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6  <section>
7    <title>vol_id</title>
8    <refentry>
9      <refentryinfo>
10        <title>vol_id</title>
11        <date>March 2006</date>
12        <productname>volume_id</productname>
13      </refentryinfo>
15      <refmeta>
16        <refentrytitle>vol_id</refentrytitle>
17        <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
18        <refmiscinfo class="version"></refmiscinfo>
19      </refmeta>
21      <refnamediv>
22        <refname>vol_id</refname><refpurpose>probe filesystem type and read label and uuid</refpurpose>
23      </refnamediv>
25      <refsynopsisdiv>
26        <cmdsynopsis>
27          <command>vol_id</command>
28          <arg><option>--export</option></arg>
29          <arg><option>--type</option></arg>
30          <arg><option>--label</option></arg>
31          <arg><option>--label-raw</option></arg>
32          <arg><option>--uuid</option></arg>
33          <arg><option>--skip-raid</option></arg>
34          <arg><option>--probe-all</option></arg>
35          <arg><option>--help</option></arg>
36          <arg><replaceable>device</replaceable></arg>
37        </cmdsynopsis>
38      </refsynopsisdiv>
40      <refsect1><title>DESCRIPTION</title>
41        <para><command>vol_id</command> is usually called from a udev rule, to
42        provide udev with the filesystem type, the label and the uuid of a
43        volume. It supports most of the common filesystem formats and detects
44        various raid setups to prevent the recognition of raid members
45        as a volume with a filesystem.</para>
46      </refsect1>
48      <refsect1><title>OPTIONS</title>
49        <variablelist>
50          <varlistentry>
51            <term><option>--export</option></term>
52            <listitem>
53              <para>Print all values in key/value format to import them into the
54              environment.</para>
55            </listitem>
56          </varlistentry>
57          <varlistentry>
58            <term><option>--type</option></term>
59            <listitem>
60              <para>Print the filesystem type.</para>
61            </listitem>
62          </varlistentry>
63          <varlistentry>
64            <term><option>--label</option></term>
65            <listitem>
66              <para>
67                Print the safe version of volume label suitable for
68                use as filename.
69              </para>
70            </listitem>
71          </varlistentry>
72          <varlistentry>
73            <term><option>--label-raw</option></term>
74            <listitem>
75              <para>
76                Print the raw volume label.
77              </para>
78            </listitem>
79          </varlistentry>
80          <varlistentry>
81            <term><option>--uuid</option></term>
82            <listitem>
83              <para>Print the uuid of a volume.</para>
84            </listitem>
85          </varlistentry>
86          <varlistentry>
87            <term><option>--skip-raid</option></term>
88            <listitem>
89              <para>Skip detection of raid metadata.</para>
90            </listitem>
91          </varlistentry>
92          <varlistentry>
93            <term><option>--probe-all</option></term>
94            <listitem>
95              <para>Probe for all types and print all matches.</para>
96            </listitem>
97          </varlistentry>
98          <varlistentry>
99            <term><option>--help</option></term>
100            <listitem>
101              <para>Print usage.</para>
102            </listitem>
103          </varlistentry>
104        </variablelist>
105      </refsect1>
107      <refsect1><title>ENVIRONMENT</title>
108        <variablelist>
109          <varlistentry>
110            <term><option>UDEV_LOG</option></term>
111            <listitem>
112              <para>Set the syslog priority.</para>
113            </listitem>
114          </varlistentry>
115        </variablelist>
116      </refsect1>
118      <refsect1><title>EXIT STATUS</title>
119        <para><command>vol_id</command> will only return successful if the
120        value asked for is not empty. All trailing whitespace will be removed,
121        spaces replaced by underscore and slashes ignored.</para>
122     </refsect1>
124      <refsect1><title>AUTHOR</title>
125        <para>Written by Kay Sievers <email>kay.sievers@vrfy.org</email></para>
126      </refsect1>
128      <refsect1>
129        <title>SEE ALSO</title>
130        <para><citerefentry>
131            <refentrytitle>udev</refentrytitle><manvolnum>7</manvolnum>
132        </citerefentry></para>
133      </refsect1>
134    </refentry>
135  </section>