1structure ARM_prover_extLib :> ARM_prover_extLib =
5(*         A Tool To Reason On ARM Model (privilaged mode constraints)           *)
6(*                    Narges                       *)
9open  Abbrev HolKernel boolLib bossLib Parse;
10open tacticsLib proofManagerLib arm_seq_monadTheory List;
11(*open arm_parserLib arm_encoderLib arm_disassemblerLib;*)
14exception not_matched_pattern;
16fun proof_progress s = if !Globals.interactive then TextIO.print s else ();
17val let_ss = simpLib.mk_simpset [boolSimps.LET_ss] ;
18val words_ss = simpLib.mk_simpset [wordsLib.WORD_ss];
19val simplist = ref [];
21fun decompose_term a =
22    let val (opr, acs) =
23            case dest_term a of
24                (LAMB (b,c)) =>
25                strip_comb c
26              | (* (COMB (b,c)) *) _ =>
27                                   strip_comb a
28    in
29        if (length acs < 2) then
30            (opr,opr,opr)
31        else
32            let val l = List.nth(acs,0)
33                val r = List.nth(acs,1)
34            in
35                if (same_const opr  (``$>>=``))
36                then
37                    let val (_,r_body) = pairLib.dest_pabs r
38                    in
39                        (l,r,r_body)
40                    end
41                else
42                    if (same_const opr ``$|||``)
43                    then
44                        (l,r,r)
45                    else (opr,opr,opr)
46            end
47    end;
49(*******should be defined as local *************)
50val mk_spec_list =
51 fn a =>
52    [``(SND (SND (SND (SND ^a)))):CP15sctlr``,
53     ``(FST (SND (SND (SND ^a)))):CP15scr``,
54     ``(FST (^a)):word32``,
55     ``(FST (SND (SND (^a)))):ARMpsr``,
56     ``FST (SND ^a):word32``
57    ];
58val mk_spec_list2 =
59 fn a =>
60    [``(SND (SND (SND (SND ^a)))):CP15sctlr``,
61     ``(FST (SND (SND (SND (^a))))):CP15scr``,
62     ``(FST (SND (SND (^a)))):ARMpsr``,
63     ``FST (SND ^a):word32``,
64     ``(FST (^a)):word32``
65    ];
67val mk_spec_list3 =
68 fn a =>
69    [``(SND (SND (SND (SND (SND ^a))))):CP15sctlr``,
70     ``(FST (SND (SND (SND (SND ^a))))):CP15scr``,
71     ``(FST (^a)):word32``,
72     ``(FST (SND (SND (^a)))):bool``,
73     ``(FST (SND (SND (SND (^a))))):ARMpsr``,
74     ``(FST (SND ^a)):word32``
75    ];
77val mk_spec_list4 =
78 fn a =>
79    [``(SND (SND (SND (SND (SND ^a))))):CP15sctlr``,
80     ``(FST (SND (SND (SND (SND ^a))))):CP15scr``,
81     ``(FST (SND (SND (SND (^a))))):ARMpsr``,
82     ``(FST (SND (SND (^a)))):bool``,
83     ``(FST (SND ^a)):word32``,
84     ``(FST (^a)):word32``
85    ];
88fun mode_changing_comp_list_rec lst opr = case lst of
89                                              (x::rlst) => (same_const opr x) orelse mode_changing_comp_list_rec rlst opr
90                                            | _ => false;
92fun generate_uncurry_abs a =
93    case dest_term a of
94        (COMB (c,b))  =>
95        if (same_const c ``UNCURRY``) then
96            let val (d,e) =
97                    case  dest_term b of
98                        (LAMB(d,e)) => (d,e)
99                      | _ => Raise not_matched_pattern
100                val (e_abs,e_trm) = generate_uncurry_abs  e
101            in
102                (List.concat [[d],e_abs], e_trm)
103            end
104        else
105            ([], b)
106      | (LAMB(c,b))  =>
107        ([c] , b)
108      | _ => ([], a);
111fun get_monad_type tp =
112    let val (str , fst , snd) =
113            case dest_type (tp) of
114                (str , [fst , snd]) => (str , fst , snd)
115              | _ => Raise not_matched_pattern
116        val (str , tp_type, b) =
117            case dest_type snd of
118                (str , [tp_type, b]) => (str , tp_type, b)
119              | _ => Raise not_matched_pattern
120    in
121        tp_type
122    end;
123fun generate_uncurry_abs_from_abs a =
124    case dest_term a of
125        (LAMB (d,e))  =>
126        let val (e_abs,e_trm) = generate_uncurry_abs_from_abs  e
127        in
128            (List.concat [[d],e_abs], e_trm)
129        end
130      | _  =>
131        ([] , a) ;
133fun get_action_from_goal g =
134    let val (asm ,con) = g
135        val (c1,d1) = strip_comb con
136    (* val (c2,d2) = strip_comb (List.nth(d1,1)) *)
137    (* val (b,c) = if (is_comb (List.nth(d1,0)))  *)
138    (*      then  *)
139    (*          strip_comb  (List.nth(d1,0)) *)
140    (*      else  *)
141    (*              strip_comb (List.nth(d1,0)) *)
142    in
143        List.nth(d1,0)
144    end
146fun prove_simple_action opr a expr postfix =
147    let
149        val thrm = SPEC (List.nth(expr,0)) (DB.fetch  (current_theory()) ((Hol_pp.term_to_string (opr)) ^ postfix))
151        val _ =  proof_progress ("\nTheorem " ^ (term_to_string opr) ^ postfix ^"thm is applied!\n ")
153        val tacs = RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [thrm] THEN
154                          (ASSUME_TAC thrm THEN
155                                      UNDISCH_ALL_TAC THEN
156                                      RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [])
158        val _ = e (tacs)
159        val proved_a = top_thm()
160        val _ = proofManagerLib.drop()
162        val _ = proof_progress ("\nProof of theorem: " ^ (term_to_string a) ^ " is completed!\n ")
163    in
164        (proved_a , tacs)
165    end;
168fun exists_theorem thy x =
169    let val thms = theorems thy
170        val thm = List.find (fn (s,t) => (s=x)) thms
171    in
172        case thm of
173            SOME (p,q) => true
174          | NONE => false
175    end;
177fun find_theorem x =
178    let val _ = proof_progress ("Searching for the theorem " ^ (x) ^ "\n")
179        val db_x = DB.find x
180        val res = List.find (fn ((s,t),p) => (t=x)) db_x in
181        case  res of
182            SOME ((s,t),(p,q)) =>
183            let val _ = proof_progress ("The theorem " ^ x ^ " was found\n ") in
184                p
185            end
186          |NONE =>
187           let val _ = proof_progress ("The theorem " ^ x ^ " was not found\n ") in
188               ASSUME ``T``
189           end
190    end;
193fun decompose a postfix =
194    let val (opr, acs) =
195            case dest_term a of
196                (LAMB (b,c)) =>
197                strip_comb c
198              | (* (COMB (b,c)) *) _ =>
199                                   strip_comb a
201        val thm_exists = (* if (* ((* !global_mode = ``16w:bool[5]`` andalso  *)(term_eq src_inv trg_inv)) orelse *) *)
202            (*    ((same_const opr ``write_cpsr``) ) *)
203            (* then *)
204            exists_theorem (current_theory()) (term_to_string opr ^ postfix )
205        (* else *)
206        (*     exists_theorem (current_theory()) (term_to_string opr ^ "_comb" ^ postfix) *)
208        val flag = ((same_const opr ``$>>=``) orelse
209                    (same_const opr ``$|||``) orelse
210                    (same_const opr ``constT``) orelse
211                    (same_const opr ``COND``) orelse
212                    (same_const opr ``condT``) orelse
213                    (same_const opr ``forT``) orelse
214                    (TypeBase.is_case a ) orelse
215                    thm_exists)
216    in
217        if (length acs < 2) then
218            (flag,opr,opr,opr)
219        else
220            let val l = List.nth(acs,0)
221                val r = List.nth(acs,1)
222            in
223                if (same_const opr  (``$>>=``))
224                then (flag,l,r,opr)
225                else
226                    if (same_const opr ``$|||``) then
227                        (flag,l,r,opr)
228                    else (flag,opr,opr,opr)
229            end
230    end;
233(*TODO: use some sort of pattern mathiching instead of list lenght!!!*)
234fun get_uncurried_theorem thm l =
235    let val (asm,con) = dest_thm thm
236    in
237        if( l = 1)
238        then
239            thm
240        else
241            let
242                val con = concl thm
243                val res_thm1 = PairRules.SWAP_PFORALL_CONV con
244                val res_thm2 = REWRITE_RULE [res_thm1] thm
245                val con1 = concl res_thm1
246                val (a,b) = dest_eq con1
247                val res_thm3 = PairRules.UNCURRY_FORALL_CONV  b
248                val res_thm = REWRITE_RULE [res_thm3] res_thm2
249            in
250                get_uncurried_theorem res_thm (l-1)
251            end
252    end;
254fun generalize_theorem thm a =
255    let
256        val (a_abs,a_body) = pairLib.dest_pabs a
257        val (abs_args, abs_body)  = generate_uncurry_abs a
258        val generalized_curried_thm =  PairRules.PGENL (List.rev(abs_args)) thm
259        val generalized_uncurried_thm =
260            get_uncurried_theorem generalized_curried_thm (List.length(abs_args))
261        val abs_type = type_of a_abs
262        val gen_var = (mk_var("y", abs_type))
263        val spec_thm= PairRules.PSPEC gen_var generalized_uncurried_thm
264        val generalized_thm = GEN  gen_var spec_thm
265    in
266        generalized_thm
267    end;
269(* for types of form k->pM, if i=true then returns k otherwise p*)
270val get_type_inst =
271 fn (t, i) =>
272    case dest_type (t) of
273        (str , [fst , snd]) =>
274        if(i)
275        then
276            fst
277        else
278            snd
279      |_ => Raise not_matched_pattern;
283fun prove_const a pred expr cm postfix thms =
284    let
286        val prove_COND_action =
287         fn (if_part,else_part,condition,a,pred,expr,cm,postfix,thms) =>
288            let val _ = proof_progress ("A Conditional action\n\n\n")
290                val (if_part_thm,tc) = prove_const if_part pred expr cm postfix thms;
291                val (else_part_thm,tc') = prove_const else_part pred expr cm postfix thms;
292                val tacs =  (ASSUME_TAC if_part_thm)
293                                THEN (ASSUME_TAC else_part_thm)
294                                THEN (IF_CASES_TAC )
295                                THEN (FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [])
296                                THEN (FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [])
297                val _ = e (tacs)
298                val proved_b = top_thm()
299                val _ = proofManagerLib.drop()
300            in
301                (proved_b, tacs)
302            end
305        val prove_composite_action =
306         fn (l, r, opr, a,pred,expr, cm,postfix,thms) =>
307            let val _ = proof_progress ("\n\nProof of the compositional action:\n"^(term_to_string a)^"\n\n")
308                (* val (left_hand_thm , tc) =   prove l  pred expr cm postfix *)
309                (* val tacs =  (ASSUME_TAC left_hand_thm)  *)
310                (* val _ = e (tacs) *)
312                (* proof of the right part*)
315                (* combining the left and right parts    *)
316                val l_type = get_monad_type(type_of(l));
317                val snd = type_of(r);
319                val (part , comb_thm) =
320                    if (same_const  opr ``$>>=``)
321                    then
322                        let
323                            val (_,r_body) = pairLib.dest_pabs r
324                            val (_,_,_,oprr) = decompose r_body "";
325                        in
326                            if (same_const oprr ``constT``)
327                            then
328                                (l , SPECL [l,List.nth(expr,0)]
329                                           (List.nth(thms, 6)))
330                            else
331                                (r , SPECL [ r, l, List.nth(expr,0)]
332                                           (INST_TYPE [alpha |-> l_type,
333                                                       beta  |-> get_monad_type(get_type_inst(snd , false))]
334                                                      (List.nth(thms, 1))))
335                        end
336                    else
337                        (r , SPECL [ r,l, List.nth(expr,0)]
338                                   (INST_TYPE [alpha |-> get_monad_type(snd),
339                                               beta  |-> l_type]
340                                              (List.nth(thms, 2))))
341                val (right_hand_thm, tc) = prove_const part pred expr cm postfix thms
342                val tacsb =
343                    ASSUME_TAC right_hand_thm
344                               THEN ASSUME_TAC comb_thm
345                              (* THEN ASSUME_TAC (SPEC l  (INST_TYPE [alpha |-> ``:arm_state``,
346                                                                    beta |-> l_type]
347                                                                   no_access_violation_thm))
348                              *) THEN RES_TAC
349                               THEN (RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [])
350                val _ = e (tacsb)
351                val thrm = top_thm()
352                val _ = proofManagerLib.drop()
353            in
354                (thrm,tacsb)
355            end;
358        val prove_constT_action =
359         fn (a,src_inv, trg_inv) =>
360            let
361                val (opr, arg) =
362                    case dest_term a of
363                        COMB (opr, arg) => (opr, arg)
364                      |_ => Raise not_matched_pattern
365                val tac = RW_TAC (srw_ss())
366                                 []
367                val _ = e (tac)
368                val proved_thm = top_thm()
369                val _ = proofManagerLib.drop()
370            in
371                (proved_thm, tac)
372            end
374        val prove_condT_action =
375         fn (a, pred, expr, cm, postfix,thms) =>
376            let val (opr, acs) = strip_comb a
377                val (arg_thm,tc) = prove_const (List.nth(acs,1))   pred expr cm postfix thms
378                val tacs =   ASSUME_TAC arg_thm
379                                        THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [List.nth(thms, 3)]
380                val _ = e (tacs)
381                val proved_thm = top_thm()
382                val _ = proofManagerLib.drop()
383            in
384                (proved_thm,tc)
385            end
386        (*thms*)
388        val prove_case_body =
389         fn (opt,body,flag,pred, expr, cm, postfix,thms) =>
390            let val (body_thm,body_tac) = prove_const body pred expr cm postfix thms
391                val tacs = if (flag) then
392                               CASE_TAC
393                                   THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []
394                                   THEN1 (ASSUME_TAC body_thm
395                                                     THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [List.nth(thms, 0)]
396                                                     THEN (FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []))
397                           else
398                               (ASSUME_TAC body_thm
399                                           THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [List.nth(thms, 0)]
400                                           THEN (FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []))
401                val _ = e (tacs)
402            in
403                (body_thm, tacs)
404            end
406        val analyze_action =
407         fn (a, l , r, opr,pred,expr,cm,postfix,thms) =>
408            if ((same_const  opr ``$>>=``) orelse
409                (same_const  opr ``$|||``))
410            then
411                prove_composite_action (l, r, opr ,a, pred, expr,cm,postfix,thms)
412            else
413                let val _ = proof_progress ("\n\nProof of a simple action:\n "^(term_to_string l)^"\n\n")
415                    val thm_exist = ((exists_theorem (current_theory()) (term_to_string l ^ postfix))) in
416                    (* if (thm_exist) *)
417                    (* then *)
418                    prove_simple_action l a expr postfix
419                (* else *)
420                (*     prove_condT_action (a,pred,expr,cm) *)
421                end
422        val prove_abs_action =
423         fn (a, pred ,expr ,cm ,postfix ,thms) =>
424            let
425                val (a_abs,a_body) = pairLib.dest_pabs a;
426                val _ =  List.nth(pred,1)  a expr
428                val _ = e (FULL_SIMP_TAC (let_ss) [])  (*change of Oliver*)
429                val (proved_a,b) = prove_const a_body pred expr cm postfix thms
431                val unbeta_thm= (PairRules.UNPBETA_CONV a_abs a_body)
432                val unbeta_a = mk_comb (a, a_abs)
433                (*val (str , [fst , snd]) = dest_type (type_of a_body) *)
434                (*        val (str , [a_body_type, b]) = dest_type snd;*)
435                val snd = get_type_inst (type_of(a_body) , false)
436                val a_body_type = get_type_inst (snd, true)
437                val expr_elm = List.nth(expr,0)
439                val proved_unbeta_lemma = prove(``(priv_cpsr_flags_constraints ^a_body ^expr_elm)=
440                                          (priv_cpsr_flags_constraints ^unbeta_a ^expr_elm)``,
441                                                     (ASSUME_TAC (SPECL [a_body,``^unbeta_a``, expr_elm]
442                                                                        (INST_TYPE [beta |-> a_body_type,
443                                                                                    alpha |-> ``:arm_state``]
444                                                                                   (List.nth(thms,3)))))
445                                                         THEN ASSUME_TAC unbeta_thm
446                                                         THEN RES_TAC)
448                val proved_preserve_unbeta_a =
449                    store_thm ("proved_preserve_unbeta_a",
450                               `` ( priv_cpsr_flags_constraints ^unbeta_a ^expr_elm)``,
451                               (ASSUME_TAC (proved_unbeta_lemma))
452                                   THEN (ASSUME_TAC proved_a)
453                                   THEN (FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []))
455                val abs_type = type_of a_abs
456                val (abs_args, abs_body)  = generate_uncurry_abs a
457                val tacs =  (ASSUME_TAC proved_preserve_unbeta_a)
458                val gen_preserve_unbeta_thm = generalize_theorem proved_preserve_unbeta_a a
459                val tacs = tacs THEN (ASSUME_TAC gen_preserve_unbeta_thm)
460                                THEN (ASSUME_TAC (
461                                      SPECL[a, List.nth(expr,0)]
462                                           (INST_TYPE [alpha |-> abs_type,
463                                                       beta  |-> ``:arm_state``,
464                                                       gamma |-> a_body_type]
465                                                      (List.nth(thms,4)))))
466                                THEN (RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [])
467                                THEN (FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [])
468                                THEN (UNDISCH_ALL_TAC THEN
469                                                      (RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [])
470                                                      THEN (FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []))
471                val _ = e (tacs)
472                val proved_thm = top_thm()
473                val _ = proofManagerLib.drop()
474            in
475                (proved_thm,tacs)
476            end
478        val prove_simple_unproved_action =
479         fn (a, opr,cm ) =>
480            let val a_name = opr
481                val _ = if !Globals.interactive then
482                          TextIO.print ("Do you have a theorem to prove " ^ (term_to_string (a)) ^ "  theorem? \n\n")
483                        else ()
484            (* val resp = valOf (TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn)  *)
485            in
486                if (same_const  opr ``readT``)
487                then
488                    let val tac = RW_TAC (srw_ss())
489                                         []
490                                         THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [readT_def]
491                                         THEN PAT_X_ASSUM ``���ii reg.X`` (fn thm => ASSUME_TAC (SPECL [``<|proc:=0|>``] thm))
492                                         THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [readT_def] THEN (REPEAT (RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []))
494                        val _ = e (tac)
495                        val (proved_thm) = top_thm()
496                        val _ = proofManagerLib.drop()
497                    in
498                        (proved_thm, tac)
499                    end
500                else
502                    let (* val  _ = (set_goal([], ``preserve_relation ^a``)) *)
503                        val simp_thm = find_theorem ((term_to_string (opr))^"_def")
504                        val tacs =  (FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [simp_thm,writeT_def])
505                        val _ = e (tacs)
506                        val (asm,con) = top_goal()
507                        val a' = get_action_from_goal (top_goal())
508                        val (flag,l ,r , opr) = decompose a'  postfix;
509                        val (proved_a, tacb) =
510                            if (flag)
511                            then
512                                analyze_action (a', l, r, opr,pred,expr,cm,postfix,thms)
513                            else
514                                let
515                                    val (next_proof , next_tac) = prove_const a' pred expr cm postfix thms
516                                    val tac = RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [next_proof]
517                                    val _ = e (tac)
518                                    val (proved_thm) = top_thm()
519                                    val _ = proofManagerLib.drop()
520                                in
521                                    (proved_thm, tac)
522                                end
523                        val tacs = tacs THEN tacb
524                    (* val _ = save_proof a_name a (tacs) *)
525                    in
526                        (proved_a, tacs)
527                    end
528            end
529    in
530        case dest_term a of
531            (LAMB (c,b))  =>
532            prove_abs_action (a, pred ,expr ,cm ,postfix ,thms)
533          | COMB (c,b) =>
534            if (same_const c ``UNCURRY``)
535            then
536                prove_abs_action (a, pred ,expr ,cm ,postfix ,thms)
537            else
538                let val _ = proof_progress ("current action:\n\n"^(term_to_string(a)^ "\n"))
539                    val _ =  List.nth(pred,0)  a expr
540                    val tac = FULL_SIMP_TAC (let_ss) []
541                                            THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [List.nth(thms,5)]
542                                            THEN TRY (ASSUME_TAC (List.nth(thms,5))
543                                                                 THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [])
544                    val _ = e (tac)
545                in
546                    if (can top_thm())
547                    then
548                        let val (proved_thm) = top_thm()
549                            val _ = proofManagerLib.drop()
550                        in
551                            (proved_thm, tac)
552                        end
553                    else
554                        let  val _ = proofManagerLib.b()
555                             val a' = get_action_from_goal (top_goal());
556                             val (flag,l ,r , opr) = decompose a' postfix;
557                        in
558                            if (flag)
559                            then
560                                analyze_action (a' , l, r, opr,pred,expr,cm,postfix,thms)
561                            else
562                                (* if (same_const opr ``UNCURRY``) *)
563                                (* then *)
564                                (* prove_abs_action (a',pred,expr,cm) *)
565                                (* else *)
566                                prove_simple_unproved_action (a',l,cm)
567                        end
568                end
569          | _ => (ASSUME ``T``, NO_TAC)
570    end;
571fun get_first_cpc_lemmma abody expr_elm unbeta_a unbeta_thm thms =
572    let val snd = get_type_inst (type_of(abody) , false)
573        val abody_type = get_type_inst (snd, true)
574        val  proved_unbeta_lemma =
575             prove (``(priv_cpsr_flags_constraints ^abody ^expr_elm)=
576             (priv_cpsr_flags_constraints ^unbeta_a ^expr_elm)``,
577                   (ASSUME_TAC (SPECL [abody,``^unbeta_a``, expr_elm]
578                                      (INST_TYPE [beta |-> abody_type,
579                                                  alpha |-> ``:arm_state``]
580                                                 (List.nth(thms,3)))))
581                       THEN ASSUME_TAC unbeta_thm
582                       THEN RES_TAC)
583    in
584        proved_unbeta_lemma
585    end;
588fun get_second_lemmma proved_a expr_elm unbeta_a proved_unbeta_lemma =
589    store_thm ("proved_preserve_unbeta_a",
590               `` ( priv_cpsr_flags_constraints ^unbeta_a ^expr_elm)``,
591               (ASSUME_TAC (proved_unbeta_lemma))
592                   THEN (ASSUME_TAC proved_a)
593                   THEN (FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []));
596fun get_first_spc_lemma abody expr unbeta_a unbeta_thm thms =
597    let val snd = get_type_inst (type_of(abody) , false)
598        val mode = List.nth(expr,0)
599        val bvt = List.nth(expr,1)
600        val abody_type = get_type_inst (snd, true)
601        val  proved_unbeta_lemma =
602             prove (``(set_pc_to ^abody ^mode ^bvt)=
603             (set_pc_to ^unbeta_a ^mode ^bvt)``,
604                   (ASSUME_TAC (SPECL [abody,``^unbeta_a``, mode]
605                                      (INST_TYPE [beta |-> abody_type,
606                                                  alpha |-> ``:arm_state``]
607                                                 (List.nth(thms,3)))))
608                       THEN ASSUME_TAC unbeta_thm
609                       THEN RES_TAC)
610    in
611        proved_unbeta_lemma
612    end;
615fun get_second_spc_lemma proved_a expr unbeta_a proved_unbeta_lemma =
616    let val mode = List.nth(expr,0)
617        val bvt = List.nth(expr,1)
618    in
619        store_thm ("proved_preserve_unbeta_a",
620                   `` (set_pc_to ^unbeta_a ^mode ^bvt)``,
621               (ASSUME_TAC (proved_unbeta_lemma))
622                   THEN (ASSUME_TAC proved_a)
623                   THEN (FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []))
624    end;
626 fun prove_abs_action (a, pred ,expr ,proved_a,thms, unbetaf1, unbetaf2) =
627    let
628        val (a_abs,a_body) = pairLib.dest_pabs a;
629        val _ =  List.nth(pred,1) a expr
631        val _ = e (FULL_SIMP_TAC (let_ss) [])  (*change of Oliver*)
633        val unbeta_thm= (PairRules.UNPBETA_CONV a_abs a_body)
634        val unbeta_a = mk_comb (a, a_abs)
635        (*val (str , [fst , snd]) = dest_type (type_of a_body) *)
636        (*        val (str , [a_body_type, b]) = dest_type snd;*)
637        val snd = get_type_inst (type_of(a_body) , false)
638        val a_body_type = get_type_inst (snd, true)
639        val expr_elm = List.nth(expr,0)
641        val proved_unbeta_lemma = unbetaf1 a_body expr unbeta_a unbeta_thm thms
643        val proved_preserve_unbeta_a =  unbetaf2 proved_a expr unbeta_a proved_unbeta_lemma
645        val abs_type = type_of a_abs
646        val (abs_args, abs_body)  = generate_uncurry_abs a
647        val tacs =  ASSUME_TAC proved_preserve_unbeta_a
648        val gen_preserve_unbeta_thm = generalize_theorem proved_preserve_unbeta_a a
649        val tacs = tacs THEN (ASSUME_TAC gen_preserve_unbeta_thm)
650                        THEN (ASSUME_TAC (
651                              SPECL[a, List.nth(expr,0)]
652                                   (INST_TYPE [alpha |-> abs_type,
653                                               beta  |-> ``:arm_state``,
654                                               gamma |-> a_body_type]
655                                              (List.nth(thms,4)))))
656                        THEN (RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [])
657                        THEN (FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [])
658                        THEN (UNDISCH_ALL_TAC THEN
659                                              (RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [])
660                                              THEN (FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []))
661        val _ = e (tacs)
662        val proved_thm = top_thm()
663        val _ = proofManagerLib.drop()
664    in
665        (proved_thm,tacs)
666    end