@(#) Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. FILE *yyin = (FILE *) 0, *yyout = (FILE *) 0; FILE *yyin = stdin, *yyout = stdout; 2.5.4 
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GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3
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main.c backing_name outfile_template outfile_path flex_version skelname outfile_created yy_nostdinit.3702 yy_stdinit.3701 $LC0 $LC1 $LC2 $LC3 $LC4 $LC5 $LC6 $LC7 $LC8 $LC9 $LC10 $LC11 $LC13 $LC14 $LC15 $LC16 $LC17 $LC18 $LC19 $LC20 $LC21 $LC22 $LC23 $LC24 $LC25 $LC26 $LC27 $LC28 $LC29 $LC30 $LC31 $LC32 $LC33 $LC34 $LC35 $LC36 $LC37 $LC38 $LC12 $LC39 $LC51 $LC40 $LC41 $LC47 $LC50 $LC49 $LC48 $LC45 $LC46 $LC42 $LC43 $LC44 $LC52 $LC59 $LC58 $LC60 $LC53 $LC62 $LC63 $LC64 $LC66 $LC68 $LC69 $LC70 $LC72 $LC75 $LC76 $LC77 $LC79 $LC80 $LC81 $LC90 $LC91 $LC92 $LC61 $LC54 $LC82 $LC83 $LC84 $LC85 $LC86 $LC87 $LC78 $LC57 $LC74 $LC89 $LC88 $LC67 $LC65 $LC71 $LC56 $LC55 $LC73 $LC111 $LC114 $LC115 $LC116 $LC117 $LC123 $LC124 $LC125 $LC126 $LC127 $LC128 $LC129 $LC104 $LC106 $LC107 $LC108 $LC109 $LC110 $LC112 $LC113 $LC121 $LC122 $LC131 $LC132 $LC118 $LC120 $LC94 $LC95 $LC93 $LC102 $LC101 $LC96 $LC97 $LC119 $LC130 $LC105 $LC100 $LC99 $LC98 $LC103 $LC134 $LC143 $LC146 $LC145 $LC165 $LC147 $LC148 $LC149 $LC150 $LC151 $LC152 $LC153 $LC154 $LC155 $LC156 $LC157 $LC158 $LC159 $LC160 $LC161 $LC162 $LC163 $LC138 $LC137 $LC136 $LC135 $LC133 $LC140 $LC164 $LC141 $LC139 $LC144 $LC142 $LC166 $LC167 usage _gp_disp stdout program_name fprintf fwrite did_outfilename C_plus_plus prefix sprintf outfilename set_up_initial_allocations current_mns allocate_array firstst lastst finalst transchar trans1 trans2 accptnum assoc_rule current_max_rules state_type rule_type rule_linenum rule_useful current_max_scs scset scbol scxclu sceof current_maxccls scname cclmap ccllen cclng current_max_ccl_tbl_size ccltbl current_max_xpairs current_max_dfa_size nxt chk current_max_template_xpairs tnxt current_max_dfas base def dfasiz accsiz dhash dss dfaacc nultrans flexinit syntaxerror continued_action yymore_used do_stdinit reject in_rule yytext_is_array do_yylineno reject_really_used yymore_really_used interactive do_yywrap yyclass csize caseins spprdflt trace printstats fulltbl ddebug backing_up_report lex_compat nowarn long_align fullspd gen_line_dirs performance_report use_stdout useecs usemecs use_read action_size action_array action_index action_offset prolog_offset defs1_offset stderr exit num_input_files input_files set_input_file lastprot lastnfa lastdfa lastsc lastccl default_rule num_eof_rules num_rules tmpuses numsnpairs numas totnst dfaeql hshcol num_reallocs eps2 numeps numecs dataline datapos eofseen hshsave numdup numuniq numprots onesp num_backing_up bol_needed variable_trailing_context_rules sectnum linenum out_linenum firstprot strcmp flexerror printf lerrif strlen flexend skelfile ferror lerrsf backing_up_file fclose fputc numtemps tblend peakpairs nummecs nummt cclreuse unlink __fputc_unlocked readin line_directive_out yyparse real_reject outn out_str ecgroup NUL_ec nextecm cre8ecs ccl2ecl fopen pinpoint_message check_options out_str3 skelout freopen warn main ntod line_warning make_tables copyright skel_ind infilename onestate onesym onenext onedef current_state_type protprev protnext prottbl protcomst protsave tecfwd tecbck firstfree jambase jamstate end_of_buffer_state nmstr