jib-profiles.js revision 2129:044ba47e4f8d
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
27 * This file defines build profiles for the JIB tool and others.
28 *
29 * A build profile defines a set of configuration options and external
30 * dependencies that we for some reason or other care about specifically.
31 * Typically, build profiles are defined for the build configurations we
32 * build regularly.
33 *
34 * Contract against this file from the tools that use it, is to provide
35 * a function on the form:
36 *
37 * getJibProfiles(input)
38 *
39 * which returns an object graph describing the profiles and their
40 * dependencies. The name of the function is based on the name of this
41 * file, minus the extension and the '-', camel cased and prefixed with
42 * 'get'.
43 *
44 *
45 * The parameter 'input' is an object that optionally contains  some data.
46 * Optionally because a tool may read the configuration for different purposes.
47 * To initially get a list of available profiles, the active profile may not
48 * yet be known for instance.
49 *
50 * Data that may be set on the input object:
51 *
52 * input.profile = <name of active profile>
53 *
54 * If the active profile is set, the following data from it must also
55 * be provided:
56 *
57 * input.profile
58 * input.target_os
59 * input.target_cpu
60 * input.build_os
61 * input.build_cpu
62 * input.target_platform
63 * input.build_platform
64 * // The build_osenv_* variables describe the unix layer on Windows systems,
65 * // i.e. Cygwin, which may also be 32 or 64 bit.
66 * input.build_osenv
67 * input.build_osenv_cpu
68 * input.build_osenv_platform
69 *
70 * For more complex nested attributes, there is a method "get":
71 *
72 * input.get("<dependency>", "<attribute>")
73 *
74 * Valid attributes are:
75 * install_path
76 * download_path
77 * download_dir
78 *
79 *
80 * The output data generated by this configuration file has the following
81 * format:
82 *
83 * data: {
84 *   // Identifies the version of this format to the tool reading it
85 *   format_version: "1.0",
86 *
87 *   // Name of base outputdir. JIB assumes the actual output dir is formed
88 *   // by adding the configuration name: <output_basedir>/<config-name>
89 *   output_basedir: "build",
90 *   // Configure argument to use to specify configuration name
91 *   configuration_configure_arg:
92 *   // Make argument to use to specify configuration name
93 *   configuration_make_arg:
94 *
95 *   profiles: {
96 *     <profile-name>: {
97 *       // Name of os the profile is built to run on
98 *       target_os; <string>
99 *       // Name of cpu the profile is built to run on
100 *       target_cpu; <string>
101 *       // Combination of target_os and target_cpu for convenience
102 *       target_platform; <string>
103 *       // Name of os the profile is built on
104 *       build_os; <string>
105 *       // Name of cpu the profile is built on
106 *       build_cpu; <string>
107 *       // Combination of build_os and build_cpu for convenience
108 *       build_platform; <string>
109 *
110 *       // List of dependencies needed to build this profile
111 *       dependencies: <Array of strings>
112 *
113 *       // List of configure args to use for this profile
114 *       configure_args: <Array of strings>
115 *
116 *       // List of free form labels describing aspects of this profile
117 *       labels: <Array of strings>
118 *     }
119 *   }
120 *
121 *   // Dependencies use a Maven like deployment structure
122 *   dependencies: {
123 *     <dependency-name>: {
124 *       // Organization part of path defining this dependency
125 *       organization: <string>
126 *       // File extension for this dependency
127 *       ext: <string>
128 *       // Module part of path for defining this dependency,
129 *       // defaults to <dependency-name>
130 *       module: <string>
131 *       // Revision part of path for defining this dependency
132 *       revision: <string>
133 *
134 *       // List of configure args to add when using this dependency,
135 *       // defaults to
136 *       // "--with-<dependency-name>=input.get("<dependency-name", "install_path")"
137 *       configure_args: <array of strings>
138 *
139 *       // Name of environment variable to set when using this dependency
140 *       // when running make
141 *       environment_name: <string>
142 *       // Value of environment variable to set when using this dependency
143 *       // when running make
144 *       environment_value: <string>
145 *
146 *       // Value to add to the PATH variable when using this dependency,
147 *       // applies to both make and configure
148 *       environment_path: <string>
149 *     }
150 *
151 *     <dependency-name>: {
152 *       // For certain dependencies where a legacy distribution mechanism is
153 *       // already in place, the "javare" server layout is also supported
154 *       // Indicate that an alternate server source and layout should be used
155 *       server: "javare"
156 *
157 *       // For "javare", a combination of module, revision,
158 *       // build number (optional), files and checksum file is possible for
159 *       // artifacts following the standard layout.
160 *       module: <string>
161 *       revision: <string>
162 *       build_number: <string>
163 *       checksum_file: <string>
164 *       file: <string>
165 *
166 *       // For other files, use checksum path and path instead
167 *       checksum_path: <string>
168 *       path: <string>
169 *     }
170 *   }
171 * }
172 */
175 * Main entry to generate the profile configuration
176 *
177 * @param input External data to use for generating the configuration
178 * @returns {{}} Profile configuration
179 */
180var getJibProfiles = function (input) {
182    var data = {};
184    // Identifies the version of this format to the tool reading it
185    data.format_version = "1.0";
187    // Organization is used when uploading/publishing build results
188    data.organization = "com.oracle.jpg.jdk";
190    // The base directory for the build output. JIB will assume that the
191    // actual build directory will be <output_basedir>/<configuration>
192    data.output_basedir = "build";
193    // The configure argument to use to specify the name of the configuration
194    data.configuration_configure_arg = "--with-conf-name=";
195    // The make argument to use to specify the name of the configuration
196    data.configuration_make_arg = "CONF_NAME=";
198    // Define some common values
199    var common = getJibProfilesCommon(input);
200    // Generate the profiles part of the configuration
201    data.profiles = getJibProfilesProfiles(input, common);
202    // Generate the dependencies part of the configuration
203    data.dependencies = getJibProfilesDependencies(input, common);
205    return data;
209 * Generates some common values
210 *
211 * @param input External data to use for generating the configuration
212 * @returns Common values
213 */
214var getJibProfilesCommon = function (input) {
215    var common = {};
217    common.dependencies = ["boot_jdk", "gnumake", "jtreg"],
218    common.default_make_targets = ["product-bundles", "test-bundles"],
219    common.default_make_targets_debug = common.default_make_targets;
220    common.default_make_targets_slowdebug = common.default_make_targets;
221    common.configure_args = ["--enable-jtreg-failure-handler"],
222    common.configure_args_32bit = ["--with-target-bits=32"],
223    common.configure_args_debug = ["--enable-debug"],
224    common.configure_args_slowdebug = ["--with-debug-level=slowdebug"],
225    common.organization = "jpg.infra.builddeps"
227    return common;
231 * Generates the profiles part of the configuration.
232 *
233 * @param input External data to use for generating the configuration
234 * @param common The common values
235 * @returns {{}} Profiles part of the configuration
236 */
237var getJibProfilesProfiles = function (input, common) {
238    var profiles = {};
240    // Main SE profiles
241    var mainProfiles = {
243        "linux-x64": {
244            target_os: "linux",
245            target_cpu: "x64",
246            dependencies: concat(common.dependencies, "devkit"),
247            configure_args: concat(common.configure_args, "--with-zlib=system"),
248            default_make_targets: concat(common.default_make_targets, "docs-bundles")
249        },
251        "linux-x86": {
252            target_os: "linux",
253            target_cpu: "x86",
254            build_cpu: "x64",
255            dependencies: concat(common.dependencies, "devkit"),
256            configure_args: concat(common.configure_args, common.configure_args_32bit,
257                "--with-jvm-variants=minimal,server", "--with-zlib=system"),
258            default_make_targets: common.default_make_targets
259        },
261        "macosx-x64": {
262            target_os: "macosx",
263            target_cpu: "x64",
264            dependencies: concat(common.dependencies, "devkit"),
265            configure_args: concat(common.configure_args, "--with-zlib=system"),
266            default_make_targets: common.default_make_targets
267        },
269        "solaris-x64": {
270            target_os: "solaris",
271            target_cpu: "x64",
272            dependencies: concat(common.dependencies, "devkit", "cups"),
273            configure_args: concat(common.configure_args, "--with-zlib=system"),
274            default_make_targets: common.default_make_targets
275        },
277        "solaris-sparcv9": {
278            target_os: "solaris",
279            target_cpu: "sparcv9",
280            dependencies: concat(common.dependencies, "devkit", "cups"),
281            configure_args: concat(common.configure_args, "--with-zlib=system"),
282            default_make_targets: common.default_make_targets
283        },
285        "windows-x64": {
286            target_os: "windows",
287            target_cpu: "x64",
288            dependencies: concat(common.dependencies, "devkit", "freetype"),
289            configure_args: concat(common.configure_args),
290            default_make_targets: common.default_make_targets
291        },
293        "windows-x86": {
294            target_os: "windows",
295            target_cpu: "x86",
296            build_cpu: "x64",
297            dependencies: concat(common.dependencies, "devkit", "freetype"),
298            configure_args: concat(common.configure_args, common.configure_args_32bit),
299            default_make_targets: common.default_make_targets
300        }
301    };
302    profiles = concatObjects(profiles, mainProfiles);
303    // Generate debug versions of all the main profiles
304    profiles = concatObjects(profiles, generateDebugProfiles(common, mainProfiles));
305    // Generate slowdebug versions of all the main profiles
306    profiles = concatObjects(profiles, generateSlowdebugProfiles(common, mainProfiles));
308    // Generate open only profiles for all the main profiles for JPRT and reference
309    // implementation builds.
310    var openOnlyProfiles = generateOpenOnlyProfiles(common, mainProfiles);
311    // The open only profiles on linux are used for reference builds and should
312    // produce the compact profile images by default. This adds "profiles" as an
313    // extra default target.
314    var openOnlyProfilesExtra = {
315        "linux-x64-open": {
316            default_make_targets: "profiles"
317        },
319        "linux-x86-open": {
320            default_make_targets: "profiles"
321        }
322    };
323    var openOnlyProfiles = concatObjects(openOnlyProfiles, openOnlyProfilesExtra);
325    profiles = concatObjects(profiles, openOnlyProfiles);
326    // Generate debug profiles for the open jprt profiles
327    profiles = concatObjects(profiles, generateDebugProfiles(common, openOnlyProfiles));
329    // Profiles used to run tests. Used in JPRT.
330    var testOnlyProfiles = {
332        "run-test": {
333            target_os: input.build_os,
334            target_cpu: input.build_cpu,
335            dependencies: [ "jtreg", "gnumake" ],
336            labels: "test"
337        }
338    };
339    profiles = concatObjects(profiles, testOnlyProfiles);
341    // Generate the missing platform attributes
342    profiles = generatePlatformAttributes(profiles);
343    profiles = generateDefaultMakeTargetsConfigureArg(common, profiles);
344    return profiles;
348 * Generate the dependencies part of the configuration
349 *
350 * @param input External data to use for generating the configuration
351 * @param common The common values
352 * @returns {{}} Dependencies part of configuration
353 */
354var getJibProfilesDependencies = function (input, common) {
356    var boot_jdk_platform = input.build_os + "-"
357        + (input.build_cpu == "x86" ? "i586" : input.build_cpu);
359    var devkit_platform_revisions = {
360        linux_x64: "gcc4.9.2-OEL6.4+1.0",
361        macosx_x64: "Xcode6.3-MacOSX10.9+1.0",
362        solaris_x64: "SS12u4-Solaris11u1+1.0",
363        solaris_sparcv9: "SS12u4-Solaris11u1+1.0",
364        windows_x64: "VS2013SP4+1.0"
365    };
367    var devkit_platform = (input.target_cpu == "x86"
368        ? input.target_os + "_x64"
369        : input.target_platform);
371    var dependencies = {
373        boot_jdk: {
374            server: "javare",
375            module: "jdk",
376            revision: "8",
377            checksum_file: boot_jdk_platform + "/MD5_VALUES",
378            file: boot_jdk_platform + "/jdk-8-" + boot_jdk_platform + ".tar.gz",
379            configure_args: (input.build_os == "macosx"
380                ? "--with-boot-jdk=" + input.get("boot_jdk", "install_path") + "/jdk1.8.0.jdk/Contents/Home"
381                : "--with-boot-jdk=" + input.get("boot_jdk", "install_path") + "/jdk1.8.0")
382        },
384        devkit: {
385            organization: common.organization,
386            ext: "tar.gz",
387            module: "devkit-" + devkit_platform,
388            revision: devkit_platform_revisions[devkit_platform]
389        },
391        build_devkit: {
392            organization: common.organization,
393            ext: "tar.gz",
394            module: "devkit-" + input.build_platform,
395            revision: devkit_platform_revisions[input.build_platform]
396        },
398        cups: {
399            organization: common.organization,
400            ext: "tar.gz",
401            revision: "1.0118+1.0"
402        },
404        jtreg: {
405            server: "javare",
406            revision: "4.2",
407            build_number: "b02",
408            checksum_file: "MD5_VALUES",
409            file: "jtreg_bin-4.2.zip",
410            environment_name: "JT_HOME"
411        },
413        gnumake: {
414            organization: common.organization,
415            ext: "tar.gz",
416            revision: "4.0+1.0",
418            module: (input.build_os == "windows"
419                ? "gnumake-" + input.build_osenv_platform
420                : "gnumake-" + input.build_platform),
422            configure_args: (input.build_os == "windows"
423                ? "MAKE=" + input.get("gnumake", "install_path") + "/cygwin/bin/make"
424                : "MAKE=" + input.get("gnumake", "install_path") + "/bin/make"),
426            environment_path: (input.build_os == "windows"
427                ? input.get("gnumake", "install_path") + "/cygwin/bin"
428                : input.get("gnumake", "install_path") + "/bin")
429        },
431        freetype: {
432            organization: common.organization,
433            ext: "tar.gz",
434            revision: "2.3.4+1.0",
435            module: "freetype-" + input.target_platform
436        }
437    };
439    return dependencies;
443 * Generate the missing platform attributes for profiles
444 *
445 * @param profiles Profiles map to generate attributes on
446 * @returns {{}} New profiles map with platform attributes fully filled in
447 */
448var generatePlatformAttributes = function (profiles) {
449    var ret = concatObjects(profiles, {});
450    for (var profile in profiles) {
451        if (ret[profile].build_os == null) {
452            ret[profile].build_os = ret[profile].target_os;
453        }
454        if (ret[profile].build_cpu == null) {
455            ret[profile].build_cpu = ret[profile].target_cpu;
456        }
457        ret[profile].target_platform = ret[profile].target_os + "_" + ret[profile].target_cpu;
458        ret[profile].build_platform = ret[profile].build_os + "_" + ret[profile].build_cpu;
459    }
460    return ret;
464 * Generates debug versions of profiles. Clones the given profiles and adds
465 * debug metadata.
466 *
467 * @param common Common values
468 * @param profiles Profiles map to generate debug profiles for
469 * @returns {{}} New map of profiles containing debug profiles
470 */
471var generateDebugProfiles = function (common, profiles) {
472    var newProfiles = {};
473    for (var profile in profiles) {
474        var debugProfile = profile + "-debug";
475        newProfiles[debugProfile] = clone(profiles[profile]);
476        newProfiles[debugProfile].debug_level = "fastdebug";
477        newProfiles[debugProfile].default_make_targets
478            = common.default_make_targets_debug;
479        newProfiles[debugProfile].labels
480            = concat(newProfiles[debugProfile].labels || [], "debug"),
481            newProfiles[debugProfile].configure_args
482                = concat(newProfiles[debugProfile].configure_args,
483                common.configure_args_debug);
484    }
485    return newProfiles;
489 * Generates slowdebug versions of profiles. Clones the given profiles and adds
490 * debug metadata.
491 *
492 * @param common Common values
493 * @param profiles Profiles map to generate debug profiles for
494 * @returns {{}} New map of profiles containing debug profiles
495 */
496var generateSlowdebugProfiles = function (common, profiles) {
497    var newProfiles = {};
498    for (var profile in profiles) {
499        var debugProfile = profile + "-slowdebug";
500        newProfiles[debugProfile] = clone(profiles[profile]);
501        newProfiles[debugProfile].debug_level = "slowdebug";
502        newProfiles[debugProfile].default_make_targets
503            = common.default_make_targets_slowdebug;
504        newProfiles[debugProfile].labels
505            = concat(newProfiles[debugProfile].labels || [], "slowdebug"),
506            newProfiles[debugProfile].configure_args
507                = concat(newProfiles[debugProfile].configure_args,
508                common.configure_args_slowdebug);
509    }
510    return newProfiles;
514 * Generates open only versions of profiles. Clones the given profiles and adds
515 * open metadata.
516 *
517 * @param common Common values
518 * @param profiles Profiles map to generate open only profiles for
519 * @returns {{}} New map of profiles containing open only profiles
520 */
521var generateOpenOnlyProfiles = function (common, profiles) {
522    var newProfiles = {};
523    for (var profile in profiles) {
524        var openProfile = profile + "-open";
525        newProfiles[openProfile] = clone(profiles[profile]);
526        newProfiles[openProfile].labels
527            = concat(newProfiles[openProfile].labels || [], "open"),
528            newProfiles[openProfile].configure_args
529                = concat(newProfiles[openProfile].configure_args,
530                "--enable-openjdk-only");
531    }
532    return newProfiles;
536 * The default_make_targets attribute on a profile is not a real Jib attribute.
537 * This function rewrites that attribute into the corresponding configure arg.
538 * Calling this function multiple times on the same profiles object is safe.
539 *
540 * @param common Common values
541 * @param profiles Profiles map to rewrite profiles for
542 * @returns {{}} New map of profiles with the make targets converted
543 */
544var generateDefaultMakeTargetsConfigureArg = function (common, profiles) {
545    var ret = concatObjects(profiles, {});
546    for (var profile in ret) {
547        if (ret[profile]["default_make_targets"] != null) {
548            var targetsString = concat(ret[profile].default_make_targets).join(" ");
549            // Iterate over all configure args and see if --with-default-make-target
550            // is already there and change it, otherwise add it.
551            var found = false;
552            for (var arg in ret[profile].configure_args) {
553                if (arg.startsWith("--with-default-make-target")) {
554                    found = true;
555                    arg.replace(/=.*/, "=" + targetsString);
556                }
557            }
558            if (!found) {
559                ret[profile].configure_args = concat(
560                    ret[profile].configure_args,
561                    "--with-default-make-target=" + targetsString);
562            }
563        }
564    }
565    return ret;
569 * Deep clones an object tree.
570 *
571 * @param o Object to clone
572 * @returns {{}} Clone of o
573 */
574var clone = function (o) {
575    return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o));
579 * Concatenates all arguments into a new array
580 *
581 * @returns {Array.<T>} New array containing all arguments
582 */
583var concat = function () {
584    return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arguments);
588 * Copies all elements in an array into a new array but replacing all
589 * occurrences of original with replacement.
590 *
591 * @param original Element to look for
592 * @param replacement Element to replace with
593 * @param a Array to copy
594 * @returns {Array} New array with all occurrences of original replaced
595 *                  with replacement
596 */
597var replace = function (original, replacement, a) {
598    var newA = [];
599    for (var i in a) {
600        if (original == a[i]) {
601            newA.push(replacement);
602        } else {
603            newA.push(a[i]);
604        }
605    }
606    return newA;
610 * Deep concatenation of two objects. For each node encountered, merge
611 * the contents with the corresponding node in the other object tree,
612 * treating all strings as array elements.
613 *
614 * @param o1 Object to concatenate
615 * @param o2 Object to concatenate
616 * @returns {{}} New object tree containing the concatenation of o1 and o2
617 */
618var concatObjects = function (o1, o2) {
619    var ret = {};
620    for (var a in o1) {
621        if (o2[a] == null) {
622            ret[a] = o1[a];
623        }
624    }
625    for (var a in o2) {
626        if (o1[a] == null) {
627            ret[a] = o2[a];
628        } else {
629            if (typeof o1[a] == 'string') {
630                ret[a] = [o1[a]].concat(o2[a]);
631            } else if (Array.isArray(o1[a])) {
632                ret[a] = o1[a].concat(o2[a]);
633            } else if (typeof o1[a] == 'object') {
634                ret[a] = concatObjects(o1[a], o2[a]);
635            }
636        }
637    }
638    return ret;