2 *# Copyright 2017, Data61
3 *# Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
4 *# ABN 41 687 119 230.
5 *#
6 *# This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
7 *# the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
8 *# See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
9 *#
10 *# @TAG(DATA61_BSD)
11 #*/
13#include <autoconf.h>
14#include <sel4camkes/gen_config.h>
15#include <sel4runtime/gen_config.h>
16#include <assert.h>
17#include <camkes.h> /* generated header */
18#include <platsupport/io.h>
19#include <sel4/types.h>
20#include <sel4/sel4.h>
21#include <sync/mutex.h>
22#include <sync/sem.h>
23#include <sync/bin_sem.h>
24#include <sel4platsupport/platsupport.h>
25#include <camkes/allocator.h>
26#include <camkes/dataport.h>
27#include <camkes/dma.h>
28#include <camkes/error.h>
29#include <camkes/fault.h>
30#include <camkes/io.h>
31#include <camkes/init.h>
32#include <camkes/pid.h>
33#include <camkes/tls.h>
34#include <camkes/vma.h>
35#include <camkes/syscalls.h>
36#include <sel4runtime.h>
37#include <stdbool.h>
38#include <stdint.h>
39#include <stdlib.h>
40#include <string.h>
41#include <strings.h>
42#include <sync/sem-bare.h>
43#include <sel4utils/mapping.h>
44#include <sys/types.h>
45#include <unistd.h>
46#include <utils/util.h>
47#include <arch_stdio.h>
49/*? macros.show_includes(me.type.includes) ?*/
51static void (* _putchar)(int c);
53void set_putchar(void (*putchar)(int c)) {
54    _putchar = putchar;
58void __camkes_putchar(int c) {
59    if (_putchar != NULL) {
60        _putchar(c);
61        return;
62    }
64    seL4_DebugPutChar(c);
68static size_t
69write_buf(void *data, size_t count)
71    char* buf = data;
72    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
73        __camkes_putchar(buf[i]);
74    }
75    return count;
78const char *get_instance_name(void) {
79    static const char name[] = "/*? me.name ?*/";
80    return name;
83/*- set cnode_size = configuration[me.address_space].get('cnode_size_bits') -*/
84/*- if cnode_size -*/
85        /*- if isinstance(cnode_size, six.string_types) -*/
86            /*- set size = int(cnode_size, 0) -*/
87        /*- else -*/
88            /*- set size = cnode_size -*/
89        /*- endif -*/
90    /*- do my_cnode.__setattr__('size_bits', size) -*/
91/*- endif -*/
93/* DTB passthrough */
96/*# See if this component uses the DTB #*/
97/*- set dtb_dict = [] -*/
98/*- if configuration[me.name].get('dtb') -*/ /*# Account for the top level .camkes file case, i.e. app #*/
99    /*- do dtb_dict.append(configuration[me.name].get('dtb')) -*/
100/*- else -*/ /*# Account for the nested .camkes files, i.e. SerialServer/TimeServer #*/
101    /*# Check the interfaces and see if the flag is turned on,
102     *# this assumes that the interfaces that will turn on the flag
103     *# is connected with a variant of the DTB connectors
104     #*/
105    /*- if me.type.composition -*/
106        /*- for c in me.type.composition.connections -*/
107            /*- set interface_name = c.to_end.interface.name -*/
108            /*- set interface_config_key = '%s.%s' % (me.name, interface_name) -*/
109            /*- if configuration.get(interface_config_key) -*/
110                /*- if configuration[interface_config_key].get('dtb') -*/
111                    /*- do dtb_dict.append(configuration[interface_config_key].get('dtb')) -*/
112                    /*- break -*/
113                /*- endif -*/
114            /*- endif -*/
115        /*- endfor -*/
116    /*- endif -*/
117/*- endif -*/
119/*# Output flags to get the loader to copy the DTB over #*/
120/*- if len(dtb_dict) -*/
121    /*- set dtb_size = dtb_dict[0]['dtb_size'][0] -*/
122    /*# Calculate the multiple of 4K pages that can fit the DTB, add an extra for the bootinfo header #*/
123    /*- set rounded_size = macros.ROUND_UP(dtb_size, 4096) + 4096 -*/
124    char dtb_symbol[/*? rounded_size ?*/]
125    ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_4K) SECTION("align_12bit");
126    /*- do register_fill_frame('dtb_symbol', 'CDL_FrameFill_BootInfo CDL_FrameFill_BootInfo_FDT', rounded_size) -*/
127/*- endif -*/
129/* DMA functionality. */
131/*# Determine the size of the DMA pool. Note that we make no attempt to
132 *# suppress this attribute being generated as a user-accessible variable at
133 *# the top of this file. If the component actually has a declared attribute
134 *# 'dma_pool' then they will get access to this variable at runtime.
135 #*/
136/*- set dma_pool = macros.ROUND_UP(configuration[me.name].get('dma_pool', 0), macros.PAGE_SIZE) -*/
137/*- set dma_pool_cache = configuration[me.name].get('dma_pool_cached', False) -*/
138/*- set dma_pool_paddr = configuration[me.name].get('dma_pool_paddr', None) -*/
139/*- set page_size = [macros.PAGE_SIZE] -*/
140/*- if options.largeframe_dma -*/
141  /*- for sz in reversed(macros.page_sizes(options.architecture)) -*/
142    /*- if dma_pool >= sz -*/
143      /*- do page_size.__setitem__(0, sz) -*/
144      /*- break -*/
145    /*- endif -*/
146  /*- endfor -*/
147/*- endif -*/
149/*- set dma_symbol_name = "%s_dma_pool_symbol" % me.name.replace('.', '_') -*/
150char /*? dma_symbol_name ?*/[/*? dma_pool ?*/]
151    /*- set page_size_bits = int(math.log(page_size[0], 2)) -*/
152    SECTION("align_/*? page_size_bits ?*/bit")
153    ALIGN(/*? page_size[0] ?*/);
155/*- set dma_frames = [] -*/
156/*- set num_dma_frames = int(macros.ROUND_UP(dma_pool, page_size[0]) // page_size[0]) -*/
158/*- set dma_frames = [] -*/
159/*? register_shared_variable('%s_dma' % me.name, dma_symbol_name , num_dma_frames*page_size[0], frame_size=page_size[0], label=me.label(), perm='RW', cached=dma_pool_cache, with_mapping_caps=dma_frames, paddr=dma_pool_paddr) ?*/
161/*# Expose the frames backing the DMA pool #*/
162/*- for cap in dma_frames -*/
163    static dma_frame_t /*? me.instance.name ?*/_dma_/*? loop.index0 ?*/ = {
164        .cap = /*? cap ?*/,
165        .size = /*? page_size[0] ?*/,
166        .vaddr = (uintptr_t) &/*? dma_symbol_name ?*/[/*? loop.index0 * page_size[0] ?*/],
167        .cached = /*? int(dma_pool_cache) ?*/,
168    };
169    USED SECTION("_dma_frames")
170    dma_frame_t * /*? me.instance.name ?*/_dma_/*? loop.index0 ?*/_ptr = &/*? me.instance.name ?*/_dma_/*? loop.index0 ?*/;
171/*- endfor -*/
173/* Mutex functionality. */
174/*- for m in me.type.mutexes -*/
176/*- set mutex = c_symbol(m.name) -*/
177static sync_mutex_t /*? mutex ?*/;
179static int mutex_/*? m.name ?*/_init(void) {
180    /*- set notification = alloc(m.name, seL4_NotificationObject, read=True, write=True) -*/
181    return sync_mutex_init(&/*? mutex ?*/, /*? notification ?*/);
184int /*? m.name ?*/_lock(void) {
185    return sync_mutex_lock(&/*? mutex ?*/);
188int /*? m.name ?*/_unlock(void) {
189    return sync_mutex_unlock(&/*? mutex ?*/);
192/*- endfor -*/
194/* Semaphore functionality. */
195/*- for s in me.type.semaphores -*/
197/*- set semaphore = c_symbol(s.name) -*/
198static sync_sem_t /*? semaphore ?*/;
200static int semaphore_/*? s.name ?*/_init(void) {
201    /*- set ep = alloc(s.name, seL4_EndpointObject, read=True, write=True) -*/
202    return sync_sem_init(&/*? semaphore ?*/, /*? ep ?*/,
203        /*? configuration[me.name].get('%s_value' % s.name, 1) ?*/);
206int /*? s.name ?*/_wait(void) {
208    camkes_protect_reply_cap();
210    return sync_sem_wait(&/*? semaphore ?*/);
213int /*? s.name ?*/_trywait(void) {
214    return sync_sem_trywait(&/*? semaphore ?*/);
217int /*? s.name ?*/_post(void) {
218    return sync_sem_post(&/*? semaphore ?*/);
221/*- endfor -*/
223/*- for b in me.type.binary_semaphores -*/
225/*- set binary_semaphore = c_symbol(b.name) -*/
226static sync_bin_sem_t /*? binary_semaphore ?*/;
228static int binary_semaphore_/*? b.name ?*/_init(void) {
229    /*- set notification = alloc(b.name, seL4_NotificationObject, read=True, write=True) -*/
230    /*- set initial = configuration[me.name].get('%s_value' % b.name, 0) -*/
231    /*? assert(initial in (0, 1), "Expected 0 or 1 as initial value for binary semaphore \"%s\". Got %d." % (b.name, initial)) ?*/
232    return sync_bin_sem_init(&/*? binary_semaphore ?*/, /*? notification ?*/, /*? initial ?*/);
235int /*? b.name ?*/_wait(void) {
236    return sync_bin_sem_wait(&/*? binary_semaphore ?*/);
239int /*? b.name ?*/_post(void) {
240    return sync_bin_sem_post(&/*? binary_semaphore ?*/);
243/*- endfor -*/
246/*- set heap_size = configuration[me.name].get('heap_size', 'CONFIG_CAMKES_DEFAULT_HEAP_SIZE') -*/
248static char heap [/*? heap_size ?*/];
249extern char *morecore_area;
250extern size_t morecore_size;
252/*- if configuration[me.name].get('heap_size') is not none -*/
253    #error Set a custom heap_size for component '/*? me.name ?*/' but this has no effect if CONFIG_LIB_SEL4_MUSLC_SYS_MORECORE_BYTES is not set to 0
254/*- endif -*/
257/* Install additional syscalls in an init constructor instead of in
258 * init so that there is a way for other applications to decide whether
259 * they want to provide their syscall implementation before or after
260 * the camkes ones */
261static void CONSTRUCTOR(CAMKES_SYSCALL_CONSTRUCTOR_PRIORITY) init_install_syscalls(void) {
262    camkes_install_syscalls();
265/* General CAmkES platform initialisation. Expects to be run in a
266 * single-threaded, exclusive context. On failure it does not return.
267 */
270    /* Assign the heap */
271    morecore_area = heap;
272    morecore_size = /*? heap_size ?*/;
275    /* The user has actually had no opportunity to install any error handlers at
276     * this point, so any error triggered below will certainly be fatal.
277     */
278    int res = camkes_dma_init(/*? dma_symbol_name ?*/, /*? dma_pool ?*/,
279        /*? page_size[0] ?*/);
280    ERR_IF(res != 0, camkes_error, ((camkes_error_t){
281            .type = CE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE,
282            .instance = "/*? me.name ?*/",
283            .description = "DMA initialisation failed",
284        }), ({
285            return;
286        }));
287    /*- for m in me.type.mutexes -*/
288        res = mutex_/*? m.name ?*/_init();
289        ERR_IF(res != 0, camkes_error, ((camkes_error_t){
290                .type = CE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE,
291                .instance = "/*? me.name ?*/",
292                .description = "initialisation of mutex \"/*? m.name ?*/\" failed",
293            }), ({
294                return;
295            }));
296    /*- endfor -*/
297    /*- for s in me.type.semaphores -*/
298        res = semaphore_/*? s.name ?*/_init();
299        ERR_IF(res != 0, camkes_error, ((camkes_error_t){
300                .type = CE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE,
301                .instance = "/*? me.name ?*/",
302                .description = "initialisation of semaphore \"/*? s.name ?*/\" failed",
303            }), ({
304                return;
305            }));
306    /*- endfor -*/
307    /*- for b in me.type.binary_semaphores -*/
308        res = binary_semaphore_/*? b.name ?*/_init();
309        ERR_IF(res != 0, camkes_error, ((camkes_error_t){
310                .type = CE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE,
311                .instance = "/*? me.name ?*/",
312                .description = "initialisation of binary semaphore \"/*? b.name ?*/\" failed",
313            }), ({
314                return;
315            }));
316    /*- endfor -*/
318    /* Initialise cap allocator. */
319    /*- set tcb_pool = configuration[me.name].get('tcb_pool', 0) -*/
320    /*- for i in six.moves.range(tcb_pool) -*/
321        /*- set _tcb = alloc_obj('tcb_pool_%d' % i, seL4_TCBObject) -*/
322        /*- set tcb = alloc_cap('tcb_pool_%d' % i, _tcb) -*/
323        /*- do _tcb.__setattr__('resume', false) -*/
324        /*- if "tcb_pool_domains" in configuration[me.name] -*/
325            /*- do _tcb.__setattr__('domain', configuration[me.name].get('tcb_pool_domains')[i]) -*/
326        /*- endif -*/
327        res = camkes_provide(seL4_TCBObject, /*? tcb ?*/, 0, 0);
328        ERR_IF(res != 0, camkes_error, ((camkes_error_t){
329                .type = CE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE,
330                .instance = "/*? me.name ?*/",
331                .description = "failed to add TCB /*? tcb + 1 ?*/ to cap allocation pool",
332            }), ({
333                return;
334            }));
335    /*- endfor -*/
336    /*- set ep_pool = configuration[me.name].get('ep_pool', 0) -*/
337    /*- for i in six.moves.range(ep_pool) -*/
338        /*- set ep = alloc('ep_pool_%d' % i, seL4_EndpointObject, read=True, write=True) -*/
339        res = camkes_provide(seL4_EndpointObject, /*? ep ?*/, 0, seL4_CanRead|seL4_CanWrite);
340        ERR_IF(res != 0, camkes_error, ((camkes_error_t){
341                .type = CE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE,
342                .instance = "/*? me.name ?*/",
343                .description = "failed to add EP /*? ep + 1 ?*/ to cap allocation pool",
344            }), ({
345                return;
346            }));
347    /*- endfor -*/
348    /*- set notification_pool = configuration[me.name].get('notification_pool', 0) -*/
349    /*- for i in six.moves.range(notification_pool) -*/
350        /*- set notification = alloc('notification_pool_%d' % i, seL4_NotificationObject, read=True, write=True) -*/
351        res = camkes_provide(seL4_NotificationObject, /*? notification ?*/, 0, seL4_CanRead.words[0]|seL4_CanWrite.words[0]);
352        ERR_IF(res != 0, camkes_error, ((camkes_error_t){
353                .type = CE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE,
354                .instance = "/*? me.name ?*/",
355                .description = "failed to add NOTIFICATION /*? notification + 1 ?*/ to cap allocation pool",
356            }), ({
357                return;
358            }));
359    /*- endfor -*/
360    /*- set untyped_pool = [] -*/
361    /*- for attribute, value in configuration[me.name].items() -*/
362        /*- set r = re.match('untyped(\\d+)_pool$', attribute) -*/
363        /*- if r is not none -*/
364            /*- do untyped_pool.append((r.group(1), value)) -*/
365        /*- endif -*/
366    /*- endfor -*/
367    /*- for u in untyped_pool -*/
368        /*- for i in six.moves.range(u[1]) -*/
369            /*- if not 4 <= int(u[0]) <= 28 -*/
370                /*? raise(TemplateError('illegal untyped size')) ?*/
371            /*- endif -*/
372            /*- set untyped = alloc('untyped_%s_pool_%d' % (u[0], i), seL4_UntypedObject, size_bits=int(u[0])) -*/
373            res = camkes_provide(seL4_UntypedObject, /*? untyped ?*/, 1U << /*? u[0] ?*/, seL4_CanRead|seL4_CanWrite);
374            ERR_IF(res != 0, camkes_error, ((camkes_error_t){
375                    .type = CE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE,
376                    .instance = "/*? me.name ?*/",
377                    .description = "failed to add untyped /*? untyped + 1 ?*/ of size /*? u[0] ?*/ bits to cap allocation pool",
378                }), ({
379                    return;
380                }));
381        /*- endfor -*/
382    /*- endfor -*/
385/*- for i in me.type.provides + me.type.uses -*/
386    /*? macros.show_includes(i.type.includes) ?*/
387/*- endfor -*/
389/*- set threads = macros.threads(composition, me, configuration[me.name], options) -*/
391/*- if options.debug_fault_handlers -*/
392  /*- set fault_ep = alloc_obj('fault_ep', seL4_EndpointObject) -*/
393/*- endif -*/
395/*- if options.realtime -*/
396    /*# SC to use to initialise all passive interfaces of this instance #*/
397    /*- set sc_passive_init = alloc('%d_0_control_%d_passive_init_sc' % (len(me.name), len('0_control')), seL4_SchedContextObject) -*/
399    /*# Ntfn to use in passive init protocol #*/
400    /*- set ntfn_passive_init = alloc('%d_0_control_%d_passive_init_ntfn' % (len(me.name), len('0_control')), seL4_NotificationObject, read=True, write=True) -*/
402    /*# Dict mapping thread prefixes to tcb caps #*/
403    /*- set passive_tcbs = {} -*/
405    /*# Set of Thread objects corresponding to passive threads #*/
406    /*- set passive_threads = set() -*/
407/*- endif -*/
409/*- set thread_names = dict() -*/
410/*- for t in threads -*/
411    /* Thread stacks */
412    /*? macros.thread_stack(t.stack_symbol, t.stack_size) ?*/
413    /*- do register_stack_symbol(t.stack_symbol, t.stack_size) -*/
415    /* IPC buffers */
416    /*? macros.ipc_buffer(t.ipc_symbol) ?*/
417    /*- set ipc_frame = alloc_obj('frame_%s' % (t.ipc_symbol), seL4_FrameObject) -*/
418    /*- do register_ipc_symbol(t.ipc_symbol, ipc_frame) -*/
420    /*- set _tcb = alloc_obj("%s_tcb" % t.name, seL4_TCBObject) -*/
421    /*- set tcb = alloc_cap("%s_tcb" % t.name, _tcb) -*/
422    /*- do _tcb.__setitem__('ipc_buffer_slot', Cap(ipc_frame, read=True, write=True)) -*/
423    /*- do _tcb.__setitem__('vspace', Cap(my_pd)) -*/
424    /*- set cnode_cap = Cap(my_cnode) -*/
425    /*- do my_cnode.update_guard_size_caps.append(cnode_cap) -*/
426    /*- do _tcb.__setitem__('cspace', cnode_cap) -*/
428    /*- do _tcb.__setattr__('ip', "get_vaddr(\'%s\')" % ("camkes %s _camkes_start" % me.name) ) -*/
429    /*- do _tcb.__setattr__('sp', t.sp) -*/
430    /*- do _tcb.__setattr__('addr', t.addr) -*/
431    /*- do _tcb.init.append(tcb) -*/
433    /*- if options.realtime -*/
434        /*- if not t.interface or not configuration[me.name].get("%s_passive" % t.interface.name, False) -*/
435            /*- set _sc = alloc_obj("%s_sc" % t.name, seL4_SchedContextObject) -*/
436            /*- set sc = alloc_cap("%s_sc" % t.name, _sc) -*/
437            /*- do _tcb.__setitem__('sc_slot', Cap(_sc)) -*/
438            /*- if loop.first -*/
439                /*- do macros.set_sc_properties(_sc, options, configuration[me.name], "_") -*/
440            /*- elif options.debug_fault_handlers and loop.last -*/
441                /*- do macros.set_sc_properties(_sc, options, configuration[me.name], "fault") -*/
442            /*- else -*/
443                /*- do macros.set_sc_properties(_sc, options, configuration[me.name], "%s_" % t.interface.name) -*/
444            /*- endif -*/
445        /*- else -*/
446            /*# This branch is for interface threads that are passive #*/
447            /*- do passive_tcbs.__setitem__(t.name, tcb) -*/
448            /*- do passive_threads.add(t) -*/
449        /*- endif -*/
450    /*- endif -*/
452    /*- if options.debug_fault_handlers and not loop.last -*/
453        /*- if not options.realtime -*/
454            /*- set fault_ep_cap = alloc_cap('fault_ep_%s' % t.name, fault_ep, read=True, write=True, grantreply=True, badge=tcb) -*/
455            /*- do setattr(_tcb, 'fault_ep_slot', fault_ep_cap) -*/
456        /*- endif -*/
458        /*- if options.realtime -*/
459            /*- do _tcb.set_fault_ep_slot(fault_ep=fault_ep.name, badge=tcb) -*/
460        /*- endif -*/
462    /*- endif -*/
464    /*- if loop.first -*/
465        /*- do macros.set_tcb_properties(_tcb, options, configuration[me.name], "_") -*/
466        /*- do thread_names.__setitem__(tcb, "control") -*/
467    /*- elif options.debug_fault_handlers and loop.last -*/
468        /*- do thread_names.__setitem__(tcb, "fault_handler") -*/
469        /*- do _tcb.__setattr__('prio', 255) -*/
470        /*- do _tcb.__setattr__('affinity', options.default_affinity) -*/
471        /*- do _tcb.__setattr__('max_prio', options.default_max_priority) -*/
473    /*- else -*/
474        /*- do thread_names.__setitem__(tcb, t.interface.name) -*/
475        /*- do macros.set_tcb_properties(_tcb, options, configuration[me.name], "%s_" % t.interface.name) -*/
476    /*- endif -*/
479/*- endfor -*/
481/* Attributes */
482/*- set myconf = configuration[me.name] -*/
483/*- for a in me.type.attributes -*/
484    /*- set value = myconf.get(a.name) -*/
485    /*- if value is not none -*/
486        const /*? macros.show_type(a.type) ?*/ /*? a.name ?*//*- if a.array -*/ [/*?len(value)?*/] /*- endif -*/ =
487        /*? macros.show_attribute_value(a, value) ?*/
488        ;
489    /*- endif -*/
490/*- endfor -*/
492/*- if options.debug_fault_handlers -*/
493  /*- set fault_ep = alloc_obj('fault_ep', seL4_EndpointObject) -*/
494/*- endif -*/
496const char * get_thread_name(int thread_id) {
497    switch (thread_id) {
498        /*- for id, name in thread_names.items() -*/
499        case /*? id ?*/: return "/*?name?*/";
500        /*- endfor -*/
501    }
502    return "(unknown)";
505static int post_main(int thread_id);
506void USED NORETURN _camkes_start_c(int thread_id) {
507    /*- set tcb_control = alloc("%s_tcb" % threads[0].name, seL4_TCBObject) -*/
508    if (thread_id != /*? tcb_control ?*/) {
509        post_main(thread_id);
510    } else {
511        sel4muslcsys_register_stdio_write_fn(write_buf);
512        void *ipc_buf_ptr = (void *) /*? macros.ipc_buffer_address(threads[0].ipc_symbol) ?*/;
513        camkes_start_control(thread_id, ipc_buf_ptr);
514    }
518// a tls region for every thread except the control thread
519static void *tls_regions[/*? len(threads) - 1 ?*/];
520// static tls regions
521static char static_tls_regions[/*? len(threads) - 1 ?*/][CONFIG_SEL4RUNTIME_STATIC_TLS];
523void camkes_tls_init(int thread_id) {
524    switch (thread_id) {
525        /*- for index, t in enumerate(threads) -*/
526            /*- set tcb = alloc('%s_tcb' % t.name, seL4_TCBObject) -*/
528            case /*? tcb ?*/ : { /* Thread /*? t.name ?*/ */
529                /*- if tcb == tcb_control -*/
530                // the control thread has an initial tls region created for it,
531                // but this may fail if the tls region is too big.
532                ZF_LOGF_IF(!sel4runtime_initial_tls_enabled(), "Failed to init TLS");
533                /*- else -*/
534                void *tls_mem = tls_regions[/*? loop.index - 2?*/];
535                assert(tls_mem != NULL);
536                uintptr_t tls_base = sel4runtime_write_tls_image(tls_mem);
537                sel4runtime_set_tls_base(tls_base);
538                ZF_LOGF_IF(!tls_base, "Failed to write new tls");
539                __sel4_ipc_buffer = (seL4_IPCBuffer *) /*? macros.ipc_buffer_address(t.ipc_symbol) ?*/;
540                /*- endif -*/
541                /*- if options.realtime and loop.first -*/
542                    /*- set sc_context = alloc("%s_sc" % t.name, seL4_SchedContextObject) -*/
543                    camkes_get_tls()->sc_cap = /*? sc_context ?*/;
544                /*- endif -*/
545                camkes_get_tls()->tcb_cap = /*? tcb ?*/;
546                camkes_get_tls()->thread_index = /*? index ?*/ + 1;
547                break;
548            }
549        /*- endfor -*/
551        default:
552            assert(!"invalid thread ID");
553    }
555/*- if options.fprovide_tcb_caps -*/
557   char thread_name[seL4_MsgMaxLength * sizeof(seL4_Word)];
558   snprintf(thread_name, sizeof(thread_name), "%s:%s",
559       get_instance_name(), get_thread_name(thread_id));
560   thread_name[sizeof(thread_name) - 1] = '\0';
561   seL4_DebugNameThread(camkes_get_tls()->tcb_cap, thread_name);
563/*- endif -*/
565/*- if options.debug_fault_handlers -*/
566    static void fault_handler(void) UNUSED NORETURN;
567    static void fault_handler(void) {
568        while (true) {
569            seL4_Word badge;
571            /* Wait for a fault from one of the component's threads. */
572            /*- set fault_ep_cap = alloc_cap('fault_ep__fault_handler', fault_ep, read=True, write=True, grantreply=True) -*/
573            /*- if options.realtime -*/
574                /*- set fault_reply_cap = alloc('fault_reply__fault_handler', seL4_RTReplyObject) -*/
575            /*- endif -*/
576            seL4_MessageInfo_t info = /*? generate_seL4_Recv(options, fault_ep_cap, '&badge', fault_reply_cap) ?*/;
578            /* Various symbols that are provided by the linker script. */
579            extern const char __executable_start[1];
580            extern const char align_12bit[1] UNUSED;
581            extern const char _end[1] UNUSED;
583            /* Thread name and address space map relevant for this fault. Note
584             * that we describe a simplified version of the component's address
585             * space below (e.g. we only describe the stack of the current
586             * thread). The assumption is that the full address space will
587             * confuse the user and most likely not be relevant for diagnosing
588             * the fault. E.g. you may have faulted on another thread's guard
589             * page, which will not be revealed to you in the memory map, but
590             * it is unlikely this information will help you diagnose the cause
591             * of the fault anyway.
592             */
593            const char *thread_name;
594            const camkes_memory_region_t *memory_map;
596            /* Each of the component's threads have a badged endpoint, so we
597             * can determine from the badge of the message we just received
598             * which thread was responsible for the fault.
599             */
600            switch (badge) {
602                /*- for t in threads -*/
603                    /*- set tcb = alloc('%s_tcb' % t.name, seL4_TCBObject) -*/
604                    case /*? tcb ?*/ : {
605                        thread_name = "/*? t.name ?*/";
606                        memory_map = (camkes_memory_region_t[]){
607                            { .start = (uintptr_t)__executable_start,
608                              .end = (uintptr_t)align_12bit - 1,
609                              .name = "code and data" },
610                            { .start = (uintptr_t)&/*? t.stack_symbol ?*/,
611                              .end = (uintptr_t)&/*? t.stack_symbol ?*/ + PAGE_SIZE_4K - 1,
612                              .name = "guard page" },
613                            { .start = (uintptr_t)&/*? t.stack_symbol ?*/ + PAGE_SIZE_4K,
614                              .end = (uintptr_t)&/*? t.stack_symbol ?*/ +
615                                sizeof(/*? t.stack_symbol ?*/) - PAGE_SIZE_4K - 1,
616                              .name = "stack" },
617                            { .start = (uintptr_t)&/*? t.stack_symbol ?*/ +
618                                sizeof(/*? t.stack_symbol ?*/) - PAGE_SIZE_4K,
619                              .end = (uintptr_t)&/*? t.stack_symbol ?*/ +
620                                sizeof(/*? t.stack_symbol ?*/) - 1,
621                              .name = "guard page" },
622                            { .start = (uintptr_t)&/*? t.ipc_symbol ?*/,
623                              .end = (uintptr_t)&/*? t.ipc_symbol ?*/ + PAGE_SIZE_4K - 1,
624                              .name = "guard page" },
625                            { .start = (uintptr_t)&/*? t.ipc_symbol ?*/ + PAGE_SIZE_4K,
626                              .end = (uintptr_t)&/*? t.ipc_symbol ?*/ +
627                                sizeof(/*? t.ipc_symbol ?*/) - PAGE_SIZE_4K - 1,
628                              .name = "IPC buffer" },
629                            { .start = (uintptr_t)&/*? t.ipc_symbol ?*/ +
630                                sizeof(/*? t.ipc_symbol ?*/) - PAGE_SIZE_4K,
631                              .end = (uintptr_t)&/*? t.ipc_symbol ?*/ +
632                                sizeof(/*? t.ipc_symbol ?*/) - 1,
633                              .name = "guard page" },
634                            { .start = 0, .end = 0, .name = NULL },
635                        };
636                        break;
637                    }
638                /*- endfor -*/
640                default:
641                    thread_name = "<unknown>";
642                    memory_map = NULL;
643                    break;
644            }
646            camkes_show_fault(info, (seL4_CPtr)badge, thread_name,
647                /*- if options.fprovide_tcb_caps -*/
648                    true,
649                /*- else -*/
650                    false,
651                /*- endif -*/
652                memory_map);
653        }
654    }
655/*- endif -*/
657/*# Locks for synchronising init ops. These are used by
658    pre_init_interface_sync, post_init_interface_sync and post_main
659  #*/
660/*- set pre_init_ep = alloc('pre_init_ep', seL4_EndpointObject, read=True, write=True) -*/
661static volatile int UNUSED pre_init_lock = 0;
662/*- set interface_init_ep = alloc('interface_init_ep', seL4_EndpointObject, read=True, write=True) -*/
663static volatile int UNUSED interface_init_lock = 0;
664/*- set post_init_ep = alloc('post_init_ep', seL4_EndpointObject, read=True, write=True) -*/
665static volatile int UNUSED post_init_lock = 0;
667int pre_init_interface_sync() {
668    int result UNUSED;
670    /* Wake all the non-passive interface threads. */
671    /*- for t in threads[1:] -*/
672        /*- if not options.realtime or t not in passive_threads -*/
673            sync_sem_bare_post(/*? pre_init_ep ?*/, &pre_init_lock);
674        /*- endif -*/
675    /*- endfor -*/
677    /* Wait for all the non-passive interface threads to run their inits. */
678    /*- for t in threads[1:] -*/
679        /*- if not (options.debug_fault_handlers and loop.last) -*/
680        /*- if not options.realtime or t not in passive_threads -*/
681            sync_sem_bare_wait(/*? interface_init_ep ?*/, &interface_init_lock);
682        /*- endif -*/
683        /*- endif -*/
684    /*- endfor -*/
686    /*- if options.realtime -*/
687        /* Wake each passive thread one at a time and allow it to run its init. */
688        /*- for prefix, tcb in passive_tcbs.items() -*/
689            result = seL4_SchedContext_Bind(/*? sc_passive_init ?*/, /*? tcb ?*/);
690            ERR_IF(result != 0, camkes_error, ((camkes_error_t){
691                    .type = CE_SYSCALL_FAILED,
692                    .instance = "/*? me.name ?*/",
693                    .description = "failed to bind initialisation scheduling context for thread \"/*? prefix ?*/_tcb\"",
694                    .syscall = SchedContextBind,
695                    .error = result,
696                }), ({
697                    return -1;
698                }));
700            /*# Wake thread #*/
701            sync_sem_bare_post(/*? pre_init_ep ?*/, &pre_init_lock);
703            /*# Wait for thread to run its init #*/
704            sync_sem_bare_wait(/*? interface_init_ep ?*/, &interface_init_lock);
706            result = seL4_SchedContext_Unbind(/*? sc_passive_init ?*/);
707            ERR_IF(result != 0, camkes_error, ((camkes_error_t){
708                    .type = CE_SYSCALL_FAILED,
709                    .instance = "/*? me.name ?*/",
710                    .description = "failed to unbind initialisation scheduling context for thread \"/*? prefix ?*/_tcb\"",
711                    .syscall = SchedContextUnbind,
712                    .error = result,
713                }), ({
714                    return -1;
715                }));
716        /*- endfor -*/
717    /*- endif -*/
718    return 0;
721int post_init_interface_sync() {
722    int result UNUSED;
724    /* Wake all the interface threads, including passive threads.
725     * Passive threads will receive the IPC despite not having scheduling contexts
726     * at this point. Next time they are given scheduling contexts they will be
727     * unblocked. */
728    /*- for _ in threads[1:] -*/
729        /*- if not (options.debug_fault_handlers and loop.last) -*/
730        sync_sem_bare_post(/*? post_init_ep ?*/, &post_init_lock);
731        /*- endif -*/
732    /*- endfor -*/
734    /*- if options.realtime -*/
735        /* Tempororily bind a scheduling context to each passive thread
736         * and allow it to start waiting on an endpoint. Threads will
737         * indicate that they are ready to have their sc unbound when
738         * they send on the init notification. */
739        /*- for prefix, tcb in passive_tcbs.items() -*/
741            /*# Bind the initialision scheduling context to the tcb. #*/
742            result = seL4_SchedContext_Bind(/*? sc_passive_init ?*/, /*? tcb ?*/);
743            ERR_IF(result != 0, camkes_error, ((camkes_error_t){
744                    .type = CE_SYSCALL_FAILED,
745                    .instance = "/*? me.name ?*/",
746                    .description = "failed to bind initialisation scheduling context for thread \"/*? prefix ?*/_tcb\"",
747                    .syscall = SchedContextBind,
748                    .error = result,
749                }), ({
750                    return -1;
751                }));
753            /*# Wait until the passive interface is finished initialising. #*/
754            seL4_Wait(/*? ntfn_passive_init ?*/, NULL);
756            /*# Unbind the sc from the tcb. #*/
757            result = seL4_SchedContext_Unbind(/*? sc_passive_init ?*/);
758            ERR_IF(result != 0, camkes_error, ((camkes_error_t){
759                    .type = CE_SYSCALL_FAILED,
760                    .instance = "/*? me.name ?*/",
761                    .description = "failed to unbind initialisation scheduling context for thread \"/*? prefix ?*/_tcb\"",
762                    .syscall = SchedContextUnbind,
763                    .error = result,
764                }), ({
765                    return -1;
766                }));
767        /*- endfor -*/
768    /*- endif -*/
769    return 0;
772static int post_main(int thread_id) {
773    int ret = 0;
774    switch (thread_id) {
776        case 0:
777            /* This case is just here to help debugging. If you hit this case,
778             * what is happening is probably a failure in passing arguments
779             * (thread ID) from our loader.
780             */
781            assert(!"invalid thread ID");
782            return -1;
784        case /*? tcb_control ?*/ : /* Control thread */
785            camkes_tls_init(thread_id);
786            for (int i = 0; i < /*? len(threads) - 1 ?*/; i++) {
787                if (sel4runtime_get_tls_size() < CONFIG_SEL4RUNTIME_STATIC_TLS) {
788                    tls_regions[i] = static_tls_regions[i];
789                } else {
790                    tls_regions[i] = malloc(sel4runtime_get_tls_size());
791                    ZF_LOGF_IF(tls_regions[i] == NULL, "Failed to create tls");
792                }
793            }
794            ret = component_control_main();
795            sync_sem_bare_wait(/*? interface_init_ep ?*/, &interface_init_lock);
796            return ret;
798        /*# Interface threads #*/
799        /*- for t in threads[1:] -*/
800        /*- if options.debug_fault_handlers and loop.last -*/
801            /*- set tcb = alloc("%s_tcb" % t.name, seL4_TCBObject) -*/
802            case /*? tcb ?*/ : { /* Fault handler thread */
803                sync_sem_bare_wait(/*? pre_init_ep ?*/, &pre_init_lock);
804                camkes_tls_init(thread_id);
805                fault_handler();
806                UNREACHABLE();
807                return 0;
808            }
809        /*- else -*/
810            /*- set tcb = alloc("%s_tcb" % t.name, seL4_TCBObject) -*/
811            case /*? tcb ?*/ : { /* Interface /*? t.interface.name ?*/ */
812                /* Wait for `pre_init` to complete. */
813                sync_sem_bare_wait(/*? pre_init_ep ?*/, &pre_init_lock);
814                camkes_tls_init(thread_id);
815                if (/*? t.interface.name ?*/__init) {
816                    /*? t.interface.name ?*/__init();
817                }
818                /* Notify the control thread that we've completed init. */
819                sync_sem_bare_post(/*? interface_init_ep ?*/, &interface_init_lock);
820                /* Wait for the `post_init` to complete. */
821                sync_sem_bare_wait(/*? post_init_ep ?*/, &post_init_lock);
823                /*- set prefix = '%s_%s_%04d' % (me.name, t.interface.name, t.intra_index) -*/
824                /*- if options.realtime and prefix in passive_tcbs -*/
826                    /*# If this is a passive interface, the __run_passive function must SignalRecv to tell the control
827                     *# thread to unbind its sc, and simultaneously start waiting for rpc calls. #*/
828                    extern int /*? t.interface.name ?*/__run_passive(seL4_CPtr) WEAK;
829                    if (/*? t.interface.name ?*/__run_passive) {
830                        ret = /*? t.interface.name ?*/__run_passive(/*? ntfn_passive_init ?*/);
831                    } else {
832                        /* Inform the main component thread that we're finished initialising */
833                        seL4_Signal(/*? ntfn_passive_init ?*/);
835                    }
836                /*- else -*/
837                    extern int /*? t.interface.name ?*/__run(void) WEAK;
838                    if (/*? t.interface.name ?*/__run) {
839                        ret = /*? t.interface.name ?*/__run();
840                    }
841                /*- endif -*/
842                sync_sem_bare_wait(/*? pre_init_ep ?*/, &pre_init_lock);
843                return ret;
844            }
845        /*- endif -*/
846        /*- endfor -*/
849        default:
850            /* If we reach this point, the initialiser gave us a thread we
851             * weren't expecting.
852             */
853            assert(!"Template generation failure");
854            return -1;
855    }
858int USED main(int argc UNUSED, char *argv[]) {
859    assert(argc == 2);
860    assert(strcmp(argv[0], "camkes") == 0);
862    int thread_id = (int)(uintptr_t)(argv[1]);
863    post_main(thread_id);
865    return 0;
868/*- for e in me.type.emits -*/
869    void /*? e.name ?*/_emit_underlying(void) WEAK;
870    void /*? e.name ?*/_emit(void) {
871        /* If the interface is not connected, the 'underlying' function will
872         * not exist.
873         */
874        if (/*? e.name ?*/_emit_underlying) {
875            /*? e.name ?*/_emit_underlying();
876        }
877    }
878/*- endfor -*/
880/* Prototypes for functions generated in per-interface files. */
881/*- for d in me.type.dataports -*/
882    extern int /*? d.name ?*/_wrap_ptr(dataport_ptr_t *p, void *ptr)
883    /*- if d.optional -*/
884        WEAK
885    /*- endif -*/
886    ;
887/*- endfor -*/
888dataport_ptr_t dataport_wrap_ptr(void *ptr UNUSED) {
889    dataport_ptr_t p = { .id = -1 };
890    /*- for d in me.type.dataports -*/
891        if (
892            /*- if d.optional -*/
893                /*? d.name ?*/_wrap_ptr != NULL &&
894            /*- endif -*/
895            /*? d.name ?*/_wrap_ptr(&p, ptr) == 0) {
896            return p;
897        }
898    /*- endfor -*/
899    return p;
902/* Prototypes for functions generated in per-interface files. */
903/*- for d in me.type.dataports -*/
904    extern void * /*? d.name ?*/_unwrap_ptr(dataport_ptr_t *p)
905    /*- if d.optional -*/
906        WEAK
907    /*- endif -*/
908    ;
909/*- endfor -*/
910void *dataport_unwrap_ptr(dataport_ptr_t p UNUSED) {
911    void *ptr = NULL;
912    /*- for d in me.type.dataports -*/
913        /*- if d.optional -*/
914            if (/*? d.name ?*/_unwrap_ptr != NULL) {
915        /*- endif -*/
916                ptr = /*? d.name ?*/_unwrap_ptr(&p);
917                if (ptr != NULL) {
918                    return ptr;
919                }
920        /*- if d.optional -*/
921            }
922        /*- endif -*/
923    /*- endfor -*/
924    return ptr;
927/* These symbols are provided by the default linker script. */
928extern const char __executable_start[1]; /* Start of text section */
929extern const char __etext[1]; /* End of text section, start of rodata section */
930extern const char __preinit_array_start[1]; /* End of rodata section, start of data section */
931extern const char _edata[1]; /* End of data section */
932extern const char __bss_start[1]; /* Start of bss section */
933extern const char _end[1]; /* End of bss section */
935/* See vma.h in libsel4camkes for a description of this array. */
936const struct camkes_vma camkes_vmas[] = {
937    {
938        .start = (void*)__executable_start,
939        .end = (void*)__etext,
940        .read = true,
941        .write = false,
942        .execute = true,
943        .cached = true,
944        .name = ".text",
945    },
946    {
947        .start = (void*)__etext,
948        .end = (void*)__preinit_array_start,
949        .read = true,
950        .write = false,
951        .execute = false,
952        .cached = true,
953        .name = ".rodata",
954    },
955    {
956        .start = (void*)__preinit_array_start,
957        .end = (void*)_edata,
958        .read = true,
959        .write = true,
960        .execute = false,
961        .cached = true,
962        .name = ".data",
963    },
964    {
965        .start = (void*)__bss_start,
966        .end = (void*)_end,
967        .read = true,
968        .write = true,
969        .execute = false,
970        .cached = true,
971        .name = ".bss",
972    },
973    {
974        .start = (void*)/*? dma_symbol_name ?*/,
975        .end = (void*)/*? dma_symbol_name ?*/ + sizeof(/*? dma_symbol_name ?*/),
976        .read = true,
977        .write = true,
978        .execute = false,
979        .cached = false,
980        .name = "DMA pool",
981    },
982    /*- for t in threads -*/
983        {
984            .start = (void*)/*? t.stack_symbol ?*/,
985            .end = (void*)/*? t.stack_symbol ?*/ + PAGE_SIZE_4K,
986            .read = false,
987            .write = false,
988            .execute = false,
989            .cached = true,
990            .name = "guard page below /*? t.name ?*/ thread's stack",
991        },
992        {
993            .start = (void*)/*? t.stack_symbol ?*/ + PAGE_SIZE_4K,
994            .end = (void*)/*? t.stack_symbol ?*/ + sizeof(/*? t.stack_symbol ?*/) - PAGE_SIZE_4K,
995            .read = true,
996            .write = true,
997            .execute = false,
998            .cached = true,
999            .name = "/*? t.name ?*/ thread's stack",
1000        },
1001        {
1002            .start = (void*)/*? t.stack_symbol ?*/ + sizeof(/*? t.stack_symbol ?*/) - PAGE_SIZE_4K,
1003            .end = (void*)/*? t.stack_symbol ?*/ + sizeof(/*? t.stack_symbol ?*/),
1004            .read = false,
1005            .end = false,
1006            .execute = false,
1007            .cached = true,
1008            .name = "guard page above /*? t.name ?*/ thread's stack",
1009        },
1010        {
1011            .start = (void*)/*? t.ipc_symbol ?*/,
1012            .end = (void*)/*? t.ipc_symbol ?*/ + PAGE_SIZE_4K,
1013            .read = false,
1014            .write = false,
1015            .execute = false,
1016            .cached = true,
1017            .name = "guard page below /*? t.name ?*/ thread's IPC buffer",
1018        },
1019        {
1020            .start = (void*)/*? t.ipc_symbol ?*/ + PAGE_SIZE_4K,
1021            .end = (void*)/*? t.ipc_symbol ?*/ + (PAGE_SIZE_4K * 2),
1022            .read = true,
1023            .write = true,
1024            .execute = false,
1025            .cached = true,
1026            .name = "/*? t.name ?*/ thread's IPC buffer",
1027        },
1028        {
1029            .start = (void*)/*? t.ipc_symbol ?*/ + (PAGE_SIZE_4K * 2),
1030            .end = (void*)/*? t.ipc_symbol ?*/ + (PAGE_SIZE_4K * 3),
1031            .read = false,
1032            .write = false,
1033            .execute = false,
1034            .cached = true,
1035            .name = "guard page above /*? t.name ?*/ thread's IPC buffer",
1036        },
1037    /*- endfor -*/
1040const size_t camkes_vmas_size = sizeof camkes_vmas / sizeof camkes_vmas[0];
1042/*- for index, i in enumerate(composition.instances) -*/
1043  /*- if id(i) == id(me) -*/
1044    /* We consider the CapDL initialiser to have PID 1, so offset to skip over this. */
1045    const pid_t camkes_pid = (pid_t)/*? index ?*/ + (pid_t)2;
1046    /*- break -*/
1047  /*- endif -*/
1048/*- endfor -*/