DEVELOPER_README revision 525:eb7b8340ce3a
1This document describes system properties that are used for internal
2debugging and instrumentation purposes, along with the system loggers,
3which are used for the same thing.
5This document is intended as a developer resource, and it is not
6needed as Nashorn documentation for normal usage. Flags and system
7properties described herein are subject to change without notice.
101. System properties used internally
13This documentation of the system property flags assume that the
14default value of the flag is false, unless otherwise specified.
16SYSTEM PROPERTY: -Dnashorn.args=<string>
18This property takes as its value a space separated list of Nashorn
19command line options that should be passed to Nashorn. This might be
20useful in environments where it is hard to tell how a nashorn.jar is
25> java -Dnashorn.args="--lazy-complation --log=compiler" large-java-app-with-nashorn.jar 
26> ant -Dnashorn.args="--log=codegen" antjob
28SYSTEM PROPERTY: -Dnashorn.unstable.relink.threshold=x
30This property controls how many call site misses are allowed before a 
31callsite is relinked with "apply" semantics to never change again. 
32In the case of megamorphic callsites, this is necessary, or the 
33program would spend all its time swapping out callsite targets. Dynalink 
34has a default value (currently 8 relinks) for this property if it 
35is not explicitly set.
38SYSTEM PROPERTY: -Dnashorn.compiler.splitter.threshold=x
40This will change the node weight that requires a subgraph of the IR to
41be split into several classes in order not to run out of bytecode space.
42The default value is 0x8000 (32768).
45SYSTEM PROPERTY: -Dnashorn.compiler.intarithmetic
47(and integer arithmetic in general)
49<currently disabled - this is being refactored for update releases> 
51Arithmetic operations in Nashorn (except bitwise ones) typically
52coerce the operands to doubles (as per the JavaScript spec). To switch
53this off and remain in integer mode, for example for "var x = a&b; var
54y = c&d; var z = x*y;", use this flag. This will force the
55multiplication of variables that are ints to be done with the IMUL
56bytecode and the result "z" to become an int.
58WARNING: Note that is is experimental only to ensure that type support
59exists for all primitive types. The generated code is unsound. This
60will be the case until we do optimizations based on it. There is a CR
61in Nashorn to do better range analysis, and ensure that this is only
62done where the operation can't overflow into a wider type. Currently
63no overflow checking is done, so at the moment, until range analysis
64has been completed, this option is turned off.
66We've experimented by using int arithmetic for everything and putting
67overflow checks afterwards, which would recompute the operation with
68the correct precision, but have yet to find a configuration where this
69is faster than just using doubles directly, even if the int operation
70does not overflow. Getting access to a JVM intrinsic that does branch
71on overflow would probably alleviate this.
73The future:
75We are transitioning to an optimistic type system that uses int
76arithmetic everywhere until proven wrong. The problem here is mostly
77catch an overflow exception and rolling back the state to a new method
78with less optimistic assumptions for an operation at a particular
79program point. This will most likely not be in the Java 8.0 release
80but likely end up in an update release
82For Java 8, several java.lang.Math methods like addExact, subExact and
83mulExact are available to help us. Experiments intrinsifying these
84show a lot of promise, and we have devised a system that basically
85does on stack replacement with exceptions in bytecode to revert
86erroneous assumptions. An explanation of how this works and what we
87are doing can be found here:
90Experiments with this show significant ~x2-3 performance increases on
91pretty much everything, provided that optimistic assumptions don't
92fail much. It will affect warmup time negatively, depending on how
93many erroneous too optimistic assumptions are placed in the code at
94compile time. We don't think this will be much of an issue.
96For example for a small benchmark that repeatedly executes this
97method taken from the Crypto Octane benchmark 
99function am3(i,x,w,j,c,n) {
100  var this_array = this.array;
101  var w_array    = w.array;
102  var xl = x&0x3fff, xh = x>>14;
103  while(--n >= 0) {
104    var l = this_array[i]&0x3fff;
105    var h = this_array[i++]>>14;
106    var m = xh*l+h*xl;
107    l = xl*l+((m&0x3fff)<<14)+w_array[j]+c;
108    c = (l>>28)+(m>>14)+xh*h;
109    w_array[j++] = l&0xfffffff;
110  }
112  return c;
115The performance increase more than doubles. We are also working hard
116with the code generation team in the Java Virtual Machine to fix
117things that are lacking in invokedynamic performance, which is another
118area where a lot of ongoing performance work takes place
120"Pessimistic" bytecode for am3, guaranteed to be semantically correct:
122// access flags 0x9
123  public static am3(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
124   L0
125    LINENUMBER 12 L0
126    ALOAD 0
127    INVOKEDYNAMIC dyn:getProp|getElem|getMethod:array(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; [
128      // handle kind 0x6 : INVOKESTATIC
129      jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/linker/Bootstrap.bootstrap((Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;I)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;)
130      // arguments:
131      0
132    ]
133    ASTORE 8
134   L1
135    LINENUMBER 13 L1
136    ALOAD 3
137    INVOKEDYNAMIC dyn:getProp|getElem|getMethod:array(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; [
138      // handle kind 0x6 : INVOKESTATIC
139      jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/linker/Bootstrap.bootstrap((Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;I)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;)
140      // arguments:
141      0
142    ]
143    ASTORE 9
144   L2
145    LINENUMBER 14 L2
146    ALOAD 2
147    INVOKESTATIC jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/JSType.toInt32 (Ljava/lang/Object;)I
148    SIPUSH 16383
149    IAND
150    ISTORE 10
151    ALOAD 2
152    INVOKESTATIC jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/JSType.toInt32 (Ljava/lang/Object;)I
153    BIPUSH 14
154    ISHR
155    ISTORE 11
156   L3
157    LINENUMBER 15 L3
158    GOTO L4
159   L5
160    LINENUMBER 16 L5
161   FRAME FULL [java/lang/Object java/lang/Object java/lang/Object java/lang/Object java/lang/Object java/lang/Object java/lang/Double T java/lang/Object java/lang/Object I I] []
162    ALOAD 8
163    ALOAD 1
164    INVOKEDYNAMIC dyn:getElem|getProp|getMethod(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)I [
165      // handle kind 0x6 : INVOKESTATIC
166      jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/linker/Bootstrap.bootstrap((Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;I)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;)
167      // arguments:
168      0
169    ]
170    SIPUSH 16383
171    IAND
172    INVOKESTATIC java/lang/Integer.valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
173    ASTORE 12
174   L6
175    LINENUMBER 17 L6
176    ALOAD 8
177    ALOAD 1
178    INVOKESTATIC jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/JSType.toNumber (Ljava/lang/Object;)D
179    DUP2
180    DCONST_1
181    DADD
182    INVOKESTATIC java/lang/Double.valueOf (D)Ljava/lang/Double;
183    ASTORE 1
184    INVOKEDYNAMIC dyn:getElem|getProp|getMethod(Ljava/lang/Object;D)I [
185      // handle kind 0x6 : INVOKESTATIC
186      jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/linker/Bootstrap.bootstrap((Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;I)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;)
187      // arguments:
188      0
189    ]
190    BIPUSH 14
191    ISHR
192    ISTORE 13
193   L7
194    LINENUMBER 18 L7
195    ILOAD 11
196    I2D
197    ALOAD 12
198    INVOKESTATIC jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/JSType.toNumber (Ljava/lang/Object;)D
199    DMUL
200    ILOAD 13
201    I2D
202    ILOAD 10
203    I2D
204    DMUL
205    DADD
206    DSTORE 14
207   L8
208    LINENUMBER 19 L8
209    ILOAD 10
210    I2D
211    ALOAD 12
212    INVOKESTATIC jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/JSType.toNumber (Ljava/lang/Object;)D
213    DMUL
214    DLOAD 14
215    INVOKESTATIC jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/JSType.toInt32 (D)I
216    SIPUSH 16383
217    IAND
218    BIPUSH 14
219    ISHL
220    I2D
221    DADD
222    ALOAD 9
223    ALOAD 4
224    INVOKEDYNAMIC dyn:getElem|getProp|getMethod(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; [
225      // handle kind 0x6 : INVOKESTATIC
226      jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/linker/Bootstrap.bootstrap((Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;I)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;)
227      // arguments:
228      0
229    ]
230    INVOKEDYNAMIC ADD:ODO_D(DLjava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; [
231      // handle kind 0x6 : INVOKESTATIC
232      jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/linker/Bootstrap.runtimeBootstrap((Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;)
233      // arguments: none
234    ]
235    ALOAD 5
236    INVOKEDYNAMIC ADD:OOO_I(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; [
237      // handle kind 0x6 : INVOKESTATIC
238      jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/linker/Bootstrap.runtimeBootstrap((Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;)
239      // arguments: none
240    ]
241    ASTORE 12
242   L9
243    LINENUMBER 20 L9
244    ALOAD 12
245    INVOKESTATIC jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/JSType.toInt32 (Ljava/lang/Object;)I
246    BIPUSH 28
247    ISHR
248    I2D
249    DLOAD 14
250    INVOKESTATIC jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/JSType.toInt32 (D)I
251    BIPUSH 14
252    ISHR
253    I2D
254    DADD
255    ILOAD 11
256    I2D
257    ILOAD 13
258    I2D
259    DMUL
260    DADD
261    INVOKESTATIC java/lang/Double.valueOf (D)Ljava/lang/Double;
262    ASTORE 5
263   L10
264    LINENUMBER 21 L10
265    ALOAD 9
266    ALOAD 4
267    INVOKESTATIC jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/JSType.toNumber (Ljava/lang/Object;)D
268    DUP2
269    DCONST_1
270    DADD
271    INVOKESTATIC java/lang/Double.valueOf (D)Ljava/lang/Double;
272    ASTORE 4
273    ALOAD 12
274    INVOKESTATIC jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/JSType.toInt32 (Ljava/lang/Object;)I
275    LDC 268435455
276    IAND
277    INVOKEDYNAMIC dyn:setElem|setProp(Ljava/lang/Object;DI)V [
278      // handle kind 0x6 : INVOKESTATIC
279      jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/linker/Bootstrap.bootstrap((Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;I)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;)
280      // arguments:
281      0
282    ]
283   L4
284   FRAME FULL [java/lang/Object java/lang/Object java/lang/Object java/lang/Object java/lang/Object java/lang/Object java/lang/Object T java/lang/Object java/lang/Object I I] []
285    ALOAD 6
286    INVOKESTATIC jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/JSType.toNumber (Ljava/lang/Object;)D
287    LDC -1.0
288    DADD
289    DUP2
290    INVOKESTATIC java/lang/Double.valueOf (D)Ljava/lang/Double;
291    ASTORE 6
292    DCONST_0
293    DCMPL
294    IFGE L5
295   L11
296    LINENUMBER 24 L11
297    ALOAD 5
298    ARETURN
300"Optimistic" bytecode that requires invalidation on e.g overflow. Factor
301x2-3 speedup:
303public static am3(Ljava/lang/Object;IILjava/lang/Object;III)I
304   L0
305    LINENUMBER 12 L0
306    ALOAD 0
307    INVOKEDYNAMIC dyn:getProp|getElem|getMethod:array(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; [
308      // handle kind 0x6 : INVOKESTATIC
309      jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/linker/Bootstrap.bootstrap((Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;I)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;)
310      // arguments:
311      0
312    ]
313    ASTORE 8
314   L1
315    LINENUMBER 13 L1
316    ALOAD 3
317    INVOKEDYNAMIC dyn:getProp|getElem|getMethod:array(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; [
318      // handle kind 0x6 : INVOKESTATIC
319      jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/linker/Bootstrap.bootstrap((Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;I)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;)
320      // arguments:
321      0
322    ]
323    ASTORE 9
324   L2
325    LINENUMBER 14 L2
326    ILOAD 2
327    SIPUSH 16383
328    IAND
329    ISTORE 10
330    ILOAD 2
331    BIPUSH 14
332    ISHR
333    ISTORE 11
334   L3
335    LINENUMBER 15 L3
336    GOTO L4
337   L5
338    LINENUMBER 16 L5
339   FRAME FULL [java/lang/Object I I java/lang/Object I I I T java/lang/Object java/lang/Object I I] []
340    ALOAD 8
341    ILOAD 1
342    INVOKEDYNAMIC dyn:getElem|getProp|getMethod(Ljava/lang/Object;I)I [
343      // handle kind 0x6 : INVOKESTATIC
344      jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/linker/Bootstrap.bootstrap((Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;I)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;)
345      // arguments:
346      0
347    ]
348    SIPUSH 16383
349    IAND
350    ISTORE 12
351   L6
352    LINENUMBER 17 L6
353    ALOAD 8
354    ILOAD 1
355    DUP
356    ICONST_1
357    IADD
358    ISTORE 1
359    INVOKEDYNAMIC dyn:getElem|getProp|getMethod(Ljava/lang/Object;I)I [
360      // handle kind 0x6 : INVOKESTATIC
361      jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/linker/Bootstrap.bootstrap((Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;I)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;)
362      // arguments:
363      0
364    ]
365    BIPUSH 14
366    ISHR
367    ISTORE 13
368   L7
369    LINENUMBER 18 L7
370    ILOAD 11
371    ILOAD 12
372    BIPUSH 8
373    INVOKESTATIC jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/JSType.mulExact (III)I
374    ILOAD 13
375    ILOAD 10
376    BIPUSH 9
377    INVOKESTATIC jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/JSType.mulExact (III)I
378    IADD
379    ISTORE 14
380   L8
381    LINENUMBER 19 L8
382    ILOAD 10
383    ILOAD 12
384    BIPUSH 11
385    INVOKESTATIC jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/JSType.mulExact (III)I
386    ILOAD 14
387    SIPUSH 16383
388    IAND
389    BIPUSH 14
390    ISHL
391    IADD
392    ALOAD 9
393    ILOAD 4
394    INVOKEDYNAMIC dyn:getElem|getProp|getMethod(Ljava/lang/Object;I)I [
395      // handle kind 0x6 : INVOKESTATIC
396      jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/linker/Bootstrap.bootstrap((Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;I)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;)
397      // arguments:
398      0
399    ]
400    IADD
401    ILOAD 5
402    IADD
403    ISTORE 12
404   L9
405    LINENUMBER 20 L9
406    ILOAD 12
407    BIPUSH 28
408    ISHR
409    ILOAD 14
410    BIPUSH 14
411    ISHR
412    IADD
413    ILOAD 11
414    ILOAD 13
415    BIPUSH 21
416    INVOKESTATIC jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/JSType.mulExact (III)I
417    IADD
418    ISTORE 5
419   L10
420    LINENUMBER 21 L10
421    ALOAD 9
422    ILOAD 4
423    DUP
424    ICONST_1
425    IADD
426    ISTORE 4
427    ILOAD 12
428    LDC 268435455
429    IAND
430    INVOKEDYNAMIC dyn:setElem|setProp(Ljava/lang/Object;II)V [
431      // handle kind 0x6 : INVOKESTATIC
432      jdk/nashorn/internal/runtime/linker/Bootstrap.bootstrap((Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;I)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;)
433      // arguments:
434      0
435    ]
436   L4
438    ILOAD 6
439    ICONST_M1
440    IADD
441    DUP
442    ISTORE 6
443    ICONST_0
444    IF_ICMPGE L5
445   L11
446    LINENUMBER 24 L11
447    ILOAD 5
448    IRETURN
451SYSTEM PROPERTY: -Dnashorn.codegen.debug, -Dnashorn.codegen.debug.trace=<x>
453See the description of the codegen logger below.
456SYSTEM_PROPERTY: -Dnashorn.fields.debug
458See the description on the fields logger below.
461SYSTEM PROPERTY: -Dnashorn.fields.dual
463When this property is true, Nashorn will attempt to use primitive
464fields for AccessorProperties (currently just AccessorProperties, not
465spill properties). Memory footprint for script objects will increase,
466as we need to maintain both a primitive field (a long) as well as an
467Object field for the property value. Ints are represented as the 32
468low bits of the long fields. Doubles are represented as the
469doubleToLongBits of their value. This way a single field can be used
470for all primitive types. Packing and unpacking doubles to their bit
471representation is intrinsified by the JVM and extremely fast.
473While dual fields in theory runs significantly faster than Object
474fields due to reduction of boxing and memory allocation overhead,
475there is still work to be done to make this a general purpose
476solution. Research is ongoing.
478In the future, this might complement or be replaced by experimental
479feature sun.misc.TaggedArray, which has been discussed on the mlvm
480mailing list. TaggedArrays are basically a way to share data space
481between primitives and references, and have the GC understand this.
483As long as only primitive values are written to the fields and enough
484type information exists to make sure that any reads don't have to be
485uselessly boxed and unboxed, this is significantly faster than the
486standard "Objects only" approach that currently is the default. See
487test/examples/dual-fields-micro.js for an example that runs twice as
488fast with dual fields as without them. Here, the compiler, can
489determine that we are dealing with numbers only throughout the entire
490property life span of the properties involved.
492If a "real" object (not a boxed primitive) is written to a field that
493has a primitive representation, its callsite is relinked and an Object
494field is used forevermore for that particular field in that
495PropertyMap and its children, even if primitives are later assigned to
498As the amount of compile time type information is very small in a
499dynamic language like JavaScript, it is frequently the case that
500something has to be treated as an object, because we don't know any
501better. In reality though, it is often a boxed primitive is stored to
502an AccessorProperty. The fastest way to handle this soundly is to use
503a callsite typecheck and avoid blowing the field up to an Object. We
504never revert object fields to primitives. Ping-pong:ing back and forth
505between primitive representation and Object representation would cause
506fatal performance overhead, so this is not an option.
508For a general application the dual fields approach is still slower
509than objects only fields in some places, about the same in most cases,
510and significantly faster in very few. This is due the program using
511primitives, but we still can't prove it. For example "local_var a =
512call(); field = a;" may very well write a double to the field, but the
513compiler dare not guess a double type if field is a local variable,
514due to bytecode variables being strongly typed and later non
515interchangeable. To get around this, the entire method would have to
516be replaced and a continuation retained to restart from. We believe
517that the next steps we should go through are instead:
5191) Implement method specialization based on callsite, as it's quite
520frequently the case that numbers are passed around, but currently our
521function nodes just have object types visible to the compiler. For
522example "var b = 17; func(a,b,17)" is an example where two parameters
523can be specialized, but the main version of func might also be called
524from another callsite with func(x,y,"string").
5262) This requires lazy jitting as the functions have to be specialized
527per callsite.
529Even though "function square(x) { return x*x }" might look like a
530trivial function that can always only take doubles, this is not
531true. Someone might have overridden the valueOf for x so that the
532toNumber coercion has side effects. To fulfil JavaScript semantics,
533the coercion has to run twice for both terms of the multiplication
534even if they are the same object. This means that call site
535specialization is necessary, not parameter specialization on the form
536"function square(x) { var xd = (double)x; return xd*xd; }", as one
537might first think.
539Generating a method specialization for any variant of a function that
540we can determine by types at compile time is a combinatorial explosion
541of byte code (try it e.g. on all the variants of am3 in the Octane
542benchmark crypto.js). Thus, this needs to be lazy
5443) Optimistic callsite writes, something on the form
546x = y; //x is a field known to be a primitive. y is only an object as
547far as we can tell
549turns into
551try {
552  x = (int)y;
553} catch (X is not an integer field right now | ClassCastException e) {
554  x = y;
557Mini POC shows that this is the key to a lot of dual field performance
558in seemingly trivial micros where one unknown object, in reality
559actually a primitive, foils it for us. Very common pattern. Once we
560are "all primitives", dual fields runs a lot faster than Object fields
563We still have to deal with objects vs primitives for local bytecode
564slots, possibly through code copying and versioning.
566The Future:
568We expect the usefulness of dual fields to increase significantly
569after the optimistic type system described in the section on 
570integer arithmetic above is implemented.
573SYSTEM PROPERTY: -Dnashorn.compiler.symbol.trace=[<x>[,*]], 
574  -Dnashorn.compiler.symbol.stacktrace=[<x>[,*]]
576When this property is set, creation and manipulation of any symbol
577named "x" will show information about when the compiler changes its
578type assumption, bytecode local variable slot assignment and other
579data. This is useful if, for example, a symbol shows up as an Object,
580when you believe it should be a primitive. Usually there is an
581explanation for this, for example that it exists in the global scope
582and type analysis has to be more conservative. 
584Several symbols names to watch can be specified by comma separation.
586If no variable name is specified (and no equals sign), all symbols
587will be watched
589By using "stacktrace" instead of or together with "trace", stack
590traces will be displayed upon symbol changes according to the same
594SYSTEM PROPERTY: -Dnashorn.lexer.xmlliterals
596If this property it set, it means that the Lexer should attempt to
597parse XML literals, which would otherwise generate syntax
598errors. Warning: there are currently no unit tests for this
601XML literals, when this is enabled, end up as standard LiteralNodes in
602the IR.
605SYSTEM_PROPERTY: -Dnashorn.debug
607If this property is set to true, Nashorn runs in Debug mode. Debug
608mode is slightly slower, as for example statistics counters are enabled
609during the run. Debug mode makes available a NativeDebug instance
610called "Debug" in the global space that can be used to print property
611maps and layout for script objects, as well as a "dumpCounters" method
612that will print the current values of the previously mentioned stats
615These functions currently exists for Debug:
617"map" - print( will dump the PropertyMap for object x to
618stdout (currently there also exist functions called "embedX", where X
619is a value from 0 to 3, that will dump the contents of the embed pool
620for the first spill properties in any script object and "spill", that
621will dump the contents of the growing spill pool of spill properties
622in any script object. This is of course subject to change without
623notice, should we change the script object layout.
625"methodHandle" - this method returns the method handle that is used
626for invoking a particular script function.
628"identical" - this method compares two script objects for reference
629equality. It is a == Java comparison
631"dumpCounters" - will dump the debug counters' current values to
634Currently we count number of ScriptObjects in the system, number of
635Scope objects in the system, number of ScriptObject listeners added,
636removed and dead (without references).
638We also count number of ScriptFunctions, ScriptFunction invocations
639and ScriptFunction allocations.
641Furthermore we count PropertyMap statistics: how many property maps
642exist, how many times were property maps cloned, how many times did
643the property map history cache hit, prevent new allocations, how many
644prototype invalidations were done, how many time the property map
645proto cache hit.
647Finally we count callsite misses on a per callsite bases, which occur
648when a callsite has to be relinked, due to a previous assumption of
649object layout being invalidated.
652SYSTEM PROPERTY: -Dnashorn.methodhandles.debug,
655If this property is enabled, each MethodHandle related call that uses
656the java.lang.invoke package gets its MethodHandle intercepted and an
657instrumentation printout of arguments and return value appended to
658it. This shows exactly which method handles are executed and from
659where. (Also MethodTypes and SwitchPoints). This can be augmented with
660more information, for example, instance count, by subclassing or
661further extending the TraceMethodHandleFactory implementation in
664If the property is specialized with "=create" as its option,
665instrumentation will be shown for method handles upon creation time
666rather than at runtime usage.
669SYSTEM PROPERTY: -Dnashorn.methodhandles.debug.stacktrace
671This does the same as nashorn.methodhandles.debug, but when enabled
672also dumps the stack trace for every instrumented method handle
673operation. Warning: This is enormously verbose, but provides a pretty
674decent "grep:able" picture of where the calls are coming from.
676See the description of the codegen logger below for a more verbose
677description of this option
680SYSTEM PROPERTY: -Dnashorn.scriptfunction.specialization.disable
682There are several "fast path" implementations of constructors and
683functions in the NativeObject classes that, in their original form,
684take a variable amount of arguments. Said functions are also declared
685to take Object parameters in their original form, as this is what the
686JavaScript specification mandates.
687However, we often know quite a lot more at a callsite of one of these
688functions. For example, Math.min is called with a fixed number (2) of
689integer arguments. The overhead of boxing these ints to Objects and
690folding them into an Object array for the generic varargs Math.min
691function is an order of magnitude slower than calling a specialized
692implementation of Math.min that takes two integers. Specialized
693functions and constructors are identified by the tag
694@SpecializedFunction and @SpecializedConstructor in the Nashorn
695code. The linker will link in the most appropriate (narrowest types,
696right number of types and least number of arguments) specialization if
697specializations are available.
699Every ScriptFunction may carry specializations that the linker can
700choose from. This framework will likely be extended for user defined
701functions. The compiler can often infer enough parameter type info
702from callsites for in order to generate simpler versions with less
703generic Object types. This feature depends on future lazy jitting, as
704there tend to be many calls to user defined functions, some where the
705callsite can be specialized, some where we mostly see object
706parameters even at the callsite.
708If this system property is set to true, the linker will not attempt to
709use any specialized function or constructor for native objects, but
710just call the generic one.
713SYSTEM PROPERTY: -Dnashorn.tcs.miss.samplePercent=<x>
715When running with the trace callsite option (-tcs), Nashorn will count
716and instrument any callsite misses that require relinking. As the
717number of relinks is large and usually produces a lot of output, this
718system property can be used to constrain the percentage of misses that
719should be logged. Typically this is set to 1 or 5 (percent). 1% is the
720default value.
723SYSTEM_PROPERTY: -Dnashorn.profilefile=<filename>
725When running with the profile callsite options (-pcs), Nashorn will
726dump profiling data for all callsites to stderr as a shutdown hook. To
727instead redirect this to a file, specify the path to the file using
728this system property.
731SYSTEM_PROPERTY: -Dnashorn.regexp.impl=[jdk|joni]
733This property defines the regular expression engine to be used by
734Nashorn. Set this flag to "jdk" to get an implementation based on the
735JDK's java.util.regex package. Set this property to "joni" to install
736an implementation based on Joni, the regular expression engine used by
737the JRuby project. The default value for this flag is "joni"
740SYSTEM PROPERTY: -Dnashorn.time
742This enables timers for various phases of script compilation. The timers
743will be dumped when the Nashorn process exits. We see a percentage value
744of how much time was spent not executing bytecode (i.e. compilation and
745internal tasks) at the end of the report. 
747Here is an example:
749[JavaScript Parsing]    61  ms
750[Constant Folding]      11  ms
751[Control Flow Lowering] 26  ms
752[Type Attribution]      81  ms
753[Range Analysis]        0  ms
754[Code Splitting]        29  ms
755[Type Finalization]     19  ms
756[Bytecode Generation]   189  ms
757[Code Installation]     7  ms
758Total runtime: 508 ms (Non-runtime: 423 ms [83%])
7612. The loggers.
764It is very simple to create your own logger. Use the DebugLogger class
765and give the subsystem name as a constructor argument.
767The Nashorn loggers can be used to print per-module or per-subsystem
768debug information with different levels of verbosity. The loggers for
769a given subsystem are available are enabled by using
773on the command line.
775Here <systemname> identifies the name of the subsystem to be logged
776and the optional colon and level argument is a standard
777java.util.logging.Level name (severe, warning, info, config, fine,
778finer, finest). If the level is left out for a particular subsystem,
779it defaults to "info". Any log message logged as the level or a level
780that is more important will be output to stderr by the logger.
782Several loggers can be enabled by a single command line option, by
783putting a comma after each subsystem/level tuple (or each subsystem if
784level is unspecified). The --log option can also be given multiple
785times on the same command line, with the same effect.
787For example: --log=codegen,fields:finest is equivalent to
788--log=codegen:info --log=fields:finest
790The subsystems that currently support logging are:
793* compiler
795The compiler is in charge of turning source code and function nodes
796into byte code, and installs the classes into a class loader
797controlled from the Context. Log messages are, for example, about
798things like new compile units being allocated. The compiler has global
799settings that all the tiers of codegen (e.g. Lower and CodeGenerator)
803* codegen
805The code generator is the emitter stage of the code pipeline, and
806turns the lowest tier of a FunctionNode into bytecode. Codegen logging
807shows byte codes as they are being emitted, line number information
808and jumps. It also shows the contents of the bytecode stack prior to
809each instruction being emitted. This is a good debugging aid. For
812[codegen] #41                       line:2 (f)_afc824e 
813[codegen] #42                           load symbol x slot=2 
814[codegen] #43  {1:O}                    load int 0 
815[codegen] #44  {2:I O}                  dynamic_runtime_call GT:ZOI_I args=2 returnType=boolean 
816[codegen] #45                              signature (Ljava/lang/Object;I)Z 
817[codegen] #46  {1:Z}                    ifeq  ternary_false_5402fe28 
818[codegen] #47                           load symbol x slot=2 
819[codegen] #48  {1:O}                    goto ternary_exit_107c1f2f 
820[codegen] #49                       ternary_false_5402fe28 
821[codegen] #50                           load symbol x slot=2 
822[codegen] #51  {1:O}                    convert object -> double 
823[codegen] #52  {1:D}                    neg 
824[codegen] #53  {1:D}                    convert double -> object 
825[codegen] #54  {1:O}                ternary_exit_107c1f2f 
826[codegen] #55  {1:O}                    return object 
828shows a ternary node being generated for the sequence "return x > 0 ?
829x : -x"
831The first number on the log line is a unique monotonically increasing
832emission id per bytecode. There is no guarantee this is the same id
833between runs.  depending on non deterministic code
834execution/compilation, but for small applications it usually is. If
835the system variable -Dnashorn.codegen.debug.trace=<x> is set, where x
836is a bytecode emission id, a stack trace will be shown as the
837particular bytecode is about to be emitted. This can be a quick way to
838determine where it comes from without attaching the debugger. "Who
839generated that neg?"
841The --log=codegen option is equivalent to setting the system variable
842"nashorn.codegen.debug" to true.
844* fold
846Shows constant folding taking place before lowering
848* lower
850This is the first lowering pass.
852Lower is a code generation pass that turns high level IR nodes into
853lower level one, for example substituting comparisons to RuntimeNodes
854and inlining finally blocks.
856Lower is also responsible for determining control flow information
857like end points.
860* attr
862The lowering annotates a FunctionNode with symbols for each identifier
863and transforms high level constructs into lower level ones, that the
864CodeGenerator consumes.
866Lower logging typically outputs things like post pass actions,
867insertions of casts because symbol types have been changed and type
868specialization information. Currently very little info is generated by
869this logger. This will probably change.
872* finalize
874This --log=finalize log option outputs information for type finalization,
875the third tier of the compiler. This means things like placement of 
876specialized scope nodes or explicit conversions. 
879* fields
881The --log=fields option (at info level) is equivalent to setting the
882system variable "nashorn.fields.debug" to true. At the info level it
883will only show info about type assumptions that were invalidated. If
884the level is set to finest, it will also trace every AccessorProperty
885getter and setter in the program, show arguments, return values
886etc. It will also show the internal representation of respective field
887(Object in the normal case, unless running with the dual field
8923. Undocumented options
895Here follows a short description of undocumented options for Nashorn.
896To see a list of all undocumented options, use the (undocumented) flag
899i.e. jjs -xhelp or java -jar nashorn.jar -xhelp
901Undocumented options are not guaranteed to work, run correctly or be
902bug free. They are experimental and for internal or debugging use.
903They are also subject to change without notice.
905In practice, though, all options below not explicitly documented as
906EXPERIMENTAL can be relied upon, for example --dump-on-error is useful
907for any JavaScript/Nashorn developer, but there is no guarantee.
909A short summary follows:
911	-D (-Dname=value. Set a system property. This option can be repeated.)
913	-ccs, --class-cache-size (Size of the Class cache size per global scope.)
915	-cp, -classpath (-cp path. Specify where to find user class files.)
917	-co, --compile-only (Compile script without running. Exit after compilation)
918		param: [true|false]   default: false
920	-d, --dump-debug-dir (specify a destination directory to dump class files. 
921                This must be combined with the --compile-only option to work)
922		param: <path>   
924	--debug-lines (Generate line number table in .class files.)
925		param: [true|false]   default: true
927	--debug-locals (Generate local variable table in .class files.)
928		param: [true|false]   default: false
930	-doe, -dump-on-error (Dump a stack trace on errors.)
931		param: [true|false]   default: false
933	--early-lvalue-error (invalid lvalue expressions should be reported as early errors.)
934		param: [true|false]   default: true
936	--empty-statements (Preserve empty statements in AST.)
937		param: [true|false]   default: false
939	-fv, -fullversion (Print full version info of Nashorn.)
940		param: [true|false]   default: false
942	--function-statement-error (Report an error when function declaration is used as a statement.)
943		param: [true|false]   default: false
945	--function-statement-warning (Warn when function declaration is used as a statement.)
946		param: [true|false]   default: false
948	-fx (Launch script as an fx application.)
949		param: [true|false]   default: false
951	--global-per-engine (Use single Global instance per script engine instance.)
952		param: [true|false]   default: false
954	-h, -help (Print help for command line flags.)
955		param: [true|false]   default: false
957	--lazy-compilation (EXPERIMENTAL: Use lazy code generation strategies - do not compile 
958	                   the entire script at once.)
959		param: [true|false]   default: false
961	--loader-per-compile (Create a new class loader per compile.)
962		param: [true|false]   default: true
964	-l, --locale (Set Locale for script execution.)
965		param: <locale>   default: en-US
967	--log (Enable logging of a given level for a given number of sub systems. 
968	      [for example: --log=fields:finest,codegen:info])
969		param: <module:level>,*   
971	-nj, --no-java (No Java support)
972		param: [true|false]   default: false
974	-nse, --no-syntax-extensions (No non-standard syntax extensions)
975		param: [true|false]   default: false
977	-nta, --no-typed-arrays (No Typed arrays support)
978		param: [true|false]   default: false
980	--parse-only (Parse without compiling.)
981		param: [true|false]   default: false
983	--print-ast (Print abstract syntax tree.)
984		param: [true|false]   default: false
986	--print-code (Print bytecode.)
987		param: [true|false]   default: false
989	--print-lower-ast (Print lowered abstract syntax tree.)
990		param: [true|false]   default: false
992	--print-lower-parse (Print the parse tree after lowering.)
993		param: [true|false]   default: false
995	--print-mem-usage (Print memory usage of IR after each compile stage.)
996		param: [true|false]   default: false
998	--print-no-newline (Print function will not print new line char.)
999		param: [true|false]   default: false
1001	--print-parse (Print the parse tree.)
1002		param: [true|false]   default: false
1004	--print-symbols (Print the symbol table.)
1005		param: [true|false]   default: false
1007	-pcs, --profile-callsites (Dump callsite profile data.)
1008		param: [true|false]   default: false
1010	--range-analysis (EXPERIMENTAL: Do range analysis using known compile time types, 
1011	                 and try to narrow number types)
1012		param: [true|false]   default: false
1014	-scripting (Enable scripting features.)
1015		param: [true|false]   default: false
1017	--specialize-calls (EXPERIMENTAL: Specialize all or a set of method according
1018	                    to callsite parameter types)
1019		param: [=function_1,...,function_n]   
1021	--stderr (Redirect stderr to a filename or to another tty, e.g. stdout)
1022		param: <output console>   
1024	--stdout (Redirect stdout to a filename or to another tty, e.g. stderr)
1025		param: <output console>   
1027	-strict (Run scripts in strict mode.)
1028		param: [true|false]   default: false
1030	-t, -timezone (Set timezone for script execution.)
1031		param: <timezone>   default: Europe/Stockholm
1033	-tcs, --trace-callsites (Enable callsite trace mode. Options are: miss [trace callsite misses] 
1034	                        enterexit [trace callsite enter/exit], objects [print object properties])
1035		param: [=[option,]*]   
1037	--verify-code (Verify byte code before running.)
1038		param: [true|false]   default: false
1040	-v, -version (Print version info of Nashorn.)
1041		param: [true|false]   default: false
1043	-xhelp (Print extended help for command line flags.)
1044		param: [true|false]   default: false