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6  <section>
7    <title>udevinfo</title>
8    <refentry>
9      <refentryinfo>
10        <title>udevinfo</title>
11        <date>August 2005</date>
12        <productname>udev</productname>
13      </refentryinfo>
15      <refmeta>
16        <refentrytitle>udevinfo</refentrytitle>
17        <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
18        <refmiscinfo class="version"></refmiscinfo>
19      </refmeta>
21      <refnamediv>
22        <refname>udevinfo</refname>
23        <refpurpose>query udev device information</refpurpose>
24      </refnamediv>
26      <refsynopsisdiv>
27        <cmdsynopsis>
28          <command>udevinfo</command>
29          <arg><option>--query=<replaceable>query-type</replaceable></option></arg>
30          <arg><option>--path=<replaceable>devpath</replaceable></option></arg>
31          <arg><option>--name=<replaceable>node</replaceable></option></arg>
32          <arg><option>--root</option></arg>
33          <arg><option>--attribute-walk</option></arg>
34          <arg><option>--export-db</option></arg>
35          <arg><option>--version</option></arg>
36          <arg><option>--help</option></arg>
37        </cmdsynopsis>
38      </refsynopsisdiv>
40      <refsect1><title>DESCRIPTION</title>
41        <para>udevinfo queries the udev database for device information
42        stored in the udev database. It can also query the properties
43        of a device from its sysfs representation to help creating udev
44        rules that match this device.</para>
45      </refsect1>
47      <refsect1><title>OPTIONS</title>
48        <variablelist>
49          <varlistentry>
50            <term><option>--query=<replaceable>type</replaceable></option></term>
51            <listitem>
52              <para>Query the database for specified type of device data. It needs the
53              <option>--path</option> or <option>--name</option> to identify the specified
54              device. Valid queries are:
55              <command>name</command>, <command>symlink</command>, <command>path</command>,
56              <command>env</command>, <command>all</command>.</para>
57            </listitem>
58          </varlistentry>
59          <varlistentry>
60            <term><option>--path=<replaceable>devpath</replaceable></option></term>
61            <listitem>
62              <para>The devpath of the device to query.</para>
63            </listitem>
64          </varlistentry>
65          <varlistentry>
66            <term><option>--name=<replaceable>node</replaceable></option></term>
67            <listitem>
68              <para>The name of the device node or a symlink to query</para>
69            </listitem>
70          </varlistentry>
71          <varlistentry>
72            <term><option>--root</option></term>
73            <listitem>
74              <para>The udev root directory: <filename>/dev</filename>. If used in conjunction
75              with a <command>name</command> or <command>symlink</command> query, the
76              query returns the absolute path including the root directory.</para>
77            </listitem>
78          </varlistentry>
79          <varlistentry>
80            <term><option>--attribute-walk</option></term>
81            <listitem>
82              <para>Print all sysfs properties of the specified device that can be used
83              in udev rules to match the specified device. It prints all devices
84              along the chain, up to the root of sysfs that can be used in udev rules.</para>
85            </listitem>
86          </varlistentry>
87          <varlistentry>
88            <term><option>--export-db</option></term>
89            <listitem>
90              <para>Export the content of the udev database.</para>
91            </listitem>
92          </varlistentry>
94          <varlistentry>
95            <term><option>--version</option></term>
96            <listitem>
97              <para>Print version.</para>
98            </listitem>
99          </varlistentry>
101          <varlistentry>
102            <term><option>--help</option></term>
103            <listitem>
104              <para>Print help text.</para>
105            </listitem>
106          </varlistentry>
107        </variablelist>
108      </refsect1>
110      <refsect1><title>AUTHOR</title>
111        <para>Written by Kay Sievers <email>kay.sievers@vrfy.org</email>.</para>
112      </refsect1>
114      <refsect1>
115        <title>SEE ALSO</title>
116        <para><citerefentry>
117            <refentrytitle>udev</refentrytitle><manvolnum>7</manvolnum>
118        </citerefentry></para>
119      </refsect1>
120    </refentry>
121  </section>