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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter��3.��Transaction Basics</th>
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31          <div>
32            <h2 class="title"><a id="usingtxns"></a>Chapter��3.��Transaction Basics</h2>
33          </div>
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37      <div class="toc">
38        <p>
39          <b>Table of Contents</b>
40        </p>
41        <dl>
42          <dt>
43            <span class="sect1">
44              <a href="usingtxns.html#commitresults">Committing a Transaction</a>
45            </span>
46          </dt>
47          <dd>
48            <dl>
49              <dt>
50                <span class="sect2">
51                  <a href="usingtxns.html#nodurabletxn">Non-Durable Transactions</a>
52                </span>
53              </dt>
54            </dl>
55          </dd>
56          <dt>
57            <span class="sect1">
58              <a href="abortresults.html">Aborting a Transaction</a>
59            </span>
60          </dt>
61          <dt>
62            <span class="sect1">
63              <a href="autocommit.html">Auto Commit</a>
64            </span>
65          </dt>
66          <dt>
67            <span class="sect1">
68              <a href="nestedtxn.html">Nested Transactions</a>
69            </span>
70          </dt>
71          <dt>
72            <span class="sect1">
73              <a href="txncursor.html">Transactional Cursors</a>
74            </span>
75          </dt>
76          <dt>
77            <span class="sect1">
78              <a href="txnindices.html">Secondary Indices with Transaction Applications</a>
79            </span>
80          </dt>
81          <dt>
82            <span class="sect1">
83              <a href="maxtxns.html">Configuring the Transaction Subsystem</a>
84            </span>
85          </dt>
86        </dl>
87      </div>
88      <p>
89        Once you have enabled transactions for your environment and your databases,
90        you can use them to protect your database operations. You do this by
91        acquiring a transaction handle and then using that handle for any
92        database operation that you want to participate in that transaction.
93     </p>
94      <p>
95        You obtain a transaction handle using the
96        <span><tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;txn_begin()</tt> method.</span>
101     </p>
102      <p>
103        Once you have completed all of the operations that you want to include
104        in the transaction, you must commit the transaction using the 
105        <span><tt class="methodname">DB_TXN-&gt;commit()</tt> method.</span>
111    </p>
112      <p>
113        If, for any reason, you want to abandon the transaction, you abort
114        it using 
115        <span><tt class="methodname">DB_TXN-&gt;abort()</tt>.</span>
122    </p>
123      <p>
124        Any transaction handle that has been committed or aborted can no longer
125        be used by your application.
126    </p>
127      <p>
128        Finally, you must make sure that all transaction handles are either
129        committed or aborted before closing your databases and environment.
130    </p>
131      <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
132        <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
133        <p>
134            If you only want to transaction protect a single database write operation, you can use auto commit to 
135            perform the transaction administration. When you use auto commit, you do not need an explicit transaction
136            handle. See <a href="autocommit.html">Auto Commit</a> for more information.
137        </p>
138      </div>
139      <p>
140        For example, the following example opens a transactional-enabled environment and
141        database, obtains a transaction handle, and then performs a write
142        operation under its protection. In the event of any failure in the
143        write operation, the transaction is aborted and the database is left in a
144        state as if no operations had ever been attempted in the first place.
145    </p>
146      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
147#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
149#include "db.h"
154    int ret, ret_c;
155    u_int32_t db_flags, env_flags;
156    DB *dbp;
157    DB_ENV *envp;
158    DBT key, data;
159    DB_TXN *txn;
160    const char *db_home_dir = "/tmp/myEnvironment";
161    const char *file_name = "mydb.db";
162    const char *keystr ="thekey";
163    const char *datastr = "thedata";
165    dbp = NULL;
166    envp = NULL;
168    /* Open the environment */
169    ret = db_env_create(&amp;envp, 0);
170    if (ret != 0) {
171        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating environment handle: %s\n",
172            db_strerror(ret));
173        return (EXIT_FAILURE);
174    }
176    env_flags = DB_CREATE |    /* Create the environment if it does 
177                                * not already exist. */
178                DB_INIT_TXN  | /* Initialize transactions */
179                DB_INIT_LOCK | /* Initialize locking. */
180                DB_INIT_LOG  | /* Initialize logging */
181                DB_INIT_MPOOL; /* Initialize the in-memory cache. */
183    ret = envp-&gt;open(envp, db_home_dir, env_flags, 0);
184    if (ret != 0) {
185        fprintf(stderr, "Error opening environment: %s\n",
186            db_strerror(ret));
187        goto err;
188    }
190    /* Initialize the DB handle */
191    ret = db_create(&amp;dbp, envp, 0);
192    if (ret != 0) {
193        envp-&gt;err(envp, ret, "Database creation failed");
194        goto err;
195    }
197    db_flags = DB_CREATE | DB_AUTO_COMMIT;
198    /* 
199     * Open the database. Note that we are using auto commit for the open, 
200     * so the database is able to support transactions.
201     */
202    ret = dbp-&gt;open(dbp,        /* Pointer to the database */
203                    NULL,       /* Txn pointer */
204                    file_name,  /* File name */
205                    NULL,       /* Logical db name */
206                    DB_BTREE,   /* Database type (using btree) */
207                    db_flags,   /* Open flags */
208                    0);         /* File mode. Using defaults */
209    if (ret != 0) {
210        envp-&gt;err(envp, ret, "Database '%s' open failed",
211            file_name);
212        goto err;
213    }
215    /* Prepare the DBTs */
216    memset(&amp;key, 0, sizeof(DBT));
217    memset(&amp;data, 0, sizeof(DBT));
219    key.data = &amp;keystr;
220    key.size = strlen(keystr) + 1;
221    data.data = &amp;datastr;
222    data.size = strlen(datastr) + 1;
224    /* Get the txn handle */
225    txn = NULL;
226    ret = envp-&gt;txn_begin(envp, NULL, &amp;txn, 0);
227    if (ret != 0) {
228        envp-&gt;err(envp, ret, "Transaction begin failed.");
229        goto err;
230    }
232    /*
233     * Perform the database write. If this fails, abort the transaction.
234     */
235    ret = dbp-&gt;put(dbp, txn, &amp;key, &amp;data, 0);
236    if (ret != 0) {
237        envp-&gt;err(envp, ret, "Database put failed.");
238        txn-&gt;abort(txn);
239        goto err;
240    }
242    /* 
243     * Commit the transaction. Note that the transaction handle
244     * can no longer be used.
245     */ 
246    ret = txn-&gt;commit(txn, 0);
247    if (ret != 0) {
248        envp-&gt;err(envp, ret, "Transaction commit failed.");
249        goto err;
250    }
253    /* Close the database */
254    if (dbp != NULL) {
255        ret_c = dbp-&gt;close(dbp, 0);
256        if (ret_c != 0) {
257            envp-&gt;err(envp, ret_c, "Database close failed.");
258            ret = ret_c
259        }
260    }
263    /* Close the environment */
264    if (envp != NULL) {
265        ret_c = envp-&gt;close(envp, 0);
266        if (ret_c != 0) {
267            fprintf(stderr, "environment close failed: %s\n",
268                db_strerror(ret_c));
269            ret = ret_c;
270        }
271    }
273    return (ret == 0 ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);
274} </pre>
275      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
276        <div class="titlepage">
277          <div>
278            <div>
279              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="commitresults"></a>Committing a Transaction</h2>
280            </div>
281          </div>
282          <div></div>
283        </div>
284        <p>
285            In order to fully understand what is happening when you commit
286            a transaction, you must first understand a little about what
287            DB is doing with 
289            <span>
290            the logging subsystem. 
291            </span>
295            Logging causes all database  write operations to be identified in
297            <span>logs, and by default these
298            logs are backed by files on disk.  These logs are used to restore your databases 
300            </span>
304            in the event of a system or application failure, so by performing
305            logging, DB ensures the integrity of your data. 
306        </p>
307        <p>
308            Moreover, DB performs <span class="emphasis"><em>write-ahead</em></span>
309            logging. This means that information is written to the logs
310            <span class="emphasis"><em>before</em></span> the actual database 
312            is changed.
313            This means that all write activity performed under the
314            protection of the transaction is noted in the log before
315            the transaction is committed. Be aware, however, that database
316            maintains logs in-memory. If you are backing your logs on
317            disk, the log information will eventually be written to the log
318            files, but while the transaction is on-going the log data may be
319            held only in memory.
320        </p>
321        <p>
322            When you commit a transaction, the following occurs:
323        </p>
324        <div class="itemizedlist">
325          <ul type="disc">
326            <li>
327              <p>
328                    A commit record is written to the log. This
329                    indicates that the modifications made by the
330                    transaction are now permanent. By default, this write is performed synchronously to disk so the
331                    commit record arrives in the log files before any other actions are taken.
332                </p>
333            </li>
334            <li>
335              <p>
336                    Any log information held in memory is (by default)
337                    synchronously written to disk. Note that this requirement can be
338                    relaxed, depending on the type of commit you perform.
339                    See <a href="usingtxns.html#nodurabletxn">Non-Durable Transactions</a> for
340                    more information. 
341                    <span>Also, if you are
342                    maintaining your logs entirely in-memory, then this
343                    step will of course not be taken. To configure your
344                    logging system for in-memory usage, see
345                    <a href="logconfig.html#inmemorylogging">Configuring In-Memory Logging</a>.
346                    </span>
347                </p>
348            </li>
349            <li>
350              <p>
351                    All locks held by the transaction are released. This means
352                    that read operations performed by other transactions or
353                    threads of control can now see the modifications without
354                    resorting to uncommitted reads (see <a href="isolation.html#dirtyreads">Reading Uncommitted Data</a> for more information).
355                </p>
356            </li>
357          </ul>
358        </div>
359        <p>
360            To commit a transaction, you simply call
361            <span><tt class="methodname">DB_TXN-&gt;commit()</tt>.</span>
366        </p>
367        <p>
368            Notice that committing a transaction does not necessarily cause data
369            modified in your memory cache to be written to the files
370            backing your databases on disk. Dirtied database pages are written
371            for a number of reasons, but a transactional
372            commit is not one of them. The following are the things that can cause a dirtied
373            database page to be written to the backing database file:
374        </p>
375        <div class="itemizedlist">
376          <ul type="disc">
377            <li>
378              <p>
379                    Checkpoints.
380                </p>
381              <p>
382                    Checkpoints cause all dirtied pages currently existing
383                    in the cache to be written to disk, and a checkpoint
384                    record is then written to the logs.  You can run checkpoints
385                    explicitly. For more information on checkpoints,
386                    see <a href="filemanagement.html#checkpoints">Checkpoints</a>.
387                </p>
388            </li>
389            <li>
390              <p>
391                    Cache is full.
392                </p>
393              <p>
394                    If the in-memory cache fills up, then dirtied pages
395                    might be written to disk in order to free up space for other
396                    pages that your application needs to use. Note that if
397                    dirtied pages are written to the database files, then
398                    any log records that describe how those pages were 
399                    dirtied are written to disk before the database 
400                    pages are written.
401                </p>
402            </li>
403          </ul>
404        </div>
405        <p>
406            Be aware that because your transaction commit caused database
408            modifications recorded in your logs to be forced to disk, your modifications
409            are by default "persistent" in that they can be recovered in the event of
410            an application or system failure. However, recovery time is
411            gated by how much data has been modified since the last
412            checkpoint, so for applications that perform a lot of writes,
413            you may want to run a checkpoint with some frequency.
414        </p>
415        <p>
416                Note that once you have committed a transaction, the transaction
417                handle that you used for the transaction is no longer valid. To
418                perform database activities under the control of a new
419                transaction, you must obtain a fresh transaction handle.
420              </p>
421        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
422          <div class="titlepage">
423            <div>
424              <div>
425                <h3 class="title"><a id="nodurabletxn"></a>Non-Durable Transactions</h3>
426              </div>
427            </div>
428            <div></div>
429          </div>
430          <p>
431                As previously noted, by default transaction commits are
432                durable because they cause the modifications performed
433                under the transaction to be synchronously recorded in 
434                your on-disk log files.  However, it is possible to use 
435                non-durable transactions.
436            </p>
437          <p>
438                You may want non-durable transactions for performance
439                reasons. For example, you might be using transactions
440                simply for the isolation guarantee. 
442                <span>
443                In this case, you might
444                not want a durability guarantee and so you may want to
445                prevent the disk I/O that normally accompanies a
446                transaction commit.
447                </span>
449            </p>
450          <p>
451                There are several ways to remove the durability guarantee
452                for your transactions:
453            </p>
454          <div class="itemizedlist">
455            <ul type="disc">
456              <li>
457                <p>
458                        Specify          
459                            <span>
460                                <tt class="literal">DB_TXN_NOSYNC</tt> using the
461                                <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_flags()</tt>
463                            method. 
464                            </span>
466                         This causes DB to not synchronously force any
467                            <span>
468                                log 
469                            </span>
470                         data to disk upon transaction commit. 
472                         <span>
473                            That is, the modifications are held entirely
474                            in the in-memory cache and the logging
475                            information is not forced to the filesystem for
476                            long-term storage.
477                         </span>
479                         Note, however, that the 
480                            <span>
481                                logging 
482                            </span>
483                         data will eventually make it to the filesystem (assuming no
484                         application or OS crashes) as a part of DB's
485                         management of its logging buffers and/or cache.
486                         </p>
487                <p>
488                            This form of a commit provides a weak durability
489                            guarantee because data loss can occur due to
490                            an application 
491                            or OS crash.
492                    </p>
493                <p>
494                        This behavior is specified on a per-environment
495                        handle basis.  In order for your application to exhibit consistent
496                        behavior, you need to specify this 
497                            <span>flag</span>
499                        for all of the environment handles used in your application.
500                    </p>
501                <p>
502                        You can achieve this behavior on a transaction by transaction basis by
503                            <span>
504                                specifying <tt class="literal">DB_TXN_NOSYNC</tt> to the
505                                    <tt class="methodname">DB_TXN-&gt;commit()</tt>
508                                method.
509                            </span>
513                    </p>
514              </li>
515              <li>
516                <p>
517                        Specify
518                        <span>
519                            <tt class="literal">DB_TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC</tt> using the
520                                <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_flags()</tt>
522                            method. 
523                            </span>
527                            This causes 
528                            <span>
529                                logging 
530                            </span>
531                            data to be synchronously
532                            written to the OS's file system buffers upon
533                            transaction commit. The data will eventually be
534                            written to disk, but this occurs when the
535                            operating system chooses to schedule the
536                            activity; the transaction commit can complete
537                            successfully before this disk I/O is performed
538                            by the OS.
539                       </p>
540                <p>
541                                This  form of commit protects you against application
542                                 crashes, but not against OS
543                                crashes.  This method offers less room for the possibility of data loss than does
544                                <span><tt class="literal">DB_TXN_NOSYNC</tt>.</span>
546                    </p>
547                <p>
548                        This behavior is specified on a per-environment
549                        handle basis.  In order for your application to exhibit consistent
550                        behavior, you need to specify this 
551                            <span>flag</span>
553                        for all of the environment handles used in your application.
554                    </p>
555              </li>
556              <li>
557                <p>
558                        Maintain your logs entirely in-memory. In this
559                        case, your logs are never written to disk. The
560                        result is that you lose all durability guarantees.
561                        See 
562                        <a href="logconfig.html#inmemorylogging">Configuring In-Memory Logging</a>
563                        for more information.
564                    </p>
565              </li>
566            </ul>
567          </div>
568        </div>
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