1structure IR =
4open HolKernel Parse boolLib wordsTheory pairLib
5     numSyntax
7val w32 = Type `:word32`;
8val n2w_tm = Term `n2w:num -> word32`;
10exception undeclFuncIR;
12val sizeHint = 128;
13val hashtable : ((string, (Tree.stm list * Tree.exp * Tree.exp)) Polyhash.hash_table) ref =
14                        ref (Polyhash.mkTable(Polyhash.hash, op = ) (sizeHint, undeclFuncIR))
16val inline_funcs = (ref []) : string list ref
18fun is_binop op1 =
19  if not (is_comb op1) then false
20  else let val (uncur, oper) = dest_comb op1 in
21       if not (is_const uncur andalso is_const oper) then false
22       else let val (uncur_name, uncur_type) = dest_const uncur;
23                val (oper_name, oper_type) = dest_const oper
24            in
25                if not (uncur_name = "UNCURRY") then false
26                else if oper_name = "+" orelse
27                        oper_name = "-" orelse
28                        oper_name = "*" orelse
29                        oper_name = "/" orelse
30                        oper_name = "&&" orelse
31                        oper_name = "!!" orelse
32                        oper_name = "<<" orelse
33                        oper_name = ">>" orelse
34                        oper_name = ">>#" orelse
35                        oper_name = ">>>" orelse
36                        oper_name = "??" orelse
37            oper_name = "word_or" orelse
38            oper_name = "word_and" orelse
39            oper_name = "word_xor" orelse
40            oper_name = "word_add" orelse
41                        oper_name = "word_sub" orelse
42                        oper_name = "word_mul" orelse
43                        oper_name = "bitwise_and" orelse
44                        oper_name = "bitwise_or" orelse
45                        oper_name = "word_lsl" orelse
46                        oper_name = "word_lsr" orelse
47                        oper_name = "word_asr" orelse
48                        oper_name = "word_ror" orelse
49                        oper_name = "bitwise_eor"
50                        then true
51                else false
52            end
53       end;
55fun is_relop op1 =
56  if not (is_comb op1) then false
57  else let val (uncur, oper) = dest_comb op1 in
58       if not (is_const uncur andalso is_const oper) then false
59       else let val (uncur_name, uncur_type) = dest_const uncur;
60                val (oper_name, oper_type) = dest_const oper
61            in
62                if not (uncur_name = "UNCURRY") then false
63                else if oper_name = ">" orelse
64                        oper_name = ">=" orelse
65                        oper_name = "!=" orelse
66                        oper_name = "<" orelse
67                        oper_name = "<=" orelse
68                        oper_name = "=" orelse
69                        oper_name = "word_gt" orelse
70                        oper_name = "word_lt" orelse
71                        oper_name = "word_ge" orelse
72                        oper_name = "word_le" orelse
73                        oper_name = "word_hs" orelse
74                        oper_name = "word_hi" orelse
75                        oper_name = "word_lo" orelse
76                        oper_name = "word_ls"
77                        then true
78                else false
79            end
80       end;
83fun convert_binop bop =
84  let val (uncur, oper) = dest_comb bop;
85      val (oper_name, oper_type) = dest_const oper
86  in
87      if oper_name = "+" then Tree.PLUS
88      else if oper_name = "-" then Tree.MINUS
89      else if oper_name = "*" then Tree.MUL
90      else if oper_name = "/" then Tree.DIV
91      else if oper_name = "&&" then Tree.AND
92      else if oper_name = "!!" then Tree.OR
93      else if oper_name = "<<" then Tree.LSHIFT
94      else if oper_name = ">>" then Tree.RSHIFT
95      else if oper_name = ">>#" then Tree.ARSHIFT
96      else if oper_name = ">>>" then Tree.ROR
97      else if oper_name = "??" then Tree.XOR
99      else if oper_name = "word_and" then Tree.AND
100      else if oper_name = "word_or" then Tree.OR
101      else if oper_name = "word_xor" then Tree.XOR
102      else if oper_name = "word_add" then Tree.PLUS
103      else if oper_name = "word_sub" then Tree.MINUS
104      else if oper_name = "word_mul" then Tree.MUL
105      else if oper_name = "bitwise_and" then Tree.AND
106      else if oper_name = "bitwise_or" then Tree.OR
107      else if oper_name = "word_lsl" then Tree.LSHIFT
108      else if oper_name = "word_lsr" then Tree.RSHIFT
109      else if oper_name = "word_asr" then Tree.ARSHIFT
110      else if oper_name = "word_ror" then Tree.ROR
111      else if oper_name = "bitwise_eor" then Tree.XOR
113      else raise ERR "IR" ("invalid bi-operator : " ^ oper_name)
114  end;
116fun convert_relop rop =
117  let val (uncur, oper) = dest_comb rop;
118      val (oper_name, oper_type) = dest_const oper
119  in
120      if oper_name = "=" then Tree.EQ
121      else if oper_name = "!=" then Tree.NE
122      else if oper_name = "word_ge" then Tree.GE
123      else if oper_name = "word_gt" then Tree.GT
124      else if oper_name = "word_lt" then Tree.LT
125      else if oper_name = "word_le" then Tree.LE
126      else if oper_name = "word_hs" then Tree.CS
127      else if oper_name = "word_hi" then Tree.HI
128      else if oper_name = "word_lo" then Tree.CC
129      else if oper_name = "word_ls" then Tree.LS
130      else raise ERR "IR" ("invalid relation operator" ^ oper_name)
131  end;
133structure H = Polyhash
134structure T = IntMapTable(type key = int  fun getInt n = n);
137val tmpT : (string T.table) ref  = ref (T.empty);
138fun getTmp i = T.look(!tmpT,i);
141exception Symbol
143val sizeHint = 128
144val symbolT : ((string,int) H.hash_table) ref =
145                ref (H.mkTable(H.hash, op = ) (sizeHint,Symbol));
147 fun inspectVar str  =
148  case H.peek (!symbolT) str of
149     SOME d =>  d
150   | NONE => let
151        val i = T.numItems (!tmpT) in
152            tmpT := T.enter(!tmpT, i, str);
153            H.insert (!symbolT) (str, i);
154            i
155        end
158 fun flow [] exp = exp
159  |  flow (h::t) exp = Tree.ESEQ(h, flow t exp);
162fun mk_MOVE e1 (Tree.ESEQ(s1, Tree.ESEQ(s2,e2))) =
163        Tree.SEQ(s1, mk_MOVE e1 (Tree.ESEQ(s2,e2)))
164 |  mk_MOVE e1 (Tree.ESEQ(s1, e2)) =
165        Tree.SEQ(s1, Tree.MOVE (e1,e2))
166 |  mk_MOVE e1 s = Tree.MOVE (e1,s);
169 fun mk_PAIR (Tree.ESEQ(s1,s2)) = mk_PAIR s2
170  |  mk_PAIR (Tree.PAIR (e1,e2)) =
171        Tree.PAIR(mk_PAIR e1, mk_PAIR e2)
172  |  mk_PAIR exp =
173          Tree.TEMP (inspectVar(Temp.makestring(Temp.newtemp())));
175 fun analyzeExp exp =
177     if is_let exp then
178        let val (var, rhs) = dest_let exp;
179            val (lhs, rest) = dest_pabs var;
180                        val rt = analyzeExp rhs
181        in
182            Tree.ESEQ(Tree.MOVE(analyzeExp lhs, analyzeExp rhs), analyzeExp rest)
183        end
185     else if is_numeral exp then
186        Tree.NCONST (Arbint.fromNat (dest_numeral exp))
188     else if not (is_comb exp) then
189        if is_var exp then
190            let val (v,ty) = dest_var exp in
191                Tree.TEMP (inspectVar v)
192            end
193        else
194            Tree.NCONST Arbint.zero
196     else if is_cond exp then
197        let val (c,t,f) = dest_cond exp;
198            val (t_lab, r_lab) = (Temp.newlabel(), Temp.newlabel());
199            val new_exp = mk_PAIR (analyzeExp t);
201            val insts = flow [ Tree.CJUMP(analyzeExp c, t_lab),
202                               mk_MOVE new_exp (analyzeExp f),
203                               Tree.JUMP r_lab,
204                               Tree.LABEL t_lab,
205                               mk_MOVE new_exp (analyzeExp t),
206                               Tree.LABEL r_lab]
207                              new_exp
208        in
209          insts
210        end
211     else if is_pair exp then
212        let val (t1,t2) = dest_pair exp
213        in  Tree.PAIR(analyzeExp t1, analyzeExp t2)
214        end
216     else if is_comb exp then
218        let val (operator, operands) = dest_comb exp in
220        if is_relop operator then
221            let val (t1, t2) = dest_pair operands
222            in
223                Tree.RELOP(convert_relop operator, analyzeExp t1, analyzeExp t2)
224            end
226        else if is_binop operator then
227            if is_pair operands then                                            (* BINOP of binop * exp * exp   *)
228                  let val (t1, t2) = dest_pair operands in
229                  Tree.BINOP (convert_binop operator, analyzeExp t1, analyzeExp t2)
230                  end
231            else Tree.BINOP (convert_binop operator, analyzeExp operands, analyzeExp operands)    (* UNIOP of uniop * exp  *)
233        else if same_const operator n2w_tm then                         (* words                *)
234                Tree.WCONST (Arbint.fromNat (dest_numeral operands))
235        else                                                            (* function call                *)
236            let val (fun_name, fun_type) = dest_const operator in
237                Tree.CALL (Tree.NAME (Temp.namedlabel fun_name),
238                           analyzeExp operands)
239            end
240        end
242     else                                                               (*      0       *)
243            raise ERR "buildIR" "the expression is invalid"
248        convert_ESEQ (Tree.ESEQ(Tree.MOVE(e1, e2), Tree.ESEQ(s2,e))) =
249   convert_ESEQ (Tree.ESEQ (Tree.SEQ(
250                Tree.MOVE(e1, convert_ESEQ e2), s2), convert_ESEQ e))
251 |
252        convert_ESEQ (Tree.ESEQ(s1, Tree.ESEQ(s2,e))) =
253        convert_ESEQ (Tree.ESEQ (Tree.SEQ(s1, s2), convert_ESEQ e))
254 |  convert_ESEQ s = s;
256convert_ESEQ ir
258fun linearize (stm:Tree.stm) : Tree.stm list =
259  let
260    fun linear (Tree.SEQ(a,b),l) = linear (a, linear(b,l))
261     |  linear (s,l) = s::l
263    fun discompose_move(Tree.MOVE(Tree.PAIR(e1,e2), Tree.PAIR(e3,e4))) =
264              discompose_move(Tree.MOVE(e1,e3)) @ discompose_move(Tree.MOVE(e2,e4))
265     |   discompose_move exp = [exp]
266     |   discompose_move exp = [exp]
268  in
269    List.foldl (fn (exp, L) => L @ discompose_move exp) [] (linear (stm, []))
270  end
274val nextFreeTemp = ref 0
277fun rename_temp_stm (Tree.SEQ (s1, s2)) offset =
278                let
279                        val (s1', m1) = rename_temp_stm s1 offset;
280                        val (s2', m2) = rename_temp_stm s2 offset;
281                in
282                        (Tree.SEQ (s1', s2'), Int.max (m1, m2))
283                end
284  | rename_temp_stm (Tree.CJUMP (e, l)) offset =
285                let
286                        val (e', m) = rename_temp_exp e offset;
287                in
288                        (Tree.CJUMP(e', l), m)
289                end
290  | rename_temp_stm (Tree.MOVE (e1, e2)) offset =
291                let
292                        val (e1', m1) = rename_temp_exp e1 offset;
293                        val (e2', m2) = rename_temp_exp e2 offset;
294                in
295                        (Tree.MOVE (e1', e2'), Int.max (m1, m2))
296                end
297  | rename_temp_stm (Tree.EXP e) offset =
298                let
299                        val (e', m) = rename_temp_exp e offset;
300                in
301                        (Tree.EXP e', m)
302                end
303  | rename_temp_stm X offset =
304                (X, 0)
306         rename_temp_exp (Tree.BINOP (binop, e1, e2)) offset =
307                let
308                        val (e1', m1) = rename_temp_exp e1 offset;
309                        val (e2', m2) = rename_temp_exp e2 offset;
310                in
311                        (Tree.BINOP (binop, e1', e2'), Int.max (m1, m2))
312                end
313 | rename_temp_exp (Tree.MEM e) offset =
314                let
315                        val (e', m) = rename_temp_exp e offset;
316                in
317                        (Tree.MEM e', m)
318                end
319 | rename_temp_exp (Tree.TEMP t) offset =
320                let
321                        val new_t = t + offset;
322                        val var_name = "v"^(Int.toString (new_t +1))
323                        val _ = tmpT := T.enter(!tmpT, new_t, var_name);
324                in
325                        (Tree.TEMP new_t, t)
326                end
329 | rename_temp_exp (Tree.RELOP (relop, e1, e2)) offset =
330                let
331                        val (e1', m1) = rename_temp_exp e1 offset;
332                        val (e2', m2) = rename_temp_exp e2 offset;
333                in
334                        (Tree.RELOP (relop, e1', e2'), Int.max (m1, m2))
335                end
336 | rename_temp_exp (Tree.ESEQ (s, e)) offset =
337                let
338                        val (s', m1) = rename_temp_stm s offset;
339                        val (e', m2) = rename_temp_exp e offset;
340                in
341                        (Tree.ESEQ (s', e'), Int.max (m1, m2))
342                end
343 | rename_temp_exp (Tree.CALL (e1, e2)) offset =
344                let
345                        val (e1', m1) = rename_temp_exp e1 offset;
346                        val (e2', m2) = rename_temp_exp e2 offset;
347                in
348                        (Tree.CALL (e1', e2'), Int.max (m1, m2))
349                end
350 | rename_temp_exp (Tree.PAIR (e1, e2)) offset =
351                let
352                        val (e1', m1) = rename_temp_exp e1 offset;
353                        val (e2', m2) = rename_temp_exp e2 offset;
354                in
355                        (Tree.PAIR (e1', e2'), Int.max (m1, m2))
356                end
357 | rename_temp_exp X offset = (X, 0);
362  linerize_IR_stm (Tree.MOVE (e1, Tree.ESEQ (s, e2))) =
363                (linerize_IR_stm s) @ linerize_IR_stm (Tree.MOVE (e1, e2)) |
364  linerize_IR_stm (Tree.SEQ (s1, s2)) = (linerize_IR_stm s1) @ (linerize_IR_stm s2) |
365  linerize_IR_stm (Tree.MOVE(Tree.PAIR(e1,e2), Tree.PAIR(e3,e4))) =
366          linerize_IR_stm (Tree.MOVE(e1,e3)) @ linerize_IR_stm (Tree.MOVE(e2,e4))
367  |
368  linerize_IR_stm (Tree.MOVE (e1, Tree.CALL (Tree.NAME s, e2))) =
369        if (mem (Symbol.name s) (!inline_funcs)) then
370                let
371                        val fun_name = (Symbol.name s);
372                        val (fun_ir, fun_in, fun_out) = Polyhash.find (!hashtable) fun_name
373                        val offset = !nextFreeTemp;
374                        val fun_ir' = map (fn stm => rename_temp_stm stm offset) fun_ir;
375                        val max = foldl (fn ((x, n1), n2) => Int.max (n1,n2)) 0 fun_ir';
376                        val fun_ir'' = map fst fun_ir'
377                        val (fun_in'', max_in) = rename_temp_exp fun_in offset;
378                        val max = Int.max (max, max_in);
379                        val (fun_out'', max_out) = rename_temp_exp fun_out offset;
380                        val max = Int.max (max, max_out);
381                        val _ = nextFreeTemp := !nextFreeTemp + max
382                in
383                        (linerize_IR_stm (Tree.MOVE (fun_in'', e2)))@fun_ir''@(linerize_IR_stm (Tree.MOVE (e1, fun_out'')))
384                end
385        else [Tree.MOVE (e1, Tree.CALL (Tree.NAME s, e2))]
386  |
387  linerize_IR_stm stm = [stm]
390fun linerize_IR (Tree.ESEQ (s, e)) =
391                let
392                        val (stmL, e') = linerize_IR e
393                in
394                        (((linerize_IR_stm s) @ stmL), e')
395                end
396        | linerize_IR (Tree.CALL (Tree.NAME s, e)) =
397                let
398                        val exp = (Tree.CALL (Tree.NAME s, e));
399                   val temp_exp = mk_PAIR exp;
400                        val new_exp = Tree.ESEQ (Tree.MOVE (temp_exp, exp), temp_exp);
401                in
402                        linerize_IR (new_exp)
403                end
404   | linerize_IR e = ([], e)
406fun convert_to_IR prog =
407   let
408       fun buildArgs args =
409           if is_pair args then
410                let val (arg1,arg2) = dest_pair args
411                in  Tree.PAIR(analyzeExp arg1, analyzeExp arg2) end
412           else analyzeExp args
414       val (decl,body) =
415           dest_eq(concl(SPEC_ALL prog))
416           handle HOL_ERR _
417           => (print "not an program in function format\n";
418             raise ERR "buildCFG" "invalid program format");
419       val (f, args) = dest_comb decl;
420       val (f_name, f_type) = dest_const f;
422       val _ = (tmpT := T.empty; Polyhash.filter (fn _ => false) (!symbolT));
424       val start_lab = Temp.namedlabel (f_name);
425       val end_lab = Temp.namedlabel ("end___"^f_name);
426                 val body_exp = analyzeExp body; (*updates tempT*)
428       val ir = linerize_IR (Tree.ESEQ(Tree.LABEL (start_lab), body_exp));
429                 val ir_stmL = (#1 ir)@[Tree.LABEL (end_lab)];
430                 val ir_exp = #2 ir
431                 val args_exp = buildArgs args;
432                 val _ = Polyhash.insert (!hashtable) (f_name, (ir_stmL, args_exp, ir_exp))
433   in
434       (f_name, f_type, args_exp, ir_stmL, ir_exp)
435        handle HOL_ERR _
436           => (print "the program body includes invalid expression\n";
437             raise ERR "IR" "invalid expression in program body")
438   end
441fun print_stm ir =
442  let val indent = "      ";
443      val ((f_name,args,stms,outs):string * Tree.exp * Tree.stm list * Tree.exp) = ir
445  fun print_bop Tree.PLUS = "ADD"
446   |  print_bop Tree.MINUS = "SUB"
447   |  print_bop Tree.MUL = "MUL"
448   |  print_bop Tree.DIV = "DIV"
449   |  print_bop Tree.AND = "AND"
450   |  print_bop Tree.OR = "OR"
451   |  print_bop Tree.LSHIFT = "LSL"
452   |  print_bop Tree.RSHIFT = "LSR"
453   |  print_bop Tree.ARSHIFT = "ASR"
454   |  print_bop Tree.XOR = "EOR"
455   |  print_bop Tree.ROR = "ROR"
457   fun print_rop Tree.GT = ">"
458   |  print_rop Tree.EQ = "="
459   |  print_rop Tree.LT = "<"
460   |  print_rop Tree.NE = "!="
461   |  print_rop Tree.GE = ">="
462   |  print_rop Tree.LE = "<="
463   |  print_rop Tree.CS = ">=+"
464   |  print_rop Tree.HI = ">+"
465   |  print_rop Tree.CC = "<+"
466   |  print_rop Tree.LS = "<=+"
467   |  print_rop _ = raise ERR "IR" "invalid relational operator";
470  fun one_exp (Tree.BINOP(bop,e1,e2)) =
471        (print_bop bop) ^ " " ^ one_exp e1 ^ ", " ^ one_exp e2
472   |  one_exp (Tree.RELOP(rop, e1,e2)) =
473        (one_exp e1) ^ " " ^ (print_rop rop) ^ " " ^ one_exp e2
474   |  one_exp (Tree.MEM e) =
475        "MEM[" ^ one_exp e ^ "]"
476   |  one_exp (Tree.TEMP e) =
477        getTmp e
478   |  one_exp (Tree.NAME e) =
479        Symbol.name e
480   |  one_exp (Tree.NCONST e) =
481        Arbint.toString e
482   |  one_exp (Tree.WCONST e) =
483        (Arbint.toString e) ^ "w"
484   |  one_exp (Tree.CALL(f, args)) =
485        "CALL " ^ (one_exp f)
486   |  one_exp (Tree.PAIR(e1,e2)) =
487        "(" ^ one_exp e1 ^ "," ^ one_exp e2 ^ ")"
488   |  one_exp _ =
489        ""
490   ;
492  fun one_stm (Tree.MOVE(v1,v2)) =
493        indent ^ "MOV " ^ (one_exp v1) ^ ", " ^ (one_exp v2)
494   |  one_stm (Tree.LABEL lab) =
495        (Symbol.name lab) ^ ":"
496   |  one_stm (Tree.JUMP lab) =
497        indent ^ "JMP " ^ Symbol.name lab
498   |  one_stm (Tree.CJUMP(c,lab)) =
499        indent ^ "JNE " ^ Symbol.name lab
500   |  one_stm (Tree.EXP exp) =
501        one_exp exp
502   |  one_stm _ =
503        ""
504  in
506    List.map (fn stm => print(one_stm stm ^ "\n")) stms
507  end