1* Culled from 970528-1.f in Burley's g77 test suite.  Copyright
2* status not clear.  Feel free to chop down if the bug is still
3* reproducible (see end of test case for how bug shows up in gdb
4* run of f771).  No particular reason it should be a noncompile
5* case, other than that I didn't want to spend time "fixing" it
6* to compile cleanly (with -O0, which works) while making sure the
7* ICE remained reproducible.  -- burley 1999-08-26
9* Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 13:00:19 +0200 (GMT+0200)
10* From: "D. O'Donoghue" <dod@da.saao.ac.za>
11* To: Craig Burley <burley@gnu.ai.mit.edu>
12* Cc: fortran@gnu.ai.mit.edu
13* Subject: Re: g77 problems
15	program dophot
16	parameter (napple = 4)
17        common /window/nwindo,ixwin(50),iywin(50),iboxwin(50),itype(50)
18        common/io/luout,ludebg
19	common/search/nstot,thresh
20	common /fitparms / acc(npmax),alim(npmax),mit,mpar,mfit1,
21     +                     mfit2,ind(npmax)
22	common /starlist/ starpar(npmax,nsmax), imtype(nsmax),
23	1shadow(npmax,nsmax),shaderr(npmax,nsmax),idstr(nsmax)
24	common /aperlist/ apple(napple ,nsmax)
25	common /parpred / ava(npmax)
26	common /unitize / ufactor
27	common /undergnd/ nfast, nslow
28	common/bzero/ scale,zero
29	common /ctimes / chiimp, apertime, filltime, addtime
30	common / drfake / needit
31	common /mfit/ psfpar(npmax),starx(nfmax),stary(nfmax),xlim,ylim
32	common /vers/ version
33 	logical needit,screen,isub,loop,comd,burn,wrtres,fixedxy
34	logical fixed,piped,debug,ex,clinfo
35	character header*5760,rhead*2880
36	character yn*1,version*40,ccd*4,infile*20
37	character*30 numf,odir,record*80
38	integer*2 instr(8)
39	character*800 line
40	external pseud0d, pseud2d, pseud4d, pseudmd, shape
42C	Initialization
43	data burn,   fixedxy,fixed,  piped
44     +     /.false.,.false.,.false.,.false./
45	data needit,screen,comd,isub
46     + /.true.,.false.,.true.,.false. /
47	data acc / .01, -.03, -.03, .01, .03, .1, .03 /
48	data alim / -1.0e8, 2*-1.0e3, -1.0e8, 3*-1.0e3 /
50	version = 'DoPHOT Version 1.0 LINUX May 97 '
51        debug=.false.
52        clinfo=.false.
53	line(1:800) = ' '
54	odir = ' '
57C	Read default tuneable parameters
58	call tuneup ( nccd, ccd, piped, debug )
59	version(33:36) = ccd(1:4)
62        ludebg=6
63        if(piped)then
64          yn='n'
65        else
66	  write(*,'(''****************************************'')')
67	  write(*,1000) version
68	  write(*,'(''****************************************''//)')
70          write(*,'(''Screen output (y/[n])? '',$)')
71	  read(*,1000) yn
72        end if
73	if(yn.eq.'y'.or.yn.eq.'Y') then
74          screen=.true.
75          luout=6
76        else
77          luout=2
78        end if
80        if(piped)then
81          yn='y'
82        else
83          write(*,'(''Batch mode ([y]/n)? '',$)')
84          read(*,1000) yn
85        end if
86	if(yn.eq.'n'.or.yn.eq.'N') comd = .false.
88	if(.not.comd) then
89          write(*,
90     *         '(''Do you want windowing ([y]/n)? '',$)')
91          read(*,1000)yn
92          iwindo=1
93          if(yn.eq.'n'.or.yn.eq.'N')then
94            nwindo=0
95            iwindo=0
96          end if
98          write(*,
99     *       '(''Star classification info (y/[n]) ?'',$)')
100          read(*,1000)yn
101          clinfo=.false.
102          if(yn.eq.'y'.or.yn.eq.'Y')clinfo=.true.
104	  write(*,
105     *        '(''Create a star-subtracted frame (y/[n])? '',$)')
106	  read(*,1000) yn
107 	  if(yn.eq.'y'.or.yn.eq.'Y') isub = .true.
109	  write(*,'(''Apply after-burner (y/[n])? '',$)')
110	  read(*,1000) yn
111	  if ( yn.eq.'y'.or.yn.eq.'Y' ) burn = .true.
112	  wrtres = burn
114	  write(*,'(''Read from fixed (X,Y) list (y/[n])? '',$)')
115	  read(*,1000) yn
116	  if ( yn.eq.'y'.or.yn.eq.'Y' ) then
117	    fixedxy = .true.
118	    fixed = .true.
119	    burn = .true.
120	    wrtres = .true.
121	  endif
122	endif
123        iopen=0
125C       This is the start of the loop over the input files
127        iframe=0
128        open(10,file='timing',status='unknown',access='append')
1301	ifit = 0
131	iapr = 0
132	itmn = 0
133	model = 1
134	xc = 0.0
135	yc = 0.0
136	rc = 0.0
137	ibr = 0
138	ixy = 0
140        iframe=iframe+1
141        tgetpar=0.0
142        tsearch=0.0
143        tshape=0.0
144        timprove=0.0
146C	Batch mode ...
148	if ( comd ) then
149          if(iopen.eq.0)then
150            iopen=1
151            open(11,file='dophot.bat',status='old',err=995)
152          end if
153          read(11,1000,end=999)infile
154c         now read in the parameter instructions. these are:
155c         instr(1) : if 1, specifies uncrowded field, otherwise crowded
156c         instr(2) : if 1, specifies sequential frames of same field
157c                          with a window around the stars of interest -
158c                          all other objects are ignored
159c         instr(3) : if 0, takes cmin from dophot.inp (via tuneup)
160c                    if>0, sets cmin=instr(3)
161c         instr(4) : if 0, does nothing
162c                    if 1, then opens a file called classifications
163c                    sets clinfo to .true. and writes out the star
164c                    typing info to this file
165c         instr(5) : Delete the shd.nnnnnnn file
166c         instr(6) : Delete the out.nnnnnnn file
167c         instr(7) : Delete the input frame
168c         instr(8) : Create a star-subtracted frame
169          read(11,*)instr
170          read(11,*)ifit,iapr,tmn,model,xc,yc,rc,ibr,ixy
171          nocrwd = instr(1)
172          iwindo=instr(2)
173          if(iwindo.eq.0)nwindo=0
174          itmn=tmn
175          if ( instr(3).gt.0 ) cmin=instr(3)
176          clinfo=.false.
177          if ( instr(4).gt.0 )then
178            clinfo=.true.
179            open(12,file='classifications',status='unknown')
180            ludebg=12
181          end if
182 	  if ( instr(8).ne.0 ) then
183	    isub = .true.
184	  else
185	    isub = .false.
186	  endif
188	  if(ibr.ne.0) burn = .true.
189	  if(ixy.ne.0) then
190	    fixedxy = .true.
191	    fixed = .true.
192	    burn = .true.
193	    goto 20
194          endif
195          if(iwindo.eq.0)then
196            write(6,10)iframe,infile(1:15)
197   10       format('  ***** DoPHOT-ing frame ',i4,': ',a)
198            if(ludebg.eq.12)write(ludebg,11)iframe,infile(1:15)
199   11       format(////'  ',62('*')/
200     *                 '  *     DoPHOT-ing frame ',i4,': ',a,
201     *                 '                 *'/'  ',62('*'))
202          end if
203          if(iwindo.eq.1)then
204            write(6,12)iframe,infile(1:15)
205   12       format('  ***** DoPHOT-ing frame ',i4,': ',a,
206     *             '   - Windowed *****')
207            if(ludebg.eq.12)write(ludebg,13)iframe,infile(1:15)
208   13       format(////'  ',62('*')/
209     *                 '  *     DoPHOT-ing frame ',i4,': ',a,
210     *                 '   - Windowed    *'/2x,62('*'))
211          end if
213C	Interactive...
214	else
215	  write(*,'(''Image name: '',$)')
216	  read(*,1000) infile
217	  if(infile(1:1).eq.' ') goto 999
2181000	  format(a)
219          write(*,'(''Crowded field mode ([y]/n) ? '',$)')
220          read(*,1000)yn
221          nocrwd=0
222          if(yn.eq.'n'.or.yn.eq.'N')nocrwd=1
223	  if(.not.fixed) then
224	    write(*,1001)
2251001        format('Sky model ([1]=Plane, 2=Power, 3=Hubble)? ',$)
226            read(*,1000)record
227            if(record.ne.' ')then
228	      read(record,*) model
229            else
230              model=1
231            end if
232	  else
233	    burn=.true.
234	    goto 20
235	  endif
236	endif
238C       if windowing, open the file and read the window
239        if(iwindo.eq.1)then
240          inquire(file='windows',exist=ex)
241          if(.not.ex)go to 997
242          if(iframe.eq.1)open(9,file='windows',status='old')
243          nwindo=0
244    2     read(9,*,end=3)intype,inx,iny,inbox
245          nwindo=nwindo+1
246          if(nwindo.gt.50)then
247            print *,'too many windows - max = 50'
248            stop
249          end if
250          ixwin(nwindo)=inx
251          iywin(nwindo)=iny
252          iboxwin(nwindo)=inbox
253          itype(nwindo)=intype
254          go to 2
256    3     rewind 9
257          if(screen)print 4,(itype(j),ixwin(j),iywin(j),iboxwin(j),
258     *                       j=1,nwindo)
259    4     format(' Windows: Type   X    Y   Size'/
260     *           (I13,i6,i5,i5))
261        end if
263	t1 = cputime(0.0)
265C	Read FITS frame.
266	call getfits(1,infile,header,nhead,nfast,nslow,numf,nc,line,ccd)
268C	Ignore frame if not the correct chip
269	if(nc.lt.0) goto 900
271C	Estimate starting PSF parameters.
272   15   call getparams(nfast,nslow,gxwid,gywid,skyval,tmin,tmax,
273     *                 iframe)
274        tgetpar = cputime(t1) + tgetpar
275        if(debug)write(ludebg,16)iframe,skyval,gxwid,gywid,tmin,tmax
276   16   format(' Getparams on frame ',i4,'  sky ',f6.1,'  gxwid ',f5.1,
277     *         '  gywid ',f5.1,'  tmin ',f5.1,'  tmax ',f5.1)
279C	Initialize
280	do j=1,nsmax
281	  imtype(j) = 0
282	  do i=1,npmax
283	    shadow(i,j)=0.
284	    shaderr(i,j)=0.
285	  enddo
286	enddo
288	skyguess=skyval
289	tfac = 1.0
290C	Use 4.5 X SD as fitting width
291	fitr=fitfac*(gxwid*asprat*gywid)**0.25 + 0.5
292	i=fitr
293	irect(1)=i
294	irect(2)=fitr/asprat
295C	Use 4/3 X FitFac X SD as aperture width
296	gmax = asprat*gywid
297 	if(gxwid.gt.gmax) gmax=gxwid
298	aprw = 1.33*fitfac*sqrt(gmax) + 0.5
299	i = aprw
300	arect(1) = i
301	i = aprw/asprat + 0.1
302	arect(2) = i
304	if(irect(1).gt.50) irect(1)=50
305	if(irect(2).gt.50) irect(2)=50
306	if(arect(1).gt.45.) arect(1)=45.
307	if(arect(2).gt.45.) arect(2)=45.
309	if (screen) call htype(line,skyval,.false.,fitr,ngr,ncon)
311C       Prompt for further information
312	if ( .not.comd ) then
313          write(*,1002)
314 1002     format(/'The above are the inital parameters DoPHOT'/
315     *            'has found. You can change them now or accept'/
316     *            'the values in [ ] by pressing enter'/)
318          write(*,1004)tmin
319 1004     format('Enter Tmin: threshold for star detection',
320     *           ' [',f5.1,']  ',$)
321          read(*,1000)record
322          if(record.ne.' ')read(record,*)tmin
324          write(*,1005)cmin
325 1005     format('Enter Cmin: threshold for PSF stars',
326     *           '      [',f5.1,']  ',$)
327          read(*,1000)record
328          if(record.ne.' ')read(record,*)cmin
330          write(*,1006)
331 1006     format('Do you want to fix the aperture mag size ?',
332     *           ' (y/[n]) ')
333          read(*,1000)record
334          if(record.eq.'y'.or.record.eq.'Y')then
335            write(*,1007)
336 1007       format('Enter the size in pixels: ',$)
337            read(*,*)iapr
338 	    if(iapr.gt.0) then
339              arect(1)=iapr
340              i = iapr/asprat + 0.1
341              arect(2)=i
342            end if
343	  endif
345	  write(*,1008)
346 1008     format('Satisfied with other input parameters ? ([y]/n)?',$)
347	  read(*,1000) yn
348          if(yn.eq.'n'.or.yn.eq.'N')then
349            yn='n'
350          else
351            yn='y'
352          end if
353	  if(.not.(yn.eq.'y'.or.yn.eq.'Y') ) call input
354	else
355	  if ( ifit.ne.0 ) then
356	    irect(1)=ifit
357	    irect(2)=(ifit/asprat + 0.1)
358	  endif
359	  if ( iapr.ne.0 ) then
360	    arect(1)=iapr
361	    i = iapr/asprat + 0.1
362	    arect(2)=i
363	  endif
364	  if ( itmn.ne.0 ) tmin = itmn
365 	  if ( .not.(xc.eq.0.0.and.yc.eq.0.0) ) then
366	    xcen = xc
367 	    ycen = yc
368          endif
369	endif
374	call setup ( numf,nc,screen,line,skyval,fitr,ngr,ncon,
375     +nfast, nslow )
377C       if the uncrowded field option has been chosen, jump
378C       straight to the minimum threshold
380        if(nocrwd.eq.1)tmax=tmin
382C	Adjust tfac so that thresh ends precisely on Tmin.
383	if(tmin/tmax .gt. 0.999) then
384	  thresh = tmin
385	  tfac = 1.
386	else
387	  thresh = tmax
388	  xnum = alog10(tmax/tmin)/alog10(2.**tfac)
389	  if(xnum.gt.1.5) then
390	    xnum = float(nint(xnum))
391	  else if(xnum.ge.1) then
392	    xnum = 2.0
393	  else
394	    xnum = 1.0
395	  endif
396	  tfac = alog10(tmax/tmin)/alog10(2.)/xnum
397	endif
401C         This is the BIG LOOP which searches the frame for stars
402C               with intensities > thresh.
406	loop = .true.
407	nstot = 0
408	do while ( loop )
409	  loop = thresh/tmin .ge. 1.01
410	  write(luout,1050) thresh
4111050	  format(/20('-')/'THRESHOLD: ', f10.3)
412	  if(ludebg.eq.12)write(ludebg,1050) thresh
414C         Fit given model to sky values.
416          call varipar(nstot, nfast, nslow )
417	  t1 = cputime(0.0)
419C         Identifies potential objects in cleaned array IMG
420 	  nstar = isearch( pseud2d, nfast, nslow , clinfo)
421	  tsearch = cputime(t1) + tsearch
423    	  if ( (nstar .ne. 0).or.(xnum.lt.1.5) ) then
425C           Performs 7-parameter PSF fit and determines nature of object.
426	    t1 = cputime(0.0)
427	    call shape(pseud2d,pseud4d,nfast,nslow,clinfo)
428	    tshape = cputime(t1) + tshape
430C           Computes average sky values etc from star list
431 	    call paravg
432  	    t1 = cputime(0.0)
434C           Computes 4-parameter fits for all stellar objects using
435C           new average shape parameters.
436  	    call improve(pseud2d,nfast,nslow,clinfo)
437	    timprove = cputime(t1) + timprove
438	  end if
440C         Calculate aperture photometry on last pass.
441	  if(.not.loop) call aper ( pseud2d, nstot, nfast, nslow )
443 	  totaltime = (tgetpar+tsearch+tshape+timprove)
444	  write(3,1060) totaltime
445 	  write(4,1060) totaltime
446	  write(luout,1060) totaltime
4471060	  format('Total CPU time consumed:',F10.2,' seconds.')
448          write(10,1070)infile,tgetpar,tsearch,tshape,timprove,
449     *                  totaltime
4501070      format(a20,'   T(getp/f)',f5.1,'  T(search)',f5.1,
451     *               '  T(shape)',f5.1,'  T(improve)',f5.1,
452     *               '  Total',f6.1)
453	  call title (line,skyval,.false.,fitr,ngr,ncon,strint,ztot,nums)
454	  rewind(2)
455 	  rewind(3)
456  	  rewind(4)
458	  call output ( line )
460C         Now reduce the threshold and loop back
462	  thresh = thresh/2.**tfac
463  	end do
465C--------- END OF BIG LOOP ---------------------------------------
467C	If after-burner required, residuals from analytic PSF are computed
468C	and stored in RES.
47020	if ( burn ) then
472C	If using a fixed (X,Y) coordinate list, read it.
473	 if (fixed) then
474C	 Read the image frame
475 	  call getfits(1,infile,header,nhead,nfast,nslow,numf,nc,line)
477C	 Initialize arrays, open files etc.
478	  call setup ( numf,nc,screen,line,skyval,fitr,ngr,ncon,
479     +nfast, nslow )
481C	 Read the XY list
482	  write(luout,'(''Reading XY list ...'')')
483	  call xylist(numf, nc, ios )
484	  if(ios.ne.0) then
485	   fixed = .false.
486	   write(luout,'(''SXY file absent or incorrect...'')')
487	   goto 15
488	  endif
490	  call htype(line,skyval,.false.,fitr,ngr,ncon)
492C	 Remove good stars
493	  write(luout,'(''Cleaning frame of stars: '',i8)') nstot
494	  call clean ( pseud2d, nstot, nfast, nslow, -1)
496C	Calculate aperture photometry
497C	  call aper ( pseud2d, nstot, nfast, nslow )
498	 else
499	   rewind(3)
500	   rewind(4)
501	 endif
504C	Flag all stars close together in groups.  Keep making the distance
505C	criterion FITR smaller until the maximum number in a group is less
506C	than NFMAX
508	 fitr = amax1(arect(1),arect(2))
509	 fitr = fitr + 2.0
510	 nmax = 10000
511	 write(*,'(''Regrouping ...'')')
513	 do while ( nmax.gt.nfmax )
514  	  fitr = fitr - 1.0
515	  write(luout,'(''Min distance ='',f8.1)') fitr
516	  call regroup( fitr, ngr, nmax )
517	 enddo
519	 xlim = irect(1)/2
520	 ylim = irect(2)/2
522C	Calculate normalized PSF residual from PSEUD2D
523	 call getres (pseud0d,pseud2d,strint,rmn,rmx,nfast,nslow,irect,
524     +arect,ztot,nums)
525	 if(nums.eq.0) then
526	  write(luout,'(''No suitable PSF stars!'')')
527	  goto 30
528	 endif
530	 write(luout,'(/''AFTERBURNER tuned ON!'')')
532C	Fit multiple stars in a group with enhanced PSF using box size IRECT.
533	 call mulfit( pseud2d,pseudmd,ngr,ncon,nfast,nslow,irect )
535C	Re-calculate aperture photometry
536	 call aperm ( pseudmd, nstot, nfast, nslow )
538	 call skyadj ( nstot )
540 	 call title (line,skyval,.true.,fitr,ngr,ncon,strint,ztot,nums)
541	 call output ( line )
542	endif
545C-----  This section skipped if PSF residual not written out ------
54730	if( isub ) then
549C	Write final Cleaned array.
550 	 infile = 'x'//numf(1:nc)//'.fits'
551	 call putfits(2,infile,header,nhead,nfast,nslow)
552	 close(2)
554C	If afterburner used, then residual array also written out.
555C	Find suitable scale for writing residual PSF to FITS "R" file.
557 	 if ( wrtres ) then
558	  scale=20000.0/(rmx-rmn)
559	  zero=-scale*rmn
560	  do j=-nres,nres
561  	   jj=nres+j+1
562	   do i=-nres,nres
563  	    ii=nres+i+1
564	    big(ii,jj)=scale*res(i,j)+zero
565	   enddo
566	  enddo
567	  nx=2*nres+1
569	  infile = 'r'//numf(1:nc)//'.fits'
570  	  zer=-zero/scale
571 	  scl=1.0/scale
573C	Create a FITS header for the normalized PSF residual image
574	  call sethead(rhead,numf,nx,nx,zer,scl)
575 	  scale=1.0
576	  zero=0.0
577C	Write the normalized PSF residual image
578	  call putfits(2,infile,rhead,1,nx,nx)
579	  close(2)
580	 endif
582	end if
585900	close(1)
586	close(3)
587 	close(4)
588	if ( .not.screen ) close(luout)
589	if(comd) then
590          if(instr(5).eq.1)call system('rm shd.'//numf(1:nc))
591          if(instr(6).eq.1)call system('rm out.'//numf(1:nc))
592          n=1
593          do while(infile(n:n).ne.' ')
594            n=n+1
595          end do
596          if(instr(7).eq.1)call system('rm '//infile(1:n-1))
597        end if
598	fixed = fixedxy
599	goto 1
601995     print 996
602996     format(/'*** Fatal error ***'/
603     *          'You asked for batch processing but'/
604     *          'I cant open the "dophot.bat" file.'/
605     *          'Please make one (using batchdophot)'/
606     *          'and restart DoPHOT'/)
607        go to 999
610997     print 998
611998     format(/'*** Fatal error ***'/
612     *          'You asked for "windowed" processing'/
613     *          'but I cant open the "windows" file.'/
614     *          'Please make one and restart DoPHOT'/)
616999	call exit(0)
617	end
619* (gdb) r
620* Starting program: /home3/craig/gnu/f77-e/gcc/f771 -quiet < ../../play/19990826-4.f -O
621* [...]
622* Breakpoint 2, fancy_abort (
623*     file=0x8285220 "../../g77-e/gcc/config/i386/i386.c", line=4399,
624*     function=0x82860df "output_fp_cc0_set") at ../../g77-e/gcc/rtl.c:1010
625* (gdb) up
626* #1  0x8222fab in output_fp_cc0_set (insn=0x8382324)
627*     at ../../g77-e/gcc/config/i386/i386.c:4399
628* (gdb) p insn
629* $1 = 0x3a
630* (gdb) up
631* #2  0x8222b81 in output_float_compare (insn=0x8382324, operands=0x82acc60)
632*     at ../../g77-e/gcc/config/i386/i386.c:4205
633* (gdb) p insn
634* $2 = 0x8382324
635* (gdb) whatis insn
636* type = rtx
637* (gdb) pr
638* (insn 2181 2180 2191 (parallel[
639*             (set (cc0)
640*                 (compare (reg:SF 8 %st(0))
641*                     (mem:SF (plus:SI (reg:SI 6 %ebp)
642*                             (const_int -9948 [0xffffd924])) 0)))
643*             (clobber (reg:HI 0 %ax))
644*         ] ) 29 {*cmpsf_cc_1} (insn_list 2173 (insn_list 2173 (nil)))
645*     (expr_list:REG_DEAD (reg:DF 8 %st(0))
646*         (expr_list:REG_UNUSED (reg:HI 0 %ax)
647*             (nil))))
648* (gdb)