JdepsDependencyClosure.java revision 3170:dc017a37aac5
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
12 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13 * accompanied this code).
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
16 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 *
19 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
20 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
21 * questions.
22 */
24import java.io.IOException;
25import java.io.OutputStream;
26import java.io.PrintWriter;
27import java.nio.file.Paths;
28import java.util.ArrayList;
29import java.util.Arrays;
30import java.util.HashMap;
31import java.util.HashSet;
32import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
33import java.util.List;
34import java.util.Locale;
35import java.util.Map;
36import java.util.Set;
37import java.util.function.Supplier;
38import java.util.stream.Collectors;
39import java.util.stream.Stream;
42 * @test
43 * @bug 8080608
44 * @summary Test that jdeps verbose output has a summary line when dependencies
45 *          are found within the same archive. For each testcase, compare the
46 *          result obtained from jdeps with the expected result.
47 * @modules jdk.jdeps/com.sun.tools.jdeps
48 * @build use.indirect.DontUseUnsafe2
49 * @build use.indirect.UseUnsafeIndirectly
50 * @build use.indirect2.DontUseUnsafe3
51 * @build use.indirect2.UseUnsafeIndirectly2
52 * @build use.unsafe.DontUseUnsafe
53 * @build use.unsafe.UseClassWithUnsafe
54 * @build use.unsafe.UseUnsafeClass
55 * @build use.unsafe.UseUnsafeClass2
56 * @run main JdepsDependencyClosure --test:0
57 * @run main JdepsDependencyClosure --test:1
58 * @run main JdepsDependencyClosure --test:2
59 * @run main JdepsDependencyClosure --test:3
60 */
61public class JdepsDependencyClosure {
63    static boolean VERBOSE = false;
64    static boolean COMPARE_TEXT = true;
66    static final String JDEPS_SUMMARY_TEXT_FORMAT = "%s -> %s%n";
67    static final String JDEPS_VERBOSE_TEXT_FORMAT = "   %-50s -> %-50s %s%n";
69    /**
70     * Helper class used to store arguments to pass to
71     * {@code JdepsDependencyClosure.test} as well as expected
72     * results.
73     */
74    static class TestCaseData {
75        final Map<String, Set<String>> expectedDependencies;
76        final String expectedText;
77        final String[] args;
78        final boolean closure;
80        TestCaseData(Map<String, Set<String>> expectedDependencies,
81                        String expectedText,
82                        boolean closure,
83                        String[] args) {
84            this.expectedDependencies = expectedDependencies;
85            this.expectedText = expectedText;
86            this.closure = closure;
87            this.args = args;
88        }
90        public void test() {
91            if (expectedDependencies != null) {
92                String format = closure
93                        ? "Running (closure): jdeps %s %s %s %s"
94                        : "Running: jdeps %s %s %s %s";
95                System.out.println(String.format(format, (Object[])args));
96            }
97            JdepsDependencyClosure.test(args, expectedDependencies, expectedText, closure);
98        }
100        /**
101         * Make a new test case data to invoke jdeps and test its output.
102         * @param pattern The pattern that will passed through to jdeps -e
103         *                This is expected to match only one class.
104         * @param arcPath The archive to analyze. A jar or a class directory.
105         * @param classes For each reported archive dependency couple, the
106         *                expected list of classes in the source that will
107         *                be reported as having a dependency on the class
108         *                in the target that matches the given pattern.
109         * @param dependencies For each archive dependency couple, a singleton list
110         *                containing the name of the class in the target that
111         *                matches the pattern. It is expected that the pattern
112         *                will match only one class in the target.
113         *                If the pattern matches several classes the
114         *                expected text may no longer match the jdeps output.
115         * @param archives A list of archive dependency couple in the form
116         *               {{sourceName1, sourcePath1, targetDescription1, targetPath1}
117         *                {sourceName2, sourcePath2, targetDescription2, targetPath2}
118         *                ... }
119         *               For a JDK module - e.g. java.base, the targetDescription
120         *               is usually something like "JDK internal API (java.base)"
121         *               and the targetPath is usually the module name "java.base".
122         * @param closure Whether jdeps should be recursively invoked to build
123         *                the closure.
124         * @return An instance of TestCaseData containing all the information
125         *         needed to perform the jdeps invokation and test its output.
126         */
127        public static TestCaseData make(String pattern, String arcPath, String[][] classes,
128                String[][] dependencies, String[][] archives, boolean closure) {
129            final String[] args = new String[] {
130                "-e", pattern, "-v", arcPath
131            };
132            Map<String, Set<String>> expected = new HashMap<>();
133            String expectedText = "";
134            for (int i=0; i<classes.length; i++) {
135                final int index = i;
136                expectedText += Stream.of(classes[i])
137                    .map((cn) -> String.format(JDEPS_VERBOSE_TEXT_FORMAT, cn,
138                            dependencies[index][0], archives[index][2]))
139                    .reduce(String.format(JDEPS_SUMMARY_TEXT_FORMAT, archives[i][0],
140                            archives[index][3]), (s1,s2) -> s1.concat(s2));
141                for (String cn : classes[index]) {
142                    expected.putIfAbsent(cn, new HashSet<>());
143                    expected.get(cn).add(dependencies[index][0]);
144                }
145            }
146            return new TestCaseData(expected, expectedText, closure, args);
147        }
149        public static TestCaseData valueOf(String[] args) {
150            if (args.length == 1 && args[0].startsWith("--test:")) {
151                // invoked from jtreg. build test case data for selected test.
152                int index = Integer.parseInt(args[0].substring("--test:".length()));
153                if (index >= dataSuppliers.size()) {
154                    throw new RuntimeException("No such test case: " + index
155                            + " - available testcases are [0.."
156                            + (dataSuppliers.size()-1) + "]");
157                }
158                return dataSuppliers.get(index).get();
159            } else {
160                // invoked in standalone. just take the given argument
161                // and perform no validation on the output (except that it
162                // must start with a summary line)
163                return new TestCaseData(null, null, true, args);
164            }
165        }
167    }
169    static TestCaseData makeTestCaseOne() {
170        final String arcPath = System.getProperty("test.classes", "build/classes");
171        final String arcName = Paths.get(arcPath).getFileName().toString();
172        final String[][] classes = new String[][] {
173            {"use.indirect2.UseUnsafeIndirectly2", "use.unsafe.UseClassWithUnsafe"},
174        };
175        final String[][] dependencies = new String[][] {
176            {"use.unsafe.UseUnsafeClass"},
177        };
178        final String[][] archives = new String[][] {
179            {arcName, arcPath, arcName, arcPath},
180        };
181        return TestCaseData.make("use.unsafe.UseUnsafeClass", arcPath, classes,
182                dependencies, archives, false);
183    }
185    static TestCaseData makeTestCaseTwo() {
186        String arcPath = System.getProperty("test.classes", "build/classes");
187        String arcName = Paths.get(arcPath).getFileName().toString();
188        String[][] classes = new String[][] {
189            {"use.unsafe.UseUnsafeClass", "use.unsafe.UseUnsafeClass2"}
190        };
191        String[][] dependencies = new String[][] {
192            {"sun.misc.Unsafe"}
193        };
194        String[][] archive = new String[][] {
195            {arcName, arcPath, "JDK internal API (java.base)", "java.base"},
196        };
197        return TestCaseData.make("sun.misc.Unsafe", arcPath, classes,
198                dependencies, archive, false);
199    }
201    static TestCaseData makeTestCaseThree() {
202        final String arcPath = System.getProperty("test.classes", "build/classes");
203        final String arcName = Paths.get(arcPath).getFileName().toString();
204        final String[][] classes = new String[][] {
205            {"use.indirect2.UseUnsafeIndirectly2", "use.unsafe.UseClassWithUnsafe"},
206            {"use.indirect.UseUnsafeIndirectly"}
207        };
208        final String[][] dependencies = new String[][] {
209            {"use.unsafe.UseUnsafeClass"},
210            {"use.unsafe.UseClassWithUnsafe"}
211        };
212        final String[][] archives = new String[][] {
213            {arcName, arcPath, arcName, arcPath},
214            {arcName, arcPath, arcName, arcPath}
215        };
216        return TestCaseData.make("use.unsafe.UseUnsafeClass", arcPath, classes,
217                dependencies, archives, true);
218    }
221    static TestCaseData makeTestCaseFour() {
222        final String arcPath = System.getProperty("test.classes", "build/classes");
223        final String arcName = Paths.get(arcPath).getFileName().toString();
224        final String[][] classes = new String[][] {
225            {"use.unsafe.UseUnsafeClass", "use.unsafe.UseUnsafeClass2"},
226            {"use.indirect2.UseUnsafeIndirectly2", "use.unsafe.UseClassWithUnsafe"},
227            {"use.indirect.UseUnsafeIndirectly"}
228        };
229        final String[][] dependencies = new String[][] {
230            {"sun.misc.Unsafe"},
231            {"use.unsafe.UseUnsafeClass"},
232            {"use.unsafe.UseClassWithUnsafe"}
233        };
234        final String[][] archives = new String[][] {
235            {arcName, arcPath, "JDK internal API (java.base)", "java.base"},
236            {arcName, arcPath, arcName, arcPath},
237            {arcName, arcPath, arcName, arcPath}
238        };
239        return TestCaseData.make("sun.misc.Unsafe", arcPath, classes, dependencies,
240                archives, true);
241    }
243    static final List<Supplier<TestCaseData>> dataSuppliers = Arrays.asList(
244        JdepsDependencyClosure::makeTestCaseOne,
245        JdepsDependencyClosure::makeTestCaseTwo,
246        JdepsDependencyClosure::makeTestCaseThree,
247        JdepsDependencyClosure::makeTestCaseFour
248    );
252    /**
253     * The OutputStreamParser is used to parse the format of jdeps.
254     * It is thus dependent on that format.
255     */
256    static class OutputStreamParser extends OutputStream {
257        // OutputStreamParser will populate this map:
258        //
259        // For each archive, a list of class in where dependencies where
260        //     found...
261        final Map<String, Set<String>> deps;
262        final StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
264        StringBuilder[] lines = { new StringBuilder(), new StringBuilder() };
265        int line = 0;
266        int sepi = 0;
267        char[] sep;
269        public OutputStreamParser(Map<String, Set<String>> deps) {
270            this.deps = deps;
271            this.sep = System.getProperty("line.separator").toCharArray();
272        }
274        @Override
275        public void write(int b) throws IOException {
276            lines[line].append((char)b);
277            if (b == sep[sepi]) {
278                if (++sepi == sep.length) {
279                    text.append(lines[line]);
280                    if (lines[0].toString().startsWith("  ")) {
281                        throw new RuntimeException("Bad formatting: "
282                                + "summary line missing for\n"+lines[0]);
283                    }
284                    // Usually the output looks like that:
285                    // <archive-1> -> java.base
286                    //   <class-1>      -> <dependency> <dependency description>
287                    //   <class-2>      -> <dependency> <dependency description>
288                    //   ...
289                    // <archive-2> -> java.base
290                    //   <class-3>      -> <dependency> <dependency description>
291                    //   <class-4>      -> <dependency> <dependency description>
292                    //   ...
293                    //
294                    // We want to keep the <archive> line in lines[0]
295                    // and have the ith <class-i> line in lines[1]
296                    if (line == 1) {
297                        // we have either a <class> line or an <archive> line.
298                        String line1 = lines[0].toString();
299                        String line2 = lines[1].toString();
300                        if (line2.startsWith("  ")) {
301                            // we have a class line, record it.
302                            parse(line1, line2);
303                            // prepare for next <class> line.
304                            lines[1] = new StringBuilder();
305                        } else {
306                            // We have an archive line: We are switching to the next archive.
307                            // put the new <archive> line in lines[0], and prepare
308                            // for reading the next <class> line
309                            lines[0] = lines[1];
310                            lines[1] = new StringBuilder();
311                         }
312                    } else {
313                        // we just read the first <archive> line.
314                        // prepare to read <class> lines.
315                        line = 1;
316                    }
317                    sepi = 0;
318                }
319            } else {
320                sepi = 0;
321            }
322        }
324        // Takes a couple of lines, where line1 is an <archive> line and
325        // line 2 is a <class> line. Parses the line to extract the archive
326        // name and dependent class name, and record them in the map...
327        void parse(String line1, String line2) {
328            String archive = line1.substring(0, line1.indexOf(" -> "));
329            int l2ArrowIndex = line2.indexOf(" -> ");
330            String className = line2.substring(2, l2ArrowIndex).replace(" ", "");
331            String depdescr = line2.substring(l2ArrowIndex + 4);
332            String depclass = depdescr.substring(0, depdescr.indexOf(" "));
333            deps.computeIfAbsent(archive, (k) -> new HashSet<>());
334            deps.get(archive).add(className);
335            if (VERBOSE) {
336                System.out.println(archive+": "+className+" depends on "+depclass);
337            }
338        }
340    }
342    /**
343     * The main method.
344     *
345     * Can be run in two modes:
346     * <ul>
347     * <li>From jtreg: expects 1 argument in the form {@code --test:<test-nb>}</li>
348     * <li>From command line: expected syntax is {@code -e <pattern> -v jar [jars..]}</li>
349     * </ul>
350     * <p>When called from the command line this method will call jdeps recursively
351     * to build a closure of the dependencies on {@code <pattern>} and print a summary.
352     * <p>When called from jtreg - it will call jdeps either once only or
353     * recursively depending on the pattern.
354     * @param args either {@code --test:<test-nb>} or {@code -e <pattern> -v jar [jars..]}.
355     */
356    public static void main(String[] args) {
357        runWithLocale(Locale.ENGLISH, TestCaseData.valueOf(args)::test);
358    }
360    private static void runWithLocale(Locale loc, Runnable run) {
361        final Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault();
362        Locale.setDefault(loc);
363        try {
364            run.run();
365        } finally {
366            Locale.setDefault(defaultLocale);
367        }
368    }
371    public static void test(String[] args, Map<String, Set<String>> expected,
372            String expectedText, boolean closure) {
373        try {
374            doTest(args, expected, expectedText, closure);
375        } catch (Throwable t) {
376            try {
377                printDiagnostic(args, expectedText, t, closure);
378            } catch(Throwable tt) {
379                throw t;
380            }
381            throw t;
382        }
383    }
385    static class TextFormatException extends RuntimeException {
386        final String expected;
387        final String actual;
388        TextFormatException(String message, String expected, String actual) {
389            super(message);
390            this.expected = expected;
391            this.actual = actual;
392        }
393    }
395    public static void printDiagnostic(String[] args, String expectedText,
396            Throwable t, boolean closure) {
397        if (expectedText != null || t instanceof TextFormatException) {
398            System.err.println("=====   TEST FAILED   =======");
399            System.err.println("command: " + Stream.of(args)
400                    .reduce("jdeps", (s1,s2) -> s1.concat(" ").concat(s2)));
401            System.err.println("===== Expected Output =======");
402            System.err.append(expectedText);
403            System.err.println("===== Command  Output =======");
404            if (t instanceof TextFormatException) {
405                System.err.print(((TextFormatException)t).actual);
406            } else {
407                com.sun.tools.jdeps.Main.run(args, new PrintWriter(System.err));
408                if (closure) System.err.println("... (closure not available) ...");
409            }
410            System.err.println("=============================");
411        }
412    }
414    public static void doTest(String[] args, Map<String, Set<String>> expected,
415            String expectedText, boolean closure) {
416        if (args.length < 3 || !"-e".equals(args[0]) || !"-v".equals(args[2])) {
417            System.err.println("Syntax: -e <classname> -v [list of jars or directories]");
418            return;
419        }
420        Map<String, Map<String, Set<String>>> alldeps = new HashMap<>();
421        String depName = args[1];
422        List<String> search = new ArrayList<>();
423        search.add(depName);
424        Set<String> searched = new LinkedHashSet<>();
425        StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
426        while(!search.isEmpty()) {
427            args[1] = search.remove(0);
428            if (VERBOSE) {
429                System.out.println("Looking for " + args[1]);
430            }
431            searched.add(args[1]);
432            Map<String, Set<String>> deps =
433                    alldeps.computeIfAbsent(args[1], (k) -> new HashMap<>());
434            OutputStreamParser parser = new OutputStreamParser(deps);
435            PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(parser);
436            com.sun.tools.jdeps.Main.run(args, writer);
437            if (VERBOSE) {
438                System.out.println("Found: " + deps.values().stream()
439                        .flatMap(s -> s.stream()).collect(Collectors.toSet()));
440            }
441            if (expectedText != null) {
442                text.append(parser.text.toString());
443            }
444            search.addAll(deps.values().stream()
445                    .flatMap(s -> s.stream())
446                    .filter(k -> !searched.contains(k))
447                    .collect(Collectors.toSet()));
448            if (!closure) break;
449        }
451        // Print summary...
452        final Set<String> classes = alldeps.values().stream()
453                .flatMap((m) -> m.values().stream())
454                .flatMap(s -> s.stream()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
455        Map<String, Set<String>> result = new HashMap<>();
456        for (String c : classes) {
457            Set<String> archives = new HashSet<>();
458            Set<String> dependencies = new HashSet<>();
459            for (String d : alldeps.keySet()) {
460                Map<String, Set<String>> m = alldeps.get(d);
461                for (String a : m.keySet()) {
462                    Set<String> s = m.get(a);
463                    if (s.contains(c)) {
464                        archives.add(a);
465                        dependencies.add(d);
466                    }
467                }
468            }
469            result.put(c, dependencies);
470            System.out.println(c + " " + archives + " depends on " + dependencies);
471        }
473        // If we're in jtreg, then check result (expectedText != null)
474        if (expectedText != null && COMPARE_TEXT) {
475            //text.append(String.format("%n"));
476            if (text.toString().equals(expectedText)) {
477                System.out.println("SUCCESS - got expected text");
478            } else {
479                throw new TextFormatException("jdeps output is not as expected",
480                                expectedText, text.toString());
481            }
482        }
483        if (expected != null) {
484            if (expected.equals(result)) {
485                System.out.println("SUCCESS - found expected dependencies");
486            } else if (expectedText == null) {
487                throw new RuntimeException("Bad dependencies: Expected " + expected
488                        + " but found " + result);
489            } else {
490                throw new TextFormatException("Bad dependencies: Expected "
491                        + expected
492                        + " but found " + result,
493                        expectedText, text.toString());
494            }
495        }
496    }