T6920317.java revision 1465:b52a38d4536c
2 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
12 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13 * accompanied this code).
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
16 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 *
19 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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21 * questions.
22 */
25 * @test
26 * @bug 6920317
27 * @summary package-info.java file has to be specified on the javac cmdline, else it will not be avail
28 * @library /tools/javac/lib
29 */
31import java.io.*;
32import java.util.*;
33import javax.annotation.processing.*;
34import javax.lang.model.*;
35import javax.lang.model.element.*;
36import javax.lang.model.util.*;
37import javax.tools.*;
40 * The test exercises different ways of providing annotations for a package.
41 * Each way provides an annotation with a unique argument. For each test
42 * case, the test verifies that the annotation with the correct argument is
43 * found by the compiler.
44 */
45public class T6920317 {
46    public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
47        new T6920317().run(args);
48    }
50    // Used to describe properties of files to be put on command line, source path, class path
51    enum Kind {
52        /** File is not used. */
53        NONE,
54        /** File is used. */
55        OLD,
56        /** Only applies to files on classpath/sourcepath, when there is another file on the
57         *  other path of type OLD, in which case, this file must be newer than the other one. */
58        NEW,
59        /** Only applies to files on classpath/sourcepath, when there is no file in any other
60         *  location, in which case, this file will be generated by the annotation processor. */
61        GEN
62    }
64    void run(String... args) throws Exception {
65        // if no args given, all test cases are run
66        // if args given, they indicate the test cases to be run
67        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
68            tests.add(Integer.valueOf(args[i]));
69        }
71        setup();
73        // Run tests for all combinations of files on command line, source path and class path.
74        // Invalid combinations are skipped in the test method
75        for (Kind cmdLine: EnumSet.of(Kind.NONE, Kind.OLD)) {
76            for (Kind srcPath: Kind.values()) {
77                for (Kind clsPath: Kind.values()) {
78                    try {
79                        test(cmdLine, srcPath, clsPath);
80                    } catch (Exception e) {
81                        e.printStackTrace();
82                        error("Exception " + e);
83                        // uncomment to stop on first failed test case
84                        // throw e;
85                    }
86                }
87            }
88        }
90        if (errors > 0)
91            throw new Exception(errors + " errors occurred");
92    }
94    /** One time setup for files and directories to be used in the various test cases. */
95    void setup() throws Exception {
96        // Annotation used in test cases to annotate package. This file is
97        // given on the command line in test cases.
98        test_java = writeFile("Test.java", "package p; @interface Test { String value(); }");
99        // Compile the annotation for use later in setup
100        File tmpClasses = new File("tmp.classes");
101        compile(tmpClasses, new String[] { }, test_java);
103        // package-info file to use on the command line when requied
104        cl_pkgInfo_java = writeFile("cl/p/package-info.java", "@Test(\"CL\") package p;");
106        // source path containing package-info
107        sp_old = new File("src.old");
108        writeFile("src.old/p/package-info.java", "@Test(\"SP_OLD\") package p;");
110        // class path containing package-info
111        cp_old = new File("classes.old");
112        compile(cp_old, new String[] { "-classpath", tmpClasses.getPath() },
113                writeFile("tmp.old/p/package-info.java", "@Test(\"CP_OLD\") package p;"));
115        // source path containing package-info which is newer than the one in cp-old
116        sp_new = new File("src.new");
117        File old_class = new File(cp_old, "p/package-info.class");
118        writeFile("src.new/p/package-info.java", "@Test(\"SP_NEW\") package p;", old_class);
120        // class path containing package-info which is newer than the one in sp-old
121        cp_new = new File("classes.new");
122        File old_java = new File(sp_old, "p/package-info.java");
123        compile(cp_new, new String[] { "-classpath", tmpClasses.getPath() },
124                writeFile("tmp.new/p/package-info.java", "@Test(\"CP_NEW\") package p;", old_java));
126        // directory containing package-info.java to be "generated" later by annotation processor
127        sp_gen = new File("src.gen");
128        writeFile("src.gen/p/package-info.java", "@Test(\"SP_GEN\") package p;");
130        // directory containing package-info.class to be "generated" later by annotation processor
131        cp_gen = new File("classes.gen");
132        compile(cp_gen, new String[] { "-classpath", tmpClasses.getPath() },
133                writeFile("tmp.gen/p/package-info.java", "@Test(\"CP_GEN\") package p;"));
134    }
136    void test(Kind cl, Kind sp, Kind cp) throws Exception {
137        if (skip(cl, sp, cp))
138            return;
140        ++count;
141        // if test cases specified, skip this test case if not selected
142        if (tests.size() > 0 && !tests.contains(count))
143            return;
145        System.err.println("Test " + count + " cl:" + cl + " sp:" + sp + " cp:" + cp);
147        // test specific tmp directory
148        File test_tmp = new File("tmp.test" + count);
149        test_tmp.mkdirs();
151        // build up list of options and files to be compiled
152        List<String> opts = new ArrayList<String>();
153        List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
155        // expected value for annotation
156        String expect = null;
158        opts.add("-processorpath");
159        String testClasses = System.getProperty("test.classes");
160        String testClassPath = System.getProperty("test.class.path", testClasses);
161        opts.add(testClassPath);
162        opts.add("-processor");
163        opts.add(Processor.class.getName());
164        opts.add("-proc:only");
165        opts.add("-d");
166        opts.add(test_tmp.getPath());
167        //opts.add("-verbose");
168        files.add(test_java);
170        /*
171         * Analyze each of cl, cp, sp, building up the options and files to
172         * be compiled, and determining the expected outcome fo the test case.
173         */
175        // command line file: either omitted or given
176        if (cl == Kind.OLD) {
177            files.add(cl_pkgInfo_java);
178            // command line files always supercede files on paths
179            expect = "CL";
180        }
182        // source path:
183        switch (sp) {
184        case NONE:
185            break;
187        case OLD:
188            opts.add("-sourcepath");
189            opts.add(sp_old.getPath());
190            if (expect == null && cp == Kind.NONE) {
191                assert cl == Kind.NONE && cp == Kind.NONE;
192                expect = "SP_OLD";
193            }
194            break;
196        case NEW:
197            opts.add("-sourcepath");
198            opts.add(sp_new.getPath());
199            if (expect == null) {
200                assert cl == Kind.NONE && cp == Kind.OLD;
201                expect = "SP_NEW";
202            }
203            break;
205        case GEN:
206            opts.add("-Agen=" + new File(sp_gen, "p/package-info.java"));
207            assert cl == Kind.NONE && cp == Kind.NONE;
208            expect = "SP_GEN";
209            break;
210        }
212        // class path:
213        switch (cp) {
214        case NONE:
215            break;
217        case OLD:
218            opts.add("-classpath");
219            opts.add(cp_old.getPath());
220            if (expect == null && sp == Kind.NONE) {
221                assert cl == Kind.NONE && sp == Kind.NONE;
222                expect = "CP_OLD";
223            }
224            break;
226        case NEW:
227            opts.add("-classpath");
228            opts.add(cp_new.getPath());
229            if (expect == null) {
230                assert cl == Kind.NONE && sp == Kind.OLD;
231                expect = "CP_NEW";
232            }
233            break;
235        case GEN:
236            opts.add("-Agen=" + new File(cp_gen, "p/package-info.class"));
237            assert cl == Kind.NONE && sp == Kind.NONE;
238            expect = "CP_GEN";
239            break;
240        }
242        // pass expected value to annotation processor
243        assert expect != null;
244        opts.add("-Aexpect=" + expect);
246        // compile the files with the options that have been built up
247        compile(opts, files);
248    }
250    /**
251     * Return true if this combination of parameters does not identify a useful test case.
252     */
253    boolean skip(Kind cl, Kind sp, Kind cp) {
254        // skip if no package files required
255        if (cl == Kind.NONE && sp == Kind.NONE && cp == Kind.NONE)
256            return true;
258        // skip if both sp and sp are OLD, since results may be indeterminate
259        if (sp == Kind.OLD && cp == Kind.OLD)
260            return true;
262        // skip if sp or cp is NEW but the other is not OLD
263        if ((sp == Kind.NEW && cp != Kind.OLD) || (cp == Kind.NEW && sp != Kind.OLD))
264            return true;
266        // only use GEN if no other package-info files present
267        if (sp == Kind.GEN && !(cl == Kind.NONE && cp == Kind.NONE) ||
268            cp == Kind.GEN && !(cl == Kind.NONE && sp == Kind.NONE)) {
269            return true;
270        }
272        // remaining combinations are valid
273        return false;
274    }
276    /** Write a file with a given body. */
277    File writeFile(String path, String body) throws Exception {
278        File f = new File(path);
279        if (f.getParentFile() != null)
280            f.getParentFile().mkdirs();
281        Writer out = new FileWriter(path);
282        try {
283            out.write(body);
284        } finally {
285            out.close();
286        }
287        return f;
288    }
290    /** Write a file with a given body, ensuring that the file is newer than a reference file. */
291    File writeFile(String path, String body, File ref) throws Exception {
292        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
293            File f = writeFile(path, body);
294            if (f.lastModified() > ref.lastModified())
295                return f;
296            Thread.sleep(2000);
297        }
298        throw new Exception("cannot create file " + path + " newer than " + ref);
299    }
301    /** Compile a file to a given directory, with options provided. */
302    void compile(File dir, String[] opts, File src) throws Exception {
303        dir.mkdirs();
304        List<String> opts2 = new ArrayList<String>();
305        opts2.addAll(Arrays.asList("-d", dir.getPath()));
306        opts2.addAll(Arrays.asList(opts));
307        compile(opts2, Collections.singletonList(src));
308    }
310    /** Compile files with options provided. */
311    void compile(List<String> opts, List<File> files) throws Exception {
312        System.err.println("javac: " + opts + " " + files);
313        List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();
314        args.addAll(opts);
315        for (File f: files)
316            args.add(f.getPath());
317        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
318        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
319        int rc = com.sun.tools.javac.Main.compile(args.toArray(new String[args.size()]), pw);
320        pw.flush();
321        if (sw.getBuffer().length() > 0)
322            System.err.println(sw.toString());
323        if (rc != 0)
324            throw new Exception("compilation failed: rc=" + rc);
325    }
327    /** Report an error. */
328    void error(String msg) {
329        System.err.println("Error: " + msg);
330        errors++;
331    }
333    /** Test case counter. */
334    int count;
336    /** Number of errors found. */
337    int errors;
339    /** Optional set of test cases to be run; empty implies all test cases. */
340    Set<Integer> tests = new HashSet<Integer>();
342    /*  Files created by setup. */
343    File test_java;
344    File sp_old;
345    File sp_new;
346    File sp_gen;
347    File cp_old;
348    File cp_new;
349    File cp_gen;
350    File cl_pkgInfo_java;
352    /** Annotation processor used to verify the expected value for the
353        package annotations found by javac. */
354    @SupportedOptions({ "gen", "expect" })
355    public static class Processor extends JavacTestingAbstractProcessor {
356        public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annots, RoundEnvironment renv) {
357            round++;
358            System.err.println("Round " + round + " annots:" + annots + " rootElems:" + renv.getRootElements());
360            // if this is the first round and the gen option is given, use the filer to create
361            // a copy of the file specified by the gen option.
362            String gen = getOption("gen");
363            if (round == 1 && gen != null) {
364                try {
365                    Filer filer = processingEnv.getFiler();
366                    JavaFileObject f;
367                    if (gen.endsWith(".java"))
368                        f = filer.createSourceFile("p.package-info");
369                    else
370                        f = filer.createClassFile("p.package-info");
371                    System.err.println("copy " + gen + " to " + f.getName());
372                    write(f, read(new File(gen)));
373                } catch (IOException e) {
374                    error("Cannot create package-info file: " + e);
375                }
376            }
378            // if annotation processing is complete, verify the package annotation
379            // found by the compiler.
380            if (renv.processingOver()) {
381                System.err.println("final round");
382                Elements eu = processingEnv.getElementUtils();
383                TypeElement te = eu.getTypeElement("p.Test");
384                PackageElement pe = eu.getPackageOf(te);
385                System.err.println("final: te:" + te + " pe:" + pe);
386                List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annos = pe.getAnnotationMirrors();
387                System.err.println("final: annos:" + annos);
388                if (annos.size() == 1) {
389                    String expect = "@" + te + "(\"" + getOption("expect") + "\")";
390                    String actual = annos.get(0).toString();
391                    checkEqual("package annotations", actual, expect);
392                } else {
393                    error("Wrong number of annotations found: (" + annos.size() + ") " + annos);
394                }
395            }
397            return true;
398        }
400        /** Get an option given to the annotation processor. */
401        String getOption(String name) {
402            return processingEnv.getOptions().get(name);
403        }
405        /** Read a file. */
406        byte[] read(File file) {
407            byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) file.length()];
408            DataInputStream in = null;
409            try {
410                in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
411                in.readFully(bytes);
412            } catch (IOException e) {
413                error("Error reading file: " + e);
414            } finally {
415                if (in != null) {
416                    try {
417                        in.close();
418                    } catch (IOException e) {
419                        error("Error closing file: " + e);
420                    }
421                }
422            }
423            return  bytes;
424        }
426        /** Write a file. */
427        void write(JavaFileObject file, byte[] bytes) {
428            OutputStream out = null;
429            try {
430                out = file.openOutputStream();
431                out.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
432            } catch (IOException e) {
433                error("Error writing file: " + e);
434            } finally {
435                if (out != null) {
436                    try {
437                        out.close();
438                    } catch (IOException e) {
439                        error("Error closing file: " + e);
440                    }
441                }
442            }
443        }
445        /** Check two strings are equal, and report an error if they are not. */
446        private void checkEqual(String label, String actual, String expect) {
447            if (!actual.equals(expect)) {
448                error("Unexpected value for " + label + "; actual=" + actual + ", expected=" + expect);
449            }
450        }
452        /** Report an error to the annotation processing system. */
453        void error(String msg) {
454            Messager messager = processingEnv.getMessager();
455            messager.printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, msg);
456        }
458        int round;
459    }