ostream.hpp revision 222:2a1a77d3458f
21558Srgrimes * Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
41558Srgrimes *
51558Srgrimes * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
61558Srgrimes * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
71558Srgrimes * published by the Free Software Foundation.
81558Srgrimes *
91558Srgrimes * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
101558Srgrimes * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
111558Srgrimes * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
121558Srgrimes * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
131558Srgrimes * accompanied this code).
141558Srgrimes *
151558Srgrimes * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
161558Srgrimes * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
171558Srgrimes * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
181558Srgrimes *
191558Srgrimes * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
201558Srgrimes * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
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221558Srgrimes *
231558Srgrimes */
251558Srgrimes// Output streams for printing
271558Srgrimes// Printing guidelines:
281558Srgrimes// Where possible, please use tty->print() and tty->print_cr().
291558Srgrimes// For product mode VM warnings use warning() which internally uses tty.
301558Srgrimes// In places where tty is not initialized yet or too much overhead,
311558Srgrimes// we may use jio_printf:
321558Srgrimes//     jio_fprintf(defaultStream::output_stream(), "Message");
331558Srgrimes// This allows for redirection via -XX:+DisplayVMOutputToStdout and
341558Srgrimes// -XX:+DisplayVMOutputToStderr
357585Sbdeclass outputStream : public ResourceObj {
361558Srgrimes protected:
371558Srgrimes   int _indentation; // current indentation
381558Srgrimes   int _width;       // width of the page
391558Srgrimes   int _position;    // position on the current line
401558Srgrimes   int _newlines;    // number of '\n' output so far
411558Srgrimes   julong _precount; // number of chars output, less _position
421558Srgrimes   TimeStamp _stamp; // for time stamps
441558Srgrimes   void update_position(const char* s, size_t len);
451558Srgrimes   static const char* do_vsnprintf(char* buffer, size_t buflen,
461558Srgrimes                                   const char* format, va_list ap,
471558Srgrimes                                   bool add_cr,
481558Srgrimes                                   size_t& result_len);
501558Srgrimes public:
517585Sbde   // creation
527585Sbde   outputStream(int width = 80);
537585Sbde   outputStream(int width, bool has_time_stamps);
551558Srgrimes   // indentation
561558Srgrimes   void indent();
571558Srgrimes   void inc() { _indentation++; };
581558Srgrimes   void dec() { _indentation--; };
591558Srgrimes   int  indentation() const    { return _indentation; }
601558Srgrimes   void set_indentation(int i) { _indentation = i;    }
611558Srgrimes   void fill_to(int col);
621558Srgrimes   void move_to(int col, int slop = 6, int min_space = 2);
641558Srgrimes   // sizing
651558Srgrimes   int width()    const { return _width;    }
661558Srgrimes   int position() const { return _position; }
671558Srgrimes   int newlines() const { return _newlines; }
681558Srgrimes   julong count() const { return _precount + _position; }
691558Srgrimes   void set_count(julong count) { _precount = count - _position; }
701558Srgrimes   void set_position(int pos)   { _position = pos; }
721558Srgrimes   // printing
731558Srgrimes   void print(const char* format, ...);
741558Srgrimes   void print_cr(const char* format, ...);
751558Srgrimes   void vprint(const char *format, va_list argptr);
761558Srgrimes   void vprint_cr(const char* format, va_list argptr);
771558Srgrimes   void print_raw(const char* str)            { write(str, strlen(str)); }
781558Srgrimes   void print_raw(const char* str, int len)   { write(str,         len); }
791558Srgrimes   void print_raw_cr(const char* str)         { write(str, strlen(str)); cr(); }
801558Srgrimes   void print_raw_cr(const char* str, int len){ write(str,         len); cr(); }
811558Srgrimes   void put(char ch);
821558Srgrimes   void sp(int count = 1);
831558Srgrimes   void cr();
841558Srgrimes   void bol() { if (_position > 0)  cr(); }
861558Srgrimes   // Time stamp
871558Srgrimes   TimeStamp& time_stamp() { return _stamp; }
881558Srgrimes   void stamp();
891558Srgrimes   // Date stamp
901558Srgrimes   void date_stamp(bool guard, const char* prefix, const char* suffix);
911558Srgrimes   // A simplified call that includes a suffix of ": "
927585Sbde   void date_stamp(bool guard) {
931558Srgrimes     date_stamp(guard, "", ": ");
941558Srgrimes   }
961558Srgrimes   // portable printing of 64 bit integers
971558Srgrimes   void print_jlong(jlong value);
981558Srgrimes   void print_julong(julong value);
1001558Srgrimes   // flushing
1012603Sdg   virtual void flush() {}
1021558Srgrimes   virtual void write(const char* str, size_t len) = 0;
1031558Srgrimes   virtual ~outputStream() {}  // close properly on deletion
1051558Srgrimes   void dec_cr() { dec(); cr(); }
1061558Srgrimes   void inc_cr() { inc(); cr(); }
1091558Srgrimes// standard output
1101558Srgrimes                                // ANSI C++ name collision
1111558Srgrimesextern outputStream* tty;           // tty output
1121558Srgrimesextern outputStream* gclog_or_tty;  // stream for gc log if -Xloggc:<f>, or tty
1141558Srgrimes// advisory locking for the shared tty stream:
1151558Srgrimesclass ttyLocker: StackObj {
1161558Srgrimes private:
1171558Srgrimes  intx _holder;
1191558Srgrimes public:
1201558Srgrimes  static intx  hold_tty();                // returns a "holder" token
1211558Srgrimes  static void  release_tty(intx holder);  // must witness same token
1221558Srgrimes  static void  break_tty_lock_for_safepoint(intx holder);
1241558Srgrimes  ttyLocker()  { _holder = hold_tty(); }
1251558Srgrimes  ~ttyLocker() { release_tty(_holder); }
1281558Srgrimes// for writing to strings; buffer will expand automatically
1291558Srgrimesclass stringStream : public outputStream {
1301558Srgrimes protected:
1311558Srgrimes  char*  buffer;
1321558Srgrimes  size_t buffer_pos;
1331558Srgrimes  size_t buffer_length;
1341558Srgrimes  bool   buffer_fixed;
1351558Srgrimes public:
1361558Srgrimes  stringStream(size_t initial_bufsize = 256);
1371558Srgrimes  stringStream(char* fixed_buffer, size_t fixed_buffer_size);
1381558Srgrimes  ~stringStream();
1391558Srgrimes  virtual void write(const char* c, size_t len);
1401558Srgrimes  size_t      size() { return buffer_pos; }
1411558Srgrimes  const char* base() { return buffer; }
1421558Srgrimes  void  reset() { buffer_pos = 0; _precount = 0; _position = 0; }
1431558Srgrimes  char* as_string();
1461558Srgrimesclass fileStream : public outputStream {
1472603Sdg protected:
1481558Srgrimes  FILE* _file;
1491558Srgrimes  bool  _need_close;
1502603Sdg public:
1511558Srgrimes  fileStream(const char* file_name);
1521558Srgrimes  fileStream(FILE* file) { _file = file; _need_close = false; }
1531558Srgrimes  ~fileStream();
1547585Sbde  bool is_open() const { return _file != NULL; }
1551558Srgrimes  virtual void write(const char* c, size_t len);
1561558Srgrimes  void flush();
1591558Srgrimes// unlike fileStream, fdStream does unbuffered I/O by calling
1601558Srgrimes// open() and write() directly. It is async-safe, but output
1611558Srgrimes// from multiple thread may be mixed together. Used by fatal
1621558Srgrimes// error handler.
1631558Srgrimesclass fdStream : public outputStream {
1641558Srgrimes protected:
1651558Srgrimes  int  _fd;
1661558Srgrimes  bool _need_close;
1671820Sdg public:
1681558Srgrimes  fdStream(const char* file_name);
1691558Srgrimes  fdStream(int fd = -1) { _fd = fd; _need_close = false; }
1701558Srgrimes  ~fdStream();
1711558Srgrimes  bool is_open() const { return _fd != -1; }
1721558Srgrimes  void set_fd(int fd) { _fd = fd; _need_close = false; }
1731558Srgrimes  int fd() const { return _fd; }
1741558Srgrimes  virtual void write(const char* c, size_t len);
1751558Srgrimes  void flush() {};
1781558Srgrimesvoid ostream_init();
1791558Srgrimesvoid ostream_init_log();
1801558Srgrimesvoid ostream_exit();
1811558Srgrimesvoid ostream_abort();
1831558Srgrimes// staticBufferStream uses a user-supplied buffer for all formatting.
1841558Srgrimes// Used for safe formatting during fatal error handling.  Not MT safe.
1851558Srgrimes// Do not share the stream between multiple threads.
1861558Srgrimesclass staticBufferStream : public outputStream {
1871558Srgrimes private:
1881558Srgrimes  char* _buffer;
1891558Srgrimes  size_t _buflen;
1901558Srgrimes  outputStream* _outer_stream;
1911558Srgrimes public:
1921558Srgrimes  staticBufferStream(char* buffer, size_t buflen,
1931558Srgrimes                     outputStream *outer_stream);
1941558Srgrimes  ~staticBufferStream() {};
1951558Srgrimes  virtual void write(const char* c, size_t len);
1961558Srgrimes  void flush();
1971558Srgrimes  void print(const char* format, ...);
1981558Srgrimes  void print_cr(const char* format, ...);
1991558Srgrimes  void vprint(const char *format, va_list argptr);
2001558Srgrimes  void vprint_cr(const char* format, va_list argptr);
2031558Srgrimes// In the non-fixed buffer case an underlying buffer will be created and
2041558Srgrimes// managed in C heap. Not MT-safe.
2051558Srgrimesclass bufferedStream : public outputStream {
2061558Srgrimes protected:
2071558Srgrimes  char*  buffer;
2081558Srgrimes  size_t buffer_pos;
2091558Srgrimes  size_t buffer_max;
2101558Srgrimes  size_t buffer_length;
2111558Srgrimes  bool   buffer_fixed;
2121558Srgrimes public:
2131558Srgrimes  bufferedStream(size_t initial_bufsize = 256, size_t bufmax = 1024*1024*10);
2141558Srgrimes  bufferedStream(char* fixed_buffer, size_t fixed_buffer_size, size_t bufmax = 1024*1024*10);
2151558Srgrimes  ~bufferedStream();
2161558Srgrimes  virtual void write(const char* c, size_t len);
2171558Srgrimes  size_t      size() { return buffer_pos; }
2181558Srgrimes  const char* base() { return buffer; }
2191558Srgrimes  void  reset() { buffer_pos = 0; _precount = 0; _position = 0; }
2201558Srgrimes  char* as_string();
2231558Srgrimes#define O_BUFLEN 2000   // max size of output of individual print() methods
2251558Srgrimes#ifndef PRODUCT
2271558Srgrimesclass networkStream : public bufferedStream {
2291558Srgrimes  private:
2301558Srgrimes    int _socket;
2321558Srgrimes  public:
2331558Srgrimes    networkStream();
2341558Srgrimes    ~networkStream();
2361558Srgrimes    bool connect(const char *host, short port);
2371558Srgrimes    bool is_open() const { return _socket != -1; }
2381558Srgrimes    int read(char *buf, size_t len);
2391558Srgrimes    void close();
2401558Srgrimes    virtual void flush();