XMLStreamReaderImpl.java revision 798:00fa5efc9ace
2 * Copyright (c) 2005, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
26package com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl;
28import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.Entity;
29import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.StaxErrorReporter;
30import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.XMLEntityStorage;
31import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.events.EntityDeclarationImpl;
32import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.events.NotationDeclarationImpl;
33import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext;
34import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.XNIException;
35import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLInputSource;
36import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
37import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
38import javax.xml.stream.Location;
39import javax.xml.stream.events.XMLEvent;
40import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.NamespaceContextWrapper;
41import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.SymbolTable;
42import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.dtd.nonvalidating.XMLNotationDecl;
43import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.dtd.nonvalidating.DTDGrammar;
44import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
45import java.io.BufferedReader;
46import java.io.IOException;
47import java.io.InputStream;
48import java.io.Reader;
49import java.util.ArrayList;
50import java.util.Enumeration;
51import java.util.Iterator;
52import java.util.List;
53import javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory;
54import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants;
55import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
56import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.XMLChar;
57import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.XMLStringBuffer;
58import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.NamespaceSupport;
59import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.XMLAttributesImpl;
61/** This class implements javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader. It makes use of XML*Scanner classes to
62 * derive most of its functionality. If desired, Application can reuse this instance by calling
63 * reset() and setInputSource().
64 *
65 * @author Neeraj Bajaj Sun Microsystems,Inc.
66 * @author K.Venugopal Sun Microsystems,Inc.
67 * @author Sunitha Reddy Sun Microsystems,Inc.
68 */
69public class XMLStreamReaderImpl implements javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader {
71    /** Property identifier: entity manager. */
72    protected static final String ENTITY_MANAGER =
75    /** Property identifier: Error Reporter. */
76    protected static final String ERROR_REPORTER =
79    /** Property identifier: Symbol table. */
80    protected static final String SYMBOL_TABLE =
83    protected static final String READER_IN_DEFINED_STATE =
86    private SymbolTable fSymbolTable = new SymbolTable();
88    /** Document scanner. */
89    protected XMLDocumentScannerImpl fScanner = new XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl();
91    //make Global NamespaceContextWrapper object,  fScanner.getNamespaceContext() is dynamic object and ita value changes
92    //as per the state of the parser.
93    protected NamespaceContextWrapper fNamespaceContextWrapper = new NamespaceContextWrapper((NamespaceSupport)fScanner.getNamespaceContext()) ;
94    protected XMLEntityManager fEntityManager = new XMLEntityManager();
95    protected StaxErrorReporter fErrorReporter = new StaxErrorReporter();
98    /** Entity scanner, this alwasy works on last entity that was opened. */
99    protected XMLEntityScanner fEntityScanner = null;
101    /** Input Source */
102    protected XMLInputSource fInputSource = null;
103    /** Store properties*/
104    protected PropertyManager fPropertyManager = null ;
106    /** current event type */
107    private int fEventType ;
108    /** debug flag*/
109    static final boolean DEBUG = false ;
110    /** more to scan */
111    private boolean fReuse = true;
112    private boolean fReaderInDefinedState = true ;
113    private boolean fBindNamespaces = true;
114    private String fDTDDecl = null;
115    private String versionStr = null;
117    /**
118     * @param inputStream
119     * @param props
120     * @throws XMLStreamException
121     */
122    public XMLStreamReaderImpl(InputStream inputStream, PropertyManager props) throws  XMLStreamException {
123        init(props);
124        //publicId, systemid, baseSystemId, inputStream, enocding
125        XMLInputSource inputSource = new XMLInputSource(null,null,null,inputStream,null);
126        //pass the input source to document scanner impl.
127        setInputSource(inputSource);
128    }
130    public XMLDocumentScannerImpl getScanner(){
131        System.out.println("returning scanner");
132        return fScanner;
133    }
134    /**
135     * @param systemid
136     * @param props
137     * @throws XMLStreamException
138     */
139    public XMLStreamReaderImpl(String systemid, PropertyManager props) throws  XMLStreamException {
140        init(props);
141        //publicId, systemid, baseSystemId, inputStream, enocding
142        XMLInputSource inputSource = new XMLInputSource(null,systemid,null);
143        //pass the input source to document scanner impl.
144        setInputSource(inputSource);
145    }
148    /**
149     * @param inputStream
150     * @param encoding
151     * @param props
152     * @throws XMLStreamException
153     */
154    public XMLStreamReaderImpl(InputStream inputStream, String encoding, PropertyManager props ) throws  XMLStreamException {
155        init(props);
156        //publicId, systemid, baseSystemId, inputStream, enocding
157        XMLInputSource inputSource = new XMLInputSource(null,null,null, new BufferedInputStream(inputStream),encoding );
158        //pass the input source to document scanner impl.
159        setInputSource(inputSource);
160    }
162    /**
163     * @param reader
164     * @param props
165     * @throws XMLStreamException
166     */
167    public XMLStreamReaderImpl(Reader reader, PropertyManager props) throws  XMLStreamException {
168        init(props);
169        //publicId, systemid, baseSystemId, inputStream, enocding
170        //xxx: Using buffered reader
171        XMLInputSource inputSource = new XMLInputSource(null,null,null,new BufferedReader(reader),null);
172        //pass the input source to document scanner impl.
173        setInputSource(inputSource);
174    }
176    /**
177     * @param inputSource
178     * @param props
179     * @throws XMLStreamException
180     */
181    public XMLStreamReaderImpl(XMLInputSource inputSource, PropertyManager props) throws  XMLStreamException {
182        init(props);
183        //pass the input source to document scanner impl.
184        setInputSource(inputSource);
185    }
187    /**
188     * @param inputSource
189     * @throws XMLStreamException
190     */
191    public void setInputSource(XMLInputSource inputSource ) throws XMLStreamException {
192        //once setInputSource() is called this instance is busy parsing the inputsource supplied
193        //this instances is free for reuse if parser has reached END_DOCUMENT state or application has
194        //called close()
195        fReuse = false;
197        try{
199            fScanner.setInputSource(inputSource) ;
200            //XMLStreamReader should be in defined state
201            if(fReaderInDefinedState){
202                fEventType = fScanner.next();
203                if (versionStr == null)
204                    versionStr = getVersion();
206                if (fEventType == XMLStreamConstants.START_DOCUMENT && versionStr != null && versionStr.equals("1.1")){
207                    switchToXML11Scanner();
208                }
210            }
211        }catch(java.io.IOException ex){
212            throw new XMLStreamException(ex);
213        } catch(XNIException ex){ //Issue 56 XNIException not caught
214            throw new XMLStreamException(ex.getMessage(), getLocation(), ex.getException());
215        }
216    }//setInputSource
218    void init(PropertyManager propertyManager) throws XMLStreamException {
219        fPropertyManager = propertyManager;
220        //set Stax internal properties -- Note that these instances are being created in XMLReaderImpl.
221        //1.SymbolTable
222        //2.XMLMessageFormatter
223        //3.XMLEntityManager
224        //4. call reset()
225        //1.
226        propertyManager.setProperty(SYMBOL_TABLE,  fSymbolTable ) ;
227        //2.
228        propertyManager.setProperty(ERROR_REPORTER,  fErrorReporter ) ;
229        //3.
230        propertyManager.setProperty(ENTITY_MANAGER, fEntityManager);
231        //4.
232        reset();
233    }
235    /** This function tells if this instances is available for reuse.
236     * One must call reset() and setInputSource() to be able to reuse
237     * this instance.
238     */
239    public boolean canReuse(){
240        if(DEBUG){
241            System.out.println("fReuse = " + fReuse);
242            System.out.println("fEventType = " + getEventTypeString(fEventType) );
243        }
244        //when parsing begins, fReuse is set to false
245        //fReuse is set to 'true' when application calls close()
246        return fReuse;
247    }
249    /**
250     * Resets this instance so that this instance is ready for reuse.
251     */
252    public void reset(){
253        fReuse = true;
254        fEventType = 0 ;
255        //reset entity manager
256        fEntityManager.reset(fPropertyManager);
257        //reset the scanner
258        fScanner.reset(fPropertyManager);
259        //REVISIT:this is too ugly -- we are getting XMLEntityManager and XMLEntityReader from
260        //property manager, it should be only XMLEntityManager
261        fDTDDecl = null;
262        fEntityScanner = (XMLEntityScanner)fEntityManager.getEntityScanner()  ;
263        //default value for this property is true. However, this should be false when using XMLEventReader... Ugh..
264        //because XMLEventReader should not have defined state.
265        fReaderInDefinedState = ((Boolean)fPropertyManager.getProperty(READER_IN_DEFINED_STATE)).booleanValue();
266        fBindNamespaces = ((Boolean)fPropertyManager.getProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_NAMESPACE_AWARE)).booleanValue();
267        versionStr = null;
268    }
271    /** Frees any resources associated with this Reader. This method does not close the underlying input source.
272     * @throws XMLStreamException if there are errors freeing associated resources
273     */
274    public void close() throws XMLStreamException {
275        //xxx: Check what this function is intended to do.
276        //reset();
277        fReuse = true ;
278    }
281    /** Returns the character encoding declared on the xml declaration Returns null if none was declared
282     * @return the encoding declared in the document or null
283     */
284    public String getCharacterEncodingScheme() {
285        return fScanner.getCharacterEncodingScheme();
287    }
290    /**
291     * @return
292     */
293    public int getColumnNumber() {
294        return fEntityScanner.getColumnNumber();
295    }//getColumnNumber
297    /** Return input encoding if known or null if unknown.
298     * @return the encoding of this instance or null
299     */
300    public String getEncoding() {
301        return fEntityScanner.getEncoding();
302    }//getEncoding
304    /** Returns the current value of the parse event as a string, this returns the string value of a CHARACTERS event, returns the value of a COMMENT, the replacement value for an ENTITY_REFERENCE, the string value of a CDATA section, the string value for a SPACE event, or the String value of the internal subset of the DTD. If an ENTITY_REFERENCE has been resolved, any character data will be reported as CHARACTERS events.
305     * @return the current text or null
306     */
307    public int getEventType() {
308        return fEventType ;
309    }//getEventType
311    /**
312     * @return
313     */
314    public int getLineNumber() {
315        return fEntityScanner.getLineNumber() ;
316    }//getLineNumber
318    public String getLocalName() {
319        if(fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT){
320            //xxx check whats the value of fCurrentElement
321            return fScanner.getElementQName().localpart ;
322        }
323        else if(fEventType == XMLEvent.ENTITY_REFERENCE){
324            return fScanner.getEntityName();
325        }
326        throw new IllegalStateException("Method getLocalName() cannot be called for " +
327            getEventTypeString(fEventType) + " event.");
328    }//getLocalName()
330    /**
331     * @return
332     */
333    public String getNamespaceURI() {
334        //doesn't take care of Attribute as separte event
335        if(fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT){
336            return fScanner.getElementQName().uri ;
337        }
338        return null ;
339    }//getNamespaceURI
341    /** Get the data section of a processing instruction
342     * @return the data or null
343     */
345    public String getPIData() {
346        if( fEventType == XMLEvent.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION){
347            return fScanner.getPIData().toString();
348        }
349        else throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException("Current state of the parser is " + getEventTypeString(fEventType) +
350        " But Expected state is " + XMLEvent.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION  ) ;
351    }//getPIData
354    /** Get the target of a processing instruction
355     * @return the target or null
356     */
357    public String getPITarget() {
358        if( fEventType == XMLEvent.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION){
359            return fScanner.getPITarget();
360        }
361        else throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException("Current state of the parser is " + getEventTypeString(fEventType) +
362        " But Expected state is " + XMLEvent.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION  ) ;
364    }//getPITarget
367    /**
368    * @return the prefix of the current event, or null if the event does
369    * not have a prefix. For START_ELEMENT and END_ELEMENT, return
370    * XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX when no prefix is available.
371    */
372    public String getPrefix() {
373        if(fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT){
374            String prefix = fScanner.getElementQName().prefix;
375            return prefix == null ? XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX : prefix;
376        }
377        return null ;
378    }//getPrefix()
382    /**
383     * @return
384     */
385    public char[] getTextCharacters() {
386        if( fEventType == XMLEvent.CHARACTERS || fEventType == XMLEvent.COMMENT
387                 || fEventType == XMLEvent.CDATA || fEventType == XMLEvent.SPACE){
388             return fScanner.getCharacterData().ch;
389         } else{
390             throw new IllegalStateException("Current state = " + getEventTypeString(fEventType)
391             + " is not among the states " + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.CHARACTERS) + " , "
392                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.COMMENT) + " , " + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.CDATA)
393                     + " , " + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.SPACE) +" valid for getTextCharacters() " ) ;
394         }
395    }
397    /**
398     * @return
399     */
400    public int getTextLength() {
401        if( fEventType == XMLEvent.CHARACTERS || fEventType == XMLEvent.COMMENT
402                 || fEventType == XMLEvent.CDATA || fEventType == XMLEvent.SPACE){
403             return fScanner.getCharacterData().length;
404         } else{
405             throw new IllegalStateException("Current state = " + getEventTypeString(fEventType)
406             + " is not among the states " + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.CHARACTERS) + " , "
407                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.COMMENT) + " , " + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.CDATA)
408                     + " , " + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.SPACE) +" valid for getTextLength() " ) ;
409         }
411   }
413    /**
414     * @return
415     */
416    public int getTextStart() {
417        if( fEventType == XMLEvent.CHARACTERS || fEventType == XMLEvent.COMMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.CDATA || fEventType == XMLEvent.SPACE){
418             return  fScanner.getCharacterData().offset;
419         } else{
420             throw new IllegalStateException("Current state = " + getEventTypeString(fEventType)
421             + " is not among the states " + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.CHARACTERS) + " , "
422                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.COMMENT) + " , " + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.CDATA)
423                     + " , " + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.SPACE) +" valid for getTextStart() " ) ;
424         }
425    }
427    /**
428     * @return
429     */
430    public String getValue() {
431        if(fEventType == XMLEvent.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION){
432            return fScanner.getPIData().toString();
433        } else if(fEventType == XMLEvent.COMMENT){
434            return fScanner.getComment();
435        } else if(fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT){
436            return fScanner.getElementQName().localpart ;
437        } else if(fEventType == XMLEvent.CHARACTERS){
438            return fScanner.getCharacterData().toString();
439        }
440        return null;
441    }//getValue()
443    /** Get the XML language version of the current document being parsed */
444    public String getVersion() {
445        //apply SAP's patch: the default version in the scanner was set to 1.0 because of DOM and SAX
446        //so this patch is a workaround of the difference between StAX and DOM
447        // SAPJVM: Return null if the XML version has not been declared (as specified in the JavaDoc).
449        String version = fEntityScanner.getXMLVersion();
451        return "1.0".equals(version) && !fEntityScanner.xmlVersionSetExplicitly ? null : version;
452    }
454    /**
455     * @return
456     */
457    public boolean hasAttributes() {
458        return fScanner.getAttributeIterator().getLength() > 0 ? true : false ;
459    }
461    /** this Funtion returns true if the current event has name */
462    public boolean hasName() {
463        if(fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT) {
464            return true;
465        }  else {
466            return false;
467        }
468    }//hasName()
470    /**
471     * @throws XMLStreamException
472     * @return
473     */
474    public boolean hasNext() throws XMLStreamException {
475        //the scanner returns -1 when it detects a broken stream
476        if (fEventType == -1) return false;
477        //we can check in scanners if the scanner state is not set to
478        //terminating, we still have more events.
479        return fEventType != XMLEvent.END_DOCUMENT;
480    }
482    /**
483     * @return
484     */
485    public boolean hasValue() {
486        if(fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT
487        || fEventType == XMLEvent.ENTITY_REFERENCE || fEventType == XMLEvent.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION
488        || fEventType == XMLEvent.COMMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.CHARACTERS) {
489            return true;
490        } else {
491            return false;
492        }
494    }
496    /**
497     * @return
498     */
499    public boolean isEndElement() {
500        return fEventType == XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT;
501    }
503    /**
504     * @return
505     */
506    public boolean isStandalone() {
507        return fScanner.isStandAlone();
508    }
510    /**
511     * @return
512     */
513    public boolean isStartElement() {
514        return fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT;
515    }
517    /**
518     *  Returns true if the cursor points to a character data event that consists of all whitespace
519     *  Application calling this method needs to cache the value and avoid calling this method again
520     *  for the same event.
521     * @return
522     */
523    public boolean isWhiteSpace() {
524        if(isCharacters() || (fEventType == XMLStreamConstants.CDATA)){
525            char [] ch = this.getTextCharacters();
526            final int start = this.getTextStart();
527            final int end = start + this.getTextLength();
528            for (int i = start; i < end; i++){
529                if(!XMLChar.isSpace(ch[i])){
530                    return false;
531                }
532            }
533            return true;
534        }
535        return false;
536    }
540    /**
541     * @throws XMLStreamException
542     * @return
543     */
544    public int next() throws XMLStreamException {
545        if( !hasNext() ) {
546            if (fEventType != -1) {
547                throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException( "END_DOCUMENT reached: no more elements on the stream." );
548            } else {
549                throw new XMLStreamException( "Error processing input source. The input stream is not complete." );
550            }
551        }
552        try {
553            fEventType = fScanner.next();
555            if (versionStr == null) {
556                versionStr = getVersion();
557            }
559            if (fEventType == XMLStreamConstants.START_DOCUMENT
560                    && versionStr != null
561                    && versionStr.equals("1.1")) {
562                switchToXML11Scanner();
563            }
565            return fEventType;
566        } catch (IOException ex) {
567            // if this error occured trying to resolve the external DTD subset
568            // and IS_VALIDATING == false, then this is not an XML error
569            if (fScanner.fScannerState == fScanner.SCANNER_STATE_DTD_EXTERNAL) {
570                Boolean isValidating = (Boolean) fPropertyManager.getProperty(
571                        XMLInputFactory.IS_VALIDATING);
572                if (isValidating != null
573                        && !isValidating.booleanValue()) {
574                    // ignore the error, set scanner to known state
575                    fEventType = XMLEvent.DTD;
576                    fScanner.setScannerState(fScanner.SCANNER_STATE_PROLOG);
577                    fScanner.setDriver(fScanner.fPrologDriver);
578                    if (fDTDDecl == null
579                            || fDTDDecl.length() == 0) {
580                        fDTDDecl = "<!-- "
581                                + "Exception scanning External DTD Subset.  "
582                                + "True contents of DTD cannot be determined.  "
583                                + "Processing will continue as XMLInputFactory.IS_VALIDATING == false."
584                                + " -->";
585                    }
586                    return XMLEvent.DTD;
587                }
588            }
590            // else real error
591            throw new XMLStreamException(ex.getMessage(), getLocation(), ex);
592        } catch (XNIException ex) {
593            throw new XMLStreamException(
594                    ex.getMessage(),
595                    getLocation(),
596                    ex.getException());
597        }
598    } //next()
600    private void switchToXML11Scanner() throws IOException{
602        int oldEntityDepth = fScanner.fEntityDepth;
603        com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.NamespaceContext oldNamespaceContext = fScanner.fNamespaceContext;
605        fScanner = new XML11NSDocumentScannerImpl();
607        //get the new scanner state to old scanner's previous state
608        fScanner.reset(fPropertyManager);
609        fScanner.setPropertyManager(fPropertyManager);
610        fEntityScanner = (XMLEntityScanner)fEntityManager.getEntityScanner()  ;
611        fEntityManager.fCurrentEntity.mayReadChunks = true;
612        fScanner.setScannerState(XMLEvent.START_DOCUMENT);
614        fScanner.fEntityDepth = oldEntityDepth;
615        fScanner.fNamespaceContext = oldNamespaceContext;
616        fEventType = fScanner.next();
617    }
621    final static String getEventTypeString(int eventType) {
622        switch (eventType){
623            case XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT:
624                return "START_ELEMENT";
625            case XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT:
626                return "END_ELEMENT";
627            case XMLEvent.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION:
628                return "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION";
629            case XMLEvent.CHARACTERS:
630                return "CHARACTERS";
631            case XMLEvent.COMMENT:
632                return "COMMENT";
633            case XMLEvent.START_DOCUMENT:
634                return "START_DOCUMENT";
635            case XMLEvent.END_DOCUMENT:
636                return "END_DOCUMENT";
637            case XMLEvent.ENTITY_REFERENCE:
638                return "ENTITY_REFERENCE";
639            case XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE:
640                return "ATTRIBUTE";
641            case XMLEvent.DTD:
642                return "DTD";
643            case XMLEvent.CDATA:
644                return "CDATA";
645            case XMLEvent.SPACE:
646                return "SPACE";
647        }
648        return "UNKNOWN_EVENT_TYPE, " + String.valueOf(eventType);
649    }
651    /** Returns the count of attributes on this START_ELEMENT,
652     * this method is only valid on a START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE.  This
653     * count excludes namespace definitions.  Attribute indices are
654     * zero-based.
655     * @return returns the number of attributes
656     * @throws IllegalStateException if this is not a START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE
657     */
658    public int getAttributeCount() {
659        //xxx: recognize SAX properties namespace, namespace-prefix to get XML Namespace declarations
660        //does length includes namespace declarations ?
662        //State should be either START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE
663        if( fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE) {
664            return fScanner.getAttributeIterator().getLength() ;
665        } else{
666            throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException( "Current state is not among the states "
667                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT) + " , "
668                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE)
669                     + "valid for getAttributeCount()") ;
670        }
671    }//getAttributeCount
673    /** Returns the localName of the attribute at the provided
674     * index
675     * @param index the position of the attribute
676     * @return the localName of the attribute
677     * @throws IllegalStateException if this is not a START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE
678     */
679    public QName getAttributeName(int index) {
680        //State should be either START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE
681        if( fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE) {
682            return convertXNIQNametoJavaxQName(fScanner.getAttributeIterator().getQualifiedName(index)) ;
683        } else{
684            throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException("Current state is not among the states "
685                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT) + " , "
686                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE)
687                     + "valid for getAttributeName()") ;
688        }
689    }//getAttributeName
691    /**
692     * @param index
693     * @return
694     */
695    public String getAttributeLocalName(int index) {
696        //State should be either START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE
697        if( fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE) {
698            return fScanner.getAttributeIterator().getLocalName(index) ;
699        } else{
700            throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException() ;
701        }
702    }//getAttributeName
704    /** Returns the namespace of the attribute at the provided
705     * index
706     * @param index the position of the attribute
707     * @return the namespace URI (can be null)
708     * @throws IllegalStateException if this is not a START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE
709     */
710    public String getAttributeNamespace(int index) {
711        //State should be either START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE
712        if( fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE) {
713            return fScanner.getAttributeIterator().getURI(index);
714        } else{
715            throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException("Current state is not among the states "
716                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT) + " , "
717                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE)
718                     + "valid for getAttributeNamespace()") ;
719        }
721    }//getAttributeNamespace
723    /** Returns the prefix of this attribute at the
724     * provided index
725     * @param index the position of the attribute
726     * @return the prefix of the attribute
727     * @throws IllegalStateException if this is not a START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE
728     */
729    public String getAttributePrefix(int index) {
730        //State should be either START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE
731        if( fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE) {
732            return fScanner.getAttributeIterator().getPrefix(index);
733        } else{
734            throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException("Current state is not among the states "
735                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT) + " , "
736                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE)
737                     + "valid for getAttributePrefix()") ;
738        }
739    }//getAttributePrefix
741    /** Returns the qname of the attribute at the provided index
742     *
743     * @param index the position of the attribute
744     * @return the QName of the attribute
745     * @throws IllegalStateException if this is not a START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE
746     */
747    public javax.xml.namespace.QName getAttributeQName(int index) {
748        //State should be either START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE
749        if( fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE) {
750            // create new object at runtime..
751            String localName = fScanner.getAttributeIterator().getLocalName(index) ;
752            String uri = fScanner.getAttributeIterator().getURI(index) ;
753            return new javax.xml.namespace.QName(uri, localName) ;
754        } else{
755            throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException("Current state is not among the states "
756                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT) + " , "
757                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE)
758                     + "valid for getAttributeQName()") ;
759        }
760    }//getAttributeQName
762    /** Returns the XML type of the attribute at the provided
763     * index
764     * @param index the position of the attribute
765     * @return the XML type of the attribute
766     * @throws IllegalStateException if this is not a START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE
767     */
768    public String getAttributeType(int index) {
769        //State should be either START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE
770        if( fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE) {
771            return fScanner.getAttributeIterator().getType(index) ;
772        } else{
773            throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException("Current state is not among the states "
774                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT) + " , "
775                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE)
776                     + "valid for getAttributeType()") ;
777        }
779    }//getAttributeType
781    /** Returns the value of the attribute at the
782     * index
783     * @param index the position of the attribute
784     * @return the attribute value
785     * @throws IllegalStateException if this is not a START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE
786     */
787    public String getAttributeValue(int index) {
788        //State should be either START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE
789        if( fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE) {
790            return fScanner.getAttributeIterator().getValue(index) ;
791        } else{
792            throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException("Current state is not among the states "
793                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT) + " , "
794                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE)
795                     + "valid for getAttributeValue()") ;
796        }
798    }//getAttributeValue
800    /**
801     * @param namespaceURI
802     * @param localName
803     * @return
804     */
805    public String getAttributeValue(String namespaceURI, String localName) {
806        //State should be either START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE
807        if( fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE) {
808            XMLAttributesImpl attributes = fScanner.getAttributeIterator();
809            if (namespaceURI == null) { //sjsxp issue 70
810                return attributes.getValue(attributes.getIndexByLocalName(localName)) ;
811            } else {
812                return fScanner.getAttributeIterator().getValue(
813                        namespaceURI.length() == 0 ? null : namespaceURI, localName) ;
814            }
816        } else{
817            throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException("Current state is not among the states "
818                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT) + " , "
819                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE)
820                     + "valid for getAttributeValue()") ;
821        }
823    }
825    /** Reads the content of a text-only element. Precondition:
826     * the current event is START_ELEMENT. Postcondition:
827     * The current event is the corresponding END_ELEMENT.
828     * @throws XMLStreamException if the current event is not a START_ELEMENT or if
829     * a non text element is encountered
830     */
831    public String getElementText() throws XMLStreamException {
833        if(getEventType() != XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) {
834            throw new XMLStreamException(
835            "parser must be on START_ELEMENT to read next text", getLocation());
836        }
837        int eventType = next();
838        StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer();
839        while(eventType != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT ) {
840            if(eventType == XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS
841            || eventType == XMLStreamConstants.CDATA
842            || eventType == XMLStreamConstants.SPACE
843            || eventType == XMLStreamConstants.ENTITY_REFERENCE) {
844                content.append(getText());
845            } else if(eventType == XMLStreamConstants.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION
846            || eventType == XMLStreamConstants.COMMENT) {
847                // skipping
848            } else if(eventType == XMLStreamConstants.END_DOCUMENT) {
849                throw new XMLStreamException("unexpected end of document when reading element text content");
850            } else if(eventType == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) {
851                throw new XMLStreamException(
852                "elementGetText() function expects text only elment but START_ELEMENT was encountered.", getLocation());
853            } else {
854                throw new XMLStreamException(
855                "Unexpected event type "+ eventType, getLocation());
856            }
857            eventType = next();
858        }
859        return content.toString();
860    }
862    /** Return the current location of the processor.
863     * If the Location is unknown the processor should return
864     * an implementation of Location that returns -1 for the
865     * location and null for the publicId and systemId.
866     * The location information is only valid until next() is
867     * called.
868     */
869    public Location getLocation() {
870        return new Location() {
871            String _systemId = fEntityScanner.getExpandedSystemId();
872            String _publicId = fEntityScanner.getPublicId();
873            int _offset = fEntityScanner.getCharacterOffset();
874            int _columnNumber = fEntityScanner.getColumnNumber();
875            int _lineNumber = fEntityScanner.getLineNumber();
876            public String getLocationURI(){
877                return _systemId;
878            }
880            public int getCharacterOffset(){
881                return _offset;
882            }
884            public int getColumnNumber() {
885                return _columnNumber;
886            }
888            public int getLineNumber(){
889                return _lineNumber;
890            }
892            public String getPublicId(){
893                return _publicId;
894            }
896            public String getSystemId(){
897                return _systemId;
898            }
900            public String toString(){
901                StringBuffer sbuffer = new StringBuffer() ;
902                sbuffer.append("Line number = " + getLineNumber());
903                sbuffer.append("\n") ;
904                sbuffer.append("Column number = " + getColumnNumber());
905                sbuffer.append("\n") ;
906                sbuffer.append("System Id = " + getSystemId());
907                sbuffer.append("\n") ;
908                sbuffer.append("Public Id = " + getPublicId());
909                sbuffer.append("\n") ;
910                sbuffer.append("Location Uri= " + getLocationURI());
911                sbuffer.append("\n") ;
912                sbuffer.append("CharacterOffset = " + getCharacterOffset());
913                sbuffer.append("\n") ;
914                return sbuffer.toString();
915            }
916        } ;
918    }
920    /** Returns a QName for the current START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT event
921     * @return the QName for the current START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT event
922     */
923    public javax.xml.namespace.QName getName() {
924        if(fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT)
925            return convertXNIQNametoJavaxQName(fScanner.getElementQName());
926        else
927            throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException("Illegal to call getName() "+
928            "when event type is "+ getEventTypeString(fEventType) + "."
929                     + " Valid states are " + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT) + ", "
930                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT));
931    }
933    /** Returns a read only namespace context for the current
934     * position.  The context is transient and only valid until
935     * a call to next() changes the state of the reader.
936     * @return return a namespace context
937     */
938    public NamespaceContext getNamespaceContext() {
939        return fNamespaceContextWrapper ;
940    }
942    /** Returns the count of namespaces declared on this START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT,
943     * this method is only valid on a START_ELEMENT, END_ELEMENT or NAMESPACE. On
944     * an END_ELEMENT the count is of the namespaces that are about to go
945     * out of scope.  This is the equivalent of the information reported
946     * by SAX callback for an end element event.
947     * @return returns the number of namespace declarations on this specific element
948     * @throws IllegalStateException if this is not a START_ELEMENT, END_ELEMENT or NAMESPACE
949     */
950    public int getNamespaceCount() {
951        //namespaceContext is dynamic object.
952        //REVISIT: check if it specifies all conditions mentioned in the javadoc
953        if(fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.NAMESPACE){
954            return fScanner.getNamespaceContext().getDeclaredPrefixCount() ;
955        } else{
956            throw new IllegalStateException("Current event state is " + getEventTypeString(fEventType)
957             + " is not among the states " + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT)
958             + ", " + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT) + ", "
959                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.NAMESPACE)
960             + " valid for getNamespaceCount()." );
961        }
962    }
964    /** Returns the prefix for the namespace declared at the
965     * index.  Returns null if this is the default namespace
966     * declaration
967     *
968     * @param index the position of the namespace declaration
969     * @return returns the namespace prefix
970     * @throws IllegalStateException if this is not a START_ELEMENT, END_ELEMENT or NAMESPACE
971     */
972    public String getNamespacePrefix(int index) {
973        if(fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.NAMESPACE){
974            //namespaceContext is dynamic object.
975            String prefix = fScanner.getNamespaceContext().getDeclaredPrefixAt(index) ;
976            return prefix.equals("") ? null : prefix ;
977        }
978        else{
979            throw new IllegalStateException("Current state " + getEventTypeString(fEventType)
980             + " is not among the states " + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT)
981             + ", " + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT) + ", "
982                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.NAMESPACE)
983             + " valid for getNamespacePrefix()." );
984        }
985    }
987    /** Returns the uri for the namespace declared at the
988     * index.
989     *
990     * @param index the position of the namespace declaration
991     * @return returns the namespace uri
992     * @throws IllegalStateException if this is not a START_ELEMENT, END_ELEMENT or NAMESPACE
993     */
994    public String getNamespaceURI(int index) {
995        if(fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.NAMESPACE){
996            //namespaceContext is dynamic object.
997            return fScanner.getNamespaceContext().getURI(fScanner.getNamespaceContext().getDeclaredPrefixAt(index));
998        }
999        else{
1000            throw new IllegalStateException("Current state " + getEventTypeString(fEventType)
1001             + " is not among the states " + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT)
1002             + ", " + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT) + ", "
1003                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.NAMESPACE)
1004             + " valid for getNamespaceURI()." );
1005        }
1007    }
1009    /** Get the value of a feature/property from the underlying implementation
1010     * @param name The name of the property, may not be null
1011     * @return The value of the property
1012     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if name is null
1013     */
1014    public Object getProperty(java.lang.String name) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException {
1015        if(name == null) throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException() ;
1016        if (fPropertyManager != null ){
1017            if(name.equals(fPropertyManager.STAX_NOTATIONS)){
1018                return getNotationDecls();
1019            }else if(name.equals(fPropertyManager.STAX_ENTITIES)){
1020                return getEntityDecls();
1021            }else
1022                return fPropertyManager.getProperty(name);
1023        }
1024        return null;
1025    }
1027    /** Returns the current value of the parse event as a string,
1028     * this returns the string value of a CHARACTERS event,
1029     * returns the value of a COMMENT, the replacement value
1030     * for an ENTITY_REFERENCE,
1031     * or the String value of the DTD
1032     * @return the current text or null
1033     * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if this state is not
1034     * a valid text state.
1035     */
1036    public String getText() {
1037        if( fEventType == XMLEvent.CHARACTERS || fEventType == XMLEvent.COMMENT
1038                || fEventType == XMLEvent.CDATA || fEventType == XMLEvent.SPACE){
1039            //this requires creation of new string
1040            //fEventType == XMLEvent.ENTITY_REFERENCE
1041            return fScanner.getCharacterData().toString() ;
1042        } else if(fEventType == XMLEvent.ENTITY_REFERENCE){
1043            String name = fScanner.getEntityName();
1044            if(name != null){
1045                if(fScanner.foundBuiltInRefs)
1046                    return fScanner.getCharacterData().toString();
1048                XMLEntityStorage entityStore = fEntityManager.getEntityStore();
1049                Entity en = entityStore.getEntity(name);
1050                if(en == null)
1051                    return null;
1052                if(en.isExternal())
1053                    return ((Entity.ExternalEntity)en).entityLocation.getExpandedSystemId();
1054                else
1055                    return ((Entity.InternalEntity)en).text;
1056            }else
1057                return null;
1058        }
1059        else if(fEventType == XMLEvent.DTD){
1060                if(fDTDDecl != null){
1061                    return fDTDDecl;
1062                }
1063                XMLStringBuffer tmpBuffer = fScanner.getDTDDecl();
1064                fDTDDecl = tmpBuffer.toString();
1065                return fDTDDecl;
1066        } else{
1067                throw new IllegalStateException("Current state " + getEventTypeString(fEventType)
1068                     + " is not among the states" + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.CHARACTERS) + ", "
1069                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.COMMENT) + ", "
1070                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.CDATA) + ", "
1071                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.SPACE) + ", "
1072                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.ENTITY_REFERENCE) + ", "
1073                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.DTD) + " valid for getText() " ) ;
1074        }
1075    }//getText
1078    /** Test if the current event is of the given type and if the namespace and name match the current namespace and name of the current event.
1079     * If the namespaceURI is null it is not checked for equality, if the localName is null it is not checked for equality.
1080     * @param type the event type
1081     * @param namespaceURI the uri of the event, may be null
1082     * @param localName the localName of the event, may be null
1083     * @throws XMLStreamException if the required values are not matched.
1084     */
1085    public void require(int type, String namespaceURI, String localName) throws XMLStreamException {
1086        if( type != fEventType)
1087             throw new XMLStreamException("Event type " + getEventTypeString(type) + " specified did " +
1088                     "not match with current parser event " + getEventTypeString(fEventType));
1089          if( namespaceURI != null && !namespaceURI.equals(getNamespaceURI()) )
1090             throw new XMLStreamException("Namespace URI " + namespaceURI +" specified did not match " +
1091                     "with current namespace URI");
1092          if(localName != null && !localName.equals(getLocalName()))
1093             throw new XMLStreamException("LocalName " + localName +" specified did not match with " +
1094                     "current local name");
1095        return;
1096    }
1098    /** Gets the the text associated with a CHARACTERS, SPACE or CDATA event.
1099     * Text starting a "sourceStart" is copied into "destination" starting at "targetStart".
1100     * Up to "length" characters are copied.  The number of characters actually copied is returned.
1101     *
1102     * The "sourceStart" argument must be greater or equal to 0 and less than or equal to
1103     * the number of characters associated with the event.  Usually, one requests text starting at a "sourceStart" of 0.
1104     * If the number of characters actually copied is less than the "length", then there is no more text.
1105     * Otherwise, subsequent calls need to be made until all text has been retrieved. For example:
1106     *
1107     * <code>
1108     * int length = 1024;
1109     * char[] myBuffer = new char[ length ];
1110     *
1111     * for ( int sourceStart = 0 ; ; sourceStart += length )
1112     * {
1113     *    int nCopied = stream.getTextCharacters( sourceStart, myBuffer, 0, length );
1114     *
1115     *   if (nCopied < length)
1116     *       break;
1117     * }
1118     * </code>
1119     * XMLStreamException may be thrown if there are any XML errors in the underlying source.
1120     * The "targetStart" argument must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than the length of "target",
1121     * Length must be greater than 0 and "targetStart + length" must be less than or equal to length of "target".
1122     *
1123     * @param sourceStart the index of the first character in the source array to copy
1124     * @param target the destination array
1125     * @param targetStart the start offset in the target array
1126     * @param length the number of characters to copy
1127     * @return the number of characters actually copied
1128     * @throws XMLStreamException if the underlying XML source is not well-formed
1129     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if targetStart < 0 or > than the length of target
1130     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundwhile(isCharacters()) ;sException if length < 0 or targetStart + length > length of target
1131     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this method is not supported
1132     * @throws NullPointerException is if target is null
1133     */
1134    public int getTextCharacters(int sourceStart, char[] target, int targetStart, int length) throws XMLStreamException {
1136        if(target == null){
1137            throw new NullPointerException("target char array can't be null") ;
1138        }
1140        if(targetStart < 0 || length < 0 || sourceStart < 0 || targetStart >= target.length ||
1141            (targetStart + length ) > target.length) {
1142            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
1143        }
1145        //getTextStart() + sourceStart should not be greater than the lenght of number of characters
1146        //present
1147        int copiedLength = 0;
1148        //int presentDataLen = getTextLength() - (getTextStart()+sourceStart);
1149        int available = getTextLength() - sourceStart;
1150        if(available < 0){
1151            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("sourceStart is greater than" +
1152                "number of characters associated with this event");
1153        }
1154        if(available < length){
1155            copiedLength = available;
1156        } else{
1157            copiedLength = length;
1158        }
1160        System.arraycopy(getTextCharacters(), getTextStart() + sourceStart , target, targetStart, copiedLength);
1161        return copiedLength;
1162    }
1164    /** Return true if the current event has text, false otherwise
1165     * The following events have text:
1167     */
1168    public boolean hasText() {
1169        if(DEBUG) pr("XMLReaderImpl#EVENT TYPE = " + fEventType ) ;
1170        if( fEventType == XMLEvent.CHARACTERS || fEventType == XMLEvent.COMMENT || fEventType == XMLEvent.CDATA) {
1171            return fScanner.getCharacterData().length > 0;
1172        } else if(fEventType == XMLEvent.ENTITY_REFERENCE) {
1173            String name = fScanner.getEntityName();
1174            if(name != null){
1175                if(fScanner.foundBuiltInRefs)
1176                    return true;
1178                XMLEntityStorage entityStore = fEntityManager.getEntityStore();
1179                Entity en = entityStore.getEntity(name);
1180                if(en == null)
1181                    return false;
1182                if(en.isExternal()){
1183                    return ((Entity.ExternalEntity)en).entityLocation.getExpandedSystemId() != null;
1184                } else{
1185                    return ((Entity.InternalEntity)en).text != null ;
1186                }
1187            }else
1188                return false;
1189        } else {
1190            if(fEventType == XMLEvent.DTD)
1191                return fScanner.fSeenDoctypeDecl;
1192        }
1193        return false;
1194    }
1196    /** Returns a boolean which indicates if this
1197     * attribute was created by default
1198     * @param index the position of the attribute
1199     * @return true if this is a default attribute
1200     * @throws IllegalStateException if this is not a START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE
1201     */
1202    public boolean isAttributeSpecified(int index) {
1203        //check that current state should be either START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE
1204        if( (fEventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT) || (fEventType == XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE)){
1205            return fScanner.getAttributeIterator().isSpecified(index) ;
1206        } else{
1207            throw new IllegalStateException("Current state is not among the states "
1208                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT) + " , "
1209                     + getEventTypeString(XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE)
1210                     + "valid for isAttributeSpecified()")  ;
1211        }
1212    }
1214    /** Returns true if the cursor points to a character data event
1215     * @return true if the cursor points to character data, false otherwise
1216     */
1217    public boolean isCharacters() {
1218        return fEventType == XMLEvent.CHARACTERS ;
1219    }
1221    /** Skips any insignificant events (COMMENT and PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION)
1222     * until a START_ELEMENT or
1223     * END_ELEMENT is reached. If other than space characters are
1224     * encountered, an exception is thrown. This method should
1225     * be used when processing element-only content because
1226     * the parser is not able to recognize ignorable whitespace if
1227     * then DTD is missing or not interpreted.
1228     * @return the event type of the element read
1229     * @throws XMLStreamException if the current event is not white space
1230     */
1231    public int nextTag() throws XMLStreamException {
1233        int eventType = next();
1234        while((eventType == XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS && isWhiteSpace()) // skip whitespace
1235        || (eventType == XMLStreamConstants.CDATA && isWhiteSpace())
1236        // skip whitespace
1237        || eventType == XMLStreamConstants.SPACE
1238        || eventType == XMLStreamConstants.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION
1239        || eventType == XMLStreamConstants.COMMENT
1240        ) {
1241            eventType = next();
1242        }
1244        if (eventType != XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT && eventType != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) {
1245            throw new XMLStreamException(
1246                    "found: " + getEventTypeString(eventType)
1247                    + ", expected " + getEventTypeString(XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT)
1248                    + " or " + getEventTypeString(XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT),
1249                    getLocation());
1250        }
1252        return eventType;
1253    }
1255    /** Checks if standalone was set in the document
1256     * @return true if standalone was set in the document, or false otherwise
1257     */
1258    public boolean standaloneSet() {
1259        //xxx: it requires if the standalone was set in the document ? This is different that if the document
1260        // is standalone
1261        return fScanner.standaloneSet() ;
1262    }
1264    /**
1265     * @param qname
1266     * @return
1267     */
1268    public javax.xml.namespace.QName convertXNIQNametoJavaxQName(com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.QName qname){
1269        if (qname == null) return null;
1270        //xxx: prefix definition ?
1271        if(qname.prefix == null){
1272            return new javax.xml.namespace.QName(qname.uri, qname.localpart) ;
1273        } else{
1274            return new javax.xml.namespace.QName(qname.uri, qname.localpart, qname.prefix) ;
1275        }
1276    }
1278    /** Return the uri for the given prefix.
1279     * The uri returned depends on the current state of the processor.
1280     *
1281     * <p><strong>NOTE:</strong>The 'xml' prefix is bound as defined in
1282     * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#ns-using">Namespaces in XML</a>
1283     * specification to "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace".
1284     *
1285     * <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> The 'xmlns' prefix must be resolved to following namespace
1286     * <a href="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/">http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/</a>
1287     * @return the uri bound to the given prefix or null if it is not bound
1288     * @param prefix The prefix to lookup, may not be null
1289     * @throws IllegalStateException - if the prefix is null
1290     */
1291    public String getNamespaceURI(String prefix) {
1292        if(prefix == null) throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("prefix cannot be null.") ;
1294        //first add the string to symbol table.. since internally identity comparisons are done.
1295        return fScanner.getNamespaceContext().getURI(fSymbolTable.addSymbol(prefix)) ;
1296    }
1298    //xxx: this function is not being used.
1299    protected void setPropertyManager(PropertyManager propertyManager){
1300        fPropertyManager = propertyManager ;
1301        //REVISIT: we were supplying hashmap ealier
1302        fScanner.setProperty("stax-properties",propertyManager);
1303        fScanner.setPropertyManager(propertyManager) ;
1304    }
1306    /**
1307     * @return returns the reference to property manager.
1308     */
1309    protected PropertyManager getPropertyManager(){
1310        return fPropertyManager ;
1311    }
1313    static void pr(String str) {
1314        System.out.println(str) ;
1315    }
1317    protected List getEntityDecls(){
1318        if(fEventType == XMLStreamConstants.DTD){
1319            XMLEntityStorage entityStore = fEntityManager.getEntityStore();
1320            ArrayList list = null;
1321            if(entityStore.hasEntities()){
1322                EntityDeclarationImpl decl = null;
1323                list = new ArrayList(entityStore.getEntitySize());
1324                Enumeration enu = entityStore.getEntityKeys();
1325                while(enu.hasMoreElements()){
1326                    String key = (String)enu.nextElement();
1327                    Entity en = (Entity)entityStore.getEntity(key);
1328                    decl = new EntityDeclarationImpl();
1329                    decl.setEntityName(key);
1330                    if(en.isExternal()){
1331                        decl.setXMLResourceIdentifier(((Entity.ExternalEntity)en).entityLocation);
1332                        decl.setNotationName(((Entity.ExternalEntity)en).notation);
1333                    }
1334                    else
1335                        decl.setEntityReplacementText(((Entity.InternalEntity)en).text);
1336                    list.add(decl);
1337                }
1338            }
1339            return list;
1340        }
1341        return null;
1342    }
1344    protected List getNotationDecls(){
1345        if(fEventType == XMLStreamConstants.DTD){
1346            if(fScanner.fDTDScanner == null) return null;
1347            DTDGrammar grammar = ((XMLDTDScannerImpl)(fScanner.fDTDScanner)).getGrammar();
1348            if(grammar == null) return null;
1349            List notations = grammar.getNotationDecls();
1351            Iterator it = notations.iterator();
1352            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
1353            while(it.hasNext()){
1354                XMLNotationDecl ni = (XMLNotationDecl)it.next();
1355                if(ni!= null){
1356                    list.add(new NotationDeclarationImpl(ni));
1357                }
1358            }
1359            return list;
1360        }
1361        return null;
1362    }