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6<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Using Berkeley DB with Perl</title>
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13<td><b><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Berkeley DB Extensions</dl></b></td>
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16<p align=center><b>Using Berkeley DB with Perl</b></p>
17<p>The original Perl module for Berkeley DB was DB_File, which was written to
18interface to Berkeley DB version 1.85.  The newer Perl module for Berkeley DB is
19BerkeleyDB, which was written to interface to version 2.0 and subsequent
20releases.  Because Berkeley DB version 2.X has a compatibility API for version
211.85, you can (and should!) build DB_File using version 2.X of Berkeley DB,
22although DB_File will still only support the 1.85 functionality.</p>
23<p>DB_File is distributed with the standard Perl source distribution (look
24in the directory "ext/DB_File").  You can find both DB_File and BerkeleyDB
25on CPAN, the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network of mirrored FTP sites.
26The master CPAN site is
27<a href="ftp://ftp.funet.fi/">ftp://ftp.funet.fi/</a>.</p>
28<p>Versions of both BerkeleyDB and DB_File that are known to work correctly
29with each release of Berkeley DB are included in the distributed Berkeley DB source
30tree, in the subdirectories <b>perl.BerkeleyDB</b> and
31<b>perl.DB_File</b>.  Each of those directories contains a
32<b>README</b> file with instructions on installing and using those
34<p>The Perl interface is not maintained by Oracle.  Questions about the
35DB_File and BerkeleyDB modules are best asked on the Usenet newsgroup
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39<p><font size=1>Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.</font>