revision 4251:f09930d526ba
2 * Copyright (c) 2009, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
26/* @test
27 * @summary unit tests for java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles
28 * @compile -source 7 -target 7
29 * @run junit/othervm
30 */
34import java.lang.invoke.*;
35import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup;
36import java.lang.reflect.*;
37import java.util.*;
38import org.junit.*;
39import static org.junit.Assert.*;
40import static org.junit.Assume.*;
44 *
45 * @author jrose
46 */
47public class MethodHandlesTest {
48    // How much output?
49    static int verbosity = 0;
50    static {
51        String vstr = System.getProperty("");
52        if (vstr != null)  verbosity = Integer.parseInt(vstr);
53    }
55    // Set this true during development if you want to fast-forward to
56    // a particular new, non-working test.  Tests which are known to
57    // work (or have recently worked) test this flag and return on true.
58    static boolean CAN_SKIP_WORKING = false;
59    //static { CAN_SKIP_WORKING = true; }
61    // Set true to test more calls.  If false, some tests are just
62    // lookups, without exercising the actual method handle.
63    static boolean DO_MORE_CALLS = true;
65    @Test
66    public void testFirst() throws Throwable {
67        verbosity += 9; try {
68            // left blank for debugging
69        } finally { printCounts(); verbosity -= 9; }
70    }
72    // current failures
73    @Test @Ignore("failure in call to makeRawRetypeOnly in ToGeneric")
74    public void testFail_1() throws Throwable {
75        // AMH.<init>: IllegalArgumentException: bad adapter (conversion=0xfffab300): adapter pushes too many parameters
76        testSpreadArguments(int.class, 0, 6);
77    }
78    @Test @Ignore("failure in JVM when expanding the stack using asm stub for _adapter_spread_args")
79    public void testFail_2() throws Throwable {
80        // if CONV_OP_IMPLEMENTED_MASK includes OP_SPREAD_ARGS, this crashes:
81        testSpreadArguments(Object.class, 0, 2);
82    }
83    @Test @Ignore("IllArgEx failure in call to ToGeneric.make")
84    public void testFail_3() throws Throwable {
85        // ToGeneric.<init>: UnsupportedOperationException: NYI: primitive parameters must follow references; entryType = (int,java.lang.Object)java.lang.Object
86        testSpreadArguments(int.class, 1, 2);
87    }
88    @Test @Ignore("IllArgEx failure in call to ToGeneric.make")
89    public void testFail_4() throws Throwable {
90        // ToGeneric.<init>: UnsupportedOperationException: NYI: primitive parameters must follow references; entryType = (int,java.lang.Object)java.lang.Object
91        testCollectArguments(int.class, 1, 2);
92    }
93    @Test @Ignore("cannot collect leading primitive types")
94    public void testFail_5() throws Throwable {
95        // ToGeneric.<init>: UnsupportedOperationException: NYI: primitive parameters must follow references; entryType = (int,java.lang.Object)java.lang.Object
96        testInvokers(MethodType.genericMethodType(2).changeParameterType(0, int.class));
97    }
98    @Test @Ignore("should not insert arguments beyond MethodHandlePushLimit")
99    public void testFail_6() throws Throwable {
100        // ValueConversions.varargsArray: UnsupportedOperationException: NYI: cannot form a varargs array of length 13
101        testInsertArguments(0, 0, MAX_ARG_INCREASE+10);
102    }
103    @Test @Ignore("permuteArguments has trouble with double slots")
104    public void testFail_7() throws Throwable {
105        testPermuteArguments(new Object[]{10, 200L},
106                             new Class<?>[]{Integer.class, long.class},
107                             new int[]{1,0});
108        testPermuteArguments(new Object[]{10, 200L, 5000L},
109                             new Class<?>[]{Integer.class, long.class, long.class},
110                             new int[]{2,0,1}); //rot
111        testPermuteArguments(new Object[]{10, 200L, 5000L},
112                             new Class<?>[]{Integer.class, long.class, long.class},
113                             new int[]{1,2,0}); //rot
114        testPermuteArguments(new Object[]{10, 200L, 5000L},
115                             new Class<?>[]{Integer.class, long.class, long.class},
116                             new int[]{2,1,0}); //swap
117        testPermuteArguments(new Object[]{10, 200L, 5000L},
118                             new Class<?>[]{Integer.class, long.class, long.class},
119                             new int[]{0,1,2,2}); //dup
120        testPermuteArguments(new Object[]{10, 200L, 5000L},
121                             new Class<?>[]{Integer.class, long.class, long.class},
122                             new int[]{2,0,1,2});
123        testPermuteArguments(new Object[]{10, 200L, 5000L},
124                             new Class<?>[]{Integer.class, long.class, long.class},
125                             new int[]{2,2,0,1});
126        testPermuteArguments(4, Integer.class,  2, long.class,    6);
127    }
128    static final int MAX_ARG_INCREASE = 3;
130    public MethodHandlesTest() {
131    }
133    String testName;
134    static int allPosTests, allNegTests;
135    int posTests, negTests;
136    @After
137    public void printCounts() {
138        if (verbosity >= 2 && (posTests | negTests) != 0) {
139            System.out.println();
140            if (posTests != 0)  System.out.println("=== "+testName+": "+posTests+" positive test cases run");
141            if (negTests != 0)  System.out.println("=== "+testName+": "+negTests+" negative test cases run");
142            allPosTests += posTests;
143            allNegTests += negTests;
144            posTests = negTests = 0;
145        }
146    }
147    void countTest(boolean positive) {
148        if (positive) ++posTests;
149        else          ++negTests;
150    }
151    void countTest() { countTest(true); }
152    void startTest(String name) {
153        if (testName != null)  printCounts();
154        if (verbosity >= 1)
155            System.out.println(name);
156        posTests = negTests = 0;
157        testName = name;
158    }
160    @BeforeClass
161    public static void setUpClass() throws Exception {
162        calledLog.clear();
163        calledLog.add(null);
164        nextArgVal = INITIAL_ARG_VAL;
165    }
167    @AfterClass
168    public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception {
169        int posTests = allPosTests, negTests = allNegTests;
170        if (verbosity >= 2 && (posTests | negTests) != 0) {
171            System.out.println();
172            if (posTests != 0)  System.out.println("=== "+posTests+" total positive test cases");
173            if (negTests != 0)  System.out.println("=== "+negTests+" total negative test cases");
174        }
175    }
177    static List<Object> calledLog = new ArrayList<Object>();
178    static Object logEntry(String name, Object... args) {
179        return Arrays.asList(name, Arrays.asList(args));
180    }
181    static Object called(String name, Object... args) {
182        Object entry = logEntry(name, args);
183        calledLog.add(entry);
184        return entry;
185    }
186    static void assertCalled(String name, Object... args) {
187        Object expected = logEntry(name, args);
188        Object actual   = calledLog.get(calledLog.size() - 1);
189        if (expected.equals(actual) && verbosity < 9)  return;
190        System.out.println("assertCalled "+name+":");
191        System.out.println("expected:   "+expected);
192        System.out.println("actual:     "+actual);
193        System.out.println("ex. types:  "+getClasses(expected));
194        System.out.println("act. types: "+getClasses(actual));
195        assertEquals("previous method call", expected, actual);
196    }
197    static void printCalled(MethodHandle target, String name, Object... args) {
198        if (verbosity >= 3)
199            System.out.println("calling MH="+target+" to "+name+Arrays.toString(args));
200    }
202    static Object castToWrapper(Object value, Class<?> dst) {
203        Object wrap = null;
204        if (value instanceof Number)
205            wrap = castToWrapperOrNull(((Number)value).longValue(), dst);
206        if (value instanceof Character)
207            wrap = castToWrapperOrNull((char)(Character)value, dst);
208        if (wrap != null)  return wrap;
209        return dst.cast(value);
210    }
212    static Object castToWrapperOrNull(long value, Class<?> dst) {
213        if (dst == int.class || dst == Integer.class)
214            return (int)(value);
215        if (dst == long.class || dst == Long.class)
216            return (long)(value);
217        if (dst == char.class || dst == Character.class)
218            return (char)(value);
219        if (dst == short.class || dst == Short.class)
220            return (short)(value);
221        if (dst == float.class || dst == Float.class)
222            return (float)(value);
223        if (dst == double.class || dst == Double.class)
224            return (double)(value);
225        if (dst == byte.class || dst == Byte.class)
226            return (byte)(value);
227        if (dst == boolean.class || dst == boolean.class)
228            return ((value % 29) & 1) == 0;
229        return null;
230    }
232    static final int ONE_MILLION = (1000*1000),  // first int value
233                     TEN_BILLION = (10*1000*1000*1000),  // scale factor to reach upper 32 bits
234                     INITIAL_ARG_VAL = ONE_MILLION << 1;  // <<1 makes space for sign bit;
235    static long nextArgVal;
236    static long nextArg(boolean moreBits) {
237        long val = nextArgVal++;
238        long sign = -(val & 1); // alternate signs
239        val >>= 1;
240        if (moreBits)
241            // Guarantee some bits in the high word.
242            // In any case keep the decimal representation simple-looking,
243            // with lots of zeroes, so as not to make the printed decimal
244            // strings unnecessarily noisy.
245            val += (val % ONE_MILLION) * TEN_BILLION;
246        return val ^ sign;
247    }
248    static int nextArg() {
249        // Produce a 32-bit result something like ONE_MILLION+(smallint).
250        // Example: 1_000_042.
251        return (int) nextArg(false);
252    }
253    static long nextArg(Class<?> kind) {
254        if (kind == long.class   || kind == Long.class ||
255            kind == double.class || kind == Double.class)
256            // produce a 64-bit result something like
257            // ((TEN_BILLION+1) * (ONE_MILLION+(smallint)))
258            // Example: 10_000_420_001_000_042.
259            return nextArg(true);
260        return (long) nextArg();
261    }
263    static Object randomArg(Class<?> param) {
264        Object wrap = castToWrapperOrNull(nextArg(param), param);
265        if (wrap != null) {
266            return wrap;
267        }
268//        import sun.invoke.util.Wrapper;
269//        Wrapper wrap = Wrapper.forBasicType(dst);
270//        if (wrap == Wrapper.OBJECT && Wrapper.isWrapperType(dst))
271//            wrap = Wrapper.forWrapperType(dst);
272//        if (wrap != Wrapper.OBJECT)
273//            return wrap.wrap(nextArg++);
274        if (param.isInterface()) {
275            for (Class<?> c : param.getClasses()) {
276                if (param.isAssignableFrom(c) && !c.isInterface())
277                    { param = c; break; }
278            }
279        }
280        if (param.isInterface() || param.isAssignableFrom(String.class))
281            return "#"+nextArg();
282        else
283            try {
284                return param.newInstance();
285            } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
286            } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
287            }
288        return null;  // random class not Object, String, Integer, etc.
289    }
290    static Object[] randomArgs(Class<?>... params) {
291        Object[] args = new Object[params.length];
292        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
293            args[i] = randomArg(params[i]);
294        return args;
295    }
296    static Object[] randomArgs(int nargs, Class<?> param) {
297        Object[] args = new Object[nargs];
298        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
299            args[i] = randomArg(param);
300        return args;
301    }
303    static <T, E extends T> T[] array(Class<T[]> atype, E... a) {
304        return Arrays.copyOf(a, a.length, atype);
305    }
306    static <T> T[] cat(T[] a, T... b) {
307        int alen = a.length, blen = b.length;
308        if (blen == 0)  return a;
309        T[] c = Arrays.copyOf(a, alen + blen);
310        System.arraycopy(b, 0, c, alen, blen);
311        return c;
312    }
313    static Integer[] boxAll(int... vx) {
314        Integer[] res = new Integer[vx.length];
315        for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
316            res[i] = vx[i];
317        }
318        return res;
319    }
320    static Object getClasses(Object x) {
321        if (x == null)  return x;
322        if (x instanceof String)  return x;  // keep the name
323        if (x instanceof List) {
324            // recursively report classes of the list elements
325            Object[] xa = ((List)x).toArray();
326            for (int i = 0; i < xa.length; i++)
327                xa[i] = getClasses(xa[i]);
328            return Arrays.asList(xa);
329        }
330        return x.getClass().getSimpleName();
331    }
333    /** Return lambda(arg...[arity]) { new Object[]{ arg... } } */
334    static MethodHandle varargsList(int arity) {
335        return ValueConversions.varargsList(arity);
336    }
337    /** Return lambda(arg...[arity]) { Arrays.asList(arg...) } */
338    static MethodHandle varargsArray(int arity) {
339        return ValueConversions.varargsArray(arity);
340    }
341    static MethodHandle varargsArray(Class<?> arrayType, int arity) {
342        return ValueConversions.varargsArray(arrayType, arity);
343    }
344    /** Variation of varargsList, but with the given rtype. */
345    static MethodHandle varargsList(int arity, Class<?> rtype) {
346        MethodHandle list = varargsList(arity);
347        MethodType listType = list.type().changeReturnType(rtype);
348        if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(rtype) || rtype == void.class || rtype == Object.class) {
349            // OK
350        } else if (rtype.isAssignableFrom(String.class)) {
351            if (LIST_TO_STRING == null)
352                try {
353                    LIST_TO_STRING = PRIVATE.findStatic(PRIVATE.lookupClass(), "listToString",
354                                                        MethodType.methodType(String.class, List.class));
355                } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); }
356            list = MethodHandles.filterReturnValue(list, LIST_TO_STRING);
357        } else if (rtype.isPrimitive()) {
358            if (LIST_TO_INT == null)
359                try {
360                    LIST_TO_INT = PRIVATE.findStatic(PRIVATE.lookupClass(), "listToInt",
361                                                     MethodType.methodType(int.class, List.class));
362                } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); }
363            list = MethodHandles.filterReturnValue(list, LIST_TO_INT);
364            list = MethodHandles.explicitCastArguments(list, listType);
365        } else {
366            throw new RuntimeException("varargsList: "+rtype);
367        }
368        return list.asType(listType);
369    }
370    private static MethodHandle LIST_TO_STRING, LIST_TO_INT;
371    private static String listToString(List x) { return x.toString(); }
372    private static int listToInt(List x) { return x.toString().hashCode(); }
374    static MethodHandle changeArgTypes(MethodHandle target, Class<?> argType) {
375        return changeArgTypes(target, 0, 999, argType);
376    }
377    static MethodHandle changeArgTypes(MethodHandle target,
378            int beg, int end, Class<?> argType) {
379        MethodType targetType = target.type();
380        end = Math.min(end, targetType.parameterCount());
381        ArrayList<Class<?>> argTypes = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(targetType.parameterList());
382        Collections.fill(argTypes.subList(beg, end), argType);
383        MethodType ttype2 = MethodType.methodType(targetType.returnType(), argTypes);
384        return target.asType(ttype2);
385    }
387    // This lookup is good for all members in and under MethodHandlesTest.
388    static final Lookup PRIVATE = MethodHandles.lookup();
389    // This lookup is good for package-private members but not private ones.
390    static final Lookup PACKAGE = PackageSibling.lookup();
391    // This lookup is good only for public members.
392    static final Lookup PUBLIC  = MethodHandles.publicLookup();
394    // Subject methods...
395    static class Example implements IntExample {
396        final String name;
397        public Example() { name = "Example#"+nextArg(); }
398        protected Example(String name) { = name; }
399        protected Example(int x) { this(); called("protected <init>", this, x); }
400        @Override public String toString() { return name; }
402        public void            v0()     { called("v0", this); }
403        void                   pkg_v0() { called("pkg_v0", this); }
404        private void           pri_v0() { called("pri_v0", this); }
405        public static void     s0()     { called("s0"); }
406        static void            pkg_s0() { called("pkg_s0"); }
407        private static void    pri_s0() { called("pri_s0"); }
409        public Object          v1(Object x) { return called("v1", this, x); }
410        public Object          v2(Object x, Object y) { return called("v2", this, x, y); }
411        public Object          v2(Object x, int    y) { return called("v2", this, x, y); }
412        public Object          v2(int    x, Object y) { return called("v2", this, x, y); }
413        public Object          v2(int    x, int    y) { return called("v2", this, x, y); }
414        public static Object   s1(Object x) { return called("s1", x); }
415        public static Object   s2(int x)    { return called("s2", x); }
416        public static Object   s3(long x)   { return called("s3", x); }
417        public static Object   s4(int x, int y) { return called("s4", x, y); }
418        public static Object   s5(long x, int y) { return called("s5", x, y); }
419        public static Object   s6(int x, long y) { return called("s6", x, y); }
420        public static Object   s7(float x, double y) { return called("s7", x, y); }
422        static final Lookup EXAMPLE = MethodHandles.lookup();  // for testing findSpecial
423    }
424    static final Lookup EXAMPLE = Example.EXAMPLE;
425    public static class PubExample extends Example {
426        public PubExample() { super("PubExample#"+nextArg()); }
427    }
428    static class SubExample extends Example {
429        @Override public void  v0()     { called("Sub/v0", this); }
430        @Override void         pkg_v0() { called("Sub/pkg_v0", this); }
431        private      SubExample(int x)  { called("<init>", this, x); }
432        public SubExample() { super("SubExample#"+nextArg()); }
433    }
434    public static interface IntExample {
435        public void            v0();
436        public static class Impl implements IntExample {
437            public void        v0()     { called("Int/v0", this); }
438            final String name;
439            public Impl() { name = "Impl#"+nextArg(); }
440            @Override public String toString() { return name; }
441        }
442    }
444    static final Object[][][] ACCESS_CASES = {
445        { { false, PUBLIC }, { false, PACKAGE }, { false, PRIVATE }, { false, EXAMPLE } }, //[0]: all false
446        { { false, PUBLIC }, { false, PACKAGE }, { true,  PRIVATE }, { true,  EXAMPLE } }, //[1]: only PRIVATE
447        { { false, PUBLIC }, { true,  PACKAGE }, { true,  PRIVATE }, { true,  EXAMPLE } }, //[2]: PUBLIC false
448        { { true,  PUBLIC }, { true,  PACKAGE }, { true,  PRIVATE }, { true,  EXAMPLE } }, //[3]: all true
449    };
451    static Object[][] accessCases(Class<?> defc, String name, boolean isSpecial) {
452        Object[][] cases;
453        if (name.contains("pri_") || isSpecial) {
454            cases = ACCESS_CASES[1]; // PRIVATE only
455        } else if (name.contains("pkg_") || !Modifier.isPublic(defc.getModifiers())) {
456            cases = ACCESS_CASES[2]; // not PUBLIC
457        } else {
458            assertTrue(name.indexOf('_') < 0);
459            boolean pubc = Modifier.isPublic(defc.getModifiers());
460            if (pubc)
461                cases = ACCESS_CASES[3]; // all access levels
462            else
463                cases = ACCESS_CASES[2]; // PACKAGE but not PUBLIC
464        }
465        if (defc != Example.class && cases[cases.length-1][1] == EXAMPLE)
466            cases = Arrays.copyOfRange(cases, 0, cases.length-1);
467        return cases;
468    }
469    static Object[][] accessCases(Class<?> defc, String name) {
470        return accessCases(defc, name, false);
471    }
473    @Test
474    public void testFindStatic() throws Throwable {
475        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
476        startTest("findStatic");
477        testFindStatic(PubExample.class, void.class, "s0");
478        testFindStatic(Example.class, void.class, "s0");
479        testFindStatic(Example.class, void.class, "pkg_s0");
480        testFindStatic(Example.class, void.class, "pri_s0");
482        testFindStatic(Example.class, Object.class, "s1", Object.class);
483        testFindStatic(Example.class, Object.class, "s2", int.class);
484        testFindStatic(Example.class, Object.class, "s3", long.class);
485        testFindStatic(Example.class, Object.class, "s4", int.class, int.class);
486        testFindStatic(Example.class, Object.class, "s5", long.class, int.class);
487        testFindStatic(Example.class, Object.class, "s6", int.class, long.class);
488        testFindStatic(Example.class, Object.class, "s7", float.class, double.class);
490        testFindStatic(false, PRIVATE, Example.class, void.class, "bogus");
491    }
493    void testFindStatic(Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable {
494        for (Object[] ac : accessCases(defc, name)) {
495            testFindStatic((Boolean)ac[0], (Lookup)ac[1], defc, ret, name, params);
496        }
497    }
498    void testFindStatic(Lookup lookup, Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable {
499        testFindStatic(true, lookup, defc, ret, name, params);
500    }
501    void testFindStatic(boolean positive, Lookup lookup, Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable {
502        countTest(positive);
503        MethodType type = MethodType.methodType(ret, params);
504        MethodHandle target = null;
505        Exception noAccess = null;
506        try {
507            if (verbosity >= 4)  System.out.println("lookup via "+lookup+" of "+defc+" "+name+type);
508            target =, name, type);
509        } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
510            noAccess = ex;
511            if (name.contains("bogus"))
512                assertTrue(noAccess instanceof NoSuchMethodException);
513            else
514                assertTrue(noAccess instanceof IllegalAccessException);
515        }
516        if (verbosity >= 3)
517            System.out.println("findStatic "+lookup+": "+defc.getName()+"."+name+"/"+type+" => "+target
518                    +(noAccess == null ? "" : " !! "+noAccess));
519        if (positive && noAccess != null)  throw noAccess;
520        assertEquals(positive ? "positive test" : "negative test erroneously passed", positive, target != null);
521        if (!positive)  return; // negative test failed as expected
522        assertEquals(type, target.type());
523        assertNameStringContains(target, name);
524        if (!DO_MORE_CALLS && lookup != PRIVATE)  return;
525        Object[] args = randomArgs(params);
526        printCalled(target, name, args);
527        target.invokeWithArguments(args);
528        assertCalled(name, args);
529        if (verbosity >= 1)
530            System.out.print(':');
531    }
533    static final boolean DEBUG_METHOD_HANDLE_NAMES = Boolean.getBoolean("java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.DEBUG_NAMES");
535    // rough check of name string
536    static void assertNameStringContains(MethodHandle x, String s) {
537        if (!DEBUG_METHOD_HANDLE_NAMES) {
538            // ignore s
539            assertEquals("MethodHandle"+x.type(), x.toString());
540            return;
541        }
542        if (x.toString().contains(s))  return;
543        assertEquals(s, x);
544    }
546    @Test
547    public void testFindVirtual() throws Throwable {
548        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
549        startTest("findVirtual");
550        testFindVirtual(Example.class, void.class, "v0");
551        testFindVirtual(Example.class, void.class, "pkg_v0");
552        testFindVirtual(Example.class, void.class, "pri_v0");
553        testFindVirtual(Example.class, Object.class, "v1", Object.class);
554        testFindVirtual(Example.class, Object.class, "v2", Object.class, Object.class);
555        testFindVirtual(Example.class, Object.class, "v2", Object.class, int.class);
556        testFindVirtual(Example.class, Object.class, "v2", int.class, Object.class);
557        testFindVirtual(Example.class, Object.class, "v2", int.class, int.class);
558        testFindVirtual(false, PRIVATE, Example.class, Example.class, void.class, "bogus");
559        // test dispatch
560        testFindVirtual(SubExample.class,      SubExample.class, void.class, "Sub/v0");
561        testFindVirtual(SubExample.class,         Example.class, void.class, "Sub/v0");
562        testFindVirtual(SubExample.class,      IntExample.class, void.class, "Sub/v0");
563        testFindVirtual(SubExample.class,      SubExample.class, void.class, "Sub/pkg_v0");
564        testFindVirtual(SubExample.class,         Example.class, void.class, "Sub/pkg_v0");
565        testFindVirtual(Example.class,         IntExample.class, void.class, "v0");
566        testFindVirtual(IntExample.Impl.class, IntExample.class, void.class, "Int/v0");
567    }
569    void testFindVirtual(Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable {
570        Class<?> rcvc = defc;
571        testFindVirtual(rcvc, defc, ret, name, params);
572    }
573    void testFindVirtual(Class<?> rcvc, Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable {
574        for (Object[] ac : accessCases(defc, name)) {
575            testFindVirtual((Boolean)ac[0], (Lookup)ac[1], rcvc, defc, ret, name, params);
576        }
577    }
578    void testFindVirtual(Lookup lookup, Class<?> rcvc, Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable {
579        testFindVirtual(true, lookup, rcvc, defc, ret, name, params);
580    }
581    void testFindVirtual(boolean positive, Lookup lookup, Class<?> rcvc, Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable {
582        countTest(positive);
583        String methodName = name.substring(1 + name.indexOf('/'));  // foo/bar => foo
584        MethodType type = MethodType.methodType(ret, params);
585        MethodHandle target = null;
586        Exception noAccess = null;
587        try {
588            if (verbosity >= 4)  System.out.println("lookup via "+lookup+" of "+defc+" "+name+type);
589            target =, methodName, type);
590        } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
591            noAccess = ex;
592            if (name.contains("bogus"))
593                assertTrue(noAccess instanceof NoSuchMethodException);
594            else
595                assertTrue(noAccess instanceof IllegalAccessException);
596        }
597        if (verbosity >= 3)
598            System.out.println("findVirtual "+lookup+": "+defc.getName()+"."+name+"/"+type+" => "+target
599                    +(noAccess == null ? "" : " !! "+noAccess));
600        if (positive && noAccess != null)  throw noAccess;
601        assertEquals(positive ? "positive test" : "negative test erroneously passed", positive, target != null);
602        if (!positive)  return; // negative test failed as expected
603        Class<?>[] paramsWithSelf = cat(array(Class[].class, (Class)defc), params);
604        MethodType typeWithSelf = MethodType.methodType(ret, paramsWithSelf);
605        assertEquals(typeWithSelf, target.type());
606        assertNameStringContains(target, methodName);
607        if (!DO_MORE_CALLS && lookup != PRIVATE)  return;
608        Object[] argsWithSelf = randomArgs(paramsWithSelf);
609        if (rcvc != defc)  argsWithSelf[0] = randomArg(rcvc);
610        printCalled(target, name, argsWithSelf);
611        target.invokeWithArguments(argsWithSelf);
612        assertCalled(name, argsWithSelf);
613        if (verbosity >= 1)
614            System.out.print(':');
615    }
617    @Test
618    public void testFindSpecial() throws Throwable {
619        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
620        startTest("findSpecial");
621        testFindSpecial(SubExample.class, Example.class, void.class, "v0");
622        testFindSpecial(SubExample.class, Example.class, void.class, "pkg_v0");
623        // Do some negative testing:
624        testFindSpecial(false, EXAMPLE, SubExample.class, Example.class, void.class, "bogus");
625        testFindSpecial(false, PRIVATE, SubExample.class, Example.class, void.class, "bogus");
626        for (Lookup lookup : new Lookup[]{ PRIVATE, EXAMPLE, PACKAGE, PUBLIC }) {
627            testFindSpecial(false, lookup, Object.class, Example.class, void.class, "v0");
628            testFindSpecial(false, lookup, SubExample.class, Example.class, void.class, "<init>", int.class);
629            testFindSpecial(false, lookup, SubExample.class, Example.class, void.class, "s0");
630        }
631    }
633    void testFindSpecial(Class<?> specialCaller,
634                         Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable {
635        testFindSpecial(true,  EXAMPLE, specialCaller, defc, ret, name, params);
636        testFindSpecial(true,  PRIVATE, specialCaller, defc, ret, name, params);
637        testFindSpecial(false, PACKAGE, specialCaller, defc, ret, name, params);
638        testFindSpecial(false, PUBLIC,  specialCaller, defc, ret, name, params);
639    }
640    void testFindSpecial(boolean positive, Lookup lookup, Class<?> specialCaller,
641                         Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable {
642        countTest(positive);
643        MethodType type = MethodType.methodType(ret, params);
644        MethodHandle target = null;
645        Exception noAccess = null;
646        try {
647            if (verbosity >= 4)  System.out.println("lookup via "+lookup+" of "+defc+" "+name+type);
648            if (verbosity >= 5)  System.out.println("  lookup => ";
649            target =, name, type, specialCaller);
650        } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
651            noAccess = ex;
652            if (name.contains("bogus"))
653                assertTrue(noAccess instanceof NoSuchMethodException);
654            else
655                assertTrue(noAccess instanceof IllegalAccessException);
656        }
657        if (verbosity >= 3)
658            System.out.println("findSpecial from "+specialCaller.getName()+" to "+defc.getName()+"."+name+"/"+type+" => "+target
659                               +(target == null ? "" : target.type())
660                               +(noAccess == null ? "" : " !! "+noAccess));
661        if (positive && noAccess != null)  throw noAccess;
662        assertEquals(positive ? "positive test" : "negative test erroneously passed", positive, target != null);
663        if (!positive)  return; // negative test failed as expected
664        assertEquals(specialCaller, target.type().parameterType(0));
665        assertEquals(type,          target.type().dropParameterTypes(0,1));
666        Class<?>[] paramsWithSelf = cat(array(Class[].class, (Class)specialCaller), params);
667        MethodType typeWithSelf = MethodType.methodType(ret, paramsWithSelf);
668        assertNameStringContains(target, name);
669        if (!DO_MORE_CALLS && lookup != PRIVATE && lookup != EXAMPLE)  return;
670        Object[] args = randomArgs(paramsWithSelf);
671        printCalled(target, name, args);
672        target.invokeWithArguments(args);
673        assertCalled(name, args);
674    }
676    @Test
677    public void testBind() throws Throwable {
678        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
679        startTest("bind");
680        testBind(Example.class, void.class, "v0");
681        testBind(Example.class, void.class, "pkg_v0");
682        testBind(Example.class, void.class, "pri_v0");
683        testBind(Example.class, Object.class, "v1", Object.class);
684        testBind(Example.class, Object.class, "v2", Object.class, Object.class);
685        testBind(Example.class, Object.class, "v2", Object.class, int.class);
686        testBind(Example.class, Object.class, "v2", int.class, Object.class);
687        testBind(Example.class, Object.class, "v2", int.class, int.class);
688        testBind(false, PRIVATE, Example.class, void.class, "bogus");
689        testBind(SubExample.class, void.class, "Sub/v0");
690        testBind(SubExample.class, void.class, "Sub/pkg_v0");
691        testBind(IntExample.Impl.class, void.class, "Int/v0");
692    }
694    void testBind(Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable {
695        for (Object[] ac : accessCases(defc, name)) {
696            testBind((Boolean)ac[0], (Lookup)ac[1], defc, ret, name, params);
697        }
698    }
700    void testBind(boolean positive, Lookup lookup, Class<?> defc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable {
701        countTest(positive);
702        String methodName = name.substring(1 + name.indexOf('/'));  // foo/bar => foo
703        MethodType type = MethodType.methodType(ret, params);
704        Object receiver = randomArg(defc);
705        MethodHandle target = null;
706        Exception noAccess = null;
707        try {
708            if (verbosity >= 4)  System.out.println("lookup via "+lookup+" of "+defc+" "+name+type);
709            target =, methodName, type);
710        } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
711            noAccess = ex;
712            if (name.contains("bogus"))
713                assertTrue(noAccess instanceof NoSuchMethodException);
714            else
715                assertTrue(noAccess instanceof IllegalAccessException);
716        }
717        if (verbosity >= 3)
718            System.out.println("bind "+receiver+"."+name+"/"+type+" => "+target
719                    +(noAccess == null ? "" : " !! "+noAccess));
720        if (positive && noAccess != null)  throw noAccess;
721        assertEquals(positive ? "positive test" : "negative test erroneously passed", positive, target != null);
722        if (!positive)  return; // negative test failed as expected
723        assertEquals(type, target.type());
724        Object[] args = randomArgs(params);
725        printCalled(target, name, args);
726        target.invokeWithArguments(args);
727        Object[] argsWithReceiver = cat(array(Object[].class, receiver), args);
728        assertCalled(name, argsWithReceiver);
729        if (verbosity >= 1)
730            System.out.print(':');
731    }
733    @Test
734    public void testUnreflect() throws Throwable {
735        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
736        startTest("unreflect");
737        testUnreflect(Example.class, true, void.class, "s0");
738        testUnreflect(Example.class, true, void.class, "pkg_s0");
739        testUnreflect(Example.class, true, void.class, "pri_s0");
741        testUnreflect(Example.class, true, Object.class, "s1", Object.class);
742        testUnreflect(Example.class, true, Object.class, "s2", int.class);
743        testUnreflect(Example.class, true, Object.class, "s3", long.class);
744        testUnreflect(Example.class, true, Object.class, "s4", int.class, int.class);
745        testUnreflect(Example.class, true, Object.class, "s5", long.class, int.class);
746        testUnreflect(Example.class, true, Object.class, "s6", int.class, long.class);
748        testUnreflect(Example.class, false, void.class, "v0");
749        testUnreflect(Example.class, false, void.class, "pkg_v0");
750        testUnreflect(Example.class, false, void.class, "pri_v0");
751        testUnreflect(Example.class, false, Object.class, "v1", Object.class);
752        testUnreflect(Example.class, false, Object.class, "v2", Object.class, Object.class);
753        testUnreflect(Example.class, false, Object.class, "v2", Object.class, int.class);
754        testUnreflect(Example.class, false, Object.class, "v2", int.class, Object.class);
755        testUnreflect(Example.class, false, Object.class, "v2", int.class, int.class);
756    }
758    void testUnreflect(Class<?> defc, boolean isStatic, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable {
759        for (Object[] ac : accessCases(defc, name)) {
760            testUnreflectMaybeSpecial(null, (Boolean)ac[0], (Lookup)ac[1], defc, (isStatic ? null : defc), ret, name, params);
761        }
762    }
763    void testUnreflect(Class<?> defc, Class<?> rcvc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable {
764        for (Object[] ac : accessCases(defc, name)) {
765            testUnreflectMaybeSpecial(null, (Boolean)ac[0], (Lookup)ac[1], defc, rcvc, ret, name, params);
766        }
767    }
768    void testUnreflectMaybeSpecial(Class<?> specialCaller,
769                                   boolean positive, Lookup lookup,
770                                   Class<?> defc, Class<?> rcvc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable {
771        countTest(positive);
772        MethodType type = MethodType.methodType(ret, params);
773        Method rmethod = defc.getDeclaredMethod(name, params);
774        MethodHandle target = null;
775        Exception noAccess = null;
776        boolean isStatic = (rcvc == null);
777        boolean isSpecial = (specialCaller != null);
778        try {
779            if (verbosity >= 4)  System.out.println("lookup via "+lookup+" of "+defc+" "+name+type);
780            if (isSpecial)
781                target =, specialCaller);
782            else
783                target =;
784        } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
785            noAccess = ex;
786            if (name.contains("bogus"))
787                assertTrue(noAccess instanceof NoSuchMethodException);
788            else
789                assertTrue(noAccess instanceof IllegalAccessException);
790        }
791        if (verbosity >= 3)
792            System.out.println("unreflect"+(isSpecial?"Special":"")+" "+defc.getName()+"."+name+"/"+type
793                               +(!isSpecial ? "" : " specialCaller="+specialCaller)
794                               +( isStatic  ? "" : " receiver="+rcvc)
795                               +" => "+target
796                               +(noAccess == null ? "" : " !! "+noAccess));
797        if (positive && noAccess != null)  throw noAccess;
798        assertEquals(positive ? "positive test" : "negative test erroneously passed", positive, target != null);
799        if (!positive)  return; // negative test failed as expected
800        assertEquals(isStatic, Modifier.isStatic(rmethod.getModifiers()));
801        Class<?>[] paramsMaybeWithSelf = params;
802        if (!isStatic) {
803            paramsMaybeWithSelf = cat(array(Class[].class, (Class)rcvc), params);
804        }
805        MethodType typeMaybeWithSelf = MethodType.methodType(ret, paramsMaybeWithSelf);
806        if (isStatic) {
807            assertEquals(typeMaybeWithSelf, target.type());
808        } else {
809            if (isSpecial)
810                assertEquals(specialCaller, target.type().parameterType(0));
811            else
812                assertEquals(defc, target.type().parameterType(0));
813            assertEquals(typeMaybeWithSelf, target.type().changeParameterType(0, rcvc));
814        }
815        Object[] argsMaybeWithSelf = randomArgs(paramsMaybeWithSelf);
816        printCalled(target, name, argsMaybeWithSelf);
817        target.invokeWithArguments(argsMaybeWithSelf);
818        assertCalled(name, argsMaybeWithSelf);
819        if (verbosity >= 1)
820            System.out.print(':');
821    }
823    void testUnreflectSpecial(Class<?> defc, Class<?> rcvc, Class<?> ret, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable {
824        for (Object[] ac : accessCases(defc, name, true)) {
825            Class<?> specialCaller = rcvc;
826            testUnreflectMaybeSpecial(specialCaller, (Boolean)ac[0], (Lookup)ac[1], defc, rcvc, ret, name, params);
827        }
828    }
830    @Test
831    public void testUnreflectSpecial() throws Throwable {
832        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
833        startTest("unreflectSpecial");
834        testUnreflectSpecial(Example.class,    Example.class, void.class, "v0");
835        testUnreflectSpecial(Example.class, SubExample.class, void.class, "v0");
836        testUnreflectSpecial(Example.class,    Example.class, void.class, "pkg_v0");
837        testUnreflectSpecial(Example.class, SubExample.class, void.class, "pkg_v0");
838        testUnreflectSpecial(Example.class,    Example.class, Object.class, "v2", int.class, int.class);
839        testUnreflectSpecial(Example.class, SubExample.class, Object.class, "v2", int.class, int.class);
840        testUnreflectMaybeSpecial(Example.class, false, PRIVATE, Example.class, Example.class, void.class, "s0");
841    }
843    public static class HasFields {
844        boolean fZ = false;
845        byte fB = (byte)'B';
846        short fS = (short)'S';
847        char fC = 'C';
848        int fI = 'I';
849        long fJ = 'J';
850        float fF = 'F';
851        double fD = 'D';
852        static boolean sZ = true;
853        static byte sB = 1+(byte)'B';
854        static short sS = 1+(short)'S';
855        static char sC = 1+'C';
856        static int sI = 1+'I';
857        static long sJ = 1+'J';
858        static float sF = 1+'F';
859        static double sD = 1+'D';
861        Object fL = 'L';
862        String fR = "R";
863        static Object sL = 'M';
864        static String sR = "S";
866        static final Object[][] CASES;
867        static {
868            ArrayList<Object[]> cases = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
869            Object types[][] = {
870                {'L',Object.class}, {'R',String.class},
871                {'I',int.class}, {'J',long.class},
872                {'F',float.class}, {'D',double.class},
873                {'Z',boolean.class}, {'B',byte.class},
874                {'S',short.class}, {'C',char.class},
875            };
876            HasFields fields = new HasFields();
877            for (Object[] t : types) {
878                for (int kind = 0; kind <= 1; kind++) {
879                    boolean isStatic = (kind != 0);
880                    char btc = (Character)t[0];
881                    String name = (isStatic ? "s" : "f") + btc;
882                    Class<?> type = (Class<?>) t[1];
883                    Object value;
884                    Field field;
885                        try {
886                        field = HasFields.class.getDeclaredField(name);
887                    } catch (Exception ex) {
888                        throw new InternalError("no field HasFields."+name);
889                    }
890                    try {
891                        value = field.get(fields);
892                    } catch (Exception ex) {
893                        throw new InternalError("cannot fetch field HasFields."+name);
894                    }
895                    if (type == float.class) {
896                        float v = 'F';
897                        if (isStatic)  v++;
898                        assertTrue(value.equals(v));
899                    }
900                    assertTrue(name.equals(field.getName()));
901                    assertTrue(type.equals(field.getType()));
902                    assertTrue(isStatic == (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())));
903                    cases.add(new Object[]{ field, value });
904                }
905            }
906            cases.add(new Object[]{ new Object[]{ false, HasFields.class, "bogus_fD", double.class }, Error.class });
907            cases.add(new Object[]{ new Object[]{ true,  HasFields.class, "bogus_sL", Object.class }, Error.class });
908            CASES = cases.toArray(new Object[0][]);
909        }
910    }
912    static final int TEST_UNREFLECT = 1, TEST_FIND_FIELD = 2, TEST_FIND_STATIC = 3, TEST_SETTER = 0x10;
913    static boolean testModeMatches(int testMode, boolean isStatic) {
914        switch (testMode) {
915        case TEST_FIND_STATIC:          return isStatic;
916        case TEST_FIND_FIELD:           return !isStatic;
917        case TEST_UNREFLECT:            return true;  // unreflect matches both
918        }
919        throw new InternalError("testMode="+testMode);
920    }
922    @Test
923    public void testUnreflectGetter() throws Throwable {
924        startTest("unreflectGetter");
925        testGetter(TEST_UNREFLECT);
926    }
927    @Test
928    public void testFindGetter() throws Throwable {
929        startTest("findGetter");
930        testGetter(TEST_FIND_FIELD);
931    }
932    @Test
933    public void testFindStaticGetter() throws Throwable {
934        startTest("findStaticGetter");
935        testGetter(TEST_FIND_STATIC);
936    }
937    public void testGetter(int testMode) throws Throwable {
938        Lookup lookup = PRIVATE;  // FIXME: test more lookups than this one
939        for (Object[] c : HasFields.CASES) {
940            boolean positive = (c[1] != Error.class);
941            testGetter(positive, lookup, c[0], c[1], testMode);
942        }
943        testGetter(true, lookup,
944                   new Object[]{ true,  System.class, "out", },
945                   System.out, testMode);
946        for (int isStaticN = 0; isStaticN <= 1; isStaticN++) {
947            testGetter(false, lookup,
948                       new Object[]{ (isStaticN != 0), System.class, "bogus", char.class },
949                       null, testMode);
950        }
951    }
952    public void testGetter(boolean positive, MethodHandles.Lookup lookup,
953                           Object fieldRef, Object value, int testMode) throws Throwable {
954        testAccessor(positive, lookup, fieldRef, value, testMode);
955    }
957    public void testAccessor(boolean positive, MethodHandles.Lookup lookup,
958                             Object fieldRef, Object value, int testMode0) throws Throwable {
959        boolean isGetter = ((testMode0 & TEST_SETTER) == 0);
960        int testMode = testMode0 & ~TEST_SETTER;
961        boolean isStatic;
962        Class<?> fclass;
963        String   fname;
964        Class<?> ftype;
965        Field f = (fieldRef instanceof Field ? (Field)fieldRef : null);
966        if (f != null) {
967            isStatic = Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers());
968            fclass   = f.getDeclaringClass();
969            fname    = f.getName();
970            ftype    = f.getType();
971        } else {
972            Object[] scnt = (Object[]) fieldRef;
973            isStatic = (Boolean)  scnt[0];
974            fclass   = (Class<?>) scnt[1];
975            fname    = (String)   scnt[2];
976            ftype    = (Class<?>) scnt[3];
977            try {
978                f = fclass.getDeclaredField(fname);
979            } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
980                f = null;
981            }
982        }
983        if (!testModeMatches(testMode, isStatic))  return;
984        if (f == null && testMode == TEST_UNREFLECT)  return;
985        countTest(positive);
986        MethodType expType;
987        if (isGetter)
988            expType = MethodType.methodType(ftype, HasFields.class);
989        else
990            expType = MethodType.methodType(void.class, HasFields.class, ftype);
991        if (isStatic)  expType = expType.dropParameterTypes(0, 1);
992        Exception noAccess = null;
993        MethodHandle mh;
994        try {
995            switch (testMode0) {
996            case TEST_UNREFLECT:   mh = lookup.unreflectGetter(f);                      break;
997            case TEST_FIND_FIELD:  mh = lookup.findGetter(fclass, fname, ftype);        break;
998            case TEST_FIND_STATIC: mh = lookup.findStaticGetter(fclass, fname, ftype);  break;
999            case TEST_SETTER|
1000                 TEST_UNREFLECT:   mh = lookup.unreflectSetter(f);                      break;
1001            case TEST_SETTER|
1002                 TEST_FIND_FIELD:  mh = lookup.findSetter(fclass, fname, ftype);        break;
1003            case TEST_SETTER|
1004                 TEST_FIND_STATIC: mh = lookup.findStaticSetter(fclass, fname, ftype);  break;
1005            default:
1006                throw new InternalError("testMode="+testMode);
1007            }
1008        } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
1009            mh = null;
1010            noAccess = ex;
1011            if (fname.contains("bogus"))
1012                assertTrue(noAccess instanceof NoSuchFieldException);
1013            else
1014                assertTrue(noAccess instanceof IllegalAccessException);
1015        }
1016        if (verbosity >= 3)
1017            System.out.println("find"+(isStatic?"Static":"")+(isGetter?"Getter":"Setter")+" "+fclass.getName()+"."+fname+"/"+ftype
1018                               +" => "+mh
1019                               +(noAccess == null ? "" : " !! "+noAccess));
1020        if (positive && noAccess != null)  throw new RuntimeException(noAccess);
1021        assertEquals(positive ? "positive test" : "negative test erroneously passed", positive, mh != null);
1022        if (!positive)  return; // negative test failed as expected
1023        assertEquals((isStatic ? 0 : 1)+(isGetter ? 0 : 1), mh.type().parameterCount());
1026        assertSame(mh.type(), expType);
1027        assertNameStringContains(mh, fname);
1028        HasFields fields = new HasFields();
1029        Object sawValue;
1030        Class<?> vtype = ftype;
1031        if (ftype != int.class)  vtype = Object.class;
1032        if (isGetter) {
1033            mh = mh.asType(mh.type().generic()
1034                           .changeReturnType(vtype));
1035        } else {
1036            int last = mh.type().parameterCount() - 1;
1037            mh = mh.asType(mh.type().generic()
1038                           .changeReturnType(void.class)
1039                           .changeParameterType(last, vtype));
1040        }
1041        if (f != null && f.getDeclaringClass() == HasFields.class) {
1042            assertEquals(f.get(fields), value);  // clean to start with
1043        }
1044        if (isGetter) {
1045            Object expValue = value;
1046            for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
1047                if (isStatic) {
1048                    if (ftype == int.class)
1049                        sawValue = (int) mh.invokeExact();  // do these exactly
1050                    else
1051                        sawValue = mh.invokeExact();
1052                } else {
1053                    if (ftype == int.class)
1054                        sawValue = (int) mh.invokeExact((Object) fields);
1055                    else
1056                        sawValue = mh.invokeExact((Object) fields);
1057                }
1058                assertEquals(sawValue, expValue);
1059                if (f != null && f.getDeclaringClass() == HasFields.class
1060                    && !Modifier.isFinal(f.getModifiers())) {
1061                    Object random = randomArg(ftype);
1062                    f.set(fields, random);
1063                    expValue = random;
1064                } else {
1065                    break;
1066                }
1067            }
1068        } else {
1069            for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
1070                Object putValue = randomArg(ftype);
1071                if (isStatic) {
1072                    if (ftype == int.class)
1073                        mh.invokeExact((int)putValue);  // do these exactly
1074                    else
1075                        mh.invokeExact(putValue);
1076                } else {
1077                    if (ftype == int.class)
1078                        mh.invokeExact((Object) fields, (int)putValue);
1079                    else
1080                        mh.invokeExact((Object) fields, putValue);
1081                }
1082                if (f != null && f.getDeclaringClass() == HasFields.class) {
1083                    assertEquals(f.get(fields), putValue);
1084                }
1085            }
1086        }
1087        if (f != null && f.getDeclaringClass() == HasFields.class) {
1088            f.set(fields, value);  // put it back
1089        }
1090    }
1093    @Test
1094    public void testUnreflectSetter() throws Throwable {
1095        startTest("unreflectSetter");
1096        testSetter(TEST_UNREFLECT);
1097    }
1098    @Test
1099    public void testFindSetter() throws Throwable {
1100        startTest("findSetter");
1101        testSetter(TEST_FIND_FIELD);
1102    }
1103    @Test
1104    public void testFindStaticSetter() throws Throwable {
1105        startTest("findStaticSetter");
1106        testSetter(TEST_FIND_STATIC);
1107    }
1108    public void testSetter(int testMode) throws Throwable {
1109        Lookup lookup = PRIVATE;  // FIXME: test more lookups than this one
1110        startTest("unreflectSetter");
1111        for (Object[] c : HasFields.CASES) {
1112            boolean positive = (c[1] != Error.class);
1113            testSetter(positive, lookup, c[0], c[1], testMode);
1114        }
1115        for (int isStaticN = 0; isStaticN <= 1; isStaticN++) {
1116            testSetter(false, lookup,
1117                       new Object[]{ (isStaticN != 0), System.class, "bogus", char.class },
1118                       null, testMode);
1119        }
1120    }
1121    public void testSetter(boolean positive, MethodHandles.Lookup lookup,
1122                           Object fieldRef, Object value, int testMode) throws Throwable {
1123        testAccessor(positive, lookup, fieldRef, value, testMode | TEST_SETTER);
1124    }
1126    @Test
1127    public void testArrayElementGetter() throws Throwable {
1128        startTest("arrayElementGetter");
1129        testArrayElementGetterSetter(false);
1130    }
1132    @Test
1133    public void testArrayElementSetter() throws Throwable {
1134        startTest("arrayElementSetter");
1135        testArrayElementGetterSetter(true);
1136    }
1138    public void testArrayElementGetterSetter(boolean testSetter) throws Throwable {
1139        testArrayElementGetterSetter(new Object[10], testSetter);
1140        testArrayElementGetterSetter(new String[10], testSetter);
1141        testArrayElementGetterSetter(new boolean[10], testSetter);
1142        testArrayElementGetterSetter(new byte[10], testSetter);
1143        testArrayElementGetterSetter(new char[10], testSetter);
1144        testArrayElementGetterSetter(new short[10], testSetter);
1145        testArrayElementGetterSetter(new int[10], testSetter);
1146        testArrayElementGetterSetter(new float[10], testSetter);
1147        testArrayElementGetterSetter(new long[10], testSetter);
1148        testArrayElementGetterSetter(new double[10], testSetter);
1149    }
1151    public void testArrayElementGetterSetter(Object array, boolean testSetter) throws Throwable {
1152        countTest(true);
1153        if (verbosity >= 2)  System.out.println("array type = "+array.getClass().getComponentType().getName()+"["+Array.getLength(array)+"]");
1154        Class<?> arrayType = array.getClass();
1155        Class<?> elemType = arrayType.getComponentType();
1156        MethodType expType = !testSetter
1157                ? MethodType.methodType(elemType,   arrayType, int.class)
1158                : MethodType.methodType(void.class, arrayType, int.class, elemType);
1159        MethodHandle mh = !testSetter
1160                ? MethodHandles.arrayElementGetter(arrayType)
1161                : MethodHandles.arrayElementSetter(arrayType);
1162        assertSame(mh.type(), expType);
1163        if (elemType != int.class && elemType != boolean.class) {
1164            // FIXME: change Integer.class and (Integer) below to int.class and (int) below.
1165            MethodType gtype = mh.type().generic().changeParameterType(1, Integer.class);
1166            if (testSetter)  gtype = gtype.changeReturnType(void.class);
1167            mh = mh.asType(gtype);
1168        }
1169        Object sawValue, expValue;
1170        List<Object> model = array2list(array);
1171        int length = Array.getLength(array);
1172        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
1173            // update array element
1174            Object random = randomArg(elemType);
1175            model.set(i, random);
1176            if (testSetter) {
1177                if (elemType == int.class)
1178                    mh.invokeExact((int[]) array, i, (int)random);
1179                else if (elemType == boolean.class)
1180                    mh.invokeExact((boolean[]) array, i, (boolean)random);
1181                else
1182                    mh.invokeExact(array, (Integer)i, random);
1183                assertEquals(model, array2list(array));
1184            } else {
1185                Array.set(array, i, random);
1186            }
1187            if (verbosity >= 5) {
1188                List<Object> array2list = array2list(array);
1189                System.out.println("a["+i+"]="+random+" => "+array2list);
1190                if (!array2list.equals(model))
1191                    System.out.println("***   != "+model);
1192            }
1193            // observe array element
1194            sawValue = Array.get(array, i);
1195            if (!testSetter) {
1196                expValue = sawValue;
1197                if (elemType == int.class)
1198                    sawValue = (int) mh.invokeExact((int[]) array, i);
1199                else if (elemType == boolean.class)
1200                    sawValue = (boolean) mh.invokeExact((boolean[]) array, i);
1201                else
1202                    sawValue = mh.invokeExact(array, (Integer)i);
1203                assertEquals(sawValue, expValue);
1204                assertEquals(model, array2list(array));
1205            }
1206        }
1207    }
1209    List<Object> array2list(Object array) {
1210        int length = Array.getLength(array);
1211        ArrayList<Object> model = new ArrayList<Object>(length);
1212        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
1213            model.add(Array.get(array, i));
1214        return model;
1215    }
1217    static class Callee {
1218        static Object id() { return called("id"); }
1219        static Object id(Object x) { return called("id", x); }
1220        static Object id(Object x, Object y) { return called("id", x, y); }
1221        static Object id(Object x, Object y, Object z) { return called("id", x, y, z); }
1222        static Object id(Object... vx) { return called("id", vx); }
1223        static MethodHandle ofType(int n) {
1224            return ofType(Object.class, n);
1225        }
1226        static MethodHandle ofType(Class<?> rtype, int n) {
1227            if (n == -1)
1228                return ofType(MethodType.methodType(rtype, Object[].class));
1229            return ofType(MethodType.genericMethodType(n).changeReturnType(rtype));
1230        }
1231        static MethodHandle ofType(Class<?> rtype, Class<?>... ptypes) {
1232            return ofType(MethodType.methodType(rtype, ptypes));
1233        }
1234        static MethodHandle ofType(MethodType type) {
1235            Class<?> rtype = type.returnType();
1236            String pfx = "";
1237            if (rtype != Object.class)
1238                pfx = rtype.getSimpleName().substring(0, 1).toLowerCase();
1239            String name = pfx+"id";
1240            try {
1241                return PRIVATE.findStatic(Callee.class, name, type);
1242            } catch (Exception ex) {
1243                throw new RuntimeException(ex);
1244            }
1245        }
1246    }
1248    @Test
1249    public void testConvertArguments() throws Throwable {
1250        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
1251        startTest("convertArguments");
1252        testConvert(Callee.ofType(1), null, "id", int.class);
1253        testConvert(Callee.ofType(1), null, "id", String.class);
1254        testConvert(Callee.ofType(1), null, "id", Integer.class);
1255        testConvert(Callee.ofType(1), null, "id", short.class);
1256        testConvert(Callee.ofType(1), null, "id", char.class);
1257        testConvert(Callee.ofType(1), null, "id", byte.class);
1258    }
1260    void testConvert(MethodHandle id, Class<?> rtype, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable {
1261        testConvert(true, id, rtype, name, params);
1262    }
1264    void testConvert(boolean positive,
1265                     MethodHandle id, Class<?> rtype, String name, Class<?>... params) throws Throwable {
1266        countTest(positive);
1267        MethodType idType = id.type();
1268        if (rtype == null)  rtype = idType.returnType();
1269        for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
1270            if (params[i] == null)  params[i] = idType.parameterType(i);
1271        }
1272        // simulate the pairwise conversion
1273        MethodType newType = MethodType.methodType(rtype, params);
1274        Object[] args = randomArgs(newType.parameterArray());
1275        Object[] convArgs = args.clone();
1276        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
1277            Class<?> src = newType.parameterType(i);
1278            Class<?> dst = idType.parameterType(i);
1279            if (src != dst)
1280                convArgs[i] = castToWrapper(convArgs[i], dst);
1281        }
1282        Object convResult = id.invokeWithArguments(convArgs);
1283        {
1284            Class<?> dst = newType.returnType();
1285            Class<?> src = idType.returnType();
1286            if (src != dst)
1287                convResult = castToWrapper(convResult, dst);
1288        }
1289        MethodHandle target = null;
1290        RuntimeException error = null;
1291        try {
1292            target = id.asType(newType);
1293        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
1294            error = ex;
1295        }
1296        if (verbosity >= 3)
1297            System.out.println("convert "+id+ " to "+newType+" => "+target
1298                    +(error == null ? "" : " !! "+error));
1299        if (positive && error != null)  throw error;
1300        assertEquals(positive ? "positive test" : "negative test erroneously passed", positive, target != null);
1301        if (!positive)  return; // negative test failed as expected
1302        assertEquals(newType, target.type());
1303        printCalled(target, id.toString(), args);
1304        Object result = target.invokeWithArguments(args);
1305        assertCalled(name, convArgs);
1306        assertEquals(convResult, result);
1307        if (verbosity >= 1)
1308            System.out.print(':');
1309    }
1311    @Test
1312    public void testVarargsCollector() throws Throwable {
1313        MethodHandle vac0 = PRIVATE.findStatic(MethodHandlesTest.class, "called",
1314                               MethodType.methodType(Object.class, String.class, Object[].class));
1315        vac0 = vac0.bindTo("vac");
1316        MethodHandle vac = vac0.asVarargsCollector(Object[].class);
1317        testConvert(true, vac.asType(MethodType.genericMethodType(0)), null, "vac");
1318        testConvert(true, vac.asType(MethodType.genericMethodType(0)), null, "vac");
1319        for (Class<?> at : new Class[] { Object.class, String.class, Integer.class }) {
1320            testConvert(true, vac.asType(MethodType.genericMethodType(1)), null, "vac", at);
1321            testConvert(true, vac.asType(MethodType.genericMethodType(2)), null, "vac", at, at);
1322        }
1323    }
1325    @Test
1326    public void testPermuteArguments() throws Throwable {
1327        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
1328        startTest("permuteArguments");
1329        testPermuteArguments(4, Integer.class,  2, String.class,  0);
1330        testPermuteArguments(6, Integer.class,  0, null,         30);
1331        //testPermuteArguments(4, Integer.class,  2, long.class,    6);  // FIXME Fail_7
1332    }
1333    public void testPermuteArguments(int max, Class<?> type1, int t2c, Class<?> type2, int dilution) throws Throwable {
1334        if (verbosity >= 2)
1335            System.out.println("permuteArguments "+max+"*"+type1.getName()
1336                    +(t2c==0?"":"/"+t2c+"*"+type2.getName())
1337                    +(dilution > 0 ? " with dilution "+dilution : ""));
1338        int t2pos = t2c == 0 ? 0 : 1;
1339        for (int inargs = t2pos+1; inargs <= max; inargs++) {
1340            Class<?>[] types = new Class<?>[inargs];
1341            Arrays.fill(types, type1);
1342            if (t2c != 0) {
1343                // Fill in a middle range with type2:
1344                Arrays.fill(types, t2pos, Math.min(t2pos+t2c, inargs), type2);
1345            }
1346            Object[] args = randomArgs(types);
1347            int numcases = 1;
1348            for (int outargs = 0; outargs <= max; outargs++) {
1349                if (outargs - inargs >= MAX_ARG_INCREASE)  continue;
1350                int casStep = dilution + 1;
1351                // Avoid some common factors:
1352                while ((casStep > 2 && casStep % 2 == 0 && inargs % 2 == 0) ||
1353                       (casStep > 3 && casStep % 3 == 0 && inargs % 3 == 0))
1354                    casStep++;
1355                testPermuteArguments(args, types, outargs, numcases, casStep);
1356                numcases *= inargs;
1357                if (dilution > 10 && outargs >= 4) {
1358                    int[] reorder = new int[outargs];
1359                    // Do some special patterns, which we probably missed.
1360                    // Replication of a single argument or argument pair.
1361                    for (int i = 0; i < inargs; i++) {
1362                        Arrays.fill(reorder, i);
1363                        testPermuteArguments(args, types, reorder);
1364                        for (int d = 1; d <= 2; d++) {
1365                            if (i + d >= inargs)  continue;
1366                            for (int j = 1; j < outargs; j += 2)
1367                                reorder[j] += 1;
1368                            testPermuteArguments(args, types, reorder);
1369                            testPermuteArguments(args, types, reverse(reorder));
1370                        }
1371                    }
1372                    // Repetition of a sequence of 3 or more arguments.
1373                    for (int i = 1; i < inargs; i++) {
1374                        for (int len = 3; len <= inargs; len++) {
1375                            for (int j = 0; j < outargs; j++)
1376                                reorder[j] = (i + (j % len)) % inargs;
1377                            testPermuteArguments(args, types, reorder);
1378                            testPermuteArguments(args, types, reverse(reorder));
1379                        }
1380                    }
1381                }
1382            }
1383        }
1384    }
1386    public void testPermuteArguments(Object[] args, Class<?>[] types,
1387                                     int outargs, int numcases, int casStep) throws Throwable {
1388        int inargs = args.length;
1389        int[] reorder = new int[outargs];
1390        for (int cas = 0; cas < numcases; cas += casStep) {
1391            for (int i = 0, c = cas; i < outargs; i++) {
1392                reorder[i] = c % inargs;
1393                c /= inargs;
1394            }
1395            testPermuteArguments(args, types, reorder);
1396        }
1397    }
1399    static int[] reverse(int[] reorder) {
1400        reorder = reorder.clone();
1401        for (int i = 0, imax = reorder.length / 2; i < imax; i++) {
1402            int j = reorder.length - 1 - i;
1403            int tem = reorder[i];
1404            reorder[i] = reorder[j];
1405            reorder[j] = tem;
1406        }
1407        return reorder;
1408    }
1410    void testPermuteArguments(Object[] args, Class<?>[] types, int[] reorder) throws Throwable {
1411        countTest();
1412        if (args == null && types == null) {
1413            int max = 0;
1414            for (int j : reorder) {
1415                if (max < j)  max = j;
1416            }
1417            args = randomArgs(max+1, Integer.class);
1418        }
1419        if (args == null) {
1420            args = randomArgs(types);
1421        }
1422        if (types == null) {
1423            types = new Class<?>[args.length];
1424            for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
1425                types[i] = args[i].getClass();
1426        }
1427        int inargs = args.length, outargs = reorder.length;
1428        assertTrue(inargs == types.length);
1429        if (verbosity >= 3)
1430            System.out.println("permuteArguments "+Arrays.toString(reorder));
1431        Object[] permArgs = new Object[outargs];
1432        Class<?>[] permTypes = new Class<?>[outargs];
1433        for (int i = 0; i < outargs; i++) {
1434            permArgs[i] = args[reorder[i]];
1435            permTypes[i] = types[reorder[i]];
1436        }
1437        if (verbosity >= 4) {
1438            System.out.println("in args:   "+Arrays.asList(args));
1439            System.out.println("out args:  "+Arrays.asList(permArgs));
1440            System.out.println("in types:  "+Arrays.asList(types));
1441            System.out.println("out types: "+Arrays.asList(permTypes));
1442        }
1443        MethodType inType  = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, types);
1444        MethodType outType = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, permTypes);
1445        MethodHandle target = varargsList(outargs).asType(outType);
1446        MethodHandle newTarget = MethodHandles.permuteArguments(target, inType, reorder);
1447        if (verbosity >= 5)  System.out.println("newTarget = "+newTarget);
1448        Object result = newTarget.invokeWithArguments(args);
1449        Object expected = Arrays.asList(permArgs);
1450        if (!expected.equals(result)) {
1451            System.out.println("*** failed permuteArguments "+Arrays.toString(reorder)+" types="+Arrays.asList(types));
1452            System.out.println("in args:   "+Arrays.asList(args));
1453            System.out.println("out args:  "+expected);
1454            System.out.println("bad args:  "+result);
1455        }
1456        assertEquals(expected, result);
1457    }
1460    @Test
1461    public void testSpreadArguments() throws Throwable {
1462        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
1463        startTest("spreadArguments");
1464        for (Class<?> argType : new Class[]{Object.class, Integer.class, int.class}) {
1465            if (verbosity >= 3)
1466                System.out.println("spreadArguments "+argType);
1467            // FIXME: enable _adapter_spread_args and fix Fail_2
1468            for (int nargs = 0; nargs < 10; nargs++) {
1469                if (argType == int.class && nargs >= 6)  continue; // FIXME Fail_1
1470                for (int pos = 0; pos < nargs; pos++) {
1471                    if (argType == int.class && pos > 0)  continue; // FIXME Fail_3
1472                     testSpreadArguments(argType, pos, nargs);
1473                }
1474            }
1475        }
1476    }
1477    public void testSpreadArguments(Class<?> argType, int pos, int nargs) throws Throwable {
1478        countTest();
1479        Class<?> arrayType = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(argType, 0).getClass();
1480        MethodHandle target2 = varargsArray(arrayType, nargs);
1481        MethodHandle target = target2.asType(target2.type().generic());
1482        if (verbosity >= 3)
1483            System.out.println("spread into "+target2+" ["+pos+".."+nargs+"]");
1484        Object[] args = randomArgs(target2.type().parameterArray());
1485        // make sure the target does what we think it does:
1486        if (pos == 0 && nargs < 5 && !argType.isPrimitive()) {
1487            Object[] check = (Object[]) (Object) target.invokeWithArguments(args);
1488            assertArrayEquals(args, check);
1489            switch (nargs) {
1490                case 0:
1491                    check = (Object[]) (Object) target.invokeExact();
1492                    assertArrayEquals(args, check);
1493                    break;
1494                case 1:
1495                    check = (Object[]) (Object) target.invokeExact(args[0]);
1496                    assertArrayEquals(args, check);
1497                    break;
1498                case 2:
1499                    check = (Object[]) (Object) target.invokeExact(args[0], args[1]);
1500                    assertArrayEquals(args, check);
1501                    break;
1502            }
1503        }
1504        List<Class<?>> newParams = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(target2.type().parameterList());
1505        {   // modify newParams in place
1506            List<Class<?>> spreadParams = newParams.subList(pos, nargs);
1507            spreadParams.clear(); spreadParams.add(arrayType);
1508        }
1509        MethodType newType = MethodType.methodType(arrayType, newParams);
1510        MethodHandle result = target2.asSpreader(arrayType, nargs-pos);
1511        assert(result.type() == newType) : Arrays.asList(result, newType);
1512        result = result.asType(newType.generic());
1513        Object returnValue;
1514        if (pos == 0) {
1515            Object args2 = ValueConversions.changeArrayType(arrayType, Arrays.copyOfRange(args, pos, args.length));
1516            returnValue = result.invokeExact(args2);
1517        } else {
1518            Object[] args1 = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 0, pos+1);
1519            args1[pos] = ValueConversions.changeArrayType(arrayType, Arrays.copyOfRange(args, pos, args.length));
1520            returnValue = result.invokeWithArguments(args1);
1521        }
1522        String argstr = Arrays.toString(args);
1523        if (!argType.isPrimitive()) {
1524            Object[] rv = (Object[]) returnValue;
1525            String rvs = Arrays.toString(rv);
1526            if (!Arrays.equals(args, rv)) {
1527                System.out.println("method:   "+result);
1528                System.out.println("expected: "+argstr);
1529                System.out.println("returned: "+rvs);
1530                assertArrayEquals(args, rv);
1531            }
1532        } else if (argType == int.class) {
1533            String rvs = Arrays.toString((int[]) returnValue);
1534            if (!argstr.equals(rvs)) {
1535                System.out.println("method:   "+result);
1536                System.out.println("expected: "+argstr);
1537                System.out.println("returned: "+rvs);
1538                assertEquals(argstr, rvs);
1539            }
1540        } else if (argType == long.class) {
1541            String rvs = Arrays.toString((long[]) returnValue);
1542            if (!argstr.equals(rvs)) {
1543                System.out.println("method:   "+result);
1544                System.out.println("expected: "+argstr);
1545                System.out.println("returned: "+rvs);
1546                assertEquals(argstr, rvs);
1547            }
1548        } else {
1549            // cannot test...
1550        }
1551    }
1553    @Test
1554    public void testCollectArguments() throws Throwable {
1555        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
1556        startTest("collectArguments");
1557        for (Class<?> argType : new Class[]{Object.class, Integer.class, int.class}) {
1558            if (verbosity >= 3)
1559                System.out.println("collectArguments "+argType);
1560            for (int nargs = 0; nargs < 10; nargs++) {
1561                for (int pos = 0; pos < nargs; pos++) {
1562                    if (argType == int.class)  continue; // FIXME Fail_4
1563                    testCollectArguments(argType, pos, nargs);
1564                }
1565            }
1566        }
1567    }
1568    public void testCollectArguments(Class<?> argType, int pos, int nargs) throws Throwable {
1569        countTest();
1570        // fake up a MH with the same type as the desired adapter:
1571        MethodHandle fake = varargsArray(nargs);
1572        fake = changeArgTypes(fake, argType);
1573        MethodType newType = fake.type();
1574        Object[] args = randomArgs(newType.parameterArray());
1575        // here is what should happen:
1576        Object[] collectedArgs = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 0, pos+1);
1577        collectedArgs[pos] = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, pos, args.length);
1578        // here is the MH which will witness the collected argument tail:
1579        MethodHandle target = varargsArray(pos+1);
1580        target = changeArgTypes(target, 0, pos, argType);
1581        target = changeArgTypes(target, pos, pos+1, Object[].class);
1582        if (verbosity >= 3)
1583            System.out.println("collect from "+Arrays.asList(args)+" ["+pos+".."+nargs+"]");
1584        MethodHandle result = target.asCollector(Object[].class, nargs-pos).asType(newType);
1585        Object[] returnValue = (Object[]) result.invokeWithArguments(args);
1586//        assertTrue(returnValue.length == pos+1 && returnValue[pos] instanceof Object[]);
1587//        returnValue[pos] = Arrays.asList((Object[]) returnValue[pos]);
1588//        collectedArgs[pos] = Arrays.asList((Object[]) collectedArgs[pos]);
1589        assertArrayEquals(collectedArgs, returnValue);
1590    }
1592    @Test
1593    public void testInsertArguments() throws Throwable {
1594        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
1595        startTest("insertArguments");
1596        for (int nargs = 0; nargs <= 4; nargs++) {
1597            for (int ins = 0; ins <= 4; ins++) {
1598                if (ins > MAX_ARG_INCREASE)  continue;  // FIXME Fail_6
1599                for (int pos = 0; pos <= nargs; pos++) {
1600                    testInsertArguments(nargs, pos, ins);
1601                }
1602            }
1603        }
1604    }
1606    void testInsertArguments(int nargs, int pos, int ins) throws Throwable {
1607        countTest();
1608        MethodHandle target = varargsArray(nargs + ins);
1609        Object[] args = randomArgs(target.type().parameterArray());
1610        List<Object> resList = Arrays.asList(args);
1611        List<Object> argsToPass = new ArrayList<Object>(resList);
1612        List<Object> argsToInsert = argsToPass.subList(pos, pos + ins);
1613        if (verbosity >= 3)
1614            System.out.println("insert: "+argsToInsert+" into "+target);
1615        MethodHandle target2 = MethodHandles.insertArguments(target, pos,
1616                (Object[]) argsToInsert.toArray());
1617        argsToInsert.clear();  // remove from argsToInsert
1618        Object res2 = target2.invokeWithArguments(argsToPass);
1619        Object res2List = Arrays.asList((Object[])res2);
1620        if (verbosity >= 3)
1621            System.out.println("result: "+res2List);
1622        //if (!resList.equals(res2List))
1623        //    System.out.println("*** fail at n/p/i = "+nargs+"/"+pos+"/"+ins+": "+resList+" => "+res2List);
1624        assertEquals(resList, res2List);
1625    }
1627    @Test
1628    public void testFilterReturnValue() throws Throwable {
1629        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
1630        startTest("filterReturnValue");
1631        Class<?> classOfVCList = varargsList(1).invokeWithArguments(0).getClass();
1632        assertTrue(List.class.isAssignableFrom(classOfVCList));
1633        for (int nargs = 0; nargs <= 3; nargs++) {
1634            for (Class<?> rtype : new Class[] { Object.class,
1635                                                List.class,
1636                                                int.class,
1637                                                //byte.class, //FIXME: add this
1638                                                //long.class, //FIXME: add this
1639                                                CharSequence.class,
1640                                                String.class }) {
1641                testFilterReturnValue(nargs, rtype);
1642            }
1643        }
1644    }
1646    void testFilterReturnValue(int nargs, Class<?> rtype) throws Throwable {
1647        countTest();
1648        MethodHandle target = varargsList(nargs, rtype);
1649        MethodHandle filter;
1650        if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(rtype) || rtype.isAssignableFrom(List.class))
1651            filter = varargsList(1);  // add another layer of list-ness
1652        else
1653            filter = MethodHandles.identity(rtype);
1654        filter = filter.asType(MethodType.methodType(target.type().returnType(), rtype));
1655        Object[] argsToPass = randomArgs(nargs, Object.class);
1656        if (verbosity >= 3)
1657            System.out.println("filter "+target+" to "+rtype.getSimpleName()+" with "+filter);
1658        MethodHandle target2 = MethodHandles.filterReturnValue(target, filter);
1659        if (verbosity >= 4)
1660            System.out.println("filtered target: "+target2);
1661        // Simulate expected effect of filter on return value:
1662        Object unfiltered = target.invokeWithArguments(argsToPass);
1663        Object expected = filter.invokeWithArguments(unfiltered);
1664        if (verbosity >= 4)
1665            System.out.println("unfiltered: "+unfiltered+" : "+unfiltered.getClass().getSimpleName());
1666        if (verbosity >= 4)
1667            System.out.println("expected: "+expected+" : "+expected.getClass().getSimpleName());
1668        Object result = target2.invokeWithArguments(argsToPass);
1669        if (verbosity >= 3)
1670            System.out.println("result: "+result+" : "+result.getClass().getSimpleName());
1671        if (!expected.equals(result))
1672            System.out.println("*** fail at n/rt = "+nargs+"/"+rtype.getSimpleName()+": "+Arrays.asList(argsToPass)+" => "+result+" != "+expected);
1673        assertEquals(expected, result);
1674    }
1676    @Test
1677    public void testFilterArguments() throws Throwable {
1678        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
1679        startTest("filterArguments");
1680        for (int nargs = 1; nargs <= 6; nargs++) {
1681            for (int pos = 0; pos < nargs; pos++) {
1682                testFilterArguments(nargs, pos);
1683            }
1684        }
1685    }
1687    void testFilterArguments(int nargs, int pos) throws Throwable {
1688        countTest();
1689        MethodHandle target = varargsList(nargs);
1690        MethodHandle filter = varargsList(1);
1691        filter = filter.asType(filter.type().generic());
1692        Object[] argsToPass = randomArgs(nargs, Object.class);
1693        if (verbosity >= 3)
1694            System.out.println("filter "+target+" at "+pos+" with "+filter);
1695        MethodHandle target2 = MethodHandles.filterArguments(target, pos, filter);
1696        // Simulate expected effect of filter on arglist:
1697        Object[] filteredArgs = argsToPass.clone();
1698        filteredArgs[pos] = filter.invokeExact(filteredArgs[pos]);
1699        List<Object> expected = Arrays.asList(filteredArgs);
1700        Object result = target2.invokeWithArguments(argsToPass);
1701        if (verbosity >= 3)
1702            System.out.println("result: "+result);
1703        if (!expected.equals(result))
1704            System.out.println("*** fail at n/p = "+nargs+"/"+pos+": "+Arrays.asList(argsToPass)+" => "+result+" != "+expected);
1705        assertEquals(expected, result);
1706    }
1708    @Test
1709    public void testFoldArguments() throws Throwable {
1710        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
1711        startTest("foldArguments");
1712        for (int nargs = 0; nargs <= 4; nargs++) {
1713            for (int fold = 0; fold <= nargs; fold++) {
1714                for (int pos = 0; pos <= nargs; pos++) {
1715                    testFoldArguments(nargs, pos, fold);
1716                }
1717            }
1718        }
1719    }
1721    void testFoldArguments(int nargs, int pos, int fold) throws Throwable {
1722        if (pos != 0)  return;  // can fold only at pos=0 for now
1723        countTest();
1724        MethodHandle target = varargsList(1 + nargs);
1725        MethodHandle combine = varargsList(fold).asType(MethodType.genericMethodType(fold));
1726        List<Object> argsToPass = Arrays.asList(randomArgs(nargs, Object.class));
1727        if (verbosity >= 3)
1728            System.out.println("fold "+target+" with "+combine);
1729        MethodHandle target2 = MethodHandles.foldArguments(target, combine);
1730        // Simulate expected effect of combiner on arglist:
1731        List<Object> expected = new ArrayList<Object>(argsToPass);
1732        List<Object> argsToFold = expected.subList(pos, pos + fold);
1733        if (verbosity >= 3)
1734            System.out.println("fold: "+argsToFold+" into "+target2);
1735        Object foldedArgs = combine.invokeWithArguments(argsToFold);
1736        argsToFold.add(0, foldedArgs);
1737        Object result = target2.invokeWithArguments(argsToPass);
1738        if (verbosity >= 3)
1739            System.out.println("result: "+result);
1740        if (!expected.equals(result))
1741            System.out.println("*** fail at n/p/f = "+nargs+"/"+pos+"/"+fold+": "+argsToPass+" => "+result+" != "+expected);
1742        assertEquals(expected, result);
1743    }
1745    @Test
1746    public void testDropArguments() throws Throwable {
1747        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
1748        startTest("dropArguments");
1749        for (int nargs = 0; nargs <= 4; nargs++) {
1750            for (int drop = 1; drop <= 4; drop++) {
1751                for (int pos = 0; pos <= nargs; pos++) {
1752                    testDropArguments(nargs, pos, drop);
1753                }
1754            }
1755        }
1756    }
1758    void testDropArguments(int nargs, int pos, int drop) throws Throwable {
1759        countTest();
1760        MethodHandle target = varargsArray(nargs);
1761        Object[] args = randomArgs(target.type().parameterArray());
1762        MethodHandle target2 = MethodHandles.dropArguments(target, pos,
1763                Collections.nCopies(drop, Object.class).toArray(new Class[0]));
1764        List<Object> resList = Arrays.asList(args);
1765        List<Object> argsToDrop = new ArrayList<Object>(resList);
1766        for (int i = drop; i > 0; i--) {
1767            argsToDrop.add(pos, "blort#"+i);
1768        }
1769        Object res2 = target2.invokeWithArguments(argsToDrop);
1770        Object res2List = Arrays.asList((Object[])res2);
1771        //if (!resList.equals(res2List))
1772        //    System.out.println("*** fail at n/p/d = "+nargs+"/"+pos+"/"+drop+": "+argsToDrop+" => "+res2List);
1773        assertEquals(resList, res2List);
1774    }
1776    @Test
1777    public void testInvokers() throws Throwable {
1778        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
1779        startTest("exactInvoker, genericInvoker, varargsInvoker, dynamicInvoker");
1780        // exactInvoker, genericInvoker, varargsInvoker[0..N], dynamicInvoker
1781        Set<MethodType> done = new HashSet<MethodType>();
1782        for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
1783            MethodType gtype = MethodType.genericMethodType(i);
1784            for (Class<?> argType : new Class[]{Object.class, Integer.class, int.class}) {
1785                for (int j = -1; j < i; j++) {
1786                    MethodType type = gtype;
1787                    if (j < 0)
1788                        type = type.changeReturnType(argType);
1789                    else if (argType == void.class)
1790                        continue;
1791                    else
1792                        type = type.changeParameterType(j, argType);
1793                    if (argType.isPrimitive() && j != i-1)  continue; // FIXME Fail_5
1794                    if (done.add(type))
1795                        testInvokers(type);
1796                    MethodType vtype = type.changeReturnType(void.class);
1797                    if (done.add(vtype))
1798                        testInvokers(vtype);
1799                }
1800            }
1801        }
1802    }
1804    public void testInvokers(MethodType type) throws Throwable {
1805        if (verbosity >= 3)
1806            System.out.println("test invokers for "+type);
1807        int nargs = type.parameterCount();
1808        boolean testRetCode = type.returnType() != void.class;
1809        MethodHandle target = PRIVATE.findStatic(MethodHandlesTest.class, "invokee",
1810                                MethodType.genericMethodType(0, true));
1811        assertTrue(target.isVarargsCollector());
1812        target = target.asType(type);
1813        Object[] args = randomArgs(type.parameterArray());
1814        List<Object> targetPlusArgs = new ArrayList<Object>(Arrays.asList(args));
1815        targetPlusArgs.add(0, target);
1816        int code = (Integer) invokee(args);
1817        Object log = logEntry("invokee", args);
1818        assertEquals(log.hashCode(), code);
1819        assertCalled("invokee", args);
1820        MethodHandle inv;
1821        Object result;
1822        // exact invoker
1823        countTest();
1824        calledLog.clear();
1825        inv = MethodHandles.exactInvoker(type);
1826        result = inv.invokeWithArguments(targetPlusArgs);
1827        if (testRetCode)  assertEquals(code, result);
1828        assertCalled("invokee", args);
1829        // generic invoker
1830        countTest();
1831        inv = MethodHandles.invoker(type);
1832        if (nargs <= 3 && type == type.generic()) {
1833            calledLog.clear();
1834            switch (nargs) {
1835            case 0:
1836                result = inv.invokeExact(target);
1837                break;
1838            case 1:
1839                result = inv.invokeExact(target, args[0]);
1840                break;
1841            case 2:
1842                result = inv.invokeExact(target, args[0], args[1]);
1843                break;
1844            case 3:
1845                result = inv.invokeExact(target, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
1846                break;
1847            }
1848            if (testRetCode)  assertEquals(code, result);
1849            assertCalled("invokee", args);
1850        }
1851        calledLog.clear();
1852        result = inv.invokeWithArguments(targetPlusArgs);
1853        if (testRetCode)  assertEquals(code, result);
1854        assertCalled("invokee", args);
1855        // varargs invoker #0
1856        calledLog.clear();
1857        inv = MethodHandles.spreadInvoker(type, 0);
1858        if (type.returnType() == Object.class) {
1859            result = inv.invokeExact(target, args);
1860        } else if (type.returnType() == void.class) {
1861            result = null; inv.invokeExact(target, args);
1862        } else {
1863            result = inv.invokeWithArguments(target, (Object) args);
1864        }
1865        if (testRetCode)  assertEquals(code, result);
1866        assertCalled("invokee", args);
1867        if (nargs >= 1 && type == type.generic()) {
1868            // varargs invoker #1
1869            calledLog.clear();
1870            inv = MethodHandles.spreadInvoker(type, 1);
1871            result = inv.invokeExact(target, args[0], Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, nargs));
1872            if (testRetCode)  assertEquals(code, result);
1873            assertCalled("invokee", args);
1874        }
1875        if (nargs >= 2 && type == type.generic()) {
1876            // varargs invoker #2
1877            calledLog.clear();
1878            inv = MethodHandles.spreadInvoker(type, 2);
1879            result = inv.invokeExact(target, args[0], args[1], Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 2, nargs));
1880            if (testRetCode)  assertEquals(code, result);
1881            assertCalled("invokee", args);
1882        }
1883        if (nargs >= 3 && type == type.generic()) {
1884            // varargs invoker #3
1885            calledLog.clear();
1886            inv = MethodHandles.spreadInvoker(type, 3);
1887            result = inv.invokeExact(target, args[0], args[1], args[2], Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 3, nargs));
1888            if (testRetCode)  assertEquals(code, result);
1889            assertCalled("invokee", args);
1890        }
1891        for (int k = 0; k <= nargs; k++) {
1892            // varargs invoker #0..N
1893            countTest();
1894            calledLog.clear();
1895            inv = MethodHandles.spreadInvoker(type, k);
1896            MethodType expType = (type.dropParameterTypes(k, nargs)
1897                                  .appendParameterTypes(Object[].class)
1898                                  .insertParameterTypes(0, MethodHandle.class));
1899            assertEquals(expType, inv.type());
1900            List<Object> targetPlusVarArgs = new ArrayList<Object>(targetPlusArgs);
1901            List<Object> tailList = targetPlusVarArgs.subList(1+k, 1+nargs);
1902            Object[] tail = tailList.toArray();
1903            tailList.clear(); tailList.add(tail);
1904            result = inv.invokeWithArguments(targetPlusVarArgs);
1905            if (testRetCode)  assertEquals(code, result);
1906            assertCalled("invokee", args);
1907        }
1909        // dynamic invoker
1910        countTest();
1911        CallSite site = new MutableCallSite(type);
1912        inv = site.dynamicInvoker();
1914        // see if we get the result of the original target:
1915        try {
1916            result = inv.invokeWithArguments(args);
1917            assertTrue("should not reach here", false);
1918        } catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
1919            String msg = ex.getMessage();
1920            assertTrue(msg, msg.contains("site"));
1921        }
1923        // set new target after invoker is created, to make sure we track target
1924        site.setTarget(target);
1925        calledLog.clear();
1926        result = inv.invokeWithArguments(args);
1927        if (testRetCode)  assertEquals(code, result);
1928        assertCalled("invokee", args);
1929    }
1931    static Object invokee(Object... args) {
1932        return called("invokee", args).hashCode();
1933    }
1935    private static final String MISSING_ARG = "missingArg";
1936    static Object targetIfEquals() {
1937        return called("targetIfEquals");
1938    }
1939    static Object fallbackIfNotEquals() {
1940        return called("fallbackIfNotEquals");
1941    }
1942    static Object targetIfEquals(Object x) {
1943        assertEquals(x, MISSING_ARG);
1944        return called("targetIfEquals", x);
1945    }
1946    static Object fallbackIfNotEquals(Object x) {
1947        assertFalse(x.toString(), x.equals(MISSING_ARG));
1948        return called("fallbackIfNotEquals", x);
1949    }
1950    static Object targetIfEquals(Object x, Object y) {
1951        assertEquals(x, y);
1952        return called("targetIfEquals", x, y);
1953    }
1954    static Object fallbackIfNotEquals(Object x, Object y) {
1955        assertFalse(x.toString(), x.equals(y));
1956        return called("fallbackIfNotEquals", x, y);
1957    }
1958    static Object targetIfEquals(Object x, Object y, Object z) {
1959        assertEquals(x, y);
1960        return called("targetIfEquals", x, y, z);
1961    }
1962    static Object fallbackIfNotEquals(Object x, Object y, Object z) {
1963        assertFalse(x.toString(), x.equals(y));
1964        return called("fallbackIfNotEquals", x, y, z);
1965    }
1967    @Test
1968    public void testGuardWithTest() throws Throwable {
1969        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
1970        startTest("guardWithTest");
1971        for (int nargs = 0; nargs <= 3; nargs++) {
1972            if (nargs != 2)  continue;  // FIXME: test more later
1973            testGuardWithTest(nargs, Object.class);
1974            testGuardWithTest(nargs, String.class);
1975        }
1976    }
1977    void testGuardWithTest(int nargs, Class<?> argClass) throws Throwable {
1978        countTest();
1979        MethodHandle test = PRIVATE.findVirtual(Object.class, "equals", MethodType.methodType(boolean.class, Object.class));
1980        MethodHandle target = PRIVATE.findStatic(MethodHandlesTest.class, "targetIfEquals", MethodType.genericMethodType(nargs));
1981        MethodHandle fallback = PRIVATE.findStatic(MethodHandlesTest.class, "fallbackIfNotEquals", MethodType.genericMethodType(nargs));
1982        while (test.type().parameterCount() < nargs)
1983            test = MethodHandles.dropArguments(test, test.type().parameterCount()-1, Object.class);
1984        while (test.type().parameterCount() > nargs)
1985            test = MethodHandles.insertArguments(test, 0, MISSING_ARG);
1986        if (argClass != Object.class) {
1987            test = changeArgTypes(test, argClass);
1988            target = changeArgTypes(target, argClass);
1989            fallback = changeArgTypes(fallback, argClass);
1990        }
1991        MethodHandle mh = MethodHandles.guardWithTest(test, target, fallback);
1992        assertEquals(target.type(), mh.type());
1993        Object[][] argLists = {
1994            { },
1995            { "foo" }, { MISSING_ARG },
1996            { "foo", "foo" }, { "foo", "bar" },
1997            { "foo", "foo", "baz" }, { "foo", "bar", "baz" }
1998        };
1999        for (Object[] argList : argLists) {
2000            if (argList.length != nargs)  continue;
2001            boolean equals;
2002            switch (nargs) {
2003            case 0:   equals = true; break;
2004            case 1:   equals = MISSING_ARG.equals(argList[0]); break;
2005            default:  equals = argList[0].equals(argList[1]); break;
2006            }
2007            String willCall = (equals ? "targetIfEquals" : "fallbackIfNotEquals");
2008            if (verbosity >= 3)
2009                System.out.println(logEntry(willCall, argList));
2010            Object result = mh.invokeWithArguments(argList);
2011            assertCalled(willCall, argList);
2012        }
2013    }
2015    @Test
2016    public void testCatchException() throws Throwable {
2017        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
2018        startTest("catchException");
2019        for (int nargs = 2; nargs <= 6; nargs++) {
2020            for (int ti = 0; ti <= 1; ti++) {
2021                boolean throwIt = (ti != 0);
2022                testCatchException(int.class, new ClassCastException("testing"), throwIt, nargs);
2023                testCatchException(void.class, new"testing"), throwIt, nargs);
2024                testCatchException(String.class, new LinkageError("testing"), throwIt, nargs);
2025            }
2026        }
2027    }
2029    private static <T extends Throwable>
2030    Object throwOrReturn(Object normal, T exception) throws T {
2031        if (exception != null)  throw exception;
2032        return normal;
2033    }
2035    void testCatchException(Class<?> returnType, Throwable thrown, boolean throwIt, int nargs) throws Throwable {
2036        countTest();
2037        if (verbosity >= 3)
2038            System.out.println("catchException rt="+returnType+" throw="+throwIt+" nargs="+nargs);
2039        Class<? extends Throwable> exType = thrown.getClass();
2040        MethodHandle throwOrReturn
2041                = PRIVATE.findStatic(MethodHandlesTest.class, "throwOrReturn",
2042                    MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class, Throwable.class));
2043        MethodHandle thrower = throwOrReturn.asType(MethodType.genericMethodType(2));
2044        while (thrower.type().parameterCount() < nargs)
2045            thrower = MethodHandles.dropArguments(thrower, thrower.type().parameterCount(), Object.class);
2046        MethodHandle catcher = varargsList(1+nargs).asType(MethodType.genericMethodType(1+nargs));
2047        MethodHandle target = MethodHandles.catchException(thrower,
2048                thrown.getClass(), catcher);
2049        assertEquals(thrower.type(), target.type());
2050        //System.out.println("catching with "+target+" : "+throwOrReturn);
2051        Object[] args = randomArgs(nargs, Object.class);
2052        args[1] = (throwIt ? thrown : null);
2053        Object returned = target.invokeWithArguments(args);
2054        //System.out.println("return from "+target+" : "+returned);
2055        if (!throwIt) {
2056            assertSame(args[0], returned);
2057        } else {
2058            List<Object> catchArgs = new ArrayList<Object>(Arrays.asList(args));
2059            catchArgs.add(0, thrown);
2060            assertEquals(catchArgs, returned);
2061        }
2062    }
2064    @Test
2065    public void testThrowException() throws Throwable {
2066        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
2067        startTest("throwException");
2068        testThrowException(int.class, new ClassCastException("testing"));
2069        testThrowException(void.class, new"testing"));
2070        testThrowException(String.class, new LinkageError("testing"));
2071    }
2073    void testThrowException(Class<?> returnType, Throwable thrown) throws Throwable {
2074        countTest();
2075        Class<? extends Throwable> exType = thrown.getClass();
2076        MethodHandle target = MethodHandles.throwException(returnType, exType);
2077        //System.out.println("throwing with "+target+" : "+thrown);
2078        MethodType expectedType = MethodType.methodType(returnType, exType);
2079        assertEquals(expectedType, target.type());
2080        target = target.asType(target.type().generic());
2081        Throwable caught = null;
2082        try {
2083            Object res = target.invokeExact((Object) thrown);
2084            fail("got "+res+" instead of throwing "+thrown);
2085        } catch (Throwable ex) {
2086            if (ex != thrown) {
2087                if (ex instanceof Error)  throw (Error)ex;
2088                if (ex instanceof RuntimeException)  throw (RuntimeException)ex;
2089            }
2090            caught = ex;
2091        }
2092        assertSame(thrown, caught);
2093    }
2095    @Test
2096    public void testCastFailure() throws Throwable {
2097        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
2098        startTest("testCastFailure");
2099        testCastFailure("cast/argument", 11000);
2100        testCastFailure("unbox/argument", 11000);
2101        testCastFailure("cast/return", 11000);
2102        testCastFailure("unbox/return", 11000);
2103    }
2105    static class Surprise {
2106        public MethodHandle asMethodHandle() {
2107            return VALUE.bindTo(this);
2108        }
2109        Object value(Object x) {
2110            trace("value", x);
2111            if (boo != null)  return boo;
2112            return x;
2113        }
2114        Object boo;
2115        void boo(Object x) { boo = x; }
2117        static void trace(String x, Object y) {
2118            if (verbosity > 8) System.out.println(x+"="+y);
2119        }
2120        static Object  refIdentity(Object x)  { trace("ref.x", x); return x; }
2121        static Integer boxIdentity(Integer x) { trace("box.x", x); return x; }
2122        static int     intIdentity(int x)     { trace("int.x", x); return x; }
2123        static MethodHandle VALUE, REF_IDENTITY, BOX_IDENTITY, INT_IDENTITY;
2124        static {
2125            try {
2126                VALUE = PRIVATE.findVirtual(
2127                    Surprise.class, "value",
2128                        MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class));
2129                REF_IDENTITY = PRIVATE.findStatic(
2130                    Surprise.class, "refIdentity",
2131                        MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class));
2132                BOX_IDENTITY = PRIVATE.findStatic(
2133                    Surprise.class, "boxIdentity",
2134                        MethodType.methodType(Integer.class, Integer.class));
2135                INT_IDENTITY = PRIVATE.findStatic(
2136                    Surprise.class, "intIdentity",
2137                        MethodType.methodType(int.class, int.class));
2138            } catch (Exception ex) {
2139                throw new RuntimeException(ex);
2140            }
2141        }
2142    }
2144    void testCastFailure(String mode, int okCount) throws Throwable {
2145        countTest(false);
2146        if (verbosity > 2)  System.out.println("mode="+mode);
2147        Surprise boo = new Surprise();
2148        MethodHandle identity = Surprise.REF_IDENTITY, surprise0 = boo.asMethodHandle(), surprise = surprise0;
2149        if (mode.endsWith("/return")) {
2150            if (mode.equals("unbox/return")) {
2151                // fail on return to ((Integer)surprise).intValue
2152                surprise = surprise.asType(MethodType.methodType(int.class, Object.class));
2153                identity = identity.asType(MethodType.methodType(int.class, Object.class));
2154            } else if (mode.equals("cast/return")) {
2155                // fail on return to (Integer)surprise
2156                surprise = surprise.asType(MethodType.methodType(Integer.class, Object.class));
2157                identity = identity.asType(MethodType.methodType(Integer.class, Object.class));
2158            }
2159        } else if (mode.endsWith("/argument")) {
2160            MethodHandle callee = null;
2161            if (mode.equals("unbox/argument")) {
2162                // fail on handing surprise to int argument
2163                callee = Surprise.INT_IDENTITY;
2164            } else if (mode.equals("cast/argument")) {
2165                // fail on handing surprise to Integer argument
2166                callee = Surprise.BOX_IDENTITY;
2167            }
2168            if (callee != null) {
2169                callee = callee.asType(MethodType.genericMethodType(1));
2170                surprise = MethodHandles.filterArguments(callee, 0, surprise);
2171                identity = MethodHandles.filterArguments(callee, 0, identity);
2172            }
2173        }
2174        assertNotSame(mode, surprise, surprise0);
2175        identity = identity.asType(MethodType.genericMethodType(1));
2176        surprise = surprise.asType(MethodType.genericMethodType(1));
2177        Object x = 42;
2178        for (int i = 0; i < okCount; i++) {
2179            Object y = identity.invokeExact(x);
2180            assertEquals(x, y);
2181            Object z = surprise.invokeExact(x);
2182            assertEquals(x, z);
2183        }
2185        Object y = identity.invokeExact(x);
2186        assertEquals(x, y);
2187        try {
2188            Object z = surprise.invokeExact(x);
2189            System.out.println("Failed to throw; got z="+z);
2190            assertTrue(false);
2191        } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
2192            if (verbosity > 2)
2193                System.out.println("caught "+ex);
2194            if (verbosity > 3)
2195                ex.printStackTrace();
2196            assertTrue(true);  // all is well
2197        }
2198    }
2200    static Example userMethod(Object o, String s, int i) {
2201        called("userMethod", o, s, i);
2202        return null;
2203    }
2205    @Test
2206    public void testUserClassInSignature() throws Throwable {
2207        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
2208        startTest("testUserClassInSignature");
2209        Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup();
2210        String name; MethodType mt; MethodHandle mh;
2211        Object[] args;
2213        // Try a static method.
2214        name = "userMethod";
2215        mt = MethodType.methodType(Example.class, Object.class, String.class, int.class);
2216        mh = lookup.findStatic(lookup.lookupClass(), name, mt);
2217        assertEquals(mt, mh.type());
2218        assertEquals(Example.class, mh.type().returnType());
2219        args = randomArgs(mh.type().parameterArray());
2220        mh.invokeWithArguments(args);
2221        assertCalled(name, args);
2223        // Try a virtual method.
2224        name = "v2";
2225        mt = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class, int.class);
2226        mh = lookup.findVirtual(Example.class, name, mt);
2227        assertEquals(mt, mh.type().dropParameterTypes(0,1));
2228        assertTrue(mh.type().parameterList().contains(Example.class));
2229        args = randomArgs(mh.type().parameterArray());
2230        mh.invokeWithArguments(args);
2231        assertCalled(name, args);
2232    }
2234    static void runForRunnable() {
2235        called("runForRunnable");
2236    }
2237    private interface Fooable {
2238        Object foo(Fooable x, Object y);
2239        // this is for randomArg:
2240        public class Impl implements Fooable {
2241            public Object foo(Fooable x, Object y) {
2242                throw new RuntimeException("do not call");
2243            }
2244            final String name;
2245            public Impl() { name = "Fooable#"+nextArg(); }
2246            @Override public String toString() { return name; }
2247        }
2248    }
2249    static Object fooForFooable(Fooable x, Object y) {
2250        return called("fooForFooable", x, y);
2251    }
2252    private static class MyCheckedException extends Exception {
2253    }
2254    private interface WillThrow {
2255        void willThrow() throws MyCheckedException;
2256    }
2258    @Test
2259    public void testAsInstance() throws Throwable {
2260        if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING)  return;
2261        Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup();
2262        {
2263            MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(void.class);
2264            MethodHandle mh = lookup.findStatic(MethodHandlesTest.class, "runForRunnable", mt);
2265            Runnable proxy = MethodHandleProxies.asInterfaceInstance(Runnable.class, mh);
2266  ;
2267            assertCalled("runForRunnable");
2268        }
2269        {
2270            MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Fooable.class, Object.class);
2271            MethodHandle mh = lookup.findStatic(MethodHandlesTest.class, "fooForFooable", mt);
2272            Fooable proxy = MethodHandleProxies.asInterfaceInstance(Fooable.class, mh);
2273            Object[] args = randomArgs(mt.parameterArray());
2274            Object result = args[0], args[1]);
2275            assertCalled("fooForFooable", args);
2276            assertEquals(result, logEntry("fooForFooable", args));
2277        }
2278        for (Throwable ex : new Throwable[] { new NullPointerException("ok"),
2279                                              new InternalError("ok"),
2280                                              new Throwable("fail"),
2281                                              new Exception("fail"),
2282                                              new MyCheckedException()
2283                                            }) {
2284            MethodHandle mh = MethodHandles.throwException(void.class, Throwable.class);
2285            mh = MethodHandles.insertArguments(mh, 0, ex);
2286            WillThrow proxy = MethodHandleProxies.asInterfaceInstance(WillThrow.class, mh);
2287            try {
2288                proxy.willThrow();
2289                System.out.println("Failed to throw: "+ex);
2290                assertTrue(false);
2291            } catch (Throwable ex1) {
2292                if (verbosity > 2) {
2293                    System.out.println("throw "+ex);
2294                    System.out.println("catch "+(ex == ex1 ? "UNWRAPPED" : ex1));
2295                }
2296                if (ex instanceof RuntimeException ||
2297                    ex instanceof Error) {
2298                    assertSame("must pass unchecked exception out without wrapping", ex, ex1);
2299                } else if (ex instanceof MyCheckedException) {
2300                    assertSame("must pass declared exception out without wrapping", ex, ex1);
2301                } else {
2302                    assertNotSame("must pass undeclared checked exception with wrapping", ex, ex1);
2303                    UndeclaredThrowableException utex = (UndeclaredThrowableException) ex1;
2304                    assertSame(ex, utex.getCause());
2305                }
2306            }
2307        }
2308        // Test error checking:
2309        for (Class<?> nonSAM : new Class[] { Object.class,
2310                                             String.class,
2311                                             CharSequence.class,
2312                                             Example.class }) {
2313            try {
2314                MethodHandleProxies.asInterfaceInstance(nonSAM, varargsArray(0));
2315                System.out.println("Failed to throw");
2316                assertTrue(false);
2317            } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
2318            }
2319        }
2320    }
2322// Local abbreviated copy of sun.invoke.util.ValueConversions
2323class ValueConversions {
2324    private static final Lookup IMPL_LOOKUP = MethodHandles.lookup();
2325    private static final Object[] NO_ARGS_ARRAY = {};
2326    private static Object[] makeArray(Object... args) { return args; }
2327    private static Object[] array() { return NO_ARGS_ARRAY; }
2328    private static Object[] array(Object a0)
2329                { return makeArray(a0); }
2330    private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1)
2331                { return makeArray(a0, a1); }
2332    private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2)
2333                { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2); }
2334    private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3)
2335                { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3); }
2336    private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
2337                                  Object a4)
2338                { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4); }
2339    private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
2340                                  Object a4, Object a5)
2341                { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); }
2342    private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
2343                                  Object a4, Object a5, Object a6)
2344                { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); }
2345    private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
2346                                  Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7)
2347                { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7); }
2348    private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
2349                                  Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7,
2350                                  Object a8)
2351                { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8); }
2352    private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
2353                                  Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7,
2354                                  Object a8, Object a9)
2355                { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9); }
2356    static MethodHandle[] makeArrays() {
2357        ArrayList<MethodHandle> arrays = new ArrayList<MethodHandle>();
2358        MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = IMPL_LOOKUP;
2359        for (;;) {
2360            int nargs = arrays.size();
2361            MethodType type = MethodType.genericMethodType(nargs).changeReturnType(Object[].class);
2362            String name = "array";
2363            MethodHandle array = null;
2364            try {
2365                array = lookup.findStatic(ValueConversions.class, name, type);
2366            } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
2367                // break from loop!
2368            }
2369            if (array == null)  break;
2370            arrays.add(array);
2371        }
2372        assertTrue(arrays.size() == 11);  // current number of methods
2373        return arrays.toArray(new MethodHandle[0]);
2374    }
2375    static final MethodHandle[] ARRAYS = makeArrays();
2377    /** Return a method handle that takes the indicated number of Object
2378     *  arguments and returns an Object array of them, as if for varargs.
2379     */
2380    public static MethodHandle varargsArray(int nargs) {
2381        if (nargs < ARRAYS.length)
2382            return ARRAYS[nargs];
2383        // else need to spin bytecode or do something else fancy
2384        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NYI: cannot form a varargs array of length "+nargs);
2385    }
2386    public static MethodHandle varargsArray(Class<?> arrayType, int nargs) {
2387        Class<?> elemType = arrayType.getComponentType();
2388        MethodType vaType = MethodType.methodType(arrayType, Collections.<Class<?>>nCopies(nargs, elemType));
2389        MethodHandle mh = varargsArray(nargs);
2390        if (arrayType != Object[].class)
2391            mh = MethodHandles.filterReturnValue(mh, CHANGE_ARRAY_TYPE.bindTo(arrayType));
2392        return mh.asType(vaType);
2393    }
2394    static Object changeArrayType(Class<?> arrayType, Object[] a) {
2395        Class<?> elemType = arrayType.getComponentType();
2396        if (!elemType.isPrimitive())
2397            return Arrays.copyOf(a, a.length, arrayType.asSubclass(Object[].class));
2398        Object b = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(elemType, a.length);
2399        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
2400            java.lang.reflect.Array.set(b, i, a[i]);
2401        return b;
2402    }
2403    private static final MethodHandle CHANGE_ARRAY_TYPE;
2404    static {
2405        try {
2406            CHANGE_ARRAY_TYPE = IMPL_LOOKUP.findStatic(ValueConversions.class, "changeArrayType",
2407                                                       MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Class.class, Object[].class));
2408        } catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException ex) {
2409            Error err = new InternalError("uncaught exception");
2410            err.initCause(ex);
2411            throw err;
2412        }
2413    }
2415    private static final List<Object> NO_ARGS_LIST = Arrays.asList(NO_ARGS_ARRAY);
2416    private static List<Object> makeList(Object... args) { return Arrays.asList(args); }
2417    private static List<Object> list() { return NO_ARGS_LIST; }
2418    private static List<Object> list(Object a0)
2419                { return makeList(a0); }
2420    private static List<Object> list(Object a0, Object a1)
2421                { return makeList(a0, a1); }
2422    private static List<Object> list(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2)
2423                { return makeList(a0, a1, a2); }
2424    private static List<Object> list(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3)
2425                { return makeList(a0, a1, a2, a3); }
2426    private static List<Object> list(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
2427                                     Object a4)
2428                { return makeList(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4); }
2429    private static List<Object> list(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
2430                                     Object a4, Object a5)
2431                { return makeList(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); }
2432    private static List<Object> list(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
2433                                     Object a4, Object a5, Object a6)
2434                { return makeList(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); }
2435    private static List<Object> list(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
2436                                     Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7)
2437                { return makeList(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7); }
2438    private static List<Object> list(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
2439                                     Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7,
2440                                     Object a8)
2441                { return makeList(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8); }
2442    private static List<Object> list(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
2443                                     Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7,
2444                                     Object a8, Object a9)
2445                { return makeList(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9); }
2446    static MethodHandle[] makeLists() {
2447        ArrayList<MethodHandle> lists = new ArrayList<MethodHandle>();
2448        MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = IMPL_LOOKUP;
2449        for (;;) {
2450            int nargs = lists.size();
2451            MethodType type = MethodType.genericMethodType(nargs).changeReturnType(List.class);
2452            String name = "list";
2453            MethodHandle list = null;
2454            try {
2455                list = lookup.findStatic(ValueConversions.class, name, type);
2456            } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
2457                // break from loop!
2458            }
2459            if (list == null)  break;
2460            lists.add(list);
2461        }
2462        assertTrue(lists.size() == 11);  // current number of methods
2463        return lists.toArray(new MethodHandle[0]);
2464    }
2465    static final MethodHandle[] LISTS = makeLists();
2467    /** Return a method handle that takes the indicated number of Object
2468     *  arguments and returns List.
2469     */
2470    public static MethodHandle varargsList(int nargs) {
2471        if (nargs < LISTS.length)
2472            return LISTS[nargs];
2473        // else need to spin bytecode or do something else fancy
2474        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NYI");
2475    }
2477// This guy tests access from outside the same package member, but inside
2478// the package itself.
2479class PackageSibling {
2480    static Lookup lookup() {
2481        return MethodHandles.lookup();
2482    }