sh.h revision 1.54
1/*	$OpenBSD: sh.h,v 1.54 2015/11/20 09:29:53 tb Exp $	*/
4 * Public Domain Bourne/Korn shell
5 */
7/* $From: sh.h,v 1.2 1994/05/19 18:32:40 michael Exp michael $ */
9#include "config.h"	/* system and option configuration info */
11/* Start of common headers */
13#include <sys/types.h>
15#include <stdio.h>
16#include <setjmp.h>
17#include <stdbool.h>
18#include <stdlib.h>
19#include <unistd.h>
20#include <stdarg.h>
22#include <errno.h>
23#include <fcntl.h>
25#include <signal.h>
27/* end of common headers */
29#define	NELEM(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))
30#define	BIT(i)	(1<<(i))	/* define bit in flag */
32#define	NUFILE	32		/* Number of user-accessible files */
33#define	FDBASE	10		/* First file usable by Shell */
35#define BITS(t)	(CHAR_BIT * sizeof(t))
37/* Make MAGIC a char that might be printed to make bugs more obvious, but
38 * not a char that is used often.  Also, can't use the high bit as it causes
39 * portability problems (calling strchr(x, 0x80|'x') is error prone).
40 */
41#define	MAGIC		(7)	/* prefix for *?[!{,} during expand */
42#define ISMAGIC(c)	((unsigned char)(c) == MAGIC)
44#define	LINE	2048		/* input line size */
45#define	PATH	1024		/* pathname size (todo: PATH_MAX/pathconf()) */
47extern	const char *kshname;	/* $0 */
48extern	pid_t	kshpid;		/* $$, shell pid */
49extern	pid_t	procpid;	/* pid of executing process */
50extern	uid_t	ksheuid;	/* effective uid of shell */
51extern	int	exstat;		/* exit status */
52extern	int	subst_exstat;	/* exit status of last $(..)/`..` */
53extern	const char *safe_prompt; /* safe prompt if PS1 substitution fails */
54extern	char	username[];	/* username for \u prompt expansion */
57 * Area-based allocation built on malloc/free
58 */
59typedef struct Area {
60	struct link *freelist;	/* free list */
61} Area;
63extern	Area	aperm;		/* permanent object space */
64#define	APERM	&aperm
65#define	ATEMP	&e->area
67#ifdef KSH_DEBUG
68# define kshdebug_init()	kshdebug_init_()
69# define kshdebug_printf(a)	kshdebug_printf_ a
70# define kshdebug_dump(a)	kshdebug_dump_ a
71#else /* KSH_DEBUG */
72# define kshdebug_init()
73# define kshdebug_printf(a)
74# define kshdebug_dump(a)
75#endif /* KSH_DEBUG */
78 * parsing & execution environment
79 */
80struct env {
81	short	type;			/* environment type - see below */
82	short	flags;			/* EF_* */
83	Area	area;			/* temporary allocation area */
84	struct	block *loc;		/* local variables and functions */
85	short  *savefd;			/* original redirected fd's */
86	struct	env *oenv;		/* link to previous environment */
87	sigjmp_buf jbuf;		/* long jump back to env creator */
88	struct temp *temps;		/* temp files */
90extern	struct env	*e;
92/* struct env.type values */
93#define	E_NONE	0		/* dummy environment */
94#define	E_PARSE	1		/* parsing command # */
95#define	E_FUNC	2		/* executing function # */
96#define	E_INCL	3		/* including a file via . # */
97#define	E_EXEC	4		/* executing command tree */
98#define	E_LOOP	5		/* executing for/while # */
99#define	E_ERRH	6		/* general error handler # */
100/* # indicates env has valid jbuf (see unwind()) */
102/* struct env.flag values */
103#define EF_FUNC_PARSE	BIT(0)	/* function being parsed */
104#define EF_BRKCONT_PASS	BIT(1)	/* set if E_LOOP must pass break/continue on */
105#define EF_FAKE_SIGDIE	BIT(2)	/* hack to get info from unwind to quitenv */
107/* Do breaks/continues stop at env type e? */
108#define STOP_BRKCONT(t)	((t) == E_NONE || (t) == E_PARSE \
109			 || (t) == E_FUNC || (t) == E_INCL)
110/* Do returns stop at env type e? */
111#define STOP_RETURN(t)	((t) == E_FUNC || (t) == E_INCL)
113/* values for siglongjmp(e->jbuf, 0) */
114#define LRETURN	1		/* return statement */
115#define	LEXIT	2		/* exit statement */
116#define LERROR	3		/* errorf() called */
117#define LLEAVE	4		/* untrappable exit/error */
118#define LINTR	5		/* ^C noticed */
119#define	LBREAK	6		/* break statement */
120#define	LCONTIN	7		/* continue statement */
121#define LSHELL	8		/* return to interactive shell() */
122#define LAEXPR	9		/* error in arithmetic expression */
124/* option processing */
125#define OF_CMDLINE	0x01	/* command line */
126#define OF_SET		0x02	/* set builtin */
127#define OF_SPECIAL	0x04	/* a special variable changing */
128#define OF_INTERNAL	0x08	/* set internally by shell */
131struct option {
132    const char	*name;	/* long name of option */
133    char	c;	/* character flag (if any) */
134    short	flags;	/* OF_* */
136extern const struct option options[];
139 * flags (the order of these enums MUST match the order in misc.c(options[]))
140 */
141enum sh_flag {
142	FEXPORT = 0,	/* -a: export all */
143#ifdef BRACE_EXPAND
144	FBRACEEXPAND,	/* enable {} globbing */
146	FBGNICE,	/* bgnice */
147	FCOMMAND,	/* -c: (invocation) execute specified command */
148	FCSHHISTORY,	/* csh-style history enabled */
149#ifdef EMACS
150	FEMACS,		/* emacs command editing */
151	FEMACSUSEMETA,	/* use 8th bit as meta */
153	FERREXIT,	/* -e: quit on error */
154#ifdef EMACS
155	FGMACS,		/* gmacs command editing */
157	FIGNOREEOF,	/* eof does not exit */
158	FTALKING,	/* -i: interactive */
159	FKEYWORD,	/* -k: name=value anywhere */
160	FLOGIN,		/* -l: a login shell */
161	FMARKDIRS,	/* mark dirs with / in file name completion */
162	FMONITOR,	/* -m: job control monitoring */
163	FNOCLOBBER,	/* -C: don't overwrite existing files */
164	FNOEXEC,	/* -n: don't execute any commands */
165	FNOGLOB,	/* -f: don't do file globbing */
166	FNOHUP,		/* -H: don't kill running jobs when login shell exits */
167	FNOLOG,		/* don't save functions in history (ignored) */
168#ifdef	JOBS
169	FNOTIFY,	/* -b: asynchronous job completion notification */
171	FNOUNSET,	/* -u: using an unset var is an error */
172	FPHYSICAL,	/* -o physical: don't do logical cd's/pwd's */
173	FPOSIX,		/* -o posix: be posixly correct */
174	FPRIVILEGED,	/* -p: use suid_profile */
175	FRESTRICTED,	/* -r: restricted shell */
176	FSH,		/* -o sh: favor sh behaviour */
177	FSTDIN,		/* -s: (invocation) parse stdin */
178	FTRACKALL,	/* -h: create tracked aliases for all commands */
179	FVERBOSE,	/* -v: echo input */
180#ifdef VI
181	FVI,		/* vi command editing */
182	FVIRAW,		/* always read in raw mode (ignored) */
183	FVISHOW8,	/* display chars with 8th bit set as is (versus M-) */
184	FVITABCOMPLETE,	/* enable tab as file name completion char */
185	FVIESCCOMPLETE,	/* enable ESC as file name completion in command mode */
187	FXTRACE,	/* -x: execution trace */
188	FTALKING_I,	/* (internal): initial shell was interactive */
189	FNFLAGS /* (place holder: how many flags are there) */
192#define Flag(f)	(shell_flags[(int) (f)])
194extern	char shell_flags[FNFLAGS];
196extern	char	null[];	/* null value for variable */
198enum temp_type {
199	TT_HEREDOC_EXP,	/* expanded heredoc */
200	TT_HIST_EDIT	/* temp file used for history editing (fc -e) */
202typedef enum temp_type Temp_type;
203/* temp/heredoc files.  The file is removed when the struct is freed. */
204struct temp {
205	struct temp	*next;
206	struct shf	*shf;
207	int		pid;		/* pid of process parsed here-doc */
208	Temp_type	type;
209	char		*name;
213 * stdio and our IO routines
214 */
216#define shl_spare	(&shf_iob[0])	/* for c_read()/c_print() */
217#define shl_stdout	(&shf_iob[1])
218#define shl_out		(&shf_iob[2])
219extern int shl_stdout_ok;
222 * trap handlers
223 */
224typedef struct trap {
225	int	signal;		/* signal number */
226	const char *name;	/* short name */
227	const char *mess;	/* descriptive name */
228	char   *trap;		/* trap command */
229	volatile sig_atomic_t set; /* trap pending */
230	int	flags;		/* TF_* */
231	sig_t cursig;		/* current handler (valid if TF_ORIG_* set) */
232	sig_t shtrap;		/* shell signal handler */
233} Trap;
235/* values for Trap.flags */
236#define TF_SHELL_USES	BIT(0)	/* shell uses signal, user can't change */
237#define TF_USER_SET	BIT(1)	/* user has (tried to) set trap */
238#define TF_ORIG_IGN	BIT(2)	/* original action was SIG_IGN */
239#define TF_ORIG_DFL	BIT(3)	/* original action was SIG_DFL */
240#define TF_EXEC_IGN	BIT(4)	/* restore SIG_IGN just before exec */
241#define TF_EXEC_DFL	BIT(5)	/* restore SIG_DFL just before exec */
242#define TF_DFL_INTR	BIT(6)	/* when received, default action is LINTR */
243#define TF_TTY_INTR	BIT(7)	/* tty generated signal (see j_waitj) */
244#define TF_CHANGED	BIT(8)	/* used by runtrap() to detect trap changes */
245#define TF_FATAL	BIT(9)	/* causes termination if not trapped */
247/* values for setsig()/setexecsig() flags argument */
248#define SS_RESTORE_MASK	0x3	/* how to restore a signal before an exec() */
249#define SS_RESTORE_CURR	0	/* leave current handler in place */
250#define SS_RESTORE_ORIG	1	/* restore original handler */
251#define SS_RESTORE_DFL	2	/* restore to SIG_DFL */
252#define SS_RESTORE_IGN	3	/* restore to SIG_IGN */
253#define SS_FORCE	BIT(3)	/* set signal even if original signal ignored */
254#define SS_USER		BIT(4)	/* user is doing the set (ie, trap command) */
255#define SS_SHTRAP	BIT(5)	/* trap for internal use (CHLD,ALRM,WINCH) */
257#define SIGEXIT_	0	/* for trap EXIT */
258#define SIGERR_		NSIG	/* for trap ERR */
260extern	volatile sig_atomic_t trap;	/* traps pending? */
261extern	volatile sig_atomic_t intrsig;	/* pending trap interrupts command */
262extern	volatile sig_atomic_t fatal_trap;	/* received a fatal signal */
263extern	volatile sig_atomic_t got_sigwinch;
264extern	Trap	sigtraps[NSIG+1];
267 * TMOUT support
268 */
269/* values for ksh_tmout_state */
270enum tmout_enum {
271	TMOUT_EXECUTING	= 0,	/* executing commands */
272	TMOUT_READING,		/* waiting for input */
273	TMOUT_LEAVING		/* have timed out */
275extern unsigned int ksh_tmout;
276extern enum tmout_enum ksh_tmout_state;
278/* For "You have stopped jobs" message */
279extern int really_exit;
282 * fast character classes
283 */
284#define	C_ALPHA	 BIT(0)		/* a-z_A-Z */
285/* was	C_DIGIT */
286#define	C_LEX1	 BIT(2)		/* \0 \t\n|&;<>() */
287#define	C_VAR1	 BIT(3)		/* *@#!$-? */
288#define	C_IFSWS	 BIT(4)		/* \t \n (IFS white space) */
289#define	C_SUBOP1 BIT(5)		/* "=-+?" */
290#define	C_SUBOP2 BIT(6)		/* "#%" */
291#define	C_IFS	 BIT(7)		/* $IFS */
292#define	C_QUOTE	 BIT(8)		/*  \n\t"#$&'()*;<>?[\`| (needing quoting) */
294extern	short ctypes [];
296#define	ctype(c, t)	!!(ctypes[(unsigned char)(c)]&(t))
297#define	letter(c)	ctype(c, C_ALPHA)
298#define	digit(c)	isdigit((unsigned char)(c))
299#define	letnum(c)	(ctype(c, C_ALPHA) || isdigit((unsigned char)(c)))
301extern int ifs0;	/* for "$*" */
303/* Argument parsing for built-in commands and getopts command */
305/* Values for Getopt.flags */
306#define GF_ERROR	BIT(0)	/* call errorf() if there is an error */
307#define GF_PLUSOPT	BIT(1)	/* allow +c as an option */
308#define GF_NONAME	BIT(2)	/* don't print argv[0] in errors */
310/* Values for */
311#define GI_MINUS	BIT(0)	/* an option started with -... */
312#define GI_PLUS		BIT(1)	/* an option started with +... */
313#define GI_MINUSMINUS	BIT(2)	/* arguments were ended with -- */
315typedef struct {
316	int		optind;
317	int		uoptind;/* what user sees in $OPTIND */
318	char		*optarg;
319	int		flags;	/* see GF_* */
320	int		info;	/* see GI_* */
321	unsigned int	p;	/* 0 or index into argv[optind - 1] */
322	char		buf[2];	/* for bad option OPTARG value */
323} Getopt;
325extern Getopt builtin_opt;	/* for shell builtin commands */
326extern Getopt user_opt;		/* parsing state for getopts builtin command */
328/* This for co-processes */
330typedef int Coproc_id; /* something that won't (realistically) wrap */
331struct coproc {
332	int	read;		/* pipe from co-process's stdout */
333	int	readw;		/* other side of read (saved temporarily) */
334	int	write;		/* pipe to co-process's stdin */
335	Coproc_id id;		/* id of current output pipe */
336	int	njobs;		/* number of live jobs using output pipe */
337	void	*job;		/* 0 or job of co-process using input pipe */
339extern struct coproc coproc;
341/* Used in jobs.c and by coprocess stuff in exec.c */
342extern sigset_t		sm_default, sm_sigchld;
344extern const char ksh_version[];
346/* name of called builtin function (used by error functions) */
347extern char	*builtin_argv0;
348extern int	builtin_flag;	/* flags of called builtin (SPEC_BI, etc.) */
350/* current working directory, and size of memory allocated for same */
351extern char	*current_wd;
352extern int	current_wd_size;
354#ifdef EDIT
355/* Minimum required space to work with on a line - if the prompt leaves less
356 * space than this on a line, the prompt is truncated.
357 */
358# define MIN_EDIT_SPACE	7
359/* Minimum allowed value for x_cols: 2 for prompt, 3 for " < " at end of line
360 */
361# define MIN_COLS	(2 + MIN_EDIT_SPACE + 3)
362extern	int	x_cols;	/* tty columns */
364# define x_cols 80		/* for pr_menu(exec.c) */
367/* These to avoid bracket matching problems */
368#define OPAREN	'('
369#define CPAREN	')'
370#define OBRACK	'['
371#define CBRACK	']'
372#define OBRACE	'{'
373#define CBRACE	'}'
375/* Determine the location of the system (common) profile */
376#define KSH_SYSTEM_PROFILE "/etc/profile"
378/* Used by v_evaluate() and setstr() to control action when error occurs */
379#define KSH_UNWIND_ERROR	0	/* unwind the stack (longjmp) */
380#define KSH_RETURN_ERROR	1	/* return 1/0 for success/failure */
382#include "shf.h"
383#include "table.h"
384#include "tree.h"
385#include "expand.h"
386#include "lex.h"
388/* alloc.c */
389Area *	ainit(Area *);
390void	afreeall(Area *);
391void *	alloc(size_t, Area *);
392void *	areallocarray(void *, size_t, size_t, Area *);
393void *	aresize(void *, size_t, Area *);
394void	afree(void *, Area *);
395/* c_ksh.c */
396int	c_cd(char **);
397int	c_pwd(char **);
398int	c_print(char **);
399int	c_whence(char **);
400int	c_command(char **);
401int	c_typeset(char **);
402int	c_alias(char **);
403int	c_unalias(char **);
404int	c_let(char **);
405int	c_jobs(char **);
406int	c_fgbg(char **);
407int	c_kill(char **);
408void	getopts_reset(int);
409int	c_getopts(char **);
410int	c_bind(char **);
411/* c_sh.c */
412int	c_label(char **);
413int	c_shift(char **);
414int	c_umask(char **);
415int	c_dot(char **);
416int	c_wait(char **);
417int	c_read(char **);
418int	c_eval(char **);
419int	c_trap(char **);
420int	c_brkcont(char **);
421int	c_exitreturn(char **);
422int	c_set(char **);
423int	c_unset(char **);
424int	c_ulimit(char **);
425int	c_times(char **);
426int	timex(struct op *, int, volatile int *);
427void	timex_hook(struct op *, char ** volatile *);
428int	c_exec(char **);
429int	c_builtin(char **);
430/* c_test.c */
431int	c_test(char **);
432/* edit.c: most prototypes in edit.h */
433void	x_init(void);
434int	x_read(char *, size_t);
435void	set_editmode(const char *);
436/* emacs.c: most prototypes in edit.h */
437int	x_bind(const char *, const char *, int, int);
438/* eval.c */
439char *	substitute(const char *, int);
440char **	eval(char **, int);
441char *	evalstr(char *cp, int);
442char *	evalonestr(char *cp, int);
443char	*debunk(char *, const char *, size_t);
444void	expand(char *, XPtrV *, int);
445int	glob_str(char *, XPtrV *, int);
446/* exec.c */
447int	execute(struct op * volatile, volatile int, volatile int *);
448int	shcomexec(char **);
449struct tbl * findfunc(const char *, unsigned int, int);
450int	define(const char *, struct op *);
451void	builtin(const char *, int (*)(char **));
452struct tbl *	findcom(const char *, int);
453void	flushcom(int);
454char *	search(const char *, const char *, int, int *);
455int	search_access(const char *, int, int *);
456int	pr_menu(char *const *);
457int	pr_list(char *const *);
458/* expr.c */
459int	evaluate(const char *, long *, int, bool);
460int	v_evaluate(struct tbl *, const char *, volatile int, bool);
461/* history.c */
462void	init_histvec(void);
463void	hist_init(Source *);
464void	hist_finish(void);
465void	histsave(int, const char *, int);
466#ifdef HISTORY
467int	c_fc(char **);
468void	sethistsize(int);
469void	sethistfile(const char *);
470char **	histpos(void);
471int	histnum(int);
472int	findhist(int, int, const char *, int);
473int	findhistrel(const char *);
474char  **hist_get_newest(int);
476#endif /* HISTORY */
477/* io.c */
478void	errorf(const char *, ...)
479	    __attribute__((__noreturn__, __format__ (printf, 1, 2)));
480void	warningf(bool, const char *, ...)
481	    __attribute__((__format__ (printf, 2, 3)));
482void	bi_errorf(const char *, ...)
483	    __attribute__((__format__ (printf, 1, 2)));
484void	internal_errorf(int, const char *, ...)
485	    __attribute__((__format__ (printf, 2, 3)));
486void	error_prefix(int);
487void	shellf(const char *, ...)
488	    __attribute__((__format__ (printf, 1, 2)));
489void	shprintf(const char *, ...)
490	    __attribute__((__format__ (printf, 1, 2)));
491#ifdef KSH_DEBUG
492void	kshdebug_init_(void);
493void	kshdebug_printf_(const char *, ...)
494	    __attribute__((__format__ (printf, 1, 2)));
495void	kshdebug_dump_(const char *, const void *, int);
496#endif /* KSH_DEBUG */
497int	can_seek(int);
498void	initio(void);
499int	ksh_dup2(int, int, int);
500int	savefd(int);
501void	restfd(int, int);
502void	openpipe(int *);
503void	closepipe(int *);
504int	check_fd(char *, int, const char **);
505void	coproc_init(void);
506void	coproc_read_close(int);
507void	coproc_readw_close(int);
508void	coproc_write_close(int);
509int	coproc_getfd(int, const char **);
510void	coproc_cleanup(int);
511struct temp *maketemp(Area *, Temp_type, struct temp **);
512/* jobs.c */
513void	j_init(int);
514void	j_suspend(void);
515void	j_exit(void);
516void	j_change(void);
517int	exchild(struct op *, int, volatile int *, int);
518void	startlast(void);
519int	waitlast(void);
520int	waitfor(const char *, int *);
521int	j_kill(const char *, int);
522int	j_resume(const char *, int);
523int	j_jobs(const char *, int, int);
524int	j_njobs(void);
525void	j_notify(void);
526pid_t	j_async(void);
527int	j_stopped_running(void);
528/* mail.c */
529void	mcheck(void);
530void	mcset(long);
531void	mbset(char *);
532void	mpset(char *);
533/* main.c */
534int	include(const char *, int, char **, int);
535int	command(const char *, int);
536int	shell(Source *volatile, int volatile);
537void	unwind(int) __attribute__((__noreturn__));
538void	newenv(int);
539void	quitenv(struct shf *);
540void	cleanup_parents_env(void);
541void	cleanup_proc_env(void);
542/* misc.c */
543void	setctypes(const char *, int);
544void	initctypes(void);
545char *	ulton(unsigned long, int);
546char *	str_save(const char *, Area *);
547char *	str_nsave(const char *, int, Area *);
548int	option(const char *);
549char *	getoptions(void);
550void	change_flag(enum sh_flag, int, int);
551int	parse_args(char **, int, int *);
552int	getn(const char *, int *);
553int	bi_getn(const char *, int *);
554int	gmatch(const char *, const char *, int);
555int	has_globbing(const char *, const char *);
556const unsigned char *pat_scan(const unsigned char *, const unsigned char *,
557    int);
558void	qsortp(void **, size_t, int (*)(const void *, const void *));
559int	xstrcmp(const void *, const void *);
560void	ksh_getopt_reset(Getopt *, int);
561int	ksh_getopt(char **, Getopt *, const char *);
562void	print_value_quoted(const char *);
563void	print_columns(struct shf *, int, char *(*)(void *, int, char *, int),
564    void *, int, int prefcol);
565int	strip_nuls(char *, int);
566int	blocking_read(int, char *, int);
567int	reset_nonblock(int);
568char	*ksh_get_wd(char *, int);
569/* mknod.c */
570int domknod(int, char **, mode_t);
571int domkfifo(int, char **, mode_t);
572/* path.c */
573int	make_path(const char *, const char *, char **, XString *, int *);
574void	simplify_path(char *);
575char	*get_phys_path(const char *);
576void	set_current_wd(char *);
577/* syn.c */
578void	initkeywords(void);
579struct op * compile(Source *);
580/* trap.c */
581void	inittraps(void);
582void	alarm_init(void);
583Trap *	gettrap(const char *, int);
584void	trapsig(int);
585void	intrcheck(void);
586int	fatal_trap_check(void);
587int	trap_pending(void);
588void	runtraps(int intr);
589void	runtrap(Trap *);
590void	cleartraps(void);
591void	restoresigs(void);
592void	settrap(Trap *, char *);
593int	block_pipe(void);
594void	restore_pipe(int);
595int	setsig(Trap *, sig_t, int);
596void	setexecsig(Trap *, int);
597/* var.c */
598void	newblock(void);
599void	popblock(void);
600void	initvar(void);
601struct tbl *	global(const char *);
602struct tbl *	local(const char *, bool);
603char *	str_val(struct tbl *);
604long	intval(struct tbl *);
605int	setstr(struct tbl *, const char *, int);
606struct tbl *setint_v(struct tbl *, struct tbl *, bool);
607void	setint(struct tbl *, long);
608int	getint(struct tbl *, long *, bool);
609struct tbl *typeset(const char *, int, int, int, int);
610void	unset(struct tbl *, int);
611char  * skip_varname(const char *, int);
612char	*skip_wdvarname(const char *, int);
613int	is_wdvarname(const char *, int);
614int	is_wdvarassign(const char *);
615char **	makenv(void);
616void	change_random(void);
617int	array_ref_len(const char *);
618char *	arrayname(const char *);
619void    set_array(const char *, int, char **);
620/* vi.c: see edit.h */