revision 13213:416039f8eef1
2 * Copyright (c) 2001, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
12 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13 * accompanied this code).
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
16 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 *
19 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
20 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
21 * questions.
22 */
24// SunJSSE does not support dynamic system properties, no way to re-use
25// system properties in samevm/agentvm mode.
28 * @test
29 * @bug   4366807
30 * @summary Need new APIs to get/set session timeout and session cache size.
31 * @run main/othervm SessionTimeOutTests
32 */
37import java.util.*;
39import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
42 * Session reuse time-out tests cover the cases below:
43 * 1. general test, i.e timeout is set to x and session invalidates when
44 * its lifetime exceeds x.
45 * 2. Effect of changing the timeout limit.
46 * The test suite does not cover the default timeout(24 hours) usage. This
47 * case has been tested independetly.
48 *
49 * Invairant for passing this test is, at any given time,
50 * lifetime of a session < current_session_timeout, such that
51 * current_session_timeout > 0, for all sessions cached by the session
52 * context.
53 */
55public class SessionTimeOutTests {
57    /*
58     * =============================================================
59     * Set the various variables needed for the tests, then
60     * specify what tests to run on each side.
61     */
63    /*
64     * Should we run the client or server in a separate thread?
65     * Both sides can throw exceptions, but do you have a preference
66     * as to which side should be the main thread.
67     */
68    static boolean separateServerThread = true;
70    /*
71     * Where do we find the keystores?
72     */
73    static String pathToStores = "../etc";
74    static String keyStoreFile = "keystore";
75    static String trustStoreFile = "truststore";
76    static String passwd = "passphrase";
78    private static int PORTS = 3;
80    /*
81     * Is the server ready to serve?
82     */
83    AtomicInteger serverReady = new AtomicInteger(PORTS);
85    /*
86     * Turn on SSL debugging?
87     */
88    static boolean debug = false;
90    /*
91     * If the client or server is doing some kind of object creation
92     * that the other side depends on, and that thread prematurely
93     * exits, you may experience a hang.  The test harness will
94     * terminate all hung threads after its timeout has expired,
95     * currently 3 minutes by default, but you might try to be
96     * smart about it....
97     */
99    /*
100     * Define the server side of the test.
101     *
102     * If the server prematurely exits, serverReady will be set to zero
103     * to avoid infinite hangs.
104     */
106    /*
107     * A limit on the number of connections at any given time
108     */
109    static int MAX_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS = 3;
111    void doServerSide(int serverPort, int serverConns) throws Exception {
113        SSLServerSocket sslServerSocket =
114            (SSLServerSocket) sslssf.createServerSocket(serverPort);
115        serverPorts[createdPorts++] = sslServerSocket.getLocalPort();
117        /*
118         * Signal Client, we're ready for his connect.
119         */
120        serverReady.getAndDecrement();
121        int read = 0;
122        int nConnections = 0;
123        SSLSession sessions [] = new SSLSession [serverConns];
125        while (nConnections < serverConns) {
126            SSLSocket sslSocket = (SSLSocket) sslServerSocket.accept();
127            InputStream sslIS = sslSocket.getInputStream();
128            OutputStream sslOS = sslSocket.getOutputStream();
129            read =;
130            sessions[nConnections] = sslSocket.getSession();
131            sslOS.write(85);
132            sslOS.flush();
133            sslSocket.close();
134            nConnections++;
135        }
136    }
138    /*
139     * Define the client side of the test.
140     *
141     * If the server prematurely exits, serverReady will be set to zero
142     * to avoid infinite hangs.
143     */
144    void doClientSide() throws Exception {
146        /*
147         * Wait for server to get started.
148         */
149        while (serverReady.get() > 0) {
150            Thread.sleep(50);
151        }
153        int nConnections = 0;
154        SSLSocket sslSockets[] = new SSLSocket [MAX_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS];
155        Vector sessions = new Vector();
156        SSLSessionContext sessCtx = sslctx.getClientSessionContext();
158        sessCtx.setSessionTimeout(10); // in secs
159        int timeout = sessCtx.getSessionTimeout();
160        while (nConnections < MAX_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS) {
161            // divide the connections among the available server ports
162            sslSockets[nConnections] = (SSLSocket) sslsf.
163                        createSocket("localhost",
164                        serverPorts [nConnections % (serverPorts.length)]);
165            InputStream sslIS = sslSockets[nConnections].getInputStream();
166            OutputStream sslOS = sslSockets[nConnections].getOutputStream();
167            sslOS.write(237);
168            sslOS.flush();
169            int read =;
170            SSLSession sess = sslSockets[nConnections].getSession();
171            if (!sessions.contains(sess))
172                sessions.add(sess);
173            nConnections++;
174        }
175        System.out.println();
176        System.out.println("Current timeout is set to: " + timeout);
177        System.out.println("Testing SSLSessionContext.getSession()......");
178        System.out.println("========================================"
179                                + "=======================");
180        System.out.println("Session                                 "
181                                + "Session-     Session");
182        System.out.println("                                        "
183                                + "lifetime     timedout?");
184        System.out.println("========================================"
185                                + "=======================");
187        for (int i = 0; i < sessions.size(); i++) {
188            SSLSession session = (SSLSession) sessions.elementAt(i);
189            long currentTime  = System.currentTimeMillis();
190            long creationTime = session.getCreationTime();
191            long lifetime = (currentTime - creationTime) / 1000;
193            System.out.print(session + "      " + lifetime + "            ");
194            if (sessCtx.getSession(session.getId()) == null) {
195                if (lifetime < timeout)
196                    // sessions can be garbage collected before the timeout
197                    // limit is reached
198                    System.out.println("Invalidated before timeout");
199                else
200                    System.out.println("YES");
201            } else {
202                System.out.println("NO");
203                if ((timeout != 0) && (lifetime > timeout)) {
204                    throw new Exception("Session timeout test failed for the"
205                        + " obove session");
206                }
207            }
208            // change the timeout
209            if (i == ((sessions.size()) / 2)) {
210                System.out.println();
211                sessCtx.setSessionTimeout(2); // in secs
212                timeout = sessCtx.getSessionTimeout();
213                System.out.println("timeout is changed to: " + timeout);
214                System.out.println();
215           }
216        }
218        // check the ids returned by the enumerator
219        Enumeration e = sessCtx.getIds();
220        System.out.println("----------------------------------------"
221                                + "-----------------------");
222        System.out.println("Testing SSLSessionContext.getId()......");
223        System.out.println();
225        SSLSession nextSess = null;
226        SSLSession sess;
227        for (int i = 0; i < sessions.size(); i++) {
228            sess = (SSLSession)sessions.elementAt(i);
229            String isTimedout = "YES";
230            long currentTime  = System.currentTimeMillis();
231            long creationTime  = sess.getCreationTime();
232            long lifetime = (currentTime - creationTime) / 1000;
234            if (nextSess != null) {
235                if (isEqualSessionId(nextSess.getId(), sess.getId())) {
236                    isTimedout = "NO";
237                    nextSess = null;
238                }
239            } else if (e.hasMoreElements()) {
240                nextSess = sessCtx.getSession((byte[]) e.nextElement());
241                if ((nextSess != null) && isEqualSessionId(nextSess.getId(),
242                                        sess.getId())) {
243                    nextSess = null;
244                    isTimedout = "NO";
245                }
246            }
248            /*
249             * A session not invalidated even after it's timeout?
250             */
251            if ((timeout != 0) && (lifetime > timeout) &&
252                        (isTimedout.equals("NO"))) {
253                throw new Exception("Session timeout test failed for session: "
254                                + sess + " lifetime: " + lifetime);
255            }
256            System.out.print(sess + "      " + lifetime);
257            if (((timeout == 0) || (lifetime < timeout)) &&
258                                  (isTimedout == "YES")) {
259                isTimedout = "Invalidated before timeout";
260            }
262            System.out.println("            " + isTimedout);
263        }
264        for (int i = 0; i < nConnections; i++) {
265            sslSockets[i].close();
266        }
267        System.out.println("----------------------------------------"
268                                 + "-----------------------");
269        System.out.println("Session timeout test passed");
270    }
272    boolean isEqualSessionId(byte[] id1, byte[] id2) {
273        if (id1.length != id2.length)
274           return false;
275        else {
276            for (int i = 0; i < id1.length; i++) {
277                if (id1[i] != id2[i]) {
278                   return false;
279                }
280            }
281            return true;
282        }
283    }
286    /*
287     * =============================================================
288     * The remainder is just support stuff
289     */
291    volatile int serverPorts[] = new int[PORTS];
292    volatile int createdPorts = 0;
293    static SSLServerSocketFactory sslssf;
294    static SSLSocketFactory sslsf;
295    static SSLContext sslctx;
297    volatile Exception serverException = null;
298    volatile Exception clientException = null;
300    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
301        String keyFilename =
302            System.getProperty("test.src", "./") + "/" + pathToStores +
303                "/" + keyStoreFile;
304        String trustFilename =
305            System.getProperty("test.src", "./") + "/" + pathToStores +
306                "/" + trustStoreFile;
308        System.setProperty("", keyFilename);
309        System.setProperty("", passwd);
310        System.setProperty("", trustFilename);
311        System.setProperty("", passwd);
313        sslctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
314        KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance("SunX509");
315        KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
316        ks.load(new FileInputStream(keyFilename), passwd.toCharArray());
317        kmf.init(ks, passwd.toCharArray());
318        sslctx.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), null, null);
319        sslssf = (SSLServerSocketFactory) sslctx.getServerSocketFactory();
320        sslsf = (SSLSocketFactory) sslctx.getSocketFactory();
321        if (debug)
322            System.setProperty("", "all");
324        /*
325         * Start the tests.
326         */
327        new SessionTimeOutTests();
328    }
330    Thread clientThread = null;
331    Thread serverThread = null;
333    /*
334     * Primary constructor, used to drive remainder of the test.
335     *
336     * Fork off the other side, then do your work.
337     */
338    SessionTimeOutTests() throws Exception {
340        /*
341         * create the SSLServerSocket and SSLSocket factories
342         */
344        /*
345         * Divide the max connections among the available server ports.
346         * The use of more than one server port ensures creation of more
347         * than one session.
348         */
349        int serverConns = MAX_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS / (serverPorts.length);
350        int remainingConns = MAX_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS % (serverPorts.length);
352        Exception startException = null;
353        try {
354            if (separateServerThread) {
355                for (int i = 0; i < serverPorts.length; i++) {
356                    // distribute remaining connections among the
357                    // vailable ports
358                    if (i < remainingConns)
359                        startServer(serverPorts[i], (serverConns + 1), true);
360                    else
361                        startServer(serverPorts[i], serverConns, true);
362                }
363                startClient(false);
364            } else {
365                startClient(true);
366                for (int i = 0; i < serverPorts.length; i++) {
367                    if (i < remainingConns)
368                        startServer(serverPorts[i], (serverConns + 1), false);
369                    else
370                        startServer(serverPorts[i], serverConns, false);
371                }
372            }
373        } catch (Exception e) {
374            startException = e;
375        }
377        /*
378         * Wait for other side to close down.
379         */
380        if (separateServerThread) {
381            if (serverThread != null) {
382                serverThread.join();
383            }
384        } else {
385            if (clientThread != null) {
386                clientThread.join();
387            }
388        }
390        /*
391         * When we get here, the test is pretty much over.
392         * Which side threw the error?
393         */
394        Exception local;
395        Exception remote;
397        if (separateServerThread) {
398            remote = serverException;
399            local = clientException;
400        } else {
401            remote = clientException;
402            local = serverException;
403        }
405        Exception exception = null;
407        /*
408         * Check various exception conditions.
409         */
410        if ((local != null) && (remote != null)) {
411            // If both failed, return the curthread's exception.
412            local.initCause(remote);
413            exception = local;
414        } else if (local != null) {
415            exception = local;
416        } else if (remote != null) {
417            exception = remote;
418        } else if (startException != null) {
419            exception = startException;
420        }
422        /*
423         * If there was an exception *AND* a startException,
424         * output it.
425         */
426        if (exception != null) {
427            if (exception != startException && startException != null) {
428                exception.addSuppressed(startException);
429            }
430            throw exception;
431        }
433        // Fall-through: no exception to throw!
434    }
436    void startServer(final int port, final int nConns,
437                        boolean newThread) throws Exception {
438        if (newThread) {
439            serverThread = new Thread() {
440                public void run() {
441                    try {
442                        doServerSide(port, nConns);
443                    } catch (Exception e) {
444                        /*
445                         * Our server thread just died.
446                         *
447                         * Release the client, if not active already...
448                         */
449                        System.err.println("Server died...");
450                        e.printStackTrace();
451                        serverReady.set(0);
452                        serverException = e;
453                    }
454                }
455            };
456            serverThread.start();
457        } else {
458            try {
459                doServerSide(port, nConns);
460            } catch (Exception e) {
461                serverException = e;
462            } finally {
463                serverReady.set(0);
464            }
465        }
466    }
468    void startClient(boolean newThread)
469                 throws Exception {
470        if (newThread) {
471            clientThread = new Thread() {
472                public void run() {
473                    try {
474                        doClientSide();
475                    } catch (Exception e) {
476                        /*
477                         * Our client thread just died.
478                         */
479                        System.err.println("Client died...");
480                        clientException = e;
481                    }
482                }
483            };
484            clientThread.start();
485        } else {
486            try {
487                doClientSide();
488            } catch (Exception e) {
489                clientException = e;
490            }
491        }
492    }