revision 10656:369a00566b6d
2 * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
12 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13 * accompanied this code).
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
16 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 *
19 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
20 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
21 * questions.
22 */
24import java.awt.*;
25import java.util.ArrayList;
26import javax.swing.*;
30@summary Toplevel should be correctly positioned as relative to a component:
31       so that their centers coincide
32       or, if the component is hidden, centered on the screen.
33@bug 8036915
34@library ../../../../lib/testlibrary
35@build ExtendedRobot
36@run main/timeout=1200 SetLocationRelativeToTest
39public class SetLocationRelativeToTest {
40    private static int delay = 500;
41    private static boolean testEverything = false;// NB: change this to true to test everything
42    java.util.List<Window> awtToplevels = new ArrayList<Window>();
43    java.util.List<Window> swingToplevels = new ArrayList<Window>();
44    java.util.List<Window> allToplevels = new ArrayList<Window>();
45    java.util.List<Component> awtComponents = new ArrayList<Component>();
46    java.util.List<Component> swingComponents = new ArrayList<Component>();
47    java.util.List<Component> allComponents = new ArrayList<Component>();
48    Label placeholder = new Label();
49    JLabel jplaceholder = new JLabel();
50    JFrame jcontainer;
51    public SetLocationRelativeToTest() {
52        Frame frame = new Frame("Frame");
53        frame.setSize(200,100);
54        Frame uframe = new Frame("U.Frame");
55        uframe.setUndecorated(true);
56        uframe.setSize(200,100);
57        Window window = new Window(frame);
58        window.setSize(200,100);
59        Dialog dialog = new Dialog(frame, "Dialog");
60        dialog.setSize(200,100);
61        awtToplevels.add(frame);
62        awtToplevels.add(uframe);
63        awtToplevels.add(window);
64        awtToplevels.add(dialog);
66        awtComponents.add(new TextArea("Am a TextArea"));
67        awtComponents.add(new TextField("Am a TextField"));
68        awtComponents.add(new Button("Press"));
69        awtComponents.add(new Label("Label"));
70        Choice aChoice = new Choice();
71        aChoice.add("One");
72        aChoice.add("Two");
73        awtComponents.add(aChoice);
74        awtComponents.add(new Canvas());
75        awtComponents.add(new List(4));
76        awtComponents.add(new Checkbox("Me CheckBox"));
77        awtComponents.add(new Scrollbar());
79        swingComponents.add(new JTextArea("Am a JTextArea"));
80        swingComponents.add(new JTextField("Am a JTextField"));
81        swingComponents.add(new JButton("Press"));
82        swingComponents.add(new JLabel("JLabel"));
83        JComboBox jcombo = new JComboBox();
84        swingComponents.add(jcombo);
85        swingComponents.add(new JPanel());
86        swingComponents.add(new JList());
87        swingComponents.add(new JCheckBox("Me JCheckBox"));
88        swingComponents.add(new JScrollBar());
89    }
91    public static void main(String args[]) {
92        SetLocationRelativeToTest test = new SetLocationRelativeToTest();
93        test.doAWTTest(true);
94        test.doAWTTest(false);
95        try {
96            test.doSwingTest(true);
97            test.doSwingTest(false);
98        }catch(InterruptedException ie) {
99            ie.printStackTrace();
100        }catch(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException ite) {
101            ite.printStackTrace();
102            throw new RuntimeException("InvocationTarget?");
103        }
104        return;
105    }
107    // In regular testing, we select just few components to test
108    // randomly. If full testing required, select many ("all").
109    void selectObjectsToTest(boolean doSwing) {
110        allToplevels.clear();
111        allComponents.clear();
112        if(testEverything) {
113            allToplevels.addAll(0, awtToplevels);
114            allComponents.addAll(0, awtComponents);
115            if(doSwing) {
116                allToplevels.addAll(allToplevels.size(), swingToplevels);
117                allComponents.addAll(allComponents.size(), swingComponents);
118            }
119        }else{
120            //select a random of each
121            int i = (int)(java.lang.Math.random()*awtToplevels.size());
122            allToplevels.add(awtToplevels.get(i));
123            i = (int)(java.lang.Math.random()*awtComponents.size());
124            allComponents.add(awtComponents.get(i));
125            if(doSwing) {
126                i = (int)(java.lang.Math.random()*swingToplevels.size());
127                allToplevels.add(swingToplevels.get(i));
128                i = (int)(java.lang.Math.random()*swingComponents.size());
129                allComponents.add(swingComponents.get(i));
130            }
131        }
132    }
134    // create Frame, add an AWT component to it,
135    // hide it (or not) and position a new toplevel
136    // relativeTo
137    void doAWTTest(boolean isHidden) {
138        boolean res;
139        ExtendedRobot robot;
140        try {
141            robot = new ExtendedRobot();
142        }catch(Exception ex) {
143            ex.printStackTrace();
144            throw new RuntimeException("Failed: "+ex.getMessage());
145        }
146        Frame container = new Frame("Frame");
147        container.setBounds(100,100,300,300);
148        container.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1));
149        container.add(placeholder);
150        container.setVisible(true);
151        selectObjectsToTest(false);
152        for(Component c: allComponents) {
153            placeholder.setText((isHidden ? "Hidden: " : "Below is ")+ c.getClass().getName());
154            c.setVisible(true);
155            container.add(c);
156            container.doLayout();
157            if(isHidden) {
158                c.setVisible(false);
159            }
160            robot.waitForIdle(delay);
161            for(Window w: allToplevels) {
162                w.setLocationRelativeTo(c);
163                w.setVisible(true);
164                robot.waitForIdle(delay);
165                res = compareLocations(w, c, robot);
166                System.out.println(c.getClass().getName()+"   \t: "+w.getClass().getName()+
167                    ((w instanceof Frame) && (((Frame)w).isUndecorated()) ? " undec\t\t:" : "\t\t:")+" "+
168                    (res ? "" : "Failed"));
169                if(!res) {
170                    throw new RuntimeException("Test failed.");
171                }
172                w.dispose();
173            }
174            container.remove(c);
175            robot.waitForIdle(delay);
176        }
177        container.dispose();
178    }
180    // Create JFrame, add an AWT or Swing component to it,
181    // hide it (or not) and position a new toplevel
182    // relativeTo
183    void doSwingTest(boolean isHidden) throws InterruptedException,
184                       java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException {
185        boolean res;
186        ExtendedRobot robot;
187        try {
188            robot = new ExtendedRobot();
189        }catch(Exception ex) {
190            ex.printStackTrace();
191            throw new RuntimeException("Failed: "+ex.getMessage());
192        }
194        EventQueue.invokeAndWait( () -> {
195            JFrame jframe = new JFrame("jframe");
196            jframe.setSize(200,100);
197            swingToplevels.add(jframe);
198            JFrame ujframe = new JFrame("ujframe");
199            ujframe.setSize(200,100);
200            ujframe.setUndecorated(true);
201            swingToplevels.add(ujframe);
202            JWindow jwin = new JWindow();
203            jwin.setSize(200,100);
204            swingToplevels.add(jwin);
205            JDialog jdia = new JDialog((Frame)null, "JDialog");
206            jdia.setSize(200,100);
207            swingToplevels.add(jdia);
208            jcontainer = new JFrame("JFrame");
209            jcontainer.setBounds(100,100,300,300);
210            jcontainer.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1));
211            jcontainer.add(jplaceholder);
212            jcontainer.setVisible(true);
213            selectObjectsToTest(true);
214        });
215        robot.waitForIdle(delay);
217        for(Component c: allComponents) {
218            EventQueue.invokeAndWait( () -> {
219                jplaceholder.setText((isHidden ? "Hidden: " : "Below is: ")+ c.getClass().getName());
220                c.setVisible(true);
221                jcontainer.add(c);
222                jcontainer.doLayout();
223                if(isHidden) {
224                    c.setVisible(false);
225                }
226            });
227            robot.waitForIdle(delay);
228            for(Window w: allToplevels) {
229                EventQueue.invokeAndWait( () -> {
230                    w.setLocationRelativeTo(c);
231                    w.setVisible(true);
232                });
233                robot.waitForIdle(delay);
234                res = compareLocations(w, c, robot);
235                System.out.println(c.getClass().getName()+"   \t: "+w.getClass().getName()+
236                    ((w instanceof Frame) && (((Frame)w).isUndecorated()) ? " undec\t\t:" : "\t\t:")+" "+
237                    (res ? "" : "Failed"));
238                EventQueue.invokeAndWait( () -> {
239                    w.dispose();
240                });
241                robot.waitForIdle();
242                if(!res) {
243                    throw new RuntimeException("Test failed.");
244                }
245            }
246            EventQueue.invokeAndWait( () -> {
247                jcontainer.remove(c);
248            });
249            robot.waitForIdle(delay);
250        }
251        EventQueue.invokeAndWait( () -> {
252            jcontainer.dispose();
253        });
254    }
256    // Check, finally, if w  either is concentric with c
257    // or sits in the center of the screen (if c is hidden)
258    boolean compareLocations(final Window w, final Component c, ExtendedRobot robot) {
259        final Point pc = new Point();
260        final Point pw = new Point();
261        try {
262            EventQueue.invokeAndWait( () -> {
263                pw.setLocation(w.getLocationOnScreen());
264                pw.translate(w.getWidth()/2, w.getHeight()/2);
265                if(!c.isVisible()) {
266                    Rectangle screenRect = w.getGraphicsConfiguration().getBounds();
267                    pc.setLocation(screenRect.x+screenRect.width/2,
268                                   screenRect.y+screenRect.height/2);
269                }else{
270                    pc.setLocation(c.getLocationOnScreen());
271                    pc.translate(c.getWidth()/2, c.getHeight()/2);
272                }
273            });
274        } catch(InterruptedException ie) {
275            throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted");
276        } catch(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException ite) {
277            ite.printStackTrace();
278            throw new RuntimeException("InvocationTarget?");
279        }
280        robot.waitForIdle(delay);
281        // Compare with 1 tolerance to forgive possible rounding errors
282        if(pc.x - pw.x > 1 ||
283           pc.x - pw.x < -1 ||
284           pc.y - pw.y > 1 ||
285           pc.y - pw.y < -1 ) {
286            System.out.println("Center of "+(c.isVisible() ? "Component:" : "screen:")+pc);
287            System.out.println("Center of Window:"+pw);
288            System.out.println("Centers of "+w+" and "+c+" do not coincide");
289            return false;
290        }
291        return true;
292    }