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  • only in /netgear-WNDR4500-V1.0.1.40_1.0.68/src/router/mipsel-uclibc/install/libupnp/usr/lib/
_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ upnp_fdset upnp_fd_isset upnp_dispatch _gp_disp upnp_http_process ssdp_process upnp_fd_read select recv upnp_timeout ssdp_timeout gena_timeout upnp_ifattach malloc strcpy upnp_osl_ifaddr free upnp_osl_netmask upnp_osl_hwaddr memcmp ssdp_init upnp_http_init ssdp_add_multi upnp_device_attach upnp_deinit upnp_device_detach upnp_http_shutdown ssdp_del_multi ssdp_shutdown upnp_init memset upnp_open_udp_socket close inet_aton setsockopt recvfrom upnp_msg_deinit strcspn strspn strcmp upnp_msg_tok upnp_msg_init ssdp_send strlen sendto ssdp_notify sprintf upnp_host_addr ssdp_adv_process ssdp_alive ssdp_byebye ssdp_response upnp_gmt_time ssdp_msearch_response upnp_msg_get strtol strncpy upnp_msg_head_read upnp_msg_parse upnp_http_methods upnp_open_tcp_socket atoi accept description_process soap_process gena_process get_subscriber_chain get_event gena_notify_complete event_vars_shutdown upnp_tlv_deinit subscriber_init event_vars_init upnp_tlv_init gena_init delete_subscriber subscriber_shutdown gena_shutdown find_event_var unsubscribe upnp_get_service_by_event_url get_unique_id getpid notify_prop_change ioctl connect submit_prop_event_message upnp_tlv_translate gena_notify gena_event_alarm upnp_get_service_by_name strchr upnp_tlv_convert parse_callback calloc find_state_var __ctype_toupper strstr send_query_response send_action_response soap_send_error soap_query query_process soap_control action_process upnp_get_service_by_control_url upnp_msg_save upnp_device_renew_rootxml memcpy MD5Init MD5Update MD5Final memmove upnp_base64_encode_block upnp_base64_encode upnp_decode_block upnp_base64_decode gmtime_r strcat upnp_get_out_tlv upnp_get_in_tlv upnp_get_advertise_by_name upnp_tlv_set_bin upnp_tlv_set strtoul bind listen perror _ftext _fdata _gp _edata __bss_start _fbss _end * HTTP/1.1 M-SEARCH NOTIFY * HTTP/1.1 Host: Cache-Control: max-age=%d Location: http://%s/%s NTS: ssdp:alive Server: POSIX, UPnP/1.0 %s/%s UPnP Stack 2011.2.2.0 NOTIFY * HTTP/1.1 Host: NTS: ssdp:byebye NT: %s:1 USN: uuid:%s::%s:1 NT: uuid:%s USN: uuid:%s NT: upnp:rootdevice USN: uuid:%s::upnp:rootdevice HTTP/1.1 200 OK Cache-Control: max-age=%d Date: %s Ext: Location: http://%s/%s Server: POSIX UPnP/1.0 %s/%s ST: %s:1 USN: uuid:%s::%s:1 ST: uuid:%s USN: uuid:%s ST: upnp:rootdevice USN: uuid:%s::upnp:rootdevice HOST MAN "ssdp:discover" MX ST ssdp:all upnp:rootdevice uuid: :1 d T CONTENT-LENGTH HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found 500 Internal Server Error 400 Bad Request 403 Forbidden 412 Precondition Fail 405 Method Not Allowed 406 Not Acceptable HTTP1.1 %s Content-Type: text/xml <title>%s</title><body>%s</body> GET POST SUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBE SID HTTP/1.1 200 OK Connection: close %08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%08x <e:propertyset xmlns:e="urn:schemas-upnp-org:event-1-0"> <e:property><%s>%s</%s></e:property> </e:propertyset> NOTIFY %s HTTP/1.1 Host: %s Content-Type: text/xml Content-Length: %d NT: upnp:event NTS: upnp:propchange SID: %s SEQ: %d Connection: close %s <http:// / TIMEOUT CALLBACK Second- infinite Second-%d HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: POSIX, UPnP/1.0 %s/%s Date: %s SID: %s Timeout: %s Connection: close NT upnp:event <?xml HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: %d Content-Type: text/xml; 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