TestIHOPStatic.java revision 11510:e13d130f805f
2 * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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9 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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22 */
24 /*
25 * @test TestIHOPStatic
26 * @bug 8148397
27 * @summary Test checks concurrent cycle initiation which depends on IHOP value.
28 * @requires vm.gc.G1
29 * @requires !vm.flightRecorder
30 * @requires vm.opt.ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent != true
31 * @library /testlibrary /
32 * @modules java.base/jdk.internal.misc
33 * @modules java.management
34 * @build gc.g1.ihop.TestIHOPStatic
35 *        gc.g1.ihop.lib.IhopUtils
36 * @run driver/timeout=240 gc.g1.ihop.TestIHOPStatic
37 */
38package gc.g1.ihop;
40import java.util.ArrayList;
41import java.util.Collections;
42import java.util.List;
44import jdk.test.lib.OutputAnalyzer;
45import jdk.test.lib.ProcessTools;
46import jdk.test.lib.Utils;
48import gc.g1.ihop.lib.IhopUtils;
51 * The test starts the AppIHOP multiple times varying setting of MaxHeapSize,
52 * IHOP and amount of memory to allocate. Then the test parses the GC log from
53 * the app to check that Concurrent Mark Cycle was initiated only if needed
54 * and at the right moment, defined by IHOP setting.
55 */
56public class TestIHOPStatic {
58    final static long YOUNG_SIZE = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
60    private final static String[] COMMON_OPTIONS = {
61        "-XX:+UseG1GC",
62        "-XX:G1HeapRegionSize=1m",
63        "-XX:-G1UseAdaptiveIHOP",
64        "-XX:NewSize=" + YOUNG_SIZE,
65        "-XX:MaxNewSize=" + YOUNG_SIZE,
66        "-Xlog:gc+ihop+ergo=debug,gc*=debug"
67    };
69    public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
71        // Test case:
72        // IHOP value, heap occupancy, heap size, expectation of message
73        // Test cases for occupancy is greater than IHOP
74        runTest(30, 35, 64, true);
75        runTest(50, 55, 256, true);
76        runTest(60, 65, 64, true);
77        runTest(70, 75, 512, true);
79        // Test cases for big difference between occupancy and IHOP
80        runTest(30, 50, 256, true);
81        runTest(30, 70, 512, true);
82        runTest(50, 70, 256, true);
84        // Test cases for occupancy is less than IHOP
85        runTest(30, 25, 64, false);
86        runTest(50, 45, 256, false);
87        runTest(70, 65, 64, false);
88        runTest(70, 65, 512, false);
90        // Test cases for big difference between occupancy and IHOP
91        runTest(50, 30, 300, false);
92        runTest(70, 50, 160, false);
94        // Cases for 0 and 100 IHOP.
95        runTest(0, 50, 256, true);
96        runTest(0, 95, 512, true);
97        runTest(100, 20, 64, false);
98        runTest(100, 100, 512, false);
99    }
101    /**
102     * Runs the test case.
103     *
104     * @param ihop                    IHOP value
105     * @param pctToFill               heap percentage to be filled
106     * @param heapSize                heap size for test
107     * @param expectInitiationMessage
108     *                                true - concurrent cycle initiation message is expected
109     *                                false - message is not expected
110     *
111     * @throws Throwable
112     */
113    private static void runTest(int ihop, long pctToFill, long heapSize, boolean expectInitiationMessage) throws Throwable {
114        System.out.println("");
115        System.out.println("IHOP test:");
116        System.out.println("  InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent : " + ihop);
117        System.out.println("  Part of heap to fill (percentage) : " + pctToFill);
118        System.out.println("  MaxHeapSize : " + heapSize);
119        System.out.println("  Expect for concurrent cycle initiation message : " + expectInitiationMessage);
120        List<String> options = new ArrayList<>();
121        Collections.addAll(options, Utils.getTestJavaOpts());
122        Collections.addAll(options,
123                "-XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=" + ihop,
124                "-Dmemory.fill=" + (heapSize * 1024 * 1024 * pctToFill / 100),
125                "-XX:MaxHeapSize=" + heapSize + "M",
126                "-XX:InitialHeapSize=" + heapSize + "M"
127        );
128        Collections.addAll(options, COMMON_OPTIONS);
129        options.add(AppIHOP.class.getName());
131        OutputAnalyzer out = ProcessTools.executeTestJvm(options.toArray(new String[options.size()]));
133        if (out.getExitValue() != 0) {
134            System.out.println(out.getOutput());
135            throw new RuntimeException("IhopTest failed with exit code " + out.getExitValue());
136        }
138        checkResult(out, expectInitiationMessage);
139    }
141    /**
142     * Checks execution results to ensure that concurrent cycle was initiated or
143     * was not.
144     *
145     * @param out
146     * @param expectInitiationMessage true - test expects for concurrent cycle initiation.
147     *                                false - test does not expect for concurrent cycle initiation
148     */
149    private static void checkResult(OutputAnalyzer out, boolean expectInitiationMessage) {
150        // Find expected messages
151        List<String> logItems = IhopUtils.getErgoInitiationMessages(out);
153        // Concurrent cycle was not initiated but was expected.
154        if (logItems.isEmpty() && expectInitiationMessage) {
155            System.out.println(out.getOutput());
156            throw new RuntimeException("Concurrent cycle was not initiated.");
157        }
158        IhopUtils.checkIhopLogValues(out);
159    }
161    static class AppIHOP {
163        /**
164         * Simple class which fills part of memory and initiates GC.
165         * To be executed in separate VM.
166         * Expect next VM properties to be set:
167         * memory.fill - amount of garbage to be created.
168         */
169        private static final long MEMORY_TO_FILL = Integer.getInteger("memory.fill");
170        private final static int CHUNK_SIZE = 10000;
172        public final static ArrayList<Object> STORAGE = new ArrayList<>();
174        public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
176            // Calculate part of heap to be filled to achieve expected occupancy.
177            System.out.println("Mem to fill:" + MEMORY_TO_FILL);
178            if (MEMORY_TO_FILL <= 0) {
179                throw new RuntimeException("Wrong memory size: " + MEMORY_TO_FILL);
180            }
181            try {
182                createGarbage(MEMORY_TO_FILL);
183            } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) {
184                return;
185            }
186            // Concurrent cycle initiation should start at end of Young GC cycle.
187            // Will fill entire young gen with garbage to guarantee that Young GC was initiated.
188            try {
189                createGarbage(TestIHOPStatic.YOUNG_SIZE);
190            } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) {
191            }
192        }
194        private static void createGarbage(long memToFill) {
195            for (long i = 0; i < memToFill / CHUNK_SIZE; i++) {
196                STORAGE.add(new byte[CHUNK_SIZE]);
197            }
198        }
199    }