JSJavaFactoryImpl.java revision 9883:903a2e023ffb
2 * Copyright (c) 2004, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
12 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13 * accompanied this code).
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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22 *
23 */
25package sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.soql;
27import java.lang.ref.*;
28import java.util.*;
29import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.*;
30import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.*;
31import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.*;
33public class JSJavaFactoryImpl implements JSJavaFactory {
34   public JSJavaObject newJSJavaObject(Oop oop) {
35      if (oop == null) return null;
36      SoftReference sref = (SoftReference) om.get(oop);
37      JSJavaObject res = (sref != null)? (JSJavaObject) sref.get() : null;
38      if (res == null) {
39         if (oop instanceof TypeArray) {
40            res = new JSJavaTypeArray((TypeArray)oop, this);
41         } else if (oop instanceof ObjArray) {
42             res = new JSJavaObjArray((ObjArray)oop, this);
43         } else if (oop instanceof Instance) {
44            res = newJavaInstance((Instance) oop);
45         }
46      }
47      if (res != null) {
48         om.put(oop, new SoftReference(res));
49      }
50      return res;
51   }
53   public JSJavaKlass newJSJavaKlass(Klass klass) {
54      JSJavaKlass res = null;
55      if (klass instanceof InstanceKlass) {
56          res = new JSJavaInstanceKlass((InstanceKlass) klass, this);
57      } else if (klass instanceof ObjArrayKlass) {
58          res = new JSJavaObjArrayKlass((ObjArrayKlass) klass, this);
59      } else if (klass instanceof TypeArrayKlass) {
60          res = new JSJavaTypeArrayKlass((TypeArrayKlass) klass, this);
61      }
62      if (res != null) {
63         om.put(klass, new SoftReference(res));
64      }
65      return res;
66   }
68   public JSJavaMethod newJSJavaMethod(Method method) {
69      JSJavaMethod res = new JSJavaMethod(method, this);
70      if (res != null) {
71         om.put(method, new SoftReference(res));
72      }
73      return res;
74   }
76   public JSJavaField newJSJavaField(Field field) {
77      if (field == null) return null;
78      return new JSJavaField(field, this);
79   }
81   public JSJavaThread newJSJavaThread(JavaThread jthread) {
82      if (jthread == null) return null;
83      return new JSJavaThread(jthread, this);
84   }
86   public JSJavaFrame newJSJavaFrame(JavaVFrame jvf) {
87      if (jvf == null) return null;
88      return new JSJavaFrame(jvf, this);
89   }
91   public JSList newJSList(List list) {
92      if (list == null) return null;
93      return new JSList(list, this);
94   }
96   public JSMap newJSMap(Map map) {
97      if (map == null) return null;
98      return new JSMap(map, this);
99   }
101   public Object newJSJavaWrapper(Object item) {
102      if (item == null) return null;
103      if (item instanceof Oop) {
104         return newJSJavaObject((Oop) item);
105      } else if (item instanceof Field) {
106         return newJSJavaField((Field) item);
107      } else if (item instanceof JavaThread) {
108         return newJSJavaThread((JavaThread) item);
109      } else if (item instanceof JavaVFrame) {
110         return newJSJavaFrame((JavaVFrame) item);
111      } else if (item instanceof List) {
112         return newJSList((List) item);
113      } else if (item instanceof Map) {
114         return newJSMap((Map) item);
115      } else {
116         // not-a-special-type, just return the input item
117         return item;
118      }
119   }
121   public JSJavaHeap newJSJavaHeap() {
122      return new JSJavaHeap(this);
123   }
125   public JSJavaVM newJSJavaVM() {
126      return new JSJavaVM(this);
127   }
129   // -- Internals only below this point
130   private Symbol javaLangString() {
131      if (javaLangString == null) {
132         javaLangString = getSymbol("java/lang/String");
133      }
134      return javaLangString;
135   }
137   private Symbol javaLangThread() {
138      if (javaLangThread == null) {
139         javaLangThread = getSymbol("java/lang/Thread");
140      }
141      return javaLangThread;
142   }
144   private Symbol javaLangClass() {
145      if (javaLangClass == null) {
146         javaLangClass = getSymbol("java/lang/Class");
147      }
148      return javaLangClass;
149   }
151   private Symbol getSymbol(String str) {
152      return VM.getVM().getSymbolTable().probe(str);
153   }
155   private JSJavaObject newJavaInstance(Instance instance) {
156      // look for well-known classes
157      Symbol className = instance.getKlass().getName();
158      if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) {
159         Assert.that(className != null, "Null class name");
160      }
161      JSJavaObject res = null;
162      if (className.equals(javaLangString())) {
163         res = new JSJavaString(instance, this);
164      } else if (className.equals(javaLangThread())) {
165         res = new JSJavaThread(instance, this);
166      } else if (className.equals(javaLangClass())) {
167         Klass reflectedType = java_lang_Class.asKlass(instance);
168         if (reflectedType != null) {
169             JSJavaKlass jk = newJSJavaKlass(reflectedType);
170             // we don't support mirrors of VM internal Klasses
171             if (jk == null) return null;
172             res = new JSJavaClass(instance, jk, this);
173         } else {
174             // for primitive Classes, the reflected type is null
175             return null;
176         }
177      } else {
178         // not a well-known class. But the base class may be
179         // one of the known classes.
180         Klass kls = instance.getKlass().getSuper();
181         while (kls != null) {
182            className = kls.getName();
183            // java.lang.Class and java.lang.String are final classes
184            if (className.equals(javaLangThread())) {
185               res = new JSJavaThread(instance, this);
186               break;
187            }
188            kls = kls.getSuper();
189         }
190      }
191      if (res == null) {
192         res = new JSJavaInstance(instance, this);
193      }
194      return res;
195   }
197   // Map<Oop, SoftReference<JSJavaObject>>
198   private Map om = new HashMap();
199   private Symbol javaLangString;
200   private Symbol javaLangThread;
201   private Symbol javaLangClass;