Entity.java revision 3738:6ef8a1453577
2 * Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
26package com.sun.tools.doclint;
28import java.util.HashMap;
29import java.util.Map;
32 * Table of entities defined in HTML 4.01.
33 *
34 * <p> Derived from
35 * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/sgml/entities.html">Character entity references in HTML 4</a>.
36 *
37 * The name of the member follows the name of the entity,
38 * except when it clashes with a keyword, in which case
39 * it is prefixed by '_'.
40 *
41 * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API.
42 * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own
43 * risk.  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change
44 * or deletion without notice.</b></p>
45 */
46public enum Entity {
47    nbsp(160),
48    iexcl(161),
49    cent(162),
50    pound(163),
51    curren(164),
52    yen(165),
53    brvbar(166),
54    sect(167),
55    uml(168),
56    copy(169),
57    ordf(170),
58    laquo(171),
59    not(172),
60    shy(173),
61    reg(174),
62    macr(175),
63    deg(176),
64    plusmn(177),
65    sup2(178),
66    sup3(179),
67    acute(180),
68    micro(181),
69    para(182),
70    middot(183),
71    cedil(184),
72    sup1(185),
73    ordm(186),
74    raquo(187),
75    frac14(188),
76    frac12(189),
77    frac34(190),
78    iquest(191),
79    Agrave(192),
80    Aacute(193),
81    Acirc(194),
82    Atilde(195),
83    Auml(196),
84    Aring(197),
85    AElig(198),
86    Ccedil(199),
87    Egrave(200),
88    Eacute(201),
89    Ecirc(202),
90    Euml(203),
91    Igrave(204),
92    Iacute(205),
93    Icirc(206),
94    Iuml(207),
95    ETH(208),
96    Ntilde(209),
97    Ograve(210),
98    Oacute(211),
99    Ocirc(212),
100    Otilde(213),
101    Ouml(214),
102    times(215),
103    Oslash(216),
104    Ugrave(217),
105    Uacute(218),
106    Ucirc(219),
107    Uuml(220),
108    Yacute(221),
109    THORN(222),
110    szlig(223),
111    agrave(224),
112    aacute(225),
113    acirc(226),
114    atilde(227),
115    auml(228),
116    aring(229),
117    aelig(230),
118    ccedil(231),
119    egrave(232),
120    eacute(233),
121    ecirc(234),
122    euml(235),
123    igrave(236),
124    iacute(237),
125    icirc(238),
126    iuml(239),
127    eth(240),
128    ntilde(241),
129    ograve(242),
130    oacute(243),
131    ocirc(244),
132    otilde(245),
133    ouml(246),
134    divide(247),
135    oslash(248),
136    ugrave(249),
137    uacute(250),
138    ucirc(251),
139    uuml(252),
140    yacute(253),
141    thorn(254),
142    yuml(255),
143    fnof(402),
144    Alpha(913),
145    Beta(914),
146    Gamma(915),
147    Delta(916),
148    Epsilon(917),
149    Zeta(918),
150    Eta(919),
151    Theta(920),
152    Iota(921),
153    Kappa(922),
154    Lambda(923),
155    Mu(924),
156    Nu(925),
157    Xi(926),
158    Omicron(927),
159    Pi(928),
160    Rho(929),
161    Sigma(931),
162    Tau(932),
163    Upsilon(933),
164    Phi(934),
165    Chi(935),
166    Psi(936),
167    Omega(937),
168    alpha(945),
169    beta(946),
170    gamma(947),
171    delta(948),
172    epsilon(949),
173    zeta(950),
174    eta(951),
175    theta(952),
176    iota(953),
177    kappa(954),
178    lambda(955),
179    mu(956),
180    nu(957),
181    xi(958),
182    omicron(959),
183    pi(960),
184    rho(961),
185    sigmaf(962),
186    sigma(963),
187    tau(964),
188    upsilon(965),
189    phi(966),
190    chi(967),
191    psi(968),
192    omega(969),
193    thetasym(977),
194    upsih(978),
195    piv(982),
196    bull(8226),
197    hellip(8230),
198    prime(8242),
199    Prime(8243),
200    oline(8254),
201    frasl(8260),
202    weierp(8472),
203    image(8465),
204    real(8476),
205    trade(8482),
206    alefsym(8501),
207    larr(8592),
208    uarr(8593),
209    rarr(8594),
210    darr(8595),
211    harr(8596),
212    crarr(8629),
213    lArr(8656),
214    uArr(8657),
215    rArr(8658),
216    dArr(8659),
217    hArr(8660),
218    forall(8704),
219    part(8706),
220    exist(8707),
221    empty(8709),
222    nabla(8711),
223    isin(8712),
224    notin(8713),
225    ni(8715),
226    prod(8719),
227    sum(8721),
228    minus(8722),
229    lowast(8727),
230    radic(8730),
231    prop(8733),
232    infin(8734),
233    ang(8736),
234    and(8743),
235    or(8744),
236    cap(8745),
237    cup(8746),
238    _int(8747),
239    there4(8756),
240    sim(8764),
241    cong(8773),
242    asymp(8776),
243    ne(8800),
244    equiv(8801),
245    le(8804),
246    ge(8805),
247    sub(8834),
248    sup(8835),
249    nsub(8836),
250    sube(8838),
251    supe(8839),
252    oplus(8853),
253    otimes(8855),
254    perp(8869),
255    sdot(8901),
256    lceil(8968),
257    rceil(8969),
258    lfloor(8970),
259    rfloor(8971),
260    lang(9001),
261    rang(9002),
262    loz(9674),
263    spades(9824),
264    clubs(9827),
265    hearts(9829),
266    diams(9830),
267    quot(34),
268    amp(38),
269    lt(60),
270    gt(62),
271    OElig(338),
272    oelig(339),
273    Scaron(352),
274    scaron(353),
275    Yuml(376),
276    circ(710),
277    tilde(732),
278    ensp(8194),
279    emsp(8195),
280    thinsp(8201),
281    zwnj(8204),
282    zwj(8205),
283    lrm(8206),
284    rlm(8207),
285    ndash(8211),
286    mdash(8212),
287    lsquo(8216),
288    rsquo(8217),
289    sbquo(8218),
290    ldquo(8220),
291    rdquo(8221),
292    bdquo(8222),
293    dagger(8224),
294    Dagger(8225),
295    permil(8240),
296    lsaquo(8249),
297    rsaquo(8250),
298    euro(8364);
300    public final int code;
302    private Entity(int code) {
303        this.code = code;
304    }
306    public static boolean isValid(String name) {
307        return names.containsKey(name);
308    }
310    public static Entity get(String name) {
311        return names.get(name);
312    }
314    public static boolean isValid(int code) {
315        // allow numeric codes for standard ANSI characters
316        return codes.containsKey(code) || ( 32 <= code && code < 2127);
317    }
319    private static final Map<String,Entity> names = new HashMap<>();
320    private static final Map<Integer,Entity> codes = new HashMap<>();
321    static {
322        for (Entity e: values()) {
323            String name = e.name();
324            int code = e.code;
325            if (name.startsWith("_")) name = name.substring(1);
326            names.put(name, e);
327            codes.put(code, e);
328        }
329    }