1(* ========================================================================= *)
2(* FILE          : coreScript.sml                                            *)
3(* DESCRIPTION   : Model of the ARM6 micro-architecture                      *)
4(*                                                                           *)
5(* AUTHORS       : (c) Anthony Fox, University of Cambridge                  *)
6(* DATE          : 2001 - 2005                                               *)
7(* ========================================================================= *)
9(* interactive use:
10  app load ["armTheory"];
13open HolKernel boolLib Parse bossLib;
14open Q io_onestepTheory armTheory;
16val _ = new_theory "core";
18(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
19(* The State Space --------------------------------------------------------- *)
20(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
22val _ = Hol_datatype `iseq = t3 | t4 | t5 | t6 | tn | tm`;
24val _ = Hol_datatype
25  `dp = DP of reg=>psr=>word32=>word32=>word32=>word32=>word32`;
27val _ = Hol_datatype
28  `ctrl = CTRL of word32=>bool=>word32=>bool=>word32=>bool=>bool=>bool=>
29                  bool=>bool=>bool=>iclass=>iseq=>bool=>bool=>bool=>bool=>
30                  bool=>bool=>bool=>bool=>bool=>bool=>bool=>word3=>bool=>
31                  bool=>bool=>word32=>word32=>word2=>word16=>word4=>word4=>
32                  word2=>word32=>bool=>word5`;
34val _ = Hol_datatype `state_arm6 = ARM6 of dp=>ctrl`;
36val arm6state = ``ARM6 (DP reg psr areg din alua alub dout)
37  (CTRL pipea pipeaval pipeb pipebval ireg iregval ointstart onewinst endinst
38        obaselatch opipebll nxtic nxtis nopc1 oorst resetlatch onfq ooonfq
39        oniq oooniq pipeaabt pipebabt iregabt2 dataabt2 aregn2 mrq2 nbw nrw
40        sctrlreg psrfb oareg mask orp oorp mul mul2 borrow2 mshift)``;
42(* ......................................................................... *)
44val Rg = inst [alpha |-> ``:32``, beta |-> ``:4``] ``$><``;
46val CLEARBIT_def = Define `CLEARBIT x = word_modify (\i b. ~(i = x) /\ b)`;
47val LEASTBIT_def = Define `LEASTBIT n = LEAST b. n %% b`;
49val REG_READ6_def = Define`
50  REG_READ6 reg mode n =
51    if n = 15w then
52      FETCH_PC reg
53    else
54      REG_READ reg mode n`;
56(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
57(* Data Path Control: Instruction Fetch Phase 1 ---------------------------- *)
58(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
60val NMREQ_def = Define`
61  NMREQ ic is pencz mulx cpb =
62    (is = t3) /\ ((ic = reg_shift) \/ (ic = mla_mul) \/ (ic = mcr) \/
63                 ((ic = cdp_und) \/ (ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc)) /\ cpb) \/
64    (is = t4) /\ (ic = ldr) \/
65    (is = t5) /\ (ic = swp) \/
66    (is = tn) /\ (ic = mla_mul) /\ ~mulx \/
67    ~(is = t3) /\ ~(is = tm) /\ (ic = ldm) /\ pencz \/
68    ~(is = t5) /\ (ic = mrc)`;
70(* True if pc is to be updated by incrementor *)
72val PCWA_def = Define`
73  PCWA ic is ireg cpb =
74    let bit24 = ireg %% 24
75    and bit23 = ireg %% 23
76    and bit21 = ireg %% 21
77    and bits1512 = ^Rg 15 12 ireg in
78      (is = t3) /\
79        ~((ic = data_proc) /\ (~bit24 \/ bit23) /\ (bits1512 = 15w) \/
80          (ic = mrs_msr) /\ ~bit21 /\ (bits1512 = 15w) \/
81          (((ic = cdp_und) \/ (ic = mcr) \/ (ic = mrc) \/
82          (ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc)) /\ cpb)) \/
83      (ic = br) \/ (ic = swi_ex)`;
85(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
86(* Data Path Control: Instruction Fetch Phase 2 ---------------------------- *)
87(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
89(* Memory access on next cycle: Byte (F) or word (T) *)
91val NBW_def = Define`
92  NBW ic is (ireg:word32) =
93    ~(ireg %% 22 /\
94      ((is = t3) /\ ((ic = ldr) \/ (ic = str) \/ (ic = swp)) \/
95      (is = t4) /\ (ic = swp)))`;
97val NOPC_def = Define`
98  NOPC ic is pencz cpb =
99    ((ic = ldr) \/ (ic = str) \/ (ic = swp)) /\ (is = t3) \/
100    ((ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc)) /\ ~cpb \/
101    (ic = swp) /\ (is = t4) \/
102    (ic = ldm) /\ ~(is  = tm) /\ ~pencz \/
103    (ic = stm) /\ ~pencz`;
105(* Memory access on next cycle: Write (T) or other (F) *)
107val NRW_def = Define`
108  NRW ic is pencz cpb =
109    (is = t3) /\ ((ic = str) \/ (ic = mcr) /\ ~cpb) \/
110    (is = t4) /\ (ic = swp) \/
111    (ic = stc) /\ ~cpb \/
112    (ic = stm) /\ ~pencz`;
114val AREG_def = Define`
115  AREG ic is ireg (aregn:word3) (inc:word32) reg15 aluout (list:word16)
116       pencz (oorp:word4) cpb dataabt =
117    let bits1916 = ^Rg 19 16 ireg
118    and bits1512 = ^Rg 15 12 ireg
119    and bit21 = ireg %% 21
120    and bit23 = ireg %% 23
121    and bit24 = ireg %% 24
122    in
123    if (is = t4) /\ (ic = reg_shift)  then
124      if (~bit24 \/ bit23) /\ (bits1512 = 15w) then
125        aluout
126      else
127        reg15
128    else if (is = t4) /\ ((ic = ldr) \/ (ic = str)) then
129      if (~bit24 \/ bit21) /\ (bits1916 = 15w) then
130        aluout
131      else
132        reg15
133    else if (is = t5) /\ (ic = ldr) \/
134            (is = t6) /\ (ic = swp) then
135      if (bits1512 = 15w) /\ ~dataabt then
136        aluout
137      else
138        reg15
139    else if (is = tm) /\ (ic = ldm) then
140      if (oorp = 15w) /\ ~(list = 0w) then
141        aluout
142      else
143        reg15
144    else if (ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc) then
145      if cpb then
146        reg15
147      else if is = t3 then
148        aluout
149      else
150        inc
151    else if (is = t3) /\
152           ((ic = data_proc) /\ (~bit24 \/ bit23) /\ (bits1512 = 15w) \/
153            (ic = mrs_msr) /\ ~bit21 /\ (bits1512 = 15w) \/
154            (ic = ldr) \/ (ic = str) \/ (ic = ldm) \/ (ic = stm) \/
155            (ic = br)) \/ (ic = swp) then
156        aluout
157    else if (is = t3) /\ (ic = swi_ex) then
158      4w * w2w aregn
159    else if ((ic = ldm) \/ (ic = stm)) /\ pencz \/
160            (is = tn) /\ (ic = mla_mul) \/
161            (is = t3) /\ (ic = cdp_und) /\ cpb \/
162            (~(is = t3) \/ cpb) /\ ((ic = mcr) \/ (ic = mrc)) then
163      reg15
164    else
165      inc`;
167(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
168(* Data Path Control: Instruction Decode Phase 2 --------------------------- *)
169(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
171val DIN_def = Define`
172  DIN ic is (ireg:word32) data =
173    if ((ic = ldr) \/ (ic = ldm) \/ (ic = swp) \/ (ic = mrc)) /\ (is = t4) \/
174        (ic = ldm) /\ (is = tn) then
175      data
176    else
177      ireg`;
179val DINWRITE_def = Define`
180  DINWRITE ic is = ~((ic = swp) /\ (is = t5))`;
182val MASK_def = Define`
183  MASK nxtic nxtis (mask:word16) (rp:word4) =
184    if (nxtic = ldm) \/ (nxtic = stm) then
185      if nxtis = t3 then
186        UINT_MAXw
187      else
188        CLEARBIT (w2n rp) mask
189    else ARB`;
191(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
192(* Data Path Control: Instruction Execute Phase 1 -------------------------- *)
193(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
195val NBS_def = Define`
196  NBS ic is (ireg:word32) m =
197    let bit22 = ireg %% 22
198    and bit15 = ireg %% 15 in
199      if bit22 /\ (((is = tn) \/ (is = tm)) /\ (ic = ldm) /\ ~bit15 \/
200                   ((is = t4) \/ (is = tn)) /\ (ic = stm)) then
201        usr
202      else
203        DECODE_MODE m`;
205val RP_def = Define`
206  RP ic (list:word16) mask =
207    if (ic = ldm) \/ (ic = stm) then
208      n2w (LEASTBIT (list && mask)):word4
209    else ARB`;
211val PENCZ_def = Define`
212  PENCZ ic (list:word16) mask =
213    if (ic = ldm) \/ (ic = stm) then
214      (list && mask) = 0w
215    else ARB`;
217val OFFSET_def = Define`
218  OFFSET ic is (ireg:word32) (list:word16) =
219    let bit24 = ireg %% 24
220    and bit23 = ireg %% 23
221    and w = 4w * n2w (SUM 16 (BITV (w2n list))) - 4w:word32 in
222      if (is = t3) /\ ((ic = ldm) \/ (ic = stm)) then
223        if bit23 then
224          3w
225        else if bit24 then
226          w + 3w
227        else
228          w
229      else if (is = t4) /\ ((ic = ldm) \/ (ic = stm)) then
230        w + 3w
231      else if (is = t5) /\ ((ic = br) \/ (ic = swi_ex)) then
232        3w
233      else
234        ARB`;
236val FIELD_def = Define`
237  FIELD ic is (ireg:word32) (oareg:word2) (din:word32) =
238    if is = t3 then
239      if ic = br then
240        sw2sw (((23 >< 0) din):word24):word32
241      else if (ic = ldr) \/ (ic = str) then
242        (11 -- 0) din
243      else if (ic = mrs_msr) \/ (ic = data_proc) \/
244              (ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc) then
245        (7 -- 0) din
246      else
247        ARB
248    else if (is = t5) /\ (ic = ldr) \/ (is = t6) /\ (ic = swp) then
249      if ~(ireg %% 22) then
250        din
251      else let a = 8 * w2n oareg in
252        ((a + 7) '' a) din
253    else if (ic = ldm) /\ ((is = tn) \/ (is = tm)) \/
254            (ic = mrc) /\ (is = t5) then
255      din
256    else
257      ARB`;
259val RBA_def = Define`
260  RBA ic is ireg orp =
261    if (is = t3) /\ ((ic = data_proc) \/ (ic = mrs_msr) \/
262                     (ic = ldr) \/ (ic = str)) \/
263       (is = t4) /\ (ic = reg_shift) \/
264       (is = t5) /\ (ic = swp) \/
265       (is = tn) /\ (ic = mla_mul) then
266       ^Rg 3 0 ireg
267    else if (is = t3) /\ ((ic = swp) \/ (ic = ldm) \/ (ic = stm)) then
268       ^Rg 19 16 ireg
269    else if (is = t3) /\ (ic = mla_mul) \/ (is = t4) /\ (ic = str)  \/
270            (is = t4) /\ (ic = mcr) then
271       ^Rg 15 12 ireg
272    else if (is = t5) /\ ((ic = br) \/ (ic = swi_ex)) then
273       14w
274    else if ((is = t4) \/ (is = tn)) /\ (ic = stm) then
275       orp
276    else
277       ARB`;
279val RAA_def = Define`
280  RAA ic is ireg =
281    if is = t3 then
282       if (ic = data_proc) \/ (ic = ldr) \/ (ic = str) \/
283          (ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc) then
284         ^Rg 19 16 ireg
285       else if (ic = reg_shift) \/ (ic = mla_mul) then
286         ^Rg 11 8 ireg
287       else if (ic = br) \/ (ic = swi_ex) then
288         15w
289       else ARB
290    else if (is = t4) /\ (ic = reg_shift) \/
291            ((is = tn) \/ (is = tm)) /\ (ic = ldm) \/
292            (is = tn) /\ (ic = mla_mul) then
293       ^Rg 19 16 ireg
294    else ARB`;
296val PSRA_def = Define`
297  PSRA ic is (ireg:word32) =
298    let bit22 = ireg %% 22
299    and bit20 = ireg %% 20 in
300      (is = t3) /\ ((ic = swi_ex) \/ ~bit22 /\ ((ic = mrs_msr) \/
301                    (ic = data_proc) /\ ~bit20)) \/
302      (is = t4) /\ ~bit22 /\ (ic = reg_shift) /\ ~bit20 \/
303      (is = tm) /\ ~bit22 /\ (ic = ldm)`;
305val BUSB_def = Define`
306  BUSB ic is (ireg:word32) (din':word32) rb =
307    let bit25 = ireg %% 25 in
308      if (is = t3) /\
309         ((ic = br) \/
310          (bit25 /\ ((ic = data_proc) \/ (ic = mrs_msr))) \/
311          (~bit25 /\ ((ic = ldr) \/ (ic = str))) \/
312          (ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc)) \/
313         (is = t5) /\ ((ic = ldr) \/ (ic = mrc)) \/
314          (is = t6) /\ (ic = swp) \/
315         ((is = tn) \/ (is = tm)) /\ (ic = ldm) then
316         din'
317      else
318         rb`;
320val BUSA_def = Define`
321  BUSA ic is (psrrd:word32) ra offset =
322    if ((is = t3) \/ (is = t4)) /\ ((ic = ldm) \/ (ic = stm)) \/
323        (is = t5) /\ ((ic = br) \/ (ic = swi_ex)) then
324      offset
325    else if is = t3 then
326      if ic = mrs_msr then
327        psrrd
328      else if (ic = data_proc) \/ (ic = ldr) \/ (ic = str) \/
329              (ic = br) \/ (ic = swi_ex) \/ (ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc) then
330        ra
331      else
332        ARB
333    else if (is = t4) /\ (ic = reg_shift) \/
334            (is = tn) /\ (ic = mla_mul) \/
335            ((is = tn) \/ (is = tm)) /\ (ic = ldm) then
336       ra
337    else
338       ARB`;
340(* Incorporates SCTLC *)
342val SHIFTER_def = Define`
343  SHIFTER ic is (ireg:word32) (oareg:word2) (mshift:word5)
344          (sctrlreg:word32) busb c =
345    let bit25 = ireg %% 25
346    and bits118 = (11 >< 8) ireg
347    and bits117 = (11 >< 7) ireg
348    and bits65 = (6 >< 5) ireg in
349      if is = t3 then
350        if bit25 /\ ((ic = data_proc) \/ (ic = mrs_msr)) then
351          ROR busb (2w * bits118) c
352        else if (ic = ldm) \/ (ic = stm) \/ (ic = swp) \/ (ic = mla_mul) \/
353                ~bit25 /\ ((ic = ldr) \/ (ic = str) \/ (ic = mrs_msr)) then
354          LSL busb 0w c
355        else if (~bit25 /\ (ic = data_proc)) \/
356                 (bit25 /\ ((ic = ldr) \/ (ic = str))) then
357          SHIFT_IMMEDIATE2 bits117 bits65 busb c
358        else if (ic = br) \/ (ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc) then
359          LSL busb 2w c
360        else
361          ARB
362      else if (is = t4) /\ (ic = reg_shift) then
363        SHIFT_REGISTER2 ((7 >< 0) sctrlreg) bits65 busb c
364      else if (is = t5) /\ (ic = ldr) \/ (is = t6) /\ (ic = swp) then
365        ROR busb (8w * w2w oareg) c
366      else if (is = t5) /\ ((ic = br) \/ (ic = swi_ex) \/ (ic = mrc)) \/
367             ~(is = t4) /\ (ic = ldm) then
368        LSL busb 0w c
369      else if ic = mla_mul then (* is = tn *)
370        LSL busb (w2w mshift) c
371      else
372        ARB`;
374val BORROW_def = Define`
375  BORROW ic is (mul:word2) =
376    if ic = mla_mul then
377       ~(is = t3) /\ mul %% 1
378    else
379       ARB`;
381val COUNT1_def = Define`
382  COUNT1 ic is (mshift:word5) =
383    if ic = mla_mul then
384       if is = t3 then (0w:word4) else (4 >< 1) mshift + 1w
385    else
386       ARB`;
388val MUL1_def = Define`
389  MUL1 ic is ra (mul2:word32) =
390    if ic = mla_mul then
391       if is = t3 then ra else (29 -- 0) mul2
392    else
393       ARB`;
395val MULZ_def = Define`
396  MULZ ic is mul2 =
397   if (is = tn) /\ (ic = mla_mul) then
398     (29 -- 0) mul2 = 0w
399   else
400     ARB`;
402val MULX_def = Define`
403  MULX ic is mulz borrow (mshift:word5) =
404    if (is = tn) /\ (ic = mla_mul) then
405      mulz /\ ~borrow \/ ((4 -- 1) mshift = 15w)
406    else
407      ARB`;
409val PSRFBWRITE_def = Define`
410  PSRFBWRITE ic is = ~((ic = mla_mul) \/ (is = t4) /\ (ic = swi_ex))`;
412val SCTRLREGWRITE_def = Define`
413  SCTRLREGWRITE ic is = (is = t3) /\ (ic = reg_shift)`;
415val ALUAWRITE_def = Define`
416  ALUAWRITE ic is obaselatch =
417    (is = t3) /\ ((ic = data_proc) \/ (ic = mrs_msr) \/
418      (ic = ldr) \/ (ic = str) \/ (ic = ldm) \/
419      (ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc)) \/
420    (is = t4) /\ ((ic = reg_shift) \/ (ic = ldm)) \/
421    (is = tn) /\ (ic = mla_mul) \/
422    ~(is = tn) /\ (ic = stm) \/
423    ~(is = t4) /\ ((ic = br) \/ (ic = swi_ex)) \/
424    (ic = ldm) /\ obaselatch`;
426val ALUBWRITE_def = Define`
427  ALUBWRITE ic is =
428    ~((ic = stm) /\ ~(is = t3) \/
429      (is = t4) /\ ((ic = ldr) \/ (ic = str) \/ (ic = swp) \/ (ic = ldm)) \/
430      (is = tn) /\ ((ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc)))`;
432val BASELATCH_def = Define`
433  BASELATCH ic is = (ic = ldm) /\ (is = t4)`;
435val NCPI_def = Define`
436  NCPI ic = ~((ic = cdp_und) \/ (ic = mcr) \/ (ic = mrc) \/
437              (ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc))`;
439val RWA_def = Define`
440  RWA ic is ireg (list:word16) oorp dataabt =
441    let bits1916 = ^Rg 19 16 ireg
442    and bits1512 = ^Rg 15 12 ireg
443    and bit21 = ireg %% 21
444    and bit23 = ireg %% 23
445    and bit24 = ireg %% 24 in
446      if ((is = t3) /\ (ic = data_proc) \/
447          (is = t4) /\ (ic = reg_shift)) /\ (~bit24 \/ bit23) \/
448         (is = t3) /\ (ic = mrs_msr) /\ ~bit21 \/
449         ((is = t5) /\ ((ic = ldr) \/ (ic = mrc) /\ ~(bits1512 = 15w)) \/
450          (is = t6) /\ (ic = swp)) /\ ~dataabt then
451        (T,bits1512)
452      else if (ic = ldm) /\ (list = 0w) /\ ~dataabt /\ (is = tm) \/
453              (ic = mla_mul) /\
454                ((bits1916 = 15w) \/ (bits1916 = ^Rg 3 0 ireg)) then
455        (F,ARB)
456      else if (is = t4) /\
457                (((ic = ldr) \/ (ic = str)) /\ (~bit24 \/ bit21) \/
458                 ((ic = ldm) \/ (ic = stm)) /\ bit21 /\ ~(bits1916 = 15w)) \/
459              (is = tm) /\ (ic = ldm) /\ dataabt /\ ~(bits1916 = 15w) \/
460              (is = tn) /\
461                ((ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc)) /\ bit21 /\ ~(bits1916 = 15w) \/
462              (ic = mla_mul) then
463        (T,bits1916)
464      else if ((is = t4) \/ (is = t5)) /\
465                (((ic = br) /\ bit24) \/ (ic = swi_ex)) then
466        (T,14w)
467      else if (ic = ldm) /\ ((is = tn) \/ (is = tm)) /\ ~dataabt then
468        (T,oorp)
469      else (F,ARB)`;
471(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
472(* Data Path Control: Instruction Execute Phase 2 -------------------------- *)
473(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
475val ALU6_def = Define`
476 ALU6 ic is ireg borrow2 (mul:word2) dataabt alua alub c =
477  let opc = ^Rg 24 21 ireg in
478   if ((ic = data_proc) /\ (is = t3)) \/
479      ((ic = reg_shift) /\ (is = t4)) then
480     ALU opc alua alub c
481   else if (ic = mrs_msr) /\ (is = t3) then
482     ALU_logic (if ireg %% 21 then alub else alua)
483   else if ic = mla_mul then
484     if is = t3 then
485       if ireg %% 21 then ALU_logic alub else ALU_logic 0w
486     else
487       if ~borrow2 /\ (mul = 0w) \/ borrow2 /\ (mul = 3w) then
488          ALU_logic alua
489       else if borrow2 /\ (mul = 0w) \/ (mul = 1w) then
490          ADD alua alub F
491       else
492          SUB alua alub T
493   else if (ic = ldr) \/ (ic = str) \/ (ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc) then
494     if (is = t3) /\ ~(ireg %% 24) then
495       ALU_logic alua
496     else if (is = t3) \/
497            ((is = t4) /\ (ic = ldr) \/ (ic = str)) \/
498            ((is = tn) /\ (ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc)) then
499       if ireg %% 23 then ADD alua alub F else SUB alua alub T
500     else if (is = t5) /\ (ic = ldr) then
501       ALU_logic alub
502     else
503       ARB
504   else if (ic = ldm) \/ (ic = stm) then
505    (let bit24 = ireg %% 24
506     and bit23 = ireg %% 23 in
507     if is = t3 then
508       if bit24 then
509         if bit23 then
510           ADD alua alub T
511         else
512           ADD (~alua) alub F
513       else
514         if bit23 then
515           ALU_logic alub
516         else
517           ADD (~alua) alub T
518     else if is = t4 then
519       if (15 >< 0) ireg = 0w:word16 then
520         ALU_logic alub
521       else if bit23 then
522         ADD alua alub T
523       else
524         ADD (~alua) alub F
525     else if (ic = ldm) /\ (is = tm) /\ dataabt then
526       ALU_logic alua
527     else if (ic = ldm) /\ ((is = tn) \/ (is = tm)) then
528       ALU_logic alub
529     else ARB)
530   else if (is = t3) /\ (ic = br) then
531     ADD alua alub F
532   else if (ic = br) \/ (ic = swi_ex) then
533     if is = t4 then ALU_logic alua         else
534     if is = t5 then ADD (~alua) alub F  else ARB
535   else if (ic = swp) \/ (is = t5) /\ (ic = mrc) then
536     ALU_logic alub
537   else ARB`;
539val MSHIFT_def = Define`
540  MSHIFT ic borrow mul count1 =
541    if ic = mla_mul then
542      MSHIFT2 borrow mul count1
543    else
544      ARB`;
546val PSRWA_def = Define`
547  PSRWA ic is ireg nbs =
548    let bits1916 = ^Rg 19 16 ireg
549    and bit22 = ireg %% 22
550    and bit21 = ireg %% 21
551    and bit20 = ireg %% 20
552    and bit19 = ireg %% 19
553    and bit16 = ireg %% 16 in
554      if bit20 /\
555           (((is = t3) /\ (ic = data_proc)) \/
556            ((is = t4) /\ (ic = reg_shift)) \/
557            ((is = tn) /\ (ic = mla_mul)) /\
558            ~((bits1916 = 15w) \/ (bits1916 = ^Rg 3 0 ireg))) \/
559         (is = t5) /\ (ic = mrc) \/
560         (is = t3) /\ (ic = swi_ex) \/
561         (is = tm) /\ (ic = ldm) /\ ~USER nbs /\ bit22 then
562         (T,T)
563      else if (is = t3) /\ (ic = mrs_msr) then
564         if ~bit21 \/ (~bit19 /\ ~bit16) \/
565            (USER nbs /\ (bit22 \/ (~bit19 /\ bit16))) then
566            (F,ARB)
567         else
568            (T,~bit22)
569      else if (is = t4) /\ (ic = swi_ex) then
570         (T,F)
571      else
572         (F,ARB)`;
574val PSRDAT_def = Define`
575  PSRDAT ic is ireg nbs (oorp:word4) dataabt (aregn:word3)
576         cpsrl psrfb alu sctlc =
577    let bit24 = ireg %% 24
578    and bit23 = ireg %% 23
579    and bit22 = ireg %% 22
580    and bit21 = ireg %% 21
581    and bit20 = ireg %% 20
582    and bit19 = ireg %% 19
583    and bit16 = ireg %% 16
584    and bits1512 = ^Rg 15 12 ireg
585    in
586      if bit20 /\ (((is = t3) /\ (ic = data_proc)) \/
587                   ((is = t4) /\ (ic = reg_shift))) then
588        let (n,z,c,v) = FST alu in
589        if bit24 /\ ~bit23 then
590          if ~bit22 then
591            SET_NZC (n,z,sctlc) cpsrl
592           else
593            SET_NZCV (n,z,c,v) cpsrl
594        else if bits1512 = 15w then
595          if USER nbs then
596            cpsrl
597          else
598            psrfb
599        else if (~bit23 /\ ~bit22) \/ (bit24 /\ bit23) then
600          SET_NZC (n,z,sctlc) cpsrl
601        else
602          SET_NZCV (n,z,c,v) cpsrl
603      else if bit20 /\ (is = tn) /\ (ic = mla_mul) then
604        let (n,z,c,v) = FST alu in SET_NZC (n,z,sctlc) cpsrl
605      else if (is = t5) /\ (ic = mrc) then
606        if bits1512 = 15w then
607          SET_NZCV (NZCV (SND alu)) cpsrl
608        else
609          cpsrl
610      else if (is = t3) /\ (ic = mrs_msr) then
611        let aluout = SND alu in
612        if USER nbs then
613          if ~bit22 /\ bit19 then
614            word_modify (\i b. 28 <= i /\ aluout %% i \/ i < 28 /\ b) psrfb
615          else
616            ARB
617        else
618          word_modify (\i b. 28 <= i /\ (if bit19 then aluout %% i else b) \/
619                             8 <= i /\ i <= 27 /\ b \/
620                             i <= 7 /\ (if bit16 then aluout %% i else b)) psrfb
621      else if (is = t3) /\ (ic = swi_ex) then
622        SET_IFMODE T (if (aregn = 0w) \/ (aregn = 7w) then T else cpsrl %% 6)
623                   (exception2mode (num2exception (w2n aregn))) cpsrl
624      else if (is = t4) /\ (ic = swi_ex) then
625        psrfb
626      else if (is = tm) /\ (ic = ldm) then
627        if (oorp = 15w) /\ ~dataabt then psrfb else cpsrl
628      else
629        ARB`;
631(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
632(* Pipeline Control: phase 1 ----------------------------------------------- *)
633(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
635val ABORTINST_def = Define`
636  ABORTINST iregval onewinst ointstart ireg flags =
637    ~iregval \/ (onewinst /\ ~ointstart /\ ~CONDITION_PASSED flags ireg)`;
639val DATAABT_def = Define`
640  DATAABT dataabt2 endinst = dataabt2 /\ ~endinst`;
642val IC_def = Define`
643  IC abortinst nxtic =
644    if abortinst then unexec else nxtic`;
646val IS_def = Define`
647  IS abortinst nxtis =
648    if abortinst then t3 else nxtis`;
650val COPROC1_def = Define`
651  COPROC1 cpa ncpi = cpa /\ ~ncpi`;
653val DATAABT1_def = Define`
654  DATAABT1 dataabt2 endinst mrq2 nopc1 abort =
655    dataabt2 /\ ~endinst \/ mrq2 /\ nopc1 /\ abort`;
657val FIQACT_def = Define`
658  FIQACT cpsrf ooonfq = ~cpsrf /\ ~ooonfq`;
660val IRQACT_def = Define`
661  IRQACT cpsri oooniq = ~cpsri /\ ~oooniq`;
663val PCCHANGE_def = Define`
664  PCCHANGE rwa = let (rw,a:word4) = rwa in rw /\ (a = 15w)`;
666val RESETLATCH_def = Define`
667  RESETLATCH ph1 oorst resetstart resetlatch =
668    if ph1 then
669      oorst \/ resetlatch
670    else (* ph2 *)
671      if oorst \/ resetstart then oorst else resetlatch`;
673val RESETSTART_def = Define`
674  RESETSTART resetlatch oorst = resetlatch /\ ~oorst`;
676val INTSEQ_def = Define`
677  INTSEQ mrq2 nopc1 abort dataabt2 endinst ncpi cpa cpb
678         fiqact iregabt1 irqact resetlatch oorst =
679     mrq2 /\ nopc1 /\ abort \/
680     dataabt2 /\ ~endinst \/
681     ~ncpi /\ cpa /\ cpb \/
682     fiqact \/ iregabt1 \/ irqact \/
683     resetlatch /\ ~oorst`;
685val NEWINST_def = Define`
686  NEWINST ic is cpb intseq pencz mulx =
687     (ic = data_proc) \/ (ic = mrs_msr) \/ (ic = unexec) \/
688     (ic = cdp_und) /\ ~cpb \/
689     ((ic = cdp_und) \/ (ic = mcr) \/ (ic = mrc) \/
690      (ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc)) /\ ((is = t3) /\ cpb /\ intseq) \/
691     (ic = mcr) /\ (is = t4) \/
692     (ic = mrc) /\ (is = t5) \/
693     ((ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc)) /\ (is = tn) /\ cpb \/
694     (((ic = str) \/ (ic = reg_shift)) /\ (is = t4)) \/
695     (((ic = ldr) \/ (ic = br) \/ (ic = swi_ex)) /\ (is = t5)) \/
696     (ic = ldm) /\ (is = tm) \/
697     ((ic = swp) /\ (is = t6)) \/
698     (ic = mla_mul) /\ (is = tn) /\ mulx \/
699     (ic = stm) /\ pencz /\ ((is = t4) \/ (is = tn))`;
701val PIPEALL_def = Define`
702   PIPEALL opipebll = opipebll`;
704val PIPEBLL_def = Define`
705   PIPEBLL ic newinst =
706      newinst \/ (ic = br) \/ (ic = swi_ex)`;
708val PIPECWRITE_def = Define`
709   PIPECWRITE newinst = newinst`;
711(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
712(* Pipeline Control: phase 2 ----------------------------------------------- *)
713(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
715val NXTIC_def = Define`
716  NXTIC intstart newinst ic ireg =
717    if ~newinst then
718      ic
719    else if intstart then
720      swi_ex
721    else
722      DECODE_INST ireg`;
724val INC_IS_def = Define`INC_IS is = num2iseq (iseq2num is + 1)`;
726val NXTIS_def = Define`
727  NXTIS ic is newinst cpb pencz =
728    if newinst \/
729       ((ic = cdp_und) \/ (ic = mcr) \/ (ic = mrc) \/
730        (ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc)) /\ (is = t3) /\ cpb then
731       t3
732    else if ((is = t4) \/ (is = tn)) /\ (ic = ldm) then
733       if pencz then tm else tn
734    else if ((is = t4) \/ (is = tn)) /\ (ic = stm) \/ (ic = mla_mul) \/
735            ((ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc)) /\ ~cpb then
736       tn
737    else
738       INC_IS is`;
740val PIPEAWRITE_def = Define`
741   PIPEAWRITE pipeall = pipeall`;
743val PIPEBWRITE_def = Define`
744   PIPEBWRITE pipebll = pipebll`;
746val PIPESTATAWRITE_def = Define`
747   PIPESTATAWRITE pipeall pcchange = pipeall \/ pcchange`;
749val PIPESTATBWRITE_def = Define`
750   PIPESTATBWRITE pipebll pcchange = pipebll \/ pcchange`;
752val PIPESTATIREGWRITE_def = Define`
753   PIPESTATIREGWRITE pipeall newinst srst =
754      pipeall \/ newinst \/ srst`;
756val PIPEAVAL_def = Define`
757   PIPEAVAL srst pcchange = srst \/ ~pcchange`;
759val IREGVAL_def = Define`
760   IREGVAL pipecval srst pcchange = pipecval /\ ~srst /\ ~pcchange`;
762val PIPEAABT_def = Define`
763  PIPEAABT abortlatch srst pcchange = abortlatch /\ (srst \/ ~pcchange)`;
765val IREGABT2_def = Define`
766  IREGABT2 iregabt1 srst pcchange = iregabt1 /\ ~srst /\ ~pcchange`;
768val AREGN1_def = Define`
769  AREGN1 resetstart dataabt1 fiqactl irqactl coproc1 iregabt2 =
770    if resetstart then 0w else
771    if dataabt1   then 4w else
772    if fiqactl    then 7w else
773    if irqactl    then 6w else
774    if coproc1    then 1w else
775    if iregabt2   then 3w else 2w:word3`;
777val ENDINST_def = Define`
778  ENDINST resetstart iregval newinst =
779    resetstart \/ iregval /\ newinst`;
781(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
782(* The State Function ------------------------------------------------------ *)
783(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
785val NEXT_ARM6_def = Define`
787     let cpsr = CPSR_READ psr
788     in
789     let (nzcv,cpsri,cpsrf,m) = DECODE_PSR cpsr
790     and list = (15 >< 0) ireg
791     in
792     let abortinst = ABORTINST iregval onewinst ointstart ireg nzcv             (* PIPELINE CONTROL: PHASE 1 *)
793     and dataabt = DATAABT dataabt2 endinst
794     in
795     let ic = IC abortinst nxtic
796     and is = IS abortinst nxtis
797     in
798     let nbs    = NBS ic is ireg m                                              (* DATAPATH CONTROL: EXECUTE PHASE 1 *)
799     and rp     = RP ic list mask
800     and pencz  = PENCZ ic list mask
801     and offset = OFFSET ic is ireg list
802     and din'   = FIELD ic is ireg oareg din
803     and rba    = RBA ic is ireg orp
804     and raa    = RAA ic is ireg
805     in
806     let psrrd  = if PSRA ic is ireg then cpsr else SPSR_READ psr nbs
807     and rb = REG_READ6 reg nbs rba
808     and ra = REG_READ6 reg nbs raa
809     in
810     let busb = BUSB ic is ireg din' rb
811     and busa = BUSA ic is psrrd ra offset
812     in
813     let shifter = SHIFTER ic is ireg oareg mshift sctrlreg busb (CARRY nzcv)
814     and borrow  = BORROW ic is mul
815     and count1  = COUNT1 ic is mshift
816     and mul1    = MUL1 ic is ra mul2
817     and mulz    = MULZ ic is mul2
818     in
819     let mulx      = MULX ic is mulz borrow mshift
820     and psrfb'    = if PSRFBWRITE ic is then psrrd else psrfb
821     and sctrlreg' = if SCTRLREGWRITE ic is then ra else sctrlreg
822     and shcout    = FST shifter
823     and alua'     = if ALUAWRITE ic is obaselatch then busa else alua
824     and alub'     = if ALUBWRITE ic is then (SND shifter) else alub
825     and baselatch = BASELATCH ic is
826     and ncpi      = NCPI ic
827     and rwa       = RWA ic is ireg list oorp dataabt
828     in
829     let nmreq = NMREQ ic is pencz mulx CPB                                     (* DATAPATH CONTROL: INSTRUCTION FETCH PHASE 1 *)
830     and pcwa  = PCWA ic is ireg CPB
831     in
832     let orst  = ~NRESET                                                        (* PIPELINE CONTROL: PHASE 1 *)
833     and srst  = oorst
834     and oonfq = onfq
835     and ooniq = oniq
836     and iregabt1    = pipebabt
837     and coproc1     = COPROC1 CPA ncpi
838     and dataabt1    = DATAABT1 dataabt2 endinst mrq2 nopc1 ABORT
839     and fiqactl     = FIQACT cpsrf ooonfq
840     and irqactl     = IRQACT cpsri oooniq
841     and pcchange    = PCCHANGE rwa
842     and abortlatch  = ABORT
843     and resetlatch' = RESETLATCH T oorst ARB resetlatch
844     and aregn       = aregn2
845     in
846     let resetstart = RESETSTART resetlatch' oorst
847     and intstart   = INTSEQ mrq2 nopc1 ABORT dataabt2 endinst ncpi CPA CPB
848                        fiqactl iregabt1 irqactl resetlatch' oorst
849     in
850     let newinst = NEWINST ic is CPB intstart pencz mulx
851     in
852     let pipeall  = PIPEALL opipebll
853     and pipebll  = PIPEBLL ic newinst
854     and pipec    = if PIPECWRITE newinst then pipeb else ireg
855     and pipecval = pipebval
856     in
857     let mul'  = (1 >< 0) mul1                                                  (* DATAPATH CONTROL: PIPELINE PHASE 2 *)
858     and mul2' = (31 -- 2) mul1
859     in
860     let alu     = ALU6 ic is ireg borrow2 mul dataabt alua' alub' (CARRY nzcv) (* DATAPATH CONTROL: EXECUTE PHASE 2 *)
861     and mshift' = MSHIFT ic borrow mul' count1
862     and psrwa   = PSRWA ic is ireg nbs
863     in
864     let aluout = SND alu
865     and psrdat = PSRDAT ic is ireg nbs oorp dataabt aregn cpsr
866                         psrfb' alu shcout
867     and inc    = areg + 4w
868     and pcbus  = REG_READ6 reg usr 15w
869     in
870     let reg'  = if pcwa then REG_WRITE reg nbs 15w inc else reg
871     in
872     let reg'' = if FST rwa then REG_WRITE reg' nbs (SND rwa) aluout else reg'
873     and psr'  = if FST psrwa then
874                    if SND psrwa then CPSR_WRITE psr psrdat
875                                 else SPSR_WRITE psr nbs psrdat
876                 else psr
877     in
878     let nxtic' = NXTIC intstart newinst ic pipec                               (* PIPELINE CONTROL: PHASE 2 *)
879     and nxtis' = NXTIS ic is newinst CPB pencz
880     and oorst' = orst
881     and pipea' = if PIPEAWRITE pipeall then DATA else pipea
882     in
883     let pipeb' = if PIPEBWRITE pipebll then pipea' else pipeb
884     and (pipeaval',pipeaabt') =
885           if PIPESTATAWRITE pipeall pcchange then
886             (PIPEAVAL srst pcchange, PIPEAABT abortlatch srst pcchange)
887           else (pipeaval, pipeaabt)
888     in
889     let (pipebval',pipebabt') =
890           if PIPESTATBWRITE pipebll pcchange then
891             (pipeaval', pipeaabt')
892           else (pipebval, pipebabt)
893     and (iregval',iregabt2') =
894           if PIPESTATIREGWRITE pipeall newinst srst then
895             (IREGVAL pipecval srst pcchange, IREGABT2 iregabt1 srst pcchange)
896           else (iregval, iregabt2)
897     in
898     let aregn1   = AREGN1 resetstart dataabt1 fiqactl irqactl coproc1 iregabt2'
899     and endinst' = ENDINST resetstart iregval' newinst
900     and resetlatch'' = RESETLATCH F oorst' resetstart resetlatch'
901     in
902     let nxtdin   = if DINWRITE ic is then DIN ic is pipec DATA else din        (* DATAPATH CONTROL: DECODE PHASE 2 *)
903     and mask'    = MASK nxtic' nxtis' mask rp
904     in
905     let nbw'   = NBW ic is ireg                                                (* DATAPATH CONTROL: FETCH PHASE 2 *)
906     and nopc   = NOPC ic is pencz CPB
907     and nrw'   = NRW ic is pencz CPB
908     and oareg' = (1 >< 0) areg
909     and areg'  = AREG ic is ireg aregn inc pcbus aluout list
910                       pencz oorp CPB dataabt
911     in
912   ARM6 (DP reg'' psr' areg' nxtdin alua' alub' busb)
913     (CTRL pipea' pipeaval' pipeb' pipebval' pipec iregval' intstart newinst
914           endinst' baselatch pipebll nxtic' nxtis' nopc oorst' resetlatch''
915           NFQ oonfq NIQ ooniq pipeaabt' pipebabt' iregabt2' dataabt1 aregn1
916           (~nmreq) nbw' nrw' sctrlreg' psrfb' oareg' mask' rp orp mul' mul2'
917           borrow mshift')`;
919val OUT_ARM6_def = Define`
920  OUT_ARM6 (^arm6state) = (dout,~mrq2,nopc1,nrw,nbw,areg)`;
922val INIT_ARM6_def = Define`
923  INIT_ARM6 (^arm6state) =
924    let ointstart1 = ~(aregn2 = 2w) in
925    let nxtic1 = if ointstart1 then swi_ex else NXTIC F T nxtic ireg in
926      ARM6 (DP reg psr (if ointstart1 then areg else REG_READ6 reg usr 15w)
927                       (if ointstart1 then din else ireg) alua alub dout)
928        (CTRL pipea T pipeb T ireg T
929              ointstart1 T T obaselatch T nxtic1 t3 F F F
930              onfq ooonfq oniq oooniq pipeaabt pipebabt iregabt2 dataabt2
931              aregn2 mrq2 nbw F sctrlreg psrfb oareg
932              (MASK nxtic1 t3 mask ARB) orp oorp mul mul2 borrow2 mshift)`;
934val STATE_ARM6_def = Define`
935  (STATE_ARM6 0 x = INIT_ARM6 x.state) /\
936  (STATE_ARM6 (SUC t) x = NEXT_ARM6 (STATE_ARM6 t x) (x.inp t))`;
938val ARM6_SPEC_def = Define`
939  ARM6_SPEC t x = let s = STATE_ARM6 t x in
940     <| state := s; out := OUT_ARM6 s |>`;
942(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
943(* Projections ------------------------------------------------------------- *)
944(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
946val arm6inp =
947 ``(NRESET:bool,ABORT:bool,NFIQ:bool,NIRQ:bool,DATA:word32,CPA:bool,CPB:bool)``;
949val PROJ_NRESET_def = Define `PROJ_NRESET (^arm6inp) = NRESET`;
950val PROJ_ABORT_def  = Define `PROJ_ABORT  (^arm6inp) = ABORT`;
951val PROJ_NFIQ_def   = Define `PROJ_NFIQ   (^arm6inp) = NFIQ`;
952val PROJ_NIRQ_def   = Define `PROJ_NIRQ   (^arm6inp) = NIRQ`;
953val PROJ_DATA_def   = Define `PROJ_DATA   (^arm6inp) = DATA`;
954val PROJ_CPA_def    = Define `PROJ_CPA    (^arm6inp) = CPA`;
955val PROJ_CPB_def    = Define `PROJ_CPB    (^arm6inp) = CPB`;
957val IS_RESET_def  = Define `IS_RESET  i (t:num) = ~PROJ_NRESET (i t)`;
958val IS_ABORT_def  = Define `IS_ABORT  i (t:num) =  PROJ_ABORT  (i t)`;
959val IS_FIQ_def    = Define `IS_FIQ    i (t:num) = ~PROJ_NFIQ   (i t)`;
960val IS_IRQ_def    = Define `IS_IRQ    i (t:num) = ~PROJ_NIRQ   (i t)`;
961val IS_ABSENT_def = Define `IS_ABSENT i (t:num) =  PROJ_CPA    (i t)`;
962val IS_BUSY_def   = Define `IS_BUSY   i (t:num) =  PROJ_CPB    (i t)`;
964val arm6out =
965  ``(dout:word32, mrq2:bool, nopc1:bool, nrw:bool, nbw:bool, areg:word32)``;
967val IS_MEMOP_def = Define `IS_MEMOP (^arm6out) = nopc1`;
969(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
970(* The Uniform Immersion --------------------------------------------------- *)
971(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
973val CP_INTERRUPT_def = Define`
974  CP_INTERRUPT (onfq,ooonfq,oniq,oooniq,cpsrf,cpsri,pipebabt) i n =
975    IS_ABSENT i n \/
976    ~cpsrf /\ (if n = 0 then ~ooonfq else
977               if n = 1 then ~onfq else IS_FIQ i (n - 2)) \/
978    ~cpsri /\ (if n = 0 then ~oooniq else
979               if n = 1 then ~oniq else IS_IRQ i (n - 2)) \/
980    pipebabt`; (* abort on fetch *)
982val BUSY_WAIT_DONE_def = Define`
983  BUSY_WAIT_DONE iflags i n = IS_BUSY i n ==> CP_INTERRUPT iflags i n`;
985val BUSY_WAIT_def = Define`
986  BUSY_WAIT x i = LEAST n. BUSY_WAIT_DONE x i n`;
988val DUR_IC_def = Define`
989  DUR_IC ic ireg rs iflags inp =
990    if (ic = br) \/ (ic = swi_ex) then
991      3
992    else if (ic = mrs_msr) \/ (ic = data_proc) then
993      if PCCHANGE (RWA ic t3 ireg ARB ARB ARB) then 3 else 1
994    else if ic = reg_shift then
995      if PCCHANGE (RWA ic t4 ireg ARB ARB ARB) then 4 else 2
996    else if ic = ldr then
997      if PCCHANGE (RWA ic t4 ireg ARB ARB ARB) \/
998         PCCHANGE (RWA ic t5 ireg ARB ARB (IS_ABORT inp 1)) then 5 else 3
999    else if ic = str then
1000      if PCCHANGE (RWA ic t4 ireg ARB ARB ARB) then 4 else 2
1001    else if ic = swp then
1002      if PCCHANGE (RWA ic t6 ireg ARB ARB
1003           (IS_ABORT inp 1 \/ IS_ABORT inp 2)) then 6 else 4
1004    else if ic = mla_mul then
1005      1 + MLA_MUL_DUR rs
1006    else let l = LENGTH (REGISTER_LIST ((15 >< 0) ireg)) in
1007    if ic = ldm then
1008      2 + (l - 1) + 1 +
1009     (if ireg %% 15 /\ ~(?s. s < l /\ IS_ABORT inp (s + 1)) then 2 else 0)
1010    else if ic = stm then
1011      2 + (l - 1)
1012    else let b = BUSY_WAIT iflags inp in
1013    if (ic = cdp_und) \/
1014        ic IN {mcr; mrc; ldc; stc} /\ IS_BUSY inp b /\
1015        CP_INTERRUPT iflags inp b then
1016      1 + b
1017    else if ic = mcr then
1018      1 + b + 1
1019    else if ic = mrc then
1020      1 + b + 2
1021    else if (ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc) then
1022      1 + b + (LEAST n. IS_BUSY (ADVANCE b inp) n)
1023    else (* unexec *)
1024      1`;
1026val IFLAGS_def = Define`
1027  IFLAGS x = case x of (^arm6state) =>
1028      let (flags,cpsri,cpsrf,m) = DECODE_PSR (CPSR_READ psr) in
1029        (onfq,ooonfq,oniq,oooniq,cpsrf,cpsri,pipebabt)`;
1031val DUR_X_def = Define`
1032  DUR_X x = case x.state of (^arm6state) =>
1033    let (flags,cpsri,cpsrf,m) = DECODE_PSR (CPSR_READ psr) in
1034    let abortinst = ABORTINST iregval onewinst ointstart ireg flags in
1035    let ic = IC abortinst nxtic
1036    and rs = REG_READ6 reg (DECODE_MODE m) (^Rg 11 8 ireg) in
1037    let d = DUR_IC ic ireg rs (IFLAGS x.state) x.inp
1038    in
1039      if ?t. t < d /\ IS_RESET x.inp t then (* oorst = F *)
1040        (T,(LEAST t. IS_RESET x.inp t /\
1041              ~IS_RESET x.inp (t + 1) /\ ~IS_RESET x.inp (t + 2)) + 3)
1042      else
1043        (F,d)`;
1045val DUR_ARM6_def = Define`DUR_ARM6 x = SND (DUR_X x)`;
1047val IMM_ARM6_def = Define`
1048  (IMM_ARM6 x 0 = 0) /\
1049  (IMM_ARM6 x (SUC t) =
1050     DUR_ARM6 <|state := STATE_ARM6 (IMM_ARM6 x t) x;
1051       inp := ADVANCE (IMM_ARM6 x t) x.inp|> + IMM_ARM6 x t)`;
1053(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
1054(* The Data Abstraction ---------------------------------------------------- *)
1055(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
1057val SUB8_PC_def = Define `SUB8_PC (reg:reg) = (r15 =+ reg r15 - 8w) reg`;
1058val ADD8_PC_def = Define `ADD8_PC (reg:reg) = (r15 =+ reg r15 + 8w) reg`;
1060val ABS_ARM6_def = Define`
1061  ABS_ARM6 (^arm6state) =
1062    ARM_EX (ARM (SUB8_PC reg) psr) ireg (num2exception (w2n aregn2))`;
1064(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
1065(* Stream Domain and Abstraction ------------------------------------------- *)
1066(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
1068val STRM_ARM6_def = Define`
1069  STRM_ARM6 i =
1070    (!t. IS_RESET i t ==>
1071           ~(t = 0) /\ IS_RESET i (t - 1) \/
1072           (IS_RESET i (t + 1) /\ IS_RESET i (t + 2) /\ IS_RESET i (t + 3))) /\
1073    (!t. IS_ABSENT i t ==> IS_BUSY i t) /\
1074    (!t. ?t2. t < t2 /\ ~IS_RESET i t2 /\ ~IS_RESET i (t2 + 1)) /\
1075    (!t. ?t2. t < t2 /\ (IS_BUSY i t2 ==> IS_ABSENT i t2)) /\
1076    (!t. ~IS_BUSY i t ==> ?t2. t < t2 /\ IS_BUSY i t2)`;
1078val exc2exception_def = Define`
1079  exc2exception exc a n =
1080   case exc of
1081     reset     => SOME (Reset a)
1082   | dabort    => SOME (Dabort n)
1083   | fast      => SOME Fiq
1084   | interrupt => SOME Irq
1085   | pabort    => SOME Prefetch
1086   | undefined => SOME Undef
1087   | _         => NONE`;
1089val SMPL_EXC_ARM6_def = Define`
1090  SMPL_EXC_ARM6 x t =
1091    case ABS_ARM6 (STATE_ARM6 (IMM_ARM6 x (t + 1)) x) of
1092      ARM_EX state ireg exc =>
1093        (exc2exception exc state
1094           (LEAST s. IS_ABORT x.inp (IMM_ARM6 x t + (s + 1))),
1095         let s = IMM_ARM6 x t in
1096         let b = BUSY_WAIT (IFLAGS (STATE_ARM6 s x)) (ADVANCE s x.inp) in
1097           IS_BUSY x.inp (s + b),
1098         ireg)`;
1100val SMPL_DATA_ARM6_def = Define`
1101  SMPL_DATA_ARM6 x =
1102    MAP_STRM TL (PACK (IMM_ARM6 x) (MAP_STRM PROJ_DATA x.inp))`;
1104val SMPL_ARM6_def = Define`
1105  SMPL_ARM6 x =
1106    COMBINE (\(a,b,c) d. (a,b,c,d)) (SMPL_EXC_ARM6 x) (SMPL_DATA_ARM6 x)`;
1108val MOVE_DOUT_def = Define`
1109  MOVE_DOUT x l =
1110    if NULL l then [] else ZIP (SNOC x (TL (MAP FST l)),MAP SND l)`;
1112val MEMOP_def = Define`
1113  MEMOP (^arm6out) =
1114    if nrw then
1115      MemWrite (~nbw) areg dout
1116    else
1117      MemRead areg`;
1119val PROJ_IREG_def = Define `PROJ_IREG (^arm6state) = ireg`;
1121val OSMPL_ARM6_def = Define`
1122  OSMPL_ARM6 x l =
1123    let x0 = SINIT INIT_ARM6 x in
1124    let ireg = PROJ_IREG x0.state in
1125    let ic = DECODE_INST ireg in
1126      if FST (DUR_X x0) \/
1127         (ic = mcr) \/ (ic = ldc) \/ (ic = stc)
1128         (* in future should add "sanity checks" for coproc. cases e.g.
1129            if executed and no interrupt then:
1130                "l" contains correct sequential memory requsets,
1131             or "l" finishes with DOUT set for write to coproc. *)
1132      then
1133        OUT_ARM (ABS_ARM6 x.state)
1134      else
1135        (MAP MEMOP o FILTER IS_MEMOP o
1136         MOVE_DOUT (FST (OUT_ARM6 (STATE_ARM6 (IMM_ARM6 x 1) x)))) l`;
1138(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
1139(* Basic Theorems ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
1140(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
1142val STATE_ARM6_THM = store_thm("STATE_ARM6_THM",
1144  RW_TAC (std_ss++boolSimps.LET_ss) [ARM6_SPEC_def,STATE_ARM6_def,IMAP_def]);
1146val STATE_ARM6_IMAP_INIT = store_thm("STATE_ARM6_IMAP_INIT",
1150val STATE_ARM6_IMAP = store_thm("STATE_ARM6_IMAP",
1153val ARM6_SPEC_STATE = save_thm("ARM6_SPEC_STATE",
1154  (SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()++boolSimps.LET_ss) [ARM6_SPEC_def])
1155  ``(ARM6_SPEC t x).state``);
1157val STATE_ARM6_COR = save_thm("STATE_ARM6_COR",
1160val ARM6_SPEC_OUT = save_thm("ARM6_SPEC_OUT",
1163val MSHIFT = save_thm("MSHIFT",REWRITE_RULE [MSHIFT2_def] MSHIFT_def);
1165val INC_IS = save_thm("INC_IS",
1166  LIST_CONJ (map (fn is => (GEN_ALL o RIGHT_CONV_RULE (SIMP_CONV arith_ss
1167     [theorem "iseq2num_thm",theorem "num2iseq_thm"]) o SPEC is) INC_IS_def)
1168     [`t3`,`t4`,`t5`]));
1170val DUR_X = save_thm("DUR_X",
1171  (SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()++boolSimps.LET_ss) [DECODE_PSR_def,GSYM IMP_DISJ_THM] o
1173     ``!a b c. (if a then c else b) = (if ~a then b else c)``] o
1174     SPEC `<|state := (^arm6state); inp := i|>`) DUR_X_def);
1176(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
1178val _ = export_theory();