TestOrdering.java revision 3294:9adfb22ff08f
2 * Copyright (c) 2014, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
12 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13 * accompanied this code).
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
16 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 *
19 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
20 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
21 * questions.
22 */
25 * @test
26 * @bug 8039410 8042601 8042829 8049393 8050031
27 * @summary test to determine if members are ordered correctly
28 * @author ksrini
29 * @library ../lib/
30 * @modules jdk.javadoc/jdk.javadoc.internal.tool
31 * @build JavadocTester
32 * @run main TestOrdering
33 */
35import java.io.File;
36import java.io.IOException;
37import java.nio.file.Files;
38import java.util.ArrayList;
39import java.util.Arrays;
40import java.util.Collections;
41import java.util.List;
43import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.*;
45public class TestOrdering extends JavadocTester {
47    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
48        TestOrdering tester = new TestOrdering();
49        tester.runTests();
50    }
52    @Test
53    void testUnnamedPackagesForClassUse() {
54        javadoc("-d", "out",
55                "-sourcepath", testSrc,
56                "-use",
57                testSrc("C.java"), testSrc("UsedInC.java"));
58        checkExit(Exit.OK);
59        checkExecutableMemberOrdering("class-use/UsedInC.html");
60    }
62    @Test
63    void testNamedPackagesForClassUse() {
64        javadoc("-d", "out-1",
65                "-sourcepath", testSrc,
66                "-use",
67                "pkg1");
68        checkExit(Exit.OK);
69        checkClassUseOrdering("pkg1/class-use/UsedClass.html");
70        checkOrder("pkg1/class-use/UsedClass.html", expectedClassUseMethodOrdering);
71        checkOrder("pkg1/class-use/UsedClass.html", expectedClassUseWithTypeParams);
72        checkOrder("pkg1/class-use/UsedClass.html", expectedInnerClassContructors);
73        checkOrder("pkg1/ImplementsOrdering.html", expectedImplementsOrdering);
74        checkOrder("pkg1/OverrideOrdering.html", expectedOverrideOrdering);
75    }
77    enum ListOrder { NONE, REVERSE, SHUFFLE };
78    /*
79     * By default we do not shuffle the input list, in order to keep the list deterministic,
80     * and the test predictable. However, we can turn on the stress mode, by setting the following
81     * property if required.
82     */
83    static final ListOrder STRESS_MODE = Boolean.getBoolean("TestOrder.STRESS")
84            ? ListOrder.SHUFFLE
85            : ListOrder.REVERSE;
87    /*
88     * Controls the number of sibling packages,  pkg0, pkg1, pkg2, .....
89     */
90    static final int MAX_PACKAGES = 4;
92    /*
93     * Controls the number of children packages, pkg0, pkg0.pkg, pkg0.pkg.pkg, .....
94     * Note: having too long a depth (> 256 chars on Windows), will likely lead to
95     * cause problems with automated build and test systems.
96     */
97    static final int MAX_SUBPACKAGES_DEPTH = 4;
98    @Test
99    void testIndexOrdering() throws IOException {
100        final String clsname = "Add";
101        List<String> cmdArgs = new ArrayList();
102        cmdArgs.add("-d");
103        cmdArgs.add("out-2");
104        cmdArgs.add("-sourcepath");
105        cmdArgs.add("src");
106        cmdArgs.add("-package");
107        System.out.println("STRESS_MODE: " + STRESS_MODE);
108        emitFile(null, clsname, STRESS_MODE);
109        for (int width = 0 ; width < MAX_PACKAGES ; width++) {
110            String wpkgname = "add" + width;
111            String dpkgname = wpkgname;
112            emitFile(wpkgname, clsname, ListOrder.NONE); // list as-is
113            cmdArgs.add(wpkgname);
114            for (int depth = 1 ; depth < MAX_SUBPACKAGES_DEPTH ; depth++) {
115                dpkgname = dpkgname + ".add";
116                emitFile(dpkgname, clsname, STRESS_MODE);
117                cmdArgs.add(dpkgname);
118            }
119        }
120        File srcDir = new File(new File("."), "src");
121        cmdArgs.add(new File(srcDir, clsname + ".java").getPath());
122        javadoc(cmdArgs.toArray(new String[cmdArgs.size()]));
123        checkExit(Exit.OK);
124        checkOrder("index-all.html", composeTestVectors());
125        checkOrder("add0/add/package-tree.html", expectedPackageTreeOrdering);
126        checkOrder("overview-tree.html", expectedOverviewOrdering);
127        checkOrder("overview-frame.html", expectedOverviewFrameOrdering);
128    }
130    @Test
131    void testIndexTypeClustering() {
132        javadoc("-d", "out-3",
133                "-sourcepath", testSrc("src-2"),
134                "-use",
135                "a",
136                "b",
137                "e",
138                "something");
139        checkOrder("index-all.html", typeTestVectors);
140        checkExit(Exit.OK);
141    }
143    @Test
144    void testMethodDetailOrdering() {
145        javadoc("-d", "out-4",
146                "-sourcepath", testSrc(new File(".").getPath()),
147                "order"
148        );
149        checkOrder("order/MethodOrder.html", methodSourceOrderVectors);
150        checkExit(Exit.OK);
151    }
153    String[] methodSourceOrderVectors = {
154        "<pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;d()</pre>\n" +
155        "<div class=\"block\">Method d.\n" +
156        " Second line.</div>",
157        "<pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;b()</pre>\n" +
158        "<div class=\"block\">Method b.\n" +
159        " Second line.</div>",
160        "<pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;c()</pre>\n" +
161        "<div class=\"block\">Method c.\n" +
162        " Second line.</div>",
163        "<pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;a()</pre>\n" +
164        "<div class=\"block\">Method a.\n" +
165        " Second line.</div>"
166    };
168    String[] typeTestVectors = {
169        "something</a> - package something</dt>",
170        "something</span></a> - Class in",
171        "something</span></a> - Enum in",
172        "something</span></a> - Interface in",
173        "something</span></a> - Annotation Type in",
174        "something</a></span> - Variable in class",
175        "something()</a></span> - Constructor",
176        "something()</a></span> - Method in class a.<a href=\"a/A.html\"",
177        "something()</a></span> - Method in class a.<a href=\"a/something.html\"",
178        "something()</a></span> - Method in class something.<a href=\"something/J.html\""
179    };
180    String[] composeTestVectors() {
181        List<String> testList = new ArrayList<>();
182        for (String x : expectedEnumOrdering) {
183            testList.add(x.replace("REPLACE_ME", "&lt;Unnamed&gt;"));
184            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PACKAGES; i++) {
185                String wpkg = "add" + i;
186                testList.add(wpkg + "/" + x.replace("REPLACE_ME", wpkg));
187                String dpkg = wpkg;
188                for (int j = 1; j < MAX_SUBPACKAGES_DEPTH; j++) {
189                    dpkg = dpkg + "/" + "add";
190                    testList.add(dpkg + "/" + x.replace("REPLACE_ME", pathToPackage(dpkg)));
191                }
192            }
193        }
195        testList.addAll(Arrays.asList(expectedFieldOrdering));
197        for (String x : expectedMethodOrdering) {
198            testList.add(x);
199            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PACKAGES; i++) {
200                String wpkg = "add" + i;
201                testList.add(wpkg + "/" + x);
202                String dpkg = wpkg;
203                for (int j = 1; j < MAX_SUBPACKAGES_DEPTH; j++) {
204                    dpkg = dpkg + "/" + "add";
205                    testList.add(dpkg + "/" + x);
206                }
207            }
208        }
209        return testList.toArray(new String[testList.size()]);
210    }
211    void checkExecutableMemberOrdering(String usePage) {
212        String contents = readFile(usePage);
213        // check constructors
214        checking("constructors");
215        int idx1 = contents.indexOf("C.html#C-UsedInC");
216        int idx2 = contents.indexOf("C.html#C-UsedInC-int");
217        int idx3 = contents.indexOf("C.html#C-UsedInC-java.lang.String");
218        if (idx1 == -1 || idx2 == -1 || idx3 == -1) {
219            failed("ctor strings not found");
220        } else if (idx1 > idx2 || idx2 > idx3 || idx1 > idx3) {
221            failed("ctor strings are out of order");
222        } else
223            passed("ctor strings are in order");
225        // check methods
226        checking("methods");
227        idx1 = contents.indexOf("C.html#ymethod-int");
228        idx2 = contents.indexOf("C.html#ymethod-java.lang.String");
229        if (idx1 == -1 || idx2 == -1) {
230            failed("#ymethod strings not found");
231        } else if (idx1 > idx2) {
232            failed("#ymethod strings are out of order");
233        } else
234            passed("Executable Member Ordering: OK");
235    }
237    void checkClassUseOrdering(String usePage) {
238        checkClassUseOrdering(usePage, "pkg1/C#ITERATION#.html#zfield");
239        checkClassUseOrdering(usePage, "pkg1/C#ITERATION#.html#fieldInC#ITERATION#");
240        checkClassUseOrdering(usePage, "pkg1/C#ITERATION#.html#zmethod-pkg1.UsedClass");
241        checkClassUseOrdering(usePage, "pkg1/C#ITERATION#.html#methodInC#ITERATION#");
242    }
244    void checkClassUseOrdering(String usePage, String searchString) {
245        String contents = readFile(usePage);
246        int lastidx = 0;
247        System.out.println("testing for " + searchString);
248        for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
249            String s = searchString.replaceAll("#ITERATION#", Integer.toString(i));
250            checking(s);
251            int idx = contents.indexOf(s);
252            if (idx < lastidx) {
253                failed(s + ", member ordering error, last:" + lastidx + ", got:" + idx);
254            } else {
255                passed("\tlast: " + lastidx + " got:" + idx);
256            }
257            lastidx = idx;
258        }
259    }
261    static String[] contents = {
262        "public add ADDADD;",
263        "public add AddAdd;",
264        "public add addadd;",
265        "public enum add {add, ADD, addd, ADDD};",
266        "public enum ADD {ADD, add, addd, ADDD};",
267        "public void   add(){}",
268        "public void   add(double d){}",
269        "public void   add(int i, float f){}",
270        "public void   add(float f, int i){}",
271        "public void   add(double d, byte b){}",
272        "public Double add(Double d) {return (double) 22/7;}",
273        "public double add(double d1, double d2) {return d1 + d2;}",
274        "public double add(double d1, Double  d2) {return d1 + d2;}",
275        "public Float  add(float f) {return (float) 22/7;}",
276        "public void   add(int i){}",
277        "public int    add(Integer i) {return 0;}"
278    };
280    void emitFile(String pkgname, String clsname, ListOrder order) throws IOException {
281        File srcDir = new File("src");
282        File outDir = pkgname == null
283            ? srcDir
284            : new File(srcDir, pkgname.replace(".", File.separator));
285        File outFile = new File(outDir, clsname + ".java");
286        outDir.mkdirs();
287        List<String> scratch = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(contents));
288        switch (order) {
289            case SHUFFLE:
290                Collections.shuffle(scratch);
291                break;
292            case REVERSE:
293                Collections.reverse(scratch);
294                break;
295            default:
296                // leave list as-is
297        }
298        // insert the header
299        scratch.add(0, "public class " + clsname + " {");
300        if (pkgname != null) {
301            scratch.add(0, "package " + pkgname + ";");
302        }
303        // append the footer
304        scratch.add("}");
305        Files.write(outFile.toPath(), scratch, CREATE, TRUNCATE_EXISTING);
306    }
308    String pathToPackage(String in) {
309        return in.replace("/", ".");
310    }
312    final String expectedInnerClassContructors[] = {
313        "../../pkg1/A.html#A-pkg1.UsedClass-",
314        "../../pkg1/B.A.html#A-pkg1.UsedClass-",
315        "../../pkg1/B.html#B-pkg1.UsedClass-",
316        "../../pkg1/A.C.html#C-pkg1.UsedClass-java.lang.Object:A-",
317        "../../pkg1/A.C.html#C-pkg1.UsedClass-java.util.Collection-",
318        "../../pkg1/A.C.html#C-pkg1.UsedClass-java.util.List-"
319    };
321    final String expectedClassUseMethodOrdering[] = {
322        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m--",
323        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-byte:A-",
324        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-double-",
325        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-double-double-",
326        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-double-java.lang.Double-",
327        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-int-",
328        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-int-int-",
329        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-int-java.lang.Integer-",
330        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-long-",
331        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-long-long-",
332        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-long-java.lang.Long-",
333        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-long-java.lang.Long...-",
334        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-java.lang.Double-",
335        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-java.lang.Double-double-",
336        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-java.lang.Double-java.lang.Double-",
337        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-java.lang.Integer-",
338        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-java.lang.Integer-int-",
339        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-java.lang.Integer-java.lang.Integer-",
340        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-java.lang.Object:A-",
341        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-java.util.ArrayList-",
342        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-java.util.Collection-",
343        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#m-java.util.List-"
344    };
345    final String expectedClassUseWithTypeParams[] = {
346        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#tpm-pkg1.UsedClass-",
347        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#tpm-pkg1.UsedClass-pkg1.UsedClass-",
348        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#tpm-pkg1.UsedClass-pkg1.UsedClass:A-",
349        "../../pkg1/MethodOrder.html#tpm-pkg1.UsedClass-java.lang.String-"
350    };
351    final String expectedMethodOrdering[] = {
352        "Add.html#add--",
353        "Add.html#add-double-",
354        "Add.html#add-double-byte-",
355        "Add.html#add-double-double-",
356        "Add.html#add-double-java.lang.Double-",
357        "Add.html#add-float-",
358        "Add.html#add-float-int-",
359        "Add.html#add-int-",
360        "Add.html#add-int-float-",
361        "Add.html#add-java.lang.Double-",
362        "Add.html#add-java.lang.Integer-"
363    };
364    final String expectedEnumOrdering[] = {
365        "Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in REPLACE_ME\"",
366        "Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in REPLACE_ME\""
367    };
368    final String expectedFieldOrdering[] = {
369        "Add.html#addadd\"",
370        "add0/add/add/add/Add.html#addadd\"",
371        "add0/add/add/Add.html#addadd\"",
372        "add0/add/Add.html#addadd\"",
373        "add0/Add.html#addadd\"",
374        "add1/add/add/add/Add.html#addadd\"",
375        "add1/add/add/Add.html#addadd\"",
376        "add1/add/Add.html#addadd\"",
377        "add1/Add.html#addadd\"",
378        "add2/add/add/add/Add.html#addadd\"",
379        "add2/add/add/Add.html#addadd\"",
380        "add2/add/Add.html#addadd\"",
381        "add2/Add.html#addadd\"",
382        "add3/add/add/add/Add.html#addadd\"",
383        "add3/add/add/Add.html#addadd\"",
384        "add3/add/Add.html#addadd\"",
385        "add3/Add.html#addadd\"",
386        "Add.html#AddAdd\"",
387        "add0/add/add/add/Add.html#AddAdd\"",
388        "add0/add/add/Add.html#AddAdd\"",
389        "add0/add/Add.html#AddAdd\"",
390        "add0/Add.html#AddAdd\"",
391        "add1/add/add/add/Add.html#AddAdd\"",
392        "add1/add/add/Add.html#AddAdd\"",
393        "add1/add/Add.html#AddAdd\"",
394        "add1/Add.html#AddAdd\"",
395        "add2/add/add/add/Add.html#AddAdd\"",
396        "add2/add/add/Add.html#AddAdd\"",
397        "add2/add/Add.html#AddAdd\"",
398        "add2/Add.html#AddAdd\"",
399        "add3/add/add/add/Add.html#AddAdd\"",
400        "add3/add/add/Add.html#AddAdd\"",
401        "add3/add/Add.html#AddAdd\"",
402        "add3/Add.html#AddAdd\"",
403        "Add.html#ADDADD\"",
404        "add0/add/add/add/Add.html#ADDADD\"",
405        "add0/add/add/Add.html#ADDADD\"",
406        "add0/add/Add.html#ADDADD\"",
407        "add0/Add.html#ADDADD\"",
408        "add1/add/add/add/Add.html#ADDADD\"",
409        "add1/add/add/Add.html#ADDADD\"",
410        "add1/add/Add.html#ADDADD\"",
411        "add1/Add.html#ADDADD\"",
412        "add2/add/add/add/Add.html#ADDADD\"",
413        "add2/add/add/Add.html#ADDADD\"",
414        "add2/add/Add.html#ADDADD\"",
415        "add2/Add.html#ADDADD\"",
416        "add3/add/add/add/Add.html#ADDADD\"",
417        "add3/add/add/Add.html#ADDADD\"",
418        "add3/add/Add.html#ADDADD\"",
419        "add3/Add.html#ADDADD\""
420    };
421    final String expectedPackageTreeOrdering[] = {
422        "<a href=\"../../add0/add/Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in add0.add\">",
423        "<a href=\"../../add0/add/Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in add0.add\">"
424    };
425    final String expectedOverviewOrdering[] = {
426        "<a href=\"Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in &lt;Unnamed&gt;\">",
427        "<a href=\"add0/Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in add0\">",
428        "<a href=\"add0/add/Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in add0.add\">",
429        "<a href=\"add0/add/add/Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in add0.add.add\">",
430        "<a href=\"add0/add/add/add/Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in add0.add.add.add\">",
431        "<a href=\"add1/Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in add1\">",
432        "<a href=\"add1/add/Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in add1.add\">",
433        "<a href=\"add1/add/add/Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in add1.add.add\">",
434        "<a href=\"add1/add/add/add/Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in add1.add.add.add\">",
435        "<a href=\"add2/Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in add2\">",
436        "<a href=\"add2/add/Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in add2.add\">",
437        "<a href=\"add2/add/add/Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in add2.add.add\">",
438        "<a href=\"add2/add/add/add/Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in add2.add.add.add\">",
439        "<a href=\"add3/Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in add3\">",
440        "<a href=\"add3/add/Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in add3.add\">",
441        "<a href=\"add3/add/add/Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in add3.add.add\">",
442        "<a href=\"add3/add/add/add/Add.add.html\" title=\"enum in add3.add.add.add\">",
443        "<a href=\"Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in &lt;Unnamed&gt;\">",
444        "<a href=\"add0/Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in add0\">",
445        "<a href=\"add0/add/Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in add0.add\">",
446        "<a href=\"add0/add/add/Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in add0.add.add\">",
447        "<a href=\"add0/add/add/add/Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in add0.add.add.add\">",
448        "<a href=\"add1/Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in add1\">",
449        "<a href=\"add1/add/Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in add1.add\">",
450        "<a href=\"add1/add/add/Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in add1.add.add\">",
451        "<a href=\"add1/add/add/add/Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in add1.add.add.add\">",
452        "<a href=\"add2/Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in add2\">",
453        "<a href=\"add2/add/Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in add2.add\">",
454        "<a href=\"add2/add/add/Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in add2.add.add\">",
455        "<a href=\"add2/add/add/add/Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in add2.add.add.add\">",
456        "<a href=\"add3/Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in add3\">",
457        "<a href=\"add3/add/Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in add3.add\">",
458        "<a href=\"add3/add/add/Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in add3.add.add\">",
459        "<a href=\"add3/add/add/add/Add.ADD.html\" title=\"enum in add3.add.add.add\">",
460    };
461    final static String expectedOverviewFrameOrdering[] = {
462        "<a href=\"package-frame.html\" target=\"packageFrame\">&lt;unnamed package&gt;</a>",
463        "<a href=\"add0/package-frame.html\" target=\"packageFrame\">add0</a>",
464        "<a href=\"add0/add/package-frame.html\" target=\"packageFrame\">add0.add</a>",
465        "<a href=\"add0/add/add/package-frame.html\" target=\"packageFrame\">add0.add.add</a>",
466        "<a href=\"add0/add/add/add/package-frame.html\" target=\"packageFrame\">add0.add.add.add</a>",
467        "<a href=\"add1/package-frame.html\" target=\"packageFrame\">add1</a>",
468        "<a href=\"add1/add/package-frame.html\" target=\"packageFrame\">add1.add</a>",
469        "<a href=\"add1/add/add/package-frame.html\" target=\"packageFrame\">add1.add.add</a>",
470        "<a href=\"add1/add/add/add/package-frame.html\" target=\"packageFrame\">add1.add.add.add</a>",
471        "<a href=\"add2/package-frame.html\" target=\"packageFrame\">add2</a>",
472        "<a href=\"add2/add/package-frame.html\" target=\"packageFrame\">add2.add</a>",
473        "<a href=\"add2/add/add/package-frame.html\" target=\"packageFrame\">add2.add.add</a>",
474        "<a href=\"add2/add/add/add/package-frame.html\" target=\"packageFrame\">add2.add.add.add</a>",
475        "<a href=\"add3/package-frame.html\" target=\"packageFrame\">add3</a>",
476        "<a href=\"add3/add/package-frame.html\" target=\"packageFrame\">add3.add</a>",
477        "<a href=\"add3/add/add/package-frame.html\" target=\"packageFrame\">add3.add.add</a>",
478        "<a href=\"add3/add/add/add/package-frame.html\" target=\"packageFrame\">add3.add.add.add</a></li>"
479    };
480    final static String expectedImplementsOrdering[] = {
481        "<dd><code>close</code>&nbsp;in interface&nbsp;<code>java.lang.AutoCloseable</code></dd>",
482        "<dd><code>close</code>&nbsp;in interface&nbsp;<code>java.nio.channels.Channel</code></dd>",
483        "<dd><code>close</code>&nbsp;in interface&nbsp;<code>java.io.Closeable</code></dd>"
484    };
485    final static String expectedOverrideOrdering[] = {
486        "<dd><code>iterator</code>&nbsp;in interface&nbsp;<code>java.util.Collection&lt;",
487        "<dd><code>iterator</code>&nbsp;in interface&nbsp;<code>java.lang.Iterable&lt;"
488    };