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db.iH A D19-Dec-201138.4 KiB

db_java.iH A D19-Dec-201117.3 KiB

db_java_wrap.cH A D19-Dec-2011310.1 KiB

java-post.plH A D19-Dec-20111 KiB

java_callbacks.iH A D19-Dec-201119.4 KiB

java_except.iH A D19-Dec-20115 KiB

java_stat.iH A D19-Dec-20115.2 KiB

java_stat_auto.cH A D19-Dec-201123.9 KiB

java_typemaps.iH A D19-Dec-201121.2 KiB

java_util.iH A D19-Dec-201149.6 KiB

READMEH A D19-Dec-20118.9 KiB

tagsH A D07-Apr-2013392.4 KiB


1Berkeley DB's Java API
2$Id: README,v 12.2 2006/08/24 14:46:10 bostic Exp $
4Berkeley DB's Java API is now generated with SWIG
5(http://www.swig.org).  This document describes how SWIG is used -
6what we trust it to do, what things we needed to work around.
12SWIG is a tool that generates wrappers around native (C/C++) APIs for
13various languages (mainly scripting languages) including Java.
15By default, SWIG creates an API in the target language that exactly
16replicates the native API (for example, each pointer type in the API
17is wrapped as a distinct type in the language).  Although this
18simplifies the wrapper layer (type translation is trivial), it usually
19doesn't result in natural API in the target language.
21A further constraint for Berkeley DB's Java API was backwards
22compatibility.  The original hand-coded Java API is in widespread use,
23and included many design decisions about how native types should be
24represented in Java.  As an example, callback functions are
25represented by Java interfaces that applications using Berkeley DB
26could implement.  The SWIG implementation was required to maintain
27backwards compatibility for those applications.
30Running SWIG
33The simplest use of SWIG is to simply run it with a C include file as
34input.  SWIG parses the file and generates wrapper code for the target
35language.  For Java, this includes a Java class for each C struct and
36a C source file containing the Java Native Interface (JNI) function
37calls for each native method.
39The s_swig shell script in db/dist runs SWIG, and then post-processes
40each Java source file with the sed commands in
41libdb_java/java-post.sed.  The Java sources are placed in
42java/src/com/sleepycat/db, and the native wrapper code is in a single
43file in libdb_java/db_java_wrap.c.
45The post-processing step modifies code in ways that is difficult with
46SWIG (given my current level of knowledge).  This includes changing
47some access modifiers to hide some of the implementation methods,
48selectively adding "throws" clauses to methods, and adding calls to
49"initialize" methods in Db and DbEnv after they are constructed (more
50below on what these aclls do).
52In addition to the source code generated by SWIG, some of the Java
53classes are written by hand, and constants and code to fill statistics
54structures are generated by the script dist/s_java.  The native
55statistics code is in libdb_java/java_stat_auto.c, and is compiled
56into the db_java_wrap object file with a #include directive.  This
57allows most functions in that object to be static, which encourages
58compiler inlining and reduces the number of symbols we export.
61The Implementation
64For the reasons mentioned above, Berkeley DB requires a more
65sophisticated mapping between the native API and Java, so additional
66SWIG directives are added to the input.  In particular:
68* The general intention is for db.i to contain the full DB API (just
69  like db.h).  As much as possible, this file is kept Java independent
70  so that it can be updated easily when the API changes.  SWIG doesn't
71  have any builtin rules for how to handle function pointers in a
72  struct, so each DB method must be added in a SWIG "%extend" block
73  which includes the method signature and a call to the method.
75  * SWIG's automatically generated function names happen to collide
76    with Berkeley DB's naming convention.  For example, in a SWIG class
77    called __db, a method called "open" would result in a wrapper
78    function called "__db_open", which already exists in DB.  This is
79    another reason why making these static functions is important.
81* The main Java support starts in db_java.i - this file includes all
82  Java code that is explicitly inserted into the generated classes,
83  and is responsible for defining object lifecycles (handling
84  allocation and cleanup).
86  * Methods that need to be wrapped for special handling in Java code
87    are renamed with a trailing zero (e.g., close becomes close0).
88    This is invisible to applications.
90  * Most DB classes that are wrapped have method calls that imply the
91    cleanup of any native resources associated with the Java object
92    (for example, Db.close or DbTxn.abort).  These methods are wrapped
93    so that if the object is accessed after the native part has been
94    destroyed, an exception is thrown rather than a trap that crashes
95    the JVM.
97  * Db and DbEnv initialization is more complex: a global reference is
98    stored in the corresponding struct so that native code can
99    efficiently map back to Java code.  In addition, if a Db is
100    created without an environment (i.e., in a private environment),
101    the initialization wraps the internal DbEnv to simplify handling
102    of various Db methods that just call the corresponding DbEnv
103    method (like err, errx, etc.).  It is important that the global
104    references are cleaned up before the DB and DB_ENV handles are
105    closed, so the Java objects can be garbage collected.
107  * In the case of DbLock and DbLsn, there are no such methods.  In
108    these cases, there is a finalize method that does the appropriate
109    cleanup.  No other classes have finalize methods (in particular,
110    the Dbt class is now implemented entirely in Java, so no
111    finalization is necessary).
113* Overall initialization code, including the System.loadLibrary call,
114  is in java_util.i.  This includes looking up all class, field and
115  method handles once so that execution is not slowed down by repeated
116  runtime type queries.
118* Exception handling is in java_except.i.  The main non-obvious design
119  choice was to create a db_ret_t type for methods that return an
120  error code as an int in the C API, but return void in the Java API
121  (and throw exceptions on error).
123  * The only other odd case with exceptions is DbMemoryException -
124    this is thrown as normal when a call returns ENOMEM, but there is
125    special handling for the case where a Dbt with DB_DBT_USERMEM is
126    not big enough to handle a result: in this case, the Dbt handling
127    code calls the method update_dbt on the exception that is about to
128    be thrown to register the failed Dbt in the exception.
130* Statistics handling is in java_stat.i - this mainly just hooks into
131  the automatically-generated code in java_stat_auto.c.
133* Callbacks: the general approach is that Db and DbEnv maintain
134  references to the objects that handle each callback, and have a
135  helper method for each call.  This is primarily to simplify the
136  native code, and performs better than more complex native code.
138  * One difference with the new approach is that the implementation is
139    more careful about calling DeleteLocalRef on objects created for
140    callbacks.  This is particularly important for callbacks like
141    bt_compare, which may be called repeatedly from native code.
142    Without the DeleteLocalRef calls, the Java objects that are
143    created can not be collected until the original call returns.
145* Most of the rest of the code is in java_typemaps.i.  A typemap is a
146  rule describing how a native type is mapped onto a Java type for
147  parameters and return values.  These handle most of the complexity
148  of creating exactly the Java API we want.
150  * One of the main areas of complexity is Dbt handling.  The approach
151    taken is to accept whatever data is passed in by the application,
152    pass that to native code, and reflect any changes to the native
153    DBT back into the Java object.  In other words, the Dbt typemaps
154    don't replicate DB's rules about whether Dbts will be modified or
155    not - they just pass the data through.
157  * As noted above, when a Dbt is "released" (i.e., no longer needed
158    in native code), one of the check is whether a DbMemoryException
159    is pending, and if so, whether this Dbt might be the cause.  In
160    that case, the Dbt is added to the exception via the "update_dbt"
161    method.
163* Constant handling has been simplified by making DbConstants an
164  interface.  This allows the Db class to inherit the constants, and
165  most can be inlined by javac.
167  * The danger here is if applications are compiled against one
168    version of db.jar, but run against another.  This danger existed
169    previously, but was partly ameliorated by a separation of
170    constants into "case" and "non-case" constants (the non-case
171    constants were arranged so they could not be inlined).  The only
172    complete solution to this problem is for applications to check the
173    version returned by DbEnv.get_version* versus the Db.DB_VERSION*
174    constants.
177Application-visible changes
180* The new API is around 5x faster for many operations.
182* Some internal methods and constructors that were previously public
183  have been hidden or removed.
185* A few methods that were inconsistent have been cleaned up (e.g.,
186  Db.close now returns void, was an int but always zero).  The
187  synchronized attributed has been toggled on some methods - this is
188  an attempt to prevent multi-threaded applications shooting
189  themselves in the foot by calling close() or similar methods
190  concurrently from multiple threads.