revision 12651:6ef01bd40ce2
250471Speter * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4290574Sngie *
5290574Sngie * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
61556Srgrimes * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
71556Srgrimes * published by the Free Software Foundation.
81556Srgrimes *
9126666Sphk * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10126666Sphk * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11126666Sphk * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
12126666Sphk * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13128048Snjl * accompanied this code).
14128048Snjl *
15128048Snjl * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
16128048Snjl * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17128048Snjl * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18126666Sphk *
19126667Sphk * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
20126666Sphk * or visit if you need additional information or have any
21128048Snjl * questions.
22128048Snjl */
23128048Snjlpackage org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.debug;
29298258Sthomasimport java.nio.file.Path;
30128048Snjlimport java.util.Iterator;
31298258Sthomasimport java.util.Locale;
32298258Sthomasimport java.util.Map;
33298258Sthomasimport java.util.Map.Entry;
34298258Sthomasimport java.util.Set;
35298258Sthomasimport java.util.TreeMap;
36298258Sthomasimport java.util.TreeSet;
37298258Sthomasimport java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
38298258Sthomasimport java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
40290574Sngieimport org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.SuppressFBWarnings;
41290574Sngieimport org.graalvm.compiler.debug.CSVUtil;
42290574Sngieimport org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalDebugConfig;
43290574Sngieimport org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError;
44128048Snjlimport org.graalvm.compiler.debug.TTY;
45import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.GraalHotSpotVMConfig;
46import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.replacements.HotspotSnippetsOptions;
47import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.debug.DynamicCounterNode;
48import org.graalvm.compiler.options.Option;
49import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionType;
50import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValue;
51import org.graalvm.compiler.options.StableOptionValue;
52import org.graalvm.compiler.options.UniquePathUtilities;
56//JaCoCo Exclude
59 * This class contains infrastructure to maintain counters based on {@link DynamicCounterNode}s. The
60 * infrastructure is enabled by specifying either the GenericDynamicCounters or
61 * BenchmarkDynamicCounters option.
62 * <p>
63 *
64 * The counters are kept in a special area allocated for each native JavaThread object, and the
65 * number of counters is configured using {@code -XX:JVMCICounterSize=value}.
66 * {@code -XX:+/-JVMCICountersExcludeCompiler} configures whether to exclude compiler threads
67 * (defaults to true).
68 *
69 * The subsystems that use the logging need to have their own options to turn on the counters, and
70 * insert DynamicCounterNodes when they're enabled.
71 *
72 * Counters will be displayed as a rate (per second) if their group name starts with "~", otherwise
73 * they will be displayed as a total number.
74 *
75 * <h1>Example</h1> In order to create statistics about allocations within the DaCapo pmd benchmark
76 * the following steps are necessary:
77 * <ul>
78 * <li>Set {@code -XX:JVMCICounterSize=value}. The actual required value depends on the granularity
79 * of the profiling, 10000 should be enough for most cases.</li>
80 * <li>Also: {@code -XX:+/-JVMCICountersExcludeCompiler} specifies whether the numbers generated by
81 * compiler threads should be excluded (default: true).</li>
82 * <li>Start the DaCapo pmd benchmark with
83 * {@code "-Dgraal.BenchmarkDynamicCounters=err, starting ====, PASSED in "} and
84 * {@code -Dgraal.ProfileAllocations=true}.</li>
85 * <li>The numbers will only include allocation from compiled code!</li>
86 * <li>The counters can be further configured by modifying the
87 * {@link HotspotSnippetsOptions#ProfileAllocationsContext} flag..</li>
88 * </ul>
89 */
90public class BenchmarkCounters {
92    static class Options {
94        //@formatter:off
95        @Option(help = "Turn on the benchmark counters, and displays the results on VM shutdown", type = OptionType.Debug)
96        public static final OptionValue<Boolean> GenericDynamicCounters = new OptionValue<>(false);
97        @Option(help = "Turn on the benchmark counters, and displays the results every n milliseconds", type = OptionType.Debug)
98        public static final OptionValue<Integer> TimedDynamicCounters = new OptionValue<>(-1);
100        @Option(help = "Turn on the benchmark counters, and listen for specific patterns on System.out/System.err:%n" +
101                       "Format: (err|out),start pattern,end pattern (~ matches multiple digits)%n" +
102                       "Examples:%n" +
103                       "  dacapo = 'err, starting =====, PASSED in'%n" +
104                       "  specjvm2008 = 'out,Iteration ~ (~s) begins:,Iteration ~ (~s) ends:'", type = OptionType.Debug)
105        public static final OptionValue<String> BenchmarkDynamicCounters = new OptionValue<>(null);
106        @Option(help = "Use grouping separators for number printing", type = OptionType.Debug)
107        public static final OptionValue<Boolean> DynamicCountersPrintGroupSeparator = new OptionValue<>(true);
108        @Option(help = "Print in human readable format", type = OptionType.Debug)
109        public static final OptionValue<Boolean> DynamicCountersHumanReadable = new OptionValue<>(true);
110        @Option(help = "Benchmark counters log file (default is stdout)", type = OptionType.Debug)
111        public static final OptionValue<String> BenchmarkCountersFile = new OptionValue<>(null);
112        @Option(help = "Dump dynamic counters", type = OptionType.Debug)
113        public static final StableOptionValue<Boolean> BenchmarkCountersDumpDynamic = new StableOptionValue<>(true);
114        @Option(help = "Dump static counters", type = OptionType.Debug)
115        public static final StableOptionValue<Boolean> BenchmarkCountersDumpStatic = new StableOptionValue<>(false);
116        //@formatter:on
117    }
119    public static boolean enabled = false;
121    private static class Counter {
122        public final int index;
123        public final String group;
124        public final AtomicLong staticCounters;
126        Counter(int index, String group, AtomicLong staticCounters) {
127            this.index = index;
128   = group;
129            this.staticCounters = staticCounters;
130        }
131    }
133    public static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Counter> counterMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
134    public static long[] delta;
136    public static int getIndexConstantIncrement(String name, String group, GraalHotSpotVMConfig config, long increment) {
137        Counter counter = getCounter(name, group, config);
138        counter.staticCounters.addAndGet(increment);
139        return counter.index;
140    }
142    public static int getIndex(String name, String group, GraalHotSpotVMConfig config) {
143        Counter counter = getCounter(name, group, config);
144        return counter.index;
145    }
147    @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "AT_OPERATION_SEQUENCE_ON_CONCURRENT_ABSTRACTION", justification = "concurrent abstraction calls are in synchronized block")
148    private static Counter getCounter(String name, String group, GraalHotSpotVMConfig config) throws GraalError {
149        if (!enabled) {
150            throw new GraalError("cannot access count index when counters are not enabled: " + group + ", " + name);
151        }
152        String nameGroup = name + "#" + group;
153        Counter counter = counterMap.get(nameGroup);
154        if (counter == null) {
155            synchronized (BenchmarkCounters.class) {
156                counter = counterMap.get(nameGroup);
157                if (counter == null) {
158                    counter = new Counter(counterMap.size(), group, new AtomicLong());
159                    counterMap.put(nameGroup, counter);
160                }
161            }
162        }
163        assert : "mismatching groups: " + + " vs. " + group;
164        int countersSize = config.jvmciCountersSize;
165        if (counter.index >= countersSize) {
166            throw new GraalError("too many counters, reduce number of counters or increase -XX:JVMCICounterSize=... (current value: " + countersSize + ")");
167        }
168        return counter;
169    }
171    private static synchronized void dump(PrintStream out, double seconds, long[] counters, int maxRows) {
172        if (!counterMap.isEmpty()) {
173            if (Options.DynamicCountersHumanReadable.getValue()) {
174                out.println("====== dynamic counters (" + counterMap.size() + " in total) ======");
175            }
176            TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<>();
177            counterMap.forEach((nameGroup, counter) -> set.add(;
178            for (String group : set) {
179                if (group != null) {
180                    if (Options.BenchmarkCountersDumpStatic.getValue()) {
181                        dumpCounters(out, seconds, counters, true, group, maxRows);
182                    }
183                    if (Options.BenchmarkCountersDumpDynamic.getValue()) {
184                        dumpCounters(out, seconds, counters, false, group, maxRows);
185                    }
186                }
187            }
188            if (Options.DynamicCountersHumanReadable.getValue()) {
189                out.println("============================");
190            }
192            clear(counters);
193        }
194    }
196    private static synchronized void clear(long[] counters) {
197        delta = counters;
198    }
200    private static synchronized void dumpCounters(PrintStream out, double seconds, long[] counters, boolean staticCounter, String group, int maxRows) {
202        // collect the numbers
203        long[] array;
204        if (staticCounter) {
205            array = new long[counterMap.size()];
206            for (Counter counter : counterMap.values()) {
207                array[counter.index] = counter.staticCounters.get();
208            }
209        } else {
210            array = counters.clone();
211            for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
212                array[i] -= delta[i];
213            }
214        }
215        Set<Entry<String, Counter>> counterEntrySet = counterMap.entrySet();
216        if (Options.DynamicCountersHumanReadable.getValue()) {
217            dumpHumanReadable(out, seconds, staticCounter, group, maxRows, array, counterEntrySet);
218        } else {
219            dumpComputerReadable(out, staticCounter, group, array, counterEntrySet);
220        }
221    }
223    private static String getName(String nameGroup, String group) {
224        return nameGroup.substring(0, nameGroup.length() - group.length() - 1);
225    }
227    private static void dumpHumanReadable(PrintStream out, double seconds, boolean staticCounter, String group, int maxRows, long[] array, Set<Entry<String, Counter>> counterEntrySet) {
228        // sort the counters by putting them into a sorted map
229        TreeMap<Long, String> sorted = new TreeMap<>();
230        long sum = 0;
231        for (Map.Entry<String, Counter> entry : counterEntrySet) {
232            Counter counter = entry.getValue();
233            int index = counter.index;
234            if ( {
235                sum += array[index];
236                sorted.put(array[index] * array.length + index, getName(entry.getKey(), group));
237            }
238        }
240        if (sum > 0) {
241            long cutoff = sorted.size() < 10 ? 1 : Math.max(1, sum / 100);
242            int cnt = sorted.size();
244            // remove everything below cutoff and keep at most maxRows
245            Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, String>> iter = sorted.entrySet().iterator();
246            while (iter.hasNext()) {
247                Map.Entry<Long, String> entry =;
248                long counter = entry.getKey() / array.length;
249                if (counter < cutoff || cnt > maxRows) {
250                    iter.remove();
251                }
252                cnt--;
253            }
255            String numFmt = Options.DynamicCountersPrintGroupSeparator.getValue() ? "%,19d" : "%19d";
256            if (staticCounter) {
257                out.println("=========== " + group + " (static counters):");
258                for (Map.Entry<Long, String> entry : sorted.entrySet()) {
259                    long counter = entry.getKey() / array.length;
260                    out.format(Locale.US, numFmt + " %3d%%  %s\n", counter, percentage(counter, sum), entry.getValue());
261                }
262                out.format(Locale.US, numFmt + " total\n", sum);
263            } else {
264                if (group.startsWith("~")) {
265                    out.println("=========== " + group + " (dynamic counters), time = " + seconds + " s:");
266                    for (Map.Entry<Long, String> entry : sorted.entrySet()) {
267                        long counter = entry.getKey() / array.length;
268                        out.format(Locale.US, numFmt + "/s %3d%%  %s\n", (long) (counter / seconds), percentage(counter, sum), entry.getValue());
269                    }
270                    out.format(Locale.US, numFmt + "/s total\n", (long) (sum / seconds));
271                } else {
272                    out.println("=========== " + group + " (dynamic counters):");
273                    for (Map.Entry<Long, String> entry : sorted.entrySet()) {
274                        long counter = entry.getKey() / array.length;
275                        out.format(Locale.US, numFmt + " %3d%%  %s\n", counter, percentage(counter, sum), entry.getValue());
276                    }
277                    out.format(Locale.US, numFmt + " total\n", sum);
278                }
279            }
280        }
281    }
283    private static final String CSV_FMT = CSVUtil.buildFormatString("%s", "%s", "%s", "%d");
285    private static void dumpComputerReadable(PrintStream out, boolean staticCounter, String group, long[] array, Set<Entry<String, Counter>> counterEntrySet) {
286        String category = staticCounter ? "static counters" : "dynamic counters";
287        for (Map.Entry<String, Counter> entry : counterEntrySet) {
288            Counter counter = entry.getValue();
289            if ( {
290                String name = getName(entry.getKey(), group);
291                int index = counter.index;
292                long value = array[index];
293                CSVUtil.Escape.println(out, CSV_FMT, category, group, name, value);
294            }
295        }
296    }
298    private static long percentage(long counter, long sum) {
299        return (counter * 200 + 1) / sum / 2;
300    }
302    private abstract static class CallbackOutputStream extends OutputStream {
304        protected final PrintStream delegate;
305        private final byte[][] patterns;
306        private final int[] positions;
308        CallbackOutputStream(PrintStream delegate, String... patterns) {
309            this.delegate = delegate;
310            this.positions = new int[patterns.length];
311            this.patterns = new byte[patterns.length][];
312            for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
313                this.patterns[i] = patterns[i].getBytes();
314            }
315        }
317        protected abstract void patternFound(int index);
319        @Override
320        public void write(int b) throws IOException {
321            try {
322                delegate.write(b);
323                for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
324                    int j = positions[i];
325                    byte[] cs = patterns[i];
326                    byte patternChar = cs[j];
327                    if (patternChar == '~' && Character.isDigit(b)) {
328                        // nothing to do...
329                    } else {
330                        if (patternChar == '~') {
331                            patternChar = cs[++positions[i]];
332                        }
333                        if (b == patternChar) {
334                            positions[i]++;
335                        } else {
336                            positions[i] = 0;
337                        }
338                    }
339                    if (positions[i] == patterns[i].length) {
340                        positions[i] = 0;
341                        patternFound(i);
342                    }
343                }
344            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
345                e.printStackTrace(delegate);
346                throw e;
347            }
348        }
349    }
351    public static void initialize(final HotSpotJVMCIRuntime jvmciRuntime) {
352        final class BenchmarkCountersOutputStream extends CallbackOutputStream {
354            private long startTime;
355            private boolean running;
356            private boolean waitingForEnd;
358            private BenchmarkCountersOutputStream(PrintStream delegate, String start, String end) {
359                super(delegate, new String[]{"\n", end, start});
360            }
362            @Override
363            protected void patternFound(int index) {
364                switch (index) {
365                    case 2:
366                        startTime = System.nanoTime();
367                        BenchmarkCounters.clear(jvmciRuntime.collectCounters());
368                        running = true;
369                        break;
370                    case 1:
371                        if (running) {
372                            waitingForEnd = true;
373                        }
374                        break;
375                    case 0:
376                        if (waitingForEnd) {
377                            waitingForEnd = false;
378                            running = false;
379                            BenchmarkCounters.dump(getPrintStream(), (System.nanoTime() - startTime) / 1000000000d, jvmciRuntime.collectCounters(), 100);
380                        }
381                        break;
382                }
383            }
384        }
386        if (Options.BenchmarkDynamicCounters.getValue() != null) {
387            String[] arguments = Options.BenchmarkDynamicCounters.getValue().split(",");
388            if (arguments.length == 0 || (arguments.length % 3) != 0) {
389                throw new GraalError("invalid arguments to BenchmarkDynamicCounters: (err|out),start,end,(err|out),start,end,... (~ matches multiple digits)");
390            }
391            for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 3) {
392                if (arguments[i].equals("err")) {
393                    System.setErr(new PrintStream(new BenchmarkCountersOutputStream(System.err, arguments[i + 1], arguments[i + 2])));
394                } else if (arguments[i].equals("out")) {
395                    System.setOut(new PrintStream(new BenchmarkCountersOutputStream(System.out, arguments[i + 1], arguments[i + 2])));
396                } else {
397                    throw new GraalError("invalid arguments to BenchmarkDynamicCounters: err|out");
398                }
399            }
400            enabled = true;
401        }
402        if (Options.GenericDynamicCounters.getValue()) {
403            enabled = true;
404        }
405        if (Options.TimedDynamicCounters.getValue() > 0) {
406            Thread thread = new Thread() {
407                long lastTime = System.nanoTime();
408                PrintStream out = getPrintStream();
410                @Override
411                public void run() {
412                    while (true) {
413                        try {
414                            Thread.sleep(Options.TimedDynamicCounters.getValue());
415                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
416                        }
417                        long time = System.nanoTime();
418                        dump(out, (time - lastTime) / 1000000000d, jvmciRuntime.collectCounters(), 10);
419                        lastTime = time;
420                    }
421                }
422            };
423            thread.setDaemon(true);
424            thread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY);
425            thread.start();
426            enabled = true;
427        }
428        if (enabled) {
429            clear(jvmciRuntime.collectCounters());
430        }
431    }
433    public static void shutdown(HotSpotJVMCIRuntime jvmciRuntime, long compilerStartTime) {
434        if (Options.GenericDynamicCounters.getValue()) {
435            dump(getPrintStream(), (System.nanoTime() - compilerStartTime) / 1000000000d, jvmciRuntime.collectCounters(), 100);
436        }
437    }
439    private static PrintStream getPrintStream() {
440        if (Options.BenchmarkCountersFile.getValue() != null) {
441            try {
442                Path path = UniquePathUtilities.getPathGlobal(Options.BenchmarkCountersFile, GraalDebugConfig.Options.DumpPath, "csv");
443                TTY.println("Writing benchmark counters to '%s'", path);
444                return new PrintStream(path.toFile());
445            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
446                TTY.out().println(e.getMessage());
447                TTY.out().println("Fallback to default");
448            }
449        }
450        return TTY.out;
451    }