Bug4168625Test.java revision 6073:cea72c2bf071
2 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
12 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13 * accompanied this code).
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
16 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 *
19 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
20 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
21 * questions.
22 */
24    @test
25    @summary test Resource Bundle for bug 4168625
26    @build Bug4168625Class Bug4168625Getter Bug4168625Resource Bug4168625Resource3 Bug4168625Resource3_en Bug4168625Resource3_en_CA Bug4168625Resource3_en_IE Bug4168625Resource3_en_US Bug4168625Resource2_en_US Bug4168625Resource2
27    @run main/timeout=600 Bug4168625Test
28    @bug 4168625 6993339
31 *
32 *
33 * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 - All Rights Reserved
34 *
35 * The original version of this source code and documentation is
36 * copyrighted and owned by IBM. These materials are provided
37 * under terms of a License Agreement between IBM and Sun.
38 * This technology is protected by multiple US and International
39 * patents. This notice and attribution to IBM may not be removed.
40 *
41 */
43import java.util.*;
44import java.io.*;
47 *  This test tries to correct two efficiency problems with the caching
48 *  mechanism of ResourceBundle.  It also allows concurrent loads
49 *  of resource bundles to be performed if the bundles are unrelated (ex. a
50 *  load of a local system resource by one thread while another thread is
51 *  doing a slow load over a network).
52 */
53public class Bug4168625Test extends RBTestFmwk {
54    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
55        new Bug4168625Test().run(args);
56    }
58    /**
59     * Verify that getBundle will do something reasonable when part of the
60     * resource hierarchy is missing.
61     */
62    public void testMissingParent() throws Exception {
63        final Locale oldDefault = Locale.getDefault();
64        Locale.setDefault(new Locale("en", "US"));
65        try {
66            final Locale loc = new Locale("jf", "jf");
67            ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Bug4168625Resource2", loc);
68            final String s1 = bundle.getString("name");
69            if (!s1.equals("Bug4168625Resource2_en_US")) {
70                errln("getBundle did not find leaf bundle: "+bundle.getClass().getName());
71            }
72            final String s2 = bundle.getString("baseName");
73            if (!s2.equals("Bug4168625Resource2")) {
74                errln("getBundle did not set up proper inheritance chain");
75            }
76        } finally {
77            Locale.setDefault(oldDefault);
78        }
79    }
81    /**
82     *  Previous versions of ResourceBundle have had the following
83     *  caching behavior.  Assume the classes
84     *  Bug4168625Resource_fr_FR, Bug4168625Resource_fr,
85     *  Bug4168625Resource_en_US, and Bug4168625Resource_en don't
86     *  exist.  The class Bug4168625Resource does.  Assume the default
87     *  locale is en_US.
88     *  <P>
89     *  <pre>
90     *  getBundle("Bug4168625Resource", new Locale("fr", "FR"));
91     *      -->try to load Bug4168625Resource_fr_FR
92     *      -->try to load Bug4168625Resource_fr
93     *      -->try to load Bug4168625Resource_en_US
94     *      -->try to load Bug4168625Resource_en
95     *      -->load Bug4168625Resource
96     *      -->cache Bug4168625Resource as Bug4168625Resource
97     *      -->cache Bug4168625Resource as Bug4168625Resource_en
98     *      -->cache Bug4168625Resource as Bug4168625Resource_en_US
99     *      -->return Bug4168625Resource
100     *  getBundle("Bug4168625Resource", new Locale("fr", "FR"));
101     *      -->try to load Bug4168625Resource_fr_FR
102     *      -->try to load Bug4168625Resource_fr
103     *      -->find cached Bug4168625Resource_en_US
104     *      -->return Bug4168625Resource_en_US (which is realy Bug4168625Resource)
105     *  </pre>
106     *  <P>
107     *  The second call causes two loads for Bug4168625Resource_fr_FR and
108     *  Bug4168625Resource_en which have already been tried and failed.  These
109     *  two loads should have been cached as Bug4168625Resource by the first
110     *  call.
111     *
112     *  The following, more efficient behavior is desired:
113     *  <P>
114     *  <pre>
115     *  getBundle("Bug4168625Resource", new Locale("fr", "FR"));
116     *      -->try to load Bug4168625Resource_fr_FR
117     *      -->try to load Bug4168625Resource_fr
118     *      -->try to load Bug4168625Resource_en_US
119     *      -->try to load Bug4168625Resource_en
120     *      -->load Bug4168625Resource
121     *      -->cache Bug4168625Resource as Bug4168625Resource
122     *      -->cache Bug4168625Resource as Bug4168625Resource_en
123     *      -->cache Bug4168625Resource as Bug4168625Resource_en_US
124     *      -->cache Bug4168625Resource as Bug4168625Resource_fr
125     *      -->cache Bug4168625Resource as Bug4168625Resource_fr_FR
126     *      -->return Bug4168625Resource
127     *  getBundle("Bug4168625Resource", new Locale("fr", "FR"));
128     *      -->find cached Bug4168625Resource_fr_FR
129     *      -->return Bug4168625Resource_en_US (which is realy Bug4168625Resource)
130     *  </pre>
131     *  <P>
132     *
133     */
134    public void testCacheFailures() throws Exception {
135        checkResourceLoading("Bug4168625Resource", new Locale("fr", "FR"));
136    }
138    /**
139     *  Previous versions of ResourceBundle have had the following
140     *  caching behavior.  Assume the current locale is locale is en_US.
141     *  The classes Bug4168625Resource_en_US, and Bug4168625Resource_en don't
142     *  exist.  The class Bug4168625Resource does.
143     *  <P>
144     *  <pre>
145     *  getBundle("Bug4168625Resource", new Locale("en", "US"));
146     *      -->try to load Bug4168625Resource_en_US
147     *      -->try to load Bug4168625Resource_en
148     *      -->try to load Bug4168625Resource_en_US
149     *      -->try to load Bug4168625Resource_en
150     *      -->load Bug4168625Resource
151     *      -->cache Bug4168625Resource as Bug4168625Resource
152     *      -->cache Bug4168625Resource as Bug4168625Resource_en
153     *      -->cache Bug4168625Resource as Bug4168625Resource_en_US
154     *      -->return Bug4168625Resource
155     *  </pre>
156     *  <P>
157     *  The redundant loads of Bug4168625Resource_en_US and Bug4168625Resource_en
158     *  should not occur.  The desired behavior is as follows:
159     *  <P>
160     *  <pre>
161     *  getBundle("Bug4168625Resource", new Locale("en", "US"));
162     *      -->try to load Bug4168625Resource_en_US
163     *      -->try to load Bug4168625Resource_en
164     *      -->load Bug4168625Resource
165     *      -->cache Bug4168625Resource as Bug4168625Resource
166     *      -->cache Bug4168625Resource as Bug4168625Resource_en
167     *      -->cache Bug4168625Resource as Bug4168625Resource_en_US
168     *      -->return Bug4168625Resource
169     *  </pre>
170     *  <P>
171     */
172    public void testRedundantLoads() throws Exception {
173        checkResourceLoading("Bug4168625Resource", Locale.getDefault());
174    }
176    /**
177     * Ensure that resources are only loaded once and are cached correctly
178     */
179    private void checkResourceLoading(String resName, Locale l) throws Exception {
180        final Loader loader = new Loader( new String[] { "Bug4168625Class" }, new String[] { "Bug4168625Resource3_en_US", "Bug4168625Resource3_en_CA" });
181        final Class c = loader.loadClass("Bug4168625Class");
182        Bug4168625Getter test = (Bug4168625Getter)c.newInstance();
183        final String resClassName;
184        if (l.toString().length() > 0) {
185            resClassName = resName+"_"+l;
186        } else {
187            resClassName = resName;
188        }
190        Object bundle = test.getResourceBundle(resName, l);
191        loader.logClasses("Initial lookup of "+resClassName+" generated the following loads:");
193        final Vector lastLoad = new Vector(loader.loadedClasses.size());
194        boolean dups = false;
195        for (int i = loader.loadedClasses.size() - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
196            final Object item = loader.loadedClasses.elementAt(i);
197            loader.loadedClasses.removeElementAt(i);
198            if (loader.loadedClasses.contains(item)) {
199                logln("Resource loaded more than once: "+item);
200                dups = true;
201            } else {
202                lastLoad.addElement(item);
203            }
204        }
205        if (dups) {
206            errln("ResourceBundle loaded some classes multiple times");
207        }
209        loader.loadedClasses.removeAllElements();
210        bundle = test.getResourceBundle(resName, l);
211        loader.logClasses("Second lookup of "+resClassName+" generated the following loads:");
213        dups = false;
214        for (int i = 0; i < loader.loadedClasses.size(); i++) {
215            Object item = loader.loadedClasses.elementAt(i);
216            if (lastLoad.contains(item)) {
217                logln("ResourceBundle did not cache "+item+" correctly");
218                dups = true;
219            }
220        }
221        if (dups) {
222            errln("Resource bundle not caching some classes properly");
223        }
224    }
226    private class ConcurrentLoadingThread extends Thread {
227        private Loader loader;
228        public Object bundle;
229        private Bug4168625Getter test;
230        private Locale locale;
231        private String resourceName = "Bug4168625Resource3";
232        public ConcurrentLoadingThread(Loader loader, Bug4168625Getter test, Locale l, String resourceName) {
233            this.loader = loader;
234            this.test = test;
235            this.locale = l;
236            this.resourceName = resourceName;
237        }
238        public ConcurrentLoadingThread(Loader loader, Bug4168625Getter test, Locale l) {
239            this.loader = loader;
240            this.test = test;
241            this.locale = l;
242        }
243        public void run() {
244            try {
245                logln(">>"+threadName()+">run");
246                bundle = test.getResourceBundle(resourceName, locale);
247            } catch (Exception e) {
248                errln("TEST CAUGHT UNEXPECTED EXCEPTION: "+e);
249            } finally {
250                logln("<<"+threadName()+"<run");
251            }
252        }
253        public synchronized void waitUntilPinged() {
254            logln(">>"+threadName()+">waitUntilPinged");
255            loader.notifyEveryone();
256            try {
257                wait(30000);    //wait 30 seconds max.
258            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
259                logln("Test deadlocked.");
260            }
261            logln("<<"+threadName()+"<waitUntilPinged");
262        }
263        public synchronized void ping() {
264            logln(">>"+threadName()+">ping "+threadName(this));
265            notifyAll();
266            logln("<<"+threadName()+"<ping "+threadName(this));
267        }
268    };
270    /**
271     * This test ensures that multiple resources can be loading at the same
272     * time as long as they don't depend on each other in some way.
273     */
274    public void testConcurrentLoading() throws Exception {
275        final Loader loader = new Loader( new String[] { "Bug4168625Class" }, new String[] { "Bug4168625Resource3_en_US", "Bug4168625Resource3_en_CA" });
276        final Class c = loader.loadClass("Bug4168625Class");
277        final Bug4168625Getter test = (Bug4168625Getter)c.newInstance();
279        ConcurrentLoadingThread thread1 = new ConcurrentLoadingThread(loader, test, new Locale("en", "CA"));
280        ConcurrentLoadingThread thread2 = new ConcurrentLoadingThread(loader, test, new Locale("en", "IE"));
282        thread1.start();            //start thread 1
283        loader.waitForNotify(1);    //wait for thread1 to do getBundle & block in loader
284        thread2.start();            //start second thread
285        thread2.join();             //wait until thread2 terminates.
287            //Thread1 should be blocked inside getBundle at the class loader
288            //Thread2 should have completed its getBundle call and terminated
289        if (!thread1.isAlive() || thread2.isAlive()) {
290            errln("ResourceBundle.getBundle not allowing legal concurrent loads");
291        }
293        thread1.ping();             //continue thread1
294        thread1.join();
295    }
297    /**
298     * This test ensures that a resource loads correctly (with all its parents)
299     * when memory is very low (ex. the cache gets purged during a load).
300     */
301    public void testLowMemoryLoad() throws Exception {
302        final String[] classToLoad = { "Bug4168625Class" };
303        final String[] classToWait = { "Bug4168625Resource3_en_US","Bug4168625Resource3_en","Bug4168625Resource3" };
304        final Loader loader = new Loader(classToLoad, classToWait);
305        final Class c = loader.loadClass("Bug4168625Class");
306        final Bug4168625Getter test = (Bug4168625Getter)c.newInstance();
307        causeResourceBundleCacheFlush();
309        ConcurrentLoadingThread thread1 = new ConcurrentLoadingThread(loader, test, new Locale("en", "US"));
310        thread1.start();            //start thread 1
311        loader.waitForNotify(1);    //wait for thread1 to do getBundle(en_US) & block in loader
312        causeResourceBundleCacheFlush();    //cause a cache flush
313        thread1.ping();             //kick thread 1
314        loader.waitForNotify(2);    //wait for thread1 to do getBundle(en) & block in loader
315        causeResourceBundleCacheFlush();    //cause a cache flush
316        thread1.ping();             //kick thread 1
317        loader.waitForNotify(3);    //wait for thread1 to do getBundle(en) & block in loader
318        causeResourceBundleCacheFlush();    //cause a cache flush
319        thread1.ping();             //kick thread 1
320        thread1.join();             //wait until thread1 terminates
322        ResourceBundle bundle = (ResourceBundle)thread1.bundle;
323        String s1 = bundle.getString("Bug4168625Resource3_en_US");
324        String s2 = bundle.getString("Bug4168625Resource3_en");
325        String s3 = bundle.getString("Bug4168625Resource3");
326        if ((s1 == null) || (s2 == null) || (s3 == null)) {
327            errln("Bundle not constructed correctly.  The parent chain is incorrect.");
328        }
329    }
331    /**
332     * A simple class loader that loads classes from the current
333     * working directory.  The loader will block the current thread
334     * of execution before it returns when it tries to load
335     * the class "Bug4168625Resource3_en_US".
336     */
337    private static final String CLASS_PREFIX = "";
338    private static final String CLASS_SUFFIX = ".class";
340    private static final class SimpleLoader extends ClassLoader {
341        private boolean network = false;
343        public SimpleLoader() {
344            super(SimpleLoader.class.getClassLoader());
345            this.network = false;
346        }
347        public SimpleLoader(boolean simulateNetworkLoad) {
348            super(SimpleLoader.class.getClassLoader());
349            this.network = simulateNetworkLoad;
350        }
351        public Class loadClass(final String className, final boolean resolveIt)
352                throws ClassNotFoundException {
353            Class result;
354            synchronized (this) {
355                result = findLoadedClass(className);
356                if (result == null) {
357                    if (network) {
358                        try {
359                             Thread.sleep(100);
360                        } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException e) {
361                        }
362                    }
363                    result = getParent().loadClass(className);
364                    if ((result != null) && resolveIt) {
365                        resolveClass(result);
366                    }
367                }
368            }
369            return result;
370        }
371    }
373    private final class Loader extends ClassLoader {
374        public final Vector loadedClasses = new Vector();
375        private String[] classesToLoad;
376        private String[] classesToWaitFor;
378        public Loader() {
379            super(Loader.class.getClassLoader());
380            classesToLoad = new String[0];
381            classesToWaitFor = new String[0];
382        }
384        public Loader(final String[] classesToLoadIn, final String[] classesToWaitForIn) {
385            super(Loader.class.getClassLoader());
386            classesToLoad = classesToLoadIn;
387            classesToWaitFor = classesToWaitForIn;
388        }
390        /**
391         * Load a class.  Files we can load take preference over ones the system
392         * can load.
393         */
394        private byte[] getClassData(final String className) {
395            boolean shouldLoad = false;
396            for (int i = classesToLoad.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {
397                if (className.equals(classesToLoad[i])) {
398                    shouldLoad = true;
399                    break;
400                }
401            }
403            if (shouldLoad) {
404                final String name = CLASS_PREFIX+className+CLASS_SUFFIX;
405                try {
406                    final InputStream fi = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(name);
407                    final byte[] result = new byte[fi.available()];
408                    fi.read(result);
409                    return result;
410                } catch (Exception e) {
411                    logln("Error loading test class: "+name);
412                    logln(e.toString());
413                    return null;
414                }
415            } else {
416                return null;
417            }
418        }
420        /**
421         * Load a class.  Files we can load take preference over ones the system
422         * can load.
423         */
424        public Class loadClass(final String className, final boolean resolveIt)
425                throws ClassNotFoundException {
426            Class result;
427            synchronized (this) {
428                logln(">>"+threadName()+">load "+className);
429                loadedClasses.addElement(className);
431                result = findLoadedClass(className);
432                if (result == null) {
433                    final byte[] classData = getClassData(className);
434                    if (classData == null) {
435                        //we don't have a local copy of this one
436                        logln("Loading system class: "+className);
437                        result = loadFromSystem(className);
438                    } else {
439                        result = defineClass(classData, 0, classData.length);
440                        if (result == null) {
441                            //there was an error defining the class
442                            result = loadFromSystem(className);
443                        }
444                    }
445                    if ((result != null) && resolveIt) {
446                        resolveClass(result);
447                    }
448                }
449            }
450            for (int i = classesToWaitFor.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {
451                if (className.equals(classesToWaitFor[i])) {
452                    rendezvous();
453                    break;
454                }
455            }
456            logln("<<"+threadName()+"<load "+className);
457            return result;
458        }
460        /**
461         * Delegate loading to its parent class loader that loads the test classes.
462         * In othervm mode, the parent class loader is the system class loader;
463         * in samevm mode, the parent class loader is the jtreg URLClassLoader.
464         */
465        private Class loadFromSystem(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException {
466            return getParent().loadClass(className);
467        }
469        public void logClasses(String title) {
470            logln(title);
471            for (int i = 0; i < loadedClasses.size(); i++) {
472                logln("    "+loadedClasses.elementAt(i));
473            }
474            logln("");
475        }
477        public int notifyCount = 0;
478        public int waitForNotify(int count) {
479            return waitForNotify(count, 0);
480        }
481        public synchronized int waitForNotify(int count, long time) {
482            logln(">>"+threadName()+">waitForNotify");
483            if (count > notifyCount) {
484                try {
485                    wait(time);
486                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
487                }
488            } else {
489                logln("  count("+count+") > notifyCount("+notifyCount+")");
490            }
491            logln("<<"+threadName()+"<waitForNotify");
492            return notifyCount;
493        }
494        private synchronized void notifyEveryone() {
495            logln(">>"+threadName()+">notifyEveryone");
496            notifyCount++;
497            notifyAll();
498            logln("<<"+threadName()+"<notifyEveryone");
499        }
500        private void rendezvous() {
501            final Thread current = Thread.currentThread();
502            if (current instanceof ConcurrentLoadingThread) {
503                ((ConcurrentLoadingThread)current).waitUntilPinged();
504            }
505        }
506    }
508    private static String threadName() {
509        return threadName(Thread.currentThread());
510    }
512    private static String threadName(Thread t) {
513        String temp = t.toString();
514        int ndx = temp.indexOf("Thread[");
515        temp = temp.substring(ndx + "Thread[".length());
516        ndx = temp.indexOf(',');
517        temp = temp.substring(0, ndx);
518        return temp;
519    }
521    /** Fill memory to force all SoftReferences to be GCed */
522    private void causeResourceBundleCacheFlush() {
523        logln("Filling memory...");
524        int allocationSize = 1024;
525        Vector memoryHog = new Vector();
526        try {
527            while (true) {
528                memoryHog.addElement(new byte[allocationSize]);
529                allocationSize *= 2;
530            }
531        } catch (Throwable e) {
532            logln("Caught "+e+" filling memory");
533        } finally{
534            memoryHog = null;
535            System.gc();
536        }
537        logln("last allocation size: " + allocationSize);
538    }
540    /**
541     *  NOTE: this problem is not externally testable and can only be
542     *  verified through code inspection unless special code to force
543     *  a task switch is inserted into ResourceBundle.
544     *  The class Bug4168625Resource_sp exists.  It's parent bundle
545     *  (Bug4168625Resource) contains a resource string with the tag
546     *  "language" but Bug4168625Resource_sp does not.
547     *  Assume two threads are executing, ThreadA and ThreadB and they both
548     *  load a resource Bug4168625Resource with from sp locale.
549     *  ResourceBundle.getBundle adds a bundle to the bundle cache (in
550     *  findBundle) before it sets the bundle's parent (in getBundle after
551     *  returning from findBundle).
552     *  <P>
553     *  <pre>
554     *  ThreadA.getBundle("Bug4168625Resource", new Locale("sp"));
555     *      A-->load Bug4168625Resource_sp
556     *      A-->find cached Bug4168625Resource
557     *      A-->cache Bug4168625Resource_sp as Bug4168625Resource_sp
558     *  ThreadB.getBundle("Bug4168625Resource", new Locale("sp"));
559     *      B-->find cached Bug4168625Resource_sp
560     *      B-->return Bug4168625Resource_sp
561     *  ThreadB.bundle.getString("language");
562     *      B-->try to find "language" in Bug4168625Resource_sp
563     *      B-->Bug4168625Resource_sp does not have a parent, so return null;
564     *  ThreadB.System.out.println("Some unknown country");
565     *      A-->set parent of Bug4168625Resource_sp to Bug4168625Resource
566     *      A-->return Bug4168625Resource_sp (the same bundle ThreadB got)
567     *  ThreadA.bundle.getString("language");
568     *      A-->try to find "language" in Bug4168625Resource_sp
569     *      A-->try to find "language" in Bug4168625Resource (parent of Bug4168625Resource_sp)
570     *      A-->return the string
571     *  ThreadA.System.out.println("Langauge = "+country);
572     *  ThreadB.bundle.getString("language");
573     *      B-->try to find "language" in Bug4168625Resource_sp
574     *      B-->try to find "language" in Bug4168625Resource (parent of Bug4168625Resource_sp)
575     *      B-->return the string
576     *  ThreadB.System.out.println("Langauge = "+country);
577     *  </pre>
578     *  <P>
579     *  Note that the first call to getString() by ThreadB returns null, but the second
580     *  returns a value.  Thus to ThreadB, the bundle appears to change.  ThreadA gets
581     *  the expected results right away.
582     */