       src = [IR.REG (IR.fromAlias IR.sp)]}
178    ];
181(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
182(*  Given a list of registers and memory slots, group consecutive registers together to be used by mpush and mpop       *)
183(*  For example, [r1,r2,m1,m3,r3,4w,r4,r5] is segmented to                                                              *)
184(*  ([r1,r2],true, 0),(m1,false,2),(m3,false,3),([r3],true,4),(4w,false,5),([r4,r5],true,6)                             *)
185(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
187fun mk_reg_segments argL =
188  let val isBroken = ref false;
190      (* proceeds in reverse order of the list *)
191      fun one_arg (IR.REG r, (invRegLs, i)) =
192        let val flag = !isBroken
193            val _ = isBroken := false
194        in
195            if null invRegLs orelse flag then
196                (([IR.REG r], true, i) :: invRegLs, i-1)
197            else
198                let val (cur_segL, a, j) = hd invRegLs
199                in
200                    if null cur_segL then (([IR.REG r], true, i) :: (tl invRegLs), i-1)
201                    else ((IR.REG r :: cur_segL, true, i) :: (tl invRegLs), i-1)
202                end
203        end
204      |   one_arg (exp, (invRegLs, i)) =
205                (isBroken := true; (([exp],false, i) :: invRegLs, i-1))
207      val (invRegLs, i) = List.foldr one_arg ([], length argL - 1) argL
209  in
210      invRegLs
211  end
213(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
214(*  Given a list of registers, generate a mpush or mpop statement                                                       *)
215(*  The sp is assumed to be in the right position                                                                       *)
216(*  If the list contain only one resiter, then use mldr and mstr instead                                                *)
217(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
219fun mk_ldm_stm isPop r dataL =
220    if isPop then
221        if length dataL = 1 then
222               {oper = IR.mldr, dst = dataL, src = [IR.MEM (r,1)]}
223        else
224               {oper = IR.mpop, dst = dataL, src = [IR.REG r]}
225    else
226        if length dataL = 1 then
227               {oper = IR.mstr, dst = [IR.MEM(r,0)], src = dataL}
228        else
229               {oper = IR.mpush, dst = [IR.REG r], src = dataL}
231(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
232(*  Write one argument to the memory slot referred by regNo and offset                                                  *)
233(*  Push arguments to the stack. If the argument comes from a register, and store it into the stack directly;           *)
234(*  if it comes from memory, then first load it into R10, and then store it into the stack;                             *)
235(*  if it is a constant, then assign it to R10 first then store it into the stack.                                      *)
236(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
238fun write_one_arg (IR.MEM v) (regNo,offset) =
239               [  {oper = IR.mldr, dst = [IR.REG (!numAvaiRegs)], src = [IR.MEM v]},
240                  {oper = IR.mstr, dst = [IR.MEM (regNo,offset)], src = [IR.REG (!numAvaiRegs)]} ]
241 |  write_one_arg (IR.REG r) (regNo,offset) =
242               [  {oper = IR.mstr, dst = [IR.MEM (regNo,offset)], src = [IR.REG r]} ]
243 |  write_one_arg v (regNo,offset) =   (* v = NONCST n or WCONST w *)
244               [  {oper = IR.mmov, dst = [IR.REG 10], src = [v]},
245                  {oper = IR.mstr, dst = [IR.MEM (regNo,offset)], src = [IR.REG 10]} ]
247(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
248(*  Read one argument from the memory slot referred by regNo and offset                                                 *)
249(*  If the destination is a register, then load it into the register directly;                                          *)
250(*  if it is in the memory, then first load the value into R10, and then store it into that memory location;            *)
251(*  The destination couldn't be a constant                                                                              *)
252(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
254fun read_one_arg (IR.REG r) (regNo,offset) =
255               [  {oper = IR.mldr, dst = [IR.REG r], src = [IR.MEM(regNo,offset)]} ]
256 |  read_one_arg (IR.MEM v) (regNo,offset) =
257               [  {oper = IR.mldr, dst = [IR.REG (!numAvaiRegs)], src = [IR.MEM(regNo,offset)]},
258                  {oper = IR.mstr, dst = [IR.MEM v], src = [IR.REG (!numAvaiRegs)]} ]
259 |  read_one_arg _ _ =
260                 raise invalidArgs
262(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
263(* Push a list of values that may be constants or in registers or in memory into the stack                              *)
264(* [1,2,3,...]                                                                                                          *)
265(* old pointer | 1 |                                                                                                    *)
266(*             | 2 |                                                                                                    *)
267(*             | 3 |                                                                                                    *)
268(*              ...                                                                                                     *)
269(* new pointer                                                                                                          *)
270(* Note that the elements in the list are stored in the memory from low addresses to high addresses                     *)
271(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
273fun pushL regNo argL =
274  let
275      val offset = ref 0;
277      fun one_seg (regL, true, i) =
278              if length regL = 1 then
279                    write_one_arg (hd regL) (regNo, !offset - i) (* relative offset should be negative *)
280              else
281                  let val k = !offset in
282                    ( offset := i + length regL;
283                      [dec_p regNo (i - k),
284                       (* reverse the regL in accordance with the order of STM *)
285                       mk_ldm_stm false regNo (List.rev regL)])
286                  end
287       | one_seg ([v], false, i) =
288                  write_one_arg v (regNo, !offset - i)
289       | one_seg _ = raise invalidArgs
290  in
291      (List.foldl (fn (x,s) => s @ one_seg x) [] (mk_reg_segments argL)) @
292       [dec_p regNo (length argL - !offset)]
293  end
295(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
296(* Pop from the stack a list of values that may be in registers or in memory into the stack                             *)
297(*           ...                                                                                                        *)
298(*           | 3 |                                                                                                      *)
299(*           | 2 |                                                                                                      *)
300(*           | 1 |                                                                                                      *)
301(*  pointer                                                                                                             *)
302(*  be read to the list [1,2,3,...]                                                                                     *)
303(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
305fun popL regNo argL =
306  let
307      val offset = ref 0;
309      fun one_seg (regL, true, i) =
310              if length regL = 1 then
311                    read_one_arg (hd regL) (regNo, i - !offset + 1) (* relative address should be positive *)
312              else
313                  let val k = !offset in
314                    ( offset := i;
315                      [inc_p regNo (i - k),
316                       mk_ldm_stm true regNo regL])
317                  end
318       | one_seg ([v], false, i) =
319                  read_one_arg v (regNo, i - !offset + 1)
320       | one_seg _ = raise invalidArgs
321  in
322      (List.foldl (fn (x,s) => s @ one_seg x) [] (mk_reg_segments argL)) @
323       [inc_p regNo (length argL - !offset)]
324  end
326(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
327(* Pass by the caller the parameters to the callee                                                                      *)
328(* All arguments are passed through the stack                                                                           *)
329(* Stack status after passing                                                                                           *)
330(*          ...                                                                                                         *)
331(*        | arg 3 |                                                                                                     *)
332(*        | arg 2 |                                                                                                     *)
333(* sp     | arg 1 |                                                                                                     *)
334(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
336fun pass_args argL =
337  pushL (IR.fromAlias IR.sp) (List.rev argL)
339(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
340(* The callee obtains the arguments passed by the caller though the stack                                               *)
341(* By default, the first four arguments are loaded into r0-r4                                                           *)
342(* The rest arguments has been in the right positions. That is, we need not to get them explicitly                      *)
343(* Note that the register allocation assumes above convention                                                           *)
344(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
346fun get_args argL =
347   let
348       val len = length argL;
349       val len1 = if len < (!numAvaiRegs) then len else (!numAvaiRegs)
351       fun mk_regL 0 = [IR.REG 0]
352        |  mk_regL n = mk_regL (n-1) @ [IR.REG n];
354   in
355       popL (IR.fromAlias (IR.ip)) argL
356       (* Note that callee's IP equals to caller's SP, we use the IP here to load the arguments *)
357   end;
359(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
360(* Pass by the callee the results to the caller                                                                         *)
361(* All results are passed through the stack                                                                             *)
362(* Stack status after passing                                                                                           *)
363(*                                                                                                                      *)
364(*             ...                                                                                                      *)
365(*         | result 3 |                                                                                                 *)
366(*         | result 2 |                                                                                                 *)
367(*         | result 1 |                                                                                                 *)
368(*    sp                                                                                                                *)
369(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
371fun send_results outL numArgs =
372   let
373       (* skip the arguments and the stored pc, then go to the position right before the first output*)
374       val sOffset = numArgs + length outL + 1;
375       val stms = pushL (IR.fromAlias IR.sp) (List.rev outL)
376   in
377       { oper = IR.madd,
378         dst = [IR.REG (IR.fromAlias IR.sp)],
379              src = [IR.REG (IR.fromAlias IR.fp), IR.WCONST (Arbint.fromInt (4* sOffset))]
380       }
381       :: stms
382   end
384(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
385(* The caller retreives the results passed by the callee though the stack                                               *)
386(* Stack status                                                                                                         *)
387(*                                                                                                                      *)
388(*             ...                                                                                                      *)
389(*         | result 3 |                                                                                                 *)
390(*         | result 2 |                                                                                                 *)
391(*         | result 1 |                                                                                                 *)
392(*     sp  |          |                                                                                                 *)
393(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
395fun get_results outL =
396        popL (IR.fromAlias IR.sp) outL
398(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
399(* Function Call: Pre-processing, Post-processing and Adjusted Body                                                     *)
400(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
402fun compute_fcall_info ((outer_ins,outer_outs),(caller_src,caller_dst),(callee_ins,callee_outs),rs,context) =
403    let
404        fun to_stack expL =
405            let val len = length expL
406                val i = ref 0;
407            in
408                List.map (fn exp => ( i := !i + 1; MEM(11, ~(3 + (len - !i))))) expL
409            end
411        val to_be_stored = S.difference (list2set (List.map REG (S.listItems rs)), pair2set caller_dst);
412        val rs' = S.intersection(to_be_stored, S.union (pair2set outer_outs, list2set context));
413        val pre_ins = trim_pair (PAIR (caller_src, set2pair rs'));
414        val stored = (list2pair o to_stack o set2list) rs';
415        val pre_outs = trim_pair (PAIR (callee_ins, stored));
416        val body_ins = pre_outs;
417        val body_outs = trim_pair(PAIR (callee_outs, stored));
418        val post_ins = body_outs;
419        val post_outs = trim_pair(PAIR (caller_dst, set2pair rs'));
420        val context' = set2list (S.difference (list2set context, rs'))
421    in
422       ((pre_ins,pre_outs),(body_ins,body_outs),(post_ins,post_outs),set2list rs',context')
423    end
427        (*This function gets to lists of registers. The values of the
428        registers in scrL are moved to the registers in destL. Thereby,
429        the dummy registers are used for intermediate storage, if necessary.
430        The result is a list of move statements that have to be executed.
431        For example
432                destL = [REG 0, REG 2, REG 1]
433                srcL = [REG 0, REG 1, REG 2]
434                dummyL = [REG 3, ...]
435        should result in something like
436                (REG 3 <- REG 2), (REG 2 <- REG 1), (REG 1 <- REG 3)
437        *)
440        fun remove_reg (REG r) = r
441        fun is_reg (REG r) = true |
442                 is_reg _ = false;
444        val sortdata =
445                sort (fn (dest:int, src:int, beforeL:int list) => fn (dest':int, src':int, beforeL':int list) => (length beforeL < length beforeL'))
447        fun extract_next dummyL (data):(int * int * int list) list =
448                if ((#3 (hd data)) = []) then data else
449                let
450                        val data' = sortdata data
451                in
452                        if ((#3 (hd data')) = []) then data' else
453                        let
454                                val (dest, src, beforeL) = hd data';
455                                val dummy_reg = remove_reg (hd dummyL)
456                                val new_elem = (dummy_reg, dest, []:int list);
457                                (*security check*)
458                                val _ = if (exists (fn e:(int*int*int list) => (#1 e = dummy_reg) orelse (#2 e = dummy_reg)) data) then
459                                                raise argPassing else ()
460                        in
461                                new_elem :: data'
462                        end
463                end
465        fun process_next (data:(int*int*int list) list) =
466        let
467                val (dest, src, beforeL) = hd data;
468                val _ = if (beforeL = []) then () else raise argPassing;
469                val data' = map (fn (e_dest, e_src, e_beforeL) =>
470                                                        let
471                                                                val e_src' = if (e_src = src) then dest else e_src;
472                                                                val e_beforeL' = if (e_dest = src) then [] else filter (fn e => not (e = dest)) e_beforeL;
473                                                        in
474                                                                (e_dest, e_src', e_beforeL')
475                                                        end) (tl data)
476        in
477                ((dest, src), data')
478        end
480        fun mk_mov_ir destL srcL dummyL =
481        let
482                val copyL = zip destL srcL;
483                val (regL, nonRegL) = partition (fn (x, y) => is_reg y) copyL;
484                val regL = map (fn (x, y) => (remove_reg x, remove_reg y)) regL;
485                val regL = filter (fn (x, y) => not (x = y)) regL;
488                (*calculates, which registers have to be updated before,
489                        because they directly depend on the value, that should be
490                        overwritten*)
491                fun direct_before r =
492                        let
493                                val regL_filter = filter (fn (dest, src) => (src = r)) regL;
494                        in
495                                map (fn (dest, src) => dest) regL_filter
496                        end
498                val data = map (fn (dest, src) => (dest, src, direct_before dest)) regL
500                fun process_data dummyL resultL [] = resultL |
501                         process_data dummyL resultL data =
502                         let
503                                val data' = extract_next dummyL data;
504                                val (res, data'') = (process_next data');
505                         in
506                                process_data dummyL (resultL@[res]) data''
507                         end;
509                val aL = process_data dummyL [] data;
510                val aL = map (fn (x, y) => (REG x, REG y)) aL
511        fun mov_ir (dst, src) = {oper = IR.mmov, dst = [dst], src = [src]}
512        in
513                map mov_ir (aL@nonRegL)
514        end;
519val involved_defs = ref ([] : thm list);
522fun extract (SC(s1,s2,info)) = (s1,s2,info)
523val (s1,s2,info) = extract ir1
524val (s1,s2,info) = extract s2
526fun extract (CJ(cond,s1,s2,info)) = (cond,s1,s2,info);
527val (cond,s1,s2,info) = extract ir1
529fun extract (CALL(fname, pre, body, post, outer_info)) =
530(fname, pre, body, post, outer_info)
531val (fname, pre, body, post, outer_info) = extract s2
535fun convert_fcall (CALL(fname, pre, body, post, outer_info)) =
536    let
537        (* pass the arguments to the callee, and callee will save and restore anything  *)
538        (* create the BL statement                                                      *)
539        (* then modify the sp to point to the real position of the returning arguments  *)
541        val (outer_ins,outer_outs) = (#ins outer_info, #outs outer_info);
542        val (caller_dst,caller_src) = let val x = get_annt body in (#outs x, #ins x) end;
543        val {ir = (callee_ins, callee_ir, callee_outs), regs = rs, localNum = n, def = f_def, ...} = declFuncs.getFunc fname;
544        val _ = involved_defs := (!involved_defs) @ [f_def];
548        val ((pre_ins,pre_outs),(body_ins,body_outs),(post_ins,post_outs),rs',context) =
549             compute_fcall_info ((outer_ins,outer_outs),(caller_src,caller_dst),(callee_ins,callee_outs),rs,#context outer_info);
551        fun to_stack 0 = [] |
552                                to_stack n = (MEM(13, n))::(to_stack(n-1))
554                 val preserve_list = filter (fn r => not (mem r (pair2list caller_dst))) (pair2list outer_outs);
557                 val dummy_reg_list =
558                        let
559                                val dummy_list = [REG 0, REG 1, REG 2, REG 3, REG 4,
560                                                                                REG 5, REG 6, REG 7, REG 8, REG 9, REG 10];
561                                val dummy_list = filter (fn r => not (mem r (pair2list outer_outs))) dummy_list
562                                val dummy_list = preserve_list@dummy_list;
564                                val not_use_list = (pair2list caller_src) @
565                                                                                 (pair2list caller_dst) @
566                                                                                 (pair2list callee_ins) @
567                                                                                 (pair2list callee_outs)
568                                val dummy_list = filter (fn r => not (mem r not_use_list))
569                                                                                dummy_list
570                        in
571                                dummy_list
572                        end;
574                 val in_mov_ir = mk_mov_ir (pair2list callee_ins) (pair2list caller_src) dummy_reg_list
575                 val out_mov_ir = mk_mov_ir (pair2list caller_dst) (pair2list callee_outs) dummy_reg_list
577                 val mpop_ir = if (preserve_list = []) then     [] else
578                                                         [{dst = preserve_list, oper = mpop, src = [REG 13]}]
579                 val mpush_ir = if (preserve_list = []) then    [] else
580                                                         [{dst = [REG 13], oper = mpush, src = preserve_list}]
582                 val stack_ir_list = to_stack (length preserve_list)
583                 val ins_stack = trim_pair(list2pair(stack_ir_list @ (pair2list callee_ins)));
584                 val outs_stack = trim_pair(list2pair(stack_ir_list @ (pair2list callee_outs)));
586       val pre' = BLK (
587                        mpush_ir @ in_mov_ir,
588                    {ins = outer_ins,
589                                                        outs = ins_stack, context = context, fspec = thm_t});
591                  val callee_ir' = convert_fcall callee_ir;
592        val body' = apply_to_info callee_ir' (fn info' => {ins = ins_stack, outs = outs_stack, context = context, fspec = thm_t});
594        val post' = BLK (
595                                        out_mov_ir @    mpop_ir,
596               {ins = outs_stack, outs = outer_outs, context = context, fspec = thm_t})
597    in
598        CALL(fname, pre' , body', post', outer_info)
599    end
601 |  convert_fcall (SC(s1,s2,info)) = SC (convert_fcall s1, convert_fcall s2, info)
602 |  convert_fcall (CJ(cond,s1,s2,info)) = CJ (cond, convert_fcall s1, convert_fcall s2, info)
603 |  convert_fcall (TR(cond,s,info)) = TR (cond, convert_fcall s, info)
604 |  convert_fcall ir = ir;
607(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
608(* Link caller and callees together                                                                                     *)
609(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
610(*val prog = def*)
611fun link_ir prog =
612  let
613      val (fname, ftype, f_ir as (ins,ir0,outs), defs) = sfl2ir prog;
614      val rs = S.addList (S.empty regAllocation.intOrder, get_modified_regs ir0);
616      val (ins1,ir1,outs1, localNum) = calculate_relative_address (ins,ir0,outs,S.numItems rs);
617      val ir2 = convert_fcall ir1
618      (*val ir3 = match_ins_outs ir1*)
619                val ir3 = ir2
621      val rs' = S.addList (S.empty regAllocation.intOrder, get_modified_regs ir3);
622      val _ = (involved_defs := [];
623               declFuncs.putFunc (fname, ftype, (ins1,ir1,outs1), rs', localNum, (hd defs)));
624  in
625      (fname,ftype,(ins1,ir3,outs1), defs @ (!involved_defs))
626  end;
629end (* local structure ... *)
631end (* structure *)