l10n.properties revision 3866:5b6f12de6f91
2# Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
5# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7# published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
11# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15# accompanied this code).
17# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
21# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23# questions.
26jshell.msg.welcome =\
27Welcome to JShell -- Version {0}\n\
28For an introduction type: /help intro
29jshell.err.opt.arg = Argument to {0} missing.
30jshell.err.opt.invalid = Invalid options: {0}.
31jshell.err.opt.one = Only one {0} option may be used.
32jshell.err.opt.startup.conflict = Conflicting options: both --startup and --no-startup were used.
33jshell.err.opt.feedback.one = Only one feedback option (--feedback, -q, -s, or -v) may be used.
34jshell.err.opt.unknown = Unknown option: {0}
36jshell.msg.terminated =\
37State engine terminated.\n\
38Restore definitions with: /reload -restore
40jshell.msg.use.one.of = Use one of: {0}
41jshell.msg.see.classes.etc = See /types, /methods, /vars, or /list
42jshell.err.arg = Invalid ''{0}'' argument: {1}
43jshell.msg.see = See {0} for help.
45jshell.err.file.not.accessible = File ''{1}'' for ''{0}'' is not accessible: {2}
46jshell.err.file.not.found = File ''{1}'' for ''{0}'' is not found.
47jshell.err.file.exception = File ''{1}'' for ''{0}'' threw exception: {2}
48jshell.err.file.filename = ''{0}'' requires a filename argument.
50jshell.err.startup.unexpected.exception = Unexpected exception reading start-up: {0}
51jshell.err.unexpected.exception = Unexpected exception: {0}
53jshell.err.no.such.command.or.snippet.id = No such command or snippet id: {0}
54jshell.err.command.ambiguous = Command: ''{0}'' is ambiguous: {1}
55jshell.msg.set.restore = Setting new options and restoring state.
56jshell.msg.set.editor.set = Editor set to: {0}
57jshell.msg.set.editor.retain = Editor setting retained: {0}
58jshell.err.no.builtin.editor = Built-in editor not available.
59jshell.err.cant.launch.editor = Cannot launch built-in editor -- unexpected exception: {0}
60jshell.msg.try.set.editor = See ''/help /set editor'' to use external editor.
61jshell.msg.press.return.to.leave.edit.mode = Press return to leave edit mode.
62jshell.err.wait.applies.to.external.editor = -wait applies to external editors
63jshell.label.editpad = JShell Edit Pad
65jshell.err.setting.to.retain.must.be.specified = The setting to retain must be specified -- {0}
66jshell.msg.set.show.mode.settings = \nTo show mode settings use ''/set prompt'', ''/set truncation'', ...\n\
67or use ''/set mode'' followed by the feedback mode name.
68jshell.err.continuation.prompt.required = Continuation prompt required -- {0}
70jshell.msg.try.command.without.args = Try ''{0}'' without arguments.
71jshell.msg.no.active = There are no active definitions.
73jshell.msg.resetting = Resetting...
74jshell.msg.resetting.state = Resetting state.
76jshell.err.reload.no.previous = No previous history to restore
77jshell.err.reload.restarting.previous.state = Restarting and restoring from previous state.
78jshell.err.reload.restarting.state = Restarting and restoring state.
80jshell.msg.vars.not.active = (not-active)
82jshell.err.out.of.range = Out of range
84jshell.msg.error = Error:
85jshell.msg.warning = Warning:
87jshell.err.sub.arg = The ''{0}'' command requires a sub-command. See: ''/help {0}''
88jshell.err.sub.ambiguous = Ambiguous sub-command argument to ''{0}'': {1}
90jshell.err.classpath.arg = The /classpath command requires a path argument.
91jshell.msg.classpath = Path ''{0}'' added to classpath
93jshell.err.help.arg = No commands or subjects start with the provided argument: {0}
94jshell.msg.help.begin =\
95Type a Java language expression, statement, or declaration.\n\
96Or type one of the following commands:\n
97jshell.msg.help.subject =\n\
98For more information type ''/help'' followed by the name of a\n\
99command or a subject.\n\
100For example ''/help /list'' or ''/help intro''.  Subjects:\n
102jshell.err.drop.arg =\
103In the /drop argument, please specify an import, variable, method, or class to drop.\n\
104Specify by id or name. Use /list to see ids. Use /reset to reset all state.
105jshell.err.drop.ambiguous = The argument references more than one import, variable, method, or class.
106jshell.err.failed = Failed.
107jshell.msg.native.method = Native Method
108jshell.msg.unknown.source = Unknown Source
109jshell.msg.goodbye = Goodbye
111jshell.msg.help.for.help = Type /help for help.
113jshell.err.mode.name = Expected a feedback mode name: {0}
114jshell.err.missing.mode = Missing the feedback mode -- {0}
115jshell.err.field.name = Expected a field name: {0} -- {1}
116jshell.err.mode.unknown = No feedback mode named: {0} -- {1}
118jshell.err.feedback.does.not.match.mode = Does not match any current feedback mode: {0} -- {1}
119jshell.err.feedback.ambiguous.mode = Matches more then one current feedback mode: {0} -- {1}
120jshell.err.feedback.must.be.quoted = Format ''{0}'' must be quoted -- {1}
121jshell.err.feedback.not.a.valid.selector = Not a valid selector ''{0}'' in ''{1}'' -- {2}
122jshell.err.feedback.multiple.sections = Selector kind in multiple sections of selector list ''{0}'' in ''{1}'' -- {2}
123jshell.err.feedback.different.selector.kinds = Different selector kinds in same sections of selector list ''{0}'' in ''{1}'' -- {2}
125jshell.msg.feedback.new.mode = Created new feedback mode: {0}
126jshell.msg.feedback.mode = Feedback mode: {0}
127jshell.msg.feedback.mode.following = Available feedback modes:
128jshell.msg.feedback.retained.mode.following = Retained feedback modes:
129jshell.err.mode.creation = To create a new mode either the -command or the -quiet option must be used -- {0}
130jshell.err.mode.exists = Mode to be created already exists: {0} -- {1}
132jshell.err.truncation.expected.length = Expected truncation length -- {0}
133jshell.err.truncation.length.not.integer = Truncation length must be an integer: {0} -- {1}
135jshell.err.not.valid.with.predefined.mode = Not valid with a predefined mode: {0} -- {1}
136jshell.err.retained.feedback.mode.must.be.retained.or.predefined = \
137''/set feedback -retain <mode>'' requires that <mode> is predefined or has been retained with ''/set mode -retain'' -- {0}
139jshell.err.unknown.option = Unknown option: {0} -- {1}
140jshell.err.default.option.or.program = Specify -default option, -delete option, or program -- {0}
141jshell.err.option.or.filename = Specify no more than one of -default, -none, or a startup file name -- {0}
142jshell.err.unexpected.at.end = Unexpected arguments at end of command: {0} -- {1}
143jshell.err.conflicting.options = Conflicting options -- {0}
144jshell.err.cannot.delete.current.mode = The current feedback mode ''{0}'' cannot be deleted, use ''/set feedback'' first -- {1}
145jshell.err.cannot.delete.retained.mode = The retained feedback mode ''{0}'' cannot be deleted, use ''/set feedback -retain'' first -- {1}
146jshell.err.may.not.specify.options.and.snippets = Options and snippets must not both be used: {0}
147jshell.err.no.such.snippets = No such snippet: {0}
148jshell.err.the.snippet.cannot.be.used.with.this.command = This command does not accept the snippet ''{0}'' : {1}
149jshell.err.retained.mode.failure = Failure in retained modes (modes cleared) -- {0} {1}
151jshell.console.see.more = <press tab to see more>
152jshell.console.see.javadoc = <press shift-tab again to see javadoc>
153jshell.console.see.help = <press shift-tab again to see detailed help>
154jshell.console.see.next.page = <press space for next page, Q to quit>
155jshell.console.see.next.javadoc = <press space for next javadoc, Q to quit>
156jshell.console.no.javadoc = <no javadoc found>
157jshell.console.do.nothing = Do nothing
158jshell.console.choice = Choice: \
160jshell.console.create.variable = Create variable
161jshell.console.resolvable = \nThe identifier is resolvable in this context.
162jshell.console.no.candidate = \nNo candidate fully qualified names found to import.
163jshell.console.incomplete = \nResults may be incomplete; try again later for complete results.
166help.usage = \
167Usage:   jshell <options> <load files>\n\
168where possible options include:\n\
169\    --class-path <path>   Specify where to find user class files\n\
170\    --module-path <path>  Specify where to find application modules\n\
171\    --add-modules <module>(,<module>)*\n\
172\                          Specify modules to resolve, or all modules on the\n\
173\                            module path if <module> is ALL-MODULE-PATHs\n\
174\    --startup <file>      One run replacement for the start-up definitions\n\
175\    --no-startup          Do not run the start-up definitions\n\
176\    --feedback <mode>     Specify the initial feedback mode. The mode may be\n\
177\                            predefined (silent, concise, normal, or verbose) or\n\
178\                            previously user-defined\n\
179\    -q                    Quiet feedback.  Same as: --feedback concise\n\
180\    -s                    Really quiet feedback.  Same as: --feedback silent\n\
181\    -v                    Verbose feedback.  Same as: --feedback verbose\n\
182\    -J<flag>              Pass <flag> directly to the runtime system.\n\
183\                            Use one -J for each runtime flag or flag argument\n\
184\    -R<flag>              Pass <flag> to the remote runtime system.\n\
185\                            Use one -R for each remote flag or flag argument\n\
186\    -C<flag>              Pass <flag> to the compiler.\n\
187\                            Use one -C for each compiler flag or flag argument\n\
188\    --help                Print this synopsis of standard options\n\
189\    --version             Version information\n\
190\    -X                    Print help on non-standard options\n
191help.usage.x = \
192\    --add-exports <module>/<package>   Export specified module-private package to snippets\n\
193\    --execution <spec>                 Specify an alternate execution engine.\n\
194\                                         Where <spec> is an ExecutionControl spec.\n\
195\                                         See the documentation of the package\n\
196\                                         jdk.jshell.spi for the syntax of the spec\n\
197\    \n\
198\These options are non-standard and subject to change without notice.\n
200help.list.summary = list the source you have typed
201help.list.args = [<name or id>|-all|-start]
202help.list =\
203Show the source of snippets, prefaced with the snippet id.\n\
206    List the currently active snippets of code that you typed or read with /open\n\n\
207/list -start\n\t\
208    List the automatically evaluated start-up snippets\n\n\
209/list -all\n\t\
210    List all snippets including failed, overwritten, dropped, and start-up\n\n\
211/list <name>\n\t\
212    List snippets with the specified name (preference for active snippets)\n\n\
213/list <id>\n\t\
214    List the snippet with the specified snippet id
216help.edit.summary = edit a source entry referenced by name or id
217help.edit.args = <name or id>
218help.edit =\
219Edit a snippet or snippets of source in an external editor.\n\
220The editor to use is set with /set editor.\n\
221If no editor has been set, a simple editor will be launched.\n\
223/edit <name>\n\t\
224    Edit the snippet or snippets with the specified name (preference for active snippets)\n\n\
225/edit <id>\n\t\
226    Edit the snippet with the specified snippet id\n\n\
228    Edit the currently active snippets of code that you typed or read with /open
230help.drop.summary = delete a source entry referenced by name or id
231help.drop.args = <name or id>
232help.drop =\
233Drop a snippet -- making it inactive.\n\
235/drop <name>\n\t\
236    Drop the snippet with the specified name\n\n\
237/drop <id>\n\t\
238    Drop the snippet with the specified snippet id
240help.save.summary = Save snippet source to a file.
241help.save.args = [-all|-history|-start] <file>
242help.save =\
243Save the specified snippets and/or commands to the specified file.\n\
245/save <file>\n\t\
246    Save the source of current active snippets to the file.\n\n\
247/save -all <file>\n\t\
248    Save the source of all snippets to the file.\n\t\
249    Includes source including overwritten, failed, and start-up code.\n\n\
250/save -history <file>\n\t\
251    Save the sequential history of all commands and snippets entered since jshell was launched.\n\n\
252/save -start <file>\n\t\
253    Save the default start-up definitions to the file.
255help.open.summary = open a file as source input
256help.open.args = <file>
257help.open =\
258Open a file and read its contents as snippets and commands.\n\
260/open <file>\n\t\
261    Read the specified file as jshell input.
263help.vars.summary = list the declared variables and their values
264help.vars.args = [<name or id>|-all|-start]
265help.vars =\
266List the type, name, and value of jshell variables.\n\
269    List the type, name, and value of the current active jshell variables\n\n\
270/vars <name>\n\t\
271    List jshell variables with the specified name (preference for active variables)\n\n\
272/vars <id>\n\t\
273    List the jshell variable with the specified snippet id\n\n\
274/vars -start\n\t\
275    List the automatically added start-up jshell variables\n\n\
276/vars -all\n\t\
277    List all jshell variables including failed, overwritten, dropped, and start-up
279help.methods.summary = list the declared methods and their signatures
280help.methods.args = [<name or id>|-all|-start]
281help.methods =\
282List the name, parameter types, and return type of jshell methods.\n\
285    List the name, parameter types, and return type of the current active jshell methods\n\n\
286/methods <name>\n\t\
287    List jshell methods with the specified name (preference for active methods)\n\n\
288/methods <id>\n\t\
289    List the jshell method with the specified snippet id\n\n\
290/methods -start\n\t\
291    List the automatically added start-up jshell methods\n\n\
292/methods -all\n\t\
293    List all snippets including failed, overwritten, dropped, and start-up
295help.types.summary = list the declared types
296help.types.args =[<name or id>|-all|-start]
297help.types =\
298List jshell classes, interfaces, and enums.\n\
301    List the current active jshell classes, interfaces, and enums.\n\n\
302/types <name>\n\t\
303    List jshell types with the specified name (preference for active types)\n\n\
304/types <id>\n\t\
305    List the jshell type with the specified snippet id\n\n\
306/types -start\n\t\
307    List the automatically added start-up jshell types\n\n\
308/types -all\n\t\
309    List all jshell types including failed, overwritten, dropped, and start-up
311help.imports.summary = list the imported items
312help.imports.args =
313help.imports =\
314List the current active jshell imports.
316help.exit.summary = exit jshell
317help.exit.args =
318help.exit =\
319Leave the jshell tool.  No work is saved.\n\
320Save any work before using this command
322help.reset.summary = reset jshell
323help.reset.args = \
324[-class-path <path>] [-module-path <path>] [-add-modules <modules>]...
325help.reset =\
326Reset the jshell tool code and execution state:\n\t\
327   * All entered code is lost.\n\t\
328   * Start-up code is re-executed.\n\t\
329   * The execution state is restarted.\n\t\
330Tool settings are maintained, as set with: /set ...\n\
331Save any work before using this command.\n\
332The /reset command accepts context options, see:\n\n\t\
333     /help context\n\
336help.reload.summary = reset and replay relevant history -- current or previous (-restore)
337help.reload.args = \
338[-restore] [-quiet] [-class-path <path>] [-module-path <path>]...
339help.reload =\
340Reset the jshell tool code and execution state then replay each valid snippet\n\
341and any /drop commands in the order they were entered.\n\
344     Reset and replay the valid history since jshell was entered, or\n\t\
345     a /reset, or /reload command was executed -- whichever is most\n\t\
346     recent.\n\n\
347/reload -restore\n\t\
348     Reset and replay the valid history between the previous and most\n\t\
349     recent time that jshell was entered, or a /reset, or /reload\n\t\
350     command was executed. This can thus be used to restore a previous\n\t\
351     jshell tool session.\n\n\
352/reload [-restore] -quiet\n\t\
353     With the '-quiet' argument the replay is not shown.  Errors will display.\n\
355Each of the above accepts context options, see:\n\n\t\
356     /help context\n\
358For example:\n\n\t\
359     /reload -add-modules com.greetings -restore
361help.env.summary = view or change the evaluation context
362help.env.args = \
363[-class-path <path>] [-module-path <path>] [-add-modules <modules>] ...
364help.env =\
365View or change the evaluation context.  The evaluation context is the class path,\n\
366module path, etc.\n\
368     Show the evaluation context displayed as context options.\n\n\
369/env [-class-path <path>] [-module-path <path>] [-add-modules <modules>] ...\n\t\
370     With at least one option set, sets the evaluation context.  If snippets\n\t\
371     have been defined, the execution state is reset with the new\n\t\
372     evaluation context and the snippets will be replayed -- the replay is not\n\t\
373     shown, however, errors will display.  This is equivalent to: /reload -quiet\n\t\
374     For details of context options, see:\n\n\t\t\
375           /help context\n\n\t\
376     For example:\n\n\t\t\
377           /env -add-modules com.greetings
379help.history.summary = history of what you have typed
380help.history.args =
381help.history =\
382Display the history of snippet and command input since this jshell was launched.
384help.debug.summary = toggle debugging of the jshell
385help.debug.args = [0][r][g][f][c][d][e]
386help.debug =\
387Display debugging information for the jshell implementation.\n\
3880: Debugging off\n\
389r: Tool level debugging on\n\
390g: General debugging on\n\
391f: File manager debugging on\n\
392c: Completion analysis debugging on\n\
393d: Dependency debugging on\n\
394e: Event debugging on
396help.help.summary = get information about jshell
397help.help.args = [<command>|<subject>]
398help.help =\
399Display information about jshell.\n\
401     List the jshell commands and help subjects.\n\n\
402/help <command>\n\t\
403     Display information about the specified comand. The slash must be included.\n\t\
404     Only the first few letters of the command are needed -- if more than one\n\t\
405     each will be displayed.  Example:  /help /li\n\n\
406/help <subject>\n\t\
407     Display information about the specified help subject. Example: /help intro
409help.set.summary = set jshell configuration information
410help.set.args = editor|start|feedback|mode|prompt|truncation|format ...
411help.set =\
412Set jshell configuration information, including:\n\
413the external editor to use, the start-up definitions to use, a new feedback mode,\n\
414the command prompt, the feedback mode to use, or the format of output.\n\
416/set editor [-wait] <command> <optional-arg>...\n\t\
417     Specify the command to launch for the /edit command.\n\t\
418     The <command> is an operating system dependent string.\n\n\
419/set start <file>\n\t\
420     The contents of the specified <file> become the default start-up snippets and commands.\n\n\
421/set feedback <mode>\n\t\
422     Set the feedback mode describing displayed feedback for entered snippets and commands.\n\n\
423/set mode <mode> [<old-mode>] -command|-quiet|-delete\n\t\
424     Create or update a user-defined feedback mode, optionally copying from an existing mode.\n\n\
425/set prompt <mode> "<prompt>" "<continuation-prompt>"\n\t\
426     Set the displayed prompts for a given feedback mode.\n\n\
427/set truncation <mode> <length> <selector>...\n\t\
428     Set the maximum length of a displayed value.\n\n\
429/set format <mode> <field> "<format>" <selector>...\n\t\
430     Configure a feedback mode by setting the format of a field when the selector matches.\n\n\
432     Show editor, start, and feedback settings as /set commands.\n\t\
433     To show the settings of any of the above, omit the set value.\n\n\
434To get more information about one of these forms, use /help with the form specified.\n\
435For example:   /help /set format
437help.quest.summary = get information about jshell
438help.quest.args = [<command>|<subject>]
439help.quest =\
440Display information about jshell (abbreviation for /help).\n\
442     Display list of commands and help subjects.\n\
443/? <command>\n\t\
444     Display information about the specified comand. The slash must be included.\n\t\
445     Only the first few letters of the command are needed -- if more than one\n\t\
446     match, each will be displayed.  Example:  /? /li\n\
447/? <subject>\n\t\
448     Display information about the specified help subject. Example: /? intro
450help.bang.summary = re-run last snippet
451help.bang.args =
452help.bang =\
453Reevaluate the most recently entered snippet.
455help.id.summary = re-run snippet by id
456help.id.args =
457help.id =\
458Reevaluate the snippet specified by the id.
460help.previous.summary = re-run n-th previous snippet
461help.previous.args =
462help.previous =\
463Reevaluate the n-th most recently entered snippet.
465help.intro.summary = an introduction to the jshell tool
466help.intro =\
467The jshell tool allows you to execute Java code, getting immediate results.\n\
468You can enter a Java definition (variable, method, class, etc), like:  int x = 8\n\
469or a Java expression, like:  x + x\n\
470or a Java statement or import.\n\
471These little chunks of Java code are called 'snippets'.\n\
473There are also jshell commands that allow you to understand and\n\
474control what you are doing, like:  /list\n\
476For a list of commands: /help
478help.shortcuts.summary = a description of shortcuts
479help.shortcuts =\
480Supported shortcuts include:\n\
483        After entering the first few letters of a Java identifier,\n\t\t\
484        a jshell command, or, in some cases, a jshell command argument,\n\t\t\
485        press the <tab> key to complete the input.\n\t\t\
486        If there is more than one completion, show possible completions.\n\n\
488        After the name and open parenthesis of a method or constructor invocation,\n\t\t\
489        hold the <shift> key and press the <tab> to see a synopsis of all\n\t\t\
490        matching methods/constructors.\n\n\
491<fix-shortcut> v\n\t\t\
492        After a complete expression, press "<fix-shortcut> v" to introduce a new variable\n\t\t\
493        whose type is based on the type of the expression.\n\t\t\
494        The "<fix-shortcut>" is either Alt-F1 or Alt-Enter, depending on the platform.\n\n\
495<fix-shortcut> i\n\t\t\
496        After an unresolvable identifier, press "<fix-shortcut> i" and jshell will propose\n\t\t\
497        possible fully qualified names based on the content of the specified classpath.\n\t\t\
498        The "<fix-shortcut>" is either Alt-F1 or Alt-Enter, depending on the platform.
500help.context.summary = the evaluation context options for /env /reload and /reset
501help.context =\
502These options configure the evaluation context, they can be specified when\n\
503jshell is started: on the command-line, or restarted with the commands /env,\n\
504/reload, or /reset.\n\
506They are:\n\t\
507    --class-path <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>\n\t\t\
508                  A list of directories, JAR archives,\n\t\t\
509                  and ZIP archives to search for class files.\n\t\t\
510                  The list is separated with the path separator\n\t\t\
511                  (a : on unix/linux/mac, and ; on windows).\n\t\
512    --module-path <module path>...\n\t\t\
513                  A list of directories, each directory\n\t\t\
514                  is a directory of modules.\n\t\t\
515                  The list is separated with the path separator\n\t\t\
516                  (a : on unix/linux/mac, and ; on windows).\n\t\
517    --add-modules <modulename>[,<modulename>...]\n\t\t\
518                  root modules to resolve in addition to the initial module.\n\t\t\
519                  <modulename> can also be ALL-DEFAULT, ALL-SYSTEM,\n\t\t\
520                  ALL-MODULE-PATH.\n\t\
521    --add-exports <module>/<package>=<target-module>(,<target-module>)*\n\t\t\
522                  updates <module> to export <package> to <target-module>,\n\t\t\
523                  regardless of module declaration.\n\t\t\
524                  <target-module> can be ALL-UNNAMED to export to all\n\t\t\
525                  unnamed modules. In jshell, if the <target-module> is not\n\t\t\
526                  specified (no =) then ALL-UNNAMED is used.\n\
528On the command-line these options must have two dashes, e.g.: --module-path\n\
529On jshell commands they can have one or two dashes, e.g.: -module-path\n\
531help.set._retain = \
532The '-retain' option saves a setting so that it is used in future sessions.\n\
533The -retain option can be used on the following forms of /set:\n\n\t\
534/set editor -retain\n\t\
535/set start -retain\n\t\
536/set feedback -retain\n\t\
537/set mode -retain\n\n\
538See these commands for more detail -- for example /help /set editor
540help.set.format = \
541Set the format for reporting a snippet event:\n\
543/set format <mode> <field> "<format>" <selector>...\n\
545Show the format settings:\n\
547/set format [<mode> [<field>]]\n\
549Where <mode> is the name of a previously defined feedback mode -- see '/help /set mode'.\n\
550Where <field> is the name of context-specific format to define.\n\
551Where <format> is a quoted string which will be the value of the field if one of\n\
552the selectors matches (or there are no selectors). When the format is used,\n\
553field names enclosed in braces are replaced with the value of the field at that\n\
554time. These fields may have been previously defined with this command or may be\n\
555one of these predefined fields specific to the context:\n\t\
556{name}       == The name, e.g.: the variable name, ...\n\t\
557{type}       == The type name. The type of a variable or expression, the\n\t\t\t\
558                 parameter types of a method\n\t\
559{value}      == The result value of an expression or variable initialization\n\t\
560{unresolved} == The list of unresolved references\n\t\
561{errors}     == The list of recoverable errors (during the processing of the\n\t\t\t\
562                "display" field only)\n\t\
563{err}        == An unformatted error line (during the processing of the\n\t\t\t\
564                "errorline" field only)\n\
565The following fields are accessed by the tool to determine the displayed feedback:\n\t\
566{display}    == The displayed message for a snippet event\n\t\
567{errorline}  == The format of one error line within the "errors" field\n\t\
568{pre}        == The feedback prefix (begins command feedback)\n\t\
569{post}       == The feedback postfix (ends command feedback)\n\t\
570{errorpre}   == The error prefix (begins error feedback)\n\t\
571{errorpost}  == The error postfix (ends error feedback)\n\
572These fields have default settings (which may be overwritten).\n\
573Where <selector> is the context in which the format is applied.\n\
574The structure of selector is a hyphen separated list of selector kind lists.\n\
575A selector kind list is a comma separated list of values of one selector kind.\n\
576A selector matches if each selector kind list matches; A selector kind list\n\
577matches if one of the values matches.\n\n\
578The case selector kind describes the kind of snippet.  The values are:\n\t\
579   import     -- import declaration\n\t\
580   class      -- class declaration\n\t\
581   interface  -- interface declaration\n\t\
582   enum       -- enum declaration\n\t\
583   annotation -- annotation interface declaration\n\t\
584   method     -- method declaration -- note: {type}==parameter-types\n\t\
585   vardecl    -- variable declaration without init\n\t\
586   varinit    -- variable declaration with init\n\t\
587   expression -- expression -- note: {name}==scratch-variable-name\n\t\
588   varvalue   -- variable value expression\n\t\
589   assignment -- assign variable\n\t\
590   statement  -- statement\n\
591The action selector kind describes what happened to the snippet.  The values are:\n\t\
592   added     -- snippet has been added\n\t\
593   modified  -- an existing snippet has been modified\n\t\
594   replaced  -- an existing snippet has been replaced with a new snippet\n\t\
595   overwrote -- an existing snippet has been overwritten\n\t\
596   dropped   -- snippet has been dropped\n\t\
597   used      -- snippet was used when it cannot be\n\
598The when-did-it-occur selector kind describes if this is a direct or indirect action.  The values are:\n\t\
599   primary -- the entered snippet\n\t\
600   update  -- an update to a dependent snippet\n\
601The resolution-state selector kind describes the state of resolution/definition of the snippet.  The values are:\n\t\
602   ok         -- resolved correctly\n\t\
603   defined    -- defined despite recoverably unresolved references\n\t\
604   notdefined -- not defined because of recoverably unresolved references\n\
605The unresolved-count selector kind describes the number of unresolved references.  The values are:\n\t\
606   unresolved0 -- no names are unresolved\n\t\
607   unresolved1 -- one name is unresolved\n\t\
608   unresolved2 -- two or more names are unresolved\n\
609The errors-count selector kind describes the number of errors.  The values are:\n\t\
610   error0 -- no errors\n\t\
611   error1 -- one error\n\t\
612   error2 -- two or more errors\n\n\
614/set format myformat action 'Created' added-primary\n\t\
615/set format myformat action 'Update replaced' replaced-update\n\t\
616/set format myformat display '{pre}{action} class {name}{post}' class-ok\n\t\
617/set format myformat display '{pre}{action} variable {name}, reset to null{post}' replaced-vardecl,varinit-ok-update\n\n\
618Note that subsequent selectors for a field may overwrite some or all of previous used selectors -- last one wins\n\
620The form without <format> shows the current format settings.\n\
621When the <mode> is specified only the format settings for that mode are shown.\n\
622When both the <mode> and <field> are specified only the format settings for that\n\
623mode and field are shown.  Example:\n\t\
624/set format myformat\n\
625shows the format settings for the mode myformat\n
627help.set.truncation = \
628Set the max length of a displayed value:\n\
630/set truncation <mode> <length> <selector>...\n\
632Show the current truncation settings:\n\
634/set truncation [<mode>]\n\
636Where <mode> is the name of a previously defined feedback mode -- see '/help /set mode'.\n\
637Where <length> is an unsigned integer representing a maximum length.\n\
638Where <selector> is only needed if you wish to fine-tune value truncation length\n\
639by context, <selector> is the context in which the truncation is applied.\n\
640The structure of selector is a hyphen separated list of selector kind lists.\n\
641A selector kind list is a comma separated list of values of one selector kind.\n\
642A selector matches if each selector kind list matches; A selector kind list\n\
643matches if one of the values matches.\n\n\
644Below are the relevant selector kinds for truncation.\n\n\
645The case selector kind describes the kind of snippet.  The values are:\n\t\
646   vardecl    -- variable declaration without init\n\t\
647   varinit    -- variable declaration with init\n\t\
648   expression -- expression -- note: {name}==scratch-variable-name\n\t\
649   varvalue   -- variable value expression\n\t\
650   assignment -- assign variable\n\t\
651The action selector kind describes what happened to the snippet.  The values are:\n\t\
652   added     -- snippet has been added\n\t\
653   modified  -- an existing snippet has been modified\n\t\
654   replaced  -- an existing snippet has been replaced with a new snippet\n\
656/set trunc mymode 80\n\t\
657/set truncation mymode 45 expression\n\t\
658/set truncation mymode 0 vardecl-modified,replaced\n\n\
659Note that subsequent selectors for a field may overwrite some or all of previous used selectors -- last one wins\n\
661The form without <length> shows the truncation settings.\n\
662When the <mode> is specified only the truncation settings for that mode are shown.\n\
664/set truncation myformat\n\
665shows the truncation settings for the mode myformat\n
667help.set.feedback = \
668Set the feedback mode describing displayed feedback for entered snippets and commands:\n\
670/set feedback [-retain] <mode>\n\
672Retain the current feedback mode for future sessions:\n\
674/set feedback -retain\n\
676Show the feedback mode and list available modes:\n\
678/set feedback\n\
680Where <mode> is the name of a previously defined feedback mode.\n\
681You may use just enough letters to make it unique.\n\
682User-defined modes can be added, see '/help /set mode'\n\
684When the -retain option is used, the setting will be used in this and future\n\
685runs of the jshell tool.\n\
687The form without <mode> or -retain displays the current feedback mode and available modes.\n
689help.set.mode = \
690Create a user-defined feedback mode, optionally copying from an existing mode:\n\
692/set mode <mode> [<old-mode>] [-command|-quiet|-delete]\n\
693Retain a user-defined feedback mode for future sessions:\n\
695/set mode -retain <mode>\n\
697Delete a user-defined feedback mode:\n\
699/set mode -delete [-retain] <mode>\n\
701Show feedback mode settings:\n\
703/set mode [<mode>]\n\
705Where <new-mode> is the name of a mode you wish to create.\n\
706Where <old-mode> is the name of a previously defined feedback mode.\n\
707If <old-mode> is present, its settings are copied to the new mode.\n\
708'-command' vs '-quiet' determines if informative/verifying command feedback is displayed.\n\
710Once the new mode is created, use '/set format', '/set prompt' and '/set truncation'\n\
711to configure it.  Use '/set feedback' to use the new mode.\n\
713When the -retain option is used, the mode (including its component prompt, format,\n\
714and truncation settings) will be used in this and future runs of the jshell tool.\n\
715When both -retain and -delete are used, the mode is deleted from the current\n\
716and future sessions.\n\
718The form without options shows the mode settings.\n\
719When the <mode> is specified only the mode settings for that mode are shown.\n\
720Note: the settings for the mode include the settings for prompt, format, and\n\
721truncation -- so these are displayed as well.\n\
723/set mode myformat\n\
724shows the mode, prompt, format, and truncation settings for the mode myformat\n
726help.set.prompt = \
727Set the prompts.  Both the normal prompt and the continuation-prompt must be set:\n\
729/set prompt <mode> \"<prompt>\" \"<continuation-prompt>\"\n\
731Show the normal prompt and the continuation-prompts:\n\
733/set prompt [<mode>]\n\
735Where <mode> is the name of a previously defined feedback mode.\n\
736Where <prompt> and <continuation-prompt> are quoted strings printed as input prompts;\n\
737Both may optionally contain '%%s' which will be substituted with the next snippet id --\n\
738note that what is entered may not be assigned that id, for example it may be an error or command.\n\
739The continuation-prompt is used on the second and subsequent lines of a multi-line snippet.\n\
741The form without <prompt> shows the currently set prompts.\n\
742When the <mode> is specified only the prompts for that mode are shown.\n\
744/set prompt myformat\n\
745shows the prompts set for the mode myformat\n
747help.set.editor =\
748Specify the command to launch for the /edit command:\n\
750/set editor [-retain] [-wait] <command>\n\
752/set editor [-retain] -default\n\
754/set editor [-retain] -delete\n\
756Retain the current editor setting for future sessions:\n\
758/set editor -retain\n\
760Show the command to launch for the /edit command:\n\
762/set editor\n\
764The <command> is an operating system dependent string.\n\
765The <command> may include space-separated arguments (such as flags)\n\n\
766If the -default option is specified, the built-in default editor will be used.\n\n\
767If the -delete option is specified, previous settings are ignored -- the editor\n\
768settings are initialized as when starting the jshell tool.  Specifically, if there\n\
769is a retained setting it is used (unless both -retain and -delete are specified --\n\
770which deletes the retained setting), if one of these environment variables is set\n\
771it will be used: JSHELLEDITOR, VISUAL, or EDITOR (in that order).  Otherwise the\n\
772built-in default editor will be used.\n\n\
773If <command> is specified, it will be used as the external editor. The <command>\n\
774consists of the program and zero or more program arguments.  When <command>\n\
775is used, the temporary file to edit will be appended as the last argument.\n\
776Normally, edit mode will last until the external editor exits. Some external editors\n\
777will exit immediately (for example, if the edit window exists) either external editor\n\
778flags should be used to prevent immediate exit, or the -wait option should be used to\n\
779prompt the user to indicate when edit mode should end.\n\n\
780Note: while in edit mode no command inputs are seen.  After leaving edit mode changes\n\
781to the edited snippets are not seen.\n\
783When the -retain option is used, the setting will be used in this and future\n\
784runs of the jshell tool.\n\
786The form without <command> or options shows the editor setting.\n
788help.set.start =\
789Set the start-up configuration -- a sequence of snippets and commands read at start-up:\n\
791/set start [-retain] <file>\n\
793/set start [-retain] -default\n\
795/set start [-retain] -none\n\
797Retain the start-up configuration for future sessions:\n\
799/set start -retain\n\
801Show the start-up setting:\n\
803/set start\n\
805The contents of the specified <file> become the start-up snippets and commands used\n\
806when the /reset or /reload commands are used in this session.\n\
807If instead the -default option is specified, the predefined start-up snippets\n\
808will be used.\n\
809If the -none option is used, the start-up will be empty -- no start-up snippets\n\
810or commands will be used.\n\
811This command is good for testing the start-up settings.  To retain them for future\n\
812runs of the jshell tool use the command:\n\t\
813/set start -retain\n\
815When the -retain option is used, the setting will be used in this and future\n\
816runs of the jshell tool.\n\
818The form without <file> or options shows the start-up setting.\n\
819Note: if the start-up was last set from a file, this is shown with the\n\
820contents of the file followed by a 'set start' command.
822startup.feedback = \
823/set mode verbose -command    \n\
825/set prompt verbose '\\njshell> '   '   ...> '    \n\
827/set format verbose pre '|  '    \n\
828/set format verbose post '%n'    \n\
829/set format verbose errorpre '|  '    \n\
830/set format verbose errorpost '%n'    \n\
832/set format verbose errorline '{post}{pre}    {err}'    \n\
834/set format verbose action 'created' added-primary    \n\
835/set format verbose action 'modified' modified-primary    \n\
836/set format verbose action 'replaced' replaced-primary    \n\
837/set format verbose action 'overwrote' overwrote-primary    \n\
838/set format verbose action 'dropped' dropped-primary    \n\
839/set format verbose action '  update created' added-update    \n\
840/set format verbose action '  update modified' modified-update    \n\
841/set format verbose action '  update replaced' replaced-update    \n\
842/set format verbose action '  update overwrote' overwrote-update    \n\
843/set format verbose action '  update dropped' dropped-update    \n\
845/set format verbose until ', however, it cannot be instanciated or its methods invoked until'   defined-class-primary    \n\
846/set format verbose until ', however, its methods cannot be invoked until'                      defined-interface-primary    \n\
847/set format verbose until ', however, it cannot be used until'                                  defined-enum,annotation-primary    \n\
848/set format verbose until ', however, it cannot be invoked until'                               defined-method-primary    \n\
849/set format verbose until ', however, it cannot be referenced until'                            notdefined-primary    \n\
850/set format verbose until ' which cannot be instanciated or its methods invoked until'          defined-class-update    \n\
851/set format verbose until ' whose methods cannot be invoked until'                              defined-interface-update    \n\
852/set format verbose until ' which cannot be invoked until'                                      defined-method-update    \n\
853/set format verbose until ' which cannot be referenced until'                                   notdefined-update    \n\
855/set format verbose unrerr '{unresolved} is declared'                                           unresolved1-error0    \n\
856/set format verbose unrerr '{unresolved} are declared'                                          unresolved2-error0    \n\
857/set format verbose unrerr ' this error is corrected: {errors}'                                 unresolved0-error1    \n\
858/set format verbose unrerr '{unresolved} is declared and this error is corrected: {errors}'     unresolved1-error1    \n\
859/set format verbose unrerr '{unresolved} are declared and this error is corrected: {errors}'    unresolved2-error1    \n\
860/set format verbose unrerr ' these errors are corrected: {errors}'                              unresolved0-error2    \n\
861/set format verbose unrerr '{unresolved} is declared and these errors are corrected: {errors}'  unresolved1-error2    \n\
862/set format verbose unrerr '{unresolved} are declared and these errors are corrected: {errors}' unresolved2-error2    \n\
864/set format verbose resolve '{until}{unrerr}'                                                   defined,notdefined-added,modified,replaced,used    \n\
866/set format verbose typeKind 'class'                  class    \n\
867/set format verbose typeKind 'interface'              interface    \n\
868/set format verbose typeKind 'enum'                   enum    \n\
869/set format verbose typeKind 'annotation interface'   annotation    \n\
871/set format verbose result '{name} ==> {value}{post}'                                        added,modified,replaced-ok-primary    \n\
873/set format verbose display '{result}{pre}created scratch variable {name} : {type}{post}'    expression-added,modified,replaced-primary    \n\
874/set format verbose display '{result}{pre}value of {name} : {type}{post}'                    varvalue-added,modified,replaced-primary    \n\
875/set format verbose display '{result}{pre}assigned to {name} : {type}{post}'                 assignment-primary    \n\
876/set format verbose display '{result}{pre}{action} variable {name} : {type}{resolve}{post}'  varinit,vardecl    \n\
877/set format verbose display '{pre}{action} variable {name}{resolve}{post}'                   vardecl,varinit-notdefined    \n\
878/set format verbose display '{pre}{action} variable {name}{post}'                            dropped-vardecl,varinit,expression    \n\
879/set format verbose display '{pre}{action} variable {name}, reset to null{post}'             replaced-vardecl,varinit-ok-update    \n\
881/set format verbose display '{pre}{action} {typeKind} {name}{resolve}{post}'                 class,interface,enum,annotation    \n\
882/set format verbose display '{pre}{action} method {name}({type}){resolve}{post}'             method    \n\
884/set format verbose display '{pre}attempted to use {typeKind} {name}{resolve}{post}'         used-class,interface,enum,annotation    \n\
885/set format verbose display '{pre}attempted to call method {name}({type}){resolve}{post}'    used-method    \n\
887/set truncation verbose 80\n\
888/set truncation verbose 1000                                                                  varvalue,expression\n\
890/set mode normal -command verbose    \n\
891/set format normal display ''                                                               added,modified,replaced,overwrote,dropped-update    \n\
892/set format normal display '{pre}{action} variable {name}, reset to null{post}'             replaced-vardecl,varinit-ok-update    \n\
893/set format normal display '{result}'                                                       added,modified,replaced-expression,varvalue,assignment,varinit,vardecl-ok-primary    \n\
894/set mode concise -quiet normal    \n\
896/set prompt concise 'jshell> '   '   ...> '    \n\
898/set format concise display ''                                                              class,interface,enum,annotation,method,assignment,varinit,vardecl-ok    \n\
900/set feedback normal    \n\
902/set mode silent -quiet    \n\
903/set prompt silent '-> ' '>> '    \n\
904/set truncation silent 80\n\
905/set truncation silent 1000                                                                  varvalue,expression\n\
906/set format silent pre '|  '    \n\
907/set format silent post '%n'    \n\
908/set format silent errorpre '|  '    \n\
909/set format silent errorpost '%n'    \n\
910/set format silent display ''    \n