revision 1211:367ac913fcb3
2 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
25package jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime;
27import static jdk.nashorn.internal.lookup.Lookup.MH;
28import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.UnwarrantedOptimismException.INVALID_PROGRAM_POINT;
29import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.UnwarrantedOptimismException.isValid;
31import java.lang.invoke.CallSite;
32import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
33import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
34import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
35import java.lang.invoke.MutableCallSite;
36import java.lang.invoke.SwitchPoint;
37import java.util.ArrayList;
38import java.util.Collection;
39import java.util.Collections;
40import java.util.Iterator;
41import java.util.List;
42import java.util.Map;
43import java.util.TreeMap;
44import java.util.function.Supplier;
45import java.util.logging.Level;
46import jdk.internal.dynalink.linker.GuardedInvocation;
47import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.Compiler;
48import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.Compiler.CompilationPhases;
49import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.TypeMap;
50import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.types.ArrayType;
51import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.types.Type;
53import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.annotations.SpecializedFunction.LinkLogic;
55import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.linker.Bootstrap;
56import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.logging.DebugLogger;
59 * An version of a JavaScript function, native or JavaScript.
60 * Supports lazily generating a constructor version of the invocation.
61 */
62final class CompiledFunction {
64    private static final MethodHandle NEWFILTER = findOwnMH("newFilter", Object.class, Object.class, Object.class);
65    private static final MethodHandle RELINK_COMPOSABLE_INVOKER = findOwnMH("relinkComposableInvoker", void.class, CallSite.class, CompiledFunction.class, boolean.class);
66    private static final MethodHandle HANDLE_REWRITE_EXCEPTION = findOwnMH("handleRewriteException", MethodHandle.class, CompiledFunction.class, OptimismInfo.class, RewriteException.class);
67    private static final MethodHandle RESTOF_INVOKER = MethodHandles.exactInvoker(MethodType.methodType(Object.class, RewriteException.class));
69    private final DebugLogger log;
71    static final Collection<CompiledFunction> NO_FUNCTIONS = Collections.emptySet();
73    /**
74     * The method type may be more specific than the invoker, if. e.g.
75     * the invoker is guarded, and a guard with a generic object only
76     * fallback, while the target is more specific, we still need the
77     * more specific type for sorting
78     */
79    private MethodHandle invoker;
80    private MethodHandle constructor;
81    private OptimismInfo optimismInfo;
82    private final int flags; // from FunctionNode
83    private final MethodType callSiteType;
85    private final Specialization specialization;
87    CompiledFunction(final MethodHandle invoker) {
88        this(invoker, null, null);
89    }
91    static CompiledFunction createBuiltInConstructor(final MethodHandle invoker, final Specialization specialization) {
92        return new CompiledFunction(MH.insertArguments(invoker, 0, false), createConstructorFromInvoker(MH.insertArguments(invoker, 0, true)), specialization);
93    }
95    CompiledFunction(final MethodHandle invoker, final MethodHandle constructor, final Specialization specialization) {
96        this(invoker, constructor, 0, null, specialization, DebugLogger.DISABLED_LOGGER);
97    }
99    CompiledFunction(final MethodHandle invoker, final MethodHandle constructor, final int flags, final MethodType callSiteType, final Specialization specialization, final DebugLogger log) {
100        this.specialization = specialization;
101        if (specialization != null && specialization.isOptimistic()) {
102            /*
103             * An optimistic builtin with isOptimistic=true works like any optimistic generated function, i.e. it
104             * can throw unwarranted optimism exceptions. As native functions trivially can't have parts of them
105             * regenerated as restof methods, this only works if the methods are atomic/functional in their behavior
106             * and doesn't modify state before an UOE can be thrown. If they aren't, we can reexecute a wider version
107             * of the same builtin in a recompilation handler for FinalScriptFunctionData. There are several
108             * candidate methods in Native* that would benefit from this, but I haven't had time to implement any
109             * of them currently. In order to fit in with the relinking framework, the current thinking is
110             * that the methods still take a program point to fit in with other optimistic functions, but
111             * it is set to "first", which is the beginning of the method. The relinker can tell the difference
112             * between builtin and JavaScript functions. This might change. TODO
113             */
114            this.invoker = MH.insertArguments(invoker, invoker.type().parameterCount() - 1, UnwarrantedOptimismException.FIRST_PROGRAM_POINT);
115            throw new AssertionError("Optimistic (UnwarrantedOptimismException throwing) builtin functions are currently not in use");
116        }
117        this.invoker = invoker;
118        this.constructor = constructor;
119        this.flags = flags;
120        this.callSiteType = callSiteType;
121        this.log = log;
122    }
124    CompiledFunction(final MethodHandle invoker, final RecompilableScriptFunctionData functionData,
125            final Map<Integer, Type> invalidatedProgramPoints, final MethodType callSiteType, final int flags) {
126        this(invoker, null, flags, callSiteType, null, functionData.getLogger());
127        if ((flags & FunctionNode.IS_DEOPTIMIZABLE) != 0) {
128            optimismInfo = new OptimismInfo(functionData, invalidatedProgramPoints);
129        } else {
130            optimismInfo = null;
131        }
132    }
134    static CompiledFunction createBuiltInConstructor(final MethodHandle invoker) {
135        return new CompiledFunction(MH.insertArguments(invoker, 0, false), createConstructorFromInvoker(MH.insertArguments(invoker, 0, true)), null);
136    }
138    boolean isSpecialization() {
139        return specialization != null;
140    }
142    boolean hasLinkLogic() {
143        return getLinkLogicClass() != null;
144    }
146    Class<? extends LinkLogic> getLinkLogicClass() {
147        if (isSpecialization()) {
148            final Class<? extends LinkLogic> linkLogicClass = specialization.getLinkLogicClass();
149            assert !LinkLogic.isEmpty(linkLogicClass) : "empty link logic classes should have been removed by nasgen";
150            return linkLogicClass;
151        }
152        return null;
153    }
155    int getFlags() {
156        return flags;
157    }
159    /**
160     * An optimistic specialization is one that can throw UnwarrantedOptimismException.
161     * This is allowed for native methods, as long as they are functional, i.e. don't change
162     * any state between entering and throwing the UOE. Then we can re-execute a wider version
163     * of the method in the continuation. Rest-of method generation for optimistic builtins is
164     * of course not possible, but this approach works and fits into the same relinking
165     * framework
166     *
167     * @return true if optimistic builtin
168     */
169    boolean isOptimistic() {
170        return isSpecialization() ? specialization.isOptimistic() : false;
171    }
173    boolean isApplyToCall() {
174        return (flags & FunctionNode.HAS_APPLY_TO_CALL_SPECIALIZATION) != 0;
175    }
177    boolean isVarArg() {
178        return isVarArgsType(invoker.type());
179    }
181    @Override
182    public String toString() {
183        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
184        final Class<? extends LinkLogic> linkLogicClass = getLinkLogicClass();
186        sb.append("[invokerType=").
187            append(invoker.type()).
188            append(" ctor=").
189            append(constructor).
190            append(" weight=").
191            append(weight()).
192            append(" linkLogic=").
193            append(linkLogicClass != null ? linkLogicClass.getSimpleName() : "none");
195        return sb.toString();
196    }
198    boolean needsCallee() {
199        return ScriptFunctionData.needsCallee(invoker);
200    }
202    /**
203     * Returns an invoker method handle for this function. Note that the handle is safely composable in
204     * the sense that you can compose it with other handles using any combinators even if you can't affect call site
205     * invalidation. If this compiled function is non-optimistic, then it returns the same value as
206     * {@link #getInvokerOrConstructor(boolean)}. However, if the function is optimistic, then this handle will
207     * incur an overhead as it will add an intermediate internal call site that can relink itself when the function
208     * needs to regenerate its code to always point at the latest generated code version.
209     * @return a guaranteed composable invoker method handle for this function.
210     */
211    MethodHandle createComposableInvoker() {
212        return createComposableInvoker(false);
213    }
215    /**
216     * Returns an invoker method handle for this function when invoked as a constructor. Note that the handle should be
217     * considered non-composable in the sense that you can only compose it with other handles using any combinators if
218     * you can ensure that the composition is guarded by {@link #getOptimisticAssumptionsSwitchPoint()} if it's
219     * non-null, and that you can relink the call site it is set into as a target if the switch point is invalidated. In
220     * all other cases, use {@link #createComposableConstructor()}.
221     * @return a direct constructor method handle for this function.
222     */
223    private MethodHandle getConstructor() {
224        if (constructor == null) {
225            constructor = createConstructorFromInvoker(createInvokerForPessimisticCaller());
226        }
228        return constructor;
229    }
231    /**
232     * Creates a version of the invoker intended for a pessimistic caller (return type is Object, no caller optimistic
233     * program point available).
234     * @return a version of the invoker intended for a pessimistic caller.
235     */
236    private MethodHandle createInvokerForPessimisticCaller() {
237        return createInvoker(Object.class, INVALID_PROGRAM_POINT);
238    }
240    /**
241     * Compose a constructor from an invoker.
242     *
243     * @param invoker         invoker
244     * @return the composed constructor
245     */
246    private static MethodHandle createConstructorFromInvoker(final MethodHandle invoker) {
247        final boolean needsCallee = ScriptFunctionData.needsCallee(invoker);
248        // If it was (callee, this, args...), permute it to (this, callee, args...). We're doing this because having
249        // "this" in the first argument position is what allows the elegant folded composition of
250        // (newFilter x constructor x allocator) further down below in the code. Also, ensure the composite constructor
251        // always returns Object.
252        final MethodHandle swapped = needsCallee ? swapCalleeAndThis(invoker) : invoker;
254        final MethodHandle returnsObject = MH.asType(swapped, swapped.type().changeReturnType(Object.class));
256        final MethodType ctorType = returnsObject.type();
258        // Construct a dropping type list for NEWFILTER, but don't include constructor "this" into it, so it's actually
259        // captured as "allocation" parameter of NEWFILTER after we fold the constructor into it.
260        // (this, [callee, ]args...) => ([callee, ]args...)
261        final Class<?>[] ctorArgs = ctorType.dropParameterTypes(0, 1).parameterArray();
263        // Fold constructor into newFilter that replaces the return value from the constructor with the originally
264        // allocated value when the originally allocated value is a JS primitive (String, Boolean, Number).
265        // (result, this, [callee, ]args...) x (this, [callee, ]args...) => (this, [callee, ]args...)
266        final MethodHandle filtered = MH.foldArguments(MH.dropArguments(NEWFILTER, 2, ctorArgs), returnsObject);
268        // allocate() takes a ScriptFunction and returns a newly allocated ScriptObject...
269        if (needsCallee) {
270            // ...we either fold it into the previous composition, if we need both the ScriptFunction callee object and
271            // the newly allocated object in the arguments, so (this, callee, args...) x (callee) => (callee, args...),
272            // or...
273            return MH.foldArguments(filtered, ScriptFunction.ALLOCATE);
274        }
276        // ...replace the ScriptFunction argument with the newly allocated object, if it doesn't need the callee
277        // (this, args...) filter (callee) => (callee, args...)
278        return MH.filterArguments(filtered, 0, ScriptFunction.ALLOCATE);
279    }
281    /**
282     * Permutes the parameters in the method handle from {@code (callee, this, ...)} to {@code (this, callee, ...)}.
283     * Used when creating a constructor handle.
284     * @param mh a method handle with order of arguments {@code (callee, this, ...)}
285     * @return a method handle with order of arguments {@code (this, callee, ...)}
286     */
287    private static MethodHandle swapCalleeAndThis(final MethodHandle mh) {
288        final MethodType type = mh.type();
289        assert type.parameterType(0) == ScriptFunction.class : type;
290        assert type.parameterType(1) == Object.class : type;
291        final MethodType newType = type.changeParameterType(0, Object.class).changeParameterType(1, ScriptFunction.class);
292        final int[] reorder = new int[type.parameterCount()];
293        reorder[0] = 1;
294        assert reorder[1] == 0;
295        for (int i = 2; i < reorder.length; ++i) {
296            reorder[i] = i;
297        }
298        return MethodHandles.permuteArguments(mh, newType, reorder);
299    }
301    /**
302     * Returns an invoker method handle for this function when invoked as a constructor. Note that the handle is safely
303     * composable in the sense that you can compose it with other handles using any combinators even if you can't affect
304     * call site invalidation. If this compiled function is non-optimistic, then it returns the same value as
305     * {@link #getConstructor()}. However, if the function is optimistic, then this handle will incur an overhead as it
306     * will add an intermediate internal call site that can relink itself when the function needs to regenerate its code
307     * to always point at the latest generated code version.
308     * @return a guaranteed composable constructor method handle for this function.
309     */
310    MethodHandle createComposableConstructor() {
311        return createComposableInvoker(true);
312    }
314    boolean hasConstructor() {
315        return constructor != null;
316    }
318    MethodType type() {
319        return invoker.type();
320    }
322    int weight() {
323        return weight(type());
324    }
326    private static int weight(final MethodType type) {
327        if (isVarArgsType(type)) {
328            return Integer.MAX_VALUE; //if there is a varargs it should be the heavist and last fallback
329        }
331        int weight = Type.typeFor(type.returnType()).getWeight();
332        for (int i = 0 ; i < type.parameterCount() ; i++) {
333            final Class<?> paramType = type.parameterType(i);
334            final int pweight = Type.typeFor(paramType).getWeight() * 2; //params are more important than call types as return values are always specialized
335            weight += pweight;
336        }
338        weight += type.parameterCount(); //more params outweigh few parameters
340        return weight;
341    }
343    static boolean isVarArgsType(final MethodType type) {
344        assert type.parameterCount() >= 1 : type;
345        return type.parameterType(type.parameterCount() - 1) == Object[].class;
346    }
348    static boolean moreGenericThan(final MethodType mt0, final MethodType mt1) {
349        return weight(mt0) > weight(mt1);
350    }
352    boolean betterThanFinal(final CompiledFunction other, final MethodType callSiteMethodType) {
353        // Prefer anything over nothing, as we can't compile new versions.
354        if (other == null) {
355            return true;
356        }
357        return betterThanFinal(this, other, callSiteMethodType);
358    }
360    private static boolean betterThanFinal(final CompiledFunction cf, final CompiledFunction other, final MethodType callSiteMethodType) {
361        final MethodType thisMethodType  = cf.type();
362        final MethodType otherMethodType = other.type();
363        final int thisParamCount = getParamCount(thisMethodType);
364        final int otherParamCount = getParamCount(otherMethodType);
365        final int callSiteRawParamCount = getParamCount(callSiteMethodType);
366        final boolean csVarArg = callSiteRawParamCount == Integer.MAX_VALUE;
367        // Subtract 1 for callee for non-vararg call sites
368        final int callSiteParamCount = csVarArg ? callSiteRawParamCount : callSiteRawParamCount - 1;
370        // Prefer the function that discards less parameters
371        final int thisDiscardsParams = Math.max(callSiteParamCount - thisParamCount, 0);
372        final int otherDiscardsParams = Math.max(callSiteParamCount - otherParamCount, 0);
373        if(thisDiscardsParams < otherDiscardsParams) {
374            return true;
375        }
376        if(thisDiscardsParams > otherDiscardsParams) {
377            return false;
378        }
380        final boolean thisVarArg = thisParamCount == Integer.MAX_VALUE;
381        final boolean otherVarArg = otherParamCount == Integer.MAX_VALUE;
382        if(!(thisVarArg && otherVarArg && csVarArg)) {
383            // At least one of them isn't vararg
384            final Type[] thisType = toTypeWithoutCallee(thisMethodType, 0); // Never has callee
385            final Type[] otherType = toTypeWithoutCallee(otherMethodType, 0); // Never has callee
386            final Type[] callSiteType = toTypeWithoutCallee(callSiteMethodType, 1); // Always has callee
388            int narrowWeightDelta = 0;
389            int widenWeightDelta = 0;
390            final int minParamsCount = Math.min(Math.min(thisParamCount, otherParamCount), callSiteParamCount);
391            for(int i = 0; i < minParamsCount; ++i) {
392                final int callSiteParamWeight = getParamType(i, callSiteType, csVarArg).getWeight();
393                // Delta is negative for narrowing, positive for widening
394                final int thisParamWeightDelta = getParamType(i, thisType, thisVarArg).getWeight() - callSiteParamWeight;
395                final int otherParamWeightDelta = getParamType(i, otherType, otherVarArg).getWeight() - callSiteParamWeight;
396                // Only count absolute values of narrowings
397                narrowWeightDelta += Math.max(-thisParamWeightDelta, 0) - Math.max(-otherParamWeightDelta, 0);
398                // Only count absolute values of widenings
399                widenWeightDelta += Math.max(thisParamWeightDelta, 0) - Math.max(otherParamWeightDelta, 0);
400            }
402            // If both functions accept more arguments than what is passed at the call site, account for ability
403            // to receive Undefined un-narrowed in the remaining arguments.
404            if(!thisVarArg) {
405                for(int i = callSiteParamCount; i < thisParamCount; ++i) {
406                    narrowWeightDelta += Math.max(Type.OBJECT.getWeight() - thisType[i].getWeight(), 0);
407                }
408            }
409            if(!otherVarArg) {
410                for(int i = callSiteParamCount; i < otherParamCount; ++i) {
411                    narrowWeightDelta -= Math.max(Type.OBJECT.getWeight() - otherType[i].getWeight(), 0);
412                }
413            }
415            // Prefer function that narrows less
416            if(narrowWeightDelta < 0) {
417                return true;
418            }
419            if(narrowWeightDelta > 0) {
420                return false;
421            }
423            // Prefer function that widens less
424            if(widenWeightDelta < 0) {
425                return true;
426            }
427            if(widenWeightDelta > 0) {
428                return false;
429            }
430        }
432        // Prefer the function that exactly matches the arity of the call site.
433        if(thisParamCount == callSiteParamCount && otherParamCount != callSiteParamCount) {
434            return true;
435        }
436        if(thisParamCount != callSiteParamCount && otherParamCount == callSiteParamCount) {
437            return false;
438        }
440        // Otherwise, neither function matches arity exactly. We also know that at this point, they both can receive
441        // more arguments than call site, otherwise we would've already chosen the one that discards less parameters.
442        // Note that variable arity methods are preferred, as they actually match the call site arity better, since they
443        // really have arbitrary arity.
444        if(thisVarArg) {
445            if(!otherVarArg) {
446                return true; //
447            }
448        } else if(otherVarArg) {
449            return false;
450        }
452        // Neither is variable arity; chose the one that has less extra parameters.
453        final int fnParamDelta = thisParamCount - otherParamCount;
454        if(fnParamDelta < 0) {
455            return true;
456        }
457        if(fnParamDelta > 0) {
458            return false;
459        }
461        final int callSiteRetWeight = Type.typeFor(callSiteMethodType.returnType()).getWeight();
462        // Delta is negative for narrower return type, positive for wider return type
463        final int thisRetWeightDelta = Type.typeFor(thisMethodType.returnType()).getWeight() - callSiteRetWeight;
464        final int otherRetWeightDelta = Type.typeFor(otherMethodType.returnType()).getWeight() - callSiteRetWeight;
466        // Prefer function that returns a less wide return type
467        final int widenRetDelta = Math.max(thisRetWeightDelta, 0) - Math.max(otherRetWeightDelta, 0);
468        if(widenRetDelta < 0) {
469            return true;
470        }
471        if(widenRetDelta > 0) {
472            return false;
473        }
475        // Prefer function that returns a less narrow return type
476        final int narrowRetDelta = Math.max(-thisRetWeightDelta, 0) - Math.max(-otherRetWeightDelta, 0);
477        if(narrowRetDelta < 0) {
478            return true;
479        }
480        if(narrowRetDelta > 0) {
481            return false;
482        }
484        //if they are equal, pick the specialized one first
485        if (cf.isSpecialization() != other.isSpecialization()) {
486            return cf.isSpecialization(); //always pick the specialized version if we can
487        }
489        if (cf.isSpecialization() && other.isSpecialization()) {
490            return cf.getLinkLogicClass() != null; //pick link logic specialization above generic specializations
491        }
493        // Signatures are identical
494        throw new AssertionError(thisMethodType + " identically applicable to " + otherMethodType + " for " + callSiteMethodType);
495    }
497    private static Type[] toTypeWithoutCallee(final MethodType type, final int thisIndex) {
498        final int paramCount = type.parameterCount();
499        final Type[] t = new Type[paramCount - thisIndex];
500        for(int i = thisIndex; i < paramCount; ++i) {
501            t[i - thisIndex] = Type.typeFor(type.parameterType(i));
502        }
503        return t;
504    }
506    private static Type getParamType(final int i, final Type[] paramTypes, final boolean isVarArg) {
507        final int fixParamCount = paramTypes.length - (isVarArg ? 1 : 0);
508        if(i < fixParamCount) {
509            return paramTypes[i];
510        }
511        assert isVarArg;
512        return ((ArrayType)paramTypes[paramTypes.length - 1]).getElementType();
513    }
515    boolean matchesCallSite(final MethodType other, final boolean pickVarArg) {
516        if (other.equals(this.callSiteType)) {
517            return true;
518        }
519        final MethodType type  = type();
520        final int fnParamCount = getParamCount(type);
521        final boolean isVarArg = fnParamCount == Integer.MAX_VALUE;
522        if (isVarArg) {
523            return pickVarArg;
524        }
526        final int csParamCount = getParamCount(other);
527        final boolean csIsVarArg = csParamCount == Integer.MAX_VALUE;
528        final int thisThisIndex = needsCallee() ? 1 : 0; // Index of "this" parameter in this function's type
530        final int fnParamCountNoCallee = fnParamCount - thisThisIndex;
531        final int minParams = Math.min(csParamCount - 1, fnParamCountNoCallee); // callSiteType always has callee, so subtract 1
532        // We must match all incoming parameters, except "this". Starting from 1 to skip "this".
533        for(int i = 1; i < minParams; ++i) {
534            final Type fnType = Type.typeFor(type.parameterType(i + thisThisIndex));
535            final Type csType = csIsVarArg ? Type.OBJECT : Type.typeFor(other.parameterType(i + 1));
536            if(!fnType.isEquivalentTo(csType)) {
537                return false;
538            }
539        }
541        // Must match any undefined parameters to Object type.
542        for(int i = minParams; i < fnParamCountNoCallee; ++i) {
543            if(!Type.typeFor(type.parameterType(i + thisThisIndex)).isEquivalentTo(Type.OBJECT)) {
544                return false;
545            }
546        }
548        return true;
549    }
551    private static int getParamCount(final MethodType type) {
552        final int paramCount = type.parameterCount();
553        return type.parameterType(paramCount - 1).isArray() ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : paramCount;
554    }
556    private boolean canBeDeoptimized() {
557        return optimismInfo != null;
558    }
560    private MethodHandle createComposableInvoker(final boolean isConstructor) {
561        final MethodHandle handle = getInvokerOrConstructor(isConstructor);
563        // If compiled function is not optimistic, it can't ever change its invoker/constructor, so just return them
564        // directly.
565        if(!canBeDeoptimized()) {
566            return handle;
567        }
569        // Otherwise, we need a new level of indirection; need to introduce a mutable call site that can relink itslef
570        // to the compiled function's changed target whenever the optimistic assumptions are invalidated.
571        final CallSite cs = new MutableCallSite(handle.type());
572        relinkComposableInvoker(cs, this, isConstructor);
573        return cs.dynamicInvoker();
574    }
576    private static class HandleAndAssumptions {
577        final MethodHandle handle;
578        final SwitchPoint assumptions;
580        HandleAndAssumptions(final MethodHandle handle, final SwitchPoint assumptions) {
581            this.handle = handle;
582            this.assumptions = assumptions;
583        }
585        GuardedInvocation createInvocation() {
586            return new GuardedInvocation(handle, assumptions);
587        }
588    }
590    /**
591     * Returns a pair of an invocation created with a passed-in supplier and a non-invalidated switch point for
592     * optimistic assumptions (or null for the switch point if the function can not be deoptimized). While the method
593     * makes a best effort to return a non-invalidated switch point (compensating for possible deoptimizing
594     * recompilation happening on another thread) it is still possible that by the time this method returns the
595     * switchpoint has been invalidated by a {@code RewriteException} triggered on another thread for this function.
596     * This is not a problem, though, as these switch points are always used to produce call sites that fall back to
597     * relinking when they are invalidated, and in this case the execution will end up here again. What this method
598     * basically does is reduce such busy-loop relinking while the function is being recompiled on a different thread.
599     * @param invocationSupplier the supplier that constructs the actual invocation method handle; should use the
600     * {@code CompiledFunction} method itself in some capacity.
601     * @return a tuple object containing the method handle as created by the supplier and an optimistic assumptions
602     * switch point that is guaranteed to not have been invalidated before the call to this method (or null if the
603     * function can't be further deoptimized).
604     */
605    private synchronized HandleAndAssumptions getValidOptimisticInvocation(final Supplier<MethodHandle> invocationSupplier) {
606        for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
607            final MethodHandle handle = invocationSupplier.get();
608            final SwitchPoint assumptions = canBeDeoptimized() ? optimismInfo.optimisticAssumptions : null;
609            if(i == 0 && assumptions != null && assumptions.hasBeenInvalidated()) {
610                // We can be in a situation where one thread is in the middle of a deoptimizing compilation when we hit
611                // this and thus, it has invalidated the old switch point, but hasn't created the new one yet. Note that
612                // the behavior of invalidating the old switch point before recompilation, and only creating the new one
613                // after recompilation is by design. If we didn't wait here, we would be busy looping through the
614                // fallback path of the invalidated switch point, relinking the call site again with the same
615                // invalidated switch point, invoking the fallback, etc. stealing CPU cycles from the recompilation
616                // task we're dependent on. This can still happen if the switch point gets invalidated after we grabbed
617                // it here, in which case we'll indeed do one busy relink immediately.
618                // On the other hand, in order to avoid a rare livelock, we aren't doing an infinite loop, and we
619                // aren't wait()-ing indefinitely. We'll do at most one, at most 1000ms long wait after which we'll
620                // return the current handle even if it's invalidated (and which'll then trigger one loop through the
621                // relink mechanism). We therefore strike a balance between busy looping and a livelock risk by making
622                // sure that there's at most one iteration of busy loop per second. It is theoretically possible to
623                // correctly implement this without ever risking a livelock, but using this heuristic we eliminate the
624                // chance of the livelock, while still maintaining a good enough busy-looping prevention.
625                try {
626                    wait(1000L);
627                } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
628                    // Intentionally ignored. There's nothing meaningful we can do if we're interrupted
629                }
630            } else {
631                return new HandleAndAssumptions(handle, assumptions);
632            }
633        }
634        throw new AssertionError(); // never reached
635    }
637    private static void relinkComposableInvoker(final CallSite cs, final CompiledFunction inv, final boolean constructor) {
638        final HandleAndAssumptions handleAndAssumptions = inv.getValidOptimisticInvocation(new Supplier<MethodHandle>() {
639            @Override
640            public MethodHandle get() {
641                return inv.getInvokerOrConstructor(constructor);
642            }
643        });
644        final MethodHandle handle = handleAndAssumptions.handle;
645        final SwitchPoint assumptions = handleAndAssumptions.assumptions;
646        final MethodHandle target;
647        if(assumptions == null) {
648            target = handle;
649        } else {
650            final MethodHandle relink = MethodHandles.insertArguments(RELINK_COMPOSABLE_INVOKER, 0, cs, inv, constructor);
651            target = assumptions.guardWithTest(handle, MethodHandles.foldArguments(cs.dynamicInvoker(), relink));
652        }
653        cs.setTarget(target.asType(cs.type()));
654    }
656    private MethodHandle getInvokerOrConstructor(final boolean selectCtor) {
657        return selectCtor ? getConstructor() : createInvokerForPessimisticCaller();
658    }
660    /**
661     * Returns a guarded invocation for this function when not invoked as a constructor. The guarded invocation has no
662     * guard but it potentially has an optimistic assumptions switch point. As such, it will probably not be used as a
663     * final guarded invocation, but rather as a holder for an invocation handle and switch point to be decomposed and
664     * reassembled into a different final invocation by the user of this method. Any recompositions should take care to
665     * continue to use the switch point. If that is not possible, use {@link #createComposableInvoker()} instead.
666     * @return a guarded invocation for an ordinary (non-constructor) invocation of this function.
667     */
668    GuardedInvocation createFunctionInvocation(final Class<?> callSiteReturnType, final int callerProgramPoint) {
669        return getValidOptimisticInvocation(new Supplier<MethodHandle>() {
670            @Override
671            public MethodHandle get() {
672                return createInvoker(callSiteReturnType, callerProgramPoint);
673            }
674        }).createInvocation();
675    }
677    /**
678     * Returns a guarded invocation for this function when invoked as a constructor. The guarded invocation has no guard
679     * but it potentially has an optimistic assumptions switch point. As such, it will probably not be used as a final
680     * guarded invocation, but rather as a holder for an invocation handle and switch point to be decomposed and
681     * reassembled into a different final invocation by the user of this method. Any recompositions should take care to
682     * continue to use the switch point. If that is not possible, use {@link #createComposableConstructor()} instead.
683     * @return a guarded invocation for invocation of this function as a constructor.
684     */
685    GuardedInvocation createConstructorInvocation() {
686        return getValidOptimisticInvocation(new Supplier<MethodHandle>() {
687            @Override
688            public MethodHandle get() {
689                return getConstructor();
690            }
691        }).createInvocation();
692    }
694    private MethodHandle createInvoker(final Class<?> callSiteReturnType, final int callerProgramPoint) {
695        final boolean isOptimistic = canBeDeoptimized();
696        MethodHandle handleRewriteException = isOptimistic ? createRewriteExceptionHandler() : null;
698        MethodHandle inv = invoker;
699        if(isValid(callerProgramPoint)) {
700            inv = OptimisticReturnFilters.filterOptimisticReturnValue(inv, callSiteReturnType, callerProgramPoint);
701            inv = changeReturnType(inv, callSiteReturnType);
702            if(callSiteReturnType.isPrimitive() && handleRewriteException != null) {
703                // because handleRewriteException always returns Object
704                handleRewriteException = OptimisticReturnFilters.filterOptimisticReturnValue(handleRewriteException,
705                        callSiteReturnType, callerProgramPoint);
706            }
707        } else if(isOptimistic) {
708            // Required so that rewrite exception has the same return type. It'd be okay to do it even if we weren't
709            // optimistic, but it isn't necessary as the linker upstream will eventually convert the return type.
710            inv = changeReturnType(inv, callSiteReturnType);
711        }
713        if(isOptimistic) {
714            assert handleRewriteException != null;
715            final MethodHandle typedHandleRewriteException = changeReturnType(handleRewriteException, inv.type().returnType());
716            return MH.catchException(inv, RewriteException.class, typedHandleRewriteException);
717        }
718        return inv;
719    }
721    private MethodHandle createRewriteExceptionHandler() {
722        return MH.foldArguments(RESTOF_INVOKER, MH.insertArguments(HANDLE_REWRITE_EXCEPTION, 0, this, optimismInfo));
723    }
725    private static MethodHandle changeReturnType(final MethodHandle mh, final Class<?> newReturnType) {
726        return Bootstrap.getLinkerServices().asType(mh, mh.type().changeReturnType(newReturnType));
727    }
729    @SuppressWarnings("unused")
730    private static MethodHandle handleRewriteException(final CompiledFunction function, final OptimismInfo oldOptimismInfo, final RewriteException re) {
731        return function.handleRewriteException(oldOptimismInfo, re);
732    }
734    /**
735     * Debug function for printing out all invalidated program points and their
736     * invalidation mapping to next type
737     * @param ipp
738     * @return string describing the ipp map
739     */
740    private static List<String> toStringInvalidations(final Map<Integer, Type> ipp) {
741        if (ipp == null) {
742            return Collections.emptyList();
743        }
745        final List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
747        for (final Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, Type>> iter = ipp.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
748            final Map.Entry<Integer, Type> entry =;
749            final char bct = entry.getValue().getBytecodeStackType();
750            final String type;
752            switch (entry.getValue().getBytecodeStackType()) {
753            case 'A':
754                type = "object";
755                break;
756            case 'I':
757                type = "int";
758                break;
759            case 'J':
760                type = "long";
761                break;
762            case 'D':
763                type = "double";
764                break;
765            default:
766                type = String.valueOf(bct);
767                break;
768            }
770            final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
771            sb.append('[').
772                    append("program point: ").
773                    append(entry.getKey()).
774                    append(" -> ").
775                    append(type).
776                    append(']');
778            list.add(sb.toString());
779        }
781        return list;
782    }
784    private void logRecompile(final String reason, final FunctionNode fn, final MethodType type, final Map<Integer, Type> ipp) {
785        if (log.isEnabled()) {
786  , DebugLogger.quote(fn.getName()), " signature: ", type);
787            log.indent();
788            for (final String str : toStringInvalidations(ipp)) {
789                log.fine(str);
790            }
791            log.unindent();
792        }
793    }
795    /**
796     * Handles a {@link RewriteException} raised during the execution of this function by recompiling (if needed) the
797     * function with an optimistic assumption invalidated at the program point indicated by the exception, and then
798     * executing a rest-of method to complete the execution with the deoptimized version.
799     * @param oldOptInfo the optimism info of this function. We must store it explicitly as a bound argument in the
800     * method handle, otherwise it could be null for handling a rewrite exception in an outer invocation of a recursive
801     * function when recursive invocations of the function have completely deoptimized it.
802     * @param re the rewrite exception that was raised
803     * @return the method handle for the rest-of method, for folding composition.
804     */
805    private synchronized MethodHandle handleRewriteException(final OptimismInfo oldOptInfo, final RewriteException re) {
806        if (log.isEnabled()) {
808                    new RecompilationEvent(
809                        Level.INFO,
810                        re,
811                        re.getReturnValueNonDestructive()),
812                    "caught RewriteException ",
813                    re.getMessageShort());
814            log.indent();
815        }
817        final MethodType type = type();
819        // Compiler needs a call site type as its input, which always has a callee parameter, so we must add it if
820        // this function doesn't have a callee parameter.
821        final MethodType ct = type.parameterType(0) == ScriptFunction.class ?
822                type :
823                type.insertParameterTypes(0, ScriptFunction.class);
824        final OptimismInfo currentOptInfo = optimismInfo;
825        final boolean shouldRecompile = currentOptInfo != null && currentOptInfo.requestRecompile(re);
827        // Effective optimism info, for subsequent use. We'll normally try to use the current (latest) one, but if it
828        // isn't available, we'll use the old one bound into the call site.
829        final OptimismInfo effectiveOptInfo = currentOptInfo != null ? currentOptInfo : oldOptInfo;
830        FunctionNode fn = effectiveOptInfo.reparse();
831        final boolean serialized = effectiveOptInfo.isSerialized();
832        final Compiler compiler = effectiveOptInfo.getCompiler(fn, ct, re); //set to non rest-of
834        if (!shouldRecompile) {
835            // It didn't necessarily recompile, e.g. for an outer invocation of a recursive function if we already
836            // recompiled a deoptimized version for an inner invocation.
837            // We still need to do the rest of from the beginning
838            logRecompile("Rest-of compilation [STANDALONE] ", fn, ct, effectiveOptInfo.invalidatedProgramPoints);
839            return restOfHandle(effectiveOptInfo, compiler.compile(fn, serialized ? CompilationPhases.COMPILE_SERIALIZED_RESTOF : CompilationPhases.COMPILE_ALL_RESTOF), currentOptInfo != null);
840        }
842        logRecompile("Deoptimizing recompilation (up to bytecode) ", fn, ct, effectiveOptInfo.invalidatedProgramPoints);
843        fn = compiler.compile(fn, serialized ? CompilationPhases.RECOMPILE_SERIALIZED_UPTO_BYTECODE : CompilationPhases.COMPILE_UPTO_BYTECODE);
844        log.fine("Reusable IR generated");
846        // compile the rest of the function, and install it
847"Generating and installing bytecode from reusable IR...");
848        logRecompile("Rest-of compilation [CODE PIPELINE REUSE] ", fn, ct, effectiveOptInfo.invalidatedProgramPoints);
849        final FunctionNode normalFn = compiler.compile(fn, CompilationPhases.GENERATE_BYTECODE_AND_INSTALL);
851        if ( {
852            final RecompilableScriptFunctionData data =;
853            final int functionNodeId = data.getFunctionNodeId();
854            final TypeMap typeMap = data.typeMap(ct);
855            final Type[] paramTypes = typeMap == null ? null : typeMap.getParameterTypes(functionNodeId);
856            final String cacheKey = CodeStore.getCacheKey(functionNodeId, paramTypes);
857            compiler.persistClassInfo(cacheKey, normalFn);
858        }
860        final boolean canBeDeoptimized = normalFn.canBeDeoptimized();
862        if (log.isEnabled()) {
863            log.unindent();
864  "Done.");
866  "Recompiled '", fn.getName(), "' (",, ") ", canBeDeoptimized ? "can still be deoptimized." : " is completely deoptimized.");
867            log.finest("Looking up invoker...");
868        }
870        final MethodHandle newInvoker =;
871        invoker     = newInvoker.asType(type.changeReturnType(newInvoker.type().returnType()));
872        constructor = null; // Will be regenerated when needed
874"Done: ", invoker);
875        final MethodHandle restOf = restOfHandle(effectiveOptInfo, compiler.compile(fn, CompilationPhases.GENERATE_BYTECODE_AND_INSTALL_RESTOF), canBeDeoptimized);
877        // Note that we only adjust the switch point after we set the invoker/constructor. This is important.
878        if (canBeDeoptimized) {
879            effectiveOptInfo.newOptimisticAssumptions(); // Otherwise, set a new switch point.
880        } else {
881            optimismInfo = null; // If we got to a point where we no longer have optimistic assumptions, let the optimism info go.
882        }
883        notifyAll();
885        return restOf;
886    }
888    private MethodHandle restOfHandle(final OptimismInfo info, final FunctionNode restOfFunction, final boolean canBeDeoptimized) {
889        assert info != null;
890        assert restOfFunction.getCompileUnit().getUnitClassName().contains("restOf");
891        final MethodHandle restOf =
892                changeReturnType(
894                                restOfFunction.getCompileUnit().getCode(),
895                                MH.type(restOfFunction.getReturnType().getTypeClass(),
896                                        RewriteException.class)),
897                        Object.class);
899        if (!canBeDeoptimized) {
900            return restOf;
901        }
903        // If rest-of is itself optimistic, we must make sure that we can repeat a deoptimization if it, too hits an exception.
904        return MH.catchException(restOf, RewriteException.class, createRewriteExceptionHandler());
906    }
908    private static class OptimismInfo {
909        // TODO: this is pointing to its owning ScriptFunctionData. Re-evaluate if that's okay.
910        private final RecompilableScriptFunctionData data;
911        private final Map<Integer, Type> invalidatedProgramPoints;
912        private SwitchPoint optimisticAssumptions;
913        private final DebugLogger log;
915        OptimismInfo(final RecompilableScriptFunctionData data, final Map<Integer, Type> invalidatedProgramPoints) {
916   = data;
917            this.log  = data.getLogger();
918            this.invalidatedProgramPoints = invalidatedProgramPoints == null ? new TreeMap<Integer, Type>() : invalidatedProgramPoints;
919            newOptimisticAssumptions();
920        }
922        private void newOptimisticAssumptions() {
923            optimisticAssumptions = new SwitchPoint();
924        }
926        boolean requestRecompile(final RewriteException e) {
927            final Type retType            = e.getReturnType();
928            final Type previousFailedType = invalidatedProgramPoints.put(e.getProgramPoint(), retType);
930            if (previousFailedType != null && !previousFailedType.narrowerThan(retType)) {
931                final StackTraceElement[] stack      = e.getStackTrace();
932                final String              functionId = stack.length == 0 ?
933                        data.getName() :
934                        stack[0].getClassName() + "." + stack[0].getMethodName();
936      "RewriteException for an already invalidated program point ", e.getProgramPoint(), " in ", functionId, ". This is okay for a recursive function invocation, but a bug otherwise.");
938                return false;
939            }
941            SwitchPoint.invalidateAll(new SwitchPoint[] { optimisticAssumptions });
943            return true;
944        }
946        Compiler getCompiler(final FunctionNode fn, final MethodType actualCallSiteType, final RewriteException e) {
947            return data.getCompiler(fn, actualCallSiteType, e.getRuntimeScope(), invalidatedProgramPoints, getEntryPoints(e));
948        }
950        private static int[] getEntryPoints(final RewriteException e) {
951            final int[] prevEntryPoints = e.getPreviousContinuationEntryPoints();
952            final int[] entryPoints;
953            if (prevEntryPoints == null) {
954                entryPoints = new int[1];
955            } else {
956                final int l = prevEntryPoints.length;
957                entryPoints = new int[l + 1];
958                System.arraycopy(prevEntryPoints, 0, entryPoints, 1, l);
959            }
960            entryPoints[0] = e.getProgramPoint();
961            return entryPoints;
962        }
964        FunctionNode reparse() {
965            return data.reparse();
966        }
968        boolean isSerialized() {
969            return data.isSerialized();
970        }
971    }
973    @SuppressWarnings("unused")
974    private static Object newFilter(final Object result, final Object allocation) {
975        return (result instanceof ScriptObject || !JSType.isPrimitive(result))? result : allocation;
976    }
978    private static MethodHandle findOwnMH(final String name, final Class<?> rtype, final Class<?>... types) {
979        return MH.findStatic(MethodHandles.lookup(), CompiledFunction.class, name, MH.type(rtype, types));
980    }