Option.java revision 3474:dcb234002184
2228753Smm * Copyright (c) 2014, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4228753Smm *
5228753Smm * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6228753Smm * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7228753Smm * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8228753Smm * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9228753Smm * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10228753Smm *
11228753Smm * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12228753Smm * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13228753Smm * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14228753Smm * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15228753Smm * accompanied this code).
16228753Smm *
17228753Smm * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18228753Smm * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19228753Smm * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20228753Smm *
21228753Smm * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22228753Smm * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23228753Smm * questions.
24228753Smm */
26228753Smmpackage com.sun.tools.sjavac.options;
28228753Smmimport java.io.File;
29228753Smmimport java.nio.file.Path;
30228753Smmimport java.nio.file.Paths;
31313570Smmimport java.util.ArrayList;
32228753Smmimport java.util.List;
33228753Smmimport java.util.regex.Matcher;
34228753Smmimport java.util.regex.Pattern;
36228753Smmimport com.sun.tools.sjavac.CopyFile;
37228753Smmimport com.sun.tools.sjavac.Transformer;
41228753Smm * Sjavac options can be classified as:
42228753Smm *
43228753Smm *  (1) relevant only for sjavac, such as --server
44228753Smm *  (2) relevant for sjavac and javac, such as -d, or
45228753Smm *  (3) relevant only for javac, such as -g.
46228753Smm *
47228753Smm * This enum represents all options from (1) and (2). Note that instances of
48313570Smm * this enum only entail static information about the option. For storage of
49228753Smm * option values, refer to com.sun.tools.sjavac.options.Options.
50228753Smm *
51228753Smm *  <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API.
52228753Smm *  If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
53228753Smm *  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
54228753Smm *  deletion without notice.</b>
55228753Smm */
56228753Smmpublic enum Option {
58228753Smm    SRC("-src", "Location of source files to be compiled") {
59313570Smm        @Override
60228753Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
61228753Smm            List<Path> paths = getFileListArg(iter, helper);
62228753Smm            if (paths != null)
63228753Smm                helper.sourceRoots(paths);
64228753Smm        }
65228753Smm    },
66228753Smm    SOURCEPATH("-sourcepath", "Specify search path for sources.") {
67228753Smm        @Override
68228753Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
69228753Smm            List<Path> paths = getFileListArg(iter, helper);
70228753Smm            if (paths != null)
71228753Smm                helper.sourcepath(paths);
72228753Smm        }
73228753Smm    },
74313570Smm    MODULEPATH("-modulepath", "Specify search path for modules.") {
75313570Smm        @Override
76313570Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
77313570Smm            List<Path> paths = getFileListArg(iter, helper);
78313570Smm            if (paths != null)
79313570Smm                helper.modulepath(paths);
80313570Smm        }
81313570Smm    },
82313570Smm    CLASSPATH("-classpath", "Specify search path for classes.") {
83313570Smm        @Override
84313570Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
85313570Smm            List<Path> paths = getFileListArg(iter, helper);
86313570Smm            if (paths != null)
87313570Smm                helper.classpath(paths);
88313570Smm        }
89313570Smm    },
90313570Smm    CP("-cp", "An alias for -classpath") {
91313570Smm        @Override
92313570Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
93313570Smm            CLASSPATH.processMatching(iter, helper);
94313570Smm        }
95313570Smm    },
96313570Smm    X("-x", "Exclude files matching the given pattern") {
97313570Smm        @Override
98313570Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
99313570Smm            String pattern = getFilePatternArg(iter, helper);
100313570Smm            if (pattern != null)
101313570Smm                helper.exclude(pattern);
102313570Smm        }
103313570Smm    },
104313570Smm    I("-i", "Include only files matching the given pattern") {
105313570Smm        @Override
106313570Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
107228753Smm            String pattern = getFilePatternArg(iter, helper);
108313570Smm            if (pattern != null)
109313570Smm                helper.include(pattern);
110313570Smm        }
111313570Smm    },
112313570Smm    TR("-tr", "Translate resources") {
113313570Smm        @Override
114313570Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
116313570Smm            if (!iter.hasNext()) {
117313570Smm                helper.reportError(arg + " must be followed by a translation rule");
118313570Smm                return;
119313570Smm            }
121313570Smm            String trArg = iter.next();
123313570Smm            // Validate argument syntax. Examples:
124313570Smm            //   .prop=com.sun.tools.javac.smart.CompileProperties
125313570Smm            //   .idl=com.sun.corba.CompileIdl
126313570Smm            //   .g3=antlr.CompileGrammar,debug=true
127313570Smm            String ident = "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*";
128313570Smm            Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?<suffix>\\." + ident + ")=" +
129313570Smm                                        "(?<class>" + ident + "(\\." + ident + ")*)" +
130313570Smm                                        "(?<extra>,.*)?");
131313570Smm            // Check syntax
132313570Smm            Matcher m = p.matcher(trArg);
133313570Smm            if (!m.matches()) {
134313570Smm                helper.reportError("The string \"" + trArg + "\" is not a " +
135313570Smm                                   "valid translate pattern");
136313570Smm                return;
137313570Smm            }
139313570Smm            // Extract relevant parts
140313570Smm            String suffix = m.group("suffix");
141313570Smm            String classname = m.group("class");
142313570Smm            String extra = m.group("extra");
144313570Smm            // Valid suffix?
145313570Smm            if (suffix.matches("\\.(class|java)")) {
146313570Smm                helper.reportError("You cannot have a translator for " +
147313570Smm                                   suffix + " files!");
148313570Smm                return;
149313570Smm            }
151313570Smm            // Construct transformer
152313570Smm            try {
153313570Smm                Class<?> trCls = Class.forName(classname);
154313570Smm                Transformer transformer =
155313570Smm                    (Transformer) trCls.getConstructor().newInstance();
156313570Smm                transformer.setExtra(extra);
157313570Smm                helper.addTransformer(suffix, transformer);
158313570Smm            } catch (Exception e) {
159313570Smm                helper.reportError("Cannot use " + classname +
160228753Smm                                   " as a translator: " + e.getMessage());
161313570Smm            }
162313570Smm        }
163313570Smm    },
164313570Smm    COPY("-copy", "Copy resources") {
165313570Smm        @Override
166313570Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
167313570Smm            if (!iter.hasNext()) {
168313570Smm                helper.reportError(arg + " must be followed by a resource type");
169313570Smm                return;
170313570Smm            }
172313570Smm            String copyArg = iter.next();
174313570Smm            // Validate argument syntax. Examples: .gif, .html
175313570Smm            if (!copyArg.matches("\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*")) {
176313570Smm                helper.reportError("The string \"" + copyArg + "\" is not a " +
177313570Smm                                   "valid resource type.");
178313570Smm                return;
179313570Smm            }
181313570Smm            helper.addTransformer(copyArg, new CopyFile());
182313570Smm        }
183313570Smm    },
184313570Smm    J("-j", "Number of cores") {
185313570Smm        @Override
186313570Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
187313570Smm            if (!iter.hasNext() || !iter.peek().matches("\\d+")) {
188313570Smm                helper.reportError(arg + " must be followed by an integer");
189313570Smm                return;
190313570Smm            }
191313570Smm            helper.numCores(Integer.parseInt(iter.next()));
192313570Smm        }
193313570Smm    },
194313570Smm    SERVER("--server:", "Specify server configuration file of running server") {
195313570Smm        @Override
196313570Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
197313570Smm            helper.serverConf(iter.current().substring(arg.length()));
198313570Smm        }
199313570Smm    },
200313570Smm    STARTSERVER("--startserver:", "Start server and use the given configuration file") {
201313570Smm        @Override
202313570Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
203313570Smm            helper.startServerConf(iter.current().substring(arg.length()));
204313570Smm        }
205313570Smm    },
206313570Smm    IMPLICIT("-implicit:", "Specify how to treat implicitly referenced source code") {
207313570Smm        @Override
208313570Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
209313570Smm            helper.implicit(iter.current().substring(arg.length()));
210313570Smm        }
211313570Smm    },
212313570Smm    LOG("--log=", "Specify logging level") {
213313570Smm        @Override
214313570Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
215228753Smm            helper.logLevel(iter.current().substring(arg.length()));
216313570Smm        }
217228753Smm    },
218228753Smm    VERBOSE("-verbose", "Set verbosity level to \"info\"") {
219228753Smm        @Override
220228753Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
221228753Smm            helper.logLevel("info");
222232153Smm        }
223232153Smm    },
224228753Smm    PERMIT_ARTIFACT("--permit-artifact=", "Allow this artifact in destination directory") {
225228753Smm        @Override
226228753Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
227228753Smm            String a = iter.current().substring(arg.length());
228248616Smm            helper.permitArtifact(Paths.get(a).toFile().getAbsolutePath());
229228753Smm        }
230228753Smm    },
231228753Smm    PERMIT_UNIDENTIFIED_ARTIFACTS("--permit-unidentified-artifacts", "Allow unidentified artifacts in destination directory") {
232228753Smm        @Override
233228753Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
234228753Smm            helper.permitUnidentifiedArtifacts();
235228753Smm        }
236228753Smm    },
237228753Smm    PERMIT_SOURCES_WITHOUT_PACKAGE("--permit-sources-without-package", "Permit sources in the default package") {
238228753Smm        @Override
239228753Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
240228753Smm            helper.permitDefaultPackage();
241313570Smm        }
242228753Smm    },
243228753Smm    COMPARE_FOUND_SOURCES("--compare-found-sources", "Compare found sources with given sources") {
244228753Smm        @Override
245313570Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
246228753Smm            Path referenceSourceList = getFileArg(iter, helper, true, false);
247228753Smm            if (referenceSourceList != null)
248228753Smm                helper.compareFoundSources(referenceSourceList);
249228753Smm        }
250313570Smm    },
251228753Smm    D("-d", "Output destination directory") {
252228753Smm        @Override
253228753Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
254228753Smm            Path dir = getFileArg(iter, helper, false, true);
255228753Smm            if (dir != null)
256228753Smm                helper.destDir(dir);
257313570Smm        }
258228753Smm    },
259228753Smm    S("-s", "Directory for generated sources") {
260228753Smm        @Override
261228753Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
262232153Smm            Path dir = getFileArg(iter, helper, false, true);
263232153Smm            if (dir != null)
264228753Smm                helper.generatedSourcesDir(dir);
265228753Smm        }
266228753Smm    },
267228753Smm    H("-h", "Directory for header files") {
268228753Smm        @Override
269228753Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
270228753Smm            Path dir = getFileArg(iter, helper, false, true);
271313570Smm            if (dir != null)
272313570Smm                helper.headerDir(dir);
273228753Smm        }
274228753Smm    },
275313570Smm    STATE_DIR("--state-dir=", "Directory used to store sjavac state and log files.") {
276232153Smm        @Override
277313570Smm        protected void processMatching(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
278232153Smm            String p = iter.current().substring(arg.length());
279232153Smm            helper.stateDir(Paths.get(p));
280228753Smm        }
281228753Smm    };
284232153Smm    public final String arg;
286228753Smm    final String description;
288228753Smm    private Option(String arg, String description) {
289228753Smm        this.arg = arg;
290228753Smm        this.description = description;
291228753Smm    }
293228753Smm    /** Retrieve and verify syntax of file list argument. */
294228753Smm    List<Path> getFileListArg(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
295228753Smm        if (!iter.hasNext()) {
296228753Smm            helper.reportError(arg + " must be followed by a list of files " +
297228753Smm                              "separated by " + File.pathSeparator);
298228753Smm            return null;
299313570Smm        }
300313570Smm        List<Path> result = new ArrayList<>();
301228753Smm        for (String pathStr : iter.next().split(File.pathSeparator))
302228753Smm            result.add(Paths.get(pathStr));
303228753Smm        return result;
304228753Smm    }
306228753Smm    /** Retrieve and verify syntax of file argument. */
307313570Smm    Path getFileArg(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper, boolean fileAcceptable, boolean dirAcceptable) {
309313570Smm        if (!iter.hasNext()) {
310313570Smm            String errmsg = arg + " must be followed by ";
311228753Smm            if (fileAcceptable && dirAcceptable) errmsg += "a file or directory.";
312228753Smm            else if (fileAcceptable) errmsg += "a file.";
313228753Smm            else if (dirAcceptable)  errmsg += "a directory.";
314228753Smm            else throw new IllegalArgumentException("File or directory must be acceptable.");
315228753Smm            helper.reportError(errmsg);
316228753Smm            return null;
317228753Smm        }
319228753Smm        return Paths.get(iter.next());
320228753Smm    }
322228753Smm    /** Retrieve the next file or package argument. */
323228753Smm    String getFilePatternArg(ArgumentIterator iter, OptionHelper helper) {
325232153Smm        if (!iter.hasNext()) {
326228753Smm            helper.reportError(arg + " must be followed by a glob pattern.");
327313570Smm            return null;
328313570Smm        }
330313570Smm        return iter.next();
331313570Smm    }
333313570Smm    // Future cleanup: Change the "=" syntax to ":" syntax to be consistent and
334313570Smm    // to follow the javac-option style.
336313570Smm    public boolean hasOption() {
337313570Smm        return arg.endsWith(":") || arg.endsWith("=");
338313570Smm    }
341313570Smm    /**
342313570Smm     * Process current argument of argIter.
343313570Smm     *
344313570Smm     * It's final, since the option customization is typically done in
345313570Smm     * processMatching.
346313570Smm     *
347313570Smm     * @param argIter Iterator to read current and succeeding arguments from.
348313570Smm     * @param helper The helper to report back to.
349313570Smm     * @return true iff the argument was processed by this option.
350313570Smm     */
351313570Smm    public final boolean processCurrent(ArgumentIterator argIter,
352313570Smm                                        OptionHelper helper) {
353313570Smm        String fullArg = argIter.current(); // "-tr" or "-log=level"
354313570Smm        if (hasOption() ? fullArg.startsWith(arg) : fullArg.equals(arg)) {
355313570Smm            processMatching(argIter, helper);
356313570Smm            return true;
357313570Smm        }
358313570Smm        // Did not match
359313570Smm        return false;
360313570Smm    }
362313570Smm    /** Called by process if the current argument matches this option. */
363313570Smm    protected abstract void processMatching(ArgumentIterator argIter,
364313570Smm                                            OptionHelper helper);