2 * Copyright (c) 2003, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
12 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13 * accompanied this code).
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
16 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 *
19 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
20 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
21 * questions.
22 */
25 * @test
26 * @bug 4199068 4738465 4937983 4930681 4926230 4931433 4932663 4986689
27 *      5026830 5023243 5070673 4052517 4811767 6192449 6397034 6413313
28 *      6464154 6523983 6206031 4960438 6631352 6631966 6850957 6850958
29 *      4947220 7018606 7034570 4244896 5049299 8003488 8054494 8058464
30 *      8067796
31 * @key intermittent
32 * @summary Basic tests for Process and Environment Variable code
33 * @modules java.base/java.lang:open
34 * @run main/othervm/timeout=300 Basic
35 * @run main/othervm/timeout=300 -Djdk.lang.Process.launchMechanism=fork Basic
36 * @author Martin Buchholz
37 */
39import java.lang.ProcessBuilder.Redirect;
40import java.lang.ProcessHandle;
41import static java.lang.ProcessBuilder.Redirect.*;
43import java.io.*;
44import java.lang.reflect.Field;
45import java.nio.file.Files;
46import java.nio.file.Paths;
47import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
48import java.util.*;
49import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
50import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
51import java.security.*;
52import java.util.regex.Pattern;
53import java.util.regex.Matcher;
54import static java.lang.System.getenv;
55import static java.lang.System.out;
56import static java.lang.Boolean.TRUE;
57import static java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry;
59public class Basic {
61    /* used for Windows only */
62    static final String systemRoot = System.getenv("SystemRoot");
64    /* used for Mac OS X only */
65    static final String cfUserTextEncoding = System.getenv("__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING");
67    /* used for AIX only */
68    static final String libpath = System.getenv("LIBPATH");
70    /**
71     * Returns the number of milliseconds since time given by
72     * startNanoTime, which must have been previously returned from a
73     * call to {@link System.nanoTime()}.
74     */
75    private static long millisElapsedSince(long startNanoTime) {
76        return TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startNanoTime);
77    }
79    private static String commandOutput(Reader r) throws Throwable {
80        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
81        int c;
82        while ((c = r.read()) > 0)
83            if (c != '\r')
84                sb.append((char) c);
85        return sb.toString();
86    }
88    private static String commandOutput(Process p) throws Throwable {
89        check(p.getInputStream()  == p.getInputStream());
90        check(p.getOutputStream() == p.getOutputStream());
91        check(p.getErrorStream()  == p.getErrorStream());
92        Reader r = new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream(),"UTF-8");
93        String output = commandOutput(r);
94        equal(p.waitFor(), 0);
95        equal(p.exitValue(), 0);
96        // The debug/fastdebug versions of the VM may write some warnings to stdout
97        // (i.e. "Warning:  Cannot open log file: hotspot.log" if the VM is started
98        // in a directory without write permissions). These warnings will confuse tests
99        // which match the entire output of the child process so better filter them out.
100        return output.replaceAll("Warning:.*\\n", "");
101    }
103    private static String commandOutput(ProcessBuilder pb) {
104        try {
105            return commandOutput(pb.start());
106        } catch (Throwable t) {
107            String commandline = "";
108            for (String arg : pb.command())
109                commandline += " " + arg;
110            System.out.println("Exception trying to run process: " + commandline);
111            unexpected(t);
112            return "";
113        }
114    }
116    private static String commandOutput(String...command) {
117        try {
118            return commandOutput(Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command));
119        } catch (Throwable t) {
120            String commandline = "";
121            for (String arg : command)
122                commandline += " " + arg;
123            System.out.println("Exception trying to run process: " + commandline);
124            unexpected(t);
125            return "";
126        }
127    }
129    private static void checkCommandOutput(ProcessBuilder pb,
130                                           String expected,
131                                           String failureMsg) {
132        String got = commandOutput(pb);
133        check(got.equals(expected),
134              failureMsg + "\n" +
135              "Expected: \"" + expected + "\"\n" +
136              "Got: \"" + got + "\"");
137    }
139    private static String absolutifyPath(String path) {
140        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
141        for (String file : path.split(File.pathSeparator)) {
142            if (sb.length() != 0)
143                sb.append(File.pathSeparator);
144            sb.append(new File(file).getAbsolutePath());
145        }
146        return sb.toString();
147    }
149    // compare windows-style, by canonicalizing to upper case,
150    // not lower case as String.compareToIgnoreCase does
151    private static class WindowsComparator
152        implements Comparator<String> {
153        public int compare(String x, String y) {
154            return x.toUpperCase(Locale.US)
155                .compareTo(y.toUpperCase(Locale.US));
156        }
157    }
159    private static String sortedLines(String lines) {
160        String[] arr = lines.split("\n");
161        List<String> ls = new ArrayList<String>();
162        for (String s : arr)
163            ls.add(s);
164        Collections.sort(ls, new WindowsComparator());
165        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
166        for (String s : ls)
167            sb.append(s + "\n");
168        return sb.toString();
169    }
171    private static void compareLinesIgnoreCase(String lines1, String lines2) {
172        if (! (sortedLines(lines1).equalsIgnoreCase(sortedLines(lines2)))) {
173            String dashes =
174                "-----------------------------------------------------";
175            out.println(dashes);
176            out.print(sortedLines(lines1));
177            out.println(dashes);
178            out.print(sortedLines(lines2));
179            out.println(dashes);
180            out.println("sizes: " + sortedLines(lines1).length() +
181                        " " + sortedLines(lines2).length());
183            fail("Sorted string contents differ");
184        }
185    }
187    private static final Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
189    private static final String[] winEnvCommand = {"cmd.exe", "/c", "set"};
191    private static String winEnvFilter(String env) {
192        return env.replaceAll("\r", "")
193            .replaceAll("(?m)^(?:COMSPEC|PROMPT|PATHEXT)=.*\n","");
194    }
196    private static String unixEnvProg() {
197        return new File("/usr/bin/env").canExecute() ? "/usr/bin/env"
198            : "/bin/env";
199    }
201    private static String nativeEnv(String[] env) {
202        try {
203            if (Windows.is()) {
204                return winEnvFilter
205                    (commandOutput(runtime.exec(winEnvCommand, env)));
206            } else {
207                return commandOutput(runtime.exec(unixEnvProg(), env));
208            }
209        } catch (Throwable t) { throw new Error(t); }
210    }
212    private static String nativeEnv(ProcessBuilder pb) {
213        try {
214            if (Windows.is()) {
215                pb.command(winEnvCommand);
216                return winEnvFilter(commandOutput(pb));
217            } else {
218                pb.command(new String[]{unixEnvProg()});
219                return commandOutput(pb);
220            }
221        } catch (Throwable t) { throw new Error(t); }
222    }
224    private static void checkSizes(Map<String,String> environ, int size) {
225        try {
226            equal(size, environ.size());
227            equal(size, environ.entrySet().size());
228            equal(size, environ.keySet().size());
229            equal(size, environ.values().size());
231            boolean isEmpty = (size == 0);
232            equal(isEmpty, environ.isEmpty());
233            equal(isEmpty, environ.entrySet().isEmpty());
234            equal(isEmpty, environ.keySet().isEmpty());
235            equal(isEmpty, environ.values().isEmpty());
236        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
237    }
239    private interface EnvironmentFrobber {
240        void doIt(Map<String,String> environ);
241    }
243    private static void testVariableDeleter(EnvironmentFrobber fooDeleter) {
244        try {
245            Map<String,String> environ = new ProcessBuilder().environment();
246            environ.put("Foo", "BAAR");
247            fooDeleter.doIt(environ);
248            equal(environ.get("Foo"), null);
249            equal(environ.remove("Foo"), null);
250        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
251    }
253    private static void testVariableAdder(EnvironmentFrobber fooAdder) {
254        try {
255            Map<String,String> environ = new ProcessBuilder().environment();
256            environ.remove("Foo");
257            fooAdder.doIt(environ);
258            equal(environ.get("Foo"), "Bahrein");
259        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
260    }
262    private static void testVariableModifier(EnvironmentFrobber fooModifier) {
263        try {
264            Map<String,String> environ = new ProcessBuilder().environment();
265            environ.put("Foo","OldValue");
266            fooModifier.doIt(environ);
267            equal(environ.get("Foo"), "NewValue");
268        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
269    }
271    private static void printUTF8(String s) throws IOException {
272        out.write(s.getBytes("UTF-8"));
273    }
275    private static String getenvAsString(Map<String,String> environment) {
276        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
277        environment = new TreeMap<>(environment);
278        for (Map.Entry<String,String> e : environment.entrySet())
279            // Ignore magic environment variables added by the launcher
280            if (! e.getKey().equals("NLSPATH") &&
281                ! e.getKey().equals("XFILESEARCHPATH") &&
282                ! e.getKey().equals("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"))
283                sb.append(e.getKey())
284                    .append('=')
285                    .append(e.getValue())
286                    .append(',');
287        return sb.toString();
288    }
290    static void print4095(OutputStream s, byte b) throws Throwable {
291        byte[] bytes = new byte[4095];
292        Arrays.fill(bytes, b);
293        s.write(bytes);         // Might hang!
294    }
296    static void checkPermissionDenied(ProcessBuilder pb) {
297        try {
298            pb.start();
299            fail("Expected IOException not thrown");
300        } catch (IOException e) {
301            String m = e.getMessage();
302            if (EnglishUnix.is() &&
303                ! matches(m, "Permission denied"))
304                unexpected(e);
305        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
306    }
308    public static class JavaChild {
309        public static void main(String args[]) throws Throwable {
310            String action = args[0];
311            if (action.equals("sleep")) {
312                Thread.sleep(10 * 60 * 1000L);
313            } else if (action.equals("pid")) {
314                System.out.println(ProcessHandle.current().pid());
315            } else if (action.equals("testIO")) {
316                String expected = "standard input";
317                char[] buf = new char[expected.length()+1];
318                int n = new InputStreamReader(System.in).read(buf,0,buf.length);
319                if (n != expected.length())
320                    System.exit(5);
321                if (! new String(buf,0,n).equals(expected))
322                    System.exit(5);
323                System.err.print("standard error");
324                System.out.print("standard output");
325            } else if (action.equals("testInheritIO")
326                    || action.equals("testRedirectInherit")) {
327                List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
328                childArgs.add("testIO");
329                ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(childArgs);
330                if (action.equals("testInheritIO"))
331                    pb.inheritIO();
332                else
333                    redirectIO(pb, INHERIT, INHERIT, INHERIT);
334                ProcessResults r = run(pb);
335                if (! r.out().equals(""))
336                    System.exit(7);
337                if (! r.err().equals(""))
338                    System.exit(8);
339                if (r.exitValue() != 0)
340                    System.exit(9);
341            } else if (action.equals("System.getenv(String)")) {
342                String val = System.getenv(args[1]);
343                printUTF8(val == null ? "null" : val);
344            } else if (action.equals("System.getenv(\\u1234)")) {
345                String val = System.getenv("\u1234");
346                printUTF8(val == null ? "null" : val);
347            } else if (action.equals("System.getenv()")) {
348                printUTF8(getenvAsString(System.getenv()));
349            } else if (action.equals("ArrayOOME")) {
350                Object dummy;
351                switch(new Random().nextInt(3)) {
352                case 0: dummy = new Integer[Integer.MAX_VALUE]; break;
353                case 1: dummy = new double[Integer.MAX_VALUE];  break;
354                case 2: dummy = new byte[Integer.MAX_VALUE][];  break;
355                default: throw new InternalError();
356                }
357            } else if (action.equals("pwd")) {
358                printUTF8(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"))
359                          .getCanonicalPath());
360            } else if (action.equals("print4095")) {
361                print4095(System.out, (byte) '!');
362                print4095(System.err, (byte) 'E');
363                System.exit(5);
364            } else if (action.equals("OutErr")) {
365                // You might think the system streams would be
366                // buffered, and in fact they are implemented using
367                // BufferedOutputStream, but each and every print
368                // causes immediate operating system I/O.
369                System.out.print("out");
370                System.err.print("err");
371                System.out.print("out");
372                System.err.print("err");
373            } else if (action.equals("null PATH")) {
374                equal(System.getenv("PATH"), null);
375                check(new File("/bin/true").exists());
376                check(new File("/bin/false").exists());
377                ProcessBuilder pb1 = new ProcessBuilder();
378                ProcessBuilder pb2 = new ProcessBuilder();
379                pb2.environment().put("PATH", "anyOldPathIgnoredAnyways");
380                ProcessResults r;
382                for (final ProcessBuilder pb :
383                         new ProcessBuilder[] {pb1, pb2}) {
384                    pb.command("true");
385                    equal(run(pb).exitValue(), True.exitValue());
387                    pb.command("false");
388                    equal(run(pb).exitValue(), False.exitValue());
389                }
391                if (failed != 0) throw new Error("null PATH");
392            } else if (action.equals("PATH search algorithm")) {
393                equal(System.getenv("PATH"), "dir1:dir2:");
394                check(new File("/bin/true").exists());
395                check(new File("/bin/false").exists());
396                String[] cmd = {"prog"};
397                ProcessBuilder pb1 = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);
398                ProcessBuilder pb2 = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);
399                ProcessBuilder pb3 = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);
400                pb2.environment().put("PATH", "anyOldPathIgnoredAnyways");
401                pb3.environment().remove("PATH");
403                for (final ProcessBuilder pb :
404                         new ProcessBuilder[] {pb1, pb2, pb3}) {
405                    try {
406                        // Not on PATH at all; directories don't exist
407                        try {
408                            pb.start();
409                            fail("Expected IOException not thrown");
410                        } catch (IOException e) {
411                            String m = e.getMessage();
412                            if (EnglishUnix.is() &&
413                                ! matches(m, "No such file"))
414                                unexpected(e);
415                        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
417                        // Not on PATH at all; directories exist
418                        new File("dir1").mkdirs();
419                        new File("dir2").mkdirs();
420                        try {
421                            pb.start();
422                            fail("Expected IOException not thrown");
423                        } catch (IOException e) {
424                            String m = e.getMessage();
425                            if (EnglishUnix.is() &&
426                                ! matches(m, "No such file"))
427                                unexpected(e);
428                        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
430                        // Can't execute a directory -- permission denied
431                        // Report EACCES errno
432                        new File("dir1/prog").mkdirs();
433                        checkPermissionDenied(pb);
435                        // continue searching if EACCES
436                        copy("/bin/true", "dir2/prog");
437                        equal(run(pb).exitValue(), True.exitValue());
438                        new File("dir1/prog").delete();
439                        new File("dir2/prog").delete();
441                        new File("dir2/prog").mkdirs();
442                        copy("/bin/true", "dir1/prog");
443                        equal(run(pb).exitValue(), True.exitValue());
445                        // Check empty PATH component means current directory.
446                        //
447                        // While we're here, let's test different kinds of
448                        // Unix executables, and PATH vs explicit searching.
449                        new File("dir1/prog").delete();
450                        new File("dir2/prog").delete();
451                        for (String[] command :
452                                 new String[][] {
453                                     new String[] {"./prog"},
454                                     cmd}) {
455                            pb.command(command);
456                            File prog = new File("./prog");
457                            // "Normal" binaries
458                            copy("/bin/true", "./prog");
459                            equal(run(pb).exitValue(),
460                                  True.exitValue());
461                            copy("/bin/false", "./prog");
462                            equal(run(pb).exitValue(),
463                                  False.exitValue());
464                            prog.delete();
465                            // Interpreter scripts with #!
466                            setFileContents(prog, "#!/bin/true\n");
467                            prog.setExecutable(true);
468                            equal(run(pb).exitValue(),
469                                  True.exitValue());
470                            prog.delete();
471                            setFileContents(prog, "#!/bin/false\n");
472                            prog.setExecutable(true);
473                            equal(run(pb).exitValue(),
474                                  False.exitValue());
475                            // Traditional shell scripts without #!
476                            setFileContents(prog, "exec /bin/true\n");
477                            prog.setExecutable(true);
478                            equal(run(pb).exitValue(),
479                                  True.exitValue());
480                            prog.delete();
481                            setFileContents(prog, "exec /bin/false\n");
482                            prog.setExecutable(true);
483                            equal(run(pb).exitValue(),
484                                  False.exitValue());
485                            prog.delete();
486                        }
488                        // Test Unix interpreter scripts
489                        File dir1Prog = new File("dir1/prog");
490                        dir1Prog.delete();
491                        pb.command(new String[] {"prog", "world"});
492                        setFileContents(dir1Prog, "#!/bin/echo hello\n");
493                        checkPermissionDenied(pb);
494                        dir1Prog.setExecutable(true);
495                        equal(run(pb).out(), "hello dir1/prog world\n");
496                        equal(run(pb).exitValue(), True.exitValue());
497                        dir1Prog.delete();
498                        pb.command(cmd);
500                        // Test traditional shell scripts without #!
501                        setFileContents(dir1Prog, "/bin/echo \"$@\"\n");
502                        pb.command(new String[] {"prog", "hello", "world"});
503                        checkPermissionDenied(pb);
504                        dir1Prog.setExecutable(true);
505                        equal(run(pb).out(), "hello world\n");
506                        equal(run(pb).exitValue(), True.exitValue());
507                        dir1Prog.delete();
508                        pb.command(cmd);
510                        // If prog found on both parent and child's PATH,
511                        // parent's is used.
512                        new File("dir1/prog").delete();
513                        new File("dir2/prog").delete();
514                        new File("prog").delete();
515                        new File("dir3").mkdirs();
516                        copy("/bin/true", "dir1/prog");
517                        copy("/bin/false", "dir3/prog");
518                        pb.environment().put("PATH","dir3");
519                        equal(run(pb).exitValue(), True.exitValue());
520                        copy("/bin/true", "dir3/prog");
521                        copy("/bin/false", "dir1/prog");
522                        equal(run(pb).exitValue(), False.exitValue());
524                    } finally {
525                        // cleanup
526                        new File("dir1/prog").delete();
527                        new File("dir2/prog").delete();
528                        new File("dir3/prog").delete();
529                        new File("dir1").delete();
530                        new File("dir2").delete();
531                        new File("dir3").delete();
532                        new File("prog").delete();
533                    }
534                }
536                if (failed != 0) throw new Error("PATH search algorithm");
537            }
538            else throw new Error("JavaChild invocation error");
539        }
540    }
542    private static void copy(String src, String dst) throws IOException {
543        Files.copy(Paths.get(src), Paths.get(dst),
544                   StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING, StandardCopyOption.COPY_ATTRIBUTES);
545    }
547    private static String javaChildOutput(ProcessBuilder pb, String...args) {
548        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
549        for (String arg : args)
550            list.add(arg);
551        pb.command(list);
552        return commandOutput(pb);
553    }
555    private static String getenvInChild(ProcessBuilder pb) {
556        return javaChildOutput(pb, "System.getenv()");
557    }
559    private static String getenvInChild1234(ProcessBuilder pb) {
560        return javaChildOutput(pb, "System.getenv(\\u1234)");
561    }
563    private static String getenvInChild(ProcessBuilder pb, String name) {
564        return javaChildOutput(pb, "System.getenv(String)", name);
565    }
567    private static String pwdInChild(ProcessBuilder pb) {
568        return javaChildOutput(pb, "pwd");
569    }
571    private static final String javaExe =
572        System.getProperty("java.home") +
573        File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "java";
575    private static final String classpath =
576        System.getProperty("java.class.path");
578    private static final List<String> javaChildArgs =
579        Arrays.asList(javaExe,
580                      "-XX:+DisplayVMOutputToStderr",
581                      "-classpath", absolutifyPath(classpath),
582                      "Basic$JavaChild");
584    private static void testEncoding(String encoding, String tested) {
585        try {
586            // If round trip conversion works, should be able to set env vars
587            // correctly in child.
588            if (new String(tested.getBytes()).equals(tested)) {
589                out.println("Testing " + encoding + " environment values");
590                ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();
591                pb.environment().put("ASCIINAME",tested);
592                equal(getenvInChild(pb,"ASCIINAME"), tested);
593            }
594        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
595    }
597    static class Windows {
598        public static boolean is() { return is; }
599        private static final boolean is =
600            System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows");
601    }
603    static class AIX {
604        public static boolean is() { return is; }
605        private static final boolean is =
606            System.getProperty("os.name").equals("AIX");
607    }
609    static class Unix {
610        public static boolean is() { return is; }
611        private static final boolean is =
612            (! Windows.is() &&
613             new File("/bin/sh").exists() &&
614             new File("/bin/true").exists() &&
615             new File("/bin/false").exists());
616    }
618    static class UnicodeOS {
619        public static boolean is() { return is; }
620        private static final String osName = System.getProperty("os.name");
621        private static final boolean is =
622            // MacOS X would probably also qualify
623            osName.startsWith("Windows")   &&
624            ! osName.startsWith("Windows 9") &&
625            ! osName.equals("Windows Me");
626    }
628    static class MacOSX {
629        public static boolean is() { return is; }
630        private static final String osName = System.getProperty("os.name");
631        private static final boolean is = osName.contains("OS X");
632    }
634    static class True {
635        public static int exitValue() { return 0; }
636    }
638    private static class False {
639        public static int exitValue() { return exitValue; }
640        private static final int exitValue = exitValue0();
641        private static int exitValue0() {
642            // /bin/false returns an *unspecified* non-zero number.
643            try {
644                if (! Unix.is())
645                    return -1;
646                else {
647                    int rc = new ProcessBuilder("/bin/false")
648                        .start().waitFor();
649                    check(rc != 0);
650                    return rc;
651                }
652            } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); return -1; }
653        }
654    }
656    static class EnglishUnix {
657        private static final Boolean is =
658            (! Windows.is() && isEnglish("LANG") && isEnglish("LC_ALL"));
660        private static boolean isEnglish(String envvar) {
661            String val = getenv(envvar);
662            return (val == null) || val.matches("en.*") || val.matches("C");
663        }
665        /** Returns true if we can expect English OS error strings */
666        static boolean is() { return is; }
667    }
669    static class DelegatingProcess extends Process {
670        final Process p;
672        DelegatingProcess(Process p) {
673            this.p = p;
674        }
676        @Override
677        public void destroy() {
678            p.destroy();
679        }
681        @Override
682        public int exitValue() {
683            return p.exitValue();
684        }
686        @Override
687        public int waitFor() throws InterruptedException {
688            return p.waitFor();
689        }
691        @Override
692        public OutputStream getOutputStream() {
693            return p.getOutputStream();
694        }
696        @Override
697        public InputStream getInputStream() {
698            return p.getInputStream();
699        }
701        @Override
702        public InputStream getErrorStream() {
703            return p.getErrorStream();
704        }
705    }
707    private static boolean matches(String str, String regex) {
708        return Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(str).find();
709    }
711    private static String matchAndExtract(String str, String regex) {
712        Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(str);
713        if (matcher.find()) {
714            return matcher.group();
715        } else {
716            return "";
717        }
718    }
720    /* Only used for Mac OS X --
721     * Mac OS X (may) add the variable __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING to an empty
722     * environment. The environment variable JAVA_MAIN_CLASS_<pid> may also
723     * be set in Mac OS X.
724     * Remove them both from the list of env variables
725     */
726    private static String removeMacExpectedVars(String vars) {
727        // Check for __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING
728        String cleanedVars = vars.replace("__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING="
729                                            +cfUserTextEncoding+",","");
730        // Check for JAVA_MAIN_CLASS_<pid>
731        String javaMainClassStr
732                = matchAndExtract(cleanedVars,
733                                    "JAVA_MAIN_CLASS_\\d+=Basic.JavaChild,");
734        return cleanedVars.replace(javaMainClassStr,"");
735    }
737    /* Only used for AIX --
738     * AIX adds the variable AIXTHREAD_GUARDPAGES=0 to the environment.
739     * Remove it from the list of env variables
740     */
741    private static String removeAixExpectedVars(String vars) {
742        return vars.replace("AIXTHREAD_GUARDPAGES=0,", "");
743    }
745    private static String sortByLinesWindowsly(String text) {
746        String[] lines = text.split("\n");
747        Arrays.sort(lines, new WindowsComparator());
748        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
749        for (String line : lines)
750            sb.append(line).append("\n");
751        return sb.toString();
752    }
754    private static void checkMapSanity(Map<String,String> map) {
755        try {
756            Set<String> keySet = map.keySet();
757            Collection<String> values = map.values();
758            Set<Map.Entry<String,String>> entrySet = map.entrySet();
760            equal(entrySet.size(), keySet.size());
761            equal(entrySet.size(), values.size());
763            StringBuilder s1 = new StringBuilder();
764            for (Map.Entry<String,String> e : entrySet)
765                s1.append(e.getKey() + "=" + e.getValue() + "\n");
767            StringBuilder s2 = new StringBuilder();
768            for (String var : keySet)
769                s2.append(var + "=" + map.get(var) + "\n");
771            equal(s1.toString(), s2.toString());
773            Iterator<String> kIter = keySet.iterator();
774            Iterator<String> vIter = values.iterator();
775            Iterator<Map.Entry<String,String>> eIter = entrySet.iterator();
777            while (eIter.hasNext()) {
778                Map.Entry<String,String> entry = eIter.next();
779                String key   = kIter.next();
780                String value = vIter.next();
781                check(entrySet.contains(entry));
782                check(keySet.contains(key));
783                check(values.contains(value));
784                check(map.containsKey(key));
785                check(map.containsValue(value));
786                equal(entry.getKey(), key);
787                equal(entry.getValue(), value);
788            }
789            check(!kIter.hasNext() &&
790                    !vIter.hasNext());
792        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
793    }
795    private static void checkMapEquality(Map<String,String> map1,
796                                         Map<String,String> map2) {
797        try {
798            equal(map1.size(), map2.size());
799            equal(map1.isEmpty(), map2.isEmpty());
800            for (String key : map1.keySet()) {
801                equal(map1.get(key), map2.get(key));
802                check(map2.keySet().contains(key));
803            }
804            equal(map1, map2);
805            equal(map2, map1);
806            equal(map1.entrySet(), map2.entrySet());
807            equal(map2.entrySet(), map1.entrySet());
808            equal(map1.keySet(), map2.keySet());
809            equal(map2.keySet(), map1.keySet());
811            equal(map1.hashCode(), map2.hashCode());
812            equal(map1.entrySet().hashCode(), map2.entrySet().hashCode());
813            equal(map1.keySet().hashCode(), map2.keySet().hashCode());
814        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
815    }
817    static void checkRedirects(ProcessBuilder pb,
818                               Redirect in, Redirect out, Redirect err) {
819        equal(pb.redirectInput(), in);
820        equal(pb.redirectOutput(), out);
821        equal(pb.redirectError(), err);
822    }
824    static void redirectIO(ProcessBuilder pb,
825                           Redirect in, Redirect out, Redirect err) {
826        pb.redirectInput(in);
827        pb.redirectOutput(out);
828        pb.redirectError(err);
829    }
831    static void setFileContents(File file, String contents) {
832        try {
833            Writer w = new FileWriter(file);
834            w.write(contents);
835            w.close();
836        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
837    }
839    static String fileContents(File file) {
840        try {
841            Reader r = new FileReader(file);
842            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
843            char[] buffer = new char[1024];
844            int n;
845            while ((n = r.read(buffer)) != -1)
846                sb.append(buffer,0,n);
847            r.close();
848            return new String(sb);
849        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); return ""; }
850    }
852    static void testIORedirection() throws Throwable {
853        final File ifile = new File("ifile");
854        final File ofile = new File("ofile");
855        final File efile = new File("efile");
856        ifile.delete();
857        ofile.delete();
858        efile.delete();
860        //----------------------------------------------------------------
861        // Check mutual inequality of different types of Redirect
862        //----------------------------------------------------------------
863        Redirect[] redirects =
864            { PIPE,
865              INHERIT,
866              DISCARD,
867              Redirect.from(ifile),
868              Redirect.to(ifile),
869              Redirect.appendTo(ifile),
870              Redirect.from(ofile),
871              Redirect.to(ofile),
872              Redirect.appendTo(ofile),
873            };
874        for (int i = 0; i < redirects.length; i++)
875            for (int j = 0; j < redirects.length; j++)
876                equal(redirects[i].equals(redirects[j]), (i == j));
878        //----------------------------------------------------------------
879        // Check basic properties of different types of Redirect
880        //----------------------------------------------------------------
881        equal(PIPE.type(), Redirect.Type.PIPE);
882        equal(PIPE.toString(), "PIPE");
883        equal(PIPE.file(), null);
885        equal(INHERIT.type(), Redirect.Type.INHERIT);
886        equal(INHERIT.toString(), "INHERIT");
887        equal(INHERIT.file(), null);
889        equal(DISCARD.type(), Redirect.Type.WRITE);
890        equal(DISCARD.toString(), "WRITE");
891        equal(DISCARD.file(), new File((Windows.is() ? "NUL" : "/dev/null")));
893        equal(Redirect.from(ifile).type(), Redirect.Type.READ);
894        equal(Redirect.from(ifile).toString(),
895              "redirect to read from file \"ifile\"");
896        equal(Redirect.from(ifile).file(), ifile);
897        equal(Redirect.from(ifile),
898              Redirect.from(ifile));
899        equal(Redirect.from(ifile).hashCode(),
900              Redirect.from(ifile).hashCode());
902        equal(Redirect.to(ofile).type(), Redirect.Type.WRITE);
903        equal(Redirect.to(ofile).toString(),
904              "redirect to write to file \"ofile\"");
905        equal(Redirect.to(ofile).file(), ofile);
906        equal(Redirect.to(ofile),
907              Redirect.to(ofile));
908        equal(Redirect.to(ofile).hashCode(),
909              Redirect.to(ofile).hashCode());
911        equal(Redirect.appendTo(ofile).type(), Redirect.Type.APPEND);
912        equal(Redirect.appendTo(efile).toString(),
913              "redirect to append to file \"efile\"");
914        equal(Redirect.appendTo(efile).file(), efile);
915        equal(Redirect.appendTo(efile),
916              Redirect.appendTo(efile));
917        equal(Redirect.appendTo(efile).hashCode(),
918              Redirect.appendTo(efile).hashCode());
920        //----------------------------------------------------------------
921        // Check initial values of redirects
922        //----------------------------------------------------------------
923        List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
924        childArgs.add("testIO");
925        final ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(childArgs);
926        checkRedirects(pb, PIPE, PIPE, PIPE);
928        //----------------------------------------------------------------
929        // Check inheritIO
930        //----------------------------------------------------------------
931        pb.inheritIO();
932        checkRedirects(pb, INHERIT, INHERIT, INHERIT);
934        //----------------------------------------------------------------
935        // Check DISCARD for stdout,stderr
936        //----------------------------------------------------------------
937        redirectIO(pb, INHERIT, DISCARD, DISCARD);
938        checkRedirects(pb, INHERIT, DISCARD, DISCARD);
940        //----------------------------------------------------------------
941        // Check setters and getters agree
942        //----------------------------------------------------------------
943        pb.redirectInput(ifile);
944        equal(pb.redirectInput().file(), ifile);
945        equal(pb.redirectInput(), Redirect.from(ifile));
947        pb.redirectOutput(ofile);
948        equal(pb.redirectOutput().file(), ofile);
949        equal(pb.redirectOutput(), Redirect.to(ofile));
951        pb.redirectError(efile);
952        equal(pb.redirectError().file(), efile);
953        equal(pb.redirectError(), Redirect.to(efile));
955        THROWS(IllegalArgumentException.class,
956               () -> pb.redirectInput(Redirect.to(ofile)),
957               () -> pb.redirectOutput(Redirect.from(ifile)),
958               () -> pb.redirectError(Redirect.from(ifile)),
959               () -> pb.redirectInput(DISCARD));
961        THROWS(NullPointerException.class,
962                () -> pb.redirectInput((File)null),
963                () -> pb.redirectOutput((File)null),
964                () -> pb.redirectError((File)null),
965                () -> pb.redirectInput((Redirect)null),
966                () -> pb.redirectOutput((Redirect)null),
967                () -> pb.redirectError((Redirect)null));
969        THROWS(IOException.class,
970               // Input file does not exist
971               () -> pb.start());
972        setFileContents(ifile, "standard input");
974        //----------------------------------------------------------------
975        // Writing to non-existent files
976        //----------------------------------------------------------------
977        {
978            ProcessResults r = run(pb);
979            equal(r.exitValue(), 0);
980            equal(fileContents(ofile), "standard output");
981            equal(fileContents(efile), "standard error");
982            equal(r.out(), "");
983            equal(r.err(), "");
984            ofile.delete();
985            efile.delete();
986        }
988        //----------------------------------------------------------------
989        // Both redirectErrorStream + redirectError
990        //----------------------------------------------------------------
991        {
992            pb.redirectErrorStream(true);
993            ProcessResults r = run(pb);
994            equal(r.exitValue(), 0);
995            equal(fileContents(ofile),
996                    "standard error" + "standard output");
997            equal(fileContents(efile), "");
998            equal(r.out(), "");
999            equal(r.err(), "");
1000            ofile.delete();
1001            efile.delete();
1002        }
1004        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1005        // Appending to existing files
1006        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1007        {
1008            setFileContents(ofile, "ofile-contents");
1009            setFileContents(efile, "efile-contents");
1010            pb.redirectOutput(Redirect.appendTo(ofile));
1011            pb.redirectError(Redirect.appendTo(efile));
1012            pb.redirectErrorStream(false);
1013            ProcessResults r = run(pb);
1014            equal(r.exitValue(), 0);
1015            equal(fileContents(ofile),
1016                  "ofile-contents" + "standard output");
1017            equal(fileContents(efile),
1018                  "efile-contents" + "standard error");
1019            equal(r.out(), "");
1020            equal(r.err(), "");
1021            ofile.delete();
1022            efile.delete();
1023        }
1025        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1026        // Replacing existing files
1027        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1028        {
1029            setFileContents(ofile, "ofile-contents");
1030            setFileContents(efile, "efile-contents");
1031            pb.redirectOutput(ofile);
1032            pb.redirectError(Redirect.to(efile));
1033            ProcessResults r = run(pb);
1034            equal(r.exitValue(), 0);
1035            equal(fileContents(ofile), "standard output");
1036            equal(fileContents(efile), "standard error");
1037            equal(r.out(), "");
1038            equal(r.err(), "");
1039            ofile.delete();
1040            efile.delete();
1041        }
1043        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1044        // Appending twice to the same file?
1045        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1046        {
1047            setFileContents(ofile, "ofile-contents");
1048            setFileContents(efile, "efile-contents");
1049            Redirect appender = Redirect.appendTo(ofile);
1050            pb.redirectOutput(appender);
1051            pb.redirectError(appender);
1052            ProcessResults r = run(pb);
1053            equal(r.exitValue(), 0);
1054            equal(fileContents(ofile),
1055                  "ofile-contents" +
1056                  "standard error" +
1057                  "standard output");
1058            equal(fileContents(efile), "efile-contents");
1059            equal(r.out(), "");
1060            equal(r.err(), "");
1061            ifile.delete();
1062            ofile.delete();
1063            efile.delete();
1064        }
1066        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1067        // DISCARDing output
1068        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1069        {
1070            setFileContents(ifile, "standard input");
1071            pb.redirectOutput(DISCARD);
1072            pb.redirectError(DISCARD);
1073            ProcessResults r = run(pb);
1074            equal(r.exitValue(), 0);
1075            equal(r.out(), "");
1076            equal(r.err(), "");
1077        }
1079        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1080        // DISCARDing output and redirecting error
1081        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1082        {
1083            setFileContents(ifile, "standard input");
1084            setFileContents(ofile, "ofile-contents");
1085            setFileContents(efile, "efile-contents");
1086            pb.redirectOutput(DISCARD);
1087            pb.redirectError(efile);
1088            ProcessResults r = run(pb);
1089            equal(r.exitValue(), 0);
1090            equal(fileContents(ofile), "ofile-contents");
1091            equal(fileContents(efile), "standard error");
1092            equal(r.out(), "");
1093            equal(r.err(), "");
1094            ofile.delete();
1095            efile.delete();
1096        }
1098        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1099        // DISCARDing error and redirecting output
1100        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1101        {
1102            setFileContents(ifile, "standard input");
1103            setFileContents(ofile, "ofile-contents");
1104            setFileContents(efile, "efile-contents");
1105            pb.redirectOutput(ofile);
1106            pb.redirectError(DISCARD);
1107            ProcessResults r = run(pb);
1108            equal(r.exitValue(), 0);
1109            equal(fileContents(ofile), "standard output");
1110            equal(fileContents(efile), "efile-contents");
1111            equal(r.out(), "");
1112            equal(r.err(), "");
1113            ofile.delete();
1114            efile.delete();
1115        }
1117        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1118        // DISCARDing output and merging error into output
1119        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1120        {
1121            setFileContents(ifile, "standard input");
1122            setFileContents(ofile, "ofile-contents");
1123            setFileContents(efile, "efile-contents");
1124            pb.redirectOutput(DISCARD);
1125            pb.redirectErrorStream(true);
1126            pb.redirectError(efile);
1127            ProcessResults r = run(pb);
1128            equal(r.exitValue(), 0);
1129            equal(fileContents(ofile), "ofile-contents");   // untouched
1130            equal(fileContents(efile), "");                 // empty
1131            equal(r.out(), "");
1132            equal(r.err(), "");
1133            ifile.delete();
1134            ofile.delete();
1135            efile.delete();
1136            pb.redirectErrorStream(false);                  // reset for next test
1137        }
1139        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1140        // Testing INHERIT is harder.
1141        // Note that this requires __FOUR__ nested JVMs involved in one test,
1142        // if you count the harness JVM.
1143        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1144        for (String testName : new String[] { "testInheritIO", "testRedirectInherit" } ) {
1145            redirectIO(pb, PIPE, PIPE, PIPE);
1146            List<String> command = pb.command();
1147            command.set(command.size() - 1, testName);
1148            Process p = pb.start();
1149            new PrintStream(p.getOutputStream()).print("standard input");
1150            p.getOutputStream().close();
1151            ProcessResults r = run(p);
1152            equal(r.exitValue(), 0);
1153            equal(r.out(), "standard output");
1154            equal(r.err(), "standard error");
1155        }
1157        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1158        // Test security implications of I/O redirection
1159        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1161        // Read access to current directory is always granted;
1162        // So create a tmpfile for input instead.
1163        final File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("Basic", "tmp");
1164        setFileContents(tmpFile, "standard input");
1166        final Policy policy = new Policy();
1167        Policy.setPolicy(policy);
1168        System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());
1169        try {
1170            final Permission xPermission
1171                = new FilePermission("<<ALL FILES>>", "execute");
1172            final Permission rxPermission
1173                = new FilePermission("<<ALL FILES>>", "read,execute");
1174            final Permission wxPermission
1175                = new FilePermission("<<ALL FILES>>", "write,execute");
1176            final Permission rwxPermission
1177                = new FilePermission("<<ALL FILES>>", "read,write,execute");
1179            THROWS(SecurityException.class,
1180                   () -> { policy.setPermissions(xPermission);
1181                           redirectIO(pb, from(tmpFile), PIPE, PIPE);
1182                           pb.start();},
1183                   () -> { policy.setPermissions(rxPermission);
1184                           redirectIO(pb, PIPE, to(ofile), PIPE);
1185                           pb.start();},
1186                   () -> { policy.setPermissions(rxPermission);
1187                           redirectIO(pb, PIPE, PIPE, to(efile));
1188                           pb.start();});
1190            {
1191                policy.setPermissions(rxPermission);
1192                redirectIO(pb, from(tmpFile), PIPE, PIPE);
1193                ProcessResults r = run(pb);
1194                equal(r.out(), "standard output");
1195                equal(r.err(), "standard error");
1196            }
1198            {
1199                policy.setPermissions(wxPermission);
1200                redirectIO(pb, PIPE, to(ofile), to(efile));
1201                Process p = pb.start();
1202                new PrintStream(p.getOutputStream()).print("standard input");
1203                p.getOutputStream().close();
1204                ProcessResults r = run(p);
1205                policy.setPermissions(rwxPermission);
1206                equal(fileContents(ofile), "standard output");
1207                equal(fileContents(efile), "standard error");
1208            }
1210            {
1211                policy.setPermissions(rwxPermission);
1212                redirectIO(pb, from(tmpFile), to(ofile), to(efile));
1213                ProcessResults r = run(pb);
1214                policy.setPermissions(rwxPermission);
1215                equal(fileContents(ofile), "standard output");
1216                equal(fileContents(efile), "standard error");
1217            }
1219        } finally {
1220            policy.setPermissions(new RuntimePermission("setSecurityManager"));
1221            System.setSecurityManager(null);
1222            tmpFile.delete();
1223            ifile.delete();
1224            ofile.delete();
1225            efile.delete();
1226        }
1227    }
1229    static void checkProcessPid() {
1230        ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();
1231        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
1232        list.add("pid");
1233        pb.command(list);
1234        try {
1235            Process p = pb.start();
1236            String s = commandOutput(p);
1237            long actualPid = Long.valueOf(s.trim());
1238            long expectedPid = p.pid();
1239            equal(actualPid, expectedPid);
1240        } catch (Throwable t) {
1241            unexpected(t);
1242        }
1245        // Test the default implementation of Process.getPid
1246        DelegatingProcess p = new DelegatingProcess(null);
1247        THROWS(UnsupportedOperationException.class,
1248                () -> p.pid(),
1249                () -> p.toHandle(),
1250                () -> p.supportsNormalTermination(),
1251                () -> p.children(),
1252                () -> p.descendants());
1254    }
1256    private static void realMain(String[] args) throws Throwable {
1257        if (Windows.is())
1258            System.out.println("This appears to be a Windows system.");
1259        if (Unix.is())
1260            System.out.println("This appears to be a Unix system.");
1261        if (UnicodeOS.is())
1262            System.out.println("This appears to be a Unicode-based OS.");
1264        try { testIORedirection(); }
1265        catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1267        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1268        // Basic tests for getPid()
1269        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1270        checkProcessPid();
1272        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1273        // Basic tests for setting, replacing and deleting envvars
1274        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1275        try {
1276            ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();
1277            Map<String,String> environ = pb.environment();
1279            // New env var
1280            environ.put("QUUX", "BAR");
1281            equal(environ.get("QUUX"), "BAR");
1282            equal(getenvInChild(pb,"QUUX"), "BAR");
1284            // Modify env var
1285            environ.put("QUUX","bear");
1286            equal(environ.get("QUUX"), "bear");
1287            equal(getenvInChild(pb,"QUUX"), "bear");
1288            checkMapSanity(environ);
1290            // Remove env var
1291            environ.remove("QUUX");
1292            equal(environ.get("QUUX"), null);
1293            equal(getenvInChild(pb,"QUUX"), "null");
1294            checkMapSanity(environ);
1296            // Remove non-existent env var
1297            environ.remove("QUUX");
1298            equal(environ.get("QUUX"), null);
1299            equal(getenvInChild(pb,"QUUX"), "null");
1300            checkMapSanity(environ);
1301        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1303        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1304        // Pass Empty environment to child
1305        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1306        try {
1307            ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();
1308            pb.environment().clear();
1309            String expected = Windows.is() ? "SystemRoot="+systemRoot+",": "";
1310            expected = AIX.is() ? "LIBPATH="+libpath+",": expected;
1311            if (Windows.is()) {
1312                pb.environment().put("SystemRoot", systemRoot);
1313            }
1314            if (AIX.is()) {
1315                pb.environment().put("LIBPATH", libpath);
1316            }
1317            String result = getenvInChild(pb);
1318            if (MacOSX.is()) {
1319                result = removeMacExpectedVars(result);
1320            }
1321            if (AIX.is()) {
1322                result = removeAixExpectedVars(result);
1323            }
1324            equal(result, expected);
1325        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1327        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1328        // System.getenv() is read-only.
1329        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1330        THROWS(UnsupportedOperationException.class,
1331               () -> getenv().put("FOO","BAR"),
1332               () -> getenv().remove("PATH"),
1333               () -> getenv().keySet().remove("PATH"),
1334               () -> getenv().values().remove("someValue"));
1336        try {
1337            Collection<Map.Entry<String,String>> c = getenv().entrySet();
1338            if (! c.isEmpty())
1339                try {
1340                    c.iterator().next().setValue("foo");
1341                    fail("Expected UnsupportedOperationException not thrown");
1342                } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {} // OK
1343        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1345        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1346        // System.getenv() always returns the same object in our implementation.
1347        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1348        try {
1349            check(System.getenv() == System.getenv());
1350        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1352        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1353        // You can't create an env var name containing "=",
1354        // or an env var name or value containing NUL.
1355        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1356        {
1357            final Map<String,String> m = new ProcessBuilder().environment();
1358            THROWS(IllegalArgumentException.class,
1359                   () -> m.put("FOO=","BAR"),
1360                   () -> m.put("FOO\u0000","BAR"),
1361                   () -> m.put("FOO","BAR\u0000"));
1362        }
1364        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1365        // Commands must never be null.
1366        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1367        THROWS(NullPointerException.class,
1368               () -> new ProcessBuilder((List<String>)null),
1369               () -> new ProcessBuilder().command((List<String>)null));
1371        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1372        // Put in a command; get the same one back out.
1373        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1374        try {
1375            List<String> command = new ArrayList<String>();
1376            ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(command);
1377            check(pb.command() == command);
1378            List<String> command2 = new ArrayList<String>(2);
1379            command2.add("foo");
1380            command2.add("bar");
1381            pb.command(command2);
1382            check(pb.command() == command2);
1383            pb.command("foo", "bar");
1384            check(pb.command() != command2 && pb.command().equals(command2));
1385            pb.command(command2);
1386            command2.add("baz");
1387            equal(pb.command().get(2), "baz");
1388        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1390        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1391        // Commands must contain at least one element.
1392        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1393        THROWS(IndexOutOfBoundsException.class,
1394               () -> new ProcessBuilder().start(),
1395               () -> new ProcessBuilder(new ArrayList<String>()).start(),
1396               () -> Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{}));
1398        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1399        // Commands must not contain null elements at start() time.
1400        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1401        THROWS(NullPointerException.class,
1402               () -> new ProcessBuilder("foo",null,"bar").start(),
1403               () -> new ProcessBuilder((String)null).start(),
1404               () -> new ProcessBuilder(new String[]{null}).start(),
1405               () -> new ProcessBuilder(new String[]{"foo",null,"bar"}).start());
1407        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1408        // Command lists are growable.
1409        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1410        try {
1411            new ProcessBuilder().command().add("foo");
1412            new ProcessBuilder("bar").command().add("foo");
1413            new ProcessBuilder(new String[]{"1","2"}).command().add("3");
1414        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1416        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1417        // Nulls in environment updates generate NullPointerException
1418        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1419        try {
1420            final Map<String,String> env = new ProcessBuilder().environment();
1421            THROWS(NullPointerException.class,
1422                   () -> env.put("foo",null),
1423                   () -> env.put(null,"foo"),
1424                   () -> env.remove(null),
1425                   () -> { for (Map.Entry<String,String> e : env.entrySet())
1426                               e.setValue(null);},
1427                   () -> Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"foo"},
1428                                                   new String[]{null}));
1429        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1431        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1432        // Non-String types in environment updates generate ClassCastException
1433        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1434        try {
1435            final Map<String,String> env = new ProcessBuilder().environment();
1436            THROWS(ClassCastException.class,
1437                   () -> env.remove(TRUE),
1438                   () -> env.keySet().remove(TRUE),
1439                   () -> env.values().remove(TRUE),
1440                   () -> env.entrySet().remove(TRUE));
1441        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1443        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1444        // Check query operations on environment maps
1445        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1446        try {
1447            List<Map<String,String>> envs =
1448                new ArrayList<Map<String,String>>(2);
1449            envs.add(System.getenv());
1450            envs.add(new ProcessBuilder().environment());
1451            for (final Map<String,String> env : envs) {
1452                //----------------------------------------------------------------
1453                // Nulls in environment queries are forbidden.
1454                //----------------------------------------------------------------
1455                THROWS(NullPointerException.class,
1456                       () -> getenv(null),
1457                       () -> env.get(null),
1458                       () -> env.containsKey(null),
1459                       () -> env.containsValue(null),
1460                       () -> env.keySet().contains(null),
1461                       () -> env.values().contains(null));
1463                //----------------------------------------------------------------
1464                // Non-String types in environment queries are forbidden.
1465                //----------------------------------------------------------------
1466                THROWS(ClassCastException.class,
1467                       () -> env.get(TRUE),
1468                       () -> env.containsKey(TRUE),
1469                       () -> env.containsValue(TRUE),
1470                       () -> env.keySet().contains(TRUE),
1471                       () -> env.values().contains(TRUE));
1473                //----------------------------------------------------------------
1474                // Illegal String values in environment queries are (grumble) OK
1475                //----------------------------------------------------------------
1476                equal(env.get("\u0000"), null);
1477                check(! env.containsKey("\u0000"));
1478                check(! env.containsValue("\u0000"));
1479                check(! env.keySet().contains("\u0000"));
1480                check(! env.values().contains("\u0000"));
1481            }
1483        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1485        try {
1486            final Set<Map.Entry<String,String>> entrySet =
1487                new ProcessBuilder().environment().entrySet();
1488            THROWS(NullPointerException.class,
1489                   () -> entrySet.contains(null));
1490            THROWS(ClassCastException.class,
1491                   () -> entrySet.contains(TRUE),
1492                   () -> entrySet.contains(
1493                             new SimpleImmutableEntry<Boolean,String>(TRUE,"")));
1495            check(! entrySet.contains
1496                  (new SimpleImmutableEntry<String,String>("", "")));
1497        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1499        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1500        // Put in a directory; get the same one back out.
1501        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1502        try {
1503            ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();
1504            File foo = new File("foo");
1505            equal(pb.directory(), null);
1506            equal(pb.directory(foo).directory(), foo);
1507            equal(pb.directory(null).directory(), null);
1508        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1510        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1511        // If round-trip conversion works, check envvar pass-through to child
1512        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1513        try {
1514            testEncoding("ASCII",   "xyzzy");
1515            testEncoding("Latin1",  "\u00f1\u00e1");
1516            testEncoding("Unicode", "\u22f1\u11e1");
1517        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1519        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1520        // A surprisingly large number of ways to delete an environment var.
1521        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1522        testVariableDeleter(new EnvironmentFrobber() {
1523                public void doIt(Map<String,String> environ) {
1524                    environ.remove("Foo");}});
1526        testVariableDeleter(new EnvironmentFrobber() {
1527                public void doIt(Map<String,String> environ) {
1528                    environ.keySet().remove("Foo");}});
1530        testVariableDeleter(new EnvironmentFrobber() {
1531                public void doIt(Map<String,String> environ) {
1532                    environ.values().remove("BAAR");}});
1534        testVariableDeleter(new EnvironmentFrobber() {
1535                public void doIt(Map<String,String> environ) {
1536                    // Legally fabricate a ProcessEnvironment.StringEntry,
1537                    // even though it's private.
1538                    Map<String,String> environ2
1539                        = new ProcessBuilder().environment();
1540                    environ2.clear();
1541                    environ2.put("Foo","BAAR");
1542                    // Subtlety alert.
1543                    Map.Entry<String,String> e
1544                        = environ2.entrySet().iterator().next();
1545                    environ.entrySet().remove(e);}});
1547        testVariableDeleter(new EnvironmentFrobber() {
1548                public void doIt(Map<String,String> environ) {
1549                    Map.Entry<String,String> victim = null;
1550                    for (Map.Entry<String,String> e : environ.entrySet())
1551                        if (e.getKey().equals("Foo"))
1552                            victim = e;
1553                    if (victim != null)
1554                        environ.entrySet().remove(victim);}});
1556        testVariableDeleter(new EnvironmentFrobber() {
1557                public void doIt(Map<String,String> environ) {
1558                    Iterator<String> it = environ.keySet().iterator();
1559                    while (it.hasNext()) {
1560                        String val = it.next();
1561                        if (val.equals("Foo"))
1562                            it.remove();}}});
1564        testVariableDeleter(new EnvironmentFrobber() {
1565                public void doIt(Map<String,String> environ) {
1566                    Iterator<Map.Entry<String,String>> it
1567                        = environ.entrySet().iterator();
1568                    while (it.hasNext()) {
1569                        Map.Entry<String,String> e = it.next();
1570                        if (e.getKey().equals("Foo"))
1571                            it.remove();}}});
1573        testVariableDeleter(new EnvironmentFrobber() {
1574                public void doIt(Map<String,String> environ) {
1575                    Iterator<String> it = environ.values().iterator();
1576                    while (it.hasNext()) {
1577                        String val = it.next();
1578                        if (val.equals("BAAR"))
1579                            it.remove();}}});
1581        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1582        // A surprisingly small number of ways to add an environment var.
1583        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1584        testVariableAdder(new EnvironmentFrobber() {
1585                public void doIt(Map<String,String> environ) {
1586                    environ.put("Foo","Bahrein");}});
1588        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1589        // A few ways to modify an environment var.
1590        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1591        testVariableModifier(new EnvironmentFrobber() {
1592                public void doIt(Map<String,String> environ) {
1593                    environ.put("Foo","NewValue");}});
1595        testVariableModifier(new EnvironmentFrobber() {
1596                public void doIt(Map<String,String> environ) {
1597                    for (Map.Entry<String,String> e : environ.entrySet())
1598                        if (e.getKey().equals("Foo"))
1599                            e.setValue("NewValue");}});
1601        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1602        // Fiddle with environment sizes
1603        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1604        try {
1605            Map<String,String> environ = new ProcessBuilder().environment();
1606            int size = environ.size();
1607            checkSizes(environ, size);
1609            environ.put("UnLiKeLYeNVIROmtNam", "someVal");
1610            checkSizes(environ, size+1);
1612            // Check for environment independence
1613            new ProcessBuilder().environment().clear();
1615            environ.put("UnLiKeLYeNVIROmtNam", "someOtherVal");
1616            checkSizes(environ, size+1);
1618            environ.remove("UnLiKeLYeNVIROmtNam");
1619            checkSizes(environ, size);
1621            environ.clear();
1622            checkSizes(environ, 0);
1624            environ.clear();
1625            checkSizes(environ, 0);
1627            environ = new ProcessBuilder().environment();
1628            environ.keySet().clear();
1629            checkSizes(environ, 0);
1631            environ = new ProcessBuilder().environment();
1632            environ.entrySet().clear();
1633            checkSizes(environ, 0);
1635            environ = new ProcessBuilder().environment();
1636            environ.values().clear();
1637            checkSizes(environ, 0);
1638        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1640        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1641        // Check that various map invariants hold
1642        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1643        checkMapSanity(new ProcessBuilder().environment());
1644        checkMapSanity(System.getenv());
1645        checkMapEquality(new ProcessBuilder().environment(),
1646                         new ProcessBuilder().environment());
1649        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1650        // Check effects on external "env" command.
1651        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1652        try {
1653            Set<String> env1 = new HashSet<String>
1654                (Arrays.asList(nativeEnv((String[])null).split("\n")));
1656            ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();
1657            pb.environment().put("QwErTyUiOp","AsDfGhJk");
1659            Set<String> env2 = new HashSet<String>
1660                (Arrays.asList(nativeEnv(pb).split("\n")));
1662            check(env2.size() == env1.size() + 1);
1663            env1.add("QwErTyUiOp=AsDfGhJk");
1664            check(env1.equals(env2));
1665        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1667        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1668        // Test Runtime.exec(...envp...)
1669        // Check for sort order of environment variables on Windows.
1670        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1671        try {
1672            String systemRoot = "SystemRoot=" + System.getenv("SystemRoot");
1673            // '+' < 'A' < 'Z' < '_' < 'a' < 'z' < '~'
1674            String[]envp = {"FOO=BAR","BAZ=GORP","QUUX=",
1675                            "+=+", "_=_", "~=~", systemRoot};
1676            String output = nativeEnv(envp);
1677            String expected = "+=+\nBAZ=GORP\nFOO=BAR\nQUUX=\n"+systemRoot+"\n_=_\n~=~\n";
1678            // On Windows, Java must keep the environment sorted.
1679            // Order is random on Unix, so this test does the sort.
1680            if (! Windows.is())
1681                output = sortByLinesWindowsly(output);
1682            equal(output, expected);
1683        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1685        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1686        // Test Runtime.exec(...envp...)
1687        // and check SystemRoot gets set automatically on Windows
1688        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1689        try {
1690            if (Windows.is()) {
1691                String systemRoot = "SystemRoot=" + System.getenv("SystemRoot");
1692                String[]envp = {"FOO=BAR","BAZ=GORP","QUUX=",
1693                                "+=+", "_=_", "~=~"};
1694                String output = nativeEnv(envp);
1695                String expected = "+=+\nBAZ=GORP\nFOO=BAR\nQUUX=\n"+systemRoot+"\n_=_\n~=~\n";
1696                equal(output, expected);
1697            }
1698        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1700        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1701        // System.getenv() must be consistent with System.getenv(String)
1702        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1703        try {
1704            for (Map.Entry<String,String> e : getenv().entrySet())
1705                equal(getenv(e.getKey()), e.getValue());
1706        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1708        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1709        // Fiddle with working directory in child
1710        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1711        try {
1712            String canonicalUserDir =
1713                new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")).getCanonicalPath();
1714            String[] sdirs = new String[]
1715                {".", "..", "/", "/bin",
1716                 "C:", "c:", "C:/", "c:\\", "\\", "\\bin",
1717                 "c:\\windows  ", "c:\\Program Files", "c:\\Program Files\\" };
1718            for (String sdir : sdirs) {
1719                File dir = new File(sdir);
1720                if (! (dir.isDirectory() && dir.exists()))
1721                    continue;
1722                out.println("Testing directory " + dir);
1723                //dir = new File(dir.getCanonicalPath());
1725                ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();
1726                equal(pb.directory(), null);
1727                equal(pwdInChild(pb), canonicalUserDir);
1729                pb.directory(dir);
1730                equal(pb.directory(), dir);
1731                equal(pwdInChild(pb), dir.getCanonicalPath());
1733                pb.directory(null);
1734                equal(pb.directory(), null);
1735                equal(pwdInChild(pb), canonicalUserDir);
1737                pb.directory(dir);
1738            }
1739        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1741        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1742        // Working directory with Unicode in child
1743        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1744        try {
1745            if (UnicodeOS.is()) {
1746                File dir = new File(System.getProperty("test.dir", "."),
1747                                    "ProcessBuilderDir\u4e00\u4e02");
1748                try {
1749                    if (!dir.exists())
1750                        dir.mkdir();
1751                    out.println("Testing Unicode directory:" + dir);
1752                    ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();
1753                    pb.directory(dir);
1754                    equal(pwdInChild(pb), dir.getCanonicalPath());
1755                } finally {
1756                    if (dir.exists())
1757                        dir.delete();
1758                }
1759            }
1760        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1762        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1763        // OOME in child allocating maximally sized array
1764        // Test for hotspot/jvmti bug 6850957
1765        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1766        try {
1767            List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
1768            list.add(1, String.format("-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=%s -version",
1769                                      javaExe));
1770            list.add("ArrayOOME");
1771            ProcessResults r = run(new ProcessBuilder(list));
1772            check(r.err().contains("java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:"));
1773            check(r.err().contains(javaExe));
1774            check(r.err().contains(System.getProperty("java.version")));
1775            equal(r.exitValue(), 1);
1776        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1778        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1779        // Windows has tricky semi-case-insensitive semantics
1780        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1781        if (Windows.is())
1782            try {
1783                out.println("Running case insensitve variable tests");
1784                for (String[] namePair :
1785                         new String[][]
1786                    { new String[]{"PATH","PaTh"},
1787                      new String[]{"home","HOME"},
1788                      new String[]{"SYSTEMROOT","SystemRoot"}}) {
1789                    check((getenv(namePair[0]) == null &&
1790                           getenv(namePair[1]) == null)
1791                          ||
1792                          getenv(namePair[0]).equals(getenv(namePair[1])),
1793                          "Windows environment variables are not case insensitive");
1794                }
1795            } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1797        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1798        // Test proper Unicode child environment transfer
1799        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1800        if (UnicodeOS.is())
1801            try {
1802                ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();
1803                pb.environment().put("\u1234","\u5678");
1804                pb.environment().remove("PATH");
1805                equal(getenvInChild1234(pb), "\u5678");
1806            } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1809        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1810        // Test Runtime.exec(...envp...) with envstrings with initial `='
1811        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1812        try {
1813            List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
1814            childArgs.add("System.getenv()");
1815            String[] cmdp = childArgs.toArray(new String[childArgs.size()]);
1816            String[] envp;
1817            String[] envpWin = {"=C:=\\", "=ExitValue=3", "SystemRoot="+systemRoot};
1818            String[] envpOth = {"=ExitValue=3", "=C:=\\"};
1819            if (Windows.is()) {
1820                envp = envpWin;
1821            } else {
1822                envp = envpOth;
1823            }
1824            Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdp, envp);
1825            String expected = Windows.is() ? "=C:=\\,=ExitValue=3,SystemRoot="+systemRoot+"," : "=C:=\\,";
1826            expected = AIX.is() ? expected + "LIBPATH="+libpath+",": expected;
1827            String commandOutput = commandOutput(p);
1828            if (MacOSX.is()) {
1829                commandOutput = removeMacExpectedVars(commandOutput);
1830            }
1831            if (AIX.is()) {
1832                commandOutput = removeAixExpectedVars(commandOutput);
1833            }
1834            equal(commandOutput, expected);
1835            if (Windows.is()) {
1836                ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(childArgs);
1837                pb.environment().clear();
1838                pb.environment().put("SystemRoot", systemRoot);
1839                pb.environment().put("=ExitValue", "3");
1840                pb.environment().put("=C:", "\\");
1841                equal(commandOutput(pb), expected);
1842            }
1843        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1845        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1846        // Test Runtime.exec(...envp...) with envstrings without any `='
1847        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1848        try {
1849            String[] cmdp = {"echo"};
1850            String[] envp = {"Hello", "World"}; // Yuck!
1851            Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdp, envp);
1852            equal(commandOutput(p), "\n");
1853        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1855        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1856        // Test Runtime.exec(...envp...) with envstrings containing NULs
1857        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1858        try {
1859            List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
1860            childArgs.add("System.getenv()");
1861            String[] cmdp = childArgs.toArray(new String[childArgs.size()]);
1862            String[] envpWin = {"SystemRoot="+systemRoot, "LC_ALL=C\u0000\u0000", // Yuck!
1863                             "FO\u0000=B\u0000R"};
1864            String[] envpOth = {"LC_ALL=C\u0000\u0000", // Yuck!
1865                             "FO\u0000=B\u0000R"};
1866            String[] envp;
1867            if (Windows.is()) {
1868                envp = envpWin;
1869            } else {
1870                envp = envpOth;
1871            }
1872            System.out.println ("cmdp");
1873            for (int i=0; i<cmdp.length; i++) {
1874                System.out.printf ("cmdp %d: %s\n", i, cmdp[i]);
1875            }
1876            System.out.println ("envp");
1877            for (int i=0; i<envp.length; i++) {
1878                System.out.printf ("envp %d: %s\n", i, envp[i]);
1879            }
1880            Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdp, envp);
1881            String commandOutput = commandOutput(p);
1882            if (MacOSX.is()) {
1883                commandOutput = removeMacExpectedVars(commandOutput);
1884            }
1885            if (AIX.is()) {
1886                commandOutput = removeAixExpectedVars(commandOutput);
1887            }
1888            check(commandOutput.equals(Windows.is()
1889                    ? "LC_ALL=C,SystemRoot="+systemRoot+","
1890                    : AIX.is()
1891                            ? "LC_ALL=C,LIBPATH="+libpath+","
1892                            : "LC_ALL=C,"),
1893                  "Incorrect handling of envstrings containing NULs");
1894        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1896        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1897        // Test the redirectErrorStream property
1898        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1899        try {
1900            ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();
1901            equal(pb.redirectErrorStream(), false);
1902            equal(pb.redirectErrorStream(true), pb);
1903            equal(pb.redirectErrorStream(), true);
1904            equal(pb.redirectErrorStream(false), pb);
1905            equal(pb.redirectErrorStream(), false);
1906        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1908        try {
1909            List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
1910            childArgs.add("OutErr");
1911            ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(childArgs);
1912            {
1913                ProcessResults r = run(pb);
1914                equal(r.out(), "outout");
1915                equal(r.err(), "errerr");
1916            }
1917            {
1918                pb.redirectErrorStream(true);
1919                ProcessResults r = run(pb);
1920                equal(r.out(), "outerrouterr");
1921                equal(r.err(), "");
1922            }
1923        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1925        if (Unix.is()) {
1926            //----------------------------------------------------------------
1927            // We can find true and false when PATH is null
1928            //----------------------------------------------------------------
1929            try {
1930                List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
1931                childArgs.add("null PATH");
1932                ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(childArgs);
1933                pb.environment().remove("PATH");
1934                ProcessResults r = run(pb);
1935                equal(r.out(), "");
1936                equal(r.err(), "");
1937                equal(r.exitValue(), 0);
1938            } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1940            //----------------------------------------------------------------
1941            // PATH search algorithm on Unix
1942            //----------------------------------------------------------------
1943            try {
1944                List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
1945                childArgs.add("PATH search algorithm");
1946                ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(childArgs);
1947                pb.environment().put("PATH", "dir1:dir2:");
1948                ProcessResults r = run(pb);
1949                equal(r.out(), "");
1950                equal(r.err(), "");
1951                equal(r.exitValue(), True.exitValue());
1952            } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1954            //----------------------------------------------------------------
1955            // Parent's, not child's PATH is used
1956            //----------------------------------------------------------------
1957            try {
1958                new File("suBdiR").mkdirs();
1959                copy("/bin/true", "suBdiR/unliKely");
1960                final ProcessBuilder pb =
1961                    new ProcessBuilder(new String[]{"unliKely"});
1962                pb.environment().put("PATH", "suBdiR");
1963                THROWS(IOException.class, () -> pb.start());
1964            } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t);
1965            } finally {
1966                new File("suBdiR/unliKely").delete();
1967                new File("suBdiR").delete();
1968            }
1969        }
1971        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1972        // Attempt to start bogus program ""
1973        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1974        try {
1975            new ProcessBuilder("").start();
1976            fail("Expected IOException not thrown");
1977        } catch (IOException e) {
1978            String m = e.getMessage();
1979            if (EnglishUnix.is() &&
1980                ! matches(m, "No such file or directory"))
1981                unexpected(e);
1982        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
1984        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1985        // Check that attempt to execute program name with funny
1986        // characters throws an exception containing those characters.
1987        //----------------------------------------------------------------
1988        for (String programName : new String[] {"\u00f0", "\u01f0"})
1989            try {
1990                new ProcessBuilder(programName).start();
1991                fail("Expected IOException not thrown");
1992            } catch (IOException e) {
1993                String m = e.getMessage();
1994                Pattern p = Pattern.compile(programName);
1995                if (! matches(m, programName)
1996                    || (EnglishUnix.is()
1997                        && ! matches(m, "No such file or directory")))
1998                    unexpected(e);
1999            } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2001        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2002        // Attempt to start process in nonexistent directory fails.
2003        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2004        try {
2005            new ProcessBuilder("echo")
2006                .directory(new File("UnLiKeLY"))
2007                .start();
2008            fail("Expected IOException not thrown");
2009        } catch (IOException e) {
2010            String m = e.getMessage();
2011            if (! matches(m, "in directory")
2012                || (EnglishUnix.is() &&
2013                    ! matches(m, "No such file or directory")))
2014                unexpected(e);
2015        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2017        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2018        // Attempt to write 4095 bytes to the pipe buffer without a
2019        // reader to drain it would deadlock, if not for the fact that
2020        // interprocess pipe buffers are at least 4096 bytes.
2021        //
2022        // Also, check that available reports all the bytes expected
2023        // in the pipe buffer, and that I/O operations do the expected
2024        // things.
2025        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2026        try {
2027            List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
2028            childArgs.add("print4095");
2029            final int SIZE = 4095;
2030            final Process p = new ProcessBuilder(childArgs).start();
2031            print4095(p.getOutputStream(), (byte) '!'); // Might hang!
2032            p.waitFor();                                // Might hang!
2033            equal(SIZE, p.getInputStream().available());
2034            equal(SIZE, p.getErrorStream().available());
2035            THROWS(IOException.class,
2036                   () -> { p.getOutputStream().write((byte) '!');
2037                           p.getOutputStream().flush();});
2039            final byte[] bytes = new byte[SIZE + 1];
2040            equal(SIZE, p.getInputStream().read(bytes));
2041            for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
2042                equal((byte) '!', bytes[i]);
2043            equal((byte) 0, bytes[SIZE]);
2045            equal(SIZE, p.getErrorStream().read(bytes));
2046            for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
2047                equal((byte) 'E', bytes[i]);
2048            equal((byte) 0, bytes[SIZE]);
2050            equal(0, p.getInputStream().available());
2051            equal(0, p.getErrorStream().available());
2052            equal(-1, p.getErrorStream().read());
2053            equal(-1, p.getInputStream().read());
2055            equal(p.exitValue(), 5);
2057            p.getInputStream().close();
2058            p.getErrorStream().close();
2059            try { p.getOutputStream().close(); } catch (IOException flushFailed) { }
2061            InputStream[] streams = { p.getInputStream(), p.getErrorStream() };
2062            for (final InputStream in : streams) {
2063                Fun[] ops = {
2064                    () -> in.read(),
2065                    () -> in.read(bytes),
2066                    () -> in.available()
2067                };
2068                for (Fun op : ops) {
2069                    try {
2070                        op.f();
2071                        fail();
2072                    } catch (IOException expected) {
2073                        check(expected.getMessage()
2074                              .matches("[Ss]tream [Cc]losed"));
2075                    }
2076                }
2077            }
2078        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2080        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2081        // Check that reads which are pending when Process.destroy is
2082        // called, get EOF, not IOException("Stream closed").
2083        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2084        try {
2085            final int cases = 4;
2086            for (int i = 0; i < cases; i++) {
2087                final int action = i;
2088                List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
2089                childArgs.add("sleep");
2090                final byte[] bytes = new byte[10];
2091                final Process p = new ProcessBuilder(childArgs).start();
2092                final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
2093                final InputStream s;
2094                switch (action & 0x1) {
2095                    case 0: s = p.getInputStream(); break;
2096                    case 1: s = p.getErrorStream(); break;
2097                    default: throw new Error();
2098                }
2099                final Thread thread = new Thread() {
2100                    public void run() {
2101                        try {
2102                            int r;
2103                            latch.countDown();
2104                            switch (action & 0x2) {
2105                                case 0: r = s.read(); break;
2106                                case 2: r = s.read(bytes); break;
2107                                default: throw new Error();
2108                            }
2109                            equal(-1, r);
2110                        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }}};
2112                thread.start();
2113                latch.await();
2114                Thread.sleep(10);
2116                String os = System.getProperty("os.name");
2117                if (os.equalsIgnoreCase("Solaris") ||
2118                    os.equalsIgnoreCase("SunOS"))
2119                {
2120                    final Object deferred;
2121                    Class<?> c = s.getClass();
2122                    if (c.getName().equals(
2123                        "java.lang.ProcessImpl$DeferredCloseInputStream"))
2124                    {
2125                        deferred = s;
2126                    } else {
2127                        Field deferredField = p.getClass().
2128                            getDeclaredField("stdout_inner_stream");
2129                        deferredField.setAccessible(true);
2130                        deferred = deferredField.get(p);
2131                    }
2132                    Field useCountField = deferred.getClass().
2133                        getDeclaredField("useCount");
2134                    useCountField.setAccessible(true);
2136                    while (useCountField.getInt(deferred) <= 0) {
2137                        Thread.yield();
2138                    }
2139                } else if (s instanceof BufferedInputStream) {
2140                    // Wait until after the s.read occurs in "thread" by
2141                    // checking when the input stream monitor is acquired
2142                    // (BufferedInputStream.read is synchronized)
2143                    while (!isLocked(s, 10)) {
2144                        Thread.sleep(100);
2145                    }
2146                }
2147                p.destroy();
2148                thread.join();
2149            }
2150        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2152        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2153        // Check that subprocesses which create subprocesses of their
2154        // own do not cause parent to hang waiting for file
2155        // descriptors to be closed.
2156        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2157        try {
2158            if (Unix.is()
2159                && new File("/bin/bash").exists()
2160                && new File("/bin/sleep").exists()) {
2161                // Notice that we only destroy the process created by us (i.e.
2162                // our child) but not our grandchild (i.e. '/bin/sleep'). So
2163                // pay attention that the grandchild doesn't run too long to
2164                // avoid polluting the process space with useless processes.
2165                // Running the grandchild for 60s should be more than enough.
2166                final String[] cmd = { "/bin/bash", "-c", "(/bin/sleep 60)" };
2167                final String[] cmdkill = { "/bin/bash", "-c", "(/usr/bin/pkill -f \"sleep 60\")" };
2168                final ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);
2169                final Process p = pb.start();
2170                final InputStream stdout = p.getInputStream();
2171                final InputStream stderr = p.getErrorStream();
2172                final OutputStream stdin = p.getOutputStream();
2173                final Thread reader = new Thread() {
2174                    public void run() {
2175                        try { stdout.read(); }
2176                        catch (IOException e) {
2177                            // Check that reader failed because stream was
2178                            // asynchronously closed.
2179                            // e.printStackTrace();
2180                            if (EnglishUnix.is() &&
2181                                ! (e.getMessage().matches(".*Bad file.*")))
2182                                unexpected(e);
2183                        }
2184                        catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }}};
2185                reader.setDaemon(true);
2186                reader.start();
2187                Thread.sleep(100);
2188                p.destroy();
2189                check(p.waitFor() != 0);
2190                check(p.exitValue() != 0);
2191                // Subprocess is now dead, but file descriptors remain open.
2192                // Make sure the test will fail if we don't manage to close
2193                // the open streams within 30 seconds. Notice that this time
2194                // must be shorter than the sleep time of the grandchild.
2195                Timer t = new Timer("test/java/lang/ProcessBuilder/Basic.java process reaper", true);
2196                t.schedule(new TimerTask() {
2197                      public void run() {
2198                          fail("Subprocesses which create subprocesses of " +
2199                               "their own caused the parent to hang while " +
2200                               "waiting for file descriptors to be closed.");
2201                          System.exit(-1);
2202                      }
2203                  }, 30000);
2204                stdout.close();
2205                stderr.close();
2206                stdin.close();
2207                new ProcessBuilder(cmdkill).start();
2208                // All streams successfully closed so we can cancel the timer.
2209                t.cancel();
2210                //----------------------------------------------------------
2211                // There remain unsolved issues with asynchronous close.
2212                // Here's a highly non-portable experiment to demonstrate:
2213                //----------------------------------------------------------
2214                if (Boolean.getBoolean("wakeupJeff!")) {
2215                    System.out.println("wakeupJeff!");
2216                    // Initialize signal handler for INTERRUPT_SIGNAL.
2217                    new FileInputStream("/bin/sleep").getChannel().close();
2218                    // Send INTERRUPT_SIGNAL to every thread in this java.
2219                    String[] wakeupJeff = {
2220                        "/bin/bash", "-c",
2221                        "/bin/ps --noheaders -Lfp $PPID | " +
2222                        "/usr/bin/perl -nale 'print $F[3]' | " +
2223                        // INTERRUPT_SIGNAL == 62 on my machine du jour.
2224                        "/usr/bin/xargs kill -62"
2225                    };
2226                    new ProcessBuilder(wakeupJeff).start().waitFor();
2227                    // If wakeupJeff worked, reader probably got EBADF.
2228                    reader.join();
2229                }
2230            }
2232            //----------------------------------------------------------------
2233            // Check the Process toString() method
2234            //----------------------------------------------------------------
2235            {
2236                List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
2237                childArgs.add("testIO");
2238                ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(childArgs);
2239                pb.redirectInput(Redirect.PIPE);
2240                pb.redirectOutput(DISCARD);
2241                pb.redirectError(DISCARD);
2242                final Process p = pb.start();
2243                // Child process waits until it gets input
2244                String s = p.toString();
2245                check(s.contains("not exited"));
2246                check(s.contains("pid=" + p.pid() + ","));
2248                new PrintStream(p.getOutputStream()).print("standard input");
2249                p.getOutputStream().close();
2251                // Check the toString after it exits
2252                int exitValue = p.waitFor();
2253                s = p.toString();
2254                check(s.contains("pid=" + p.pid() + ","));
2255                check(s.contains("exitValue=" + exitValue) &&
2256                        !s.contains("not exited"));
2257            }
2258        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2260        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2261        // Attempt to start process with insufficient permissions fails.
2262        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2263        try {
2264            new File("emptyCommand").delete();
2265            new FileOutputStream("emptyCommand").close();
2266            new File("emptyCommand").setExecutable(false);
2267            new ProcessBuilder("./emptyCommand").start();
2268            fail("Expected IOException not thrown");
2269        } catch (IOException e) {
2270            new File("./emptyCommand").delete();
2271            String m = e.getMessage();
2272            if (EnglishUnix.is() &&
2273                ! matches(m, "Permission denied"))
2274                unexpected(e);
2275        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2277        new File("emptyCommand").delete();
2279        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2280        // Check for correct security permission behavior
2281        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2282        final Policy policy = new Policy();
2283        Policy.setPolicy(policy);
2284        System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());
2286        try {
2287            // No permissions required to CREATE a ProcessBuilder
2288            policy.setPermissions(/* Nothing */);
2289            new ProcessBuilder("env").directory(null).directory();
2290            new ProcessBuilder("env").directory(new File("dir")).directory();
2291            new ProcessBuilder("env").command("??").command();
2292        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2294        THROWS(SecurityException.class,
2295               () -> { policy.setPermissions(/* Nothing */);
2296                       System.getenv("foo");},
2297               () -> { policy.setPermissions(/* Nothing */);
2298                       System.getenv();},
2299               () -> { policy.setPermissions(/* Nothing */);
2300                       new ProcessBuilder("echo").start();},
2301               () -> { policy.setPermissions(/* Nothing */);
2302                       Runtime.getRuntime().exec("echo");},
2303               () -> { policy.setPermissions(
2304                               new RuntimePermission("getenv.bar"));
2305                       System.getenv("foo");});
2307        try {
2308            policy.setPermissions(new RuntimePermission("getenv.foo"));
2309            System.getenv("foo");
2311            policy.setPermissions(new RuntimePermission("getenv.*"));
2312            System.getenv("foo");
2313            System.getenv();
2314            new ProcessBuilder().environment();
2315        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2318        final Permission execPermission
2319            = new FilePermission("<<ALL FILES>>", "execute");
2321        THROWS(SecurityException.class,
2322               () -> { // environment permission by itself insufficient
2323                       policy.setPermissions(new RuntimePermission("getenv.*"));
2324                       ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("env");
2325                       pb.environment().put("foo","bar");
2326                       pb.start();},
2327               () -> { // exec permission by itself insufficient
2328                       policy.setPermissions(execPermission);
2329                       ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("env");
2330                       pb.environment().put("foo","bar");
2331                       pb.start();});
2333        try {
2334            // Both permissions? OK.
2335            policy.setPermissions(new RuntimePermission("getenv.*"),
2336                                  execPermission);
2337            ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("env");
2338            pb.environment().put("foo","bar");
2339            Process p = pb.start();
2340            closeStreams(p);
2341        } catch (IOException e) { // OK
2342        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2344        try {
2345            // Don't need environment permission unless READING environment
2346            policy.setPermissions(execPermission);
2347            Runtime.getRuntime().exec("env", new String[]{});
2348        } catch (IOException e) { // OK
2349        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2351        try {
2352            // Don't need environment permission unless READING environment
2353            policy.setPermissions(execPermission);
2354            new ProcessBuilder("env").start();
2355        } catch (IOException e) { // OK
2356        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2358        // Restore "normal" state without a security manager
2359        policy.setPermissions(new RuntimePermission("setSecurityManager"));
2360        System.setSecurityManager(null);
2362        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2363        // Check that Process.isAlive() &
2364        // Process.waitFor(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) work as expected.
2365        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2366        try {
2367            List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
2368            childArgs.add("sleep");
2369            final Process p = new ProcessBuilder(childArgs).start();
2370            long start = System.nanoTime();
2371            if (!p.isAlive() || p.waitFor(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
2372                fail("Test failed: Process exited prematurely");
2373            }
2374            long end = System.nanoTime();
2375            // give waitFor(timeout) a wide berth (2s)
2376            System.out.printf(" waitFor process: delta: %d%n",(end - start) );
2378            if ((end - start) > TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(2))
2379                fail("Test failed: waitFor took too long (" + (end - start) + "ns)");
2381            p.destroy();
2382            p.waitFor();
2384            if (p.isAlive() ||
2385                !p.waitFor(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
2386            {
2387                fail("Test failed: Process still alive - please terminate " +
2388                    p.toString() + " manually");
2389            }
2390        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2392        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2393        // Check that Process.waitFor(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
2394        // works as expected.
2395        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2396        try {
2397            List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
2398            childArgs.add("sleep");
2399            final Process p = new ProcessBuilder(childArgs).start();
2400            long start = System.nanoTime();
2402            p.waitFor(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
2404            long end = System.nanoTime();
2405            if ((end - start) < TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(10))
2406                fail("Test failed: waitFor didn't take long enough (" + (end - start) + "ns)");
2408            p.destroy();
2409        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2411        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2412        // Check that Process.waitFor(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
2413        // interrupt works as expected, if interrupted while waiting.
2414        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2415        try {
2416            List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
2417            childArgs.add("sleep");
2418            final Process p = new ProcessBuilder(childArgs).start();
2419            final long start = System.nanoTime();
2420            final CountDownLatch aboutToWaitFor = new CountDownLatch(1);
2422            final Thread thread = new Thread() {
2423                public void run() {
2424                    try {
2425                        aboutToWaitFor.countDown();
2426                        boolean result = p.waitFor(30L * 1000L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
2427                        fail("waitFor() wasn't interrupted, its return value was: " + result);
2428                    } catch (InterruptedException success) {
2429                    } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2430                }
2431            };
2433            thread.start();
2434            aboutToWaitFor.await();
2435            Thread.sleep(1000);
2436            thread.interrupt();
2437            thread.join(10L * 1000L);
2438            check(millisElapsedSince(start) < 10L * 1000L);
2439            check(!thread.isAlive());
2440            p.destroy();
2441        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2443        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2444        // Check that Process.waitFor(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
2445        // interrupt works as expected, if interrupted before waiting.
2446        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2447        try {
2448            List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
2449            childArgs.add("sleep");
2450            final Process p = new ProcessBuilder(childArgs).start();
2451            final long start = System.nanoTime();
2452            final CountDownLatch threadStarted = new CountDownLatch(1);
2454            final Thread thread = new Thread() {
2455                public void run() {
2456                    try {
2457                        threadStarted.countDown();
2458                        do { Thread.yield(); }
2459                        while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted());
2460                        boolean result = p.waitFor(30L * 1000L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
2461                        fail("waitFor() wasn't interrupted, its return value was: " + result);
2462                    } catch (InterruptedException success) {
2463                    } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2464                }
2465            };
2467            thread.start();
2468            threadStarted.await();
2469            thread.interrupt();
2470            thread.join(10L * 1000L);
2471            check(millisElapsedSince(start) < 10L * 1000L);
2472            check(!thread.isAlive());
2473            p.destroy();
2474        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2476        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2477        // Check that Process.waitFor(timeout, null) throws NPE.
2478        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2479        try {
2480            List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
2481            childArgs.add("sleep");
2482            final Process p = new ProcessBuilder(childArgs).start();
2483            THROWS(NullPointerException.class,
2484                    () ->  p.waitFor(10L, null));
2485            THROWS(NullPointerException.class,
2486                    () ->  p.waitFor(0L, null));
2487            THROWS(NullPointerException.class,
2488                    () -> p.waitFor(-1L, null));
2489            // Terminate process and recheck after it exits
2490            p.destroy();
2491            p.waitFor();
2492            THROWS(NullPointerException.class,
2493                    () -> p.waitFor(10L, null));
2494            THROWS(NullPointerException.class,
2495                    () -> p.waitFor(0L, null));
2496            THROWS(NullPointerException.class,
2497                    () -> p.waitFor(-1L, null));
2498        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2500        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2501        // Check that default implementation of Process.waitFor(timeout, null) throws NPE.
2502        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2503        try {
2504            List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
2505            childArgs.add("sleep");
2506            final Process proc = new ProcessBuilder(childArgs).start();
2507            final DelegatingProcess p = new DelegatingProcess(proc);
2509            THROWS(NullPointerException.class,
2510                    () ->  p.waitFor(10L, null));
2511            THROWS(NullPointerException.class,
2512                    () ->  p.waitFor(0L, null));
2513            THROWS(NullPointerException.class,
2514                    () ->  p.waitFor(-1L, null));
2515            // Terminate process and recheck after it exits
2516            p.destroy();
2517            p.waitFor();
2518            THROWS(NullPointerException.class,
2519                    () -> p.waitFor(10L, null));
2520            THROWS(NullPointerException.class,
2521                    () -> p.waitFor(0L, null));
2522            THROWS(NullPointerException.class,
2523                    () -> p.waitFor(-1L, null));
2524        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2526        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2527        // Check the default implementation for
2528        // Process.waitFor(long, TimeUnit)
2529        //----------------------------------------------------------------
2530        try {
2531            List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<String>(javaChildArgs);
2532            childArgs.add("sleep");
2533            final Process proc = new ProcessBuilder(childArgs).start();
2534            DelegatingProcess p = new DelegatingProcess(proc);
2535            long start = System.nanoTime();
2537            p.waitFor(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
2539            long end = System.nanoTime();
2540            if ((end - start) < 500000000)
2541                fail("Test failed: waitFor didn't take long enough");
2543            p.destroy();
2545            p.waitFor(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
2546        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2547    }
2549    static void closeStreams(Process p) {
2550        try {
2551            p.getOutputStream().close();
2552            p.getInputStream().close();
2553            p.getErrorStream().close();
2554        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2555    }
2557    //----------------------------------------------------------------
2558    // A Policy class designed to make permissions fiddling very easy.
2559    //----------------------------------------------------------------
2560    private static class Policy extends java.security.Policy {
2561        private Permissions perms;
2563        public void setPermissions(Permission...permissions) {
2564            perms = new Permissions();
2565            for (Permission permission : permissions)
2566                perms.add(permission);
2567        }
2569        public Policy() { setPermissions(/* Nothing */); }
2571        public PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource cs) {
2572            return perms;
2573        }
2575        public PermissionCollection getPermissions(ProtectionDomain pd) {
2576            return perms;
2577        }
2579        public boolean implies(ProtectionDomain pd, Permission p) {
2580            return perms.implies(p);
2581        }
2583        public void refresh() {}
2584    }
2586    private static class StreamAccumulator extends Thread {
2587        private final InputStream is;
2588        private final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
2589        private Throwable throwable = null;
2591        public String result () throws Throwable {
2592            if (throwable != null)
2593                throw throwable;
2594            return sb.toString();
2595        }
2597        StreamAccumulator (InputStream is) {
2598            this.is = is;
2599        }
2601        public void run() {
2602            try {
2603                Reader r = new InputStreamReader(is);
2604                char[] buf = new char[4096];
2605                int n;
2606                while ((n = r.read(buf)) > 0) {
2607                    sb.append(buf,0,n);
2608                }
2609            } catch (Throwable t) {
2610                throwable = t;
2611            } finally {
2612                try { is.close(); }
2613                catch (Throwable t) { throwable = t; }
2614            }
2615        }
2616    }
2618    static ProcessResults run(ProcessBuilder pb) {
2619        try {
2620            return run(pb.start());
2621        } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); return null; }
2622    }
2624    private static ProcessResults run(Process p) {
2625        Throwable throwable = null;
2626        int exitValue = -1;
2627        String out = "";
2628        String err = "";
2630        StreamAccumulator outAccumulator =
2631            new StreamAccumulator(p.getInputStream());
2632        StreamAccumulator errAccumulator =
2633            new StreamAccumulator(p.getErrorStream());
2635        try {
2636            outAccumulator.start();
2637            errAccumulator.start();
2639            exitValue = p.waitFor();
2641            outAccumulator.join();
2642            errAccumulator.join();
2644            out = outAccumulator.result();
2645            err = errAccumulator.result();
2646        } catch (Throwable t) {
2647            throwable = t;
2648        }
2650        return new ProcessResults(out, err, exitValue, throwable);
2651    }
2653    //----------------------------------------------------------------
2654    // Results of a command
2655    //----------------------------------------------------------------
2656    private static class ProcessResults {
2657        private final String out;
2658        private final String err;
2659        private final int exitValue;
2660        private final Throwable throwable;
2662        public ProcessResults(String out,
2663                              String err,
2664                              int exitValue,
2665                              Throwable throwable) {
2666            this.out = out;
2667            this.err = err;
2668            this.exitValue = exitValue;
2669            this.throwable = throwable;
2670        }
2672        public String out()          { return out; }
2673        public String err()          { return err; }
2674        public int exitValue()       { return exitValue; }
2675        public Throwable throwable() { return throwable; }
2677        public String toString() {
2678            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
2679            sb.append("<STDOUT>\n" + out() + "</STDOUT>\n")
2680                .append("<STDERR>\n" + err() + "</STDERR>\n")
2681                .append("exitValue = " + exitValue + "\n");
2682            if (throwable != null)
2683                sb.append(throwable.getStackTrace());
2684            return sb.toString();
2685        }
2686    }
2688    //--------------------- Infrastructure ---------------------------
2689    static volatile int passed = 0, failed = 0;
2690    static void pass() {passed++;}
2691    static void fail() {failed++; Thread.dumpStack();}
2692    static void fail(String msg) {System.err.println(msg); fail();}
2693    static void unexpected(Throwable t) {failed++; t.printStackTrace();}
2694    static void check(boolean cond) {if (cond) pass(); else fail();}
2695    static void check(boolean cond, String m) {if (cond) pass(); else fail(m);}
2696    static void equal(Object x, Object y) {
2697        if (x == null ? y == null : x.equals(y)) pass();
2698        else fail(">'" + x + "'<" + " not equal to " + "'" + y + "'");}
2700    public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
2701        try {realMain(args);} catch (Throwable t) {unexpected(t);}
2702        System.out.printf("%nPassed = %d, failed = %d%n%n", passed, failed);
2703        if (failed > 0) throw new AssertionError("Some tests failed");}
2704    interface Fun {void f() throws Throwable;}
2705    static void THROWS(Class<? extends Throwable> k, Fun... fs) {
2706        for (Fun f : fs)
2707            try { f.f(); fail("Expected " + k.getName() + " not thrown"); }
2708            catch (Throwable t) {
2709                if (k.isAssignableFrom(t.getClass())) pass();
2710                else unexpected(t);}}
2712    static boolean isLocked(final Object monitor, final long millis) throws InterruptedException {
2713        return new Thread() {
2714            volatile boolean unlocked;
2716            @Override
2717            public void run() {
2718                synchronized (monitor) { unlocked = true; }
2719            }
2721            boolean isLocked() throws InterruptedException {
2722                start();
2723                join(millis);
2724                return !unlocked;
2725            }
2726        }.isLocked();
2727    }